Poop Surveillance


Poop – Could Be Our New “Secret” Weapon Against Mutant COVID Strains

Bend Over the Individual Poop Test Maybe On its Way

Your POOP Could Solve the Coronavirus

Genomic Surveillance

Is the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub creating a new business of testing your POOP?


Read what an epidemiologist and senior biosecurity fellow at the nonprofit Chan Zuckerberg Biohub has to say . . . 

Sewer Poop Video Here:

Full Article here:


Poop Could Be Our New Secret Weapon Against Mutant COVID Strains

“There’s a lot of utility in being able to understand, kind of as a sentinel surveillance system, what’s going on within a community without having to go out and and stick a swab up thousands of people’s noses,” said Patrick Ayscue, an epidemiologist and senior biosecurity fellow at the nonprofit Chan Zuckerberg Biohub. 

Test community Sewer Systems to combat the new variants

In these communities, wastewater testing has already proven it can spot problems early. 

“It’s not just a measure of how much there is right now; it’s also a measure of what’s coming,” said Nour Sharara, a public health expert at BioBot.

“As soon as people are infected, they start shedding the virus, before they start showing symptoms. Some people take five days to develop symptoms. But during those five days, we can already see it in the sewage, because it’s in their stool.”

To combat the new variants, the same technology would need to be ramped up and paired with a process known as “genomic surveillance,” which means analyzing samples to determine their strain.

If you missed this testing your sewer video – watch now! AGAIN

Sewer Plant analysis – such a system includes people who aren’t getting tested, either because they’re asymptomatic or only recently caught the virus, or they aren’t taking the pandemic seriously. 

Checking NEIGHBORHOOD feces for coronavirus is that everyone poops.

A patchwork of communities around the country are already monitoring sewage for coronavirus. But these programs are focused on the amount of virus rather than the type. 

The University of Arizona tests wastewater coming out of individual dorms, in a program that allowed administrators to find three COVID-positive students during the first week of classes last fall, before they sparked a wider contagion

The city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, uses a wastewater testing system run by the private company BioBot to help determine whether schools should be open or shut. The city posts results on a website, which says that as of February 1, local wastewater contained 446 viral particles per milliliter.  

In these communities, wastewater testing has already proven it can spot problems early. 

“It’s not just a measure of how much there is right now; it’s also a measure of what’s coming,” said Nour Sharara, a public health expert at BioBot. (the nonprofit Chan Zuckerberg Biohub).

“As soon as people are infected, they start shedding the virus, before they start showing symptoms. Some people take five days to develop symptoms. But during those five days, we can already see it in the sewage, because it’s in their stool.”

To combat the new variants, the same technology would need to be ramped up and paired with a process known as “genomic surveillance,” which means analyzing samples to determine their strain. 

The city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, uses a wastewater testing system run by the private company BioBot to help determine whether schools should be open or shut. The city posts results on a website, which says that as of February 1, local wastewater contained 446 viral particles per milliliter.  

In these communities, wastewater testing has already proven it can spot problems early. 

“It’s not just a measure of how much there is right now; it’s also a measure of what’s coming,” said Nour Sharara, a public health expert at BioBot.

“As soon as people are infected, they start shedding the virus, before they start showing symptoms. Some people take five days to develop symptoms. But during those five days, we can already see it in the sewage, because it’s in their stool.”

To combat the new variants, the same technology would need to be ramped up and paired with a process known as “genomic surveillance,” which means analyzing samples to determine their strain. which means analyzing samples to determine their strain.. 

Ramping up a wastewater genomic surveillance program could give authorities advance warning that a new, dangerous variant has spread to a particular location, so they can take action early. 

Testing wastewater for coronavirus generally involves inserting a device into a manhole to pull out samples of sludge at regular intervals—for example, 50 milliliters every 15 minutes. But the best access points are hardly located in ideal spots. In some towns, researchers might have to prop up manholes in the middle of Main Street to get the kind of access they’d need. 

The cost of a national program could easily run into the hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, even though advocates say it’s worth the money.

The U.S. should allocate roughly 10% of its overall coronavirus testing budget to a new national wastewater program, said Smith. 

“In my opinion, there’s an unbelievable upside to making this investment,” Smith said.  

Such a program would help America’s catch the ground and time lost thanks to its dismal failure to track the spread of coronavirus mutations so far. 

The U.S. genetically analyzes less than 1 percent of all cases; experts say we should be analyzing at least 5 percent just to have an idea of what’s out there. The UK, Denmark and Iceland are closer to 10 percent. 

In addition to variants first identified in the UK, Brazil and South Africa, scientists have recently identified seven more variants in the U.S. that researchers are naming after birds in order to make them easier to remember. 

The so-called Robin 1 has spread to some 30 states, especially in the midwest. Another called Pelican was first found in Oregon and has since spread to 12 states. Others are being called Quail, Bluebird, Yellowhammer and Robin 2. 

“The variants from South Africa, from the UK and from Brazil, you know, we’re watching,” said Auclair. “But the ones that scare me the most? It’s the ones I don’t know about.” 

Yet the real danger may be the variants that haven’t yet been identified—because we aren’t looking hard enough.


The Web of Players Trying to Silence Truth


Any strategy that successfully manipulates public opinion is bound to be repeated, and we can now clearly see how the tobacco industry’s playbook is being used to shape the public narrative about COVID-19 and the projected post-COVID era.

In 2011, after many years of raising awareness regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and industrial agriculture, we decided we needed a new game plan. Educating people through our newsletter was great, but we realized the best way to expose Monsanto — a leading GMO advocate and patented seed owner at the time — was to get them to engage directly and ensure national attention.

To that end, Mercola.com funded the signature gathering in California that initiated Proposition 37, the right to know what’s in your food by ensuring proper GMO labeling. We spent more than $1 million for the Prop 37 initiative, plus several million dollars more for GMO labeling initiatives in other U.S. states in the following years.

This initiative forced Monsanto to engage with the public directly to defend their toxic products and dangerous business practices, all while receiving national coverage in the process. 

The Monsanto Case

Monsanto spent tens of millions of dollars attacking anyone in their way, but they did so indirectly, just like the tobacco industry did before them. This is the core take-home of what I’m about to describe next.

They used a public relations team to do most of their dirty work — paying scientists and academics to voice their “independent opinions,” influencing scientific journals, and getting journalists and editorial boards to write favorable and influential pieces to help them maintain their lies and influence minds.

Still, while the spending of tens of millions of dollars to influence voters resulted in a narrow defeat of Prop 37, the new, widespread awareness of GMOs, pesticides and industrial agriculture eventually led to Monsanto’s demise.

In 2013, in a last-ditch effort to salvage its tarnished image, Monsanto hired the PR firm Ketchum. As noted in a HuffPost article by Paul Thacker,1 “Monsanto hit reboot with Ketchum,” which “created a campaign called GMO Answers, and used social media and third-party scientists to offer a counter narrative to allay concern about Monsanto’s products.”

The GMO Answers’ website is set up to allow professors at public universities answer GMO questions from the public — supposedly without remuneration from the industry. But over the years, evidence emerged showing that these academics are far from independent, and often end up getting paid for their contributions via hidden means, such as unrestricted grants.

University of Florida professor Kevin Folta is one prominent example described in my 2016 article “Scientific American — Another Monsanto Bedfellow.” In that article, I also review how GMO Answers co-sponsored a panel discussion about GMOs in March that year with the media and partnerships division of Scientific American.

At the time, Jeremy Abatte, vice president and publisher of Scientific American, insisted the event was not a Ketchum event but a Scientific American event. Few bought his reasoning though, and many ended up filing Scientific American into the chemical biotech shill category.

Having purchased Monsanto at the end of 2016, Bayer continued the strategy to rely on PR firms for public acceptance. In the article2 “Bayer’s Shady PR Firms: Fleishmanhillard, Ketchum, FTI Consulting,” U.S. Right to Know reviews the many deception scandals involving these firms. A key discovery was evidence showing “there are objective strategies to silence strong voices.”

After investigating the strategies used by Monsanto and Bayer, we can now see that the same playbook is being used by Big Tech and Big Pharma to shape the public narratives about COVID-19 and the Great Reset. Again, a central facet of these campaigns is to silence critics, in particular those with large online followings, including yours truly.

I have been publicly labeled a “national security threat” to the U.K. by Imran Ahmed, a member of the Steering Committee on Countering Extremism Pilot Task Force under the British government’s Commission for Countering Extremism and the chief executive of the Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).

According to Ahmed, I and others who question the safety and necessity of a COVID-19 vaccine may be prone to violent extremism. This defamatory statement clearly has no basis in reality whatsoever. Rather, it’s part of the propaganda aimed at destroying the opposition — in this case the opposition to the technocrats driving the Great Reset agenda, which spans across social, economic and health related sectors.

As reported by the National Vaccine Information Center, which was also on the CCDH list of national security threats:3

“The anonymously funded CCDH also has an office in Washington, D.C. and the defamatory publicity campaign created in December 2020 was designed to not only discredit NVIC’s four-decade public record of working within the U.S. democratic system to secure vaccine safety and informed consent protections in public health policies and laws, but to destroy our small charity.”

Publicis Is an Organizing Force in the Great Reset Deception

Public deception is now being carried out at a mass scale, and the whole thing appears to be led and organized by another major PR firm, this time the Publicis Groupe, self-described as “one of the world’s largest communications groups,”4 which represents major companies within the technology, pharmaceutical and banking industries.

Publicis is also a partner of the World Economic Forum, which is leading the call for a “reset” of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life.

These companies, in turn, have various partnerships with the U.S. government and global nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Publicis itself is also a partner of the World Economic Forum,5 which is leading the call for a “reset” of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life.6 As you will see, Publicis’ fingerprints can be found throughout the net of censorship and misdirection that is now being cast across the digital landscape.

The Publicis Groupe has manipulated what people think about commercial products for nearly a century. Over that century, they have bought or partnered with targeted advertising avenues, beginning with newspapers, followed by radio, TV, cinema and the internet. More recently, they’ve branched into Big Data acquisitions and artificial intelligence platforms.

To understand the power PR companies such as Publicis have today, you need to understand the role of the free press. While pro-industry advertising worked well for decades, there was still the irksome problem of the Fourth Estate, a term that refers to the press.

The problem for industry was that professional investigative journalists working for magazines, newspapers and broadcast outlets would write in-depth exposés, outing the truth behind deceptive advertising and countering industry propaganda with science, statistics and other documented facts — and when a free press with honest reporting based on verifiable facts actually does its job, ineffective or toxic products are driven off the market.

The answer that industry came up with in the late 20th century to combat truth in journalism was, pure and simple, to control the Fourth Estate with advertising dollars. News organizations will simply not run reports that might harm the bottom line of its advertisers.

By further partnering with the “big guns” of media — such as the Paley Center for Media — Publicis and its industry clients have been able to influence and control the press to restrict, indeed virtually eliminate, your ability to get the truth on many important issues.

Publicis, Big Pharma and NewsGuard

To start off this sprawling web of industry connections surrounding Publicis, let’s look at its connections to the self-appointed internet watchdog NewsGuard. NewsGuard rates websites on criteria of “credibility” and “transparency,” ostensibly to guide viewers to the most reliable sources of news and information.

In reality, however, NewsGuard ends up acting as a gate keeper with a mission to barricade unpopular truth and differences of opinion behind closed gates. Its clearly biased ranking system easily dissuades people from perusing information from low-rated sites, mine included. 

NewsGuard received a large chunk of its startup capital from Publicis. NewsGuard also has ties to The Paley Center for Media, mentioned earlier. For clarification, The Paley Center is composed of every major media in the world, including Microsoft, AOL, CBS, Fox and Tribune Media. One of its activities is to sponsor an annual global forum for industry leaders.7

NewsGuard is housed in The Paley Center in New York City. In November 2015, Publicis’ chairman of North America, Susan Gianinno, joined The Paley Center’s board of trustees.8

Leo Hindery,9,10 a former business partner of the co-CEOs of NewsGuard, Steven Brill and Gordon Crovitz, is also a former trustee and director of The Paley Center. Taken together, NewsGuard has fairly influential connections to The Paley Center besides being a tenant in their building.

As mentioned, Publicis represents most of the major pharmaceutical companies in the world, and since so much of its revenue comes from the drug industry, it’s not far-fetched to assume Publicis might influence NewsGuard’s ratings of drug industry competitors, such as alternative health sites.

Publicis, Big Pharma, NewsGuard and Big Tech

Next, let’s add a layer of Big Tech into the mix. Publicis, which represents Big Pharma, not only has the ability to influence the public through NewsGuard, but it’s also a Google partner,11,12 which allows it even greater ability to bury undesirable views that might hurt its clientele. 

NewsGuard is also partnered with Microsoft, initially through Microsoft’s Defending Democracy Program.13 Through an expanded partnership announced in 2020, Microsoft Edge users gained access to NewsGuard for free, and Microsoft Bing gained access to NewsGuard’s data.14

Publicis, Pharma, NewsGuard, Big Tech, Government and NGOs

Expanding the web further onto government and NGO territory, we find that NewsGuard is also connected to the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Department of Defense and the World Health Organization. All three are listed as NewsGuard partners.15 NewsGuard is also partnered with:16

To summarize, the web around Publicis now includes international drug companies, NewsGuard, Google, Microsoft, the U.S. State Department and DoD, the WHO and the World Economic Forum. Mind you, this is not a comprehensive review of links. It’s merely a sampling of entities to give you an idea of the breadth of these connections, which when taken together explain how certain views can be so effectively erased.

Add in ‘Anti-Hate’ Group and Google-Trusted Health Sites

But we’re not done yet. NewsGuard’s health-related service called HealthGuard17 is also partnered with WebMD, Medscape and the CCDH — the progressive cancel-culture leader18 with extensive ties to government and global think tanks that recently labeled people questioning the COVID-19 vaccine as national security threats.

In 2017, WebMD was acquired by Internet Brands, a company under the global investment firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) umbrella. KKR also owns several other health-related internet brands. Since WebMD owned Medscape, it too now belongs to the KKR Internet Brands as well.

Together, HealthGuard, CCDH, WebMD and Medscape have launched a public service campaign called VaxFacts. The goal of the campaign is to “provide facts and tools to help consumers make informed decisions about vaccines,” WebMD reports.19

In tandem with that campaign, Google is funding fact-checking organizations to the tune of $3 million, with the aim of countering “vaccine misinformation,” and NewsGuard maintains a “Coronavirus Misinformation Tracking Center” that includes a “Top COVID-19 Vaccine Myths Tracker.”20

WebMD dominates health searches done through Google and shares user information with Google’s advertising arm and other third-party firms — a practice that is illegal in Europe.

What this means is DoubleClick, Google’s ad service, knows which prescriptions you’ve searched for on the site, thus providing you with personalized drug ads, and Facebook knows what you’ve searched for in WebMD’s symptom checker, as well as any medical diagnoses you received. I reviewed these findings in “WebMD and Healthline exposed Violating Your Privacy.”

Since most of its revenue comes from advertising, WebMD is far from an independent source of well-researched health news. For example, it has been caught shilling for Monsanto, publishing industry-friendly “articles” that are really paid advertisements known in the media world as advertorials.

Ten years ago, WebMD was also caught publishing a fake online depression screening test. In actuality, it was an advertising trick for the antidepressant Cymbalta, and there was no way for test takers to get a clean bill of mental health.


So, to recap, we find connections between the drug industry, NewsGuard/HealthGuard, educational institutions, Big Tech companies like Google, Microsoft and Bing, the U.S. State Department and DoD, global technocratic institutions like the WHO, national and global NGOs like the CCDH and the World Economic Forum, and dominating health websites like WebMD and Medscape.

Again, this is far from an exhaustive investigation of these kinds of connections. It’s merely a small sampling of readily obvious relationships. Toward the center of this web is the Publicis Groupe, the clients of which include major drug companies, Big Tech companies and financial institutions in more than 100 countries.21

By the way, Publicis also began investing in artificial intelligence technology in 201722 and partnered with Microsoft in 2018 to develop a global AI platform.23 It also purchased the data firm Epsilon in 2019,24 thereby establishing ownership of first-party data — a crucially valuable resource when it comes to the use of AI.

As detailed on its website, the firm’s expertise is concentrated within four main activities: communication, media, data and technology (including AI services), and all clients have access to its expertise in all of these areas.

While it’s easy to dismiss Publicis as just another ad agency, I believe it would be foolish to underestimate its power to organize the kind of coordination required to shut down vaccine concerns, anti-lockdown proponents and people trying to educate their fellow man about the dangers of the Great Reset, which is being brought forth as a “necessary” post-COVID step.

While these things may seem unrelated, they’re really not. As mentioned, the Great Reset involves everything — including health, education, government, economics, redistribution of wealth, business practices, environmental “protections” and much more.

What Can You Do?

Everything we know is set to change, and those who disagree with the mainstream narrative are troublemakers that must be silenced, lest the plan get pushed off-track by an unwilling public.

The answer to this dilemma is transparency. We must expose the machinations that allow this agenda to be pushed forward. Part of that exposure is looking at the role of big PR companies like Publicis, which helps influence the public mind so that the technocrats can maintain their lies until it’s too late to do anything about it.

Remember we DEFEATED Monsanto and we will defeat this threat to our freedom too. We simply allowed the public to learn the real truth about the issues, and that triggered Monsanto’s collapse.

I am currently working with some of the brightest minds in the tech space —cybersecurity experts and billionaire philanthropists who are very well networked. These individuals are committed to preserving your personal freedoms and liberties. We are seeking to involve a massive redo of the entire internet that will not allow tech monopolies the ability to censor the truth because it happens to conflict with their advertisers.

There has been an increasing call for the decentralization of the Internet as expressed in this article on Coin Telegraph last week. This would mean that rather than web sites being hosted on centralized servers in one location their content would be stored and served from thousands if not millions of computers all over the world making it virtually impossible to censor or shut down.

We are seeking to implement a strategy that Tim Berners-Lee is proposing. For those of you who don’t know, Berners-Lee is the person that gave us the world wide web graphical interface of the internet, and he didn’t take a penny for it. Had he licensed this technology, he surely would be the richest person in the world today.

You can read more about Berners-Lee’s plan in this February 5, 2021, article in The Conversation,25 but essentially in involves data sovereignty, giving you control over your data and privacy. So, what can you do?

Please understand you play a VERY important, if not critical role in this process. The first part of the strategy is to repeat what we did with Monsanto and expose their plans. So, if you have any interest in preserving your freedoms, I strongly encourage you to share this article and my video with everyone you know so people can start to understand how they are being manipulated. This will effectively “immunize” them against the propaganda.

Secondly, encourage your friends and family to subscribe to the newsletter so you can be updated on the next steps that will be necessary to defeat these tech monopolies tyrannical attempts at control.

MacCracken v. Happer: The Real Truth about Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change – Government Accountability Project

In “The Real Truth about Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change: Paragraph-by-Paragraph Comments on an Article by Dr. William Happer,” Dr. Michael MacCracken, Chief Scientist for Climate Change Programs at the Climate Institute in Washington, DC, takes on the prominent ‘skeptic’ Princeton physicist and Marshall Institute board chairman with a detailed and illuminating rebuttal.

Full text of the article: The Real Truth About Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change

MacCracken’s introduction:

Dr. William Happer, the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics at Princeton University, who also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Marshall Institute in Washington DC, has been a prominent and outspoken critic of the science of climate change, its impacts, and proposed policies to deal with it. In the June/July 2011 issue of First Things, Dr. Happer published a summary of his views: “The Truth About Greenhouse Gases: The dubious science of the climate crusaders” (see http://www.firstthings.com/article/2011/05/the-truth-about-greenhouse-gases). The paper is so misleading that, in my view, it merits a paragraph-by-paragraph response. Indeed, being an alumnus of Princeton University and having devoted my career to study of climate change science, preparing a response almost seemed an obligation.

In offering these comments, my intent is to present the findings and perspectives of the national and international science community, illuminated with insights gained over more than four decades of seeking to improve understanding of how the Earth system works and is affected by natural and human events. In contrast to Dr. Happer’s view that the science of climate change is like a house of cards (i.e., find one flaw and the whole sense of understanding will fall), I have tried to give a sense of why, as Professor Henry Pollack of the University of Michigan has put it, the science of climate change is like a rope hammock (i.e., with lots of interconnections and linkages, such that weaknesses or failure of any particular detailed finding does not weaken the overall strength of scientific understanding).

Unless footnoted, the views I have offered are primarily drawn from IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report and/or from perspectives on climate change that are summarized at http://www.climate.org/topics/climate-change/science-in-six-findings.html and references, including a review paper, that can be downloaded from that site.

The full set of points made by Dr. Happer is included below, in paragraph-by-paragraph order, with my comments on each paragraph immediately following. To assist in referring to Dr. Happer’s various paragraphs, I have numbered the paragraphs sequentially, and my response is provided in italics. To provide a sense of the issues covered, the table gives a sense of the questions that an independent moderator might ask that would lead to the exchange regarding each paragraph, and the reader may want to use this to jump to comments and responses on a topic of particular interest.

A key to Will Happer’s assertions and Mike MacCracken’s responses:

1. Is the climate change community really off on a “climate crusade”?

2. Is CO2 a pollutant or a vital molecule for life on Earth—or both?

3. On what basis is EPA moving to regulate CO2?

4 through 7. Isn’t CO2 a nutrient for plants? Don’t we really want to have a higher CO2 concentration? Wasn’t the CO2 level actually nearly too low? Won’t more CO2 be beneficial?

8 and 9. How high can the CO2 level be without impacting human health? What is the optimal range for the CO2 concentration?

10 and 11. Is the increasing CO2 concentration really having adverse impacts?

12 and 13. Will increasing CO2 really cause warming? Is it really human activities causing the warming?

14 through 17. What does the history of Earth’s climate tell us over centuries to tens of millions of years? Hasn’t the Earth’s climate always been changing? So what makes the present warming significant?

18, 19, and 20. Has the IPCC really considered what has been learned from the study of Earth’s climatic history?

21 and 22. Is the “hockey stick” curve indicating recent warming really solid? Don’t the hacked emails show that climate data were manipulated?

23, 24 and 25. Has peer-review been compromised? Isn’t it biased?

26. Will the warming in response to the rising CO2 concentration be significant? How fast will these changes be occurring?

27. Will shifting to renewables enrich a few with political ties at the expense of the majority?

28, 29 and 30. Are computer models reliable enough to depend on? Aren’t they tuned and therefore unreliable? Can they really be used to project into the future?

31, 32, and 33. What has led to climate change being seen as so controversial? Has the science been co-opted by politics? How large is the funding for climate change research?

34 and 35. Are the views of those who are critical of the climate change results being suppressed? Aren’t their reputations being impugned?

36, 37, and 38. Are professional societies being corrupted by the climate change proponents? Has the American Physical Society misrepresented the views of its members?

39, 40 and 41. Is the public getting a balanced picture of climate change science? What is the trend in public understanding and viewpoint? Is the public just being rushed to judgment?

42 and 43. Aren’t there other environmental problems more deserving of emphasis than climate change? Where should the attention lie?

From MacCracken’s conclusion:

Building a better future can only be accomplished by facing up to the impacts that increasing CO2 emissions are having on the climate, on sea level, and on ocean acidification. That Dr. Happer is slowing this down by putting forth scientific statements that indicate so little understanding (presumably, because of reading too narrowly or with too closed a mind) is very disappointing. In the years that I was at Princeton and the grading system went from 1 (high) to 7 (low), I regret to say that Dr. Happer would have earned the 7. This grade was actually hard to get because it indicated “flagrant neglect” in one’s studies. For his generally uninformed and limited discussion and understanding of climate change science, however, I very much regret to say that Dr. Happer seems clearly to have earned that designation.

Full text of the article: The Real Truth About Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change

Mike MacCracken has been a guest contributor at Climate Science Watch and we have cited his work on several earlier occasions. A few of these include:

MacCracken federal court Declaration defending EPA Endangerment Finding

Climate Progress interviews Christopher Field and Michael MacCracken on climate change reality

Michael MacCracken: The Achievable Path to Climate Protection

Michael MacCracken’s review of Roger Pielke, Sr.’s May 14 climate talk to the Marshall Institute

Michael MacCracken’s analysis of errors in Robinson, Robinson, and Soon 2007 contrarian article

Climate Institute home page

MacCracken bio at Climate Institute website

General Information about Candida auris


Healthcare facilities in several countries have reported that a type of yeast called Candida auris has been causing severe illness in hospitalized patients. In some patients, this yeast can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, causing serious invasive infections. This yeast often does not respond to commonly used antifungal drugs, making infections difficult to treat. Patients who have been hospitalized in a healthcare facility a long time, have a central venous catheter, or other lines or tubes entering their body, or have previously received antibiotics or antifungal medications, appear to be at highest risk of infection with this yeast.

Specialized laboratory methods are needed to accurately identify C. auris. Conventional laboratory techniques could lead to misidentification and inappropriate management, making it difficult to control the spread of C. auris in healthcare settings.

Because of these factors, CDC is alerting U.S. healthcare facilities to be on the lookout for C. auris in their patients.

CDC and partners continue to work closely; click here for the latest information on Candida auris. To learn more about Candida auris, read the Q&A below and:

Why is CDC concerned about C. auris infections?

CDC is concerned about C. auris for three main reasons:

  1. It is often multidrug-resistant, meaning that it is resistant to multiple antifungal drugs commonly used to treat Candida infections.
  2. It is difficult to identify with standard laboratory methods, and it can be misidentified in labs without specific technology. Misidentification may lead to inappropriate management.
  3. It has caused outbreaks in healthcare settings. For this reason, it is important to quickly identify C. auris in a hospitalized patient so that healthcare facilities can take special precautions to stop its spread.

What types of infections can C. auris cause?

C. auris has caused bloodstream infections, wound infections, and ear infections. It also has been isolated from respiratory and urine specimens, but it is unclear if it causes infections in the lung or bladder.

How is C. auris infection diagnosed?

Like other Candida infections, C. auris infections are usually diagnosed by culture of blood or other body fluids. However, C. auris is harder to identify from cultures than other, more common types of Candida. For example, it can be confused with other types of yeasts, particularly Candida haemulonii. Special laboratory tests are needed to identify C. auris. For more information, please see the Recommendations for Laboratorians and Health Professionals.

Who is at risk for infection from C. auris?

People who have recently spent time in nursing homes and have lines and tubes that go into their body (such as breathing tubes, feeding tubes and central venous catheters), seem to be at highest risk for C. auris infection. Limited data suggest that the risk factors for Candida auris infections are generally similar to risk factors for other types of Candida infections. These risk factors include recent surgery, diabetes, broad-spectrum antibiotic and antifungal use. Infections have been found in patients of all ages, from preterm infants to the elderly. Further study is needed to learn more about risk factors for C. auris infection.

When was C. auris first reported?

C. auris was first identified in 2009 in Japan. Retrospective review of Candida strain collections found that the earliest known strain of C. auris dates to 1996 in South Korea. CDC considers C. auris an emerging pathogen because increasing numbers of infections have been identified in multiple countries since it was recognized.

How did C. auris get its name?

Auris is the Latin word for ear. Despite its name, C. auris can also affect many other regions of the body and can cause invasive infections, including bloodstream infections and wound infections.

Where have C. auris infections occurred globally?

C. auris infections have been reported from over 30 countries, including the United States. Because identification of C. auris requires specialized laboratory methods, infections likely have occurred in other countries but have not been identified or reported. Click here for a map of countries with reported cases.

How did C. auris infection spread globally?

CDC conducted whole genome sequencing of C. auris specimens from countries in the regions of eastern Asia, southern Asia, southern Africa, and South America. Whole genome sequencing produces detailed DNA fingerprints of organisms. CDC found that isolates within each region are quite similar to one another, but are relatively different across regions. These differences suggest that C. auris has emerged independently in multiple regions at roughly the same time.

Would someone be likely to get a C. auris infection if they travel to any of these countries?

It is unlikely that routine travel to countries with documented C. auris infections would increase the chance of someone getting sick from C. auris. Infections have occurred primarily in patients who were already in the hospital for other reasons. People who travel to these countries to seek medical care or who are hospitalized there for a long time may have an increased risk for C. auris infection

Have C. auris infections occurred in the United States?

Cases of C. auris infections have been reported in the United States. As laboratories continue to look for this fungus, it is likely that more cases will be reported. Click here for a map of cases in the United States.

What should someone do if they suspect they have a C. auris infection?

CDC recommends that anyone who believes they have any fungal infection or healthcare-associated infection see a healthcare provider.

Are C. auris infections treatable?

Most C. auris infections are treatable with a class of antifungal drugs called echinocandins. However, some C. auris infections have been resistant to all three main classes of antifungal medications, making them more difficult to treat. In this situation, multiple classes of antifungals at high doses may be required to treat the infection. Treatment decisions should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider experienced in treating patients with fungal infections.

Can a person die from infection with C. auris?

Yes. Invasive infections with any Candida species can be fatal. We don’t know if patients with invasive C. auris infection are more likely to die than patients with other invasive Candida infections. Based on information from a limited number of patients, 30–60% of people with C. auris infections have died. However, many of these people had other serious illnesses that also increased their risk of death.

How does C. auris spread?

C. auris can spread in healthcare settings through contact with contaminated environmental surfaces or equipment, or from person to person. More work is needed to further understand how it spreads.

How can the spread of C. auris be prevented?

Please see the Recommendations for Laboratorians and Health Professionals.

What is CDC doing to address C. auris?

CDC is providing guidance for clinicians and infection control personnel. For more information, please see the Recommendations for Laboratorians and Health Professionals. CDC also is working with state and local health agencies, healthcare facilities, and clinical microbiology laboratories to ensure that laboratories are using proper methods to detect C. auris and know the limitations of certain tests for detecting C. auris.

War of the Weathers

April 17, 1976


Credit…The New York Times ArchivesSee the article in its original context from
April 17, 1976, 

SANTA MONICA, Calif.— “From space one could control the earth’s weather, cause drought and floods, change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, make temperate climates frigid,” then‐Senator Lyndon B. Johnson told a joint session of Congress in 1957. Like many other legislators, he accepted Defense Department fantasies that the United States was in race with the Soviet Union to develop environmental weapons.

Mr. Johnson as President made the fantasies real by ordering rainmaking in Southeast Asia, Between 1967 and 1972 he and President Richard M. Nixon authorized at least $3.6 million annually on secret cloud‐seeding over North and South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in an attempt to muddy trails and slow enemy movements.

Although in one instance this enhanced rainfall by 30 percent, Pentagon officials call the operations failure. But the Pentagon defends them as humane, saying, “Raindrops don’t kill people; bombs do.” (The Department of Defense denies it was seeding over North Vietnam in 1971 when that nation suffered the heaviest rains since 1945. In 1945. a million Vietnamese died of flood and famine.)

Can a nation that tampers with natural balances deny responsibility for what follows? This question, together with recognition that United States policy condemns warfare aimed at civilians, prompted Senator Claiborne Pell in 1973 to introduce a resolution calling for an international treaty to prohibit environmental warfare “or the carrying out of any research or experimentation directed thereto.” The Senate voted 82 to 10 to approve the resolution, which lacks force of law.

Last August, at the 31‐nation United Nations conference of the Committee on Disarmament, in Geneva, the United States and Soviet Union jointly proposed a draft convention to ban “military or any other hostile use of environmental techniques.” Unfortunately it is far weaker than the Senate resolution. For example, it fails to prohibit military research or development of environmental‐modification techniques, and allows all “peaceful” work on such things.

The Pentagon says its Climate Dynamics program, formerly Project Nile Blue, is peaceful and needed to detect Soviet attempts to disrupt North American weather. (Because the treaty appoints no inspection agency to enforce its ban, leaving nations to bring evidence of violations to the United Nations Security Council, treaty ratification would justify increased funding for Climate Dynamics monitoring.)

But Climate Dynamics researchers. using computer models of oceans and atmosphere, have studied ways to melt the polar ice caps, generate destructive storms, and otherwise use “key environmental instabilities” to release huge amounts of energy. They have found how the United States, acting secretly from space, could inflict bad weather on the Soviet Union, thereby ruining harvests and keeping that country dependent on United States grain imports.

In the Soviet Union, engineers are reversing the Arctic‐flowing Pechora River and creating inland seas, actions that experts say will alter global climate. This is “peaceful.”

In 1975 the National Academy of Sciences reported that cooling in the Northern Hemisphere since the 1940’s makes the start of a new ice age within 100 years a small but real possibility. Scientists cannot determine whether the cooling is caused by humans or if one nation’s had weather is caused by another’s weather‐modification programs, so the potential for hostility arising from such programs is obvious. Global climatic changes will prompt many nations to use such modification techniques, but the world’s unstable political climate demands that such techniques be internationally regulated, with adequate safeguards and with reparations for those who suffer drought or storm damage.

The draft treaty could be a step toward such regulation. But the treaty allows some weather warfare by prohibiting only techniques having “widespread, long‐lasting or severe effects harmful to human welfare.” What does this mean? The tiniest tampering with natural balances can set off chain reactions with unforeseen consequences.

Senator Pell and Representatives Gilbert Gude and Donald M. Fraser have proposed that all United States environmental‐modification research—by civilians, the military and the Central Intelligence Agency—he put under Congressional control. Until this is done and the United States amends the draft treaty to eliminate loopholes and cloudy language, few nations will believe we want environmental warfare banned.

Lowell Ponte is author of the forthcoming booh “The Cooling,” about climatic change and modification.

Here, Jacob Rothschild Explained How & Why


Here, Jacob Rothschild Explained How & Why

February 5, 2021


And we ignored him. The mass media creates a cognitive dissonance that prevents us from recognizing the truth when it is given to us.
Jacob Rothschild:“It has been mainly the economic independence of most of the common people which makes them so unruly in these nations, and likely apt to support the sovereignty of their own nations and local control, which is the main obstacle to our plans, and precisely why the severe economic restraints have been necessary under the guise of the pandemic. If the people do not comply, undoubtedly a second wave will come their way, and with that food shortage, and complete government domination in order to usher in all of our proposed changes.”

This letter from “Jacob R” appeared on Rixon Stewart’s The Truthseeker.co.uk Sept 1, 2020 in response to my article, “Is there any limit to US debt?” 

This email was sent from an IP address in Surrey B.C, However, IMO, it was rerouted. This is the real Jacob Rothschild and this needs to be read over and over.  Essentially, they are building up to an economic collapse that they will use to justify a one-world currency and Chinese-style world government. The US has had an unfair advantage by having the reserve currency. Now there must be a digital world currency and a world government to administer it.
(from Sept 2, 2020)by Jacob Rothschild(henrymakow.com)
Dear Henry, you really do go too far when you say things like, “The criminal cabal in charge has been producing this “money” and stuffing its pockets and those of its friends. Is there any limit to the amount they will produce? If the “debt” doubled to $70 trillion, would it make any difference?”
You cannot say our cartel or cabal is “criminal”. Don’t you see we actually own all of the lawmakers, and besides whatever we do is quite above any of the laws which apply to the common people? As for stuffing our pockets, the families which make up our network of central banks throughout the world are in fact the main power brokers in the world. That is our right. Your governments demand every year more than they can afford with one deficit budget after another, always saying that this or that is necessary. By indulging them we simply acquire more power and control. It is called “ownership”.
What are we to do, give them our own gold or assets in their borrowing process, and never see it again? 
That is one of the reasons why we have fiat money. It can be made out of nothing and we can make as much as your governments want, so long as they do not spend it on things against our interests or endeavours too far out of our control. 
Also, we do not simply “give” it to them or there would be hyperinflation all of the time and no confidence in any fiat currency. Rather we “lend” it to them such that if we ever called in all the loans it would bankrupt every government which has been borrowing for years from our banks. 
Furthermore, we are able to charge interest on what we lend, which usually sustains the value of our own holdings in compensation for the masses getting all of their free stuff, for so many generations and not paying us back for the exercise of our god-like powers in being able to create something out of nothing.
You have to realize that with the development of our central banking systems all over the world, and particularly through global development lending and our investments in places like China, the economy of the world has grown exponentially over the last 100 years. Presently, the US dollar cannot serve the global needs and is being phased out not with a whimper but with the bang of a mushroom cloud in the creation of unlimited trillions. 
For decades we tried to hide what is now called “the shadow economy” where we worked with the US Fed to create vast amounts of cash out of nothing, to facilitate both business and political interests particularly in developing and other irascible nations around the world. It made little difference to inflation, as the money seldom made it back to the US or to Europe and it usually came back to our banks anyway.
Since 9/11 when the loss of some of those trillions was being investigated, we have been more open as to the importance of always having enough money on hand to do whatever we want, and quite frankly even if we were to make the US dollar debt to us $70 trillion as you say, what we have found is that people around the world, despite complaining about our alleged abuses of power, still keep demanding the stuff. 
It is very similar to the heroin industry, which grew out of our venture in China in the 19th century during the opium trade, the more you produce the more people get addicted to the stuff. With our latest batch of 6 trillion, everyone holding dollars, wants their value to be retained, yet in places like China, India, and Russia what they complain about is the unfair power the US is able to wield around the world by being able to draw so much money from our banks and spend it the way they do, particularly on their military and as a political weapon to serve their interests and those of our families.
In this respect, these nations, fortunately, do not excessively complain against our families controlling the money supply, but rather they tend to focus on the various favored governments which appear to direct the government spending and allocations. 
They complain mainly against the US and for the most part just about every other nation in the world has agreed to take that power from the US, and allow our central banks to create a new world currency, and to be their banker. 
It will require, however, a central government to allocate the expenditures when the borrowing from us will be necessary, and of course to enforce trade with this currency on a global scale that central government will need independent military backing. 
For a good number of decades now the governments of over 190 nations have agreed with this direction and the necessity of there being a one-world government to ensure the necessary financial stability. They are all nations that are part of our web which either have a firmly established central bank in our control or are completely indebted to us for all of our loans from institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank.
The engineering of these new arrangements, which some refer to as the New World Order, however, could not be accomplished by fiat, like we create money. Various nations competing with one another for resources or territories, will not agree just to a global currency, or a global banking system akin to the US Fed, without a central global government for financial enforcement of trade and regulation, and even if they do not agree to a world government, quite frankly places like China and Russia will only continue to feel the abuse of our powers being exercised by favored nations like the US, the UK, and Israel.
Then apart from differences between the various governments who are in our direct or indirect control, there are the masses of ordinary people in the world who still believe they have a say in such affairs, which are in fact many steps removed from them. 
Such a world government that our families have envisioned will have to give them something in exchange for giving up their local and national controls over trade and commerce. In this respect, we have exercised our powers of creating hundreds of billions mainly of fiat-created dollars and “loans” to fund not only the UN but also all of its Agendas, to provide credible, urgent, and existential justifications for the necessity of a one-world government.
To supplant many of the alleged “sovereign” of nations particularly in the West, it has been necessary for us to be very generous allowing the borrowing and indebtedness to us to become virtually astronomical. 
As the governments of the nations have become subservient to us so also are the people of those nations. Whether our sustainability measures are actually necessary or not to cure the problems, like global warming or inequality, which issues our NGO’s, government agencies, media, and corporate minions have developed and featured in their various campaigns, what really matters most to us is that there is some real substance to there being a one-world government. We need all the support we can garner through our efforts to convince people everywhere of the “necessity” of a one-world government.
Alternatively, if the people reject our proposal most of the governments in the West are at the mercy of us calling in our loans and bankrupting them, whereas the other nations in which we have less control are at our mercy and discretion of continuing in the present system with the dominance of the US and the very precarious US dollar which in any case has had its day, in our view.
Of course, the Covid pandemic is a plandemic, and we through our various think tanks and networks have meticulously planned it over decades. In order for all of the major changes we have planned, including the big one for us of our global bank and one-world currency, the people have to become totally subservient. 
This is much more difficult to achieve in nations where the people think they have a semblance of freedom, and that is why the governments in these nations have been so extreme with the fear and control tactics we have ordained. 
It has been mainly the economic independence of most of the common people which makes them so unruly in these nations, and likely apt to opt to support the sovereignty of their own nations and local control, which is the main obstacle to our plans, and precisely why the severe economic restraints have been necessary under the guise of the pandemic. If the people do not comply, undoubtedly a second wave will come their way, and with that food shortage, and complete government domination in order to usher in all of our proposed changes.
goals098.jpegOne of our most trusted agents who can see the light for a much brighter future, Karl Schwab of the World Economic Forum, has invited more people waking up to the facts of our virtually complete monetary control, to join in with the Great Reset, and to welcome in our New World Order, and our continued running the world, but on a much vaster, greener, smarter, more equal and more centrally-controlled scale, mainly by our families which have served you so well all throughout the 20th century until now.—–
Related – Another $2 Trillion on its Way——–Signs the USD is Being Replaced as World Reserve Currency

Why Does Everyone Dance to the Covidhoax Tune? 
First Comment from Tony B-
Now we know the true reason, ever since WW2, for making the dollar the world currency.
Not mentioned by the writer is that money, real money, should ALWAYS be what is, in a sense (continued by this Rothschild) falsely labeled “fiat,” which does not strictly mean “of no commercial value” but does mean “This is our money,” which is the lawful and proper right of sovereign governments, NOT PRIVATE “BANKERS” (thieves of the worst order) such as the Rothschilds.  Real money is SPENT into circulation by those lawful governments, there to stay as a free benefit, a coupon of convenience, for the people’s need to make exchanges, the only right purpose of money.
This obviously satanic engineered Rothschild threat over all the people of earth could be ended in one day by honest governments (if any were left) simply declaring all debt to the criminal “bankers,” who have stolen the wealth of the world, as null and void, combined with arresting those satanists and either putting them to death for their centuries long crimes against humanity or imprisoning them for life in such a manner as there could be no escape.
Paul S writes:

I actually think it’s very important to begin ignoring their “predictive programming” nonsense. The predictive programming is an essential “first” ingredient in the black magic spell — without the predictive programming, the rest of the magic spell fails completely and they look like complete buffoons. 
There’s a trope that’s gone around social media for years about how “they have to tell you what they’re going to do because God demands it, blah blah blah” .. it’s total nonsense, God demands no such thing and they themselves are no respecters of God. In fact, that type of “excuse” and deception is very on-brand for their flavor of psychopathy. Maybe their Satanic “god” requires it as part of the magic spell, but not the real God.
Congressional-Comedy.jpegI’m enclosing a picture of a U.S. Congressman during the recent Januaryist riots. They put that picture out there to harvest “sympathy” energy — all black magic begins with sympathy as the first key ingredient, since all sympathy leads to Sympathy for the Devil, which in turns leads to self-annihilation, exactly what the famous song is trying to warn you against. If you’ve been following the “predictive programming” on CNN, then you look at this picture and “sympathize” with the Congressman and feel sorry, but if you haven’t been “predictively programmed”, you look at the picture and think that he’s just a coward and a total moron, which is in fact the truth .. Magic is tricky business! If the magician loses the audience at any point, he ends up looking like a fool, which is exactly what is now happening in society en masse.
In old Slavic white magic, when some villager committed a heinous crime, they wouldn’t just banish him, but they would consciously ignore him and go about their business pretending he was invisible and he wasn’t even there. Eventually the perpetrator would end up banishing himself, and doing it in this way is much more humiliating and psychologically devastating to him then just physically throwing him out of the villages and telling him to not come back. Do the same to the Rothschilds! Just ignore them, “Sheltering in place” from the common cold with a 99.99999% survival rate is nothing but a nonsense machine at this point. It makes no sense at all to ppl who haven’t been “predictively programmed”.. Ignore it and regain your sanity.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for “Here, Jacob Rothschild Explained How & Why “

Ken Adachi said (February 7, 2021):

Paul S was Way Ahead of the Curve in his assessment. Every human being with a soul has an infinite capacity to shape reality to his liking though Thought and Intention.Thought is the Fabricator of Reality, the very building block of consciousness.

As noted by Tony, the individuals who engage in this sordid conduct are weak (like Gates) by nature, while those who fight in the interest of Righteousness and Justice are motivated by a far greater power.

They NEED your cooperation and acquiescence to their Game, so they are always playing mind games to CONVINCE you (like this letter) that they are running the show. But they aren’t. And the Low Life, helmeted morons in riot gear who the Elites are depending on to enforce their wicked and evil tyranny over innocent citizens are going to be in for a rude awakening when THEY are on the receiving end of their brutal tactics. It all boils down to Will, Thought and Intention. And guess who’s in the Minority?

SA said (February 6, 2021):

I think this statement by Jacob R. has an issue:

“Rather we “lend” it to them such that if we ever called in all the loans it would bankrupt every government which has been borrowing for years from our banks.”

The person who wrote this is under the impression that loans are normally given grace periods. This is not true. Default is the objective of the loans, and with it public sovereignty gradually goes to the banks – privatization. It is true that loans are sometimes extended, but even then governments would still be making all or most of their scheduled payments. Usage of the term “call in” in this context seems strange.

There are other issues in the post as well. This seems to be written by a hot-headed young person.

Thanks SA

We disagree.


PB said (February 6, 2021):

think you have been goofed by a prankster or masons from BC.
What kind of Rothschild would bother writing you an email?
Anyone familiar with the cabal and the plandemic and NWO ageda, plus good writing skills, could produce a piece like this.
My friend with trade school diploma could and does it for fun occasionally.
The Agenda 21/2030 poster you display is amateurish, lacks IoB == internet of bodies, for example.


You are naive.


Thomas C said (February 6, 2021):

Thanks, Dr. Makow, for sharing with us that coldly calculated arrogant warning from Jacob Rothschild, of that which I’m forwarding to all my friends in hope of instilling spirit of resistance against a most deadly form of tyranny.

Survival of freedom in the world will depend upon the people uniting against this cabal which for over the past 100 years have been imposing unnecessary war, implementing devious plan to maintain total monopoly on all power and wealth, and for planning selective genocide to allow their NWO demand for reduced population….to be maintained at under 500 million perpetually in balance with nature.

I’m hoping that my friends and neighbors can be awakened to see the danger while also being assured that The Rothschilds are not gods, but rather are the most selfish form of deviants who deserve to be imprisoned for vindictively conspiring against all mankind.

test said (February 6, 2021):


Tony B said (February 5, 2021):

Now is the time of the biblical prediction of the devil reigning for three years near the end of time. In fact, these statements are a declaration that the war between the Virgin Mary and Satan (she has been very sorrowful for centuries because that war will likely lose millions of souls to Satan) is now in full progress, with the Rothschild cabal, as some of us have been saying for half a century, being the chief generals in the devil’s army of myrmidons, composed of talmudic Jews/freemasons/just plain worshipers of Satan/and other hangers-on.

That satanic army now appears to run into millions but their motivation is selfish, not that of dedication, and therefore it is very weak against those who fight for righteousness. A clue to us all as to why so many true Christians call the Rosary of the Virgin the most powerful weapon on earth.

The Christian known fact that Mary WILL crush the devil’s head, with her Immaculate heart triumphant, does not change the fact that millions upon millions, Christians, satanists, pagans all alike, will die in probably the bloodiest massacres of all time including the rivers of blood shed in the last century. Each one has the choice, right now, of changing his/her life in order to die for Mary and her Son, Jesus Christ, and live again, or to die as an eternal captive of Satan. There is no other choice. Playtime IS over.

Al Thompson said (February 5, 2021):

One thing to remember about Satanists, like the one who wrote this article, is that they always disclose how they are going to screw everyone and how they are going to do it. The people seem to like getting the shaft from the fractional banking system. I would look at this as a disclosure in the nature of the Protocols of Zion. They give out the plan, and us dummies lay down and take it. It’s almost like we are saying: “Screw me some more, please!”

Mike Stone said (February 5, 2021):

Wow, Henry. Looks like you’ve got Satan’s right-hand man sending you emails. Why not ask him for a million or two. That would be like ten bucks to you and me, maybe even less.

Have you emailed him back? I wonder if he’s concerned at all about saving his soul. Imagine what a paradise the earth would be if he showed the rest of us a little compassion. Imagine what a feather in your cap it would be if you converted him.

JJ said (February 5, 2021):

This guy acts like he’s under a heavy burden. But should anyone refuse his money, he certainly loves destroying them.

Phillip said (February 5, 2021):

In the last para Rothschild calls Schwab Karl and not Klaus as he is named all over the internet.
Is Karl the Western version of German Klaus do you think?

Rothschild (or whoever wrote this piece) ought to know.

JG said (December 11, 2020):

This is quite a fascinating article written by someone who possibly has inside intelligence on the future of the world economy.

From an international banker’s point of perspective this essay makes a lot of sense. A world currency would be an end to nationalism in America and Europe which they have been working on for a long time. In case you haven’t noticed nationalist leaders around the globe for years have been targeted and removed from office by any and all means including America. Today nationalists are dubbed by the MSM as fascists and dictators. As mentioned by JR here national sovereignty is getting in the way of their planned Global Order.

The COVID PSYOP so far has been proven to be an effective weapon against personal sovereignty, independent enterprise, and the moral of the Constitutional Republics of America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

Who could have ever imagined these nations surrendering to these anonymous random orders so easily and with so little organized resistance.The bankers know that as long as the money keeps flowing so many of the people will put up with almost anything.

The war against COVID can’t be won because you can’t fight a phantom enemy who doesn’t really exist. This game won’t be over until they say it’s over.

Leo said (September 2, 2020):

The author of this article states that their cabal isn’t ‘criminal’. Yet that’s not true since the Federal Reserve is illegal according to the US Constitution.

First in Article VI it states: ‘This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof…shall be the Supreme Law of the Land.” Secondly in Article I Section 8 it asserts that the right to “coin money” is delegated to Congress, not to any private banking consortium (Federal Reserve). Thus the Federal Reserve is illegal for two reasons: (1) only Congress can issue money & (2) the Federal Reserve Act is a Law made not in the Pursuance of the Constitution, but contrary to it. Thus legally making it null & void, & those who orchestrated & instituted it as criminals.

JPW said (September 2, 2020):

A clever way of explaining what the Rothschilds have been planning, acting as if you are one of them.

I had thought of one day explaining what is going on here on earth by writing it from Lucifer’s point of view…

Tony B said (September 1, 2020):

Interestingly, not mentioned here is that these same people, following Satan’s agenda, after having completed their total power/control as mentioned, intend to murder 80% to 95% of the world’s people.

Bill Gates and a few others such as Ted Turner have openly mentioned this in the euphoria/ignorance of their own futures under the satanic thumb of the Rothschild cabal. It’s not too smart to put your faith in promises from the devil. He has a habit of honoring them for an extremely short period of time.

Gates being advertised as the world’s richest man is the usual Rothschild cabal joke, they will put the onus on anyone other than themselves as they have collectively stolen practically all the world’s wealth through their ultimate scam of debt at usury owned by them (instead of actual money) as enforced exchange mediums. Those given the honor of “the richest man” are invariably nothing but wilful gofers for the cabal, running their financial agendas as ordered.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at henry@henrymakow.comArchives >>

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Bill Gates Proposes a ‘Pandemic Firefighter Squad’ to Extinguish Future Pandemics Before they Spread


‘Pandemic Firefighter Squad’ 

PLEASE Watch on YouTube the 1966 movie “Fahrenheit 451” firefighters we predicted to BURN books ALL books.

Bill Gates Proposes a ‘Pandemic Firefighter Squad’ to Extinguish Future Pandemics Before they Spread

The billionaire sees the need to train professionals with new capabilities in order to have “a global alert system.”

Entrepreneur en Español

Feb. 3, 2021

After encouraging governments to continue investing in technology, research and development even when this emergency has passed, and proposing the creation of “mega-diagnostic platforms”, Gates sees the need to train professionals with new skills in order to have “ a global alert system that today we do not have on a large scale ”.

Image: Bill Gates via YouTube .

In this system proposed by the tycoon, “a group of infectious disease first responders” must come into action, which he called “pandemic firefighters squad”.

“Like firefighters, they are fully trained professionals who are ready to respond to potential crises at any time. When they are not actively responding to an outbreak, they keep their skills sharp working on diseases like malaria and polio, ”he says.

Speed matters

Gates’ proposal is first responder teams that are vigilant for any strange pathogens that arise in different world populations, of which around 3,000 would be needed worldwide, according to the businessman’s forecasts.

But to develop this proposal well, it is necessary to “apply simulations that allow experts to practice, analyze and improve the way we respond to disease outbreaks, just as war games allow the military to prepare for the war of real life, ”says Gates.

The billionaire explains that speed is a very important factor in a pandemic. “The faster you act, the faster the exponential growth of the virus will be cut off.” Finally, he added that places that had recent experiences with respiratory outbreaks responded to COVID-19 faster than others because they already knew what to do.Related:
Bill Gates Proposes a ‘Pandemic Firefighter Squad’ to Extinguish Future Pandemics Before they Spread
Bill Gates propone ‘un escuadrón de bomberos pandémicos’ para prevenir próximas enfermedades
Emprendenews: GameStop, Bernie Sanders, Bill Gates y mucho más en las noticias más relevantes

Copyright 2021 Entrepreneur.com Inc., All rights reserved

This article originally appeared on entrepreneur.com

Operation Whitecoat


Operation Whitecoat was a biodefense medical research program carried out by the United States Army at Fort DetrickMaryland between 1954 and 1973. The program pursued medical research using volunteer enlisted personnel who were eventually nicknamed “Whitecoats”. These volunteers, all conscientious objectors, including many members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, were informed of the purpose and goals of each project before providing consent to participate in any project. The stated purpose of the research was to defend troops and civilians against biological weapons and it was believed that the Soviet Union was engaged in similar activities.

Although the program was discontinued in 1973, human use research for biodefense purposes is still conducted at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick and at other government and civilian research institutes. However, these post-Whitecoat studies are often human use challenge studies, in which a person is inoculated with a known pathogen to determine how effective an investigational treatment will be.



Over the course of the 19-year program, more than 2,300 U.S. Army soldiers, many of whom were trained medics, contributed to the Whitecoat experiments by allowing themselves to be infected with bacteria (tularemia or Q fever) that were considered likely choices for a biological attack. While some volunteered immediately after basic training, for conscientious objectors at Ft. Sam Houston, TX (before they began their medic training), the near certainty of being assigned as a combat medic in Vietnam helped some medics choose instead to remain in the United States with the Whitecoat program. The goal of the program was to determine dose response for these agents. The volunteers were then treated with antibiotics to cure the infections. Some volunteers, under experimental protocol, were also given investigational vaccines for Q fever and tularemia, as well as for yellow feverRift Valley feverhepatitis AYersinia pestis (plague), and Venezuelan equine encephalitis and other diseases.[1] Some soldiers were given two weeks of leave in exchange for being used as a test subject. These experiments took place at Fort Detrick which is a U.S. Army research installation in Frederick, Maryland.[2]

The volunteers were allowed to consult with outside sources, such as family and clergy members, before deciding to participate. The participants were required to sign consent forms after discussing the risks and treatments with a medical officer. Of the soldiers who were approached about participating, 20% declined.[3]


Many of the vaccines that protect against biowarfare agents were first tested on humans in Operation Whitecoat.[4]

According to USAMRIID, the Whitecoat operation contributed to vaccines approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for yellow fever and hepatitis, and investigational drugs for Q fever, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Rift Valley fever, and tularemia. USAMRIID also states that Operation Whitecoat helped develop biological safety equipment, including hooded safety cabinets, decontamination procedures, fermentors, incubators, centrifuges, and particle sizers.[5]


Operation Whitecoat came to an end in 1973 when the draft for the U.S. military ended and thus no more conscientious objectors were to be conscripted.


US GAO report[edit]

The United States Government Accountability Office issued a report on September 28, 1994, which stated that between 1940 and 1974, the United States Department of Defense and other national security agencies studied hundreds of thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous substances.

A quotation from the study:

Many experiments that tested various biological agents on human subjects, referred to as Operation Whitecoat, were carried out at Fort DetrickMaryland, in the 1950s. The human subjects originally consisted of volunteer enlisted men. However, after the enlisted men staged a sitdown strike to obtain more information about the dangers of the biological tests, Seventh-day Adventists who were conscientious objectors were recruited for the studies.[6]

Possible long-term health effects[edit]

No Whitecoats died during the test period.[1] The Army has addresses for only 1000 of the 2300 people known to have volunteered.[4] Only about 500 (23%) of the Whitecoats have been surveyed, and the military chose not to fund blood tests.[1] A handful of respondents claim to have lingering health effects,[4] and at least one subject claims to have serious health problems as a result of the experiments.[1]

In 2005, an assessment of health status among the Project Whitecoat research volunteers was published.[7] It reflected the self-reported, current health status among 358 “exposed” individuals and 164 unexposed “control” subjects and found no conclusive evidence that receipt of investigational agents was related to any adverse health outcomes. No differences in current overall health, current exercise levels, self-reported symptoms, and self-reported medical conditions were seen between the study groups. However, possible associations were seen between exposure to antibiotics or other biological agents and self-reported asthma, as well as between receipt of tularemia vaccine(s) and self-reported asthma and increased frequency/severity of headaches. The size of the study population was judged to be insufficient to assert with confidence that the statistical associations with asthma and headaches were real.[8]

Adventists and Operation Whitecoat[edit]

Adventist view of military service[edit]

The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s relationship to government military activity has been supportive but noncombative. In 1936, the SDA Church established the Medical Cadet Corps Training Program. This allowed Adventists to remain noncombatant but positive toward the war effort. Sabbath observance remained a concern for the drafted members of the church. Adventist Conscientious Objector perspective differed from the National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors, (NISBCO). In 1967, Adventists withdrew from NISBCO because that organization opposed conscription. According to Bull and Lockhart, Operation Whitecoat, and the earlier established Medical Corps, enabled Adventists to participate in the armed services without violating their Sabbath principles.[9]

See also[edit]



The NEXT Assault on the Global Populations


and is NOW

Bio Weapons a Long Term Fingerprint-less Campaign






Hormone Regulators

Genetically – Individual/Societal Targeted Pathogens 


which is LEGAL 

ATTACKS are Expanding

Fatal to Disabling

Short to Long Time Scales 

Direct and Undetectable



NASA’s War Document  

Along with Many Interviews 

by Deborah Tavares can be found 



Video YouTube Channel

Search – Deborah Tavares  

the Nasa War Plan the Future is NOW

NASA Reveals  

a Long Term Fingerless Campaign

of Destruction, Disease, MURDER


Airborne Varieties of Ebola, Lassa and More.

An Existing Bio Calmative – VEE – Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis 

an Ideal Incapacitating Bio Agent

Transmitted via Aerosol

Highly Infectious, Low Fatality Rate

1-2 Day Incubation – 3 Week Recovery

No Treatment Available

Tested on Humans – Operation Whitecoat

Weaponized by U.S. and USSR in 50’s/60’s  

Depopulation Operations at Cascading Warp Speed


 deadly diseases with the potential to rapidly spread across borders. 

Epidemiologists have already identified several contenders for the next global medical emergency.

One fungal infection, Candida auris , has been described as “almost the perfect pathogen” says, a genomic epidemiologist at Imperial College London. 

First identified in 2009, where it was seen infecting the ear canal of a Japanese woman, the drug-resistant organism was spotted in patients across the globe.

See Several NASA Pages Below

Keep in Mind 

ALL Branches of the U. S.  MILITARY 




Army Conducted 239 Secret, Open-Air Germ Warfare Tests

George C. WilsonMarch 9, 1977

The Army disclosed yesterday that it secretly conducted 239 germ warfare tests in open air between 1949 and 1969, some tests releasing live but supposedly harmless microscope “bugs” at Washington’s Greyhound bus terminal and National Airport as part of the experiment.

THe idea, according to a two-volume report the Army gave to the senate health subcommittee yesterday, was to learn how to wage biological warfare and defend against it.

The Washington tests started in 1949 at an undisclosed location and were conducted again in may, 1965, at the bus terminal and airport.


Fears deadly fungus could be the next global medical emergency after coronavirus

– January 30,2021

A mysterious fungus first identified in 2009, that one expert describes as ‘a creature from the black lagoon’, could represent the next major global health menace



Ebola spreading in DR Congo with nearly 50 new confirmed cases in country – JULY 14, 2020

The country’s dilapidated health system is gearing up to battle its 11th outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus, just days after its 10th outbreak officially ended in DR Congo



Coronavirus triggering cases of rare ‘black-fungus’ disease with ‘50% mortality rate’

December 24, 2020

Doctors in India have warned of surging cases in a rare and sometimes fatal disease ripping through hospitals as patients with Covid-19 suffer due to weak immune systems

A rare black-fungal disease that can be fatal is being increasingly linked to coronavirus, according to reports.

Hospitals across India have reported surging numbers in the unusual infection affecting patients who have weaker immune systems due to Covid-19.

Hospitals in New Delhi were first to announce cases of Mucormycosis, a black-fungal disease, and several other cities have now suffered similar outbreaks.

The disease can occur in any part of the body, and affect the sinuses and lungs if inhaled. It can also get into the body through cuts, entering through ripped skin.

This potentially fatal infection can kill if not detected early, and also lead to blindness. If it enters through the nose it can spread to the eyes, paralysing the muscles and leading to a loss of sight.



Fears devastating fungus could starve world’s population to death in global famine

Up to 90% of the world’s wheat crops could be destroyed by a deadly fungus that is capable of wreaking havoc on food supplies, potentially causing mass starvation



DISEASE X warning: Deadly pathogen added to mass killer list with GLOBAL pandemic feared

A DEADLY potential pathogen has been added to a list of diseases which could create a global pandemic – killing thousands. 3/10/2018

The World Health Organisation has put medical workers around the planet on alert for the pathogen – dubbed Disease X.

The Geneva-based organisation has not identified a specific disease but wants to be prepared for an unknown mass killer.

Doctors fear the possible epidemic will come from a disease passed from animals to humans such as HIV.

Disease X is now classed as serious as Lassa fever in Nigeria and Ebola, which killed more than 11,000 people in Africa between 2013 and 2016.

Chief executive of the Research Council of Norway and a scientific adviser to the WHO committee, told the Telegraph: “History tells us that it is likely the next big outbreak will be something we have not seen before.

“It may seem strange to be adding an ‘X’ but the point is make sure we prepare and plan flexibly in terms of vaccines and diagnostic tests.”

Mr Rottingen said Disease X would most likely be sparked by a “zoonotic disease”jumps from animals to humans and then becomes an epidemic, which happened with H1N1 swine flu in 2009.

HIV is believed to have jumped from chimpanzees to humans and has killed 35 million people since the 1980s.

Lassa fever has been linked to deaths in Nigeria and has also spread to Benin, Liberia and Sierra Leone

Severe cases of this horrific disease may involve bleeding through the nose, mouth or other parts of the body.

Lassa fever is usually spread from being exposed to the urine or faeces of infected Mastomys rats. Cases have been found particularly in communities with poor living conditions or sanitation.


Wildfire smoke may carry ‘mind-bending’ amounts of fungi and bacteria, scientists say

FIRE – Smoke billowing plumes of smoke that rise on waves of heat during the day and sink into valleys as the night air cools may be transporting countless living microbes that can seep into our lungs or cling to our skin and clothing, according to research published recently in Science. In some cases, researchers fear that airborne pathogens could sicken firefighters or downwind residents.

Wildfires burned across more than 10.2 million acres of the United States in 2020, federal statistics show, including some 4.2 million acres in California, where a greater number of residents were exposed to 

“Aerosolized, microbes, spores, or fungal conidia … have the potential to travel hundreds of miles, depending on fire behavior and atmospheric conditions, and are eventually deposited or inhaled downwind of a fire,” Kobziar and Thompson wrote in their paper.

“Aerosolized, microbes, spores, or fungal conidia … have the potential to travel hundreds of miles, depending on fire behavior and atmospheric conditions, and are eventually deposited or inhaled downwind of a fire,” Kobziar and Thompson wrote in their paper.

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.

Originally published Mon, February 1, 2021, 6:00 AM


NASA The Future of War

Temperature, Humidity, Wind Predict Second Wave of Pandemic

WASHINGTON, February 2, 2021 — The “second wave” of the coronavirus pandemic has placed much blame on a lack of appropriate safety measures. However, due to the impacts of weather, research suggests two outbreaks per year during a pandemic are inevitable.

Though face masks, travel restrictions, and social distancing guidelines help slow the number of new infections in the short term, the lack of climate effects incorporated into epidemiological models presents a glaring hole that can cause long-term effects. In Physics of Fluids, from AIP Publishing, Talib Dbouk and Dimitris Drikakis, from the University of Nicosia in Cyprus, discuss the impacts of these parameters.

Transmission rates of the coronavirus vary in the northern and southern hemispheres depending on the time of year, pointing to a weather dependence. CREDIT: Talib Dbouk and Dimitris Drikakis, University of Nicosia
Transmission rates of the coronavirus vary in the northern and southern hemispheres depending on the time of year, pointing to a weather dependence. CREDIT: Talib Dbouk and Dimitris Drikakis, University of Nicosia

Typical models for predicting the behavior of an epidemic contain only two basic parameters, transmission rate and recovery rate. These rates tend to be treated as constants, but Dbouk and Drikakis said this is not actually the case.

Temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed all play a significant role, so the researchers aimed to modify typical models to account for these climate conditions. They call their new weather-dependent variable the Airborne Infection Rate index.

When they applied the AIR index to models of Paris, New York City, and Rio de Janeiro, they found it accurately predicted the timing of the second outbreak in each city, suggesting two outbreaks per year is a natural, weather-dependent phenomenon. Further, the behavior of the virus in Rio de Janeiro was markedly different from the behavior of the virus in Paris and New York, due to seasonal variations in the northern and southern hemispheres, consistent with real data.

The authors emphasize the importance of accounting for these seasonal variations when designing safety measures.

“We propose that epidemiological models must incorporate climate effects through the AIR index,” said Drikakis. “National lockdowns or large-scale lockdowns should not be based on short-term prediction models that exclude the effects of weather seasonality.”

“In pandemics, where massive and effective vaccination is not available, the government planning should be longer-term by considering weather effects and design the public health and safety guidelines accordingly,” said Dbouk. “This could help avoid reactive responses in terms of strict lockdowns that adversely affect all aspects of life and the global economy.”

As temperatures rise and humidity falls, Drikakis and Dbouk expect another improvement in infection numbers, though they note that mask and distancing guidelines should continue to be followed with the appropriate weather-based modifications.

This research group’s previous work showed that droplets of saliva can travel 18 feet in five seconds when an unmasked person coughs and extended their studies to examine the effects of face masks and weather conditions. The authors are incorporating the previous findings into their epidemiological models.