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Power Outside The Matrix: Your power in a decaying world |
by Jon Rappoport January 19, 2018 |
These are notes I made prior to preparing my three Matrix collections:
“Solutions to private problems and public problems require the ability to think things through, logically, and to reject what is unworkable or biased—but above and beyond that, a person needs to be able to imagine solutions that haven’t been tried before.” “Propaganda says: defect from your own power. Never find out what it is. Assume it isn’t there. Propaganda says: all life is about the species, not about the individual.” “When propagandists find a good thing, a message that works, they pound on it, they keep hammering away. Family, group, family, group, community. On and on. They never promote the message called The Individual with the same intensity. That would be counter-productive to what they are trying to accomplish: group identity; and amnesia about being an individual.” “Civilization continues to erode and decay, as individual power is put on the back burner. But that doesn’t give the individual a license to surrender. If others want to give up, that’s their business. The individual, instead, finds new frontiers for his power, for his capacity to invent reality.” “There is you, there is your own power. And what is that power? It comes in two forms or venues. First, there is the ability to apply logic to events and information; to think rationally from A to B to C; to analyze. And second, there is imagination, the capacity to conceive and then invent realities that would never otherwise exist in the world.” “Individual power doesn’t need to make rigid distinctions between what is done for self vs. what is done for others. Social engineers and propagandists make those separations. You exercise your creative power to fulfill what you deeply desire; and that process will, in fact, spill over and affect others in a positive way. It will lift them up. It will remind them that they, too, have power.” “Logic and analysis keeps you from being sent down wrong roads, keeps you from buying official reality. Logic also reminds you that you have a mind. Logic is a road that can take you deeper and deeper into more basic fallacies that underpin organized society and its branches of knowledge. Logic tells you there are always more fundamental questions to ask and answer. There are levels of lies. The deeper you go, the more confident you become. The more powerful. Logic also lets you know when you’re projecting basic pre-judgments over a whole landscape and neglecting to look at the details.” “Passivity is a disease. It spreads and takes over. It makes strong people weak, and weak people demented. The passive life is precisely and exactly a life without power. The cure is a life lived with power.” “In case there is any misunderstanding, the ability to help others and defend them from oppression is part and parcel of your own power. How could you help them without your power? How could you accomplish anything at all in that direction? How would denying your own power possibly result in a good outcome? And most importantly, it is through imagination that you can devise new ways to expose and reduce oppression, ways that haven’t been thought of before.” “As society continues to decay, more and people attack individual power and place their faith in a program that reduces every human to a lowest common denominator of dependence on some controlling entity. This article of faith is abject surrender.” “Some people want to say that power is a neutral object that can be used for good or evil. That isn’t true. Your deepest power is alive. It’s personal. It’s stunningly energetic and dynamic. It connects with your deepest understanding of what is true and good and right. But it never sacrifices itself on the altar of what others insist is good and true and right. It never deserts you for an abstract ideology someone else has devised. That ideology was formulated, in fact, to separate you from your power.” “It takes great energy for a person to bury his own strength. Why not use that energy to multiply your power?” People tend to think their own power is either a delusion or some sort of abstraction that’s never really experienced. So when the subject is broached, it goes nowhere. It fizzles out. It garners shrugs and looks of confusion. Power? Are you talking about the ability to lift weights? And therefore, the whole notion of freedom makes a very small impression, because without power, what’s the message of freedom? Every which way power can be discredited or misunderstood…people will discredit it and misunderstand it. And then all psychological and physiological and mental and physical and emotional and perceptual and hormonal processes undergo a major downward shift, in order to accommodate to a reality, a space in which the individual has virtually no power at all. It’s my aim to change all that. This is the basis of my work, and it has been, for the past 30 years. That’s why I authored my three Matrix collections. Here are the contents of my third collection, Power Outside The Matrix: |
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Here are the particulars. These are audio presentations. 55 total hours.
* Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation (11.5-hours) * Writer’s Tutorial (8.5-hours) * Power Outside The Matrix and The Invention of New Reality—creative techniques (6.5-hours) Then you will receive the following audio presentations I have previously done: * The Third Philosophy of Imagination (1-hour) * The Infinite Imagination (3-hours) * The Mass Projection of Events (1.5-hours) * The Decentralization of Power (1.5-hours) * Creating the Future (6-hours) * Pictures of Reality (6-hours) * The Real History of America (2-hours) * Corporations: The New Gods (7.5-hours) I have included an additional bonus section: * The complete text (331 pages) of AIDS INC., the book that exposed a conspiracy of scientific fraud deep within the medical research establishment. The book has become a sought-after item, since its publication in 1988. It contains material about viruses, medical testing, and the invention of disease that is, now and in the future, vital to our understanding of phony epidemics arising in our midst (and how to analyze them). I assure you, the revelations in the book will surprise you; they cut much deeper and are more subtle than “virus made in a lab” scenarios. * A 2-hour radio interview I did on AIDS in Dec 1987 with host Roy Tuckman on KPFK in Los Angeles, California. * My book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies (All the audio presentations are mp3 files and the books are pdf files. You download them upon purchase. You’ll receive an email with a link to the entire collection.) This is about your power. Not as an abstract idea, but as a living core of your being. This is about accessing that power and using it. |
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.