Silicon Valley Seasteaders Go Looking for Low-Tax Sites on Land – Bloomberg

Patri Friedman is sick of the jokes about floating tax havens. About a decade ago, the former Google software engineer (and grandson of Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman) co-founded the Seasteading Institute, a nonprofit with the stated aim of developing a model for self-governing offshore communities. The idea was to allow people to set up more laissez-faire laws for themselves on mobile, artificial islands resting in international waters. An invaluable experiment, he calls it now. Also: “Baggage.”

The institute’s Silicon Valley backers most prominently included Peter Thiel, the conservative billionaire and future Trump adviser, and traded in no small part on Thiel’s imprimatur. But the effort was as impractical as it sounds, and it drew criticism from local leaders and good-government groups as a form of neocolonialism. In 2018 locals defeated a commercial spinoff’s attempt to establish a seastead off the coast of Tahiti. Seasteading, like vampirism, is now on the unofficial list of topics not to raise with Thiel, who hasn’t written the institute a check in at least five years. Nonetheless, he’s become the anchor investor for Friedman’s new venture capital firm, which is trying to create some similar-sounding communities on land.

Pronomos Capital, which Friedman incorporated in August, is supposed to bankroll the construction of experimental cities on vacant tracts of land in developing countries. Pronomos is set up like a venture fund, making investments in local organizations that do the work of securing government approvals, finding tenants, and hiring retired U.K. judges to enforce the new legal framework, to be based on British common law. The firm says it’s discussing semi-autonomous cities of varying sizes with foreign and local businesspeople in countries where officials have seemed receptive to exempting them from area laws, including Ghana, Honduras, the Marshall Islands, Nigeria, and Panama. A given community could start as small as an industrial park, Friedman says. Most will be aimed at foreign businesses seeking friendlier tax treatment.

relates to The Hottest New Thing in Seasteading Is Land
Patri Friedman

Courtesy: Patri Friedman

While other organizations with names such as Free Private Cities and Charter Cities Institute are advising similar efforts around the world, Pronomos is the only one with seed money from boldface names including Thiel, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen, and Bitcoin evangelists Roger Ver and Balaji Srinivasan. In describing his new firm, Friedman isn’t shy to use seasteading as a reference point. “I’ve been putting these ideas out there for 20 years, and they’ve grown and compounded,” he says, sipping well water at his mountaintop compound south of San Jose. “What we get excited about is the ability to do this repeatedly.”

Why the colonial-sounding framework, right down to the old British laws? Dressed in a well-loved Slytherin sweatshirt, Friedman says it’s the best fuel for a fledgling economy and property values, and to assure global investors that their money will be safe in Pronomos projects. The justice system is more important than the tax breaks, he says, citing research that suggests faith in a functional code of laws is a leading indicator of a region’s economic success.

That’s been less than reassuring to politicians and residents leery of ceding land to unaccountable foreigners, in exchange for theoretical network effects. Fierce local opposition has halted a plan to create an independent area on a stretch of coastal land in Honduras, for example. The proposed tax incentives and other benefits for foreign investors were about as popular as you’d expect. “That land belongs to someone,” says Silvio Carrillo, the nephew of assassinated Honduran rights advocate Berta Cáceres.

Pronomos “will only go where we are wanted,” according to Friedman. He also says, with a straight face, that if Pronomos can get local officials to agree to its plans, “we have a credible shot at eliminating poverty.”

Friedman’s grandfather spent his life attacking government oversight in the field of economics, but his father, a law professor at Santa Clara University, has advocated for a kind of anarcho-capitalism on a legal basis. At age 43, Patri Friedman has pushed his family’s do-what-you-feel ethos to some other extremes, advocating for communal living, polyamory, and human-machine hybridization. He’s spent most of his career at Google, including his Seasteading Institute years. He left Google this summer to work full time on Pronomos.

“Do I want to create the first venture-backed city-state? Hell yeah”

The venture firm has raised about $9 million so far (more than half from Thiel), well short of Friedman’s initial goal. He says that’s only enough to cover basic fact-finding expenses for his local partners, and he’ll raise more to buy and develop land once governments approve the plans.

Similar ideas have gained some support beyond fringe libertarian circles. Honduras amended its constitution in 2013 to allow the creation of special economic zones outside the country’s legal framework. Erick Brimen, a startup founder who has coordinated development projects in Central America, is informally working with Friedman and others on Prospera Honduras, a local business advocacy group there. Brimen says it’s too early to discuss publicly. Other groups aiming for these kinds of extralegal territories have announced priorities including tax holidays and privatized health care and police forces.

“Our vision aligns” with Friedman’s, says Taavi Kotka, who runs an Estonian organization advocating for looser employment and tax laws to attract immigrants. “He’s a pioneer in setting up these special zones,” blockchain enthusiast Barak Ben Ezer says of Friedman. He and Friedman are working to turn the Marshall Islands into a tax haven similar to the Caymans. Friedman says he hopes to back more than a dozen projects in the next four years.

Yet even if Friedman and the other landsteaders can assuage concerns about colonial-style exploitation and the flouting of local laws, there are few guarantees in the world of quasi-sovereign states. In April a couple proclaimed their small fiberglass pod, 14 miles off Thailand’s coast, to be self-governing, and the Thai government sent its military to destroy the pod, calling their proclamation an act of war. (The couple is now working on a similar project in Panama, this time in cooperation with government officials.) That’s why, says Friedman, he’s making sure any Pronomos projects have local officials on board. Further out, “Do I want to create the first venture-backed city-state? Hell yeah,” he says. “That’s what I’m in it for. That’s the long-term goal.”

(Updated final paragraph to add new details about the couple who set up a pod off the coast of Thailand.)

Seasteading – Living on Water for the SUPER RICH


At The Seasteading Institute, we believe that experiments are the source of all progress: to find something better, you have to try something new. But right now, there is no open space for experimenting with new societies. That’s why we work to enable seasteading communities — floating cities — which will allow the next generation of pioneers to peacefully test new ideas for how to live together.

Founded in 2008
by Patri Friedman and Peter Thiel
The Seasteading Institute was founded in 2008 by activist, software engineer and political economic theorist Patri Friedman, grandson of Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman, and technology entrepreneur, investor and Philanthropist Peter Thiel

FIRES – This is WAR – We Are Being “Intentionally” BURNED UP . . .

FIRES – This is WAR 
We Are Being “Intentionally” BURNED UP
Weather Control Technologies 
Could be Used to Put the FIRES OUT 
Instead The Tech is Used to Burn Us Up.
WHY are OUR Alleged Governments
Burning Us Up?
WHY are OUR Alleged Leaders Denying the Deadly Weather Control Programs Exist?
Why is the United Nations, the IMF, the World Banking Systems LYING?  
Why are YOUR Local AllegedRepresentatives
Declaring Climate Emergency Declarations that are Eliminating Travel, Water, Electricity and EVERYTHING Else?
We ALL Live in a Corporate Construct
Fires Have Been Planned and Are Legal!
Burn Zones are Decided in Advance 
Zones Targeted,are Mapped and Burned
Climate Change is Weather Altering Technology
Modern Weather – the New Normal 
Using DEW’s
Directed Energy Weapon Systems
Chemtrails – Geoengineering 
Aerosol Spraying Heavy Metals 
Trees BURN from the Inside OUT  
Tree Roots Absorb the Metals 
Trees Become Highly Combustable When HIT with Microwave Weapons
Timber Used in Construction Saturated with Heavy Metal Uptake From the Tree Roots into the Trees – Highly Combustible Lumber Used in Construction.
Climate Change is Weather Altering Technology
Modern Weather a New Normal 
Directed Energy Weapon Systems
Thoughts to Consider:
Fire Retardant is Toxic – Yet MANY Feel Protected when it’s dumped overhead on us, the rivers, the plants, over everything.
Water Used on Fires has Metals in it!
Multiple Layered Attacks
NOTE:  We have highlighted, BELOW, important information Rosalind Petersonwrote about in “Our Dead and Dying Trees” DISCLOSURE.

Our Dead and Dying Trees – HEAVY METALS 

From Geoengineering


By Rosalind Peterson

July 22, 2007

Many trees have died or are in the process of dying in large areas across the United States, in Alaska, and WORLDWIDE  What is triggering such a broad decline and die-off response to entire suites of plant and tree communities?

In forestlands, in public parks, along rivers and streams, in watered areas, golf courses, or on private property, our trees are showing signs of major health problems or dying in record numbers. In some areas the majority of trees have died and left entire watersheds in jeopardy.

Allan Buckman, A former Associate Wildlife Biologist, Central Coast Region, California Department of Fish & Game, has been seeing vegetation changes and climate shifts over wide areas for years. 
Mr. Buckman completed field reviews over wide areas and has had over 35 years of field experience . 
Mr. Buckman noted: In the past I have seen localized die-off of plant communities.
I have never seen the present condition of wide spread impact in almost all  areas from a wide assortment of insects, fungus, molds, mildews, bacteria and virus.
I have seen areas where every tree and shrub in a drainage area has some form of health problem.
The impacts have been documented since 2002, both in pictures and videotape showing the massive changes              that have taken place in Northern California. Redding, California areas are showing declining Douglas Fir and Oak (without Sudden Oak Death Syndrome), tree health. These impacts are accelerating faster and can be noted in the number of trees showing symptoms, dead trees and the number of trees that have fallen down under unusual circumstances. 
Redwood Trees across wide areas are dying or showing signs of severe stress.

Trees are being cut down in record numbers across the United States without anyone doing the studies to determine why these trees are dying and what is causing this problem. Fires are burning hotter and are more devastating since the late 1980s.

This is as serious as it gets.
Sudden Oak Death, now blamed for many tree problems, is found rarely or not at all in some counties, and SOD diagnosis does not explain the widespread decline in Oak tree health in trees and counties not infected with SOD, nor does it explain the broad decline and die-off response in trees across the United States.
Tree-killing insects do not attack a healthy stand of trees unless individual trees are  stressed or some other pathogen is degrading the health of the tree.
The common dominator for deteriorating tree health:

Air pollution, white haze, climate change, increasing UV radiation, higher humidity caused persistent jet contrails, jet fuel emissions, lack of sunlight from persistent aging contrails or climate change produced by persistent jet contrails? There are over 50+ weather modification programs ongoing, according to NOAA records, in the United States. What impact does this chemical manipulation of our weather have on the regional micro-climates that are needed for tree, plant, and agricultural crop health?

Artificial weather modification through the use of chemicals impact all of us by reducing water supplies, changing agricultural crop production cycles, reducing crop production, and water availability. Since weather modification programs use chemicals released into the atmosphere the public IS subjected increasingly toxic substances that ARE adversely impact agricultural crops and trees.

Global dimming and the persistent contrails, that produce man-made clouds, has serious impacts on crop production. A recent corn crop study in Illinois shows that cloud cover reduces corn crop production while direct sunlight increases production.

The dead and dying trees, dead branches, impacted shrubs and bushes is turning some of our forests into torches when touched by fire.

According to Charles Little, in the 1995, book, Dying of the Trees, that: Aside from oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, other strange elements (besides vanadium) showed up in the core samples of the spruce and maple-elements that do not occur in natural forest systems, such as arsenic and barium, cadmium, zinc, lead and copper-were found, too.  

Aluminum, is increasingly being found in required water samples taken by local water districts, and 

are the most toxic of all to our trees.

Charles Little notes in his book notes: �As it happens, aluminum is a common constituent of forest soils almost everywhere, but it is locked up in aluminum silicates, and in this compound form is not available to tree and other plants, and therefore is no danger to them. But after the acid rains came the silicates ARE broken down, and the aluminum is freed to be taken up by trees and plants. The metal kills the roots first. This means that trees can no longer absorb and transport needed nutrients, such as phosphate, calcium, and magnesium-essential fertilizers that are themselves leached away from the soil should by acid deposition. The trees are weakened and are invaded by insects or pathogens or succumb to extremes of weather-or all of the above, in which case they die

Why is the rain here on the acidic side of the scale?

High levels of UV-B radiation are also impacting wide areas across the United States. This type of radiation can also impact tree health, growth rates, and stress tree in other ways. NOAA/National Weather Service puts current UV Index Forecasts on its websites. The UV exposure level in increasing throughout the United States. Could jet fuel emissions, which contain nitric acid that depletes beneficial ozone in our atmosphere, be one of the major culprits in this increase in UV radiation reaching the earth?
Replanting will be one answer only if we can determine what is causing the problem. Newly planted trees will die as well.

We also have a loss of pollinators and bees in the United States which is also detrimental to plants and trees, especially to agricultural fruit trees and crops. Chemically based weather modification programs, persistent jet contrails, that raise humidity and changing micro-climates, is disrupting tree and plant health across the United States and causing a decline in pollination by reducing the number of pollinators, like bees. Persistent jet contrails also reduces the amount of direct sunlight reaching the earth thereby reducing the photosynthesis process that is need for all plants and trees to grow properly and produce agricultural crops.

Tremendous numbers of trees are in decline or dead, not only in the United States but around the world.


Sadly, Rosalind did NOT know our alleged represetatives DO NOT represent us.  She thought we had a representative government, which we DO NOT.  If she had ONLY known that part of our reality she would likely have not recommended we, “CONTACT YOUR LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVES. ASK THEM TO AUTHORIZE AIR, TREE, WATER, AND SOIL TESTING. We need answers to the questions not just be told to wait, watch our trees die and then be cut or burned down by forest fires”.

Rosalind Peterson’s tireless work, and her website Agriculture Defense

and California Sky Watch is HOW we learned about the worldwide aerosol spraying programs, which forever changed our understanding of reality.
Rosalind, we are forever grateful 
May you rest in peace 
We will carry on.

Rosalind Peterson — Our Dead and Dying Trees – July 22, 2007

Kincade Fire – Ignited

in Sonoma County Wine Country in Northern California


ONLY one of MANY Fires

The blaze ignited on Oct. 23, 2019 and led to the mandatory evacuation of nearly 200,000 people.
It charred 121 square miles (313 square kilometer).

The cause of the fire remains under investigation but there was a possibility that electrical equipment belonging to Pacific Gas & Electric (aka Rothschild) was involved.

The utility had switched off power to prevent fires from starting but it didn’t de-energize a transmission tower near where the fire started.  The fire started at the World’s Largest Geothermal Plant (Calpine) which was targeted by directed energy weapons.

NOTE: The evidence was discovered on the fire alert tracking camera system and shown in this video.

In this article below you can scroll down and view the photo gallery of dozens of properties and land being intentionally destroyed by FIRE.  
This is what war zones look like.  
People’s homes have been destroyed and they are war refugees.
Did Kincade Fire threatening Geyserville start at geothermal power plant? Fire dispatcher reported “possible power lines down” … News Group. PUBLISHED: October 24, 2019 at 11:20 am | UPDATED: October 29, 2019 at 6:44 pm ….. We believe there is relatively minor damage to our facilities and further threat has passed.
The Kincade Fire burns a structure on Oct. 27, 2019, in Santa Rosa, California. … a fire north of San Francisco that damaged or destroyed more than 400 structures. … Distribution lines carry power to homes, while transmission lines move it from a power plant. …. 5800 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA, 90028
 Millions without power while Kincade fire prompts evacuation order for … 28 Oct 2019 21:32 … In anticipation of violent and damaging winds, today the National … that wildfires in Calfornia were the result of poor forest management. …. Coffey Park, a dense neighborhood in north Santa Rosa, is deep in the …
 From controlled burns to burying power lines to microgrids, what are the odds? … Kincade Fire burns in the outskirts of Santa Rosa on Oct. 28, 2019. …. Undergrounding makes damaged lines hard to access, and leaves … of water contamination, pipeline explosions and electrical fires that are killing people.
Did Kincade Fire threatening Geyserville start at geothermal power plant? Fire dispatcher reported “possible power lines down” … News Group. PUBLISHED: October 24, 2019 at 11:20 am | UPDATED: October 29, 2019 at 6:44 pm ….. We believe there is relatively minor damage to our facilities and further threat has passed.
From controlled burns to burying power lines to microgrids, what are the odds? … Kincade Fire burns in the outskirts of Santa Rosa on Oct. 28, 2019. …. Undergrounding makes damaged lines hard to access, and leaves … of water contamination, pipeline explosions and electrical fires that are killing people.
The latest updates on the Kincade Fire in Sonoma County, other wildfires and the PG&E outages. … Chalk Hill Road on Sunday, Oct. 27, 2019, in Healdsburg, Calif. …. plant back to shared power with PG&E,” officials said Monday night. … 7:16 p.m. Santa Rosa CityBus and Paratransit to operate for free: …
RED FLAG WARNING Issued from Tuesday through Wednesday. Another round of gusty offshore winds will combine with very low humidity to create critical fire weather conditions. #CAwx #CAFire #KincadeFire
PG&E says Tuesday weather event will impact 3.8 million customers: At a news conference, PG&E officials said that 3.8 million PG&E customers are within the zone that is a high risk for significant fire danger with the next wind event to start Tuesday.
Warming centers to open in Santa Clara County amid low temperatures: County officials are opening warming centers throughout the county starting Monday night due to temperatures that are forecast to drop into the 30s overnight through Wednesday morning. “The cold weather is particularly concerning with the potential for some residents to lose power this week during the Public Safety Power Shut Off,” county officials said. Click here for the full list of warming centers.

New shut-offs to affect 605,000 customer accounts in 29 counties: PG&E said the next round of shutoffs coming on Tuesday and Wednesday will affect up to 605,000 customers in 29 counties. In the same announcement, they said that of the 970,000 customers they cut off power to over the weekend, they’ve restored 325,000 of them, or 34%.

Smoke from Kincade Fire expected to bring unhealthy air for sensitive groups in parts of Yolo and Solano counties Monday night: Air quality is expected to reach unhealthy levels for sensitive groups in portions of Yolo and Solano counties on Monday night, according to the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District. Smoke is expected to disperse midday Tuesday as “the next north wind event starts,” air district officials said. Officials advise residents to stay indoors and limit their outdoor activity.

CHP releases updated list of Sonoma County road closures: California Highway Patrol reports the following roadways are closed due to the Kincade Fire:

Cal Fire downgrades some evacuation orders to warnings: Cal Fire officials said evacuation orders for all areas affected by the Kincade Fire west of East Side Road throughout the Russian River Valley to Bodega Bay had been reduced to warnings. Evacuation orders for areas south of Occidental Road had also been reduced to warnings. The following areas are now allowed to repopulate: Bodega, Bodega Bay, Carmet, Muniz Ranch, Sebastopol, Occidental, Freestone, Camp Meeker, Forestville, Rio Nido, Hacienda, Monte Rio, Cazadero, Guerneville and Valley Ford.

 Track smoke from several Northern California fires: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration officials tweeted a short video of the smoke captured by a satellite.

Red flag warnings issued for Tuesday morning, afternoon: The National Weather Service said red flag warnings for the North Bay will go into effect at 8 a.m. Tuesday, 1 p.m. in the East Bay and 1 p.m. in the Santa Cruz mountains and San Francisco Peninsula Coast. All warnings are expected to expire at 4 p.m. Wednesday. Red flag warnings indicate extreme fire behavior.

Gov. Newsom says CA firefighters have put 330 fires in 24 hours: More than 4,100 people are working on stopping the Kincade fire, which remains at 5% containment. Crews have held their own in the Windsor and Healdsburg areas, he said, giving officials confidence moving forward — but the changing winds could still be destructive. Newsom said 105 fire engines have come from out of state, including Nevada, Montana, Oregon and others. “A historic amount of pre-positioned assets have proven to have paid off in remarkable ways,” Newsom said. He added: “We are vigilant. We are prepared.”
Oakland mayor urges residents to prepare for looming shut-offs: Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf said parts of Oakland may be without power through Wednesday as PG&E officials try to restore power before more dangerous fire weather enters the area Tuesday. She also called the company’s response “unacceptable.”
Red flag warnings expire, near critical fire conditions prevail: National Weather Service officials said red flag warnings expired at 11 a.m., but near-critical fire conditions persist with low humidity levels and strong gusts at peak high points.
White House issues statement on wildfires: “The White House and FEMA have been in contact with State and local officials in California, including Governor Newsom personally. Federal resources have been made available and we continue to work with the Governor and his staff to determine if additional support is necessary. The President will continue to monitor the situation,” said Judd Deere, a special assistant to the president and deputy press secretary.

PG&E cut off power to more people than planned: PG&E officials said they had expected to shut off power to 940,000 customers as a precautionary measure to stop equipment from sparking deadly and destructive fires. The company on Monday said it actually shut off power to about 960,000 customers.

Devastation of wildfire coming into full view: Windy conditions have calmed, allowing journalists to enter neighborhoods in Windsor and inspect the Kincade Fire’s path of destruction.

Two people reported missing: Two missing people were reported to the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, according to the California Highway Patrol’s Golden Gate Division.

Vallejo lifts water restriction: Vallejo city officials lifted a restriction on water use after PG&E officials helped deliver a 4,160-volt generator capable of powering a city water pumping complex. “Sufficient raw water is being pumped into the Vallejo Water System for treatment,” city officials said in a statement. “Residents did a phenomenal job conserving water, dropping use from 16.8 million to 12 million gallons of water used in a 24-hour period.”

Evacuation orders still in place: Sonoma County Sheriff Mark Essick said residents cannot re-enter areas affected by the fire, but officials are working to re-populate the western part of the county. Updates will be sent via Nixle. Essick said firefighters were able to save the northern part of Windsor because people had evacuated the area. “Had that area not been evacuated those firefighters would not have been as effective as they were; we had a lot of success,” Essick said.
Law enforcement from across the state mobilizedSonoma County Sheriff Mark Essick said there are several hundred peace officers from more than 140 police agencies assisting with the Kincade Fire response. “We are very grateful for our partners for being there for us,” he said.

Smoke across Bay Area expected to get worse Monday: The stinging smoke that greeted Bay Area residents Monday morning is going to get worse, according to the National Weather Service. With the heavy winds that rolled across the region dying down, smoke from the Kincade Fire in Sonoma County and the Glen Cove Fire in Vallejo is heading into the central Bay Area and lingering, Smoke from the Grizzly Fire at Grizzly Island near Suisun City is also contributing to the accumulation. “Unfortunately, it looks like the whole Bay Area will see more smoke later this afternoon and this evening,” said Spencer Tangen, a National Weather Service meteorologist. “You’ll be able to smell it, taste it and see it.”

Smoke harming air quality in Bay Area: Much of Sonoma is experiencing unhealthy air quality as smoke from the Kincade Fire hovers over the region. East Bay air quality has also deteriorated; a monitor in Concord, last updated at midnight, shows the air at the “unhealthy for sensitive groups” level. A Spare the Air alert is in effect for the region Monday.


Our Dead and Dying Trees – HEAVY METALS From Geoengineering – Rosalind Peterson —

KISS SINGLE FAMILY HOMES – GOOD-BYE . . . . New bill means saying goodbye to single-family zoning . . .


New bill means saying goodbye to single-family zoning

Keep in mind, Sharon Rushton, who published this information below, is unaware this NEW LAW is exactly what we face as our cities and counties, everywhere in America,

are deploying the Goals of Sustainable Development. She also is unaware that our presumed elected representatives do not work for us. The alleged representatives work for the corporate network agency called U.S.A., Inc.

With so many uninformed people we can easily understand why we will no longer have single family homes.

We will review SB 68 and discuss how this bill conforms with the global plans of reducing housing availability and reimagining our future lives living in smart kill cities.

Most important to understand, while you will read this bill as approved in California, these are goals planned for YOU in YOUR community, everywhere, worldwide.

Read the highlighted and underlined text below and discount the author’s lack of understanding the facts in the remainder that is written. We opted to use this article to frame the facts and illustrate what the author is wrongly stating.

Marin Voice: New bill means saying goodbye to single-family zoning


PUBLISHED: November 18, 2019

Assembly Bill 68, entitled “Land Use: Accessory Dwelling Units,” is one of the new housing bills that Gov. Newsom recently signed. It is an example of the State Legislature’s poor planning.

This detrimental bill eliminates single family zoning and enables the transformation of beneficial accessory dwelling units (second units and granny flats) into overcrowded multifamily triplexes with potentially multiple adverse impacts.

There are various advantages to adding an accessory dwelling unit or second unit to a home. For homeowners, the extra unit can provide additional income, support family members such as adult children or aging parents and house on-site caregivers. In addition, the units sometimes provide additional affordable housing for low income residents, although this is not guaranteed. When local jurisdictions craft careful accessory dwelling unit ordinances, these second units can fit seamlessly into an established community.

Unfortunately, by stripping away local control, community engagement, and environmental review related to second units, AB 68 goes too far.

Before adoption of the bill, a locality could choose whether or not to allow ADUs and if so, could set appropriate development standards (parking standards, setbacks, allowable density, height, for example) and require the property owner to live on site.

In contrast, the new law requires jurisdictions to “ministerially” allow a homeowner, in single family neighborhoods, to build a detached backyard residence that is at least 800-square-feet and 16-feet-high with only four-foot side and rear setbacks, as well as convert a garage, office or spare room into a third living space. The size of the two additional units can be over and above the existing allowable square footage for the primary home.

Ministerial approval (“over-the-counter approval”) streamlines the permit process and eliminates discretionary review and public hearings, thereby stifling public engagement and comments as well as environmental review.

In addition, the bill requires a local agency to ministerially approve up to 25% of the existing units in a multifamily building, provided the units are within the existing structure and meet certain criteria.

Besides density, height and setbacks, the bill greatly relaxes other ADUs’ development standards too. The bill prohibits local jurisdictions from imposing standards on lot coverage or minimum lot size for accessory dwelling units.

The bill further prohibits cities from requiring additional parking spaces when homeowners convert garages to new housing (unless the city can prove, with specific findings, that insufficient off-street parking would harm public health and safety, and do so within a very short timeframe). This will force more cars to park on the street, change the aesthetics of communities and make it harder for emergency vehicles to reach areas with narrow roads, among other problems.

This could result in dire consequences. Under current conditions, residents who live on the narrow, windy streets of Almonte in unincorporated Mill Valley, have reported incidents when paramedics could not speedily reach their emergency destinations because parked vehicles blocked the roadway. In one instance, the paramedics were going door to door, trying to find the owner of a wide SUV, while a medically distressed neighbor waited for help.

Without requiring a homeowner to live on the premises, AB 68 incentivizes large-scale investors to buy up single-family homes, convert them to triplexes and then operate them as commercial enterprises.

Over time, as the supply of single-family homes diminishes due to conversions to triplexes, the price for the remaining single-family dwellings will become even more expensive.

Moreover, although it is expected that the subsequent increase in housing, insufficient parking, and population growth will result in numerous adverse impacts (traffic congestion, overcrowded schools, lack of water, etc.), AB-68 provides no funding for dealing with these impacts. Instead, local communities will have to cover the costs.

It is important to note that Marin’s representatives, Sen. Mike McGuire and Assemblymember Marc Levine, voted for AB 68. This is despite the fact that most Marin residents greatly value single-family neighborhoods.

If you agree, please contact McGuire at (916) 651-4002 and Levine at (916) 319-2010. Let them know you are disappointed that they voted for AB-68.

(Our Comment)

Should you decide to contact either of the above people, please understand they work within the corporate construct. They are “instructed” by staffers to comply with the United Nations, the IMF, the International Bankers and others to bring in the Sustainable Development Goals and Agendas, including limiting housing, and much more.



5G ‘can spy on you’: Critic sensationally claims tech will watch you at home

5G ‘can spy on you’: Critic sensationally claims tech will watch you at home

A vocal 5G critic who makes Youtube videos describing the technology as “weapons” has claimed it can be misused to listen and watch people in their own homes


An inventor has sensationally claimed that 5G technology can be abused to spy on people in their own homes – listening in on conversations and even watching people in the bath.

The state-of-the-art technology could revolutionise the speed of mobile phones when it is eventually rolled out.


But ever since it was announced, conspiracies have emerged of its potential health dangers.

Mark Steele, who makes Youtube conspiracy videos of himself dismantling LED lamps and 5G equipment, believes local councils installing the masts are ignorant to the threat they put people under.

In an interview with Daily Star Online, the patent writer said 5G waves are the same ones used by self-driving cars and therefore street lights fitted with 5G technology are “scanners”.

An inventor has sensationally claimed that 5G technology can be abused to spy on people
An inventor said he is very worried 5G will be abused to spy on people (Image: Getty)

“The street light arrays – it’s all one large array – can all work in conjunction with each other, that’s the purpose of them,” he said.

“And what they do, they scan the environment, if you look at the technicalities, the specifics are for autonomous cars.

“Now to send a collimated signal [a signal that is made as straight as possible] you need to be able to target acquire the car.

“You have to be able to see it.”

Explaining more how he believes microwaves can be abused with 5G, Mark added: “If you’ve got Wi-Fi in your home what actually happens is that you have actually got microwave radiation in the environment and I can scan that environment and any disturbance in those microwaves, I can pick that up and I can actually turn that and a digitalisation of that into voice recognition.

“So not only can I listen to you, I can see you.

“Obviously you’re a biological structure so I can’t see you very well, but I can certainly see an image of you, and I can see in your home.”

Mark – who acts as a technical advisor to anti-5G group – has also claimed that he is afraid the waves are damaging to human health.

Many mainstream scientists have dismissed the claims of 5G dangers and there is no conclusive proof of cancer-causing radiation from phones.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said there has been no evidence of detrimental effects caused by mobile phones despite studies conducted over two decades.

In 2011, WHO declared mobile phones (which use radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation) as a Class 2B carcinogen, meaning the technology is “possibly linked to cancer” but there is limited evidence in human studies.










SMOKE a Weapon of DEATH 

FIRE “Microwave” Warfare

Directed Energy Weapons

Deployed on the People



Smoke Particulates Suspended in the Air Can Cause

Early Death

Some Health Effects of Microwave FIRES by Design

Lung Irritation, Persistent Coughing, Phlegm, Wheezing,  

Reduced Lung Function, Bronchitis, Asthma Attacks,

Heart Failure, Early Death . . .


and MORE.


People over 65 and people who already have heart and

lung problems are the 

MOST likely to suffer from SERIOUS effects . . .


Large populations will be exposed to smoke during a microwave fire attack. Certain life stages and populations are at greater risk of experiencing health effects, including people with respiratory or cardiovascular diseases, children and older adults, pregnant women, people of lower socioeconomic status, and outdoor workers. 


NEW SMOKE Regulations –

Resulting from the microwave fire attacks.

 OUR “New Normal” of FIRE Warfare . . .  

Dusts, Fumes, Mists, Vapors and Gases –

a Toxic Brew

Employer SMOKE Regulations – to SHIFT

Smoke Illness and Responsibility to


a Stealth PLOT by the Arsonists 

to avoid liability by making the victims PAY.

Smoke WILL Kill Many

and the Criminals Know That

A perfect scheme

to make the employers




We are witnessing MANY intentional 

and deadly attacks 


The Arsonists are shedding their business 

liabilities –

 PG&E (for example) and Other Perpetrators 



DISSOLVING Themselves through

Bankruptcy and Fake Laws 

that Eliminates Liability and Accountability –

think Big Pharma – Held Harmless






Employers Must Know the Current and

Forecasted AQI for PM2.5

– go to            

Below is a link from the NEW Smoke 



Must Provide Employee Protection from


 and Information to Employees 



Employees shall have the right to obtain

medical treatment 

without “fear” of reprisal from their

employers . . 


Massive litigation will ensue and attorneys

will prey upon businesses –

which is the PLAN.  



Countless Class Action Law Suits are

on the way . . .



the American Bar Association

has signed onto 

enforcing all consequences of

climate change 

“the new fake normal” 

The BAR (Rothschild CONtrolled) is in the

process of creating 

rules, regulations, fines, penalties and more.  

Weather Weapon Deniers

Solid smoke particles and liquid droplets suspended in air,known as particulate matter, with an aero dynamic diameter of 2.5 micro meters or smaller- can kill you. . .

The new smoke regulation is intended to create significant burdens on employers. The regulation requires employers to anticipate when their employees may be exposed smoke caused by directed energy weapons. Most employers do not have this expertise, and the unpredictability of the microwave fire attacks and the smoke produced makes compliance with this smoke regulation challenging and costly. 

While we are told the emergency smoke regulation will be in effect for one year we can anticipate extensions.  Since, we are told we are in a “new normal” called climate change aka weather weapons – smoke regulations will become more stringent and costly. 

Employers should reasonably anticipate that employees could be exposed to wildfire smoke.

The regulation specifically exempts worksites that are indoors and where the air is filtered by mechanical ventilation. It also exempts outdoor worksites where the employer can show the AQI level does not exceed 151, or where the AQI level is 151 or greater for one hour or less during a shift. Firefighters are also exempt from this regulation.  

Sadly, firefighters are soldiers in an unacknowledged Microwave WAR – and are exempt from smoke regulations, herein.

California employers must determine employee exposure to PM 2.5 for worksites covered by this section before each shift.

Fines and Penalties:

We Must Find OUT “if” this penalty applies to SMOKE: 

On Jan. 15, 2019, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a notice announcing another increase in the maximum penalty amounts for violations of federal Occupational Safety and Health standards and regulations. Under the new structure, the maximum penalty for “Willful” or “Repeated” violations is $132,598. Moreover, the maximum penalty for “Failure to Abate” violations is $13,260 per day after the abatement date. Finally, the maximum penalty allowed for “Serious,” “Other-Than-Serious,” and “Posting Requirements” violations is $13,260. In addition, states that operate their own Occupational Safety and Health plans are required to adopt maximum penalties levels that are at least as effective as federal OSHA’s. 

Wildfire Smoke. Emissions from fires in”wildlands.”as defined in Title 8,section 3402,or in adjacent developed areas.

Protection from Wildfire Smoke – as applies to work places: the Employer . . .

The employer should reasonably anticipate that employees maybe exposed to wildfire smoke.

The following workplaces and operations are exempt from this section:

Enclosed buildings or structures in which the air is filtered by a mechanical ventilation system and the employer ensures that windows, doors,bays,and other openings are kept closed to minimize contamination by outdoor or unfiltered air.

Enclosed vehicles in which the air is filtered by a cabin air filter and the employer ensures that windows doors and other openings are kept closed to minimize contamination by outdoor or unfiltered air.

The employer must demonstrate that the concentration of PM2.5 in the air does not exceed a concentration that corresponds to a current AQI of 151 or greater by measuring PM2.5 levels at the work site in accordance with Appendix A.

  1. Remember, Fire fighters engaged in microwave firefighting are exempt from smoke protection under this section.


Wildfire Smoke – EPA

Specific Strategies to Reduce Exposure to Wildfire Smoke . ….. Fine, inhalable particulate matter (PM2.5) is the air pollutant of greatest concern to public health from wildfire …… adopted an emergency regulation for a Cal/OSHA standard to …

The EPA is a “taken” agency and is participating in our demise:

EPA says – Wildfire smoke events can occur without warning
– but we can be prepared. Their  Guide in the link above is intended
to provide state, tribal, and local public health officials with information they need to be prepared for smoke events and, when wildfire smoke is present, to communicate health risks and take measures to protect the public. Although developed for public health officials, the information in this document could be useful to many other groups including health professionals, air quality officials, and members of the public. The document is divided into five Chapters and five Appendices. Guide authors and contributors will post up-to-date guidance, documents, and other new evidence-based information here between revisions for use by public health officials. 

Specific Strategies to Reduce Exposure to Smoke caused by Microwave FIRES:
In areas where the public is experiencing microwave fires and smoke, public health and air quality agencies should provide advice on strategies to limit exposure, which include staying indoors; limiting physical activity; reducing indoor air pollution sources; effectively using air conditioners and air filters or cleaners; creating cleaner air shelters; and using respiratory protection appropriately.

The most common advisory during a smoke episode is to stay indoors, where people can better control their environment. Whether at home or in a public space, indoor environments that have filtered air and climate control can provide relief from smoke and heat. High-efficiency heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) filters (rated MERV 13 or higher) in systems that can accommodate them can help reduce particle concentrations indoors. 


It’s YOUR Fault 

or the Fault of YOUR Employer 

if you become sick, ill and DIE from the consequences of directed energy weapons!

FCC announces $9B fund for rural 5G deployment | Smart Cities Dive

Dive Brief:

  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai announced plans for a $9 billion fund to help carriers deploy 5G wireless service in rural America, which will replace an existing program that supported 4G LTE networks. 
  • The 5G Fund will be distributed through a reverse auction and will target areas with difficult terrain or sparse populations. The FCC will set aside at least $1 billion for projects facilitating precision agriculture. 
  • According to a report released by the FCC this week, the previous Mobility Fund Phase II was marred by inaccurate data provided by carriers. Based on speed tests conducted over nearly 10,000 miles of driving, FCC staff determined that “coverage maps submitted by certain carriers likely overstated each provider’s actual coverage and did not reflect on-the-ground experience in many instances.”

Dive Insight:

Telecoms have charged ahead to deploy 5G in urban areas since the spring, with limited launches in downtown neighborhoods. But rural areas have lagged behind. Because 5G requires installation of small cells to broadcast heavy data, it’s a challenge to install the necessary infrastructure in sparsely populated areas. Despite promises from telecoms that they will target rural areas — Sprint and T-Mobile have made that pledge a key part of their proposed merger — deployment is likely far off.

The federal funding, however, will offer a major inventive and help companies get over the high up-front cost of installing infrastructure and obtaining spectrum. Federal funding from the FCC, the Agriculture Department and other agencies has helped improve rural broadband access. 

Christopher Mitchell, director of the Community Broadband Networks Initiative for the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, said the funds will help, although he cautioned that rural areas will still not likely see the kind of speeds cities will get. Instead, he said, “you’ll see better services that may be similar to 5G, but it’s really about improved mobile service.”

That, Mitchell added, will require oversight by the FCC, especially after the problems with the 4G deployment. According to the FCC report, participants in the Mobility Fund Phase II, including Verizon, U.S. Cellular, and T-Mobile, provided data that was “not sufficiently reliable” to justify continuing the program. That meant customers were not getting promised speeds, and the digital divide did not shrink as much as the government had promised it would. 

“This is nothing that came out of the blue, the FCC had ample opportunity to look into this and act on it,” Mitchell said. “They need to be much more stringent and dedicate a focus to proving that claims that are made are followed through.”

View new ALL Electric Fire Truck . . . Reduce C02 and GHG to Keep the Climate from Changing

KISS YOUR GAS Good BYE:  View new ALL Electric Fire Truck 
Reduce C02 and GHG to Keep the Climate from Changing
The Fire Agencies Have Been CAPTURED

View new Electric Rosenbauer Concept Fire Truck on Dec. 12 at Fire Station

The public is invited to a community open house at Menlo Park Fire Station 6 (700 Oak Grove Ave.) to view the Electric Rosenbauer Concept Fire Truck (CFT) on December 12, 2019, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm.

Fire Chief Harold Schapelhouman asks “why does an All-Electric Fire Engine make sense for a municipal Fire Agency like ours?” Some answers:

Typically, Fire Engines only travel short distances before returning to their home base, or Fire Station, so electric motors make perfect sense.

Most emergencies only last 30 minutes or less and this Engine can be shut down once it arrives at the incident, so an electric motor is very practical, efficient and environmentally responsible.

Over 90% of all emergencies are short duration incidents, like medical incidents, vehicle accidents, alarm soundings and other calls, so demand on the power supply and battery is minimal.

Diesel is currently used to power most Fire Engines, but it is a carcinogen which is bad for the health of the public, our first responders and our responsible stewardship of the air we all breath.

Electric vehicles have fewer moving parts which not only results in less wear and tear, but also maintenance, which often creates costly “down-time” that can compromise emergency readiness, response, reliability and overall public safety.

This electric vehicle will be equipped with a redundant battery system and small booster motor for longer duration responses and incidents like fire calls, where greater reliability for an essential and critical emergency response vehicle is needed.

“An all-electric Fire Engine is both environmentally and socially responsible because of the potential impacts on world-wide climate change and its associated challenges that we are directly dealing with here in California, like wild fires, sea rise and flooding,” said the Chief.

“Everyone trusts and respects firefighters, that’s why we are helping to not only lead the way when it comes to embracing such a revolutionary change in our first response capabilities, but also our environmental stewardship of the communities overall health and welfare, which is so critically important to the greater good of the communities we serve and protect!”

Photo courtesy of Menlo Fire