HIGH LEVEL ‘INSIDER’ SOLUTION: About the ADVISORY – DEPLOYMENT of “Wireless” Smart Nodes a Military Weapons System
ADVISORY – DEPLOYMENT of “Wireless” Smart Nodes a Military Weapons System
This technology does not appear to work on very strong willed, stubborn, ADD/HD folks or folks under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or pot. Pot is an especially powerful neutralizer of the Mindkontrol effects but can produce a generalized dumbing down too like other chemical usage. The best solution is to be very well informed and tough minded and that appears to block its mindkontrol effects to a large degree.
I first learned of this evil, sinister plan this when our first set of LED white light streetlights were installed some years ago along our main local roads and city wide Freeways. They were all justified expenses because of “drastically lower operating costs and much higher light output”. I used one of my EMF meters and found they were turned on to emit Pulsed Beam EMF like Wi-Fi during morning, noon, and evening rush hours when the traffic was always heavy but no EMF other times even when the LED lights were on or off.
I had a good friend staying with me for the weekend. He is one of the top researchers, and has suffered the usual set of manipulations and smear attempts by various Cabal assets as all researchers are usually subjected to, even high Intel folks.
When I explained this apparent mass-mindkontrol weapon deployment to him he just wouldn’t believe it was even possible. So, I took him for a ride to go eat lunch. I showed him the meter readings as we passed the lights that were off and had to shut the meter down off to prevent damage (it quickly became redlined from the pulsed beam even though the street lights were not on giving off LED light). He thought that maybe the EMF was from the cell phone tower system covering the city.
So, after lunch we came back the same way, no noon rush hour traffic and no EMF displayed on my meter (which shows both the level of regular EMF, and also pulsed beam EMF). This shocked him! He has thought about EMF, Wi-Fi, cell phones etc. quite differently ever since. Now he admits it is a weapon system but doesn’t like to discuss it.
Within the last year this first set of these LED that were installed several years ago were quickly removed and replaced with what appear to be the new 5G millimeter models – with whiter, stronger but more focused light and emf (these are remote controlled by radio signals). I suspect that these new ones are algorithm controlled by computers than can likely custom tailor the pulsed beam directly to the person or groups driving by, perhaps based on their cell phone signal ID and profile needed. About the same time we had “smart intersections installed at every intersection for pedestrians which was very costly.
Yes, if these new LED lights contain the capabilities I believe they do, this would require very sophisticated high tech. This technology does not appear to work on very strong willed, stubborn, ADD/HD folks or folks under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or pot. Pot is an especially powerful neutralizer of the Mindkontrol effects but can produce a generalized dumbing down too like other chemical usage. The best solution is to be very well informed and tough minded and that appears to block its mindkontrol effects to a large degree.
My whole neighborhood just had smart meters installed by the electric company. Soon everyone will be sick unless they learn how to protect themselves. All being done with no scientific or public discussion or input, mandated by the Secret Shadow Govt and the various Intel agencies ordered to comply under national security. Those at the top know they are being used to set up future kill zones and can be “adjusted” to make folks quite ill, disrupt their sleeping, and thinking, and off them when deemed necessary – through heart attacks, cancer and many induced diseases.
All these effects of high powered pulsed beam EMF have been known by the USAFD for many years in their research which has all been classified and buried.