CIA 1960: Memorandum for Climate Control – Veterans Today | News – Military Foreign Affairs Policy

CIA 1960: Memorandum for Climate Control

By Enkidu Gilgamesh for Veterans Today


  1. Comprehension of the uncomprendable!
  2. Why Climate Control?
  3. ClimateControl results in ClimateChange!
  4. Explaining some notions.
  5. Truth with the labyrinth of lies.
  6. The CIA-Memorandum
  7. The “good” CIA job.
  8. Other Historic Documents
  9. Sources
  10. Other Papers confirming ClimateControl!
  11. Geophysical Warfare in practice!

. . . . . .

1. Comprehension of the uncomprendable!

 . Before the climatology scam began, the CIA wrote a memorandum named “Climate Control“. Unter the conditions of post WWII and ongoing cold war. After 20 years of research the development and usage of climate control methods was proposed and the official implementation started with this memorandum. . The paper reveals not only the intention of global water grabbing (GWG) for desert farming and climate control as WMD of “Goephysical Warfare“, but climate control as the main reason for the development of nuclear energy! . According to this paper the nuclear power plants are proposed as the source of magnitude energy, required for climate control! . Definitely, climate control is the backbone of BPMED (Bankster Pervert Military Empire of Deception)! Just to give the monster a descriptive name. .

Read more “CIA 1960: Memorandum for Climate Control – Veterans Today | News – Military Foreign Affairs Policy”

MILITARY TAKEOVER – Military Expert Panel Report – Sea Level Rise and the U.S. Military’s MISSION . . .

ALERT: Depopulation Murder Rates – Planned Global Genocide 2018-2025 with Maps . .

Deagel collects information on international military aviation and advanced technologies.

It lists its partners and clients as:

Russian Defence Procurement Agency Stratfor

The World Bank UN

Its report on North Korea was given to the US President during Presidential Daily Briefings and was quoted by a Stratfor report, as can be seen in WikiLeaks documents:

Deagel is thus a recognized intelligence provider to military, secret services & governments. For this reason, its forecasts have to be taken seriously, not least because they are recognized by powerful global players. They forecasts drastic population decreases in the Western world.

The analysis on Steamit described it as:

“Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025”

ADVISORY: FORCED Out of Our Cars and into Resilient Cities for COMPLETE control of ALL of US . . . all of us everywhere!

ADVISORY:  FORCED Out of Our Cars and into Resilient Cities for COMPLETE control of ALL of US . . . all of us everywhere!
INSIDER COMMENT – After reading this please read the current article as written in the New York Times linked below . . .
WE, all of us, everywhere, are being forced out of our cars into AV, autonomous vehicles, and into RESILIENT CITIES crafted by Rothschild and Rockefeller.  These cities are designed for TOTAL CONTROL of all of us, all resources, all information, and in-fact our physical bodies including our minds!
What to expect in these Resilient Cities.  COMPLETE CONFINEMENT and Population Reduction!  Robots in the large and they will have no problem with the 5G death frequency network that knowingly will cause human genocide.
Please listen to the YouTube “Kill Cities by Rothschild and Rockefeller“which now has an advisory from YouTube . . .
Please listen to the YouTube:  “My Experience as a Targeted Individual” Part 1 and Part 3  (Myron May)  It’s important to note that what he tells us is happening to millions of people all over the world, and this WILL happen to ALL of us when we get herded into the Resilient Cities. . .
You will note in the article below and it bares repeating:  “proposal to get Californians out of their cars: a bill in the State Legislature that would allow eight-story buildings near major transit stops, even if local communities object.”  EVEN IF LOCAL COMMUNITIES OBJECT . . This demonstrates that we have an unelected corporate agency network, some call the U.S. Government, BUT we also have an unelected local corporate government agency network that is funded largely by grants that we call local governments.  This corporate agency network does NOT represent us, the people. . .
We have been tricked by the Bankers and the BAR Lawyers and we will all soon pay the price for our ignorance!
Please read “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” a free download on
 Excerpt from The Press Democrat 3/16/18
SAN FRANCISCO – It’s an audacious proposal to get Californians out of their cars: a bill in the State Legislature that would allow eight-story buildings near major transit stops, even if local communities object.
  1. Conor Dougherty – The New York Times

    A Bold, Divisive Plan to Wean Californians From Cars. Legislation would allow more home building along transit routes to reduce gas-guzzling commutes. Some who support the goal have denounced the method. By CONOR DOUGHERTY and BRAD PLUMER. March 16, 2018 …
ATTACHED is the blueprint for the abolishment of state and county government by the institution of “Regionalism.”
Centralization of power must be stopped because centralized power in the federal government, and the resulting loss of States’ rights, is the one thing necessary for the success of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

KILL CITIES – by Rothschild and Rockefeller – Gone Main Stream . . .

KILL CITIES – by Rothschild and Rockefeller  – Gone Main Stream . . . Washington Post and beyond . . .

Apparently, the Rothschilds have access to technology that causes the kind of freak weather currently linked to climate change, and use it to drive people out of farms and rural areas into inner cities.

“This a genocide program,” says California conspiracist Deborah Tavares in a YouTube video cited by the Post. “We are being moved now into what they call ‘resilient cities.’ And it’s important to get this word out, start looking it up: Resilient cities. Understand what this is: This is a plan brought in by Rothschild and Rockefeller.”

A New and Great American Hero in DC Stands Tall . . .
Members of Congress know the Rothschild’s control the
weather and are behind resilient cities, but would never
admit it because they feed at the DC Rothschild taxpayer
money trough as the pigs in muck and the liars that they
are. We the People are in Great Danger!

Debunking Snoop –
Recently snoop4truth sent out a mass email 
accusing Deborah Tavares of spreading hoaxes. 
Snoop4truth is an anonymous troll.He presents his incorrect positions and
accusations as fact. And of course he
is wrong.One thing for sure he is no legal expert.

His repeated assertion that Rod Class is Judge Dale is not only
laughable it is a redirection technique. As he doesn’t mention
my name or web site, he hopes to decrease the chances that
folks will visit it. Because, if they did they might run across the
interview of former World Bank attorney Karen Hudes on a
Rod Class call whereby she independently confirms information
Judge Dale provides in his book The Great American Adventure.
You can hear 15 minutes of her interview here: might also discover attorney/researcher Melvin Stamper’s book
Fruit from a Poisonous Tree. Stamper also independently confirms
Judge Dale’s information. If snoop4truth had the legal expertise to
challenge either of these legal giants, he would surely not be posting


Snoop4truth is likely a paid disinformation agent. We should ignore
all his anonymous messages . . .where ever they appear.
Perhaps Deborah should feel good about the fact that she is getting
her message out so far and wide that our common enemy now has
to pay people to try and discredit her.
AL Whitney, Editor of
Host of In Defense of Humanity on RBN, Saturdays at 8 pm ET
Kill Cities by Rothschild and Rockefeller
Kill Cities by Rothschild and Rockefeller