Which cities have declared climate emergencies? — Quartz


Last month, the cities of Barcelona, San Diego, Boston, and Nottingham all officially declared climate emergencies. They kick off a year that is likely to explode with similar civic pronouncements as cities grapple with responding to and mitigating the consequences of a warming world.

“We can no longer afford to say we need to act on climate for our kids and our grandkids. The effects are happening now,” Boston city councillor Matt O’Malley told Quartz. O’Malley put forward the climate emergency resolution passed by the city in January.

Globally, 1,330 governments have passed a binding motion declaring a climate emergency, according to Cedamia. The populations of those areas total more than 814 million, meaning nearly one in ten people live in a community that has made the statement.

While the first climate emergency was declared in 2016 by Darebin, Australia, 98% of subsequent statements were made in 2019. The places range from small locales to entire countries.

There is no shared definition of a climate emergency. For some it is a legal acknowledgement of an immediate disaster and a way to access money for combatting the effects; for some it signifies a commitment to measures meant to reduce the impact of climate change; and for others it is an official recognition of an existential threat.

In a public health context, emergency declarations have a specific meaning: imminent hazard to health. It can be a crucial step to allow local officials, or national agencies, to take immediate action.

“Climate has become the new emergency… It’s new ground for public health,” says Thomas A. Burke, director of the Johns Hopkins Risk Sciences and Public Policy Institute. He says climate change is very different than a more classic public health emergency like the novel coronavirus discovered in Wuhan, China. “There can be catastrophic impacts but they’re very uncertain, very hard to model. But, the acknowledgement by declaring an emergency says we gotta do something and we gotta do it now.”

Some declarations are more symbolic. O’Malley says the purpose of Boston’s resolution was to underscore the importance of the problem and “set the tone and the lens for how we address issues on climate.”

According to Burke, such symbolic statements are an important part of addressing climate change: “Let’s face it—declaring an emergency is the polar opposite of declaring climate change a hoax.”

Communities in 25 countries have acknowledged the emergency, as of Jan. 28. The world’s most populous nations, however, have yet to get on board. Forty percent of the world lives in China or India. No municipalities in either have declared a climate emergency.

That doesn’t mean those areas aren’t feeling the effects. The lack of declarations is likely a symptom of politics. Some governments don’t want to make any strong public statements, others deny the problem altogether.

In the United States, the topic is particularly polarizing.

In the US, 76 governments have declared some sort of climate emergency. Compare that to 417 in the United Kingdom, and 491 in Canada. Only 8% of Americans live in an area that has made the statement.

“I think many other countries, particularly European countries, are ahead of the United States in not only accepting the fact that climate change is real and man-made and reaching catastrophic levels of impact, but also putting policies together to address it,” says O’Malley. “We are severely, and I mean severely, hindered by the fact that we have a climate-change denier in the White House.”

“There’s a political divide,” agrees Burke. “There shouldn’t be. The science is not partisan.”

The New York Times recently found that attempts by Republican states to get funding for climate-related disasters have required them to perform ‘linguistic acrobatics” in order to avoid mentioning climate change. And it appears the same is happening with climate emergency declarations.

Eighty-seven percent of American cities that have made an emergency declaration are in states Donald Trump lost in the 2016 presidential election.

That’s not a coincidence. “[Conservative states] are working toward adaption, they are clearly applying for disaster relief, but the word climate is not there,” Burke says. “If it’s seen as a major acknowledgement of climate change and a demand of the current administration to fund climate-related work, it’s probably dead on arrival.”


I was told by my wife’s new doctor that she will never walk again. After reading the following, please share you thoughts and prayers with me.

Dear Friends,

For the record, every day that I visit my wife, which occurs on nearly all days of the week, I have never been allowed to enter inside the rather large building so I am only able to go to her room’s window, phone the nursing station to request assistance in getting her heavy telephone closer to her bed, which is always at least six feet away, then I am only able to speak for a few minutes because she is unable to hold it any longer. So after she has completed her call, my wife tries to again summon assistance for removing the phone from her bed and it may take over 20 minutes before there is any response because most of the staff consider her request to be a rather low priority. Meanwhile, anxiety builds up and that leads to stress, which is not conducive for her recovery from a stroke and as a disabled patient with only one leg who also has an illness called scleroderma. So, from their perspective, with the exception of her therapy, she is only being “warehoused.” Although I am not permitted to enter and stay by her bedside, all employees, some of whom may actually be undocumented who live in crowded homes with other families who contact relatives and friends from foreign countries, apparently, I am considered to be more of a risk than any of them. However, because my wife is almost isolated and nearly alone, she misses visitors as well as her husband. I have been told that a total stranger could be hired as her companion while I am excluded. So, she has been very lonely because hardly any of the nurses and aides willing to spend any time with her except when she eats.

Early in the morning of Friday, September 25, 2020, I received a phone call from the skilled nursing center where my wife has been for nearly two months after her stroke. A nurse informed me that my wife might be discharged soon due to a lack of her progress. She said it was based on a decision made by her new doctor who has only seen my wife once after taking her case only a week ago. So, I was advised to begin making arrangements for her release, which could come as early as next week. One of the hidden agendas at any skilled nursing center if to remove their guests or patients from the nursing facility as soon as possible. 

Will my wife ever be able to walk again? With her strong determination to recover and your continued prayers, she definitely will if she is able to continue to remain alive.

John W. Spring

Husband of Mary H. Spring

EMERGENCY – ALERT We WILL Soon Be Plunged into Darkness the Power Grid is Under Attack!


EMERGENCY – ALERT We WILL Soon Be Plunged into Darkness the Power Grid is Under Attack! Black Sky Event – Emergency All-Sector Response Transnational Hazard “EXERCISE” 

The Grid is the largest machine in the world,Did You Know That?  THE GRID HAS BEEN “INTENTIONALLY” ALLOWED TO  COLLAPSE


(aka The Use of Weather Control Technologies)We WILL ALL Experience Prolonged Power Outages


There will be NO ACCESS to Electricity, Water and Gas 

WAR On The GRID Will Continue NO Matter Who Wins The Election. We are Only ONE Grid Crisis Away from the MOST  Devastating Crisis Our Country Has Ever Faced.  The U.S. Federal Energy  Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the National Academy of Science AGREED:  America’so verloaded power grid operates with dangerously few spare transformers – antique transformers that are scarce and hard to get. Without Power – Virtually Every Modern Convenience Goes Away 

WARNINGWATER and FOOD will run out.  

People will turn to looting, robbing and stealing – as
        conditions escalate bottled water and food will not be

available . . .

We can Only Survive a few days without water – as people get desperate they will likely start drinking from

unfiltered, dirty water sources.  

Then comes the inevitable “mass outbreaks” of water-borne sickness and disease. Please get to Pure Clean and a Renewable Water Source – NOW, while you still are able to! Go to www.PrimaryWater.org

The video below is VERY critical and discloses the “Scenario Plan” to take down The POWER GRID  – WORLDWIDE . . .This is MOST VITAL  . . 

We will soon be Plunged into Darkness – this has ALREADY started.

Our Electric Grid is a Weapon and will be used to hold us hostage, force relocations due to peoples inability to access electricity and water on their properties.  The health departments will identify and red tag (deem uninhabitable) properties that do not have electricity or water as unhealthy and unsafe for occupancy. The health orders WILL force those people occupying unsafe properties to relocate where there is potable water or reused (sewer to tap water) distributed from wastewater treatment plants. 

 IMAGINE Being Without Electricity For An Extended Period of Time . . . OR Being Without Electricity Because You Have “Used Up Your Quota’? Most People Are NOT Aware That The Power Grid is Aging and VULNERABLE. FEW KNOW THE REAL STORY OF HOW THE GRID IS GOING TO BE USED TO HOLD COUNTRIES HOSTAGE – In the not to distant future. The video will disclose th methods that the power grid WILL be attacked. The Longer the Power Stays OFF – The Weaker and Weaker Societal Order Becomes YOU MUST BE PREPARED –



Plunged into Darkness – a PLANPower OFF –
Plunged into Darkness – a PLAN




Most people reading this document will be very familiar with the term ‘Targeted Individuals’ or TIs. For the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with this termTIs are those victims of covert assaults, perpetrated with impunity by government sanctioned criminal gangs who use directed energy weapons (DEWS) to assault their targets, their victims. TIs may or may not be aware that they are being assaulted. For details relating to my own experiences of being a TI, please check this link: https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com/statement-of-british-ti-helen-gurney/

This help guide is intended to help as many TIs as possible to overcome, or at least to alleviate, the suffering that they endure as a result of the assaults. For a help guide, this is a lengthy document, because to explain the various remedies that I have found, I have found it necessary to do so in the context on my own experiences of being a TI. There is however a summary of solutions toward the end of this document. Please note that, being based solely on my own personal experience, this help guide contains details only of remedies that I have found to be effective, based entirely on my own ‘trial and error’ findings, for over six years of being under assault by DEWs. This includes over two years of havingendured life with a brain implant, which was inflicted on me by the criminals, or perpetrators (perps) that plague the lives of all TIs. There may therefore be more effective solutions to block or negate the DEW attacks that I am not aware of, or that I have not been in a position to try out myself. I have to admit that I’ve not been all that efficient in identifying effective solutions, given that my practical skills are rubbish and I know nothing about physics. However, what has worked for me, I would imagine is likely to help most other, if not all other, TI’s, but of course I cannot be certain about this.

It is my great hope that the torture that is endured by every TI will soon stop and that we will all become free to pursue the lives that God intended for us. I hope that this help guide will at least go some small way towards that end. If you know that you are a TI, my first piece of advice is NEVER REPORT THESE CRIMES TO THE POLICE. There is a blanket policy across all police forces to refer anyone reporting assault by directed energy weapons, or of the effects of a brain implant, directly to mental health (where the TI is likely to be forcibly incarcerated). DO NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR A PSYCHIATRIST.


Even if you are not a TI, suffering through DEWS or gang stalking, but just someone that may be considered a thorn in the side of the establishment, the enemy will probably want to get to you. I have no doubt that they have various ways of ‘bumping people off’. It is prudent therefore for anyone to guard against anyone entering your home while you are out. If perps do get in, they may tamper with your food supply, or toiletries to cause illness or worse. By introducing psychotic drugs into food or drink is a means by which they could try to demonstrate that someone is mentally ill, and thus have them incarcerated. Perps could also leave incriminating evidence. Another reason the enemy may have for gaining entry is to have your house all wired up ready as a torture chamber, to better enabling them to harm you with their DEWs. If you are a TI, however, they are likely to have done this before you even move in.

Securing your house

If you can, get a good security system with cameras.

Needless to say, ensure that your windows are well secured when you are away from your home, or sleeping.

If you live in a house that adjoins another, be sure that there is no way for your neighbours to gain entry through the party wall in the loft.

Although you may have very secure locks to your external doors, I believe that the enemy can easily obtain a copy of any key. Judging by my own experiences and observations, a perpetrator merely needs to take a few discreet images of your key, from a distance, to have sufficient information to copy your key to scale. They may even use CCTV in your street, or the discreet cameras hidden in lampposts etc. To combat this, do not let anyone see your key. Keep your keys in a pouch and carefully unlock or lock your door while the key remains hidden by your pouch. I recommend having a secondary lock inside your door. The most secure type of lock, I believe, is the shuttle lock (the type used to lock shipping containers) and you can get smaller versions of these.

To add this secondary lock, Just fix a handle to your inner door and also one next to the door frame, inside the house. When you go out, thread a secure chain through these handles and fix the chain using your shuttle lock (keeping your key hidden from view at all times). If, when you return, you find that the lock has come off, at least you will know that someone has gained entry. Keep your keys about your person at all times and don’t leave them in a draw or on your desk/table if at work or outanywhere. This may seem over the top, but the enemy works in teams and will stop at nothing when they are out to get someone. There is one thing to note about them though, they will avoid at all costs leaving any evidence, or of being seen by any witnesses.

Protecting yourself at night

If the enemy gains entry to your house, that’s one thing. Although it’s not very nice, it’s not necessarily the end of the world. If they gain access to your person while you are asleep, that is another matter entirely, which can have lasting impacts, or may even spell the end of you there and then. Learn from my mistake and prevent the enemy from ever gaining access to you while you are sleeping. It is very simple to do, just put good bolts onto your front and back doors. If you are not able to do so, then put a bolt on your bedroom door and always remember to bolt your door shut before you go to sleep.


Intimate relationships — sadly these are likely to be sabotaged before they even begin. A word here or there to someone, a rumour, especially reinforced by one or more other creatures will usually but paid to any relationship becoming firmly established. If it does your partner may be manipulated in such as way as to create discord within the relationship. The enemy won’t stop with this interference because they want you alone and vulnerable so that they can freely use you for their experiments as though you were a lab rat (these creatures really do believe that humans that are not of their group are less than beasts).

Friendships — sorry to sound depressing, this is not good either, if you do have a genuine friend the perps will interfere with this friendship, or else someone that you have considered to be a close friend may well turn out to be a perp. If this is the case, than your ‘friend’ will have been manipulating you according to a script. They will report back to their team, where they will receive instructions on the next strategy to manipulate you, against your own interests. So if you notice a pattern, such as a friend getting a bit too much in your head, and seemingly driving you around in circles, which has wasted a lot of your time, then pay close attention them and be on your guard. Even if you have known a friend for a long time, try to objectively consider their impact on your life. These people really do play the long game. You may develop a friendship quickly, perhaps at work, but if it is a perp, they will appear to empathise with you, to really understand where you are coming from. If you are a target then you have probably had a lot of hassle in your life, so there will be an almost irresistible urge to off-load onto someone that appears to understand. If that friend is a perp, then they will understand you so very well, because they will know your life history and your in-depth psychological profile, which will inform them on how to ‘work you’. If that person is a perp, the net result of that ‘friendship’, over the long term, is likely to have served to erode your confidence and leave you feeling inadequate, or a failure etc. and you will do much better without having them in your life. Having said that, it is hard not to be suspicious of everyone when you are a TI, so consider carefully, before dumping someone that may in fact be a genuine friend.

Workplace — if you are a TI then it is likely that anything that could go wrong will go wrong. Your enemies want you to fail, to be denied access to the opportunities commensurate with your talents and abilities. They do not want you to be recognised for who you really are. I actually believe that, to some extent, they do this to all of us, thus creating a skewed version of reality, whereby their kind are made to look a whole lot better and more capable than they actually are.

In the case of TIs, the perps want to exploit your god given talents for their own purposes, and to take credit for them, whilst also being in a position to create a false persona around you, in accordance with the nature of the experiments that they want to use you for and/or how they plan for you to end up — e.g. perhaps as a patsy in a false flag.

In the work place, there are a whole host of ways and means that the perps may employ to sabotage your career, including getting you sacked. I have listed some ways and means to protect your interests at work, which are based solely on my own experience (in an office environment). You need to ensure that none of your colleagues can take the credit for your work and/or undermine or misrepresent you. These examples of ways to ‘cover your back’ may not all be relevant to many people, but I am guessing that they are pretty generic and, although, they are all so very obvious, nonetheless, it is all too easy to neglect the following precautions:

· Consider what all of the risks are, if anyone did want to sabotage your work and have a strategy in place for mitigating each of those risks.

· Keep evidence of your work for your own records — whatever means is at your disposal to secure proof of what you’ve achieved. Of course, this includes archiving of all your emails in case you need them as evidence to demonstrate of everything that you’ve been involved with.

· If you’ve had a meeting with someone, summarise the key points in writing (under the premise of clarification or just to confirm your actions further to that meeting) email relevant parties to obtain their agreement — this is so there can be no room for any ‘funny business’.

· Consider your company’s work logging system, and how comprehensive it is at tracking and logging each employee’s activities. If it is not apparent to you what these systems are or how reports are generated, then find out. If you can, generate reports to ensure these seem accurate and use these facilities to prove a point, wherever you need to.

· Don’t be hesitant to copy in your senior boss relating to something you’ve achieved or that you know you’ve done well.

· If something is not right, start keeping a log of events (it might be best to do this from home). This can also be a good way of getting things off your chest, but you may also need to refer to your log, or even present it in evidence if things escalate. Take care to ensure that you present your own arguments rationally and logically.

· Of course if you are experiencing inappropriate behaviour of any kind, then try to capture audio/video recordings, as well as noting all details in your log.

· Even if you know ‘someone is out to get you’, be mindful of it, but don’t go about the place tense and suspicious of everyone. Try to be as relaxed and as ‘normal’ you can’.

· Resist the urge to off-load onto anyone, or if you do, at least don’t name names. Even if you chat to a trusted colleague, things often ‘slip out’ unintentionally. Don’t give your perps any material that can be used against you, or that can be used to ‘fuel the flames’ between you and other colleague. So try not to grumble at work, but if you need to, talk to someone about it that has no connections with your place of work.

· Beware of the ‘smiling assassin’ — they may well not be the person they appear to be. Beware of letting anyone lean on you, or compensate for their inefficiencies because you think they are a mate etc. They could just be milking you, while undermining you behind your back. Don’t do significantly more than your share and challenge where you need to, but always in a professional, diplomatic and rational manner. Don’t assume that it is safe to confide in someone just because they appear friendly, or on your side. If that person is untrustworthy, or simply just a gossip, you could be giving the enemy material with which to make your work place so much more difficult to endure.

· Not everyone is a perp even if may seem so — it is easy enough for a perp to turn a colleague against you, simply with a rumour or by reporting back something you said, but twisted and out of context. People are sensitive and easily upset and their attitudes to others can be easily changed. Sadly this is just a fact of the human condition and the enemy will use this to the max.

· Never get emotional — if you do, keep a lid on it till you get home. If you get either tearful or angry at work, this is the material that the enemy will use against you, to portray you as: weak; easily stressed; not up to the job; irrational; or even nuts.

· Try to always come across as affable, professional and rational. If you need to raise an issue then do so assertively and professionally.

· Get some perspective — if you hate your job then focus on the aspects that you most enjoy, or see if there are any ways to initiate changes that would make life more bearable at work. Also focus on what makes you happy, whether your family or hobbies and try to make sure that you have something to look forward to.

· Have a contingency — consider other options such as: whether you can afford to go part time; whether your skills could provide you with other opportunities, such as self employment; whether you are in a position to change your lifestyle, by reducing your costs etc.

· If you are unfairly dismissed — even in this world of utter madness, there is still such a thing as work tribunals, so use whatever means is available to you to fight for your rights.

Self employment

Again the traps that the enemy may set that I briefly allude to are just those taken from my own experience and there are of course many more to watch out for. These are all very obvious, but nonetheless it is worth taking care not to fall into the following ‘elephant traps’:

· If you looking to become self employed, I would say don’t bother searching for a readymade business opportunity — this is probably a waste of time. You need to create your own opportunity, if you have specific skills with which to create a viable business.

· Have relevant insurance and legal cover to mitigate the worst case scenarios.

· Take the time to have appropriate terms and conditions in place, listing all necessary disclaimers etc.

· Beware of anyone else becoming involved in your self-employment. As far as possible don’t rely on, or lean on anyone too much just because they are already established. A perp could be a business associate with which you believe that you have mutual business arrangement (a loose alliance). If they are a perp they will probably want to get into the nitty gritty of what you are doing and/or persuade you to fit in with their business model. Even if you’ve got clients from them, this may be just to ‘hook you in’.

· Beware of anyone giving you business advice. If it is a perp it will be bad advice, or someone that discusses an issue from one angle, but another time will look at it from the opposite angle i.e. driving you around in circles to waste your time and to build in confusion.

· Don’t let anyone else sort out the hosting of your email accounts — they could be sabotaging your business opportunities by deleting important emails etc.

· Make sure that you don’t work for bad payers. Minimise the risk of this by insisting on being paid weekly as opposed to monthly, or in stage payments etc.

· Of course, keep all records of your all of your work related communications.

· Where feasible, keep your business clients separate so that, ideally, they do not know one another — that way there is less opportunity for a client that is a perp to slip in some discrediting misinformation about you to another one of your clients. Don’t tell your clients who your other clients are, as far as is practicable.

· Don’t spend your resources, nor your time and energy, to cater for merely the promise of impending work.

· If possible, avoid doing any commission only based work.

Local community

Be friendly with neighbours etc, but avoid letting them into your home. If you do need to for any reason, keep an eye on them at all times. If you are a TI at least some of your surrounding neighbours are likely to be perps. As in the work place, perps will be looking to discredit you within your local community, with rumours, gossip etc. Make a point of saying hello or chatting with the people that you bump into in your neighbourhood, but otherwise keep yourself to yourself. If they see that you are a decent person and know a bit about you then there is less scope for false information to be circulated. Take time to chat to people on local shops, if they are open to talk, and have bit of chit chat or banter where you can. You will need some human interaction after all, plus the fact then when people become familiar with you in your community, again, there is less scope for anyone to portray you in a false light.


This has not been much of an avert feature, in my case. There have been people that have appeared to have been following me, or staring etc, also I often see people hanging about on my path to somewhere, for no apparent reason. This may be nothing, or it could be an ambush of some kind. If you feel that there is something wrong, then there probably is — trust your instincts. Before proceeding, gather your thoughts, maybe pretend to look in a shop window or look like you are stopping to check a text message etc while you decide what to do next. Perhaps you could simply change direction, and go on an alternative route, or wait a couple of minutes to further check out the odd looking behaviour. If I see a stranger seeming to recognise me and then immediately use their phone, I will think twice about proceeding in that direction.

If someone hurls insults etc at you in the street, try to just walk on an ignore it — they could be baiting you to draw you into a conflict situation. Then you might just get rude behaviour or someone or a group of people just staring at you — stare back — perhaps say something like “can I help you”, or even go over to them and ask for the time or something, but don’t be intimidated by them. One thing again, about the TI program, the perps will not touch you (at least where there are people around — witnesses). They do not take risks. Just don’t get into an argument or debacle with them.

Seeming coincidences may be put on for the TI to witness. I think that this is designed to sensitise TIs to certain stimuli, or to make them feel paranoid. This is the effect that the perps want to achieve, to make TIs fearful and to start questioning their own sanity. In my case I notice cars driving past me just at that precise moment that I’m intending to cross the road. This coincidence happens over and over, even when I’m in a place that is otherwise deserted, a car will be there just to keep me waiting to cross the road, when there may me not another soul around. It is quite annoying and it is probably relating to my targeting, but I don’t pay much heed to it. What is really annoying is the amount of tax payers’ money that these idiots are probably wasting to play these kinds of daft games. So if 5 consecutive people walk past you wearing a red hat or something like that, they’ve probably all been just paid a tenner each to do so, so think no more of it.

You may however be confronted with real danger signs. For example, on one occasion, my next door perps (son and mother team) followed me into a shop and were whispering together in something of an agitated manner. It was obvious to me that they were up to something, to set me up in some way. I left the shop and they followed me out, so instead of continuing I slipped into a coffee shop. If they had followed me in there, it would have been apparent that they had been following me and not the other way around. I would also say to be mindful of not getting yourself nabbed by the enemy while you’re out and about. For example, don’t walk on the inside of a parked van (where you could be dragged in) and take special care if there are few or no people around.

Many TI’s report acute levels of gangstalking, street theatre and general harassment wherever they go. This has not been a feature of my targeting, so I am not in a position to offer much in the way of advice. As mentioned above, the perps are highly unlikely become violent towards you, but they will be attempting to provoke you into getting angry, even to the point of violence, so never take the bait. Just try your best to block them out and concentrate on whatever it is you have to do. However, do take video recordings of your perps if you can. Body cameras are ideal for this. Try also to maintain a daily log of all of the details of the harassment that you’ve been subjected to. One day we may all obtain justice, but, in the meantime, as already mentioned, DO NOT REPORT THESE CRIMES TO THE POLICE and DO NOT BE PROVOKED INTO CONFRONTATION.


Most TIs have probably been implanted with some form of chip and as a result are likely to be regularly tortured, although the degree and nature of torture may vary. I believe that the purpose of the torture is to render the TI extremely vulnerable and unable to hold down work, so as to impoverish them and/or get them into the health care system, where they are likely to be further harmed.

I am not certain whether it is the properties within the implants that cause the pain, or whether the implants merely serve as tracking points to enable the targeting of microwave frequencies to the TI, so that pain will result. Implants are minute and can be injected using a syringe, to be lodged permanently in given locations of the TI’s body. Implants to the head can be easily implanted by a dentist as he injects a solution into the gum tissues. The upper gums of course are very close in proximity to the brain and temples. Immense pain can result in having these implants and, in my view, could even kill; such can be the intensity of pain. I believe that the pain is the result of interference, by microwave frequencies, of blood flow. So if you are tortured with pain to the head, then (it is my belief) parts of the brain become partially oxygen starved during an assault.

To determine whether the pain one experiences is being induced

It is likely that the majority of people that are being tortured with directed energy weapons are not aware of the cause of their suffering. Indeed, they may not have even heard of directed energy weapons. The more people that become aware of this phenomena therefore, the more victims will have the opportunity to take the necessary actions to save their lives.

If you, or someone that you know, experiences regular occurrences of pain, or becomes suddenly ill, try shielding the affected area of the body with metal to see if this lessons, or stops, the pain. If this makes any noticeable difference in reducing the pain, then it is clear that the pain is being induced by DEWs.

CDC Patent Document for Covid


Coronavirus isolated from humans


Disclosed herein is a newly isolated human coronavirus (SARS-CoV), the causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Also provided are the nucleic acid sequence of the SARS-CoV genome and the amino acid sequences of the SARS-CoV open reading frames, as well as methods of using these molecules to detect a SARS-CoV and detect infections therewith. Immune stimulatory compositions are also provided, along with methods of their use.

Images (7)

Cyborg warriors could be here by 2050, DoD study group says


WHY – Unfund Conventional Human Law Enforcement? 

BLM and other similar groups are organized to bring in the NWO Cyborg Police and more.

Cyborg warriors – that is the plan, get others to do the killing or more specifically semi autonomous and autonomous vehicles as an Israeli/Russian can operate that from Tel Aviv.

5G is central to the robots on the streets. When they get them over the next 3-5 years, we are done. 

Also, they will get rid of the clerks, the book keepers, and middle managers with A.I. 

So the humans keeping your channel up will be gone. It’s approaching fast and Javanka Kushner – Chabad  – and those in the New York deep state – and others, will usher in the age of communitarianism 2028 in time for 2030.

Then remember the promised hordes and swarms of nano-bots, slaughter bots and drones.

Read more “Cyborg warriors could be here by 2050, DoD study group says”

Can I keep my gas-powered car? What you need to know about Newsom’s climate change order

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday debuted a plan to ban sales of new gas-powered cars by 2035 with a goal of reducing the state’s air pollution and combating climate change. The executive order represents a big shift for car manufacturers and will likely change how many Californians get from point A to B.

So what does it all mean for the common California car owner? Here’s what you should know.

Can I keep my gas-powered car?

Short answer: yes. The governor’s office said Wednesday that the order will not prevent Californians from owning gasoline-powered cars. But the state is encouraging consumers to make the switch, saying that the upfront cost of electric vehicles are projected to match that of gas-powered ones in a matter of years, and the maintenance is lower.

If you want to keep your Hummer, it’s up to you. But if you want to buy a new one in California after 2035, it’ll have to be electric.

Will I still be able to buy or sell a used gas-powered vehicle?

Yes. The order only applies to the sale of new passenger cars and trucks, not used ones. Newsom also ordered that all medium and heavy duty vehicles, such as school buses or freight trucks, be zero-emission by 2045, where feasible.

Can I buy a new gas-powered car in another state and bring it to California?

Yes you can. The order only affects the cars purchased in California.

Will an electric car cost much more than a gas-powered one?

It depends on the make and model. Generally, zero-emission cars are still more pricey than ones with internal-combustion engines, but there are some affordable models. New Tesla vehicles, for example, can run anywhere from $35,000 to $80,000 (although Elon Musk said this week a $25,000 model is in the works). Other non-luxury models, like the Nissan Leaf, Volkswagen e-Golf and Chevrolet Bolt retail for $30,000 to $36,000.

Proponents of zero-emissions vehicles are quick to point out that it’s cheaper to own an electric model, both in terms of maintenance and actual fuel. Chris Harto, senior transportation policy analyst at the nonprofit Consumer Reports, said Californians can save about $1,000 a year in fuel costs by switching to an electric vehicle.

“And, California drivers can save money overall because lower fuel and maintenance costs will more than offset the current price premium for electric vehicles,” Harto said in a statement.

Will more electric charging stations be added?

The governor’s executive order directs the California Air Resources Board and other agencies to accelerate the deployment of affordable fueling and charging options for zero-emission vehicles. In 2018, zero emission vehicles, plug-ins and hybrids made up 12% of all new vehicles sold in California, according to the California New Car Dealers Association. If California wants to increase that rate to 100% of all new vehicles, it’s going to create a significantly greater demand for charging stations.

Is this really happening?

If you’ve been following California’s climate news, you’ll know that the state’s efforts to combat climate change don’t always go over well with the Trump administration. California has been able to set its own emissions standards for decades, but in recent years the president has attempted to rescind that privilege, arguing that California’s policies are too restrictive on car manufacturers. California sued the administration last year over the dispute, and the case is still making its way through the courts. Some, like Kelley Blue Book editor Matt DeLorenzo, say this latest executive order could be struck down in the larger court ruling about California’s ability to set its own emission standards.

“This latest move still has a long way to go before implementation because it directs the California Air Resources Board to issue the emission rules that will effectively bar the sale of these vehicles. Beyond the question of whether or not California can set its own emissions will certainly be the question of the ban violating the interstate commerce clause,” DeLorenzo said in a statement.

The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, a lobbying group that represents the world’s largest carmakers, said its members are “committed to expanding vehicle electrification.”

But, it noted the change won’t be easy.

“Currently, electrified vehicles account for less than 10% of new vehicle sales in California. While that is the best in the nation, much more needs to be done to increase consumer demand for zero emission vehicles in order for California to reach its goals. It will require increased infrastructure, incentives, fleet requirements, building codes, and much more. Auto Innovators is committed to working with California to expand consumer adoption of electric vehicles,” the group’s president, John Bozzella, said in a written statement.

Car dealers and representatives of the oil industry were more critical.

The California Independent Petroleum Association said the order will put thousands out of work and add more people to the state’s already-stressed unemployment program. The California New Car Dealers Association said it has many unanswered questions about the order. The organization expressed concern that the order would exclude people who can’t afford new electric cars.

“While we support the state’s goals to combat climate change, there are many questions and factors that need to be thoughtfully considered and addressed before implementing such a mandate on consumers,” association President Brian Maas said in a statement.

“Securing the Meta-Grid” Meeting Cancelled Until 2021 Due to Covid – Royal Society of Arts, London / Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv

“Securing the Meta-Grid” 

Meeting Cancelled Until 2021 Due to Covid  

Royal Society of Arts, London / Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv

Coordinated Black Sky Resilience:

“Securing the Meta-Grid”

Assessing Progress; Considering (Essential) Next Steps 

Today’s communities are sustained by unprecedented technology, and by the all-sector hyper-connectivity it has enabled:

By the “meta-grid,” which has transformed our world.

However, this new reality is not yet matched by the coordinated all-sector resilience essential for our communities to survive a complex catastrophe.

Next Summit

EIS Summit XI Bicontinental Postponed The Eleventh Annual World Summit of Infrastructure Security, will be postponed until Summer 2021 due to travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Summer, 2021Royal Society of Arts, London / Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv