I was told by my wife’s new doctor that she will never walk again. After reading the following, please share you thoughts and prayers with me.
Dear Friends,
For the record, every day that I visit my wife, which occurs on nearly all days of the week, I have never been allowed to enter inside the rather large building so I am only able to go to her room’s window, phone the nursing station to request assistance in getting her heavy telephone closer to her bed, which is always at least six feet away, then I am only able to speak for a few minutes because she is unable to hold it any longer. So after she has completed her call, my wife tries to again summon assistance for removing the phone from her bed and it may take over 20 minutes before there is any response because most of the staff consider her request to be a rather low priority. Meanwhile, anxiety builds up and that leads to stress, which is not conducive for her recovery from a stroke and as a disabled patient with only one leg who also has an illness called scleroderma. So, from their perspective, with the exception of her therapy, she is only being “warehoused.” Although I am not permitted to enter and stay by her bedside, all employees, some of whom may actually be undocumented who live in crowded homes with other families who contact relatives and friends from foreign countries, apparently, I am considered to be more of a risk than any of them. However, because my wife is almost isolated and nearly alone, she misses visitors as well as her husband. I have been told that a total stranger could be hired as her companion while I am excluded. So, she has been very lonely because hardly any of the nurses and aides willing to spend any time with her except when she eats.
Early in the morning of Friday, September 25, 2020, I received a phone call from the skilled nursing center where my wife has been for nearly two months after her stroke. A nurse informed me that my wife might be discharged soon due to a lack of her progress. She said it was based on a decision made by her new doctor who has only seen my wife once after taking her case only a week ago. So, I was advised to begin making arrangements for her release, which could come as early as next week. One of the hidden agendas at any skilled nursing center if to remove their guests or patients from the nursing facility as soon as possible.
Will my wife ever be able to walk again? With her strong determination to recover and your continued prayers, she definitely will if she is able to continue to remain alive.
John W. Spring
Husband of Mary H. Spring