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Defeating Microwave Weapons
WATER – WE can HELP “YOU” Get to WATER – N O W . . .
WATER – WE can HELP “YOU” Get to WATER – N O W . . .
HURRY – Before More Moratoriums PREVENT WATER ACCESS
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![]() Dear Friends, TODAY IS GIVING TUESDAY!! Since 2003, I’ve been sending out briefings to you about the great work we are doing around the world to bring about healthy habitat for all life and forwarding the concept of Cooperative Ecology ![]() ![]() We are absolutely ready to expand our programs. Our scientists are fully prepared to go anywhere around the world. There are communities throughout the Southwest of the U.S., in Kenya, South Africa, and Australia where we have identified that we can find water where it was previously thought not to exist and make an enormously positive impact on the health of the region, including water for wildlife, people, and whole communities. With our technologies, we can create water security and food security like no other organization. We just need the funds to move forward at the speed we are capable of. While ![]() Please let us know that you care about the work we are doing by making a donation – as large as possible. There’s no question these are difficult times; but we must not allow those who work to make life harder for others slow the forward progress of those who are working hard to make the world a healthier, safer and more prosperous place for all.Will you help? If so, click here for a one-time donation. Or click here for on-going monthly donations. TOGETHER, WE CAN RESTORE THE HEALTH OF THE PLANET! Sincerely, Barbara Wiseman International President P.S. If you haven’t seen the Annual Report we recently published with an overview of accomplishments, click on the cover of it below. * We seek to instill in people a sense that all life is interdependent, and that the decisions we all make affect the natural world, and then, in turn, circle back to affect the health of each one of us. We call this concept Cooperative Ecology™, meaning that all life does best when it works together with other life. This better connects everyone with the natural world, and is a way of getting the world to co-operate. It is the basic principle underlying everything we do. For more information about our work, Click here to download our full Annual Report! |
ShareTweetForwardCopyright © 2020 Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization – United States. All rights reserved. We are so grateful that you care about this planet, BECAUSE NONE SURVIVE ALONE. |
Primary Water – Locators and Drilling Companies
Primary Water – Locators and Drilling Companies
Please Note:
Not ALL well drilling companies know how to locate primary water.
We are providing these primary water companies that can HELP you locate and access water on your Land.
It is up to you to speak with these organizations and make your own decisions how to best go forward with the HELP you may need.
Ted Moore and Mike Page
Primary Water Resources

Main Office
Primary Water Resources
Ojai, CA 93023, US
Primary Water Technologies
Mark Burr –
Burr Plumbing and Pumping
Lawrence Anthony Earth Org LAEO
Barbara Wiseman – President
International President
Barbara Wiseman, 818 406-6321
(based in the U.S.) E-mail: BarbaraW@TheEarthOrganization.org
Get in touch: 16215 Askin Dr., Suite 201
Pine Mountain Club, CA 93222-6842
20 2020
By Barbara Wiseman
Pine Mountain Club, California – July 20, 2020 Australia and the western United States have something in common–unsustainable water use and management practices. With temperatures rising over the globe, devastating droughts and wildfires are becoming a norm. Water scarcities have reached high-anxiety threat levels across many regions around the world, which then domino into food…
Home Water Filtration System
Smart Plants

EMF Symptom List
HIGH LEVEL ‘INSIDER’ SOLUTION: About the ADVISORY – DEPLOYMENT of “Wireless” Smart Nodes a Military Weapons System
HIGH LEVEL ‘INSIDER’ SOLUTION: About the ADVISORY – DEPLOYMENT of “Wireless” Smart Nodes a Military Weapons System
Biochar in 19th Century America and Europe, Historical Accounts
EMF Protection – The Truth About Chips, Diodes, Neutralizers, Pendants, Amulets Etc.
EMF Protection – The Truth About Chips, Diodes, Neutralizers, Pendants, Amulets Etc.
EMF Protection – The Truth About Chips, Diodes, Neutralizers, Pendants, Amulets Etc.
There’s hardly a day goes by that someone doesn’t send me a message saying, “have you seen the xxx EMF harmonizer, does it work?” Or, “have you seen the xxx cell phone chip, does it work?” Or, “have you seen the xxx resonator?” And so on.
I reply and people then say “are you sure you don’t recommend it they’ve got research on their website, can you check their research?” They say “are you sure it doesn’t work there are lots of people that say it does.”
If you’re asking these kinds of questions and want to know what my answer is, then read on.
Why I’m Speaking Out About EMF Protection Scams
In the beginning ElectricSense was about me blowing steam off on a subject I believed in strongly (and still do). My health had suffered badly from supposedly “harmless” EMF exposures. It disgusted me to think of other people succumbing to ill health in the same way I had, having to live what I’d lived (particularly kids), when I could do something about it.
What disgusted me even more were the companies selling fake EMF protection devices seeking to make a quick buck out of all this. I’ve been taken in by the slick talk, the promises, over and over again. The cell phone chips, diodes, holographic stickers, the bracelets, pendants, the plug in harmonizers, USB resonators, computer software, etc. that can somehow make my symptoms go away. Well here’s the thing. None of these devices worked for me. That’s why I’m speaking out about this.
The Question On Everybody’s Lips
The number one question about EMF protection is “what works?” Some people are just curious, they want to safeguard their health. Others are desperate for a solution because they already have symptoms.
To answer this question and lay out what works I wrote an EMF protection Free Report. And to help people who already have symptoms I wrote a book on how to deal with electrical sensitivity. Do you know what? Neither in my Free Report nor in my book do I recommend using these EMF gadgets.
Are These Gadgets EMF Protection Scams?
There are literally hundreds of these products now on the market. The companies that are selling them say they work and they’ve got some very clever marketing surrounding these devices.
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines a scam as “a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation”. Are these companies intending to defraud or deceive?
Generally their claims are “backed-up” by research. They have to have the research, because without it they wouldn’t sell anything. So they pay to have the research done, but in reality they pay for a desired result. And they put testimonials on their website from people who sing the praises of what they’re selling.
Why Do People Say These Gadgets Work?
Ask yourself which people say they work. Do you know anyone that say they work? And how do you know the testimonials are real? Unscrupulous companies think nothing of using false testimonials or paying people to give positive testimonials.
And then there’s the placebo effect. People buy these devices with a very strong belief that they will work. Because they believe they work, sometimes they do. But in reality they don’t. It’s what’s known as the placebo effect. The beneficial effect of the fake EMF protection device is derived entirely from the expectations that the person has about the gadget working.
There are a lot of people that have reported apparent improved health when they first bought one of these gadgets (myself included) but then over time their health has deteriorated again.
What Do All These EMF Gadgets Have In Common?
What all these devices have in common is there’s virtually no way of knowing for sure if they work. Trying to measure with an EMF meter or similar will tell you nothing. All you’ve got is the company that’s selling them assurance that it works.
Compare this with conventional (or direct) EMF protection which relies on taking measurable action. You buy an EMF meter, it gives a reading. Whatever you do to reduce these exposures you can then measure in a very concrete way by using your EMF meter to measure again. If necessary you shield and then you measure again. And so on and so forth.
There’s another thing. When you buy an EMF meter it tells you your exposure levels. When you do this you’re not just acknowledging the problem, you’re making an important first step towards facing up to reality. You’re saying “these are the EMFs in my environment”. You can’t kid yourself that this or that resonator or harmonizer has made things safer, your meter will tell you if it’s safer.
When you buy an EMF protection gadget the internal dialogue is completely different. You might be acknowledging the problem but you think can cheat it with a “money can solve anything approach.” But you can’t.
Are These Devices Dangerous?
They can be. It usually works something like this: You go out and buy your EMF protection gadget. You assume it works so you increase your use of EMF technologies. Which increases your EMF exposure. Eventually you fall ill.
For millions of years our bodies have evolved in an environment where the only significant EMFs present were those emanating from the earth itself. Our bodies haven’t evolved to deal with the man-made EMFs which have been thrust upon us in the last few decades or so.
Get Clear
There’s one thing you must get absolutely 100% clear on – the ONLY way to achieve true EMF protection is by respecting your body and respecting nature. You can’t cheat or outsmart nature.
The foundation of effective EMF protection is measurement, avoidance and protection. It means minimizing your exposure to EMFs while simultaneously supporting your body with the raw materials it needs to protect and repair itself. It mean’s looking at the big picture. It’s what I call direct and indirect protection.
If anybody tells you any different view their motives with suspicion. No doubt they’re trying to sell you something.
If my motivations were purely monetary I’d just strike a deal with one of the companies selling these gadgets, tell my website visitors to buy xyz gadget and then live off the profits. What’s important to me is that people know the truth.
Where Does That Leave Us?
I take a firm line on this issue that’s where it leaves me. This firm line is borne out of my own hard gained experience and research. And it’s borne out of my desire to do the right thing.
Where it leaves you is with a choice. You can go the EMF protection gadget route, that’s your choice. I respect that.
I created this website to help people and share EMF protection solutions that I know work, not to debate the relative merits of these devices. So if you put a question to me on the website citing an EMF protection product name and asking my opinion, don’t be offended if I don’t answer.
Why This Firm Line?
There are several reasons:
- I know there are people that ask me genuine questions about these devices. But I’ve noticed that many comments made are just thinly veiled attempts at trying to sell a product: “hey I’ve tried this new sticker www.websiteaddress and it really works”. Because of the way the Internet works any lip service (comment of any kind) I give to these devices, even if it’s to advise people against the use of them, will give them free publicity – so please don’t cite EMF gadget product names in your comments.
- Most of these gadgets are about somehow making these EMFs safe. It’s the principle that’s wrong. EMF protection should not about artificially devising ways of enabling your body to endure higher and higher doses of EMF exposure. Instead focus on respecting the laws of nature – on being in harmony with nature.
- Studies say EMF exposures are cumulative. An EMF protection gadget that makes you feel as though you can’t feel these exposures might sound attractive. But even if its stops you from feeling the effects of these exposures what about their biological effects? Does it also stop the adverse bio effects of these EMF exposures? It would take decades of research to establish this.
- It’s the whole philosophy of these EMF gadgets which is wrong. We’re back to the band-aid approach of masking symptoms. It’s much better to deal with these symptoms – deal with the root cause of these symptoms.
My advice, based on my experience, is if you’re serious about dealing with EMFs don’t focus on the gadgets. A rounded holistic approach is the only approach that works. Firstly, basic EMF protection in your environment, taking readings of the different types of EMFs with an EMF meter and eliminate, and then mitigate as far as possible. Secondly work on the bigger picture, that means reconnecting with nature and the natural energies of the planet through techniques like nutrition, cleansing and energy medicine.
If you’ve sent me a question asking my opinion on this or that sticker, diode, resonator or harmonizer and I’ve directed you to this page, you now understand why I’ve sent you here.