Oregon governor sends police to find lawmakers who skipped climate vote-1 Another FAKE News Story

This is Just MORE fake news to keep people in the right left political system, which does not exist.  

We are entangled in a vast network of corporate government agencies who CONtrol us through the United Nations, International bankers, IMF – we are in Earth, Inc. and we are the enemy.  
You will NEVER hear Fox News tell the truth about climate change.  
Climate Change IS Weather Weapons, and more.
See the document – “1960 CIA Memorandum for Climate 

Read more “Oregon governor sends police to find lawmakers who skipped climate vote-1 Another FAKE News Story”


Climate Change Plans Will See Cars, Homes And Towns 
Shaken Up
Climate Action Plans – set out “radical” reforms
Insider Comment:
While what you will read in the article after this insider comment talks about Ireland keep in mind these plans have been adopted in your city, town, state, nation, island, country WORLDWIDE.

The plan bans the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Those remaining on the road after 2030 will not be issued new NCT certificates after 2045.

The NCT is the National Car Test.
This is conducted by a private company to determine that a car is roadworthy.
An example of how this works is the story – on the radio – of a man with an older car, low miles, in impeccable condition. His car failed the NCT because it did not have airbags. The point is the car was roadworthy and they refused to pass it putting the man off the road and rendering his car worthless. This is how a private company will control transport. 
Thus, they will eventually be able to retire all gasoline / diesel cars based on precedent and dictat.
If you don’t have the money for an electric car, you’re out of luck and you’re forced to use public transport. Of course you’re tracked and exposed to the Tetra and other wireless as well as 5G / 6G frequencies. 
Currently all newer cars have a QRS chip which allows them to be tracked. (Nobody asked for a QRS chip but you pay for it anyway.)
There is a story of a farmer in Cork, Ireland.  One night as he neared home he decided to visit his neighbour on the farm next to his. They shared a couple of drinks and as he made his way back to his farm he drove off the road and the airbags were deployed. Since no one was hurt and there was no damage done to anybody’s property, he decided to walk the short journey to his own farm, thinking he would collect the car in the morning. Around 3 a.m. there was a knock on the door. It was the police. The police asked if he was the owner of the car in question?  The police told him they had received a call FROM THE MANUFACTURER that the airbags had deployed. The man was charged with drunk driving.
I’m not sure what happened but the point is that if the man is found guilty, it sets a precedent. Under European law, it becomes applicable across the entire European Union.
We are further along the road to control of all transport than anyone realizes.
PLEASE LEARN MORE and go to StopTheCrime.net to the YouTube Video’s and watch the latest schemes that the documents describe.


The end of petrol and diesel cars in Ireland, as well as the end of oil and gas boilers in homes, has been announced by the Government as part of a new climate change plan.

In a dramatic bid to tackle climate change, and meet our EU targets on emissions, councils will be handed the power to restrict access to certain parts of towns and cities to zero-emissions vehicles only, under the ambitious new environmental plan.

And no petrol or diesel cars will be sold after 2030, with all such vehicles effectively banned from the road by 2045.

The new climate change plan will see no petrol or diesel cars will be sold after 2030, with all such vehicles effectively banned from the road by 2045. Pic: Rollingnews.ie : Sam BoalThe plan also says that a ‘roadmap’ will be developed, with a mix of taxation and subsidy policies in order to entice people to move toward electric cars.

According to the Government’s Climate Action Plan, revealed yesterday by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Environment Minister Richard Bruton, a regulatory framework will be developed on low emissions and parking pricing policies to provide local authorities with the enhanced powers.

The Department of Transport will this year commission a review of the plan and recommend appropriate responses for Dublin, Cork, Galway and Limerick in Ireland.

The Government’s Climate Action Plan was revealed yesterday by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar. Pic Gerard McCarthyThe Climate Action Plan contains 180 measures to lower the country’s carbon emissions, including incentives to encourage drivers to switch to electric vehicles, retro-fitting gas boilers in homes, increasing the carbon tax, and a scheme to sell any electricity a home generates back into the grid.

The Government’s plan aims to reduce Ireland’s overall carbon emissions by 20% by 2030 before becoming carbon neutral by 2050.

The plan bans the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Those remaining on the road after 2030 will not be issued new NCT certificates after 2045.

The plan bans the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. Pic: Collins DublinThe Government’s aims to have 950,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2030 and is planning to vastly increase the number of charging stations which currently service around 10,000 electric vehicles across the country.

This will include more than 90 high-powered chargers along the national road network, the installation of 50 new fast chargers, and the replacement of over 250 standard chargers.

From 2025, new non-residential buildings with more than 10 parking spaces will have at least one recharging point installed. There will also be a minimum number of recharging points required for all existing non-residential buildings with more than 20 parking spaces.

Tax deadline

The Government’s aims to have 950,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2030. Pic: ShutterstockA government source told Extra.ie‘Giving local authorities new powers to restrict certain areas to low emission vehicles would allow local authorities to make a positive impact on air quality and cut emissions.’

The plan also proposes a number of measures for other sectors.

There will be an effective ban on the installation of oil boilers from 2022, and on the installation of gas boilers from 2025, in all new dwellings through the introduction of new regulatory standards for home heating systems.

Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Richard Bruton TD. Pic: Gareth Chaney CollinsThere is also a plan to retrofit 400,000 homes and businesses with heat pumps, replacing existing oil and solid fuel boilers.

Carbon tax is set to rise to at least €80 per tonne by 2030, which will be incrementally increased over successive budgets.

A new microgeneration scheme will also be introduced, allowing homeowners to generate their own electricity and sell what they don’t use back to the grid.

The plan calls for the elimination of non-recyclable plastic and the introduction of higher fees on the production of materials which are difficult to recycle.

The proposal, in line with new EU rules, also calls for the implementation of a ban on single-use plastic plates, cutlery, straws, balloon sticks and cotton buds.

The proposal also calls for the implementation of a ban on single-use plastic plates, cutlery, straws, balloon sticks and cotton buds. Pic: ShutterstockThe Government aims to move to 70pc renewable energy by 2030.

On the plan, the Taoiseach said: ‘We are making change now, before it is too late. We recognise that Government doesn’t have all the answers. So we will work with people, industry and communities to chart the best and most inclusive way forward.’

Minister Richard Bruton said the Government needed to act now to leave a ‘better, healthier, more sustainable Ireland for future generations’.

‘This plan sets out radical reforms, which will cut our reliance on carbon, making our businesses more competitive, our homes more sustainable and our farms more efficient,’ he said.

Reacting to the Climate Action Plan, Sinn Fein’s Climate spokesman Brian Stanley said: ‘The Government does not have an ambitious enough action plan for renewable energy. We want to see our economy transition to a green economy. This has to be done in a manner that protects lower income families and ensures that ordinary people do not carry an unjust share of the burden.’



Power Outages Electricity Failure Sweeps South America – Bloomberg


Grid Collapse

Massive Power Failure Sweeps Across Argentina and Uruguay
By Tony Czuczka

June 16, 2019, 5:35 AM PDT Updated on June 16, 2019, 5:53 AM PDT

The Constitucion railway station during a massive energy blackout in Argentina on Sunday. 

A huge power failure cut off electricity in Argentina and Uruguay on Sunday morning, according to media reports and a regional utility.

Parts of Brazil and Paraguay also were affected, the BBC reported. The outage hit on a day of provincial elections in parts of Argentina.

A “massive failure in the electrical interconnection system” left “all of Argentina and Uruguay without power,” Edesur Argentina, a power company serving more than 2.5 million customers, said on Twitter. Argentina’s government is assessing what caused the outage, which was triggered by a grid failure at 7:07 a.m. local time, the Energy Ministry said in a statement.

Power is gradually being restored, starting with an initial 34,000 customers, Edesur said in a subsequent tweet.

Electricity in Buenos Aires and the greater capital area is also coming back online. “The process of normalization, which will require several hours, is beginning,” according to Edesur.

Argentina, South America’s second-largest economy, shrank 2.5% last year, the worst since 2014 when the nation defaulted on its debt.

Deadly Contaminated Water: Federal Judge Rules Flint Residents Can Sue EPA Over Water Crisis – Lead in the WATER . . .

Deadly Contaminated Water:  Federal Judge Rules Flint Residents Can Sue EPA Over Water Crisis – Lead in the WATER . . .

Federal Judge Rules Flint Residents Can Sue EPA Over Water Crisis    4/20/2019

Insider Comment:
One can only hope that the corrupt court system and the lawyers that work for the corrupt illegal corporate construct will actually really serve justice for the people.  Hope is all that we have!  And hope does NOT serve up justice in a world that is run by overlords set on population reductions.  This legal pursuit is a distraction while the folks in Flint are drinking contaminated water with lead added into the municipal water supply.  
Sue on and drink on – the system we ALL live in, whether you are white, black, red, yellow makes NO difference we are being exterminated. 
The secret agenda is to give hope, allow some big setbacks for both sides and then dump the whole cabal system for a whole new Cosmic Fascist/satanic system.
  1. Flint residents can sue the federal government over water crisis …

    3 days ago … Flint residents can sue the federal government over water crisis, judge rules …. government in connection with the city’s water crisis, a federal judge ruled. The lawsuits claim the Environmental Protection Agency was too slow …
  2. Flint residents allowed to sue EPA over lead water crisis, judge rules …

    3 days ago … Flint residents allowed to sue EPA over lead water crisis, judge rules … Residents of Flint, Michigan, can sue the Environmental Protection Agency … Eastern District of Michigan ruled April 18 that people in Flint are free to sue …
  3. Federal Judge Rules Flint Residents Can Sue EPA Over Water Crises

    11 hours ago … As Flint, Michigan, marks five years since the city’s deadly water crisis began, a federal judge ruled in favor of residents who want to sue the …
  4. Judge rules Flint residents can sue federal government over water …

    4 days ago … Judge rules Flint residents can sue federal government over water crisis … the federal government over its response to the city’s drinking water crisis. … Residents have long blamed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) …
  5. Flint R

Hungary’s New Border Fence – Heat Sensors, Cameras, BORDER HUNTERS and. . .

Hungary’s New Border Fence

EARTH, Inc. 

Heat Sensors, Cameras and



by Jenn Carter
All these necessary police state measures are needed now because of the massive worldwide crimes of the Cabal. There will always be dual use. These walls will also keep folks in for depopulation at will.

Hungary’s 96-mile long,  14-foot-tall, double-line fence includes several layers of razor-wire capable of delivering electric shocks . The barrier features cameras, heat sensors and loudspeakers ready to tell migrants they’re about to break Hungarian law if they as much as touch the fence, the DC report said.  Nearly every police officer in Hungary is part of a rotation to monitor the border fenceat all times.  Temporary military bases house the police while they do their rotation.  Additionally,  Hungary will train and pay more than 1,000 volunteers to deploy as “border hunters”. 
No doubt the good and decent people in Hungary cannot afford to house any more refugees, illegals, migrants and the like.  
Just like  every other  country forced migration is HAPPENING.  
The media’s LIES, and continued danger has  ratcheted up,
HUNGARY is being sprayed on by the overhead aerosols!
AND WORSE YET – THE HUNGARIAN OVERLORDS HAVE ADOPTED CLIMATE ACTIONS PLANS – These Plans REQUIRE Energy Use Reductions on a massive scale.  These plans are intended to collapse industry and bring the people into a preindustrial existence (Year 1750) – times before machinery and equipment were used.  Hungary like all the rest of the World’s countries and nations MUST submit to rationing all resources, land, water, housing, food and everything else, in-order, to reduce GHG and Co2 emissions  to prevent climate change, REALLY!  
We have links for Hungary’s Climate Action Plans at the bottom . . .


Read the media’s LIES, below – THIS is what was written under the Photo of Hungary’s NEW KEEP’EM in FENCE – we call that a prison . . .
Illegals who are caught are arrested and dropped off on the Serbian side of the fence. They don’t get a chance to apply for asylum unless they do so at a “transit zone” where they are held in housing containers while their cases get processed, the report said. 

In September 2016, thousands of migrants streamed across the border every day as they made their way north to Austria, Germany and Scandinavia. “It was an invasion,” Laszlo Toroczkai, the mayor of Asotthalom, told the Daily Caller. “Illegal immigration is a crime in a normal country. It’s not a normal thing to break into a country.”  By mid-year it was well beyond 100,000 people who came across”, said Zoltan Kovacs, a spokesman for the Hungarian government. “You should at least have the ability to handle what’s going on.”Kovacs added, “You might not like it, it’s not a nice thing, but… the only way to stop illegal border crossings is [to] first build a fence, man it, equip it, and also, in parallel, build up your capabilities in terms of legal confines, legal circumstances to be able to handle what is coming.”

It’s no surprise the  mainstream U.S. media refuses to report this story  to the American public Can you imagine how support for a Southern border wall would spike?   
Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s pledge to stop illegals from flowing into the country appears to be a spectacular success. 

Skeptics who believe a border wall will not stop illegals from entering the United States may want to look at what’s happening in Hungary. 

On the day its border fence was completed, the influx of illegals entering Hungary went down from 6,353  per day to 870 the next day .
For the remainder of that month, illegal border crossings were steadily below 40 per day,  officials said. 
They don’t even try,” a local border guard told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “We haven’t had a single Muslim migrant in six months.” 

By World Tribune on January 26, 2019

by WorldTribune Staff, May 2, 2017

  Did the World Tribune (above) tell you about Hungary’s Climate Action Plans? 
  1. The first Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan in Hungary …

    Aug 15, 2017 … The Municipality of Sárvár, as a pioneer in Hungary, decided to develop a local Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP), and … 
  2. Climate Change Policy in Hungary

    Nov 28, 2011 … For the time being, the consequence of climate change in Hungary could be ….. compiled the Hungarian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan. 
  3. Hungary wants end to coal power by 2030 – Climate Home News

    Nov 20, 2018 … ‘Sky-rocketing’ EU carbon prices could mean Hungary is the first … The Three Seas Inititaive, of which Hungary is a member, plans to host a … 
  4. Climate and Energy Policy in Hungary – MDPI

    Feb 22, 2012 … needs is always a current issue in Hungary, irrespective of climate change …. Adaptation Strategy is being planned, based on regional climate … 


SEXUAL “Stimulus” 
Viagra Plant Fumes Have Men, Women and Dogs Walking Around Sexually Aroused 
 Insider Comment:

Not ONLY will you read about Ireland with Viagra in the air, but continue

reading you will find out that a Chinese

liquor company in China was adding Viagra in some liquor brands, and

there’s more – continue reading you will

learn that South Korea purchased a massive supply of Viagra.

During a recent journey to Ireland, some of the StopTheCrime.net team

reporters heard about Viagra in the air in the Irish Town of Cork.

This is only one article of many that discloses how the Irish people in this

town were sexually modified into lustful

sexual predators.

We must ask ourselves is Viagra being used in the overhead aerosol

spraying programs and in the water supply in “selected neighborhoods” to

create immorality,

multiple sex partners, sexual disease spreading, increased child trafficking,

sexual abuse, divorces, pedophilia, more rapes,

provocative designer fashions as sex clothes, and a society so preoccupied

with sexual stimulations they are

unable to recognize Viagra and other sexual stimulus as a weapons


This is a quote from one of the articles:

According to the report from 1998, some locals were annoyed by journalists who wrote that the chemical plant made area dogs horny. Others felt less welcoming toward the presence of big manufacturers.

Martin O’Driscoll told the paper at the time, “Next they’ll be making artificial penises in this village,” which was a jab at the artificial limbs made at the Johnson and Johnson plant.

But O’Driscoll also had some concerns about safety too, as he told the publication.

“Pfizer told us what they were pouring into the water was 100 percent safe, but it’s farcical (absurd) to suggest that any chemical company is completely clean.”

RESIDENTS of a tiny Irish village where Viagra is manufactured have complained that fumes from a nearby factory have been giving them a hard time.

Pharmaceutical firm Pfizer have produced the erectile dysfunction drug in Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork for the last two decades.

Villagers claim that Ringaskiddy’s proximity to the plant and its “love fumes” has been giving local men – and even their canine friends – enormous sexual powers.

Barmaid Debbie O’Grady told the Sunday Times: “One whiff and you’re stiff. We’ve been getting the love fumes for years now for free.”

Ms O’Grady’s mother, Sadie, said that living in Ringaskiddy is a blessing for men who suffer “problems in that department”, adding that there is “something in the air”.

The widow added: “I’m a flirtatious woman, a lot of us are. You just have to have a spark, that’s all. There’s a lovely man waiting down the road for me”.

Pfizer said in a statement that the stiff whiff was nothing more than an “amusing” myth, but there were no hard feelings.

“Our manufacturing processes have always been highly sophisticated as well as highly regulated,” they said.

Nevertheless, residents remain scared stiff that something more sinister is going on.

Psychiatric nurse Fiona Toomey, who recently returned to the village after five years in America, said that local dogs “walk around in a state of sexual excitement”.

“I think that Viagra must have got into the water supply,” she said.

“I’m convinced that’s what happened at the very beginning before they were so closely regulated.”



Chinese police are investigating if two distillers in the southwestern region of Guangxi added impotence treatment drug Viagra to their liquor in the latest food-safety scare in China.

The Liuzhou Food and Drug Administration said that it found the Guikun Alcohol Plant and the Deshun Alcohol Plant in Guangxi’s Liuzhou city were putting Sildenafil, more commonly known as Viagra, into three of their baijiu products.

Baijiu is a fiery grain liquor that commands high prices in China.

Law enforcement officers have confiscated 5,357 bottles of the suspected products, 1,124 kg of raw alcohol and a batch of white powder labeled Sildenafil, in a case worth more than 700,000 yuan ($112,726), according to a statement posted by the Liuzhou Food and Drug Administration on its website on Saturday.

The case has been transferred to the police, the statement said.

The products were all marketed as having health-preserving qualities, it said.

Food safety is a chronic problem in China and public anxiety over cases of fake or toxic food often spreads quickly.

In June, state media said Chinese customs have seized around 3 billion yuan ($483 million) worth of smuggled meat, some more than 40 years old and rotting, the latest in a grim series of food safety scares.

In 2013, Chinese police said they broken a crime ring that passed off more than $1 million in rat and small mammal meat as mutton.

($1 = 6.2097 Chinese yuan)



The office of embattled South Korean President Park Geun-hye has confirmed a mass-purchase of Viagra pills, but said the medication was intended to treat altitude sickness for the president and her staff.

An opposition MP originally claimed that Park’s office had bought large quantities of the drug-which is usually associated with treating erectile dysfunction-after which ‘Viagra’ became the most-searched term online in South Korea, Reuters reported Wednesday.

According to opposition MP Kim Sang-hee, the presidency purchased 364 pills in December 2015, including 60 blue Viagra pills and a generic version of the drug.

Park’s spokesman Jung Youn-kuk confirmed the purchase but said that the pills had been purchased to treat altitude sickness for presidential staff during a trip in May to Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda-the capital cities of which are all at high altitude.

“We bought them, but they were left unused,” Jung told reporters.

Researchers have previously claimed that Viagra can have a mild impact on treating severe altitude sickness. The drug relaxes blood vessels and allows blood to flow more freely, which can counter the effects of high altitude, where the lack of oxygen can cause vessels to constrict, particularly in the lungs.

The issue comes on the back of widespread protests in South Korea calling for Park to step down after allegations that she allowed a close friend, Choi Soon-sil, to influence government affairs.

Park has since publicly apologized for seeking Choi’s counsel, and offered to work with the parliamentary opposition to form a new cabinet, but opposition parties and some members of the government are reportedly preparing to try and impeach her.

Nov 28, 2015 … Viagra maker Pfizer is merging with Botox manufacturer Allergan. They’re just two of the top drugs in the world produced in Ireland. … But pharma companies also have significant production facilities here. … known for the …
Dec 4, 2017 … Irish village where Viagra is made ‘and even dogs walk around with huge hard- ons’ … Cork village of Ringaskiddy, locals claim, thanks to a Viagra plant … Pfizer said, ‘Our manufacturing processes have always been …
Dec 6, 2017 … An Irish town claims that Viagra wafts through the air due to the factory, however … This view from Ringaskiddy looks across Cork Harbour towards Fort Carlisle with Spike … “Our manufacturing processes have always bee …


WINDOWS that CAUSE ‘FIRES’- Promoted by Green Energy Standards
The window industry has known that the Low-E Energy Efficient Windows have caused fires. 
The industry AND the corporate government agencies have known!
The Department of Energy promotes these windows.
Who would imagine that a green energy code window specification can cause FIRES?
Here’s What Happens:
Sunlight reflected from the metallic oxide coating on the glazed surface of these energy efficient Low-E Windows reflects 
heat that CAN cause ignition – FIRE.  This combustibility is dependent upon which side of the structure the windows are 
located during “direct” sunlight.
The metallic oxide coating is designed to keep the suns heat from entering the home, commercial buildings, etc.  
There are MANY reports from consumers, for YEARS, that have told of their experiences of these windows causing fires. 
Here are some instances, where windows have reflected heat and melted neighbors vinyl house siding, ignited dry brush 
and mulch, set wooden fences on FIRE and burned up parked cars where the reflected window BEAMS hit.
The reflected heat is magnified from the outside glass pane when the pane becomes concaved.
When the Argon Gas leaks out past the seal this creates low pressure within the window.  The absence of the gas between the double pane window allows the outside air pressure to bow the window inward creating a concave shape.
The concaved condition creates an intense focused heat effect from the sunlight which can cause ignition.
The reflected sunlight heat is beamed much like a magnifying glass and at the right distant point the beamed heat can cause ignition and FIRE.  
Focused heat creates the energy to ignite the exterior fuel.
Remember, these Low E windows are supported by the Department of Energy just like the LED Toxic Light Bulbs . . .
TO DATE – Approximately 80% of current window replacement and rebuilding of structure/homes have installed these Low E Energy Efficient Windows.
What we know is these fires caused by these windows is not widely known, and we have no way of estimating how many fires these windows have ALREADY caused.  
Now that you have an understanding of these window “defects” we must spread this far and wide – Because NOW You KNOW . . .
Knowing this will make you a better neighbor!
In order to comply with our “required” reduced energy consumption WE do NOT need to use these fire causing windows.  
Why would anyone, knowingly install these fire causing windows to reduce heat and energy costs?  WHY?
Engineering firms might be able to calculate and achieve the lower energy requirements by offsetting the Low E Windows 
with safe windows and other energy savings such as roof materials, wall thickness, etc. 
The window specification is dependent upon the amount of window area.
Ask about tempered glass on the exterior pane/outside pane which is rigid and less likely to bow.  
Again, windows are specified and dependent upon window size.  In California tempered windows are specified 
in Wildland areas, so we are told! 
Please consult with the window representative in your area.
Note – One solution we noted was to place screens on the outside windows to prevent the heat and magnifying effect.  
A possible problem would be that the screens will impede the view.  Should you sell your home a new owner might 
remove the screens NOT realizing the possible fire effects discussed above.  
We would suggest you DISCLOSE in your sellers disclosure statement what the screens over the windows are fore –
Again we must ask – Why would anyone, knowingly install these fire causing windows to reduce heat and energy costs?
WHY have PLANS, in all our communities, been adopted claiming that lowering consumption of energy will reduce climate change?  
These energy reducing plans have NOTHING to do with us altering the climate.  
Our government agencies actually have adopted plans, they say, will prevent our New Normal of Monster Weather Events. 
These Climate Action and Resilient Plans are worldwide plans to CONtrol all Land, Energy Use, WATER, Increase our costs 
to survive, control and decimate local economies  – 
Low E Energy Efficient Windows HAVE Caused Heat Reflections Creating Ignition and FIRE.
Many cities are and have been HIT with weather weapons (Climate Control) and the rebuilding what was destroyed is now in process across the country, and throughout the world.  
Cities will use code enforcement requiring all existing buildings be retrofitted to meet your cities agreement to “reduce” green house gas emissions (GHG).  
ALL existing buildings that do not comply will ultimately be subject to code violations, fines, penalties  
and potentially red-tagged to ELIMINATE occupancy – unless the green energy code requirements are met.   
Our cities have approved PACE and HERO loan programs that Rockefeller has schemed as a LOAN financing tool for 
energy CODE upgrade retrofitting for OUR properties.  
So far, there have been a number of homes that have been foreclosed upon by the inability to pay these Rockefeller loans.  
These loans are collateralized against the property and supersede the first mortgage, if you have one. 
There is more to understand about the PACE and HERO loans, however, we have given you enough to be aware of 
and YOU need to read and understand the fine print.
A family that lost their home in the TUBBS Fire in Santa Rosa, California, 10/8/2017,  purchased a new home under construction and moved into their replacement home months after they lost their original home, and ALL their belongings, in the TUBBS Fire.  
Sometime after moving into their new home there was a Red Flag Fire Warning in Sonoma County in November of 2018 
Important to note what constitutes a Red Flag Fire Warning – low humidity, high heat and wind.
They had an uncomfortable feeling during the FIRE WARNING and did not leave their house that day.
A neighboring unoccupied house had caught fire!
Upon investigation, behind the unoccupied neighboring house, the mulch and rear yard wooden fence and supports of the 
wooden deck were on fire.  Immediately, they called the fire department and with the help of a nearby neighbor they 
were able to contain the fire with garden hoses until the fire department arrived.  The fire had advanced into the crawl space 
under the deck and fire was under the house.  The fire department pulled off the wood siding and put the fire out.  
It was days later that the Low-E Windows started to create black burn spots on the newly replaced material in that same back yard.
This family almost LOST a second home to FIRE!
This WARNING Serves as a Caution to ALL!
Of interest below is a 2014 article out of London – 
WINDOWS that CAUSE – Car-melting London skyscraper to be permanently cooled down – National |Globalnews.ca


Car-melting London skyscraper to be permanently cooled down   5/14/2014

LONDON – A London skyscraper that drew ire for having a glare so strong it melted nearby cars and shops will get a permanent fix.

The offending tower – known as the Walkie-Talkie for its curved, bulging shape – is to have a sunshade attached to its south-facing facade to stop the concave surface from reflecting sunlight and beaming concentrated rays to a nearby street, developers said Thursday.

The 37-story building made headlines in September when a Jaguar owner who parked his car at its foot complained that the solar glare melted part of the vehicle. Local shopkeepers also said the beams – dubbed “death rays” by the British press – blistered paintwork and burnt a hole in a floor mat during the hottest parts of the day.

Watch below: London skyscraper heats up streets below enough to fry an egg

Developers Land Securities and Canary Wharf had put up a dark netted screen as a temporary measure. They now say they have received permission to erect a permanent sunshade of horizontal aluminum fins, which they say will solve the problem by absorbing and diffusing sunlight.

The sunshade will cover much of the Walkie-Talkie’s southern face, and will inevitably block the Thames views for the tower’s occupants “to a limited extent,” the developers said. But they added:

“The extra texture, detail and reduction in reflectivity will make the building a better neighbour.”

It wasn’t the first time that the skyscraper, designed by architect Rafael Vinoly and officially known as 20 Fenchurch Street, attracted controversy. Even before it was built, UNESCO, the United Nations heritage body, complained that tall buildings like it would negatively impact the historic Tower of London nearby.


DYING YOUNG: Alarming increase in Millennials 18-34 Getting Strokes

The statistics are rolling in on increasing rates of strokes in younger people.
No one will tell the millennials their fast food diets “equate” to the fast uploads they demand from computers which are impacting their health – both a slow kill.
The USA, Inc. corporate food containing flour, sugar and chemical additives IS intended to cause obesity, sluggishness, foggy thinking, and create disease, shorter life spans, and death.
No one will admit that the millennials were orphaned by parents too busy working to take care of them.  Overly worked parents relied on quick fast food to feed their children and school cafeterias to serve up lunch – a variety of deficient processed foods.
No one will tell millennials that the vaccinations given to them slowly stroked them out with each vaccine they were jabbed with.  Many dead doctors have been sounding the alarm and have paid the price for attempting to expose the medical fraudsters falsifying the vaccine records that the CDC and WHO were promoting.
No one will tell millennials the wireless technologies they use are activating dormant vaccine viruses that cause immune deficiencies and strokes intended to be another slow method of health decline.
We also need to ask how many millennials are targeted individuals?  How many millennials are being shot with directed energy weapons, gang stalked and assassinated?  Stroked out with DEW’s!
How many millennials have wireless phones, lap tops, and sit for hours gaming where cell connections are facilitated with WiFi?  Scientific studies document the damage to human DNA from the wireless world we now live in that has greatly impacted the millennials.
No one will discuss the health effects of the continual aerosol spraying programs (chemtrails) and how we are all dying younger.  Many of the millennials are compromised with weakened immune systems and have been deceived and setup for these health consequences.
The bigger question is WHY are the doctors surprised?  Why are the doctors saying the reasons for these trends are not entirely clear?  REALLY?
The questions are how long are we going to continue to be KILLED by all the assaults of the illegitimate corporate depoplulation agendas of a government that exists in NAME ONLY?
Our government is a network of corporations that has long advanced policies designed to determine the minimum and optimum levels of destruction of Life, Property and Natural Resources.
All of these goals have been incrementally advanced as to not create a crisis in public confidence.
So, why should the increase strokes in millennials ages 18-34 years of age come as an ALARM?

Harvard’s $39B Endowment Is Secretly Acquiring California’s Water Supply

INSIDER COMMENT and The Rest of The Story:

Harvard is part of the Establishment run directly by the Cabal. This is land theft and creating the illusion that water is being bought up by these schemes.

Of course, we have Primary Water and Harvard is NOT buying up the water in all of California, only on the land they own or are purchasing. Harvard is buying land, and water comes with land.

Again, the idea that Harvard is acquiring California’s water supply would pertain directly to the land they own or are purchasing, and NOT California’s water supply.

This story is to further create the illusion we are running out of water, and to advance the urgency to build MORE sewer/urine waste water treatment plants to poison us through the municipal water delivery systems.

Read more “Harvard’s $39B Endowment Is Secretly Acquiring California’s Water Supply”