

2023-08-01-DEBORAHTAVARESWATER-AND-FIREDeborah’s newest radio interview on Project Camelot, with Kerry Cassidy.

https://odysee.com/@StopTheCrime:d/2023-08-01-DEBORAHTAVARES-WATER-AND-FIREfinal1:eLINKS ABOVE

SHIT Piss to tap . Action Plan | US EPA


Water Reuse Action Plan

WRAP logo bordered by contributing stakeholder groups: Federal partners, water associations, State associations, international partners, state & local governments, non-governmental organizations, water utilities, industry partners, academia

The National Water Reuse Action Plan (WRAP) was developed in collaboration with partners across the water sector. Actions in the plan are intended to drive progress on reuse and address local and national barriers across a range of topics including technical, institutional, and financial.  There are over 100 action leaders and partners, including a federal Interagency Working Group, collaborating to advance reuse around the country.  

Read more “SHIT Piss to tap . Action Plan | US EPA”

Federal Register :: Draft National Water Reuse Action Plan


Draft National Water Reuse Action Plan


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Notice of availability; request for comments.


Read more “Federal Register :: Draft National Water Reuse Action Plan”



Did You Know About This? UNDER AN IONIZED SKY
From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown
Indiana, USA and many other locations are DEPLOYING Wind Farms
Wind Farms are a Worldwide Deployment
Wind Farms and Fracking Well Stems

See http://waubrafoundation.org.au and the YouTube “Are Wind Turbines Changing the Weather?” (HowStuffWorks, June 24, 2013).

 Posted by StopTheCrime.net 
Visit a wind farm and you will quickly notice that life appears to have fled, which is strange, given how many think of wind farms as “green energy.” While driving through western Ontario, Canadian activist Suzanne Maher noted that what was once beautiful landscape and farmland had been replaced by hundreds of massive, imposing wind turbines. People in homes close to the turbines do not seem to realize they are living inside a power station that operates by creating low-pressure systems, with the blades of each turbine at a 15º angle from the oncoming wind (7.5º / 7.5º) soas to produce a toroid straight-line wind tunnel.   
Public protests are usually about devaluation of real estate and noise, but the pulsing itself is dangerous to mental and physical health. The infrasound and low frequency noise produce what is being called the wind-turbine syndrome:  headaches,sleep problems, night terrors, learning disabilities, ringing in the ears(tinnitus), mood swings (irritability, anxiety), concentration and memory problems, and equilibrium issues like dizziness and nausea. 

From the Mariana islands to Hawaii (through the Kwajalein Atoll), a line of transmitters fires northeast in a repetitious pulse—an invisible wall of radio waves all the way to Alaska that creates a funneling effect. Fire radio frequency into a front that’s been “seeded” with aluminum nanoparticles and a plasma-dense field arises, while the pressure wall off of Mexico acts like the bumper on a billiard table to roll the weather system north along the California-Oregon coastline to Vancouver Island and the jetstream ready to be pushed east and south through Wyoming and the Dakotas and into Kansas where NexRad and wind farm pulses will kick in to build high pressure for tornadoes, superstorms, and floods.[1]
Wind farms and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) wells are separated by exactly 300 miles, like GWEN towers, then calibrated together.  Fracking wells provide grounding points for wind farms while creating new faultlines for earthquake terraforming.

According to Billy Hayes “The HAARP Man,” the brine in the well heads of all new wells is treated with absorbents like the aluminum oxide and barium oxide being laid in chemtrails.

A directional explosive is then packed into the well to create perforations in the casing for about 20 feet out so the acid seeps down with the brine mix on top. This “re-dosing” must penetrate the casing because without water, it will float to the top of the well. 

Wind turbines and oil well stems have the same resonant length of 1,282 feet. Each rotation of a wind turbine gives off a powerful static charge.

 In fact, every time the turbines pulse at 2.95 Hz in 1-nanosecond pulses, the liquid mixture at the well head jumps 20 pounds up and 20 pounds down 3X per second like a hammer.This is called “thumping.” The discharge of the wind farms occurs in an arc at a certain length and a certain pulse that resonates with wells tuned to 2.95Hz. Put your hand on the casing and feel it twitch, like it’s alive.

            Both wind farms and fracking well stems have a part to play in the Space Fence infrastructure, along ionospheric heaters, NexRads, cell and GWEN towers, etc. It is because of how they pulse together that nations like Scotland[2] and states like Oklahoma[3] won’t be allowed to ban for long the unconventional practice of fracking.

[1] See http://waubrafoundation.org.au and the YouTube “Are WindTurbines Changing the Weather?” (HowStuffWorks, June 24, 2013).
[2] ClaireBernish, “Scotland Just Banned Fracking Forever.” Elle, August 6, 2016.
[3] EmilyAtkin, “Fracking Bans Are No Longer Allowed in Oklahoma.” Climate Progress, June 1,2015.
Elana Freeland, MA
Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for SyntheticBiology (2021)
Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown(2018)
Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth (2014)
Sub Rosa America: A Deep State History series,2nd Ed. 2018
Blog site: elanafreeland.com

Rudolf Steiner: “In our time, the most important thing is to bring forward truths – put plainly, to give lectures about truths. What people then do about this is up to their freedom. One should go no further than to lecture on, to communicate truths.  Whatever consequences there are should follow as a free decision, thus as consequences follow when decisions are made out of the impulses one has on the physical plane. It is exactly the same in the case of things that can only beguided from the spiritual world itself.” – Secret Brotherhoods and theMystery of the Human Double, 7 Lectures in St. Gallen, Zurich and Dornach,1917

DEATHS – Officials raise alarm over what they say caused over a million deaths-“climate change”




DEATHS- Officials Raise Alarm Over What They Say Caused 


The WHO reports

see the video in the link


Officials raise alarm over what they saycaused over a million deaths

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that over 1.4 million deaths per year in Europe can be attributed to environmental factors like climate change. Hans Kluge, WHO regional director,joins CNN to discuss.



Recycled TOXIC water from sewers (Feces, Urine and Pharma Drugs) coming to your neighborhood taps for drinking, bathing, watering plants, for your pets and everything else you use water for.
Sewer water will and has been blended into reservoirs from up stream locations and goes directly into our homes, businesses, schools, restaurants, swimming pools, drinking fountains and more.

This is NOTonly a California Agenda
These PlansARE Worldwide 

Recycledwater from sewers coming to California taps
Water that once coursed through the sewer may soon make its way out of your home faucet.
New regulations approved March 6 by the State Water Resources Control Board allow treated recycled water to be added to reservoirs, the source of California cities’ municipal drinking water supply.

The regulations specify the percentage of recycled water that can be added and how long it must reside there before being treated again at a surface water treatment facility and provided as drinking water,according to the Water Board.
“This is a type of indirect potable use — it’s not treated recycle water that goes directly to someone’s house,” said MiryamBarajas at the Water Board. “It’s highly treated.”
How California plans to crack down on water waste
Barajas said San Diego is leading the state in infrastructure to begin carrying out a sewer-to-reservoir operation but the rest of the state will likely follow.
California has 36 main reservoirs and Barajas said the decision could potentially affect all of them but it is unclear how long that could take.
“The regulations are now there but the infrastructure is not,” she said.
The decision was the culmination of a two-year public review process, which included an independent scientific review and guidance by an expert panel that determined the regulations adequately protect public health. It was also the latest effort to develop uniform rules allowing for more use of recycled water to supplement existing drinking water supplies.
The State Water Board is also working onregulations for “direct potable reuse,” in which treated recycled water is added directly into a drinking water system or into a raw water supply immediately upstream of a water treatment plant. These rules are expected by2023.
Water recycling is part of the California Water Action Plan and Senate bills 918 and 322 direct the Water Board to investigate to create regulations for direct and indirect potable reuse.
The Water Boardsays it funded more than $748 million worth of water recycling projects lastyear in 2018.  

Investigations on the health issues of drinking sewer water are OVER.  
This poison water will cause illness and degrade life.  
Thisis the SDG’s – Water Action Plans adopted in your cities.  
Lookup the Sustainable Development Goals in your city.