Tracking Aquifer Water With Seismic Noise – Environmental Monitor

Tracking Aquifer Water With Seismic Noise


In drought-stressed areas like California where every drop in the aquifer counts, seismic noise may be the key to monitoring water. Harvard University PhD student and principal investigator Tim Clements spoke to EM about this recent work, and how it might be a game changer for water watchers across the country.

PG&E – and FIRES and more . . . a You Tube

David Hawkins lays out the fires in relation to:

MDA (McDonald Detweiler and Assoc) now Maxar Technologies [CIA front]
   drag-and-drop interface for specific targets
Serco (in charge of multiple air traffic controls ATCs)
NIMA (National Imaging & Mapping Agency)
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Nanowave Technologies Inc. – microwave (HPM) transmitters
Cavity magnetron patent passed to RCA by British (British RCA became Serco)
“socially responsible investment”
“catastrophe bonds” (cat bonds) – PG&E took out a big one in July 2018
collateralized debt obligation (sponsors / investors)
sabotage team
“carbon credits” – car hits

Effects of Directed Energy Weapons – 1994 – FIRES and Destruction and Death


This book is on the effects of directed energy weapons. That is,
how they propagate to and interact with targets. Propagation and
target interaction are the key elements in an analysis of a
weapon’s utility to accomplish a given mission. For example, the
effectiveness of a nuclear missile is determined by the yield of its
warhead and the accuracy of its guidance, and the effectiveness of
a rifle is determined by the type of round fired, the range to the
target, and the skill of the soldier who fires it. Directed energy
weapons are no different. But while there are books and manuals
that deal with the issues affecting the utility of nuclear missiles
and rifles, there is no comparable source of information for directed
energy weapons. I have tried to fill that void with this book.
Weapons are devices which deliver sufficient energy to targets to
damage them. Weapon design involves a dialog between weapon
designers, and military planners. Designers create means of projecting
energy, and planners have targets that they would like to
destroy. Effective design requires a knowledge of the targets and
the circumstances of their engagement, and effective planning requires
a knowledge of the weapons and their characteristics. But in
new and emerging areas of weaponry, designers and planners
often don’t speak the same language. As a result, designers can operate
in ignorance of operational realities, and planners can assume
that anything involving new technology will meet all their needs.
This book should also serve as an introduction to the language of
directed energy weapons for military planners and other non-technical
persons who need to understand what the engineers and scientists
involved in their development are talking about.
Chapter 1 outlines basic philosophies and ideas that are used
throughout the book. The other chapters are each devoted to a specific
type of directed energy weapon, and are reasonably self-contained.
Therefore, a reader interested primarily in one weapon type
will find it sufficient to read Chapter 1 together with the chapter of
interest. In some cases, duplication is avoided by developing topics
in great detail in one chapter, and presenting them again in a summary
form in other chapters. The reader is referred to the detailed
discussion for any elaboration that may be required.

PARADISE & MAGALIA RESIDENTS CONFUSED BY MYSTERY POWDER–Magalia-residents-confused-by-mystery-powder-469454243.html

People in Paradise and Magalia are confused about a mystery, white powder that suddenly started showing up on their vehicles.

Many say they’ve never seen anything like this and there is lots of speculation about what this could be.

“My girlfriend down the street came over the other day, and she also has a black car, and she said ‘What is that? Do you have this stuff all over your car?’” said Magalia resident Chawne Luna.

She’s lived in Magalia for 16 years, and this is the first time she’s seen this something like this.

People are describing it as a gritty, gray powder that’s slightly slippery when you touch it.

Some are thinking it’s pollen, but many say it’s not because pollen is yellow and sticks to your car. This stuff is white, and it just blows right off.

Luna said she just spent a few hundred dollars getting her cars detailed.

“It was continuing to fall during the detailing process, so all-day long it’s been falling. We got up this morning and the cars were covered again,” she said.

And now it’s all over the cars again.

Lots of people are also talking about this online; there are hundreds of comments on various Facebook pages about this, of course with plenty of theories.

Cal Fire Battalion Chief Joe Tapia said they haven’t received any calls about it and none of them have even seen it.

Some speculate it’s ash.

“We’ve had lots of fires up here, obviously, so we’ve had ash on our cars and it’s obviously a lot larger particles, this is just a very fine dust.” Luna said.

Tapia said people are burning some piles in their yards but there are no large vegetation fires going on anywhere in the North State.


Paradise Fire Pics

Here are some more shots from the Paradise Fire, other neighborhoods with pg&e damages and other anomolies. Like I said before, I am just trying to get these out to the public because I have no channel or followers (obviously) to get any awareness of what is really happening.


FIRES RAGE – in The Land Down Under . . . is Queensland Targeted with DEW’s?


FIRES RAGE – in The Land Down Under . . .
is Queensland Targeted with DEW’s?

Climate Change “IS” Weather Control . . . and their plans forewarned of the different weaponized weather attacks that will be used.

The City of Melbourne Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan is provided in the link below:

Excerpts from the PLAN:
Risks and impacts addressed
CoM was forewarned that by 2030, the City is likely to be significantly affected by warmer temperatures and heatwaves, lower rainfall, intense storm events and flash flooding1. In addition, four potential extreme event scenarios for the broader Melbourne region required a more comprehensive assessment of these climate change risks: * Less rainfall and more chance of drought
* Extreme heatwaves and bushfires
* Intense rainfall and wind storms
* Sea level rise
Each risk was assessed on a 1 to 5 scale for its likelihood of occurring and the consequences. Critical risks requiring
the most serious management and
monitoring attained a combined rating of 7 or more. All critical risks have been detailed to identify their risk attributes, stakeholders, recommended adaptation measures and next steps.
Immediate impacts of intense rainfall and wind events, heatwaves and droughts

Climate Action Plan – Melborne

Queensland bushfire emergency continues for Deepwater and areas around Mackay, Rockhampton
Residents in parts of central Queensland are again being told to leave immediately as bushfires flare up in Winfield and Captain Creek as well as Broken River west of Mackay.

Key points:

· 120 fires continue to burn across Queensland
· A leave now alert is in place for Stanwell, Kabra, The Caves, Winfield, Captain Creek, Broken Hill, Deepwater, Baffle Creek, Rules Beach and Oyster Creek
· Residents need to stay informed regarding fires in Gracemere, Undullah, and Round Hill
· The Campwin Beach and Wamuran fires have been downgraded to advice level
· More than 60 schools are closed around the state
· Follow our main story for full coverage

Here’s the ABC’s Lexy Hamilton-Smith with the latest from emergency management HQ:

They are saying that conditions are extreme, not catastrophic. And the winds are picking up this afternoon which is why we have lot more spot fires at this point. We have spoken with the Fire Brigade, they say the fires yesterday near Gladstone, there were flames up to 20m high, and some residents who look like they have lost a bit of property have said it was like tornado winds, so extremely frightening in that area. So while there is some relief today and round here at headquarters, there are few smiles on people’s faces at this point. They say it is still dangerous and people have to be on extreme alert.

And James Hancock in Gracemere:

People I’ve spoken to describe the terrifying scene as the fire storm approached yesterday. They are counting their blessings today that no properties were damaged. Following on from what Lexy has said, I am outside Gracemere, next to Kabra and the latest advice for the Kabra fire, formerly the Gracemere fire, is for residents to prepare to leave. The latest information is firefighters are battling the fire on several fronts, in the process of putting in firebreaks to protect homes. Some homes are threatened by the fire at Kabra and in surrounding areas. I am outside the Kabra pub where a staging post has been set up by firefighters as they monitor the fire ground and send resources. Water bombers are in the air this afternoon helping firefighters on the ground to try to get on top of the blaze. Certainly it is a changing situation minute by minute and the latest information for the Kabra fire is for residents to prepare to leave with the fire threatening homes.