ElectroMagneticFrequency (EMF) Pollution and Ways to Mitigate the Effects
By Preston James, Ph.D.
Here is a listing of current types of EMF Pollution and some known countermeasures which have been claimed to be effective.
Smartmeters and Dirty electricity: Activists claim that Smartmeters (they are digital instead of the old analog) are NOT UL rated like the old analog ones and that these Smartmeters have caused unexpected house fires and there are numerous complaints of much larger electric bills with the same prior usage, numerous complaints about sleeping problems, headaches, nervousness, agitation and various strange illness emerging. In some localities it is a violation to install any electrical devise to the AC supply system that is not UL rated so folks need to organize into action groups to expose this and stop their use as a public health issue and a violation of state electrical codes.
Smartmeters can provide the Electrical Utilities some extraordinary abilities to monitor your electrical usage second by second and also the future capability to monitor specific “smart appliances” such as your refrigerator and furnace and AC and remotely turn them off at will. Basically the way it stands right now these electrical utilities have no concern for any of the EMF smog that these Smartmeters can produce and how ENF sensitive individuals or children are affected.
Smartmeters have been documented emitting large EMF pulsed beam microwave bursts (numerous times per minute) and have been alleged by experts to be able to emit significant or very large amounts of dirty electricity (dirty harmonics) in one’s AC circuits. This of course can effect electro/EMF-sensitive individuals and can disturb sleep and cause behavioral problems such as excessive anxiety, night terrors and even depression.
Counter measures include using grounded stainless steel screen or two thicknesses of grounded aluminum screen wrapped around the Smartmeter itself, and by hanging an EMF shield of special fabric or two thicknesses of grounded, hanging aluminum screen inside which adequately blocks the inward emissions reaching your bedroom and living quarters. To be sure that you have reduced the EMF you will need to purchase an Microwave detector. There are many good quality ones available for the range of $80 to $400 which will cover Smartmeters (ask the seller which model will suffice). A certified EMF detector may cost up to $2,000 and will tell the difference between regular microwaves and pulsed beam microwaves and in what intensity in microwatts per square meter and a record of accumulation per time period. Smartmeters have been found in some areas to generate large amounts of dirty electrical harmonics in the AC circuits of one’s home. The gold standard for analysis of these AC dirty electricity harmonics is to analyze them with a properly connected AC oscilloscope, a fairly expensive piece of equipment.
I have personally tested my AC circuits for dirty electricity using a Greenwave Dirty electricity meter and after finding very high levels, I then installed Greenwave Electrical Filters which have dual capacitors, are grounded, are UL rated and are RoHC compliant (RoHS, also known as Lead-Free, stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances. RoHS, also known as Directive 2002/95/EC, originated in the European Union and restricts the use of six hazardous materials found in electrical and electronic products. I prefer the Greenwave meter because it has an audio function that increases in volume with increased dirty electricity and a calculator that estimates the percentage of decrease when you add a filter. There is also the Stetzerizer®meter and electrical filters available too which are also popular.
If you cannot afford to get a dirty electrical indicator/meter, one can detect significant dirty electricity and Lilly Waves by turning on an AM radio and moving the dial through the channels. AM channels will be very buzzy or fuzzy and reception will be very poor. For those that cannot afford dirty electricity filters, one can move their bed a bout 3 feet from the wall where the AC wires are, or turn off the breaker covering where they sleep at night. FM is not affected by dirty electricity.
Lilly Waves: In some locales these special behavior and health altering wave forms (a special type of dirty electricity harmonics) are purposely generated by special outside mounted line boxes into your household AC circuits. The purpose is to mind-kontrol you, make you ill, disturb your sleep, make you disturbed, cause relationship conflict with your significant other and break down the family system. Dirty electricity in excessive amounts can be detected by dirty electrical meters (Greenwave or Stetzerizer® or by using an Oscilloscope which is typically quite an expensive piece of equipment). If detected, these waves can be mitigated by the adequate installation of Greenwave or Stetzerizer® Filters. The use of large line filters attached to your electrical supply work great but they start at about $5,000 and for most the cost is prohibitive. Use of the small AC filters which are between $25 and $35 each do an effective reducing Lilly waves and other forms of dirty electricity including that from Smartmeters if installed correctly.
Remote phones: I have swept a number of homes for EMF using sophisticated accurate EMF meters of several varieties. I have found that in those where the occupants had serious complaints of sleeping issues, headaches, loss of energy or irritability, EMF levels were in the range of up to 4,500 microwatts per square meter, high enough to cause behavioral and health problems, especially in those who may be electro-sensitive. Now here is the strange part.
When I swept a well know federal Whistleblower’s home, I found significant dirty electricity in the AC circuits that were easily reduced down to an acceptable level by the installation of Greenwave Filters. But I also found especially high microwave levels being emitted from his two remote phone base stations which are powerful transmitters. When I mentioned the reading was 4,400 microwatts the level immediately reduced down to about 1,000 microwatts. Later when I crept into the room again it was up at 4,400 microwatts and immediately dropped when I mentioned it verbally.
This of course has alarming ramifications if you think it through. This means that language is being monitored in real time through the remote phone system most likely by use of automatic A.I. I have been told by friends that sometimes they will comment to another person I am going to ask my Smartphone a question only to have the answer given as they recite the first word or two into the phone. It’s like the time an individual told his fiancé he was going to ask his Smartphone what day he would have to turn the clock back for the end of Daylight Savings time. As he recited the first word “when” the Smartphone recited the complete answer to him before he could even speak the question enough to understand it.
This strongly suggests real time A.I. monitoring of all speech patterns within a certain distance of the Smartphone and has alarming implications for not only A.I. base surveillance but also suggests that perhaps Dimensional wave (D-wave) quantum physics have been integrated into some Smartphones and remote phone systems.
Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi has been removed in an increasing number of public schools in Canada and Europe due to significant health concerns for children and their undeveloped neurological systems which can be more vulnerable to the harmful effects of EMF. Pulsed beam microwave transmitters were first installed in a national sporting goods chain as a mind-kontrol test which was an NSA proprietary. Several managers and workers with no mental health histories suddenly and unexpectedly “cracked” and had to be taken away by paramedics. The pulsed beam microwaves had been turned up too high and some employees simply cracked from excessive EMF to their brains.
The next place these Wi-Fi systems were installed and tested was in certain select public high schools, especially the one visited by Bush2 when he was president. In one installation I monitored, this Wi-Fi was deployed as a psychotronic weapon system to make some targeted “stand up” highly moral teachers very, very sick. As an adjunct poisonous enzymes were sprayed onto the desks of certain targeted teachers. Some got cancer, some died, some cracked, some just quit. All this covered up under so-called “national security” which was invoked. Other stand up targeted teachers that survived the EMF assaults were then wrongly accused of accessing pornography websites but with no actual proof. In one particular High School where this was done, the administration was linked to Intel and was stealing millions of public funds using sophisticated means while running two sets of books. Complaints to the local US Attorney with good evidence supplied and to the US Department of Education Inspector General resulted in an early retirement for the US Attorney and nothing was done in DC either.
The strategy was to drive out any teachers who had strong character and could see what was going on. Good counter-measures for those sensitive to Wi-Fi include hard wiring all computers, eliminating all Wi-Fi especially in one’s home and shielding wall if one lives in multiple dwellings where others Wi-Fi come through with strong signal strength. Wi-Fi has been known to effect some sensitive individuals and can cause the same type of behavioral and health issues that are now linked to dirty electricity, Lilly Waves and excessive EMF in general. We now know for certain that EMF does not have to heat the human cell or human tissue as we have been told for years by the CDC, the USAF and various electrical engineering departments at major Universities to entrain the brain or influence attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.
Cell phone towers: Some experts suggest maintaining a certain distance from these EMF emitters when possible. Those close by cell towers have reported sleeping difficulties, behavioral effects such as irritability, marital conflicts not there before and new unexpected health issues. Insiders have reported that these cell tower systems have been deployed as part of as massive psychotronic war against the American mind to break up relationships and families, make folks sick and to mind-kontrol by remote inductive entrainment. In my city a big mega church was built. Soon after the biggest cell phone tower with the most transmitting antennas installed on it in three levels was built. I noticed that the intensity of the EMF was strangely highest when the church services were being held. I swept the home of a suspected super soldier with an IQ of over 200 living nearby at his request and traced high EMF to the tower and a special dish installed on it aimed at his home. Another pure coincidence I’m sure. Painting and grounding walls will special EMF blocking paint available from www.lessemf.com and other vendors can be effective in reducing cell phone emissions for electro-sensitive individuals or those who are concerned about being too close to cell phone transmission towers.
Radar and Dopplar radar: For years medical effects were denied by the USAF and yet significant proof emerged that those airman exposed to a lot of radar had increased frequency of cataracts and certain cancers. Those too close to these emitters can use grounded screening on interior walls or special grounded EMF blocking paint. The same paint the NSA uses in their SCIFs is now available from numerous vendors like www.lessemf.com. It is fairly pricey but it is a one-time expense and some believe it is worth it.
Ground based, vehicle based, aircraft based or satellite based microwaves and pulsed beam microwaves aimed and/or triangulated at selected targeted individuals: These systems are expensive to deploy and must be scheduled. Therefore they are usually only deployed against whistleblowers or in certain experiments. The usual EMF shielding methodologies like the use of special grounded, metallized primer paints can be quite effective, except for the new X-ray lasers which require much heavier, thicker shielding.
Ground based ELF systems aimed and/or triangulated at certain selected individuals: These systems are usually complex working in tandem with other technologies and are deployed against whistleblowers or targeted individuals who have been randomly selected to serve as experimental controls. The talk inside deep Intel circles is that all these systems are still being calibrated and experimented with using A.I. Someday in the future it is expected that the Secret Shadow Government will try and integrate all this knowledge and turn over control of all the remote inductive entrainment systems to centralized A.I. control run out of the NSA Bluffdale, Utah Base, using the new world’s largest Quantum computer, Vesuvius. Obviously by now most readers have figured out that the NSA is actually run by soulless, evil Plutocratic Oligarchs.
Cell Phones and Smart phones: It is now apparent that many of these have real time A.I. interaction-oriented quantum based surveillance powers. Some insiders have alleged that the particular wave forms and frequencies have been designed to entrain attitudes, thought patterns and even beliefs. The jury is still out on this claim, but based on what I have seen so far it wouldn’t surprise me.
Plus there is now a big concern by medical researchers in numerous nations that holding these phones close and making contact with one’s head, like ordinary cell phones and using them too much, can perhaps cause various types of brain cancer. OJ’s attorney Johnny Cochran bragged how he got rid of one of his secretaries after he decided to do all his business by cell phone. He was on it many hours a day, held it close to his head and died of brain cancer soon after the OJ trial ended. Mere coincidence or damage caused by too much, too close to his head EMF?
There are several ways to mitigate this excessive EMF from Smartphones, just like with ordinary cell phones. Talking with the phone at least 4-6 inches from one’s head, use of certain styles of remote earphones, air powered the best, or the use of the speaker phone, ,or use of special fabric pockets which block radiation to the head while talking but still allow the phone to work.
Note: In European health studies by MDs, 3-6% of the populace has been shown to have altered EKGs and EEGs. In at least one Scandinavian nation, EMF sensitivity is a recognized medical disability and a sanctuary city has been set up with highly reduced EMF emissions for those so designated to live in.
Here are some places to start to gain more information for those interested and have time. Much of the American Internet is censored through the search engines which have NSA and/or Fusion center intercepts using advanced real time A.I. Algorithms, so it is very hard to get good information.
Many Internet articles are simply blocked from searches in America to keep the American People from ever finding out about the potential health hazards and mind-kontrol aspects of Smartmeters, Wi-Fi, remote phones (some of the worst can emit 4500 microwatts per square meter when the new European standard is no more than 100 microwatts per square meter within 10 feet.
There are also numerous misinformation intercept articles on the web to mislead and detract from the now evident EMF dangers, especially to children so do some deep research to be certain of the quality of the information provided in any article.
Dangers of EMF (Canadian Whistle-blower)
Lilly waves: Lilly waves can now be roughly measured using either the Greenwave or the Stetzerizer® dirty electricity meters which can be purchased direct from them.
Patrick Flanagan on Lilly waves (Jeff Rense show): https://youtu.be/Q6yu8E0wN2A
Should we ban Wi-Fi in American Schools?
Wi-Fi removed from many schools
Governments around the world limiting EMF emissions and Wi-Fi
European leaders call for ban of cell phones and Wi-Fi in schools
Comm 12 Psyops briefing from 1992:
Smartmeters damage health-Health Ranger
Natural Blaze on Smartmeters:
Electromagnetic Health
Shielding a bedroom for EMF:
Grounding wire for screens used for blocking smart meters:
How to paint and install EMF shielding:
EMF reducing paint safety specs:
Painting a bedroom with T98Alpha Geovital EMF reducing paint