Insider Comment:
Not ONLY will you read about Ireland with Viagra in the air, but continue
reading you will find out that a Chinese
liquor company in China was adding Viagra in some liquor brands, and
there’s more – continue reading you will
learn that South Korea purchased a massive supply of Viagra.
During a recent journey to Ireland, some of the team
reporters heard about Viagra in the air in the Irish Town of Cork.
This is only one article of many that discloses how the Irish people in this
town were sexually modified into lustful
sexual predators.
We must ask ourselves is Viagra being used in the overhead aerosol
spraying programs and in the water supply in “selected neighborhoods” to
create immorality,
multiple sex partners, sexual disease spreading, increased child trafficking,
sexual abuse, divorces, pedophilia, more rapes,
provocative designer fashions as sex clothes, and a society so preoccupied
with sexual stimulations they are
unable to recognize Viagra and other sexual stimulus as a weapons
This is a quote from one of the articles:
According to the report from 1998, some locals were annoyed by journalists who wrote that the chemical plant made area dogs horny. Others felt less welcoming toward the presence of big manufacturers.
Martin O’Driscoll told the paper at the time, “Next they’ll be making artificial penises in this village,” which was a jab at the artificial limbs made at the Johnson and Johnson plant.
But O’Driscoll also had some concerns about safety too, as he told the publication.
“Pfizer told us what they were pouring into the water was 100 percent safe, but it’s farcical (absurd) to suggest that any chemical company is completely clean.”