The Latest: Trump says America must win race to build 5G


FILE - This Feb. 25, 2019 file photo shows a banner of the 5G network is displayed during the Mobile World Congress wireless show, in Barcelona, Spain. The U.S. communications regulator will hold a massive auction to bolster 5G service, the next generation of mobile networks, and will spend $20 billion for rural internet. 5G will mean faster wireless speeds and has implications for technologies like self-driving cars and augmented reality. The Federal Communications Commission said Friday, April 12, that it would hold the largest auction in U.S. history, of 3,400 megahertz, to boost wireless companies’ networks. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez, File)

(The Associated Press) FILE – This Feb. 25, 2019 file photo shows a banner of the 5G network is displayed during the Mobile World Congress wireless show, in Barcelona, Spain. The U.S. communications regulator will hold a massive auction to bolster 5G service, the next generation of mobile networks, and will spend $20 billion for rural internet. 5G will mean faster wireless speeds and has implications for technologies like self-driving cars and augmented reality. The Federal Communications Commission said Friday, April 12, that it would hold the largest auction in U.S. history, of 3,400 megahertz, to boost wireless companies’ networks.

The Latest on President Donald Trump and 5G next generation mobile networks (all times local):

2:45 p.m.

President Donald Trump says the race to build 5G is one America must win.

Trump said Friday at the White House that building high-speed networks across the United States will transform the way Americans work, learn, communicate and travel.

5G will mean faster wireless speeds and has implications for technologies like self-driving cars and augmented reality.

The rollout started last week in the U.S. and South Korea but will take years.

Trump says, “We must not rest. The race is far from over.”

NBC: NYC is force vaccinating Jewish adults & kids (fines and imprisonment if they fight) and they’re suing over unconstitutionality 

Hey there,

You really cannot make this up. I haven’t had a free moment to even send a newsletter out to my hundreds of thousands of readers with an update.

Earlier this week the mayor of New York City ( Bill de Blasio) announced at an eerily Orwellian press conference that they WOULD begin mandated vaccinations on the people of Brooklyn, New York. This mandate includes men women and children in four zip codes, which makes up Williamsburg/ Brooklyn NY (huge densely populated area and almost exclusively Orthodox Jewish families).


Read more “NBC: NYC is force vaccinating Jewish adults & kids (fines and imprisonment if they fight) and they’re suing over unconstitutionality ”

Human Capital


Subject: Inspector General FLRA Human Capital Progress Assessment
Follow-up on FY 2000 Internal Review of FLRA Human Capital
Background: The actual foundation for human capital was developed in 1993 by the
National Performance Review (National Partnership for Reinventing Government). The
concept reflecting that human capital resources were an asset vice a cost occurred when
Congress passed the Government Performance and Results Act. Congress continued
passing legislation that integrated human capital investment strategies and performance
management (i.e. Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, Clinger-Cohen Act, Government
Information Security Act, Government Performance Results Act, etc.) because human
resources are the most essential resource for accomplishing Federal Agency=s mission.
Congress has always recognized that human resources are the most important asset of the
Federal Government. As the Federal government strives to change it=s structures and
emphasize its focus on customer service, performance based budgeting, delayering
management positions to be replaced with working level positions, learning that Agency=s
can do more with less if they attract, hire, and retain skilled employees with broad based
knowledge and appropriate behavioral qualities, the management of human capital
investments becomes even more important.
Human capital may be the most difficult government

State Bar of California – Compliant of Criminal NON-Action: Public Trust Violated 


December 12, 2007 Contact:
+1 (212) 372-4803 direct
+1 (212) 767-9331 mobile
+1 (800) 886-9861 facsimile email
Mr. Scott J. Drexel, Chief Trial Counsel
Ms. Lisa Stowe, Complaint Analyst
Audit and Review Office of the Chief Trial Counsel
The State Bar of California
1149 South Hill Street
Los Angeles, California 90015-2299
In Re: Inquiry Number: 07-23109
Respondent: Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Miles Frederick Ehrlich; California
Bar Number 237954.
Dear Mr. Drexel and Ms. Stowe:
I received your response to my complaint regarding former Assistant United States
Attorney Miles Frederick Ehrlich who resigned his position with the Department of
Justice (hereinafter referred to as the “DOJ”) sometime during the Fall of 2005.
You state your response is predicated on the fact that Mr. Ehrlich didn’t represent me and
therefore there is no conflict of interest. That’s not at all dispositive of the issues I
evidenced to the State Bar of California. And given the acts underlying the complaint,
committed by Miles Ehrlich, his client(s) and their cohorts, are criminal in nature, very
I hereby request that the Audit and Review Office of the Chief Trial Counsel of the State
Bar of California review my July 31, 2007 complaint in light of the further information
and analysis provided herein.
* * * * *
The Office of the Chief Trial Counsel needs to look at this case from a pedestrian
perspective. Herewith is a synopsis of the facts:
1. A crime victim and witness reports the identities and criminal activities (including
narcotics trafficking, money laundering, fraud, bribing foreign judicial officials
and conspiracy) to a federal prosecutor.
2. The federal prosecutor apparently did not act on the victim’s report.
3. Six months after the victim’s report the federal prosecutor resigned from the
Department of Justice.
4. Thereafter, the victim discovers, coincidentally, that the former federal prosecutor
is representing, as a criminal defense attorney, one of the parties the victim
identified to the former federal prosecutor as engaged in the criminal activity and
is providing advice and counsel to at least one of several of the other perpetrators.

IRELAND and beyond – EMF Updates and MORE . . .

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Money talks – usually in whispers. This is how the world has fallen into the hands of vested interests and corporations. Now it shouts in arrogance and marks the fall of democrary.
The full weight of technological dominance of life on planet earth is at the door.
The convergence of private enterprise and government is happening now – largely with the help of Rockefeller funding. It was Rockefeller funding which saved the Max Planck Institute in the 1920’s, benefitting Rockefeller from the knowledge of the physicists who studied there and later fled to the United States after WWII, again with the help of Rockefeller beneficence.
In his book Operation Gladio, Paul Williams states,
Gladio was a covert operation and had not been initiated by an act of Congresor or a mandate from the Pentagon. Few federal officials knew of its existence. The $200 nillion in original funding came from the Rockefeller and Mellon foundations. But a new and steady stream of revenue had to be created almost over night, or the world would not be safe for democracy. The future of Gladio would come to reside within America’s ghettoes.
Rockefeller funded a covert durgs empire to provide funds for secret CIA operations around the world.



Read more “IRELAND and beyond – EMF Updates and MORE . . .”

The Brussels Times – Radiation concerns halt Brussels 5G development, for now

Radiation concerns halt Brussels 5G development, for now

Monday, 01 April 2019 10:54

Radiation concerns halt Brussels 5G development, for now© Belga

Plans for a pilot project to provide high-speed 5G wireless internet in Brussels have been halted due to fears for the health of citizens, according to reports.
In July, the government concluded an agreement with three telecom operators to relax the strict radiation standards in Brussels. But according to the Region, it is now impossible to estimate the radiation from the antennas required for the service.

“I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not,” Environment minister Céline Fremault (CDH) told Bruzz. “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt,” she added.

A pilot project is not feasible with the current radiation standards, and Fremault told Bruzz that she does not intend to make an exception.

The Brussels region has particularly strict radiation standards for telecom applications. The standard of 6 volts per metre has already led to problems in the past with providing fast mobile internet via 4G in the capital.

Last week, the various governments in Belgium once again failed to reach agreement on the auctioning of the 5G licences. The file remains stuck on the distribution of the proceeds. It will be up to the next government to handle the proposal, said Telecom Minister Philippe De Backer (Open VLD) last week.

The Brussels Times