Zombies are horribly
dangerous to all human life
Read more “ZOMBIES – Military Situation.”https://mailchi.mp/arccopy/zombie
Read more “ZOMBIES – Military Situation.”Nearly a year ago, 65-year-old homeless man Ronald Poppo was brutally attacked by 31-year-old Rudy Eugene on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami. Video footage would later show a nearly naked Eugene chewing on Poppo’s face, ripping off his flesh and gouging out his eyes.
Eugene was shot and killed by police. Poppo was blinded, his face severely disfigured. He’s still receiving care today from Florida’s Jackson Health System, which published an album of new photos of Poppo on Tuesday.
From the hospital’s Facebook page:
On May 26, 2012, Ronald Poppo was brought to Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital after being attacked on the MacArthur Causeway. He spent nearly a month at Ryder, recovering from severe facial injuries, before being moved to Jackson Memorial Perdue Medical Center, a long-term care facility in Cutler Bay. Mr. Poppo, who is blind, remains at Perdue, where he is living happily and adjusting to his new life. In the past year, he has gained more than 50 pounds. He continues to work with an occupational therapist, who taught him how to dress himself, feed himself, shower and shave. He also was given a guitar, which he practices playing daily. He continues to see doctors at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center to treat his facial injuries.
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Rudy Eugene as the naked man who officials say officers fatally shot after he refused to stop eating another naked man’s face on a downtown Miami highway ramp. Homeless man Ronald Poppo, 65, was named as the victim. Eugene is seen here in this undated mugshot.
Ronald Poppo is seen here in this undated mugshot.
Rudy Eugene is seen here in this 2004 mugshot.
Ronald Poppo is seen here in this undated mugshot.
An image of the two naked men involved in a cannibalistic attack near the MacArthur Causeway in Miami. The images were captured by a Miami Herald security camera.
A surveillance video camera from The Miami Herald building nearby captured images of the men’s naked legs lying side by side after the shooting.
Vega flagged down a Miami police officer, who he said repeatedly ordered the attacker to get off the victim. The attacker just picked his head up and growled at the officer, Vega said. As the attack continued, Vega said the officer shot the attacker, who continued chewing the victim’s face. The officer fired again, killing the attacker.
Crime Scene investigator Andres Betancourt photographs a credit card found at the scene belonging to Rudy Eugene, Tuesday, May 29, 2012 in Miami.
Witness Larry Vega was riding his bicycle Saturday afternoon off the MacArthur Causeway that connects downtown Miami with Miami Beach when he saw the savage attack.
A City of Miami police officer stands watch near the scene where a naked man, far right, was shot dead on the MacArthur Causeway ramp onto Northeast 13th Street in Miami on Saturday, May 26, 2012.
Westbound traffic on the MacArthur Causeway, approaching the Northeast 13th Street ramp in Miami, is backed up Saturday May 26, 2012, after a police officer fatally shot a naked man on the ramp who was chewing on the face of another naked man.
Sgt. Javier Ortiz, vice president of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, Tuesday, May 29, 2012 in Miami. Ortiz said it was one of the bloodiest “and goriest scenes I’ve ever been to.”
Austin Harrouff, a 19-year-old FSU student, is accused of attacking a Florida couple at random, killing both and eating one of the victim’s faces.
(NBC video still)
Four years after a Miami “cannibal” was caught eating another man’s face, a similar zombie-like attack has been reported near Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Police say Austin Harrouff, 19, fatally stabbed a couple at “random” outside their house and wounded their neighbor Monday night. When police arrived, he was biting chunks of the dead man’s face off, according to the Miami Herald.
The newspaper reports a stun gun and K-9 dog were initially unable to stop him from continuing to attempt to eat the victim. Four deputies eventually pried him off and arrested him.
Martin County Sheriff William Snyder said Harrouff, a former high school football defensive lineman and wrestler, may have been on hallucinogenic drugs when he attacked Michelle Mishcon, 53, and John Stevens, 59, in Tequesta, Fla. Less than a hour earlier, his family said he stormed off from dinner at a nearby restaurant, apparently agitated by slow service.
There’s no evidence Harrouff knew the couple, who owned a lawn service and enjoyed boating in the affluent community, leaving authorities baffled.
“It’s inexplicable,” Snyder told the Associated Press. “One of the first things we try to do at a crime scene is try to understand the motive of the offender, because it is the motive of the offender that gets us going in the right direction. In this case, we can’t establish a motive. It’s ‘I don’t know.'”
Snyder said 47-year-old neighbor Jeff Fisher called 911 to report the attack, which allegedly began in the garage where the couple was said to enjoy sitting at night. Fisher said Harrouff had stabbed him with a knife — five times, according to Fisher’s father — but he is expected to survive.
Snyder told the AP late Tuesday that Harrouff is being held under guard at a hospital, where he may not survive. Harrouff suffered bruises, dog bites and cuts as deputies tried to subdue him with a stun gun.
Harrouff, a sophomore majoring in exercise science at Florida State University, had no criminal record. Police said his blood is being tested for evidence of flakka or bath salts, “which are known to cause what we call the excited delirium.”
Bath salts, a synthetic drug, were blamed in similar zombie-like attacks in 2012 and 2013. According to the AP, flakka had a brief burst in popularity in late 2014 and 2015, primarily in South Florida, but its usage quickly waned after stories circulated about users’ deaths and mental breakdowns, plus a crackdown in Chinese manufacturing.
A lawyer for Harrouff told NBC he was working at home for the summer and declined to speculate on the possible drug use.
“There are mental health issues that will have to be investigated here, we don’t know if anything is going to show up on toxicology reports, there’s a lot of unknowns and unanswered questions and things we may never know,” attorney Michelle Suskauer said.
A former teammate at Suncoast Community High School said he couldn’t believe Harrouff would attack someone. Matt Dame, a quarterback currently at Columbia University, told The Palm Beach Post that coaches were frustrated with Harrouff’s aggression, even at 6-feet tall and 200 pounds.
“The coaches would always try to get him mad and play angry, and he never had it in him. I didn’t think he would hurt a fly,” Dame said.
Photo by: Richard Vogel/APFILE – In this Oct. 31, 2018, file photo, zombie sisters maneuver their way down during the West Hollywood Halloween Parade.
By: Jeff TavssPosted at 10:42 AM, Mar 04, 2021 and last updated 9:42 AM, Mar 04, 2021
ATLANTA — Because 2021 isn’t horrible enough with a worldwide pandemic on our hands, there may also be a zombie apocalypse to worry about this year and the CDC wants you to be prepared.
Nostradamus, a locked-in member of the “seer” Mount Rushmore, predicted that a zombie apocalypse will occur in 2021 after a Russian scientist creates a biological weapon that produces a virus that turns humans into, well… zombies.
As if you didn’t know already, it’s currently 2021.
Because one of the main responsibilities of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is to prepare people for the worst case scenarios in case disaster strikes, the agency issued a post to help humans get through a possible zombie apocalypse.
In case the walking dead take over the planet, the CDC advises those still alive prepare as they would for a “real emergency,” which is kind of the point of the entire post.
An emergency kit during a zombie apocalypse would come in handy and should include:
The CDC also advises about the need for an emergency plan for your family if they’re still, you know, themselves.
In the end, if or when zombies begin their takeover, the CDC wrote they’ll be ready.
“If zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak. CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation.”
“Not only would scientists be working to identify the cause and cure of the zombie outbreak, but CDC and other federal agencies would send medical teams and first responders to help those in affected areas.”