UK Woman Detained At Mental Health Facility For Claiming 5G & WiFi Radiation Is Harmful To Health!


Forced into a mental health facility for talking about 5G with her family doctor

Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project

An utterly remarkable and disturbing situation has transpired in the UK just in the last 3-4 days. Susanne Small (her Facebook name; see her posted FB video) was detained under the UK’s Mental Health Act on Monday because, during a recent visit to her GP, the doctor had determined she was a risk either to herself or others. On Tuesday, she appeared in a special segment of the Richie Allen show, which is linked to below (30 minutes). It’s well worth listening to.

Activists are familiar with Susanne’s concerns over the health effects of 5G technology and its quiet rollout. We’re also familiar with other topics she raises such as Agenda 21/2030, the work of Debra Tavares, etc. This is clearly someone who has done relevant research and, as we are fond of saying, ‘gone down the rabbit hole’.

As you’ll hear in the interview with Allen, done via her smartphone from the actual hospital, she had compiled research on 5G and gone down to her doctor’s office with it, without an appointment at 8am, presumably when the office had just opened. She believed that certain symptoms she had been getting, such as headaches, might be connected to cell towers, and had noticed a new large one had been installed in the neighborhood, although she was well aware that it wouldn’t have been operational at the time. The reaction from the doctor and staff was to basically send her on her way but leave the information behind, which she refused to do. During the subsequent consultation with her doctor, Susanne had the feeling that it was wise to leave, that the doctor had absolutely no interest in the research and viewed her as someone who was under a lot of stress.

A day later she experienced phone calls with withheld caller ID and had someone call on her at home. She refused to answer the door, and it was a day later – probably two days after the visit to the doctor – that police and mental health professionals arrived to detain her at a mental health facility.

This is what the UK government’s site, on the page titled Mental Health Act, says about being forcibly ‘sectioned’ or detained under it: People detained under the Mental Health Act need urgent treatment for a mental health disorder and are at risk of harm to themselves or others. Further down, it says:

Who decides that someone should be detained?

In emergencies

An emergency is when someone seems to be at serious risk of harming themselves or others. This can occur:

  • in private premises – police have powers to enter your home, if need be by force, under a Section 135 warrant. You may then be taken to a place of safety for an assessment by an approved mental health professional and a doctor. You can be kept there until the assessment is completed, up to a maximum of 72 hours.

  • in a public place – if the police find you in a public place and you appear to have a mental disorder and are in need of immediate care or control, they can take you to a place of safety (usually a hospital or sometimes the police station) and detain you there under Section 136. You will then be assessed by an approved mental health professional and a doctor. You can be kept there until the assessment is completed, up to a maximum of 72 hours

Notice how your home may be forcibly entered. Susanne had wrongly believed she was safe in her own home. The page also says that a person will be assessed and confined for up to 72 hours, but she may also be detained for up to 28 days under Section 2:

The length of time you could be detained depends on the type of mental health condition you have and your personal circumstances at the time. You could be detained for:

  • up to 28 days under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act

  • up to six months under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act, with further renewals

She is, however, hoping to be out by tomorrow (Friday), as she reports in the interview posted below.

It seems she had bombarded her doctor with information, probably too much as she readily admits. The mental health team had asked her about Donald Trump, whom she must have mentioned to her GP. Laughingly, she jokes to Richie, “thank God I didn’t mention MK Ultra!”. Probably it was also unwise to rush down to the office without an appointment. But as she correctly observes, even if an activist is using – unknowingly – what amounts to fake news or false information, that is still no indicator of questionable mental health.

Small is clearly informed, lucid and has a strong character. A UK doctor friend observed to me after listening to the interview below that while the GP had probably been overloaded with information, Small doesn’t sound like any sort of risk. Of an activist mindset, Small isn’t someone who is likely to back down. She’s been professionally employed for many years as she notes, and correctly observes that if it can happen to her, it can happen to anybody. 

Secret and Silent Frequency Wars – Veterans Today | News – Military Foreign Affairs Policy

Secret and Silent Frequency Wars

Right now there are ongoing very sophisticated Frequency Wars that you are not allowed to know about.


by  Preston James

It all started with Nikola Tesla and his miraculous discoveries and inventions. We now have AC electrical current in our homes instead of the inefficient DC because of Tesla’s genius.

Read more “Secret and Silent Frequency Wars – Veterans Today | News – Military Foreign Affairs Policy”

Weaponized new technology to control you

Developing, Mastering and Weaponizing new technology to control you

Not only has the Ruling Cabal deployed its newly developed high technology to spy on us all, but has weaponized it to entrain the minds of the masses to conform to their Globalist NWO Agenda and policies.

by  Preston James

It’s a sad fact that over 985 Billion USD per year is being spent by the USG to spy on you and control you.

The actual total is considered classified but you can bet it is now very near to 1 Trillion USD per year.

This incredibly large secret industry has been built up, paid for with your tax dollars and deployed by the Ruling Cabal. It’s now involved in monstrous secret efforts to collate, manage and utilize all the data they have been collecting on you, in order to control your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and actions and to attain their Globalist NWO agenda of evil.

With the Deep Underground Military Bases budget for 147 DUMBs at about 1 Trillion USD per year and the Secret Space War budget at about another 1 Trillion USD per year, there is about 3 Trillion USD for a secret Intel budget per year spent by the Ruling Cabal. This is all being done using your hard earned tax dollars, supplemented by large black funds from numerous large financial scams, illegal weapons sales for their induced wars, and their massive illegal drugs and narcotic sales.

When the Congressional spending budget is about 3.35 trillion per year, you can easily understand why the middle class in America is quickly disappearing and why the Ruling Cabal is so addicted to illegal black funds from their massive worldwide illegal drug trafficking partnerships with the narco-traffickers and drug cartels.

The Secret Shadow Government (SSG) is the operational form of the Ruling Cabal and employs its agents and cutouts to invoke and use secrecy under so-called “national security”. It’s all being done to keep We The People from ever knowing the full range of its false-flag terror, spying, mind-control and induced wars for profit. Insiders never use the term “Deep State” to describe the secret government, they use the term “Secret Shadow Government” which was first publicly disclosed by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

The Ruling Cabal uses the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) to collect and analyze data about you and to weaponize some of its various electronic collection means. In addition it has deployed certain psychotronic devices locally and orbitally to mind-control you and in a sense create a “hive mind”, i.e. the mass-mind, entrained with beliefs that will support the Cabal’s long-planned Globalist NWO agenda.

Collecting and Analyzing Data:

Every kind of data you could ever imagine is now be recorded or collect on you automatically and analyzed using sophisticated algorithms:

  1. Every phone call you make is recorded and analyzed automatically by the NSA at Bluffdale, Utah with their mega-quantum computer Vesuvius.
  2. Every piece of mail you send though the US Postal Service is photocopied and logged for addressee and sender.
  3. Every email you ever send is recorded and processed and its key words or phrases used can get direct attention at your local Fusion Center.
  4. In most large urban areas every major business has security cameras which employ facial and gait recognition and are connected to the local Fusion Center where shoppers are immediately identified. Should they be on any watch list, store security is usually notified.
  5. Automatic license plate readers are being installed on most squad cars in large cities and these scan any vehicle that the squad car passes by, scanning plates in parking lots while driving through them. Many shopping center parking lots and parking ramps are getting these automatic plate readers as well as facial and gait recognition cameras connected to the local Fusion Center. Some cities now have such scanning cameras installed on busy public streets in downtown areas.
  6. Some large stores are now having advanced psychotronic emitters installed in the ceiling and operated by the store security. If a known shoplifter is identified by scanning software, corrective EMF can be emitted to make the target uncomfortable or motivated to leave. It’s a fact that there are frequent errors in mis-identifying individuals with this recognition technology that is usually “oversold”.
  7. Cell phones are tracked with permanent records kept, but this is rarely used to immediately solve crimes (in order keep this information from the public). Parallel solutions are designed to keep this technology secret. For example, if a child is kidnapped and missing, the NSA usually has the ability to analyze their collected data to trace the route of the victim. Supposedly the policy has been that no information would be utilized for up to a year, then an agent or asset would be sent to “discover the body by mistake”. If an NSA or a Fusion Center technician notices a major crime that would be “politically expedient” to solve publicly, a parallel but lesser crime will be provoked and/or solved with that same subject that will not reveal the secret technology used.
  8. Almost every conversation you have in your car, home or anywhere is automatically recorded by the NSA using extremely sophisticated new technology, so advanced that few will believe it could possibly exist even when told by leakers. I’ll give you just some of the various methods used here. Most Cable TV boxes and many remote controls have microphones in them that continually relay speech that is automatically recorded. Many weather indicators with remote outside senders can be used to listen in. House wiring can be accessed as a mike using very sophisticated technology. Micro bugs the same color as your siding can be shot from a car parked in front of your home into the siding of a room where you sit and talk. Cell phone and smart phones can be remotely set and activated to relay everything you say and all conversations within 20 feet. There are new Wi-Fi devices that you speak to and will give you music that you desire and answer questions. These devices can be used to record conversations. Most new laptop computers have Wi-Fi capability and microphones and cameras that can be accessed even when they indicate they are turned off. House wiring can be adapted to serve as a microphone. Special lasers can be shot at windows to pick up speech in a room up to one mile away.
  9. All automobiles manufactured since 2005 to some degree are hackable. Remotely deploying “Boston Brakes” is now easy on all new 2018 or later new cars. Most GPS systems automatically relay your position at all times. Blue tooth systems built into cars also can be used to record and analyze your conversations.
  10. The big Internet social media providers and search engines are all part of this NSA spying network despite the fact they will never admit to this. Some are deputized under so-called “national security” and some are delivered “National Security Letters” (NSLs). NSLs can order them to cooperate with an Alphabet’s policies and they are forbidden keeping a copy of these NSLs. If they disclose an NSL they will be arrested and fined 10,000 and imprisoned for 10 years. Not only do they collect and analyze all your Internet emails and postings, but some of these services are actively involved in censoring and shaping content to help mind-kontrol the masses. The larger ones are alleged to be deeply involved in planning and financing False-flag terror and secret mercenary wars like ISIS, ISIL, Daesh et al.

The biggest problem the NSA always had was appropriating sufficient storage space for all the data they have collected going back to the Vietnam war picked up by its listening posts and all the far greater amounts of data their new technologies now easily and automatically collect.

When the NSA finished building Vesuvius, the world’s largest Quantum Computer at the new NSA Center in Bluffdale Utah, data storage was no longer a problem, nor was their previous inability to process and analyze large masses of data about you.

The Secret Shadow Government’s best play is to deploy devices that have the secret capability to spy and deliver psychotronic brain-entrainment at the same time in any new devices which will give the public immediate and convenient new powers. Unless the public perceives these new devices as a much preferred convenience no one will be motivated to acquire and use them.

Take the cell phone for example, the public gets instant communication without any of the previously required wires, an incredible and revolutionary convenience. And at the same time the NSA can easily record their position, what they say, who they call, while at the same time being able to deliver psychotronic entrainment to their brains, using special EMF waveforms.

The weaponization of new technologies is here now.

The weaponization of new technologies is here now and is a major threat to your ability to think, reason and know the truth about what is really going on.

Remotely induced entrainment is a new technology that is here now and is fully operational. It is not 100% effective, but overall works on most folks without their knowledge. As former CIA scientist Robert Duncan, Ph.D. stated to former Governor Jesse Ventura, the human mind has now been successfully hacked. Dr. Duncan no longer works on this and has come forth and discussed this publicly as a warning.

Many of the same technologies developed and deployed to remotely spy on Americans and others all over the world have also been adapted to deliver psychotronic mind-control to remotely entrain certain brain waves in order to shape attitudes. An attitude is a potential action that in many cases can be later activated if the proper remote inductive entrainment is delivered. This is usually easier to deploy successfully in large crowds who are overly emotional over incidents where they feel abused by authority.

In some cases this technology has been used to create voices in one’s head and even take over control in certain susceptible individuals who have been adequately pre-conditioned.

New high tech war fighting technologies are now being developed:

Right now the major nations of the world are engaged in a major all-out race to develop new war fighting technologies that are quite different than what have been deployed before.

Thus we see the development of sophisticated cyber warfare technologies to be deployed through the Internet as well as directly through Quantum D-wave dimensional means, called “direct quantum warfare”. These means provide inter-dimensional direct access to spy, re-encode data and processors remotely, and for direct entrainment of attitudes and perceptions in the human brain.

The specifics of how this is done is one of the deepest secrets of the Secret Shadow Government and you will not be able to find much on this subject. Some insiders deeply involved in the Secret Space War Program have claimed that the “Looking Glass” device uses these new Quantum interdimensional physics to predict the future or even envision part of it. Some have claimed that D-waves (Dimensional waves, or more accurately interdimensional waves) travel through a medium where time and space do not exist as we know them.

It is believed by some insiders that the biggest threat to any standing army or government is now these new and forthcoming quantum-based weapons that can be remotely deployed to invade the human mind individually or in mass; or to directly invade any processor (CPU), cyber network, hard-drive, flash-drive or memory device. If these quantum-based weapons are successfully refined and deployable, you can imagine how they will be a game changer.

We see the development of micro-robot swarms now being manufactured by the millions. These little devices can be dropped by transport aircraft in mass at once or deployed in small numbers on the ground near the target. They can glide, fly, crawl, climb, approach the target, lock on and then explode to kill any person or they can be set to facial recognition for identifying their intended target. They can also be set to target any living thing.

A full range of battlefield robotic weapons are being developed all the way from battle tanks, to fighter planes, to individual robotic soldiers. There are numerous massive secret programs in DUMBs where attempts are being made to develop biological androids with computer interfaces and genes modified from animal genes to produce super strength and endurance as well as psi-powers. Some are based on triple helix (rapid self-healing genes), some have quad-helix, some are Chimeras based on animal human intermixing of genes.

Some bacteria have been taken from the deepest parts of the sea, gene spliced, with the capability to “eat” aluminum or iron much faster than rust can eat iron. These new metal-consuming bacterium are reputedly able to be activated and deactivated remotely by certain frequency signals, perhaps D-wave. Could they mutate out of control? Who knows, but many of these new technologies are being sold to entities that could carelessly develop them and also carelessly deploy them.

Various antipersonnel laser and particle beam systems are being readied now and will be mass produced as soon as possible. Most large nations have an extensive bevy of these weapons and keep this a closely guarded secret.

The bottom line is that unless the current small number of evil leaders who sit at the top of the Hierarchy of the Ruling Cabal (the folks that control the deployment of all these technologies) are gelded and displaced, we will all eventually become their electronic and psychotronic cannon fodder; and they will succeed in their Globalist goal of destroying every nation and culture of the world in order to raise their NWO Phoenix government from the ashes.


One of the unexpected results of the Ruling Cabal’s deployment of the Internet for spying and surveillance is the transformation of the Internet into the New Gutenberg Press, a spontaneously emerging counter-weapon.

This new unexpected countermeasure is being used by the masses to gain serious penetration of the Cabal’s deepest darkest secrets and evil occult practices. And it can be used to diffuse this knowledge widely to the masses with a great deal of information the Controlled Major Mass Media News Cartel refuses to report.

The Ruling Cabal is deeply afraid of the masses ever coming to an understanding of their occult evil and ritual practices of pedophiling and sacrificing children. They know that if this ever occurs they will be hunted down and destroyed. Due to their arrogance and self-induced intoxication with their riches, power and status, they have only recently come to understand the scope of the threat to their evil system that the Internet as the New Gutenberg Press poses.

Yes, the Internet is the New Gutenberg Press and is now the ultimate threat to Ruling Cabal’s ability to retain power over the masses.

When considering just how revolutionary the Gutenberg Press was in 1439, one quickly begins to understand that the Internet is now even more revolutionary as a world event. This is especially apparent when one considers how it provides instant access to facts, knowledge and history.

COP’s – Setting Up Soviets . . . in America (Detective Phil Worts)


By Detective Phil Worts

A decade and a half ago a real Cop … Issued a warning …. the warning was lost and the threat is now busy stringing the barbed wire around us.

The consensus (dialectic) process

There is a myth that communism is dead and that the cold war is over. Nothing could be further from the truth. The problem is that few people today understand what communism really is and just where the cold war battle lines are actually drawn. Crack open a dictionary and look up the term “Dialectical Materialism.” You should find something like this:

“A philosophy founded by Karl Marx” which forms the basis of Communist doctrine: it combines the materialistic idea of matter over mind with the Hegalian dialectic in which opposing forces are constantly being reunited at a higher level.” –Webster Dictionary

But that definition might beg the question, “What is the Hegelian dialectic?” For modern man, the answer to that question is epic. The Hegelian dialectic has profoundly impacted the world in which you live.

What is communism?

The Dialectic:

Fomenting the Revolution

The concept of the dialectic has been around for a long time. It is simply that of opposite positions: Thesis (position) vs. Antithesis (opposite position). In traditional logic, if my thesis was true, then all other positions were by definition untrue. For example, if my thesis is 2+2=4, then all other answers (antithesis) are false.George W.F. Hegel, the nineteenth century German philosopher, turned that concept upside down by equalizing Thesis and Antithesis. All things are now relative. There is no such thing as absolute truth to be found anywhere.

Instead, “truth” is found in Synthesis, a compromise of Thesis and Antithesis. This is the heart and soul of the consensus process.

This is diametrically opposed to the Judeo-Christian world-view prevalent in the Western world for the better part of two millennia that held that God existed, that He existed outside of the material creation and that man had a moral obligation to Him and His laws. God was transcendent and thus truth was absolute and transcendent, outside of our ability to manipulate it.

This all changed with Hegel and modern man was born. Man could now challenge any authority and position, even God. Since there is no such thing as absolute truth, “my truth” is just as good as “your truth,” so don’t tell me what to think or how to behave. As Nietzsche, the “God is Dead” philosopher, would later say, “There is absolutely no absolute.” Now 2+2 can equal 5, or 17, or whatever you feel is right. (Hint: This is why our schools are failing. All teachers are certified on Benjamin Bloom’s work. He said “we recognize the point of view that truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and fast truths which exist for all time and all places.”)

At about the same time that Hegel was passing from the scene, Karl Marx caught the revolutionary fever. He drew heavily from Hegel (the dialectic) and Feuerbach (materialism). He picked up where the other philosophers left the discussion, but with a twist. He scornfully stated, “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways. The point, however, is to change it.” To CHANGE the WORLD was to become the warp and woof of Marxism.

In the Marxian interpretation of reality, God had been abandoned. Alone in his universe, man was to fill the vacuum left by religion with materialism. Religion was the enemy of all progress. As he wrote in 1843, “Religion is the opium of the people.” No longer bound to a relationship with his Creator, the social relationship of “man to man” became the principle of Marx’s theory. It followed that these social relationships, which necessarily involve conflict, cause the changes in human progress.

As the opening words of the Communist Manifesto announce: “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” Note the dialectic reasoning: the clash of opposites produces synthesis and change.Man, freed from religious restraints will carry the revolution (change via conflict) forward until all are equal in a man made utopia on earth. To that end, the Manifesto concludes, “Working men all countries, unite!”

1. It is Dialectical Materialism, or, in simpler terms: a God expunged human reasoning process.
2. REVOLUTION is its goal, to “change the world,” Marx said.
3. The CHANGE is to be from a Theistic World View (Old World Order) to a Humanistic World View (New World Order). The term New World Order was a popular euphemism for world communism for years. Conspiracy kooks did not invent it. When it started to take on negative connotations, it was dropped for a nicer sounding label, Global Governance.
4. Change is to occur through CONFLICT, (Crisis/Problems/Issues).

The Cold War. Where is the battlefield?

Change Happens: The re-culturing of America

Even as the worldwide communist revolution got underway in earnest around the glove, a rift was forming within Marxist intellectual circles. Around the turn of the century there was a growing trend within this movement that a better way to change the world is not abruptly and violently at the point of a bayonet, (traditional Marxist revolution), but rather it should be done slowly and incrementally by transforming individuals and their cultural institutions. Then you can control a country as effectively as if you conquered it militarily. In fact, this method is preferred because one does not have to rebuild bombed out cities and dig all those mass graves!

The home for this new wave of dialectical Marxist thinking became the emerging “science” of socio-psychology.It may come as a surprise to many to discover that virtually all of the pillars of modern psychology were humanistic Utopians who believed that there is no God, that mankind can and should be manipulated (for its own good, of course), and that all social problems can be solved by the proper reprogramming of man’s mind.

This would lead to an era of peace and prosperity based on diversity, tolerance and unity. Most of their work dealt with the details of human behavior, but their over-arching view was that of transforming society (echo the revolution). Hence, they came to be known as “Transformational Marxists.”

One such group was the Fabian Socialists, who took their name from the Roman general, Fabius. Fabius, it will be remembered, was confronted with Hannibal’s invasion of Italy. Hannibal with his elephants held the advantage of superior forces, but was far from home and supplies. Instead of confronting his foe head on, a battle he would have certainly lost, Fabius utilized hit-and-run tactics. Harassing his enemy and wearing him down incrementally piece-by-piece over time until Hannibal capitulated, Fabius won the war. The Fabian Socialistsadopted this strategy in their goal of world socialism. In a similar vein, the transformational Marxists advocated a “slow march through the institutions,” as famous Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci would say. Gramsci’s theoriescannot be overstated in this regard, as this strategy has become synonymous with his name. The Gramsci Strategy is the “War of Position,” (i.e. the battle ground is for the mind and culture) vs. the “War of Maneuver,” (i.e. traditional battlefield warfare with guns and bombs.) Gramsci engendered the anger of his communist counterparts in Moscow when he basically told them they were doing it all wrong. Gramsci died in prison under Mussolini’s regime, but his strategy has become the strategy for changing society.

Meanwhile, in Germany, a group of some 21 Marxist socio-psychologists gathered in Frankfurt and formed theInstitute of Marxist Research. Perhaps that was a little too obvious for their opponents and they renamed it theInstitute for Social Research. When Hitler rose to power, most of these men fled to America and continued their work here.

Kurt Lewin, J.L. Moreno, Theodor Adorno, Erik Fromm, Max Horkhiemer and others found positions in American universities and had their work funded by pro-Marxist foundations.

Kurt Lewin is of special interest for this discussion because it was he who went to M.I.T. and conducted the research involving group dynamics that laid the foundation for Total Quality Management. At the risk of oversimplifying how the process of group dynamics works, it could be summarized as a method of belief and behavior modification, using dialectic-reasoning skills (remember, all truth is relative), in a group setting. It utilizes the inherent fear an individual person has of being alienated from the group.

By use of a change agent, or “facilitator,” individuals are herded toward “consensus” by compromising their position for the sake of “social harmony.” According to Lewin, “A successful change includes, therefore, three aspects: UNFREEZING the present level, MOVING to the new level, and FREEZING group life on the new level.”

This is precisely the technique with which the communists brainwashed American POWs,  the only difference being they could accelerate the “unfreezing” phase with physical torture.

In group dynamics the pain is not physical, it’s emotionalDo not underestimate the force of emotional pain. POWs frequently described their long periods in isolation as worse than some of the most brutal physical torture Isolation from the group is a powerful behavior modification weapon.

Transformational Marxists such as Kurt Lewin refined their weapon for the new battlefield: Using group dynamics to invade the culture to affect the paradigm shift. The weapon looks like this:

1. A Diverse Group (“Diversity” needed for conflict)
2. Dialoging to Consensus (Dialectic process)
3. Over a Social Issue (Problem/Crisis/Issues)
4. In a Facilitated Meeting (Controlled environment using facilitator/change agent)
5. To a Predetermined Outcome (Paradigm shift)

The Marxist Trojan Horse


TQM is an organizational transformation strategy that uses:

1. Group Dynamics
2. Facilitator/Change Agents (“Strategic Planning” occurs in councils)
3. “Problem Solving”
4. Systems Management (ISO 900

Decoding the term “Total Quality Management” is impossible without an understanding of the Marxist foundation upon which it was built. I use the word “Decoding” because so many of the dialectic concepts are masked by nice sounding double-talk.

TOTAL= Holistic, Gestalt, Global 
= People. (Also slang, short for TQM systems in general, e.g. “We have a Quality Organization.”)
= the facilitators, the agents of change.

With this background we arrive at our current application of the dialectic in our nation. I would like to now focus on the role that your local law enforcement agency has in the “re-culturing of America.” Your local beat cop has a special part to play, and he doesn’t even realize it. Not only has TQM change agents restructured many of the police departments in America, they are now in a position to turn the police themselves into the facilitators of the community through a program called COPs, or Community Oriented Policing.

  Justice Department runs the newly named American Soviets … called Community Oriented Policing.

Paul Ryan via Jana Ryan is related to Deep State coordinator David Boran (Skull & Bones) trains FBI / NSA / DOJ / Interpol / Etc.

COPs is a federally funded program administered through the U.S. Department of Justice. What is COPs? The most succinct definition I found was in a Department of Justice brochure:

Poul Larsen – Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Sovereign Military Order of Malta
The Sovereign Military Order of the Malta (SMOM) is the oldest knighthood in the world and its headquarters is in Rome at the Palazzo Malta. The SMOM is considered a sovereign entity under International Law and under the United Nations. The SMOM also has extraterritoriality within Italy. The Knights of Malta and Orders of Saint John are the engineers of war. Many members of the royal families and heads of constitutional monarchies are members of the SMOM. What makes the SMOM different than all other knighthoods is that it is a sovereign entity. The SMOM has a higher authority than the Vatican. Members include King Juan Carlos of Spain, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, Karl von Habsburg of Austria, King Philippe of Belgium, Queen Paola of Belgium, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy Prince of Naples, Duke Franz of Bavaria, Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma, Princess Elizabeth von Thurn and Taxis, Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, and Prince Jaime Count of Bardi. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of the island of Malta and she runs the related Anglo-Protestant branch called the Order of Saint John. The Bailiwick of Brandenburg Order of Saint John also related to the Knights of Malta is ran by Prince Oscar of Hohenzollern-Prussia.
Prince Carlo Massimo is President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta and is covertly overseeing the SMOM. The Massimo family are part owners of the Holy See and Order of Malta. The Austrian Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein is the current Grandmaster of the SMOM. The Massimo, Bourbon Two-Sicilies, Pallavicini, and Ruspoli families control the Order of Malta and grant a form of “sovereignty” in society to high level members like the monarchs. The Austrian Nobility are in league with the Italian Nobility. The Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta is a top military council in the world. Members include Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, Grand Chancellor Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, Grand Hospitaller Dominique Prince de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel, and Receiver of Common Treasury Count Janos Esterhazy de Galantha. Rochefoucauld is a name of French Peerage. The Esterhazy family is Austrian Nobility. Prince Erich von Lobkowicz is President of the Association of German Knights. The Austrian Nobility have always been connected with the SMOM and most of them are Roman Catholic. Prince Galeas von Thun und Hohenstein was a former Grandmaster of the SMOM.
William F. Buckley Jr. was a Knight of Malta and Conservative political commentator in the US. Pat Buchanan is another Conservative political commentator and Knight of Malta. J. Peter Grace was an American businessman, politician, member of the Council for National Policy and a Knight of Malta. The Nazi Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen was a Knight of Malta. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the only officially known Knight of Malta that has been President of the United States. The Knight of Malta Joseph E. Schmitz was Inspector General for the Department of Defense under George W Bush and also an executive for the private military company Blackwater Worldwide now renamed Academi. Joseph Schmitz was a professor at Jesuit Georgetown and worked as a political adviser for Donald Trump during his election campaign. Other Knights of Malta include the former CIA Directors John A. McCone, William J. Casey, and William Colby who was nicknamed the “warrior priest”.
The Knight of Malta Alexander Haig was a US Army General, US Secretary of State under Ronald Regan, and White House Chief of Staff under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Haig was also Jesuit educated from Georgetown University. He was the one covertly running the Pentagon and White House during the 70’s and 80’s. The CIA was founded by William Donovan who was nicknamed the “father of central intelligence” and he was knighted by two Vatican orders and likely a Knight of Malta. Jesuit educated CIA Directors include; Robert Gates, George Tenet, Leon Panetta, Michael Morell, David Petraeus and John Brennan and they are overseen by the Order of Malta. The Jesuit Order was established by the Farnese family under Pope Paul III or Alessandro Farnese through the papal bull called Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae (Military Regiment of the Church). The Farnese family lived in a pentagonal fortress called the Farnese Villa Caprarola. The Vatican and the Knights of Malta are deeply involved with the US military and intelligence. The Knights of Malta are the engineers of war and there is an American Association of the Order of Malta with Jack E. Pohrer as the President, Richard D. Milone as the Chairman, and James F. O’Connor as the Treasurer.
Prince Carlo Massimo on the left is the President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta. The Massimo family is covertly running the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince Carlo Massimo has the highest command over the SMOM and higher authority than the Grandmaster through bloodline. The SMOM and Prince Carlo Massimo are mass murderers. They are involved in overseeing and directing covert persecution all over the world leading to countless deaths and the ruining of lives.

ElectroMagneticFrequency (EMF) Pollution and Ways to Mitigate the Effects

ElectroMagneticFrequency (EMF) Pollution and Ways to Mitigate the Effects  

By  Preston James, Ph.D. 



Here is a listing of current types of EMF Pollution and some known countermeasures which have been claimed to be effective. 

Smartmeters and Dirty electricity: Activists claim that Smartmeters (they are digital instead of the old analog) are NOT UL rated like the old analog ones and that these Smartmeters have caused unexpected house fires and there are numerous complaints of much larger electric bills with the same prior usage, numerous complaints about sleeping problems, headaches, nervousness, agitation and various strange illness emerging. In some localities it is a violation to install any electrical devise to the AC supply system that is not UL rated so folks need to organize into action groups to expose this and stop their use as a public health issue and a violation of state electrical codes.  


Read more “ElectroMagneticFrequency (EMF) Pollution and Ways to Mitigate the Effects”

Power Outside The Matrix: Your power in a decaying world

Power Outside The Matrix: Your power in a decaying world
by Jon Rappoport
January 19, 2018
These are notes I made prior to preparing my three Matrix collections:

“Solutions to private problems and public problems require the ability to think things through, logically, and to reject what is unworkable or biased—but above and beyond that, a person needs to be able to imagine solutions that haven’t been tried before.”

“Propaganda says: defect from your own power.  Never find out what it is.  Assume it isn’t there.  Propaganda says: all life is about the species, not about the individual.”

“When propagandists find a good thing, a message that works, they pound on it, they keep hammering away.  Family, group, family, group, community.  On and on.  They never promote the message called The Individual with the same intensity.  That would be counter-productive to what they are trying to accomplish: group identity; and amnesia about being an individual.”

“Civilization continues to erode and decay, as individual power is put on the back burner.  But that doesn’t give the individual a license to surrender.  If others want to give up, that’s their business.  The individual, instead, finds new frontiers for his power, for his capacity to invent reality.”

“There is you, there is your own power.  And what is that power?  It comes in two forms or venues.  First, there is the ability to apply logic to events and information; to think rationally from A to B to C; to analyze.  And second, there is imagination, the capacity to conceive and then invent realities that would never otherwise exist in the world.”

“Individual power doesn’t need to make rigid distinctions between what is done for self vs. what is done for others.  Social engineers and propagandists make those separations.  You exercise your creative power to fulfill what you deeply desire; and that process will, in fact, spill over and affect others in a positive way.  It will lift them up.  It will remind them that they, too, have power.”

“Logic and analysis keeps you from being sent down wrong roads, keeps you from buying official reality.  Logic also reminds you that you have a mind.  Logic is a road that can take you deeper and deeper into more basic fallacies that underpin organized society and its branches of knowledge.  Logic tells you there are always more fundamental questions to ask and answer.  There are levels of lies.  The deeper you go, the more confident you become.  The more powerful.  Logic also lets you know when you’re projecting basic pre-judgments over a whole landscape and neglecting to look at the details.”

“Passivity is a disease.  It spreads and takes over.  It makes strong people weak, and weak people demented.  The passive life is precisely and exactly a life without power.  The cure is a life lived with power.”

“In case there is any misunderstanding, the ability to help others and defend them from oppression is part and parcel of your own power.  How could you help them without your power?  How could you accomplish anything at all in that direction?  How would denying your own power possibly result in a good outcome?  And most importantly, it is through imagination that you can devise new ways to expose and reduce oppression, ways that haven’t been thought of before.”

“As society continues to decay, more and people attack individual power and place their faith in a program that reduces every human to a lowest common denominator of dependence on some controlling entity.  This article of faith is abject surrender.”

“Some people want to say that power is a neutral object that can be used for good or evil.  That isn’t true.  Your deepest power is alive.  It’s personal.  It’s stunningly energetic and dynamic.  It connects with your deepest understanding of what is true and good and right.  But it never sacrifices itself on the altar of what others insist is good and true and right.  It never deserts you for an abstract ideology someone else has devised.  That ideology was formulated, in fact, to separate you from your power.”

“It takes great energy for a person to bury his own strength.  Why not use that energy to multiply your power?”

People tend to think their own power is either a delusion or some sort of abstraction that’s never really experienced.  So when the subject is broached, it goes nowhere.  It fizzles out.  It garners shrugs and looks of confusion.  Power?  Are you talking about the ability to lift weights?

And therefore, the whole notion of freedom makes a very small impression, because without power, what’s the message of freedom?

Every which way power can be discredited or misunderstood…people will discredit it and misunderstand it.

And then all psychological and physiological and mental and physical and emotional and perceptual and hormonal processes undergo a major downward shift, in order to accommodate to a reality, a space in which the individual has virtually no power at all.

It’s my aim to change all that.  This is the basis of my work, and it has been, for the past 30 years.

That’s why I authored my three Matrix collections.  Here are the contents of my third collection, Power Outside The Matrix:

Here are the particulars. These are audio presentations. 55 total hours.

* Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation (11.5-hours)

* Writer’s Tutorial (8.5-hours)

* Power Outside The Matrix and The Invention of New Reality—creative techniques (6.5-hours)

Then you will receive the following audio presentations I have previously done:

* The Third Philosophy of Imagination (1-hour)

* The Infinite Imagination (3-hours)

* The Mass Projection of Events (1.5-hours)

* The Decentralization of Power (1.5-hours)

* Creating the Future (6-hours)

* Pictures of Reality (6-hours)

* The Real History of America (2-hours)

* Corporations: The New Gods (7.5-hours)

I have included an additional bonus section:

* The complete text (331 pages) of AIDS INC., the book that exposed a conspiracy of scientific fraud deep within the medical research establishment. The book has become a sought-after item, since its publication in 1988. It contains material about viruses, medical testing, and the invention of disease that is, now and in the future, vital to our understanding of phony epidemics arising in our midst (and how to analyze them). I assure you, the revelations in the book will surprise you; they cut much deeper and are more subtle than “virus made in a lab” scenarios.

* A 2-hour radio interview I did on AIDS in Dec 1987 with host Roy Tuckman on KPFK in Los Angeles, California.

* My book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies

(All the audio presentations are mp3 files and the books are pdf files. You download them upon purchase. You’ll receive an email with a link to the entire collection.)

This is about your power.  Not as an abstract idea, but as a living core of your being.  This is about accessing that power and using it.

Use this link to order Jon’s Matrix Collections.
Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.