Disaster Preparedness Information from Red Cross Trainer . . . Be prepared – Be Safe Everyone!

We are not just living in wildfire country, but also in earthquake country.

Every person in your family should have an emergency bag packed with:

1) a change of clothes, including sweatshirt or sweater; 2)

2) 3 changes of underwear; 3)

3) power bars (change out every 3 months); 4)

4) emergency water (change out every 3 months); 5)

5) identification including name, address, phone & email numbers; 6)

6) emergency numbers for next of kin AND OUT OF STATE family or friend, in case your sister or your kid lives in the same area and is also hurt or evacuated; 7)

7) emergency cash;

8) copies of important papers (bank numbers, credit card numbers); 9)

9) emergency health info (if you have major allergies or are diabetic);

10) a list of medications; 2 weeks worth of emergency meds, including inhalers (change out every 3 months);

11) small note pad;

12) flashlight; extra battery pack; extra charger; hand crank power source;

13) N95 (or better) emergency mask;

14) soap, toilet paper;

15) perhaps a tiny foldout foil blanket;

16) toothbrush;

17) old eyeglasses;

18) matches in waterproof safe pack;

19) plastic gloves,

20) a small knife;

21) salt;

22) alcohol,

23) a WHISTLE, in case you are buried under rubble.

24) Evacuation Plan

Following a major earthquake (which IS COMING), we can expect MORE FIRES. Every family should have an evacuation plan. Families with evacuation plans for emergencies have higher survival rates.

Keep your auto gas tanks fairly full. Remember during the wildfires when gas stations were closed, or electricity was out and pumps didn’t work?

We all need to learn basic first aid. The RED CROSS has simple classes. This post is to remind everyone that disasters DO happen, and that we are more at risk here than in some other parts of the country. Prepare yourself & your family. Talk about it.

Most earthquakes last about 45 seconds. Teach your kids..& yourselves…..to start counting …yelling… out loud…One-one hundred, two-on hundred, three-one hundred,…etc., up to 45 one hundred, to measure the time the earthquake lasts. The exercise will calm frightened children…and will help us know when to expect an end to the shaking. Some earthquakes last longer. Also teach yourselves and your children what to do when an earthquake starts. DROP! COVER! HOLD ON!

In making your plan, assess where in each room of your home is the safest place, and teach everyone to get THERE when the shaking starts.

Teach everyone NOT to try to run across the house to each other. TOO DANGEROUS!. As you are all yelling out the time (One-one hundred, two-one hundred…) you will hear each other and be comforted. Teach kids how to exit a room if the door is blocked. What to do if a parent is hurt. You can save your own lives, and the lives of people you love. But you have to be really prepared.

Not just batteries & a few jugs of water. An emergency TO GO bag is just a start. Please, start!

Health Ideas

Medical Self-Reliance
Date Sunday – May 6, 2018
Host George Noory
Guests Marjory WildcraftDr. Marty Becker
At the beginning of the program, George announced that popular Coast host Ian Punnett would be returning to guest host from time to time. Then, former electrical engineer turned expert in self-reliance and backyard food production, Marjory Wildcraft discussed how medical self-reliance is gaining popularity due to many factors such as medical errors, superbugs on the increase due to overuse of antibiotics, and vaccines like Guardasil prompting numerous lawsuits. Wildcraft said that she is “totally done with conventional medicine” due to her opinion that the medical system in the U.S. is expensive, dangerous (due to issues such as erroneous diagnoses and botched surgeries) and is “contrary to fundamental principles of health.” She does, however believe that conventional medicine is good for such treatments as cuts and broken bones.
Wildcraft said that antibiotics like penicillin are not nearly as effective as natural remedies such as garlic, which she says has “twenty five antiviral and antifungal components.” To begin to treat yourself with natural medicine, she recommends starting with about five herbs and learning their properties, and also to “start making medicine before you need it.” Ultimately, Wildcraft said that the best strategy for a healthy life is prevention, which includes nutritious food, exercise, and making an effort to “lead a purposeful life.”
Breakthroughs in Veterinary Science
Resident veterinarian on Good Morning America for 17 years, adjunct professor at his alma mater, the Washington State University College of Veterinary medicine, and currently a member of the Board of Directors of the American Humane Association, Dr. Marty Becker, has spent his life working to create better physical and emotional well-being for pets. He addressed the latest in veterinary medicine and his new work exploring the thought processes of animals, especially during times of extreme stress, grieving, and change. Becker recalled that he was educated by veterinarians who told him that animals do not feel pain. Over his years of work in animal care, he has come to believe that this was a false assumption.
Until recently, Becker says that animals were being treated like children in the 1950s and 1960s when physicians “manhandled manipulated, threatened, and abused” patients. He believes that the physiological reaction to fear in animals is the same as it is in humans: Stress causes health problems. Becker also discussed a healthy lifestyle for pets, which involves keeping animals engaged mentally and mimics their evolutionary makeup as hunters of prey. He suggested hiding food in different places in the house or yard for dogs or cats to find, as well as making time to get a dog “panting tired” every day. He concluded that “we have an obligation to these pets for them to not only lead a healthy life, but a happy life.”
Alkaline Diet
Date Thursday – May 17, 2018
Host George Noory
Guests Daryl Gioffre
In the first half, Dr. Daryl Gioffre a board-certified chiropractor, educator, and health coach discussed how certain foods cause acid in the body such as sugar, grains, dairy, and excess animal proteins. The acidic condition leads to inflammation, which he believes is the culprit behind many of our current ailments, from weight gain to chronic disease. The idea behind avoiding such foods is not to make your body more alkaline but to prevent your body from having to do the regulating on its own, which can overtax it, he explained. Small amounts of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can help neutralize acids and toxins in your body, though he generally recommends taking a mineral blend rather than as individual supplements.
He spoke about his 7-Day Cleanse program which involves deep breathing, hydration (3-4 liters of alkaline water), green juices, minerals, dry skin brushing, a daily detox, and exercises that oxygenate the body. Wheatgrass juice is one of the most potent substances on the planet, he suggested, and it’s also important to consume healthy fats like avocados and coconut oil. Peanuts and peanut butter should be avoided because they’re loaded with fungus– try replacing them with almonds and almond butter, Gioffre recommended.
Alternative Health – Ben Fuchs
Date Monday – May 21, 2018
Host George Noory
Guests Benjamin Fuchs

In the first half, registered pharmacist and nutritionist Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts, and offered tips on supplements and healthy changes to one’s diet and lifestyle. When asked about coconut oil, he said it’s more stable than other vegetable oils (which should never be heated) and high in a healthful substance called MCT. Eggs, he added, are the most important and valuable food on the planet, and have all the nutrients cells need. In contrast to the notion that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, Fuchs said that it doesn’t hurt to skip it. If you’re having breakfast, he recommended “power foods” you don’t need to eat a lot of like herring, sardines, eggs, algae, seaweed, all of which are all nutritionally dense.

Calcification (calcium build-up) is one of the ways the body can break down, and it can happen to different organs or systems. Chelation is one way to treat this, he said, and there are various nutritional supplements that have chelating effects such as selenium, sulfur, algae, and Vitamin K. It’s also essential to relax the body, and practice deep breathing for this condition, he noted. He traced problem skin conditions like dermatitis to digestive issues and suggested avoiding problem foods and taking such things as apple cider vinegar, gelatin, algae, seaweed, and zinc.