Ladies and Gentlemen,
Money talks – usually in whispers. This is how the world has fallen into the hands of vested interests and corporations. Now it shouts in arrogance and marks the fall of democrary.
The full weight of technological dominance of life on planet earth is at the door.
The convergence of private enterprise and government is happening now – largely with the help of Rockefeller funding. It was Rockefeller funding which saved the Max Planck Institute in the 1920’s, benefitting Rockefeller from the knowledge of the physicists who studied there and later fled to the United States after WWII, again with the help of Rockefeller beneficence.
In his book Operation Gladio, Paul Williams states,
Gladio was a covert operation and had not been initiated by an act of Congresor or a mandate from the Pentagon. Few federal officials knew of its existence. The $200 nillion in original funding came from the Rockefeller and Mellon foundations. But a new and steady stream of revenue had to be created almost over night, or the world would not be safe for democracy. The future of Gladio would come to reside within America’s ghettoes.
Rockefeller funded a covert durgs empire to provide funds for secret CIA operations around the world.
Rockefeller also provided the actual site for the United Nations in New York city. The voluntary, un-elected United Nations regularly promotes wireless technology.
Now, Rockefeller and it’s child, the United Nations, have partnered with Ericsson, the World Wildlife Fund and the Guggenheim Foundation to promote the use of ‘data science’ which is aimed at controlling the lives of people “to solve the world’s most pressing challenges”.
On 1 March 2019, the head of Ericsson announced the global launch of 5G technology. The company is now in talks with the U.S. Department of Defense.
Two videos underscore the vast amounts of money available to create companies and persue the corporate agenda:
Joseph P. Farrell: Off World Money Drain, Financial Re-set, Nazi Germany, World War II
THE MINDS OF MEN – A Film by Aaron & Melissa Dykes
English wireless expert Barrie Trower once warned an African leader “You are going to lose conrol of your country” to technology. Now we appear to be on the threshhold of losing all our countries under a One World Government.
One of the articles posted by Patricia Burke, of Massachusetts, cites Tom Wheeler, former head of the Federal Communications Commission responsible for unleashing 5G on humanity, and having second thoughts. Now collecting his hefty pension, Wheeler now thinks it’s time for regulation of Big Tech. The signals were all there. Why didn’t he regulate?
Please circulate widely.
John Weigel
line.jpgThe wireless global Fascist military agenda emerges
Flags with the logo of telecoms equipment maker Ericsson outside company’s headquarters in Stockholm on October 4, 2016
Pentagon, Ericsson discuss 5G communications plans – DoD undersecretary
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The US government is discussing cooperating with Sweden-based Ericsson Corporation on developing 5G communications technology as an alternative to China’s Huawei products, Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisitions Ellen Lord said Monday during remarks at a think tank.
“Right now Huawei and Erikson are the two providers of 5G”, Lord told the Atlantic Council on Monday. “We [the Defense Department] are talking to Ericsson… what we are contemplating right now is whether we want to broaden our onshore base of production”.
With a new $50 million investment, non-profit and civic leaders can gain new insights from data science
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The Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and The Rockefeller Foundation announced the launch of Data Science for Social Impact. This transformational model for collaborative philanthropy will accelerate the use of data science by empowering non-profit, civic and government organizations with the tools, expertise and other capabilities they need to help solve the world’s most pressing challenges.
The collaborative was launched with an initial commitment of $50 million from The Rockefeller Foundation and the Mastercard Impact Fund over five years and an invitation to other companies and philanthropies to join. The announcement came at the Goal 17 Partner Space at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
Dear members of the European coordination of organizations for an EMF exposure regulation, which truly protects public health …
1. Based on the message received about a new ICNIRP report, various European organizations that responded to this message have expressed their support for unmask and denounce publicly the lobbying behavior of ICNIRP, in interest of the telecommunications industry, although it is presented as an independent NGO. We suggest you the two following proposal received:
• Write a press release as European Coordination, to be presented by each organization in your country: to denounce the lack of independence of ICNIRP and its practice (lobbyist, “denialist” and exclusive), stressing that its recommendations should in no case be considered as international benchmark to define the limits of EMF exposure.
• A Notification Letter could be sent against ICNIRP members, if applicable (for example, if exposure limits are increased), just as it was sent to Mr Richard_Adams
2. Other reminders and proposals:
• We invite you to draw up in each country a list of organizations (social, professional …) and people (scientists, experts, health professionals) and people (scientists, experts, health professionals) prone to support the European Manifesto, to invite them to sign …. if they have not already done so. The support received to the Manifesto has an inherent added value to supporting each of the different campaigns that we can develop at the local, regional, state or European level. The European Manifesto (English, French, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Italian, Portuguese), with our fundamental demands, helps us to establish alliances with scientists / experts and with organizations from different areas of civil society (environmental, neighborhoods, consumers, parents, trade unionists, affected people, health professionals, …). See current signers, we will update the references shortly.
We remind you that in 4 days the deadline to collaborate with the financing of the Ramazzini Institute ends, so they can complete the evaluation of his latest study. This study and the US study of the NTP can accelerate a reclassification of the carcinogenicity of RF. Access the crodfunding campaign and collaborate!
Kind regards,
Julio Carmona
Member of the PECCEM coordinating group
Postscript: This message his sent both the organizations who started or joined the European coordination process and to those who participated in any of its proposals as in the Open letter of “No Confidence” to the World Health Organization. We also sent a copy to the MEP Michèlle Rivasi and its assistants (who encouraged repeatedly to organizations involved to promote a European citizens’ initiative by regulating EMF exposure) and a European organization responding to the messages on the ICNIRP.
U.S. must put a ban on Google helping China develop a global digital dictatorship
Google’s decision to help China is paving the way for Beijing’s ‘digital dictatorship.’ Ultimately, Washington must make a political decision to criminalize such collaboration.
General Joseph Dunford, America’s top military officer, has announced he will be meeting with Google representatives this week to talk about the company’s assistance to China’s People’s Liberation Army.
Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, first stoked the controversy over Google on March 14 during his appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee. “The work that Google is doing in China is indirectly benefiting the Chinese military,” he said.
‘In one reasonably-sized council estate you can have up to 150,000 transmitters… Stanford Research Institute California did their own experiments and said the two most dangerous frequencies for living structures, living cellular structures, which is all of nature basically – trees, animals, insects, us – is the Wi-Fi frequency which is 2.4 Ghz and .95 Ghz. The two most lethal frequencies.’
Barrie Trower & Mark Steele on 5G (video)
Who’s behind the 5G cull of humanity?
In 1999, HP scientist Richard P. Walker was granted a patent for what would become known as the internet of everything, now better known as 5G. Walker and the rest of his Silicon Valley colleagues had been fed military technology by Lockheed Martin and IBM.
HP spun off Agilent Technologies that same year as the vehicle through which the Walker patent would come to fruition. All ensuing patents pertaining to 5G would be mysteriously absorbed by Agilent, whether in the areas of surveillance, cybernetics, genetic engineering, human microchipping, or “wet works”.
The corporation pushing Walker’s Agilent patent forward is SERCO, a powerful British company close to Lockheed Martin, GE and BAE. The first and last are the two biggest defense contractors in the world. All four are part of Crown Agents USA Inc. The golden share in SERCO is controlled through British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) by Queen Elizabeth II.
The culling of the UK population! by Ian R Crane 2018
Dr. Graham Downing: “Something is drastically wrong here”.
Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health
Martin L.Pall
• 7 effects have each been repeatedly reported following Wi-Fi & other EMF exposures.
• Established Wi-Fi effects, include apoptosis, oxidat. stress &:
• testis/sperm dysfunct; Neuropsych; DNA impact; hormone change; Ca2+ rise.
• Wi-Fi is thought to act via voltage-gated calcium channel activation.
• One claim of no Wi-Fi effects was found to be deeply flawed.
The coming wave of High-Tech authoritarianism
One of history’s hard lessons is that collapsing financial systems beget authoritarian politics…
Today’s world, alas, is following this script, as rising debts lead to wrenching political changes in nearly every country that holds free elections, while fascism and socialism are once again being taken seriously by people who in normal times would inhabit the political center.
But there’s one big difference this time around: the advanced state of social control technology. Past governments, when trying to tamp down dissent, were limited to blunt-instrument policies like curfews, phone taps and press shutdowns. Today’s would-be Big Brothers can do vastly more, and in many cases will use the coming financial/political emergency as an excuse to place Orwell’s proverbial boot on their citizens’ necks. Global technotronic totalitarianism started In 2001 – will end up with billions of mass murders
NSA whistleblower William Binney interviewed by Richard Grove | Tragedy and Hope
Censorship tightens as governments lose control
Governments have lost control of the narrative that they are in control of events. Everyday I wake up to another instance of outrageous censorship from some ‘social media’ company blocking or banning someone for no apparent reason.
The latest outrage is Twitter banning the account of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange’s mother, Christine.
Australian and New Zealand ISPs have gone bonkers IP blocking sites in the wake of the Christchurch massacre. Sites like Zerohedge have been targeted in the past two weeks for publishing narratives orthogonal to what the governments in the West are comfortable with people consuming.
Clearing the way for 6G and beyond
FCC opens 95GHz to 3THz spectrum for ‘6G, 7G, or whatever’ is next …
After a unanimous vote, the FCC is opening “terahertz wave” spectrum for experimental purposes, creating legal ways for companies to test and ..…/fcc-opens-95ghz-to-3thz-spectrum-for-6g-7g-or-whatever-…
FCC opens up experimental spectrum licenses for 6G – CNET
The Federal Communications Commission is paving the way for 6G and beyond. On Friday, the agency unanimously voted to open up …
FCC Opens Stratospheric Spectrum for Experimental 6G – SDxCentral
Are you ready for 6G? Not so fast — it’s going to take a while. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Friday unanimously …
The FCC Clears Experimental Frequencies to Pave Way for 6G
The FCC has unanimously voted to clear “terahertz wave” frequencies for experimentation that could one day represent 6G connectivity.…/the-fcc-clears-new-frequencies-for-6g-wireless-technology
6G Kicks Off with Trump Tweets, FCC Action, and a Summit | EE Times
The first very limited 5G services have only just become available, which means it’s time to start figuring out what 6G ought to be.
Imagine to roll out 150Mbps 5G broadband to 1m premises in rural Ireland
Initial Imagine investment will focus on underserved regional and rural areas in Ireland.
Sean Bolger’s Imagine plans to cover 1m Irish homes and businesses in underserved areas with 150Mbps connectivity using 5G fixed infrastructure.
As reported by last May, Imagine fosters ambitions to deploy its 5G fixed wireless infrastructure across Ireland and Europe by pioneering use of the 5G 3.6GHz spectrum. This is being enabled by the acquisition of a majority stake in Imagine by Canadian firm Brookfield Asset Management in an investment worth €120m.
Ireland’s underserved regional and rural areas will be the first in Europe to see the roll-out of Imagine’s new 5G fixed wireless infrastructure, which provides a last-mile solution in places where fibre to the home (FTTH) has been challenging or impossible.
Imagine to roll out 150Mbps 5G broadband to 1m premises in rural Ireland
DefDog: Sonic warfare and beyond 5G to 6G genocide
Terahertz waves will vaporize us, especially if you create standing waves. FCC is now not only complicit but actively organizing genocide and ecocide and crimes against humanity.
DefDog: Sonic Warfare and Beyond 5G to 6G Genocide & Ecocide
FCC opens 95GHz to 3THz
Commercial 5G networks are barely operational in the United States right now, but that hasn’t stopped engineers from thinking ahead to 6G — and the U.S. government wants to facilitate their experiments over the next decade. After a unanimous vote, the FCC is opening “terahertz wave” spectrum for experimental purposes, creating legal ways for companies to test and sell post-5G wireless equipment.
The FCC’s Spectrum Horizons First Report and Order deals specifically with the 95 gigahertz (GHz) to 3 terahertz (THz) range — a collection of frequencies that aren’t currently being used in consumer devices, and have wide bandwidth with vast potential for data streaming. In addition to issuing 10-year licenses to experiment in that range, the FCC will offer a full 21.2GHz of spectrum for testing of unlicensed devices.
FCC opens 95GHz to 3THz spectrum for ‘6G, 7G, or whatever’ is next
Sonic lawfare: on the jurisprudence of weaponised sound
James E. K. Parker
This article suggests that the growing literature on sonic warfare hasnot been as sensitive to the work of law and legal institutions as itmight be, and that it is exemplary in this respect of a lot of work insound studies more generally. Just as jurisprudence must learn to
think sonically, sound studies must endeavour to listen jurisprudentially.
Across a series of examples – some well-known, others less so – the article draws out some key elements of the jurisprudence of weaponised sound. It shows how law is necessarily implicated in the story of sonic warfare, and not just insofar as it is prohibitive or
emancipatory. Law doesn’t simply oppose violence; it authorises and channels it, and increasingly towards the acoustic. In this respect, it is doing more than just expressing or clearing a path
for the expression of other forms of power. Law itself is a form of power that, by means of complex institutional architectures acrossmultiple jurisdictions, crucially shapes our sonic worlds.
Joe Imbriano, The Fullerton Informer
Death by wireless? Former Miss Teen Universe dies at age 19 Lotte Van der Zee
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Conservatives face a tough fight as Big Tech’s censorship expands
BY DONALD TRUMP JR., OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 03/17/19 06:00 PM EDTAs Big Tech’s censorship of conservatives becomes ever more flagrant and overt, the old arguments about protecting the sanctity of the modern public square are now invalid. Our right to freely engage in public discourse through speech is under sustained attack, necessitating a vigorous defense against the major social media and internet platforms.
From “shadowbans” on Facebook and Twitter, to demonetization of YouTube videos, to pulled ads for Republican candidates at the critical junctures of election campaigns, the list of violations against the online practices and speech of conservatives is long.
Jeff Bezos is hosting his super nerdy Mars conference again, complete with flying robots and a Blue Origin engine
The conference is designed to be a showcase of sorts for the latest and quirkiest technology in the fields of machine learning, automation, robotics and space.
You might remember last year’s conference, when Bezos made headlines for talking a walk with a robotic dog made by Boston Dynamics.
The conference is so exclusive that the press isn’t allowed in and tweets offer the only inside look.
MLB going full-blown TSA: Teams prepare to scan millions of fans’ faces
I hope you enjoyed America’s favorite pastime because by the end of this year, nearly every Major League Baseball (MLB) team will be using facial recognition.
Last year, their were only nine MLB teams using CLEAR’s facial recognition to spy on fans. But all of that is about to change.
This year, the MLB has decided to go full-blown TSA and put facial recognition cameras in 23 stadiums which is just seven shy of the entire league.
According to a Business Wire article, the MLB plans to scan the faces of millions of baseball fans.
“The partnership will develop a first-of-its-kind collaboration of emerging technologies from CLEAR and, ultimately allowing millions of fans to use biometrics to enter ballparks, eliminating the need to present a paper or mobile ticket. With CLEAR, you are your ticket.”
More ‘rare’ cancers
20 March 2019
I thought it was an IBS flare-up… then the doctor told me I had a 15cm tumour’ – Woman (38) diagnosed with bowel cancer
“A really nice man delivered the news. I looked around and my mum was crying. I was in shock. A girl I knew had died of cancer six months before that so I thought I was going to die, so that was the first question I asked: ‘am I going to die?’”
“The doctor was great and he was saying it was stage two to three, that the odds were with me, but it was really worrying.”
Before starting her treatment, Katie had her eggs frozen to protect her chances of having a family in the future. A course of chemotherapy followed, and then a period of chemotherapy and radiation together.
But scans revealed that her cancer had spread to her liver, and she needed surgery to remove both. It was also discovered that she had a hole in her bladder.
She explained: “In one of the operations or during the radiation, they’re not sure which, something caused a hole in my bladder, which I understand is quite common with radiation on the pelvic area. That was fixed in August.”
March 19
Tattoo artist died after alleged failure to diagnose and treat rare cancer
The family of a 28-year-old Spanish woman who died here six years ago has settled High Court actions over the care she received at Kerry General Hospital.
Tattoo artist, Rosa Gonzalez Valesco, died after an alleged failure to diagnose and treat her rare cancer on a timely basis when she sought help for a swelling on her jaw.
March 16
‘I’ve more confidence now than I did before’ – meet the young woman who lost a leg through cancer; and gained a new modelling career
Bernadette Hagans (22) tells Stephanie Bell how shortly after she had learnt to walk again with her prosthetic limb, she was signed up by a leading London agency
Irish girl, 14, who has been battling cancer for 12 years flies to the US for treatment
A 14-year-old Irish girl who has been battling cancer for 12 years is flying to the US for treatment. Robyn Smyth (left and right), from Dublin, was diagnosed at age three with stage 4 neuroblastoma, a cancer that forms in nerve tissue. She entered remission for the first time in 2009, but has since relapsed four times. Her chances of survival are around five percent and doctors in Ireland have told her family that there’s not much more they can do for her. The family is flying to Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in Michigan, where Robyn was treated three years, for scans and to begin oral chemotherapy.
20 March 2019
Dublin mum diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer: ‘I was very lucky… get advice from doctors, not the internet’
Dublin mother Caitriona Plunkett (37) has urged people who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer to seek their information from a doctor rather than the internet.
She received a diagnosis of breast cancer nearly three years ago, and spoke out about her experience on Daffodil Day today.
Note: Triple Negative Breast Cancer – National Breast Cancer Foundation
What is Triple Negative Breast Cancer? A diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer means that the three most common types of receptors known to fuel most breast cancer growth–estrogen, progesterone, and the HER-2/neu gene– are not present in the cancer tumor.
20 March 2019
‘I need a lot of help…it has been very hard’ – Rob Delaney reflects on loss of two-year-old son to cancer
Rob Delaney has been a “bag of wet rubbish” since his son died 14 months ago.
The ‘Catastrophe’ actor’s two-year-old son Henry died of cancer in January 2018, and he has now said the tragedy has “been very hard” to deal with, and he’s only just learning how to cope with the “waves” of emotion he feels.
6 students at 1 high school battle cancer: ‘Affected our school so deeply’
By Dillon Thomas March 4, 2019 at 9:16 pm
Filed Under:Cancer, Children’s Hospital, Rocky Mountain High School
FORT COLLINS, Colo. (CBS4) – The Rocky Mountain High School student body is coming together to find a cure for cancer after six of their students were diagnosed with the disease in the past two years. Four of the students diagnosed were from the graduating class of 2019, alone.…
Professor Tom Butler: On the clear evidence of the risks to children from Smartphone and Wi-Fi radio frequency radiation
EU plan to fit cars with speed limiters could be UNSAFE: AA issues warning over plan to fit all new cars with technology that will force you to stick to EVERY speed limit from 2022
New models sold in the EU will feature Intelligent Speed Assistance limiters
European Parliament, Council and Commission approved legislation for them
Vehicles will be slowed in accordance with speed limits using GPS and traffic sign recognition cameras
The bill includes a raft of new safety measures that are now subject to the formal approval of the European Parliament and EU member states in September
Models sold in the UK are likely to have the same technology after the Vehicle Certification Agency said it would mirror EU rules post-Brexit
AA and Zurich Insurance warned they could make cars and drivers less safe
The Department for Transport is backing the introduction of the technology
March 21, 2019
Brazilian researchers say Smartphone addiction is real, and that it’s associated with impaired decision-making
Smartphone addiction (SA) is a controversial concept that is not recognised by psychiatry as a formal diagnosis. Critics say that a problematic relationship with one’s phone is usually a symptom of deeper underlying issues and that it is inappropriate to apply the language of addiction to technology. Nonetheless, other mental health experts believe SA is real and they’ve accumulated evidence suggesting it is associated with reductions in academic and work performance, sleep disorders,symptoms of depression and loneliness, declines in wellbeing – and an increased risk of road traffic accidents. According to a group of psychiatry and psychology researchers at one of the largest universities in Brazil, to that list can now be added: poorer decision-making.
Studies suggest that the numbers of people with notional SA (defined by difficulty in controlling use of the smartphone, constant preoccupation with the possibility of being without it, and poor mood when it is taken away) are high – about 25 per cent of the population in the US; 10 per cent of adolescents in the UK; and a massive 43 per cent of people in Brazil, where the new research, published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, was conducted.
Brazilian Researchers Say Smartphone Addiction Is Real, And That It’s Associated With Impaired Decision-making
The final level of censorship is here: The banning of URLs
After Blocking Zero Hedge And Others, NZ Telcos Demand Big-Tech Censorship Surge To “Protect Consumers”
In the wake of last week’s terror attacks at two New Zealand mosques which left 50 dead, several websites which either reported on the incident, hosted footage of the attacks, or have simply allowed people to engage in uncensored discussion such as Dissenter or Zero Hedge, have been partially or completely blocked in both New Zealand and Australia for the sake of “protecting consumers,” according to the CEOs of three New Zealand telcos.
In the immediate aftermath of the shooting – which was broadcast over Facebook Live by accused gunman Brenton Tarrant to an initial audience of just 200 viewers (none of whom reported it) and had 4,000 overall views before it was taken down – Facebook deleted 1.5 million videos of the attack, of which 1.2 million were blocked at the time of upload.
After blocking Zero Hedge and others, NZ telcos demand Big-Tech censorship surge to ‘protect consumers’
In the wake of last week’s terror attacks at two New Zealand mosques which left 50 dead, several websites which either reported on the incident, hosted footage of the attacks, or have simply allowed people to engage in uncensored discussion such as Dissenter or Zero Hedge, have been partially or completely blocked in both New Zealand and Australia for the sake of “protecting consumers,” according to the CEOs of three New Zealand telcos.
Shaping A New GLOBAL ARCHITECTURE — World Economic Forum Discuses A.I. MIND CONTROL!
The World Economic Forum is currently shaping a new global architecture with hopes that AI in conjunction with mind controlling technologies can steer society in a direction that is desirable by them in order to achieve their vision of a utopian society. But what exactly does their vision entail?
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth exposes the WEF’s plan to use artificial intelligence and mind controlling technologies not only to predict where society is heading but also to ensure it gets steered in the “right” direction.
This creepy patent proves they can remotely hijack your nervous system
From Rui Augsuto, Portuguese Movement for Electrosmog Prevention (MOPPE)
DefDog: Sonic Warfare and Beyond 5G to 6G Genocide & Ecocide
FCC opens 95GHz to 3THz spectrum for ‘6G, 7G, or whatever’ is next
From Christine Zipps, Colorado
5G Action FLYER_3.18.19 – LATEST.jpg
Will your front yard be a 5G cell tower site.JPG
From Philip McNamara, Dublin
French farmers say wind turbines and solar panels have killed hundreds of their cows
Cows are being killed by electricity travelling through the ground, farmers claim
French farmer says hundreds of cows being killed by solar panels and turbines
Cattle in Brittany began losing weight and eventually died so land was tested
Electrical current was said to be found coming thought the earth and the water
From Angela Tsaing, California
CBS 60 Minutes: 15 US Diplomats attacked in China with microwave weapons
CBS 60 minutes ran a story yesterday about another 15 US diplomats in China that have the same symptoms as the injured diplomats in Cuba, who are believed to have been attacked by microwave weapons.
Their symptoms: headaches, nosebleeds, fatigue, dizziness, sleeping problems, memory loss, hives, hearing loss
Dr. Beatrice Golomb, M.D., Ph.D, professor of medicine at UC San Diego, and a scientific advisor to We Are the Evidence
wrote a paper providing evidence that microwave sickness is what the diplomats in Cuba were most likely suffering from. She shared her findings with government investigators, which led them to conclude it was most likely microwave weapons that were involved in the attacks.
The full text of her paper is available in Neural Computations, an MIT Press Journal
(see below for JAMA study on the diplomats, which found brain abnormalities from brain scans)
Former NSA worker Mike Beck was attacked with microwave weapons, and he said that this is relevant to what happened with the diplomats in China and Cuba, which he shared with congressional investigators. National Security Agency described such a weapon as a “high-powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate, or kill an enemy over time without leaving evidence.” The statement goes on to say “…this weapon is designed to bathe a target’s living quarters in microwaves.”
This would mean that the diplomats are suffering symptoms of microwave sickness
According to Merriam Webster,
Microwave Sickness: a condition of impaired health reported especially in the Russian medical literature that is characterized by headaches, anxiety, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and difficulty in concentrating and by changes in the cardiovascular and central nervous systems and that is held to be caused by prolonged exposure to low-intensity microwave radiation.
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A study on the diplomats was published in JAMA in March 2018.
(highlighted copy attached) The diplomats experienced the following symptoms:
43% had MRI result finding of T2 hyperintensity (bright-foci) in the white matter,
76% had headaches,
57% had nervousness,
76% had memory problems,
71% had impaired concentration,
67% feeling cognitively slowed,
86% had sleep problems, and
67% had irritability.
76% of the diplomats continued to experience persistent headaches longer than 3 months after exposure, and they were reported to be exacerbated or associated with cognitive tasks in 62% of the diplomats. They were able to differentiate the character of these headaches from that of their standard headaches. (p. 1130)
Dr. Golomb’s paper triggered the New York Times report of microwave sickness as the most likely explanation for the diplomats’ illness
The attorney representing 8 of the diplomats and their families also believes it was microwave weapons that injured his clients.
The same attacks happened over 50 years ago during the Cold War, when the Russians bombarded the U.S. Embassy in Moscow beginning in the 1950s with microwave radiation, making the diplomats sick with the same symptoms from microwave sickness. A study was done on the embassy employees. It found 4 statistically significant effects:
dermographism (eczema, inflammatory and allergic skin problems)
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SXSW: Wi-Charge uses infrared to wirelessly charge your devices
Wi-Charge uses infrared light to safely deliver power from a distance, Our award-winning products can charge a phone or power smart devices across the room, the enabling new and magical experiences. With Wi-Charge, new applications open for homes, offices, factories and public spaces.
Battery-powered devices are portable, but battery capacity limits functionality and frequently replacing batteries degrades the user experience. Moving wired devices, routing or hiding the power cords is a pain. Wi-Charge delivers 100x the power budget of battery solutions. With Wi-Charge, you can have the convenience of wire-free portability with a power budget approaching to a wired solution.
SXSW: Wi-Charge Uses Infrared to Wirelessly Charge Your Devices
Can AI be a fair judge in court? Estonia thinks so
Government usually isn’t the place to look for innovation in IT or new technologies like artificial intelligence. But Ott Velsberg might change your mind. As Estonia’s chief data officer, the 28-year-old graduate student is overseeing the tiny Baltic nation’s push to insert artificial intelligence and machine learning into services provided to it’s 1.3 million citizens.
`”We want the government to be as lean as possible says the wiry, bespectacled Velsberg, an estonian who is writing his PhD thesis at Sweden’s Unme Univarsity on how to use AI in government services. Estonia’s government hired Velsberg last August to run a new project to introduce AI into various ministries to streamline services offered to residents.
International Symposium: Biological Effects of Wireless Technology, Mainz, Germany, October 2019
The conference will provide easy-to-understand overviews of the “biological effects” of mobile and wireless communication technologies as well as in-depth discussions that will be as accessible to non-experts as possible. Internationally renowned speakers will share firsthand information and recommendations in lectures, workshops, documentary films and panel discussions, inviting everybody to join the discussion.
Four chapters in the program:
The current state of risk research
Wireless radiation risks for the future of life
About the political and legal situation – For a new precautionary policy
International Symposium: Biological Effects of Wireless Technology, Mainz, Germany, October 2019
From Prof, Suleyman Dasdag, Turkey
20th and 21st century experiences of our world should make human beings more wise
Google Trasnlate: As a result, the comfort brought by the developments in science and technology has always attracted human beings and will continue to attract them. Nevertheless, the impacts of technological developments on all living things, ie all living things, have been understood later. The 20th and 21st century experiences of our world should make human beings more wise. Whether technologies such as 5G, 6G il would harm our planet, it must first be scientifically evident, a great gain for all living things, and everyone’s main target. Even with the bosses … One of these risks may be the cause of the smacking in a day, if the radiofrequency radiation defeats the world.–5g/Blog/?BlogNo=605341
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Influential Australia
Posted on March 25, 2019
Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity – definitions
Influential Australians
Exchange with ARPANSA
Rodney Croft’s opinions
Science & Wireless 2018, Wollongong, Australia
5.1. Adam Verrender EHS presentation
5.2. Mike Wood on 5G
Influential Australia
Journalists Miriam Fisher and Emma Beswick conveyed important 5G opinions in their news-stories
Journalists Miriam Fisher and Emma Beswick conveyed important 5G opinions in their news-stories
From Patricia Burke, Massachusetts
Happy Full Moon Equinox = please take a seed and plant it, post a good link on a bad article, write an article, share something with your networks
3 things from REFLEX under health
If you have not been following it, the Boeing debacle has raised issues about sensors, IOT, etc. There was a great statement yesterday by the hero pilot who landed a plane on the Hudson about the industry doing its own safety testing, and the FAA being too cozy with the industry. I posted his comments at the end of this news summary with some more commentary
I have seen many activists talk about the fact the smart meters violate the Nuremberg Treaty; I feel like a broken record when I keep trying to explain that the US is not a member of the International Criminal Court. See article under human rights. FYI
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UPCOMING ZOOM Roundtable Sessions: If all goes well, we’ll be joined by subject matter experts
On the topics of, “100% WIRED vs “Reduce When Not in Use” Debate – Which is Best Policy and Why?”
And, “How to Prepare a Three-Minute Testimony Before School Board Trustees Mtg: What NOT to Say!”
EVENT: Dafna Tachover,Esq., Lisa Lacoparra, Marilynne Martin and Stephanie Austin join in a round table discussion on 5G and the proliferation of wireless RFR Liberty News Network originates in Utah.
3/21/19 9:00 – 11:00 EST.
EVENT: 5G Action Day Earth Day April 22 2019
ANTENNAS AND TOWERS: Fear of RF Exposure from Towers, Small Cells Persists, Grows
Little evidence exists to support the idea that living, working, or going to school near a cell phone tower might increase the risk of cancer or other health problems, according to the American Cancer Society. Many in the tower industry believe that the physics of RF make it unlikely that RF energy would trigger cancer.
Yet, such reassurances fall short for the parents of four children stricken with cancer after attending classes at Weston Elementary School in Ripon, California’s Unified School District.
Consumed with grief, some members of the community are calling for the removal of a cell tower at Weston Elementary. But the school district has a 25-year contractual obligation to Sprint that began in 2009.
Fear of RF Exposure from Towers, Small Cells Persists, Grows
A 5G phone won’t do you much good without 5G service. Here’s where to find both.
WI-FI SCHOOLS: Episcopal day school to build nature-focused campus
Leaders at the private school on Walton Way have laid the groundwork for a nearly 40-acre satellite campus in west Augusta that aims to get its student body – and even children from other schools – back in touch with nature.
“We’ve so overprogrammed pre-K and kindergarten; when it becomes bureaucratized, you suffocate the life out of it,” Murray said. “So now we’re treating preschoolers in our system as though they are fourth-graders-in-training. The way we learn best when we’re 4 and 5 is not like that. It’s more about exploring and wandering, and the natural world is the best classroom there is.”
Murray said the future campus already is yielding dividends. Every grade is developing a multidisciplinary project based on the campus, which last year alone was the destination for 65 field trips on the school’s two Wi-FI-enabled buses.
The natural setting also helps fulfill the school’s mission to nourish students spiritually as well as intellectually.
“We believe, theologically, God is speaking in that natural creation,” Murray said. “Our kids’ faith and relationship with God is going to grow not just from sitting in chapel or in a religion class, but by spending time in the natural world.”
SCHOOLS: Age of digital class upon us
Some schools are able to provide loan equipment, financial support or negotiated deals to assist parents. However, there remains the problem of tens of thousands of homes without internet access. While schools often make before- and after-school access to their internet available, this is only a stopgap measure and still leaves education with equity issues to address.
Some parents are also wondering if this is just the latest educational fad that will, in time, pass or is, genuinely, the dawning of a new era in teaching and learning.
It’s definitely the latter.
SCHOOLS: Our View: It’s time for Ripon schools to get rid of the cell phone tower
FCC: Carr to Visit Tennessee, Ohio, and Kentucky for Events with Senator Blackburn, Congressman Latta, and Congressman Guthrie
Visit Will Focus on Telehealth, 5G, Smart Ag, Manufacturing, and Workforce
5G ACTIVIST Barrie Trower & Mark Steele discuss 5G as a weapon and how 5G encompasses the Sub Ghz range.
FCC: Former FCC Chair Tom Wheeler says it’s time for more regulation of Big Tech
He spoke with Adweek about net neutrality, tech regulation and media history
FCC admits it can’t track fake comments on electronic comment filing system
5G SANT CRUZ March 18, 2019 R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Sometimes the unexpected happens. Sometimes there is nothing to share but praise. Such was the case at the city Planning Commission meeting on March 14th. The topic for this special meeting concerned 5G, the “fifth generation” technology that will allow for much faster mobile wireless connections than the current 4G allows. It has the capacity to handle the upsurge in wireless needs anticipated for the near future. Since 5G Technology uses a higher-frequency band of the wireless spectrum it requires many more, smaller antennae spaced closer together than previous wireless generations, coming soon to your neighborhood. State and local control over such technology is limited by the federal government under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which prohibits local regulation of the placement, construction and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of environmental (or health) effects. At the meeting, only aesthetic standards for 5G were to be decided upon whereas the many members of the public in attendance wanted to speak about the adverse health impacts of 5G. The potential for an acrimonious, frustrating meeting was high. (scroll to date to read)
link to the meeting video
5G: The 5G Cold War Heats Up.
5G HEALTH: Analysis of UK Response to Parliamentary Petition on 5G Health Risks
As of February 27, 2019, 226 scientists and medical doctors (qualified as PhD, Professor or MD) have signed an appeal for an urgent moratorium on 5G technology. This all sounds very impressive – PHE looks to AGNIR, SCENIHR, ICNIRP and WHO for their direction when it comes to safety standards.
But as respected journalist team Investigate Europe has neatly demonstrated, all these groups concentrate around 14 key individuals and considerable industry funding.
Analysis of UK Response to Parliamentary Petition on 5G Health Risks
5G HEALTH: 5G networks: Are they dangerous to our health? GOOD ARTICLE
Fears surrounding mobile phone use and the possible effects of radiation on the human body are mounting. As Germany begins a new 5G network rollout, DW takes a look at whether this new technology is bad for our health.
… Despite this, the World Health Organization’s International EMF Project, which investigates the health effects of electromagnetic fields on humans, argues there are “no major public health risks [that] have emerged from several decades of EMF research.”
The body concedes, however, “that uncertainties remain.”
5G Industry Voices—Containers in 5G and edge still under construction
As an industry, we’re tumbling headfirst into 5G and edge without necessarily understanding all that is ahead of us. Running proofs-of-concept and upgrading radios to get faster speeds on wireless mobile plans is one thing, understanding infrastructure upgrades needed to make 5G a profitable business case is another.
I agree with Chetan Sharma’s article that telcos who believe 5G is a “build it and they will come” bet will fail. And so, infrastructure initiatives that provide flexible and streamlined backends are critical to ensure favorable 5G economics.
(IE we do not know what we are doing)
5G LEGISLATION: Here is information about H.R. 530, the Accelerating Wireless Broadband Development by Empowering Local Communities Act of 2019, legislation to overturn Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations limiting the ability of local governments to regulate the deployment of 5G wireless infrastructure.
5G: HR 530 to overturn legislation removing local control over dangerous 5G technology installation has 25 co-sponsors — all Democrats
5G ACTIVIST VIDEO: Why 5G Networks May Be a Prototype of the Image of the Beast (Video) 19 minutes
March 17, 2019 by Alan E. Kurschner
This sounds like a sensational headline, but I believe it is valid and is relevant to the future Beast’s system. I am not saying that 5G networks is the image of the beast. But the concept of it is eerily similar and something that may very well be developed into the image when that time comes.
The second beast was empowered to give life to the image of the first beast so that it could speak, and could cause all those who did not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (Rev 13:15)
I highly recommend you watch the entirety of this video to bring you up to speed on what is coming our way in terms of 5G networks (I have investigated this over the past year). Just like the government and its related subsidiary industries lies to us about the health of just about everything: Big Pharma, Big Sugar, Big Grain, Big Food, Big Corn, and so on, Big FCC is lying to us about the safety of 5G networks. And they don’t care. Yet, the scientific studies on the hazards of 5G overwhelmingly demonstrate that it is dangerous to our health, extremely dangerous. With respect to the topic of the headline of this post, the relevant part starts at 14:15 speaking about 5G tracking and identifying you in the most dystopian form. However, I highly recommend you watch the entire video.
This is the same video I posted yesterday,
5G: Why is 5G mobile broadband technology such a mystery? (industry skeptic)
Answer: no one knows. When we contacted the very academic responsible for “polar code” — a technology vital to Huawei’s bid for 5G dominance — he told us he couldn’t talk because he didn’t have the “factual information.”
The debate around 5G — an embryonic technology that’s seemingly poised to replace 4G and meet our ever greater “demands” for mobile data for streaming films, navigating self-driving cars, or getting rich on blockchain — is as much a war about patents as it is about business, security, and, well… thinking that everything that the Chinese do has just got to be bad.
China’s a dictatorship, right? So, they’re going to want to snoop and surveil, and probably snatch your first born, too.
“Democracies,” on the other hand, like the USA, Germany and UK, are as pure as Columbian snow. …We’ve never heard of the NSA or GCHQ, either.
Perhaps the guardedness among some of the players can be explained by the fact that their technologies are all so very similar — whether it’s their development of Massive MIMO (multiple input multiple output), a technology that should ultimately allow the simultaneous flow of many data signals over a single radio channel.
Then there’s their research into millimeter waves, which can support broader bandwidths and a lot more data, moving much, much faster.
Millimeter waves may also allow for “fog computing” — a form of peer-to-peer, mesh networks in the cloud — perhaps good for emergency situations — but that will take a heap of clean code to get right, according to Médard in an interview for MIT News.
And the next 3GPP standard (Release 16) is not due until late 2019.
So, for now, we’ll just have to put up with good ol’ 4G, and to be frank, it’ll probably do for most of us.
5G HISTORICAL: Who’s behind the 5G cull of humanity?
In 1999, HP scientist Richard P. Walker was granted a patent for what would become known as the internet of everything, now better known as 5G. Walker and the rest of his Silicon Valley colleagues had been fed military technology by Lockheed Martin and IBM.
Who’s Behind The 5G Cull Of Humanity?
5G SECURITY: Huawei, 5G wireless, and the battle for Europe
IOT SECURTY BREACH: Brace yourselves: New variant of Mirai takes aim at a new crop of IoT devices
The takeaway is that, like many botnet platforms, Mirai continues to try to increase its foothold, both by infecting a larger number of devices and moving into networks with more available bandwidth.
House of Lords recommends creation of new digital ‘super-regulator’—1283987
HEALTH OT EVENT: Filmmaker and investigative journalist Jonathan Otto is launching his “Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets” docu-series today.
This is important work in a world where these 3 conditions have reached epidemic levels. Make sure to register and listen to a few episodes.
He interviewed 55 of the world’s top experts on brain and mental health, so I expect the information to be cutting-edge:
( I do not know if it includes EMF hygiene)
HEALTH: Diplomats in China report similar brain injuries as Americans in Cuba
In 2016 and 2017, 25 Americans in the U.S. embassy in Cuba suffered serious, unexplained brain injuries. Now, at least 15 American officials in China are reporting similar symptoms.
HEALTH scientists ‘clear’ Alzheimer’s plaque from mice using only light and sound
Glioblastomas have doubled in number in England since mobile phones were introduced in 1995
HEALTH RESEARCH: Prof. Franz Adlkofer Prof. Dr. med. Franz Adlkofer, born in 1935, received his doctorate from the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich in 1965 and his post-doctoral education in internal
medicine from the Free University of Berlin till 1976. From 1976 to 1992 Prof. Adlkofer worked for the industry. Since 1992 he is Executive Director and since 2002 Member of the
Board of VERUM – Foundation for Behaviour and Environment in Munich. His special interest concentrates on the investigation of diseases caused by behaviour and environment. Until 2004 he lectured on this topic at the Free University of Berlin.
To investigate the biological effects of electromagnetic fields, Prof. Adlkofer organized and coordinated the EU-funded research project REFLEX between 1999 and 2004. In addition, the VERUM Foundation promoted complementary research and sponsored numerous scientific workshops in this area. Prof. Adlkofer is author and co-author of many scientific papers and presentations at national and international meetings.
Final summary of the REFLEX research project:
Prof. Franz Adlkofer, Pandora Foundation, Mar 19, 2019
On October 28, 2018, Microwave News published a report on two research teams from UK, in which each had observed a rise in glioblastoma in England between 1995 and 2014. Glioblastomas are the most malignant brain tumours leading to death in nearly 100% of the cases shortly after detection (1).
While incidence and location of the brain tumours were comparable in both studies, the conclusions about the pathogenesis of the tumours were different. Philips et al. (2) see the cause for the rise in glioblastoma in the increasing use of mobile phones, while de Vocht (3) is of the opinion that such an assumption can be excluded with a high probability. This dispute is in some way evocative of the controversy between the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP). In the $ 30-million study, the NTP detected malignant schwannoma in the heart and glioblastoma in the brain of male rats after exposure to mobile phone radiation for a period of two years. ICNIRP, a non-governmental organization under the undisclosed control of the telecommunication industry, which is responsible for the establishment of safety limits for non-ionizing radiation in Europe and beyond, tried to play down the significance of the NTP findings by casting doubts on their reliability. While ICNIRP has totally ignored any progress of research since the turn of the century (4), de Vocht based his findings on what he calls “synthetic counterfactuals”, which sounds – rightly or wrongly – more like “alternative facts”.
“If a chemical compound gives evidence for a carcinogenic effect in in-vitro, as well as in animal and epidemiological studies, the probability approaches certainty that this agent is carcinogenic for humans. Mobile phone radiation causes genetic damage in isolated human cells: shown in the REFLEX Study and others; it causes malignant tumours in the hearts and brains of male rats and genetic damage in the brain of rats and mice: proven in the NTP Study; it causes glioblastoma in long-term users of mobile phones: revealed in epidemiological studies by Hardell et al. among others. If it needed any further proof, Philips et al. and unintentionally also de Vocht did provide it with their recent research results. Therefore, it must be assumed that mobile communication radiation generated by 1G (sic) up to 4G (sic) causes among other diseases cancer in humans. In the long term, the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, which in 2011 classified mobile communication radiation as being “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, will not be able to withstand any longer the demand from independent science to finally adjust the classification to the reality of: “carcinogenic to humans.” ….
“As it looks like, the mobile communication industry and politics today silently assume that the publicdiscussion on possible health risks through mobile phone radiation may slowly abate after the introduction of the new 5G (sic) standard necessary for the intended digitization of the world. Since G5radiation rarely penetrates the human skin, they in advance of any research obviously rule out a further rise in glioblastoma in the brain – so far the most terrible outcome – and optimistically alsoall the other hazardous effects on the human body. Independent scientists strongly doubt that the assumption is justified since the skin, the largest organ of the human body, may not be able to protect people from the effects of the 5G radiation, which presents an entirely new challenge to the all life on earth. So far no research has been carried out which allows the conclusion that 5G radiation is safer than the preceding 1G up to 4G standards. The 5G standard, too, will be inflicted upon human society without any prior check of its compatibility with health. However, the few results available so far indicate that 5G radiation may lead to permanent tissue damage even after short exposures (11). These findings are reason enough to advise caution, but they will obviously be totally ignored.”
How the Mobile Communication Industry Deals with Science as Illustrated by ICNIRP versus NTP Prof. Franz Adlkofer, Pandora Foundation, Oct 26, 2018
The development of mobile communication technologies starting with 1G up to now 5G is a success story rarely heard of previously. It has only been possible because industry experts in charge of the technology assumed that radiofrequency (RF) radiation and its modulations – similar to visible light – are biologically harmless. They believed in safety limits that reliably protect people only from the acute thermal effects of RF radiation inherent in the system. Biological effects below the safety limits were categorically ruled out because their existence allegedly contradicted the laws of physics.
So, the technical use of RF radiation in mobile communication has experienced hardly any limitation. Doubts about the harmlessness of this radiation, just as old as the technique itself, have been countered by the mobile communication industry as wrong and without basis. Compliant scientists, whose preferred opinion was more important than their qualifications, were generously supported and, by using political connections, placed in national and international advisory and decision-making bodies.
A milestone in putting through the interests of the mobile communication industry was the establishment of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) in 1992. It is a non-governmental organization. Michael Repacholi, then head of the WHO’s EMF Project, managed to get official recognition for this group by the WHO as well as the EU and a series of its member states, among them Germany. Repacholi, first ICNIRP chairman and later emeritus – member, left the WHO after allegations of corruption in 2006 and found a new position as a consultant to an American electricity provider. ICNIRP’s most important task is the establishment of safety limits for non-ionizing radiation including RF radiation. Its decisions are of utmost importance for the mobile communication industry’s economic and strategic planning. The ICNIRP, whose members are convinced of the harmlessness of RF radiation, has never changed its attitude despite all research progress made in this field since 1992. To guarantee that the mobile communication industry can permanently rely on ICNIRP, the succession of a member who leaves is regulated by statute. The remaining members select the new one on the basis of mutual understanding. Together with the other groups mentioned above ICNIRP has ensured that mobile communication industry is not only dominating the technical research to which it is entitled to, but also the biological research – this at the expense of the human health.
Von Franz Adlkofer | Pandora Foundation for independent research
Electrosensitivity: as experienced by an electrosensitive person and assessed by scientists Prof. Franz Adlkofer, Pandora Foundation, Mar 9, 2016
On February 13, 2013, the body of Carsten Häublein a former pastor from Ammertal, was recovered from the river Schlei in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany). From the available evidence, it was concluded that he had taken his own life. After seven years of suffering whenever he was exposed to mobile communication radiation (RF-EMF), he obviously had lost the courage to continue this way of life.
The Häublein case is an example of a tragedy in Europe, where thousands of people suffering from the aftereffects of electrosensitivity are classified as psychologically peculiar or even mentally disturbed. The sole reason of this claim is to deny RF-EMF being the cause of this suffering. Since 2006, pastor Häublein was strongly committed to have electrosensitivity regarded as an environmental illness.
Let us hope that courageous judges will be found not only in France who understand the basis for electrosensitivity, who question the rationale for the safety limits and who provide justice to electrosensitive people.
Prof. Franz Adlkofer published to the third anniversary of the death of Father Häublein this report.
HUMAN RIGHTS CONFERENCE CALL: Exploitation by Exposure: Human Rights and Toxic Exposures
9AM AK / 10AM PDT / 1 PM EDT Wednesday, March 27, 2019
People around the world are exposed to toxic substances linked to certain cancers, reproductive impairment, respiratory diseases, diabetes and neurodevelopmental harm, among other adverse health effects. Children are at greatest risk. Pediatricians describe a number of children today as born “pre-polluted.” A silent pandemic of disease, disability and premature death is now widespread around the world, in significant part due to childhood exposure to toxic substances during sensitive periods of development. Worldwide, people living in poverty, indigenous peoples, women, workers, migrants and minorities are also more vulnerable to exposures and associated violations of their rights to life, health, food, water, just work conditions, and a healthy environment.
Join Baskut Tuncak, United Nations Special Rapporteur on hazardous substances and wastes (i.e. toxics) for a discussion of why and how toxic exposures can violate human rights and how exposure to pollutants is a public health crisis present in all countries, from the wealthiest to the least industrialized. Learn about United Nations efforts to compel polluters to end this abuse by adopting solutions that prevent or minimize exposure to stop the poisoning of communities, workers and consumers.
Mike Pompeo Lays Down the Opposition to International Law
As the moral conscience of the universe, US leaders cannot stand the idea of there being an International Criminal Court (ICC), independent of every nation in the world, endowed with the authority to detect and prosecute egregious crimes committed by wayward governments. The principle may have been justified at the time of the Nuremberg trials because it only targeted a single nation, Nazi Germany, which was the definition of evil. It cannot apply to the United States, which considers itself the definition of good.
Should we then be surprised that, as Reuters reports, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has confirmed the commitment of the US not just to ignore the ICC, but to aggressively punish the court and the individuals who work for it? The reason: for daring to investigate war crimes that may have been committed by US military personnel.
POLITICS GOVERNMENT: As Sunshine Week draws to a close, state legislatures are set to review a number of records bills across the nation
Exemptions, additions, and even stronger records laws are on the horizon
PRODUCTS: Scientists build a self-healing, stretchable electronic skin
Taking inspiration from jellyfish, researchers have developed a touch-sensitive skin that could be used to help humans interact with machines.
SATELLITES: Why space is becoming a dangerous place to do business
Internet startup OneWeb has plans to deploy hundreds of new satellites into Earth’s orbit, and CEO Greg Wyler wants to make sure it’s done safely.
Space is already littered with hazards. There are millions of pieces of debris whirling around, the result of 50 years of space travel and few regulations to keep space clean. One collision already happened.
SATELLITES: How satellites can bridge the digital divide
Chairman and CEO of Thales, Patrice Caine, explains how existing satellite technology can provide universal Internet access
SCIENCE INTEGRTY: Scientists under surveillance: The FBI Files
SCIENCE INTEGRITY OT: University of Illinois at Chicago missed warning signs of research going awry
Letters Show UIC has played down its shortcomings in overseeing the work of a prominent child psychiatrist, but newly obtained documents show that the school acknowledged its lapses to federal officials.
SECURITY: Huge aluminium plants hit by ‘severe’ ransomware attack NORWWAY
TRANSPORTATION: Non-parking driverless cars will clog city streets
TRANSPORTATION: Ford Explorer owners say their SUVs are making them sick
TRANSPORTATION: How Would You Like A Smart Meter In Your Automobile:
It’s Coming In Order To Pave The Way For Self-driving Cars
SMART METERS: Kansas is one of multiple states that had regulatory proceedings to investigate smart meter opt-out policies and the commission’s regulatory staff evaluated opt-out program cost data, including upfront and monthly fees in Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas. Utilities trying to ensure cost-recovery from their AMI investment see opt-out fees as important to their bottom-line, but some states have moved to prohibit utilities from charging additional fees to customers that refuse the technology. Regulators considered opt-out tariffs for at least 11 utilities in 2018, according to the “50 States of Grid Modernization” annual report from the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center. State regulatory and legislative efforts last year included nearly 35 actions related to AMI.
CLARIFICATION: This article was updated to include that Westar, KCP&L and Southern Pioneer’s AMI deployments are the only ones over which the KCC has jurisdiction
SMART METERS: LETTER: Urging people against smart meters to speak out
SMART METERS: Green New Deal promotes Smart Meters which use more energy than analog meters, emit electrosmog, and catch fire..
SMART METERS: World Smart Meter refresh (update) market forecast report 2018-2027: A unique market is fast-approaching, and in some places has already arrived
With many of the world’s first smart meter deployments over a decade old, a unique meter market is fast-approaching, and in some places has already arrived: the smart meter refresh market. Over the next ten years, the world’s smart metering pioneers-the first utilities to deploy smart meters-will retire old models to redeploy new versions of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) that will represent over a decade of technological advancement.
The replacement is necessitated by the approximately 15-year lifetime of smart meters, as we are now 15 years beyond the early 2000s, when the first smart meter rollouts began. The refresh market, at least through the forecast period of 2027, will mostly be limited to those countries that conducted large-scale rollouts prior to 2013-a market that represents tens of millions of meters. These deployments will take place predominantly in Italy, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the United States, Canada, and Australia.
SMART METERS: LUBBOCK, TX (KCBD) City talks benefits of advanced electric metering in special utility board meeting
Customers will have the ability to opt out of the new smart meter, but will be required to pay a monthly fee of $25.
UTILITIES ILLINOIS: Yet another Illinois energy bill seeks to avoid ‘cliff’ in renewable development
Yet another Illinois energy bill seeks to avoid ‘cliff’ in renewable development
ComEd’s grid upgrades reduce outages in Chicago area
ComEd’s smart grid improvements, including the installation of “smart switches” that reroute power around trouble spots, helped avoid more than 280,000 customer interruptions this winter season, which has been one of the coldest in recent history.
ComEd’s grid upgrades were precipitated by the passage of the Energy Infrastructure Modernization Act by the Illinois General Assembly in 2012. Since then, power outages have been reduced by 45 percent, on average. That translates to 11 million fewer customer suffering interruptions. Additionally, the frequency of outages has been reduced by nearly 60 percent since 2012 in Chicago. Further, over the last 10 years, the average ComEd residential customer has seen no increase in their bill. In June 2008, the average monthly bill was about $85 and in January 2019 the average bill was approximately $83.
Solar advocates suspect Iowa utility is behind group critical of net metering
UTILITIES MICHIGAN: Monopolies in Michigan fear solar, deliver some of nation’s most expensive electricity
An analysis by Michigan Technological University shows how Michigan utilities use political influence to push back against distributed solar generation, leading to some of the nation’s highest electricity rates in the Upper Peninsula.
Monopolies in Michigan fear solar, deliver some of nation’s most expensive electricity
UTILITIES MISSOURI: Ameren Missouri is spending about $2.5 million to replace poles and add smart grid technology to improve reliability in St. Louis-area communities. (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
Ameren Missouri outlines investment to reduce power outages in the Ladue area
UTILITIES GREEN NEW DEAL: The Green New Deal aims to get buildings off fossil fuels. These 6 places have already started.
The work of reducing carbon emissions from buildings has begun.
UTILITIES RELIABILITY: Can modern, high-tech warehouses rely solely on the power grid?
As warehouses add automation, facilities managers explore alternative energy and smart sensors to reduce reliance on the grid.
UTILITIES SAFETY: Reducing the risk of fire with rooftop solar, batteries and microgrids
A new white paper by Sunrun delves into the risks that overloaded power lines pose, and posits solutions to both fire mitigation and reliability with distributed generation.
Reducing the risk of fire with rooftop solar, batteries and microgrids
UTILITIES: Cryptocurrency miners go to federal court to block ‘crippling’ electric rate hike
UTILITIES: To manage The Grid, a Vermont utility hooks up to a hospital’s icebox
As distributed energy resources gain traction, virtual power plants could add value for consumers and utilities alike
The pilot is intended to test the idea that “on any circuit, we can come up with a strategy to balance generation and load and start to monetize the customer’s participation based on performance.”
In its filing, Green Mountain Power said it plans to control the hospital’s ice-making facility as a demand response resource. In turn, it will credit the hospital for off-peak demand charges. A share of the benefits also will help lower the cost of service for other Green Mountain Power customers.
The pilot hopes to show that while the hospital’s ice energy system is one example of a controllable resource, it is not the only thermal storage asset that can be aggregated. The utility’s regulatory filing said that essentially any device that can store British thermal units, “including the shell of a building,” may be able to take part in the program.
Capt. Sullenberger on the FAA and Boeing: ‘Our credibility as leaders in aviation is being damaged’ The ‘Miracle on the Hudson’ pilot says the Boeing 737 Max controversy is ‘unprecedented’ and an ‘ugly saga’
Capt. Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger: ‘Without effective leadership and support from political leaders in the administration, the FAA does not have sufficient independence to be able to do its job, which is to keep air travelers and crews safe.’
For most of the history of powered flight, the United States has been a world leader in aviation.
This nation’s aviation regulatory body, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has long been the gold standard of safety regulation in global aviation, often a template for other nations to follow in technical and safety matters.
Boeing BA, +1.19% has long been the world’s preeminent airplane maker.
But now, our credibility as leaders in aviation is being damaged. Boeing and the FAA have been found wanting in this ugly saga that began years ago but has come home to roost with two terrible fatal crashes, with no survivors, in less than five months, on a new airplane type, the Boeing 737 Max 8, something that is unprecedented in modern aviation history.
‘For too many years, the FAA has not been provided budgets sufficient to ensure appropriate oversight of a rapidly growing global aviation industry.’
For too many years, the FAA has not been provided budgets sufficient to ensure appropriate oversight of a rapidly growing global aviation industry. Staffing has not been adequate for FAA employees to oversee much of the critically important work of validating and approving aircraft certification. Instead, much of the work has been outsourced by designating aircraft manufacturer employees to do the work on behalf of the FAA. This, of course, has created inherent conflicts of interest, when employees working for the company whose products must be certified to meet safety standards are the ones doing much of the work of certifying them. There simply are not nearly enough FAA employees to do this important work in-house.
To make matters worse, there is too cozy a relationship between the industry and the regulators. And in too many cases, FAA employees who rightly called for stricter compliance with safety standards and more rigorous design choices have been overruled by FAA management, often under corporate or political pressure.
Let me be clear, without effective leadership and support from political leaders in the administration, the FAA does not have sufficient independence to be able to do its job, which is to keep air travelers and crews safe. Oversight must mean accountability, or it means nothing.
‘Boeing, in developing the 737 Max 8, obviously felt intense competitive pressure to get the new aircraft to market as quickly as possible.’
Boeing, in developing the 737 Max 8, obviously felt intense competitive pressure to get the new aircraft to market as quickly as possible. When flight testing revealed an issue with meeting the certification standards, they developed a fix, Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), but did not tell airline pilots about it. In mitigating one risk, they seem to have created another, greater risk.
After the crash of Lion Air 610 last October, it was apparent that this new risk needed to be effectively addressed. It has been reported that Boeing pushed back in discussions with the FAA about the extent of changes that would be required, and after the second crash, of Ethiopian 302, the Boeing CEO reached out to the U.S. President to try to keep the 737 Max 8 from being grounded in the U.S. The new fix still has not been fielded, nearly five months after Lion Air. It almost certainly could have been done sooner, and should have been.
Boeing has focused on trying to protect its product and defend its stance, but the best way, indeed the only way, to really protect one’s brand or product is to protect the people who use it. We must not forget that the basis of business, what makes business possible, is trust.
Estimates are that Boeing likely will face additional costs of several billion dollars because of these recent crashes and the decisions made several years ago that led up to them. This case is a validation of something that I have long understood, that there is a strong business case for quality and safety, that it is always better and cheaper to do it right instead of doing it wrong and trying to repair the damage after the fact, and when lives are lost, there is no way to repair the damage.
And in this ultra-cost-competitive global aviation industry, when it comes to costs, nothing is more costly than an accident. Nothing.
Capt. “Sully” Sullenberger is a safety expert, author and speaker on leadership and culture. He is also a retired airline pilot who, on Jan. 15, 2009, safely landed US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River in New York when both engines lost power after they were struck by a flock of birds. All 155 people on board survived.
No Training for Pilots on New Automated System: Boeing, FAA, Pilots Unions Complicit in Rushing Doomed Jets into Service
IOT SENSORS FAILING: Sensory deprivation – ‘garbage in, garbage out’ revisited for the IoT era
Sensor failure is a potential new threat to life in the IoT age.
The two deadly crashes of the new Boeing 737 Max 8 are a case in point. A preliminary report about the causes of the Lion Air crash pointed to erroneous data from a sensor causing the aircraft’s new automated stabilizer system to push the jet’s nose down. The pilots struggled to pull the plane up, and it crashed into the sea. Now it turns out the same faulty sensor may have caused the Ethiopian crash too.
When a sensor reports the wrong information, the software that consumes it can do aberrant things. On a personal note, I drive a Ford SVT Raptor truck. A faulty sensor, the constant speed control, caused my transmission to almost catastrophically drop into first gear when I was traveling about sixty miles an hour, causing the rear wheels to lock up and I almost lost control of the vehicle. This symptom caused a recall and Ford flashed a new version of the transmission control system and the problem was resolved.
But what about the more common sensors that drive the Industrial IOT? Most of these are rather simple devices, and they exhibit a failure curve known as the bathtub curve. In other words, there is a high incidence of failure at the beginning, due to a number of factors such a manufacturing defects, improper installation, improper application. Beyond that, they perform for a long time before they reach a normal lifespan. But there are still failures throughout that lifespan.
QUOTE: Change is life itself. But change rampant, change unguided and unrestrained, accelerated change overwhelming not only man’s physical defenses but his decisional processes — such change is the enemy of life. Our first and most pressing need, therefore, before we can begin to gently guide our evolutionary destiny, before few can build a humane future, is to halt the runaway acceleration that is subjecting multitudes to the threat of future shock, while, at the very same moment, intensifying all the problems they must deal with.- Jeffrey Eisenach
ATTACHED 5G FLYER FROM CHRISTINE: our 5G Colorado Action Group created this great flyer – we invite you to feel free to use it as you see fit – believe all you’d need to do is to change the URL, email address and state references to suit – hope you like it! –
EVENT THURSDAY: free listen for 24 hours
EVENT: Massachusetts Ballot Measure–Last Tree Laws Coalition Conference Call April 7 Sunday 4 PM (Focused on Membership Suggestions)
Sign up with Last Tree Laws Membership Form
Conference call to discuss campaign, how to improve legislation, and how to support campaign. Last Tree Laws has formed a ballot committee to ask voters to support legislation for environmental health, justice, and scientific integrity. The basic concept is to create an environmental branch of state government, led by qualified individuals. This branch would have some appointment powers and some jurisdiction over agencies tasked with environmental work, and include election of knowledgeable individuals to head the branch. This is a constitutional amendment, and a long one. The task will not be easy or swift, but allows a forum to exist to bring forward issues. Last Tree Laws also welcomes coalition members.
FEATURED: Emeritus Professor Martin Pall slams ARPANSA response
Professor Martin Pall’s 28-page forensic analysis of ARPANSA’s letter, which includes reference to his own document on the risks of 5G and other EMF, is a chilling indictment of the competence, professionalism and independence of ARPANSA. ARPANSA is the organisation that supposedly monitors and identifies radiation risks to Australians!
Pall notes that ARPANSA provided “not one iota of evidence that its exposure standard is based on scientific research or that it protects us from any, let alone all harmful effects nor that it protects people of all ages and health status against all known adverse effects of RF (the word they are using for microwave frequency) exposures”. Professor Pall pointed out that by ignoring 158 bodies of evidence ARPANSA completely fails in its responsibility to protect the health of Australians. He goes on to say that, in general, “ARPANSA makes grandiose claims that are both undocumented and found to be false or, at best highly questionable when one examines the scientific literature”.
Professor Pall raised a number of questions for ARPANSA in his response. He asked ARPANSA to provide answers to these questions within three weeks of receiving his letter.
ANTENNAS AND TOWERS: Stalked by a cell tower: ‘It’s been a nightmare’
Newly released video. I do not personally endorse all the content but video clips feature many legislators of significance in the U.S.A., as well as posts from the Environmental Health Trust.
ANTENNAS AND TOWERS: South Africans threatening to camp until cell tower was removed led to its removal from school property
Do you understand the bigger purpose behind 5G? Where it will ultimately lead? 15 minute video from Truthstream media “With the internet as its nervous system, the world’s connected cell phones and sensors as its organs, and data centers as its brain, the ‘whatever’ will hear everything, and be everywhere at the same time.”
CELLPHONES: The hidden cost of your smartphone
Find out how your gadgets affect communities around the world, which smartphone brands top our conflict mineral ranking, and what you can do to reduce your impact
In brief: smartphone sustainability
The theft and sale of the minerals used in smartphones can exploit communities and fund armed groups.
Of the big smartphone brands, Apple is most transparent about its attempts to cut such conflict minerals from its supply chain. Huawei is the least transparent, and has not publicly committed to an audit.
Recycling tech products can be a tricky process, and many end up in illegal electronic waste dumps with dangerous, toxic conditions.
Which? recommends you keep your phone for as long as you can, and sell it to a refurbishing company or donate it to charity when you’ve finished with it.
CELLPHONES SCHOOL CA: California legislators weigh strict limits on cellphones in schools
CELLPHONES SCHOOL MAINE: Bill would restrict cell phone use in Maine’s public schools
CHILDREN: Why School Psychologists Are Worried About the Mental Health of America’s Students
Fourteen million students attend a school with a police officer but no school counselor, nurse, psychologist or social worker
CHILDREN CELLPHONES SCHOOL MAINE: Bill aims to restrict use of cell phones by students while in school
Relating to exposure to radiation in schools in this state; declaring an emergency. Directs Department of Education to prepare and make available statement that discloses potential health risks of wireless network technology and requires public and private schools to distribute statement to employees, students and parents or guardians of students
Oregon bill targets potential health risks of electronics
CUBAN EMBASSY: Doubts rise about evidence that U.S. diplomats in Cuba were attacked
EMISSIONS: Global carbon emissions hit record high in 2018: IEA
The United States’ CO2 emissions grew by 3.1 percent in 2018, reversing a decline a year earlier, while China’s emissions rose by 2.5 percent and India’s by 4.5 percent.
Europe’s emissions fell by 1.3 percent and Japan’s fell for the fifth year running.
FCC: No one trusts Big Telecom to build a better broadband access map
5G: Report: Verizon’s fixed 5G broadband service economically flawed, unsustainable
As 5G technology has ramped up over the past few years, ISPs have started talking about replacing or augmenting expensive fiber networks with cheaper gigabit wireless access delivered via small cell networks. Now that Verizon’s 5G fixed wireless service is up and running, analyst firm MoffettNathanson examined the economics and costs of Verizon’s Sacramento rollout, and whether the initiative is economically sustainable. The company’s results make for interesting reading.
The fixed wireless service we’ll be discussing today isn’t the same thing as the network you rely on for your phone or tablet. As the name implies, a fixed wireless solution uses a “fixed” antenna (think of a modern TV satellite) to communicate with a nearby small cell, providing wireless access to the internet. This kind of service has been touted as a potential replacement for expensive fiber-to-the-home, providing the same theoretical performance for a fraction of the cost.
According to MoffettNathanson, only six percent of homes in Sacramento had access to Verizon 5G, with fewer than three percent actually subscribed. Of greater concern than the low subscriber numbers, however, is how few customers each small cell can actually support. On average, each small cell can only reach 27 local addresses.
Report: Verizon’s Fixed 5G Broadband Service Economically Flawed, Unsustainable
5G: Why 5G cell towers are more dangerous
5G cell towers are more dangerous than other cell towers for two main reasons. First, compared to earlier versions, 5G is ultra high frequency and ultra high intensity. 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 to 5 gigahertz frequency. 5G uses between 24 to 90 gigahertz frequency. Within the RF Radiation portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the frequency the more dangerous it is to living organisms.
Second, the shorter length millimeter waves (MMV) used in 5G do not travel as far or through objects. This means with our current number of cell towers the cell signal will not be reliable. To compensate many more mini cell towers must be installed. It is estimated that they will need a mini cell tower every 2 to 8 houses. This will greatly increase our exposure.
In the below video I explain in a bit more detail why 5G is more dangerous than previous technologies.
forwarded from: in CT.
5G: Planning 5G networks (INDUSTRY)
The benefits of 5G will be felt first by IoT, smart cities, public safety and other real-time applications requiring fast wireless communications. While deployments are starting to appear, it is foreseen that 5G will co-exist with other radio access technologies (RATs) such as LTE-A/Pro, NB-IoT and WiFi for some time yet.
three new service categories are envisioned for 5G – enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra-reliable and low- latency communications (URLLC) and massive machine type communications (mMTC). These three new categories of services have diverse requirements in terms of bandwidth, latency, mobility, connection density and data rates. For example, eMBB places high requirements on spectrum efficiency, peak data rate, area traffic capacity and network energy efficiency.
To fulfill what 5G promises, 5G NR needs to be empowered by key enabling technologies, including Millimetre wave (mmWave) communications, Massive MIMO and 3D beamforming, ultra-dense small cell and heterogeneous network (HetNet) deployments, and scalable OFDM numerologies – 2N sub-carrier spacing, scalable CP, TTI, etc.
5G: Speakers warn labor shortages could hamper 5G rollout
5G UK: Mark Steele Gateshead lawsuit Crowdfunding
1 hour 20 minutes video that I have not watched
Published on Mar 23, 2019
A full length documentary by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible!
Please SHARE this as widely as you feel drawn…use it to target your local bureaucrats, technocrats, health practitioners, local and federal government agencies and more than anything else…your family and friends. Featuring in this film: weapons development experts, biologists, molecular & cellular biologists, blood microscopists, activists, as well as good leaders out there on the frontline. We know what this technology is – we know how it was conceived and we know where it is intended to take people and planet. We are drawing the line here….and we are doing so with the full fire of consciousness. Arise Homo sapiens!
5G: New Trump tech czar seeks ‘American dominance,’ focus on 5G, internet access, drones
5G: Interference aware inter-cell rank coordination for 5G wide area networks Multiple receive and transmit antennas can be used to improve the spectral efficiency by transmitting over multiple independent streams. In addition, multiple receive antennas facilitate interference suppression through the use of interference rejection combining receivers. Rank adaptation algorithms are aimed at balancing the trade-off between increasing the spatial gain, and improving the interference resilience property. In this paper, we propose an inter-cell rank coordination scheme whereby a serving base station coordinates the preferred maximum interference rank with the dominant interfering BS through exchange of coordination messages over the Xn interface. The proposed scheme is computationally efficient and requires minimum control overhead. Matlab based system-level simulation results indicate around 65% gain in terms of the outage throughput with little impact on the peak user throughput.
OTHER TELECOM: Apple, Qualcomm stoke China 5G fear as fight hurtles toward end
U.S. trade agency scheduled to release key decisions Tuesday
Apple Inc. and Qualcomm Inc. finally agree on something: the importance of 5G mobile phone technology for the U.S.
The protagonists in a wide-ranging and bitter legal battle before the U.S. International Trade Commission argue that the other’s actions are damaging the nation’s lead in fifth-generation wireless technology. The agency is scheduled to release key decisions on Tuesday in the long-running fight over patent royalties — including one that could lead to an import ban on one of the U.S. economy’s most iconic products.
A ruling from the trade commission favoring Apple could undermine Qualcomm’s attempts to defend its business model and keep on charging billions of dollars in technology licensing fees. If Qualcomm prevails, Apple may face restrictions on its ability to import and sell some versions of the iPhone, the main source of its revenue.
IOT: Samsung Forum 2019: The Top 6 Samsung IoT Appliances In 2019
Packing The Most Technologies And Style For Your Home
(Screens, Washer, Frig)
OTHER TELECOM: Li-Fi picks up speed. But oh, that dongle…
Users such as Singapore’s Republic Polytechnic love the speed of Li-Fi, which is starting to look genuinely faster than Wi-Fi. And then there are all the other advantages. If only the gadget and laptop makers would get behind it. MARK HALPER reports.
With any emerging technology, the truth often lies somewhere between the hype and the naysayers. That certainly describes Li-Fi, the long-percolating LED concoction in which light waves from luminaires, rather than radio waves from Wi-Fi modems, might one day routinely deliver Internet service the way Wi-Fi does today.
Li-Fi portends a number of advantages. One of them is that it opens up a vast amount of spectrum to wireless Internet service, which will help alleviate a bandwidth crunch that already today can cause signals to clash, and is a situation which looks set to worsen.
And Li-Fi appears to be more secure for the simple reason that it requires line of sight with the light source, so a hacker cannot pirate it from outside a building.
The list goes on. Li-Fi is not susceptible to electromagnetic interference, so it eliminates the clashes that can happen with phones, with multiple Wi-Fi systems, or with whirling machines and robots on factory floors. As it does not emit radio frequencies, it is an alternative for critics who say that Wi-Fi wavelengths are dangerous to humans — such as in France, which has banned Wi-Fi in some schools.
“It’s 20 to 30 times faster,” he said, comparing Li-Fi to his former Wi-Fi system.
Ethernet too
In another bit of modernization, the lab also ran Internet-connected Ethernet cables straight to the luminaire, using the wire as a conduit of both data and electricity, a technology known as Power over Ethernet.
In fact, Tey credits the direct Ethernet connection for helping to quicken the pace of Internet transmission (another wired technology, powerline communications, could also do the job). In the old Wi-Fi setup, wireless signals would travel further, encountering obstacles and attenuation — which do not exist in the direct, close-up line of sight connection with the lights.
Tey and the lab have been kicking the tires on the system since October. So far, so good. Not only is it faster than Wi-Fi but Tey described the reception as problem free, “because LED is a very durable light source.” Whereas Wi-Fi speeds can suffer from interference from other radio waves, from structures like walls blocking signals, and from users sharing frequencies, Li-Fi has none of that. “As long as the light hits the computer, the same amount of data will be constantly streamed to all the users,” Tey said.
VLC is only one form of lighting-based location technology, with another being Bluetooth. As LEDs reported in the February issue, lighting-based positioning systems have been slow to take off, characterized by a growing number of pilots and trials but not yet winning widespread installation.
More at link
OTHER TELECOM: U.S. Cellular’s rural 5G service will use 600MHz and old 4G spectrum
U.S. Cellular’s rural 5G service will use 600MHz and old 4G spectrum
HEALTH: Scientific “groupthink” in Australia seeking to redefine EHS as unrelated to EMR exposure.
Scientific “groupthink” in Australia seeking to redefine EHS as unrelated to EMR exposure.
Risky Business If countries were people, America would be the friend who loves skydiving and high-stakes poker. America is way more willing to accept risk in consumer products than other countries. From refusing to ground the MAX 8 to suspicious chemicals in cosmetic products, risk is all around us. So why does America continue to have faith that companies will put safety before profits? This NYT opinion piece investigates.
Today it is clear that unabated change — the rampant, thoughtless destruction of norms and communities and mores and ways of life, the demolition of what The Wall Street Journal profoundly referred to in a 1993 editorial as “guardrails” — is doing immense harm in America and the world. And its victims are, as the Journal correctly pointed out, disproportionately the weaker and more vulnerable among us. Perhaps it’s time to slow down, to seek balance, and to recognize that there is a profound difference between change, on the one hand, and progress, on the other.
Post script: This morning, after this blog was posted, I reached out to Heidi Toffler’s office intending to share it with her. I was very sorry to learn that she passed away on February 6 at age 89. Heidi was a true pioneer and who contributed tremendously to our understanding of the digital revolution.
LINKS TO: Is Digital Utopianism Dead?
LIGHTING: Trump administration flips switch on energy efficient light bulbs
At issue here are bulbs like decorative globes used in bathrooms, reflectors in recessed lighting, candle-shaped lights and three-way light bulbs. The Natural Resources Defense Council says that, collectively, these account for about 2.7 billion light sockets, nearly half the conventional sockets in use in the U.S.
A senseless rollback or an unlawful rule?
At the very end of the Obama administration the Department of Energy decided these specialty bulbs should also be subject to efficiency requirements under the 2007 law. The lighting industry objected and sued to overturn the decision.
A hard lesson from those curly-cue bulbs
The industry learned a hard lesson after the first generation of those curly compact fluorescent light bulbs were released.
“Consumers, basically, did not like them. They didn’t buy them. They complained about them. We heard that loud and clear,” says Jennifer Dolin, head of government affairs and sustainability at LEDVANCE, which manufactures Sylvania light bulbs.
Dolin says the industry wants to make sure it gets the LED versions of all these other kinds of bulbs perfected before releasing them onto the market. She says more efficient bulbs are coming.
But given the mounting impacts of climate change, environmental groups argue this regulation is needed now to make that transition happen faster.
As the expected court battle plays out, the Environmental Defense Fund is hoping retailers will take the lead and choose, on their own, to stock shelves only with energy efficient specialty bulbs. So far, no retailers have publicly responded to the group’s call, though in 2015 IKEA announced it will sell only LED bulbs.
TRANSPORTATION: What first responders don’t know about fiery electric vehicles
Lithium-ion batteries, once ignited, are extremely difficult to douse.
TRANSPORTATION: One year after Uber’s fatal self-driving crash, pedestrians aren’t any safer
The one thing that might have prevented Elaine Herzberg’s death still isn’t fixed
One year ago this week, a distracted driver behind the wheel of an SUV struck and killed a 47-year-old woman as she attempted to walk across a street. But of the 6,227 pedestrians killed last year on U.S. streets, only one was killed by an autonomous vehicle. The woman was Elaine Herzberg, and the SUV was a self-driving car operated by Uber.
Even though the circumstances appear to be exceptional, in many ways, the death of Elaine Herzberg was the most representative pedestrian fatality of 2018.
By almost every metric, streets got safer last year—except for people walking. Over the past 10 years, the number of pedestrian deaths has risen by over a third, according to the Governors Highway Safety Administration, which released preliminary 2018 data last month. Last year saw the highest number of pedestrians killed in the U.S. since 1990. Pedestrians now make up 18 percent of all traffic deaths; a decade ago they only made up 12 percent.
Over the last year, it’s also become more clear that SUVs, which have a larger body and a higher carriage, are twice as likely to deliver fatal blows to pedestrians. New data shows the recent spike in pedestrian deaths tracks closely to a dramatic increase in sales of SUVs. The number of SUVs involved in pedestrian deaths has increased by 50 percent just in the last five years.
A smartphone—which drivers used 57 percent more often in 2018 than they did in 2014, according to a new study—was also a factor in Uber’s crash. Uber’s software failed to recognize Herzberg as a person crossing the street in time to brake. But backup human driver Rafaela Vasquez wasstreaming a video on her phone during the time of the crash instead of watching the road, according to National Transportation Safety Board investigators. “Had Vasquez been paying attention, they found, she could have stopped the car 42.6 feet before the impact,” reports the Arizona Republic.
Sure enough, earlier this month, prosecutors in adjacent Yavapai County said they did not see evidence of criminal liability in the crash, even though the National Transportation Safety Board’s report confirmed that Uber had disabled Volvo’s existing onboard safety features which would have detected Herzberg and stopped the car. (Maricopa County, where Tempe is located, wasn’t able to prosecute the case due to a conflict of interest—its attorney’s office had partnered with Uber on an anti-drunk-driving campaign.)
Because of the unprecedented nature of the country’s first fatal autonomous crash, we finally have a pedestrian death examined to the full extent of the federal transportation department’s capabilities, using its most high-tech assessment tools, with recommendations that will hopefully serve as a watershed moment for the self-driving industry—and cities trying to eliminate pedestrian fatalities.
But as it turns out, the one glaring problem—which, if resolved, might have had the best shot at saving Herzberg’s life—is still not fixed. In fact, it’s worse now than it was a year ago.
Earlier this week, Boise, Idaho-based transportation planner Don Kostelec visited the site of the crash to gain a greater understanding of Herzberg’s decisions—and how AV technology might have anticipated those decisions.
Even though Uber likely won’t face criminal charges for the 2018 crash, there is a civil suit pending that could set an important precedent. Herzberg’s family is suing the city of Tempe for $10 million, claiming that the city “created a dangerous situation by paving a median where people were not supposed to cross the road.”
In photos taken after Uber’s crash and on Google Maps, it’s easy to see a paved bike and pedestrian trail at the site where Herzberg crossed, forming an X in the median. There’s no crosswalk connecting the path to the sidewalk across several lanes of traffic.
This is the moment when we decide that human lives matter more than cars
Uber’s fatal Arizona crash is a call to action for cities
SMART CITIES: Consumers energy plans Smart Energy district to attract new business
Consumers Energy Plans Smart Energy District To Attract New Business
Utilities across the States
ARIZONA: SRP approves rate decrease as directors argue about solar power and batteries
As Arizona’s EV policy takes shape, demand charges come under focus
Demand charges emerge as the focus of debate in Arizona during the development of electric vehicle charging policies. (Utility Dive)
CA WILDFIRES: California utilities are embracing technology to stop fires. Is it enough?
MAINE: Maine Beacon: Support growing among Maine lawmakers, power customers for consumer-owned utility
Maine Beacon: Support growing among Maine lawmakers, power customers for consumer-owned utility
MICHIGAN: Michigan researchers say state’s utilities ‘manipulate’ system to their advantage
Michigan researchers say state’s utilities ‘manipulate’ system to their advantage
WEST VIRGINIA: West Virginia rethinks quashing solar net metering
NEW YORK: Digitalization beyond data aggregation: NYPA’s progress
The New York Power Authority set out to become the first fully-digital utility in the United States, and that goal is beginning to yield results.
NYPA has for years said that it wants to become “the world’s first fully-digital utility.” Beginning next month, NYPA will start testing hardware and physically connecting relays to its newAdvanced Grid Innovation Laboratory for Energy (AGILe). The public power utility wants to find new ways of leveraging upstate wind and hydroelectric generation, and is installing a distributed flexible alternating current transmission system capable of moving power from congested lines to underutilized ones along NYPA’s north-south corridor.
Utility officials say NYPA’s project could provide significant, tangible impacts for customers while moving beyond what some consider the obvious realm of digital solutions.
UTILITIES OREGON: Oregon Cap And Trade bill sees big changes
UTILITES RHODE ISLAND: National Grid customers cash in on millions in energy efficiency incentives
NORTH SMITHFIELD, R.I. (WPRI) — Michael Davis bought a Wi-Fi programmable thermostat to try to save energy and money.
“The devices are great and if you get the rebate it makes it a good deal,” Davis told Call 12 for Action.
National Grid offers rebates for wireless and programmable thermostats. The rebates typically take six to eight weeks to process. After four months, Davis was still waiting for his $75.
UTILITIES WISCONSIN: 1998 law to speed approval of utility projects creates challenge in controversial power line case
More than two decades ago, amid fears of a looming power shortage, Wisconsin lawmakers approved sweeping changes that made it easier for utilities to build power plants and transmission lines and imposed time limits on regulatory review.
That leaves a little more than six months to gather evidence, for the applicants and some 45 groups and individuals to submit written arguments and responses to each of those arguments, and to distill all that information into a record on which the commission must decide.
Because of that time crunch, the judge overseeing the process has limited the participation of some individuals, prompting questions of fairness.
UTILITIES DATA: The biggest numbers game in the power sector: Data analytics and the utility community of the future
Software and data are transforming the utility industry and connecting energy users.
Data analytics can identify each customer’s propensity to adopt different technologies or behaviors, software providerEnergySavvy’s senior VP Michael Rigney told Utility Dive.National Grid is using EnergySavvy’s Utility Customer Experience platform to more effectively reach low-to-moderate income customers.
The limiting factor in data analytics is not server storage or processing power, but “the ability to manage the data, interpret it, and use it to make predictions,” Kanellos said. The biggest uses of OSI data have so far been limited to asset analytics, “but the newest application is creating new revenue streams by sharing data between utilities.”