Global sickness reported after an unprecedented number of satellites had been launched


Global sickness reported after an unprecedented number of satellites had been launched into space the previous day.    SpaceX had launched 60 satellites Wednesday, March 24, 2021, morning (4:28 UTC) and OneWeb had launched 36 satellites Wednesday night (2:47 UTC Thursday). In addition, SpaceX had suddenly increased the speed of its satellite internet connections on Wednesday to more than 400 Mbps, as reported online by some of the people who are beta testing its service.
        To forward this newsletter via social media, copy and paste this link:   SURVEY RESULTS    On Thursday, March 25, 2021, almost everyone I spoke with, both here in Santa Fe and elsewhere in the U.S. and Canada, said they were not feeling well and had not slept well the previous night. Since that was my experience as well, I began to ask for details and started taking notes. The stories were consistent and shocking.   By the next day it was obvious to me that something extraordinary was happening. I did some research and discovered that we are still in a time of low solar activity, so I ruled that out as a cause. However, my research suggested a reason: an unprecedented number of satellites had been launched into space the previous day. SpaceX had launched 60 satellites Wednesday morning (4:28 UTC) and OneWeb had launched 36 satellites Wednesday night (2:47 UTC Thursday). In addition, SpaceX had suddenly increased the speed of its satellite internet connections on Wednesday to more than 400 Mbps, as reported online by some of the people who are beta testing its service.   On Saturday I sent out a newsletter asking how widespread this was. I wrote only that I and others had not been feeling well for a couple of weeks and had gotten suddenly much sicker on Wednesday and Thursday, completely unable to sleep, hurting and itching all over. I gave no other details.   The responses poured in, a thousand of them, from every continent. They came from people living in New York City, London, Paris and Madrid, and from people living in remote locations miles from the nearest cell tower. They came from people who call themselves electrosensitive and people who do not. They came from people who use no wireless technology at all and have shielded their homes, and from people who have smart meters on their homes and 5G antennas outside who emailed me from their cell phones. They came from people young and old. It did not matter, they all had similar experiences. The responses came from:   Countries — Australia, Austria, Azores, Belgium, Canada, Canary Islands, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Denmark, Ecuador, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jersey, Laos, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Moldova, Nepal, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United States, Wales   United States — Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin   Canada — Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan,   Australia — New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania, Western Australia   People who keep journals were able to be more precise than people who do not, but the stories are remarkably consistent. Many people had been not feeling well for a few weeks, and some pinpointed the beginning of their illness at either March 3 or March 10. Coincidentally, SpaceX’s two previous launches, sixty satellites each time, occurred on the nights of March 3 and March 10. Everybody, whether they were previously ill or not, became suddenly and profoundly sicker on March 24 or March 25, and most slept little or not at all the night of March 24. Which day depended partly on where they live; March 24 in the U.S. was March 25 in Australia. A few people’s illness began one day previously, on March 23.   People commonly reported that not only they, but also their spouse, children, parents, neighbors, friends, coworkers, clients, and everyone else they knew were sick, exhausted and irritable on March 24 or 25 and had trouble sleeping. They sometimes reported that their pets or farm animals were sick at the same time — cats, dogs, chickens, goats, cows.   Those who reported the details of their symptoms were consistent. They could not sleep for one, two, three or more nights, beginning March 24 or 25. Some took melatonin or other sleeping aids and still could not sleep. They had pain and itching, either all over or in specific parts of their body, commonly their feet and legs. They had headaches. They had muscle spasms. They were weak and exhausted and could hardly stand or walk, and some tripped or fell. They had skin rashes. They were dizzy and nauseous, and had stomach aches and diarrhea. The ringing in their ears was suddenly more intense. Their eyes were red, or inflamed, or their vision suddenly worsened. They had heart palpitations, rapid or irregular heartbeat, or suddenly high or very low blood pressure. A few had nose bleeds, or coughed up blood, or their eyes popped a blood vessel. They were anxious, depressed or suicidal, and irritable.   The following is a small sample of what I have been receiving:   A woman in Indiana wrote on March 28 that many of her friends had gone in for emergency surgery on their backs, knees or hips in the previous couple of weeks, and that another friend was scheduled for surgery the following week. “They all said it came on fast and said it was horribly painful… I know a huge amount of folks having strokes this past two weeks… My boss felt horribly ill last week.”   A woman in Slovenia wrote on March 28 that she could not get her menstrual period, had a fever for no reason, her liver hurt for four days, and her body was in torture. And that her mother and her cat were sick at the same time.   A man in Queensland, Australia wrote that on March 25 “I had a terrible sleep, woke up Friday morning with a headache, as did my employee and he says his family members did also.”   A woman in New Zealand wrote on March 28 that she had been sleepless, restless, buzzing, dizzy, low energy, with headaches and nausea since March 24, and that she had to pull off the road to avoid fainting while driving. And that her friends were similarly ill.   A woman in Belgium, at 1:00 p.m. precisely on March 24, suddenly had “headache, elevated blood pressure, nausea, feeling of heart arrhythmia,” had to leave work to go to bed, and was sick for the next two days.   A man in Ontario felt muscle aches in his legs, “pain I never experienced before,” and tingling on his scalp, as well as nausea and poor appetite.   A woman in England has a relative who is collecting data, and reported on March 28 “a high frequency of people having kidney related issues, urinary tract issues, itching and skin rashes, and fatigue.”   A man in South Africa experienced breathing problems at night from March 25 to 27. “Even my son experienced the same.”   A woman in England has been in torture since March 3, with her skin feeling like it is on fire, badly swollen eyelids, and burns on her neck, chest, face, underarms and in the creases of her arms.   A woman in Nova Scotia wrote on March 27 that in the last few days she had felt very tired, had poor sleep, with jolting pain through her body, axe-like head pain, extreme tingling in face and neck, dizziness, choking/swelling in neck, shortness of breath, and “felt like I was going to die.”   A woman in Michigan wrote that she was weak, ill, and sad on March 24, could not sleep, and “felt like I was going to die.”   A man in Hungary wrote that on March 25 and 26 he had had a terrible headache, stomach pains, vomited, collapsed on the street and was taken by ambulance to the hospital, where his blood pressure was super-low for many hours. His dogs were anxious, fearful, tense and sleeping more. He knew many people with very bad tinnitus, headaches, nausea, stomach pains, digestive problems, and sleeplessness on those two days.   A woman in Sweden wrote on March 28 that she could not sleep, was feeling a weird kind of restless pressure, and that her cat had had an epileptic-like fit and could not walk.   A woman in Russia wrote on March 28 that she, her children and her friends had insomnia, bad mood, anxiety, lethargy, depression, and a feeling of pressure on the head.   A woman in South Carolina wrote on March 28 that she had had no sleep since March 24, had burning pains all over her body, cramps at night, anxiety, nervousness, itching, and ear pain. “It’s an agonizing situation like being poisoned to death.”   A woman in Wales wrote that on March 24 that she “experienced a level of exhaustion and kind of sick heavy malaise that I found it almost impossible to sit in a chair.” Neither she nor her daughter could sleep, and her sister-in-law felt really awful as well.   A woman in England wrote that a hen got suddenly sick on March 23 and died on March 24.   A woman in New York wrote that her friend’s husband was taken to the hospital March 25 with low oxygen levels.   A man in Illinois wrote on March 30 that he had had a 2% to 3% decrease in his blood oxygen saturation beginning March 26.   A woman in the Netherlands wrote that she lost her voice on March 24 and knows of two children who also lost their voice that day.   A man in Texas with a healing practice wrote on March 29 that he “was flooded with clients starting Thursday, March 25 that reported being very anxious, worried, trouble sleeping, having aches and pain in their lower back, nausea, etc.”   A man in Switzerland wrote on March 29 that his right hand was suddenly cold and sore on the morning of March 25, and that he had unbearable pain in his right arm that night. And that he had had tight chest and trouble breathing during the next days and was still feeling cold, tingling and exhausted, with stiff, sore muscles. He was growing seedlings in his house and noticed that for three days they had grown more slowly or stopped growing, and that some of them had deformed leaves.   A woman in Ohio wrote on March 30 that her 7-year-old daughter had suddenly developed a fever on March 24, with headache and vomiting by nighttime, and that she had recovered by March 28. She wrote also that her own body hurt, she had a headache, foggy feeling and fatigue, and that no one in her family had slept well for the past week. She added that her cat had been “unwell, shivering and not himself.” And that her hens were yelling all day on March 24 and making sounds she had never heard them make.   A woman in Florida wrote on March 31 that she had been ill for one week with headaches, nausea, poor sleep and anxiety, and that her 4-year-old cat was listless and not eating well.   A woman in Illinois wrote that on March 24 at 9:00 p.m. “my stomach started to hurt, was nauseous, got sweaty, and felt like I was drunk.”   A woman in California wrote that since March 29 her dog was throwing up and walking around like it was drunk.   This happened to my cat Zory too. On April 7, the day of another launch of 60 satellites, he was hardly eating and was walking around like he was drunk.   A woman in California wrote on March 28 that since March 24 she had severe neck pain at night, muscle cramps, and headaches, and that her son had diarrhea. She also wrote that she sees dead birds after satellite launches.   A woman in Norway saw a dead starling on her walkway on March 25 that had fallen out of the sky.   A woman in Spokane, Washington, which is one of the areas where beta testing for SpaceX’s Starlink satellites is taking place, wrote on March 31 that she has nightly seizures/tremors of legs and torso, muscle weakness, slowness, headaches, blurry vision, negative mood/despair/anger, leg pain, and fatigue. And that March 24, 25 and 26 were “horrible.”   A woman in Sweden wrote that on March 24 she woke with pains and aches all over and could not walk properly.   Another woman in Sweden wrote that on March 24 “I was feeling very ill, vomiting and was dizzy and tumbled down.”   A woman in Austria wrote on April 2 that she had had a urinary tract infection on March 24 that was more painful than she had ever experienced, that she had not slept the following nights and still felt weak.   A woman in Germany wrote that her mother had a mini-stroke on March 25.   A woman in Wisconsin wrote that her mother had a mini-stoke on March 24.   A woman in Russia wrote that all three of her children woke up sick on the morning of March 24 and stayed home from school.   A man in California wrote that he could not sleep Wednesday night and went to the hospital with pancreatitis at 1:00 a.m. “My MD ran many tests and can’t find any reason for the pancreatitis” and they sent him home two days later.   A woman in Ohio wrote that “Wednesday was one of the worst days of my life.”   A man in Switzerland, who has taught yoga and meditation for 40 years, felt a sudden lack of energy, inability to concentrate, dizziness and bad mood on March 24.   A woman in Alaska who I spoke with by phone told me that on the morning of March 24 she had had a fever and that her blood pressure had dropped precipitously, and that her cat had woken her up crying that morning.   A man in Washington wrote that he has a neighbor with a Starlink terminal with three WiFi beacons, and that unlike normal WiFi routers, the Starlink router has no off-switch. He said he has pain and muscle spasms from the Starlink router, that he feels it from 1/4 mile away, and that it got worse on March 24.   A woman in Wisconsin who operates a medical clinic wrote that on March 24 and 25 they could not get IVs started in patients. “Even patients with huge well-filled veins required 3-5 attempts before we could get the IV in and going.”   A medical doctor in New Zealand wrote that his wife went in for her cardiac pacemaker check on March 25 and “the technician needed 3 goes before the device would electronically connect. This had never happened with anyone before.”   A retired doctor in Wales wrote that his heart went into atrial fibrillation on March 24 at 4:00 p.m. It lasted for one hour.   A woman in British Colombia who is a private investigator and whose work requires her to be observant, noticed generally poor behavior by people on March 24 and 25.   My assistant Angela in Florida told me that she and her daughter both woke up on March 25 achy, with a headache, sore throat, and muscle aches, and that the ringing in her ears had increased. She said her nephew was sick that day with pinkeye, and her mother’s eyes had swelled up so badly that day that she could not drive. She said friends who were visiting from Maine were sick at the same time, as were her neighbors. She has a farm with cows, goats and chickens. One of her roosters got sick on the same day, and on March 26 four goats including two kids got sick with gooey eyes and diarrhea, and would not eat. The two little goats died the following week although they were really healthy when they were born.   Angela also told me of her experience last year, the week of April 22, 2020 when the number of Starlink satellites reached 400 and SpaceX began initial testing of its new satellite system. That week, ten of her roosters could not breathe and turned blue, and four of them died. Some of her hens also had breathing problems but not as severe. And all 16 of her dairy cows got sick at the same time with running noses and diarrhea.   And, someone emailed me from Maine to tell me that the Maine Center for Disease Control was reporting that there were more COVID-19 cases diagnosed in Maine on March 24 than at any time in the previous two months. So I decided to find out if this was true for the whole world, and it was. March 25, 2021 registered the highest number of cases since January 8, 2021 and the fifth highest number of cases since the pandemic began.   The reports of pain or itching in the feet and legs, and sometimes on the top of the head, make sense if the cause is the pollution of the global electric circuit by millions of frequencies from satellites. That circuit flows into our body from the heavens through the top of our head, and flows out of our body into the earth through our legs and feet. When that circuit is polluted, the points of connection to sky and earth are going to be strongly affected.       Arthur Firstenberg Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life P.O. Box 6216 Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129
April 15, 2021 I    

“Adrenochrome”The Elite’s Super Blood Drink

“Adrenochrome” The Elite’s Super Blood Drink
READ WITH CAUTION “Confidential”LEAKED United States ArmySpecial Medical CorpDocumentation
Kidnapping Young Children to Torture – Extract Their Blood and KILL Them 

Posted on  

We have ALREADY sent this confidential document out for verification and have been receiving conformation that this is REAL. 

We received this DOCUMENT with this CAUTION:Before reading this – a word of CAUTION – these are not documents that any man or woman should ever have to read – and if you are anyway squeamish we would advise that you should not read these documents either – choose wisely.1. – pp30 inc. cover letter (~44MB)2.Adrenochrome manufactured by the US military – pp48 inc list of names, DOBs deceased children and also list of officers with photos for promotions page 48/48 for an eerie message regarding burial site #9 (Likely indicating there are at least 8 others!!)…Apologies for any upset caused – none is intended – this is the world we find ourselves in.______________________________
Adrenochrome produced by the “oxidation of adrenaline. Higher Levels of Oxidation in the Blood is Caused by Extreme FEAR and Trauma inflicted on the VICTIM 
Kidnapping – Torturing – Murdering Young CHILDRENto EXTRACT and Sell Their Blood  Disposing of Their Bodies Military Bases Used for Harvesting Blood 

Secret OperationsIn the United States _________________________________________________________
Excerpts BELOW From the Above Document Links:

Confidential United States ArmySpecial Medical CorpClosed Military Facilities – Maybe ?

List of Detention Centers Where Children are Held Until Death
Camp AuzaCamp CallanCamp KearnyCamp KohlerCamp Lawrence J. HearnCamp LockettCamp McQuaideCamp Santa AnitaCamp SeeleyCamp StonemanCamp YoungDesert Training CenterFort BakerFort HumboldtFort MacArthurFort MasonFort OrdFort PointFort TejonFort Winfield ScottFort YumaOakland Army BasePresidio of San FranciscoSacramento Army Depot
Confidential United States ArmySpecial Medical Crop
There are multiple page reports listing Inmates (Children), dated June 1, 2020, and Detention Center Locations which Contain Lists of Children’s Names, Date of Birth, Age, Blood Type, Custody Months,Adrenochrome Quality, Custody Location, Due to Disposal (Kill), Suicide or Not, Country of Origin,Daily Quota, Inmate I.D. Number 

THE CYM. CARING CORPADRENOCHROMEMain Detention Centers Production Report

Data shows Inmates Production in mg
Average Age of Disposal List
The CYM, Corporation – Main Detention Centers Disposal Report LIST and Children’s Names, Inmate Number

LAST PAGE OF THIS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION CONTAINS – a GOOGLE MAP Indicating Location of Orderly Disposal of Human RemainsBurial Site #9 is now clearly visible on Satellite Imagery – Can anyone conceal it (better)? The Fence Alone Won’t Be Sufficient.

VIDEOADRENOCHROME The Elite’s Super Drug (Jay Myers Documentaries) ––The-Elite%E2%80%99s-Super-Drug-(Jay-Myers-Documentaries)-:1
Read the book “Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism” by Kerth Barker _______________________________________
·        In the 1954 book The Doors of PerceptionAldous Huxley mentioned the discovery and the alleged effects of adrenochrome which he likened to the symptoms of mescaline intoxication, although he had never consumed it.
Adrenochrome is unscheduled by the Controlled Substances Act in the United States. It is not an approved drug product by the Food and Drug Administration, and if produced as a dietary supplement it must comply with good manufacturing practice.
Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is a hormone which is involved in regulating visceral functions (e.g., respiration). Adrenaline is normally produced both by the adrenal glands and by a small number of neurons in the medulla oblongata. It plays an important role in the fight-or-flight response by increasing blood flow to muscles, output of the heart by acting on SA Node.
Emotional responseFindings support that adrenaline “does” have a role in facilitating the encoding of emotionally arousing events, contributing to higher levels of arousal. 

Dr. Rebecca Carley – Speaks the Brutal TRUTH . . .

Just read this interesting pdf (attached/America is a Gulag) by Dr. Rebecca Carley who reads vaccines as cause of all or most disease in this v wide-ranging talk which also covers breakdown of US courts, judges, Intel agencies:

Her document connects Common Core and CPS child takeovers to UNESCO/UN communist/globalist pedo ring takeovers via companies and initiatives set up in the US…one more aspect of what Dean has been revealing I guess (which he probably knows about).

Blood and Bones Where Have the Missing People and Animals GONE?


Blood and Bones – Where Have the Missing People and Animals GONE?
Do YOU Know?
Blood and Bones are in the Cement – CEMEX
Posted on

Have You Asked Yourself Where Have ALL the Bodies Gone?
This WILL Shed Some Light On Whats Been Happening for Many Many Decades.
Think of Body Disposal in the Context of Zero Waste
This ALL Lines Up to Create a Circular Economycircular economy is based on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems. 
air entraining colloid in powder form selected and “dried” whole blood, globules, red corpuscles and haemoglobin,
The advantage of using blood is that the oxygen in it produces a lighter concrete.

ZERO WASTE – Definition: Working Towards a World Without Waste Zero Waste Culture ChangeZero Waste International Alliance representatives from Brazil, Sweden, Philippines, Italy, Canada, Mexico, and USA will showcase Zero Waste policies, programs and infrastructure that design waste out of the system wherever possible and divert discarded materials through composting, reclaiming, reducing, reusing, and recycling.
PRIONS – are prions in the add mix of cement – CEMEX? 

CEMEX UK | View CEMEX Aggregates Extraction Processes . … the majority of coarse aggregate used in concrete with crushed stone making up most of the … Aggregation Process of the Prion Ure2p: Insights on Vesicle Permeabilization and.
Concrete Batching Plant for Sale in Quezon, Quezon Batching …A new concern for chronic wasting disease. Infectious, deformed proteins called prions, known to cause chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer other animals.

 Prions in Plants? | A new concern for chronic wasting disease. Infectious, deformed proteins called prions, known to cause chronic …Prion DiseasesSection NavigationPrion DiseasesPrion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect both humans and animals. They are distinguished by long incubation periods, characteristic spongiform changes associated with neuronal loss, and a failure to induce inflammatory response.The causative agents of TSEs are believed to be prions. The term “prions” refers to abnormal, pathogenic agents that are transmissible and are able to induce abnormal folding of specific normal cellular proteins called prion proteins that are found most abundantly in the brain. The functions of these normal prion proteins are still not completely understood. The abnormal folding of the prion proteins leads to brain damage and the characteristic signs and symptoms of the disease. Prion diseases are usually rapidly progressive and always fatal.__________________________________________________To destroy a prion it must be denatured to the point that it can no longer cause normal proteins to misfold. Sustained heat for several hours at extremely high temperatures (900°F and above) will reliably destroy a prion.__________________________________CEMEX UK | View CEMEX Aggregates Extraction Processes . … the majority of coarse aggregate used in concrete with crushed stone making up most of the … Aggregation Process of the Prion Ure2p: Insights on Vesicle Permeabilization and.SEARCH –What would be the benefit to multinational corporations, such . . .Jul 14, 2020 — … solve: What would be the benefit to multinational corporations, such as CEMEX , … Choosing Carnegie, Ford, or Rockefeller, or a more recent.
David Rockefeller’s Advisory Committee – and CEMEX
He has been CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V.’s Chief Executive Officer since May 15, … as well as member of the Advisory Committee of the David Rockefeller Center for …

Concrete Batching Plant for Sale in Quezon, Quezon Batching …A new concern for chronic wasting disease. Infectious, deformed proteins called prions, known to cause chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer and other animals.
Has anyone ever survived a prion disease?A Belfast man who suffered variant CJD – the human form of mad cow disease – has died, 10 years after he first became ill. Jonathan Simms confounded doctors by becoming one of the world’s longest survivors of the brain disease. Mar. 7, 2011Classic CJD is a human prion disease. It is a neurodegenerative disorder with characteristic clinical and diagnostic features. This disease is rapidly progressive and always fatal. Infection with this disease leads to death usually within 1 year of onset of illness.

Missing Farm Laborers – Pushed between the US Cartels and Mexican Cartels Beheadings and missing Mexican families – We Must ask the hard questions DEPOPULATION – is the Goal!Research shows that this era of farm labor abundance is coming to an end. There is a declining long- term trend in the farm labor supply from households in rural Mexico. This means that immigration policy will cease to be a solution to the U.S. farm labor problem in the long run and probably sooner. In fact, we already may be witnessing the start of a new era in which farmers will have to adapt to labor scarcity by switching to less labor-intensive crops, technologies, and labor management practices.The End of Farm Labor Abundance BLOOD  and COMPONENTS of BLOOD -:CAUSES – air entraining colloid in powder form selected from the group consisting of dried whole blood, globules, red corpuscles and haemoglobin,Use of Blood in the Cement, Mortar and . . .The present invention relates to a novel use of blood and more particularly to the application of blood in the cement, mortar and concrete industry as means for lightening the constructions and for increasing heat insulation.


PRESS RELEASE – CEMEXSeptember 9, 2008U.S. EPA and DOE Award Energy Star to 5 CEMEX Cement plants – the most awards for any cement company in America 2008AUGUST 4, 2008CEMEX USA Announces Nationwide Ready-mix Concrete Price IncreaseJuly 31, 2008CEMEX USA Begins Meeting Cement Demand AbroadMay 27, 2008CEMEX Goes Green For New U.S. HeadquartersMissing Farm Laborers – Pushed between the US Cartels and Mexican Cartels Beheadings and missing Mexican families – We Must ask the hard questions when we know DEPOPULATION – is the Goal!Research shows that this era of farm labor abundance is coming to an end. There is a declining long- term trend in the farm labor supply from households in rural Mexico. This means that immigration policy will cease to be a solution to the U.S. farm labor problem in the long run and probably sooner. In fact, we already may be witnessing the start of a new era in which farmers will have to adapt to labor scarcity by switching to less labor-intensive crops, technologies, and labor management practices.The End of Farm Labor Abundance BLOOD and COMPONENTS of BLOOD – CAUSES – air entraining colloid in powder form selected from the group consisting of dried whole blood, globules, red corpuscles and haemoglobin,Use of Blood in the Cement, Mortar and . . .The present invention relates to a novel use of blood and more particularly to the application of blood in the cement, mortar and concrete industry as means for lightening the constructions and for increasing heat insulation. TOXIC Cloud of cement dust from Cemex Plant Cloud of cement dust from Cemex plant in Victorville triggers fire department response
Published 11 months ago on April 24, 2020By Victor Valley News Group  VICTORVILLE, Calif. ( — A cloud of cement dust from a Cemex plant in Victorville triggered a response from the fire department Friday evening.On April 24th, 2020, at 5:05 p.m., the Victorville Fire Department responded to reports of a commercial structure fire at the plant, located at 16888 E St. in Victorville, after people reported the cloud of building material particles as a fire.“It was not a fire,” stated Victorville City Spokeswoman Sue Jones. “Cemex was filling a silo. It was cement dust that resembled a smoke cloud.”Cement is the main ingredient in concrete and is a very fine powder that can be dangerous.“Every two days we got to wash our car with muriatic acid, [and Cemex] won’t do a [expletive] thing about it,” he stated. “You know, they’re a global company.”“That usually doesn’t happen until Sunday morning when nobody’s up,” he stated as he pointed to the dust cloud.According to, exposure to cement dust can irritate eyes, nose, throat, and the upper respiratory system.Skin contact may result in moderate irritation to thickening/cracking of skin to severe skin damage from chemical burns. Exposure to silica, which is often in cement, can lead to lung injuries including silicosis and lung cancer, the government website stated.Osha suggests that anybody who is experiencing symptoms should rinse their eyes with water if they come into contact with cement dust and consult a physician, use soap and water to wash off the dust to avoid skin damage, and wear a P-, N- or R-95 respirator to minimize inhalation of cement dust.There was no report of injuries at the Cemex plant and at 5:30 p.m., the excess dust escaping from the silo had stopped.________________________________________________________________________
EXAMPLE 1A light colloidal concrete is prepared by using:a commercially available cement (cement CPA 400), a silico-calcareous sand graded no higher than 0.8 mm (the cement/sand mass ratio being equal to 1), whole blood powder of animal origin, a colloid, and mixing water in variable proportions.The various constituents are mixed by means of a mixer working between 100 and 600 r.p.m.

US patent 1,020,325 from 1912 which described mixing blood into concrete.

______________________________________________________________ of 30,000 Plague Victims Decorate This Church

Search – bone church czeck republic
From Skull Chapel in Poland to Medieval Ossuary in Spain, here are eight of the coolest churches made of bones from around the world.Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic. … San Bernardino alle Ossa, Milan. … Skull Chapel, Czermna, Poland. … Capela dos Ossos, Portugal. … Monastery of San Francisco, Peru. … Medieval Ossuary, Spain.
______________________CEMEX Organizes its 3rd “Blood” Donation Drive26 Jul 2017
CEMEX is a “global building materials company” that provides high quality products and reliable service to customers and communities in more than 50 countries. Celebrating its 110th anniversary, CEMEX has a rich history of improving the well-being of those it serves through innovative building solutions, efficiency advancements, and efforts to promote a sustainable future.
A study of traditional blood lime mortar for restoration of …MONTERREY, MEXICO. FEBRUARY 19, 2020 – CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V. (“CEMEX”) (NYSE: CX) announced today a new Climate Action strategy, which outlines the company´s vision to advance towards a carbon-neutral economy and to address society’s increasing demands more efficiently. In CEMEX, we believe that climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time and support the urgency of collective action.As a result of our efforts to date, we have reduced our net specific CO2 emissions by more than 22% compared to our 1990 baseline. But we acknowledge that this is not enough. This is why we have defined a more ambitious target of a 35% reduction of net specific CO2 emissions by 2030. This new goal is aligned with the Science-Based Targets methodology, a requirement climate science says is necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.To complement this strategy with a longer-term vision, CEMEX is also establishing a new ambition to deliver net-zero CO2 concrete by 2050. In our business, we believe concrete—our end product—has a key role to play in the transition to a carbon-neutral economy, and is an essential component in the development of climate-smart urban projects, sustainable buildings, and resilient infrastructure.“Climate change has been a priority for CEMEX for many years. Our efforts have brought significant progress to date, but we must do more. This is why we have defined a more ambitious strategy to reduce CO2 emissions by 2030 and to deliver net-zero CO2 concrete by 2050,” said Fernando A. Gonzalez, CEO of CEMEX.This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. federal securities laws. CEMEX intends these forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements in the U.S. federal securities laws. In some cases, these statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as “may,” “assume,” “might,” “should,” “could,” “continue,” “would,” “can,” “consider,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “plan,” “believe,” “foresee,” “predict,” “potential.” “target,” “strategy,” “intend” or other similar words. These forward-looking statements reflect CEMEX’s current expectations and projections about future events based on CEMEX’s knowledge of present facts and circumstances and assumptions about future events, as well as CEMEX’s current plans based on such facts and circumstances. These statements necessarily involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from CEMEX’s expectations.For those who are interested in knowing where concrete and cement came from, CEMEX USA created a time line that shows the entire history of concrete and cement.Content provided by the Mineral Information Institute, © 2002 Mar 15, 2020 — In 1980, Charles Laleman of France received a US patent (No. 4,203,674) for a technique for making concrete by mixing together cement with 
The advantage of using blood, Laleman argued, was that the oxygen in it produced a lighter concrete.Curiously, Laleman acknowledged that the idea of using blood to make concrete wasn’t in any way new. He cited a variety of earlier patents, such as US patent 1,020,325 from 1912 which described mixing blood into concrete. And, in fact, the technique of using blood to make concrete was even practiced by the ancient Romans. What made Laleman’s technique unique (and therefore patentable) was apparently that he used it specifically to lighten the concrete, rather than to color it or to make it more porous. That seems like a rather fine distinction to me, but it was enough to earn him a patent.
Mar 15, 2020 — In 1980, Charles Laleman of France received a US patent (No. 4,203,674) for a technique for making concrete by mixing together cement with …

As economic and political power shifts wo rldwide, ‘new champions’ are emerging regionally that force us to rethink solution s to global and industry challenges. How can old and new champions collaborate in a highly competitive global environment? Where are the natural areas of collaboration? World Economic Forum. Davos. 26 January 2008 Introduction A powerful new phenomenon is reshaping the dynamics of the global economy: the stunning rise of aggressive, globe-conquering multinational companies from emerging economies. 
Large-scale firms from countries in Asia and Latin America have finally come out of the shadows and are positioning themselves globally. In 2006, Boston Consulting Group described this phenomenon as “a revolution in global business.” 1 The same year Business Week magazine, followed by Newsweek in 2007, published cover stories on new corpor ate giants from emerging economies. 2 The Economist , for its part, made the following observation in 2007:  “While globalization has opened new markets to rich-world companies, it has also given birth to a pack of fast-moving, sharp- toothed new multinationals that is emerging from the poor world.” 3 The emergence of regionally-based “multi-Latinas” – by definition, firms that leveraged domestic positions to expand their operations throughout Latin America — first attracted attention in the 1990s. Today we are witnessing a new phase in which some Latin American firms are pursuing more aggressive ex pansions strategies on a global scale. Renewed interest in the subject is backed up by data. América Economía reported in 2007 that 334 of the top 500 Latin American corporatio ns had revenues in excess of US$1-billion. 4 At the same time, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) observed that outward flows of foreig n direct investment (FDI) from Latin America 1 Aguiar, M.; Bhattacharya, A.; Bradtke, T.; Cotte, P.; Dertnig, S.; Meyer, M.; Michael, DC; Sirkin, H. The New Global Challengers. Boston Consulting Group, May 2006. 2 “New Giants: Why the World’s Hottest, Richest Companies are Rising out of Poor Countries”, Newsweek , 8 October 2007. 3 “Globalisation’s Offspring”, The Economist , 4 April 2007. 4 Aldunate, F and Rodrigo Díaz “Bigger than Ever”, América Econom í a , September 2007. 
PETER KATEL07.01.1997 12:00 PM WIREDordering on ChaosThere are stranger places to see the latest in complexity theory in action, but delivering cement in Mexico is a pretty good start. Here’s how the cement business worked in Mexico’s second-largest city, Gua-dalajara, only a couple of years ago: A builder telephoned in an order a day or so ahead, two days in advance […]
Cemex has its First World operations – through astute acquisitions, it’s now Spain’s top cement supplier and has a US subsidiary based in New Braunfels, Texas. But it specializes in places that lack highly developed road systems, solid telephone networks, etc.Cemex’s own satellite system, hooks up every plant and office, providing streams of real-time data on everything from daily sales and output to truck oil change schedules. Technical flying squads get newly acquired subsidiaries online in only a few months. There’s a private satellite TV network for in house training and videoconferencing. A local call from virtually anywhere on the planet hooks traveling executives directly into the companywide international phone system.Cemex is a company on a high tech roll that has carried it in scarcely a decade from a sleepy perch in northern Mexico to its place as the world’s third-largest cement company. Its 20,000-plus people, 486 plants, thousands of vehicles, and fleet of freight ships move more than 50 million tons of the stuff annually in 60 countries – including places that make Guadalajara look like Geneva.
Cemex executives will dutifully tell you that the idea of going high tech came from chair and CEO Lorenzo Zambrano, a 53-year-old Stanford MBA whose grandfather consolidated Cemex as a modern company in the 1920s. Company lore portrays Zambrano as a cyber whiz who goes through his LotusNotes email while he flies, then jacks in his IBM ThinkPad to check on his far-flung operations wherever he touches down.
For all the money Cemex has spent on information technology – an estimated 1 percent of its US$3 billion annual revenue – 1/7/1997

Edmond De Rothschild Holding S.a. closes position in CX / Cemex S.A.B de C.V.2021-02-12 – Edmond De Rothschild Holding S.a. has filed a 13F-HR form disclosing ownership of 0 shares of Cemex S.A.B de C.V. (US:CX) with total holdings valued at $0 USD as of 2020-12-31. Edmond De Rothschild Holding S.a. had filed a previous 13F-HR on 2020-11-12 disclosing 7,060 shares of Cemex S.A.B de C.V. at a value of $27,000 USD. This represents a change in shares of -100.00 percent and a change in value of -100.00 percent during the quarter.Other investors with closed positions include Wolverine Asset Management LlcDeutsche Bank Ag\Janus Capital Management LlcSuntrust Banks Inc, and Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. LLC._____________________________________US4203674A United StatesUse of blood in the cement, mortar and concrete industry for obtaining a lightened material
US4203674A – Use of blood in the cement, mortar and … 
The present invention relates to the use of blood in the construction and building industry, whereby blood and extracts of blood containing haemoglobin are used as air entraining colloids. The recommended process for preparing a lightened material consists in associating a construction element chosen from the cements, mortars and concretes, with at least one air entraining colloid chosen from whole blood, globules, red blood corpuscles and haemoglobin. The invention also relates to the lightened material obtained according to this process. The term “blood” is here understood to mean whole animal blood or an extract of animal blood containing haemoglobin. The following may be mentioned in particular among the extracts of animal blood which are suitable:the globules, i.e. all the elements constituted by the red blood corpuscles, the white blood corpuscles and the thrombocytes, this resulting from the elimination of the plasma;the red blood corpuscles, andthe haemoglobin which is the colouring matter of the red corpuscles.It has been ascertained that, in the blood, it is mainly the red blood corpuscles and the haemoglobin which have the sought after air entraining properties. Therefore, for economical reasons, whole blood or an extract of blood which is more or less rich in red blood corpuscles or haemoglobin may preferably be used, depending on the costs of treating blood.To facilitate the conservation and storage, the animal blood or extract of animal blood are advantageously brough into powder form either by drying, freeze drying or by applying any other method known per se.The preferred use of blood according to the invention for obtaining a lightened material consists in associating the blood, the globules, red blood corpuscles or haemoglobin with at least one other colloid.

‘Buildings’ in human bone may hold key to stronger 3D-printed lightweight structures(Nanowerk News) What do bones and 3D-printed buildings have in common? They both have columns and beams on the inside that determine how long they last.Now, the discovery of how a “beam” in human bone material handles a lifetime’s worth of wear and tear could translate to the development of 3D-printed lightweight materials that last long enough for more practical use in buildings, aircraft and other structures.A team of researchers at Cornell University, Purdue University and Case Western Reserve University found that when they mimicked this beam and made it about 30% thicker, an artificial material could last up to 100 times longer.
Would YOU Live in a City Made of BONE ? ?
The cities of today are built with concrete and steel – but some Cambridge researchers think that the cities of the future need to go back to nature if they are to support an ever-expanding population, while keeping carbon emissions under control.
“The material properties of bone and wood are very similar,” says Oyen. “Just because we can make all of our buildings out of concrete and steel doesn’t mean we should. But it will require big change.”

Concrete and steel are responsible for as much as a tenth of worldwide carbon emissions. Before they ever reach a construction site, both steel and concrete must be processed at very high temperatures – which takes a lot of energy. And yet, our cities are completely dependent on these two “unsustainable materials”.
Just think NATURAL construction materials will reduce your carbon footprint. People assume that air travel is a huge contributor to carbon emissions,” says bioengineer Dr Michelle Oyen of Cambridge’s Department of Engineering. “But the truth is, while the emissions caused by air travel are significant, far more are caused by the production of concrete and steel, which of course is what most cities are built from.”
So what does that mean for cities of the future, as more and more of us live in urban areas? How can we continue to build while reducing carbon emissions?Whereas some researchers are investigating ways of producing steel and concrete in more energy-efficient ways, or finding ways of using less, Oyen would rather turn the tables completely, and create new building materials that are strong, sustainable and take their inspiration from nature.“What we’re trying to do is to rethink the way that we make things,” says Oyen. “Engineers tend to throw energy at problems, whereas nature throws information at problems – they fundamentally do things differently.”Oyen works in the field of biomimetics – literally ‘copying life’. In her lab, with funding support from the US Army Corps of Engineers, she constructs small samples of artificial bone and eggshell, which could be used as medical implants, or even be scaled up and used as low-carbon building materials.
Like the real things, artificial bone and eggshell are composites of proteins and minerals. In bone, the proportions of protein and mineral are roughly equal – the mineral gives bone stiffness and hardness, while the protein gives it toughness or resistance to fracture. While bones can break, it is relatively rare, and they have the benefit of being self-healing – another feature that engineers are trying to bring to biomimetic materials.In eggshell, the ratios are different: about 95% mineral to 5% protein, but even this small amount of protein makes eggshell remarkably tough considering how thin it is.When making the artificial bone and eggshell, the mineral components are ‘templated’ directly onto collagen, which is the most abundant protein in the animal world. “One of the interesting things is that the minerals that make up bone deposit along the collagen, and eggshell deposits outwards from the collagen, perpendicular to it,” says Oyen. “So it might even be the case that these two composites could be combined to make a lattice-type structure, which would be even stronger – there’s some interesting science there that we’d like to look into.”In her lab, Oyen and her team have been making samples of artificial eggshell and bone via a process that could be easily scaled up – and since the process takes place at room temperature, the samples take very little energy to produce. But it may be some time before we’re living in bone and eggshell houses.For one, the collagen that Oyen needs to make these materials comes from natural (meaning animal) sources. One of the things she’s currently investigating is whether a non-animal-derived or even synthetic protein or polymer could be used instead of natural collagen.“Another issue is the construction industry is a very conservative one,” Oyen says. “All of our existing building standards have been designed with concrete and steel in mind. Constructing buildings out of entirely new materials would mean completely rethinking the whole industry. But if you want to do something really transformative to bring down carbon emissions, then I think that’s what we have to do. If we’re going to make a real change, a major rethink is what has to happen.”Dr Michael Ramage from the Department of Architecture is another Cambridge researcher who believes we need to expand our use of natural materials in buildings. Ramage has several ongoing research projects that are looking into the use of wood – one of the oldest building materials we have – 
for tall buildings.
As economic and political power shifts worldwide, ‘new champions’ are emerging regionally that force us to rethink solution s to global and industry challenges. How can old and new champions collaborate in a highly competitive global environment? Where are the natural areas of collaboration? World Economic Forum. Davos. 26 January 2008 Introduction A powerful new phenomenon is reshaping th e dynamics of the global economy: the stunning rise of aggressive, globe-conquering multinational companies from emerging economies. Large-scale firms from countries in Asia and Latin America have finally come out of the shadows and are positi oning themselves globally. In 2006, Boston Consulting Group described this phenomenon as “a revolution in global business.” 1 The same year Business Week magazine, followed by Newsweek in 2007, published cover stories on new corpor ate giants from emerging economies. 2 The Economist , for its part, made the following observation in 2007:  “While globalization has opened new markets to rich-world companies, it has also given birth to a pack of fast-moving, sharp- toothed new multinationals that is emerging from the poor world.” 3 The emergence of regionally-based “multi-Latinas” – by definition, firms that leveraged domestic positions to expand their operations throughout Latin America — first attracted attention in the 1990s. Today we are witnessing a new phase in which some Latin American firms are pursuing more aggressive ex pansions strategies on a global scale. Renewed interest in the subject is backed up by data. América Economía reported in 2007 that 334 of the top 500 Latin American corporatio ns had revenues in excess of US$1-billion. 4 At the same time, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) observed that outward flows of foreig n direct investment (FDI) from Latin America 1 Aguiar, M.; Bhattacharya, A.; Bradtke, T.; Cotte, P.; Dertnig, S.; Meyer, M.; Michael, DC; Sirkin, H. The New Global Challengers. Boston Consulting Group, May 2006. 2 “New Giants: Why the World’s Hottest, Richest Companies are Rising out of Poor Countries”, Newsweek , 8 October 2007. 3 “Globalisation’s Offspring”, The Economist , 4 April 2007. 4 Aldunate, F and Rodrigo Díaz “Bigger than Ever”, América Econom í a , September 2007. 
The following may be mentioned in particular among the extracts of animal blood which are suitable:the globules, i.e. all the elements constituted by the red blood corpuscles, the white blood corpuscles and the thrombocytes, this resulting from the elimination of the plasma;the red blood corpuscles, andthe haemoglobin which is the colouring matter of the red corpuscles.It has been ascertained that, in the blood, it is mainly the red blood corpuscles and the haemoglobin which have the sought after air entraining properties. Therefore, for economical reasons, whole blood or an extract of blood which is more or less rich in red blood corpuscles or haemoglobin may preferably be used, depending on the costs of treating blood.To facilitate the conservation and storage, the animal blood or extract of animal blood are advantageously brough into powder form either by drying, freeze drying or by applying any other method known per se.The preferred use of blood according to the invention for obtaining a lightened material consists in associating the blood, the globules, red blood corpuscles or haemoglobin with at least one other colloid.The process of preparation, according to the invention, of a lightened material is characterised in that at least one air entraining colloid chosen from whole blood, globules, red blood corpuscles and haemoglobin is associated with the construction element chosen from cements, mortars and concretes.According to a preferred embodiment, the process for preparing a mortar or lightened concrete consists in associating, with stirring and in the presence of mixing water:(a) a mixture of cement and sand, and(b) at least one air-entraining colloid in powder form chosen from whole blood, globules, red blood corpuscles and haemoglobin,the quantity of air entraining haemoglobin (b) being advantageously comprised between 0.1 and 1% by weight with respect to the weight of the cement contained in mixture (a).Stirring is one of the essential elements according to the invention. The association, comprising water, the mixture (a), the air entraining colloid (b) and, if necessary, the colloid (c) which will be mentioned hereinbelow, is obtained by means of a mixer working between 100 and 600 r.p.m. Below 100 r.p.m., an insufficient quantity of air is incorporated. The mixer will preferably work at 200 r.p.m., the duration of mixing generally being from 3 to 10 mins.In the mixture (a), the cement/sand mass ratio may in particular be between 0.3 and 1.5. Of course, light aggregates graded between 0.1 and 25 mm may be added to the cement/sand mixture. These light aggregates may be expanded schist, polystryrene balls, expanded glass, vermiculite, perlite or mica.To prepare a light colloidal concrete comprising a very stable network of spherical micro air-bubbles, whose diameter is between 1μ and 1 mm, having a good mechanical resistance and a low density (for example a density of 0.8 to 1.3 kg/dm3after 28 days), the recommended process consists in associating the mixture (a) of cement and sand with at least one air entraining colloid (b) and at least one other colloid (c). The quantity of colloid (c) is then advantageously between 0.025 and 1% by weight with respect to the weight of the cement contained in the mixture (a).The colloids (c) which may be used according to the invention, may be constituted, in particular, by cellulosic derivatives, such as degraded starch, esters and ethers of cellulose, alginic derivatives, derivatives of silane and polyalkyleneoxides (e.g. those which contain from 7 to 22 units alkyleneoxide per molecule) and mixtures thereof. The preferred colloids (c) according to the invention are hydroxyethylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and polyethyleneoxides, the most advantageous being the polyethyleneoxides as they act not only as colloids but also as foaming agents and thus make it possible to use, if necessary, a quantity of product (b) close to the lower limit given hereinabove. 0.1 to 5% by weight of polyethyleneoxide with respect to the weight of the cement of mixture (a) may advantageously be used.The association of (a) and (b) and possibly (c) is effected at the moment of mixing with mixing water. According to a similar technique, ready-mixed dry light mortars, may be prepared. The water/cement mass ratio is between 0.35 and 0.45.Other advantages and features of the invention will be more readily understood on reading the following examples of light colloidal concrete. In particular in Example 1, the colloids (c) used were hydroxyethylcellulose (marketed under the name of “Natrosol” by Hercules-France), carboxymethylcellulose (marketed under the name of “Blanose” by Novacel) and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (marketed under the name of “Methocel” by Dow Chemical; two varieties of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose designated by Methocel No. 1 and Methocel No. 2 were used). In these Examples, the percentages of air entraining colloid and of colloid are expressed by weight with respect to the weight of the cement contained in mixture (a).EXAMPLE 1A light colloidal concrete is prepared by using:a commercially available cement (cement CPA 400),a silico-calcareous sand graded no higher than 0.8 mm (the cement/sand mass ratio being equal to 1),whole blood powder of animal origin, a colloid, andmixing water in variable proportions.The various constituents are mixed by means of a mixer working between 100 and 600 r.p.m.The results obtained after 2, 7 and 28 days shown in Table I hereinbelow, in which:W/C represents the water/cement mass ratio,d represents the density of the materialTB represents the tensile strength in bending (in kg/cm2),andC represents the simple compressive strength (in kg/cm2) TB and C being determined after conservation in air in the presence of humidity (20° C.; 50% HR).By proceeding as indicated in the Example given hereinabove, it is possible 1) to incorporate a filler, particularly a calcareous filler, or 2) to replace the sand or a part thereof by a suitable quantity of light aggregates such as for example polystyrene, expanded slag, vermiculite, perlite and expanded schist.Generally, by playing on the percentage of blood powder or of powder of blood extract containing haemoglobin, on the percentages of colloid and on the modi operandi, in the proportions given hereinabove, the density of the hardened colloidal concrete may be varied from 0.5 to 1.8 kg/dm3 with, correlatively, a simple compressive strength of 5 to 350 kg/cm2.EXAMPLE 2A light colloidal concrete is prepared by mixing, for 4 mins. at 200 r.p.m., a composition comprising water, a mixture of 100 kg of sand (graded no higher than 0.2 mm) and of 100 kg cement (CMP 400), 2 kg of blood extract, 0.6 kg of a cellulosic colloid (carboxymethylcellulose) and 0.3 kg of polyethyleneoxide with a view to comparing three products obtained from blood, namely: whole blood powder, powder of red blood corpuscles and powder of ox plasma, the latter not containing haemoglobin, the water/cement mass ratio (W/X) being 0.42.The density (d) of the material thus obtained as well as the TB and C strengths are determined after 7 and 28 days, as defined in Example 1. The results given in Table II show that the powders containing haemoglobin (whole blood powder and powder of red blood corpuscles) lead to lower densities.EXAMPLE 3A light colloidal mortar is prepared by mixing, for 4 mins. by means of a mixer working at 200 r.p.m., water, cement (CPA 400), sand graded no higher than 0.1 mm and a mixture of colloids (hydroxyethylcellulose and whole blood powder in a mass ratio 0.3:1), the water/cement (W/C) mass ratio being 0.42.For the material obtained at each test, the apparent density is measured (in kg/m3) as well as the TB and C strengths, after 7 and 28 days (in kg/cm2), the heat conductivity when dry (in W/m2 ° C.) and shrinkage after 28 days. The results are shown in Table III hereinbelow.When fresh, the light colloidal mortar obtained according to each test of Example 3 is fat adhering well to the support. It can easily be pumped and is projectable with the mortar-gun. The vibrations, pumping and projection do not destroy the micro-air bubbles.The setting time of the light colloidal mortar is slightly extended, this giving the material a longer application time, but is is possible to accelerate it by means of an accelerator known per se.The heat shrinkage of this material is of the same order of magnitude as that of a conventional concrete (10 μ/m/° C.). Moreover, as shown by the result of Table III hereinbelow, the compressive strengths obtained after 28 days of conservation in damp (20° C.; 50% H.R.) are:50 kg/cm2 for the economical mixture (low colloid content) of light colloidal mortar of density 1100 kg/m3, and212 kg/cm2 for the light colloidal mortar of density 1500 kg/m3.The ratio TB/C varies between 0.60 and 0.30 according to the density, instead of 0.15 to 0.20 for conventional concretes. The substantial increase of this ratio translates a considerable reduction in the fragility of the material and a great faculty of accommodation under the pulling forces.The hydraulic shrinkage after setting of the light colloidal mortar is greater than that of a concrete in view of the high content of fine elements, but, what is important in a lining, is the fissurability. The modulus of elasticity of the light colloidal mortar according to the invention is of the order of 60 000 kg/cm2, or about 1/5 of that of a conventional concrete, in other words, with equal stresses, the mortar according to the invention deforms five times more than a conventional concrete. It is this deformability which protects this light material against cracks. The high resistance to cracking and the plasticity are due to the presence of numerous air bubbles which stop the possible micro-cracks, similarly to a hole which is made at the end of a crack in a window to stop propagation thereof.The light colloidal mortar is only slightly capillary and is perfectly resistant to the freezing-thaw cycles. Finally, the dimensional variations (swelling/shrinking) during the drying/humidification cycles are substantially the same as those of a conventional concrete.In view of these properties, the light colloidal mortar according to the invention is perfectly usable in the domains of single-layer linings and outer insulating linings.

CEMEX Strengthens Supply Chain to Support U.S. Operations in Their Efforts to Address Cement ShortageFebruary 02, 2021 05:30 PM Eastern Standard TimeMONTERREY, Mexico–(BUSINESS WIRE)–CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V. (“CEMEX”) (NYSE: CX) announced today it is optimizing its supply chain to meet shortages experienced throughout the western U.S. The optimization includes a kiln’s recommissioning at a cement plant in northwest Mexico. This announcement leverages CEMEX’s unique supply chain synergies in North America to alleviate cement shortages and project delays in California, Arizona, and Nevada.@CEMEX optimizes its supply chain to meet shortages in the western US. The optimization includes a kiln’s recommissioning at a cement plant in northwest Mexico
CEMEX is investing approximately U.S. $15 million to recommission a kiln with a production capacity of about 1 million tons of cement annually at the CPN cement plant in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. This investment should create more than 130 jobs in Mexico. Using its extensive distribution network in the region, CEMEX seeks to consistently supply Portland cement through its terminals in California, Arizona, and Nevada.“Many cement customers in California, Arizona and Nevada have been impacted by supply constraints this past year,” said CEMEX USA Executive Vice President—Cement Commercial Joel Galassini. “The decision to recommission this kiln was made with our customers top of mind, to give them reliable access through a local supply chain to help meet their growing needs. Our unique network of production facilities in this region allows us to make these types of investments that will have a meaningful impact on meeting our customers’ needs.”Currently, CEMEX supplies more than three million tons of cement each year across California, Arizona, and Nevada from its Victorville, California, cement plant, and sea-borne imports. The kiln restart at the CPN plant in Mexico, increased efficiencies at the Victorville cement plant in California, and other supply chain modifications are planned to help the company deliver hundreds of thousands of additional tons of cement through its local supply chain.“With the kiln going back into operation, we are leveraging our strong network and local assets at CEMEX to help meet the increased construction needs in the region,” said CEMEX USA Regional President—Arizona Region David Nabavi. “We strive to provide our customers a superior customer experience and deliver the materials they need when they need them.”_________________________________________________________________________ Board of Directors – CEMEX
He has been CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V.’s Chief Executive Officer since May 15, … as well as member of the Advisory Committee of the David Rockefeller Center for … Sergio MenéndezPresident of CEMEX Europe, Middle East, Africa & AsiaSergio Menéndez joined CEMEX in 1993. He has held several executive positions, including Director of Planning and Logistics in Asia, Corporate Director of Commercial Development, President of CEMEX Philippines, Vice President of Strategic Planning for Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia region, President of CEMEX Egypt, Vice President of Infrastructure Segment and Government Sales in Mexico, and more recently, as Vice President of Distribution Segment Sales in Mexico. Sergio holds a BS in Industrial Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey, and an MBA from Stanford University.Luis HernándezExecutive Vice President of Digital and Organization DevelopmentLuis Hernández joined CEMEX in 1996 and has held senior management positions in Strategic Planning and Human Resources. In his current position, he heads the areas of Organization and Human Resources, Information Technology, Digital Innovation, as well as CEMEX Ventures and Neoris. Luis holds a BS in Civil Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey, and a master’s degree in Civil Engineering and an MBA, both from the University of Texas at Austin.José Antonio GonzálezExecutive Vice President of Strategic Planning and Business DevelopmentJosé Antonio González joined CEMEX in 1998, and has held several executive positions in the Finance, Strategic Planning, and Corporate Communications and Public Affairs areas, including most recently, Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration (CFO). José Antonio holds a BS in Industrial Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey, and an MBA from Stanford University.Jesús GonzálezPresident CEMEX South, Central America and the CaribbeanJesús González joined CEMEX in 1998, and has held several senior positions, including Corporate Director of Strategic Planning, Vice President of Strategic Planning in CEMEX USA, President of CEMEX Central America, President of CEMEX UK, and more recently Executive Vice President of Sustainability and Operations Development. He holds a MSc in Naval Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and an MBA from IESE – University of Navarra, Barcelona.Mauricio DoehnerExecutive Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Enterprise Risk Management and Social ImpactMauricio Doehner joined CEMEX in 1996 and has held several executive positions in Strategic Planning and Enterprise Risk Management at CEMEX Europe, Asia, the Middle East, South America, and Mexico. He has also worked in the public sector at the Mexican Presidency. Mauricio holds a BA in Economics from Tecnológico de Monterrey, an MBA from IESE/IPADE, and a Master in Public Administration from Harvard University.Maher Al-HaffarExecutive Vice President of Finance and Administration (CFO)Maher Al-Haffar joined CEMEX in 2000, and has held several executive positions, including Managing Director of Finance, Head of Investor Relations, and most recently, Executive Vice President of Investor Relations, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs. He is also a member of the NYSE Advisory Board. Before joining CEMEX, Maher spent nineteen years with Citicorp Securities Inc. and with Santander Investment Securities, as an investment banker and capital markets professional. Maher holds a BS in Economics from the University of Texas, and a master’s degree in International Relations and Finance from Georgetown University.Fernando A. GonzálezChief Executive OfficerSince joining CEMEX in 1989, Fernando A. González has held several senior management positions, including Corporate Vice President of Strategic Planning, head of operations in Venezuela, President of CEMEX Asia, President of the CEMEX South America and the Caribbean region, President of the CEMEX Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australia region, and Executive Vice President of Strategic Planning, Finance and Administration (CFO). Fernando was appointed Chief Executive Officer in 2014. He also serves in the Board of Directors of Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua, Axtel, and TecMilenio University. He earned his BA in Administration and an MBA, both from Tecnológico de Monterrey.Sergio MenéndezPresident of CEMEX Europe, Middle East, Africa & AsiaSergio Menéndez joined CEMEX in 1993. He has held several executive positions, including Director of Planning and Logistics in Asia, Corporate Director of Commercial Development, President of CEMEX Philippines, Vice President of Strategic Planning for Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia region, President of CEMEX Egypt, Vice President of Infrastructure Segment and Government Sales in Mexico, and more recently, as Vice President of Distribution Segment Sales in Mexico. Sergio holds a BS in Industrial Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey, and an MBA from Stanford University.Jaime MuguiroPresident of CEMEX USAJaime Muguiro joined CEMEX in 1996, and has held several executive positions in the Strategic Planning, Business Development, Ready-Mix Concrete, Aggregates, and Human Resources areas, and also headed CEMEX operations in Egypt, our operations in the Mediterranean region, and more recently, our operations in the South, Central America, and the Caribbean region. He holds a BA in Management from San Pablo CEU University, Spain, a Law degree from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, and an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Ricardo NayaPresident CEMEX MexicoRicardo Naya joined CEMEX in 1996. He has held several executive positions, including Vice President of Strategic Planning for South, Central America and the Caribbean region, Vice President of Strategic Planning for Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia region, President of CEMEX Poland and Czech Republic, Vice President of Commercial and Marketing in Mexico, Vice President of Distribution Segment Sales in Mexico, and more recently, as President of CEMEX Colombia. Ricardo holds a BA in Economics from Tecnológico de Monterrey, and an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Louisa (Lucy) P. RodriguezExecutive Vice President of Investor Relations, Corporate Communications and Public AffairsMs. Rodriguez has over twenty five years’ experience in international finance and capital markets. She joined CEMEX in 2006 in the Investor Relations Department where she has been involved in more than $15 billion of equity and fixed income fundraising efforts. She also represents the company in the international financial community. Prior to CEMEX, Ms. Rodriguez spent 15 years at Citibank where she worked in capital markets origination, debt syndicate and securitization financing for Emerging Market issuers. In her early career, she worked for KPMG in their Audit Department. Ms. Rodriguez holds a B.A. in Economics from Trinity College (Hartford Ct.), an MBA from New York University and a Masters from Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. She has been a Certified Public Accountant.Juan RomeroExecutive Vice President Sustainability, Commercial and Operations DevelopmentJuan Romero joined CEMEX in 1989, and has held several senior positions, including head of operations in Colombia and Mexico, President of the CEMEX South America and the Caribbean region, President of the CEMEX Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia region, and most recently, President of CEMEX Mexico. Currently, as part of his role, he also leads the Digital Marketing function. Juan Romero holds BA and BS degrees in Law, Economics and Management from the University of Comillas in Spain._______________________________________________________Average Cemex Inc. Salary – PayScaleMar 14, 2021 — The average salary for Cemex, Inc. employees is $75939 per year. Visit PayScale to research Cemex, Inc. salaries, bonuses, reviews, benefits, …
  Blood and Bones – Where Have the Missing People and Animals GONE?IN THE CEMEX

One Year Later, This Is What The Man Who Had His Face Eaten Looks Like

Nearly a year ago, 65-year-old homeless man Ronald Poppo was brutally attacked by 31-year-old Rudy Eugene on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami. Video footage would later show a nearly naked Eugene chewing on Poppo’s face, ripping off his flesh and gouging out his eyes.

Eugene was shot and killed by police. Poppo was blinded, his face severely disfigured. He’s still receiving care today from Florida’s Jackson Health System, which published an album of new photos of Poppo on Tuesday.

From the hospital’s Facebook page:

On May 26, 2012, Ronald Poppo was brought to Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital after being attacked on the MacArthur Causeway. He spent nearly a month at Ryder, recovering from severe facial injuries, before being moved to Jackson Memorial Perdue Medical Center, a long-term care facility in Cutler Bay. Mr. Poppo, who is blind, remains at Perdue, where he is living happily and adjusting to his new life. In the past year, he has gained more than 50 pounds. He continues to work with an occupational therapist, who taught him how to dress himself, feed himself, shower and shave. He also was given a guitar, which he practices playing daily. He continues to see doctors at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center to treat his facial injuries.


Poppo also recorded a video thanking “the outpouring of people in the community. I will always be grateful for them.” Facebook: JacksonHealth

Fla. police identify “face-eating” naked man

Rudy Eugene as the naked man who officials say officers fatally shot after he refused to stop eating another naked man’s face on a downtown Miami highway ramp. Homeless man Ronald Poppo, 65, was named as the victim. Eugene is seen here in this undated mugshot.

Miami-Dade Police Dept.

Ronald Poppo is seen here in this undated mugshot.

Miami-Dade Police Dept.

Rudy Eugene is seen here in this 2004 mugshot.

Miami-Dade Police Dept.

Ronald Poppo is seen here in this undated mugshot.

CBS Miami

An image of the two naked men involved in a cannibalistic attack near the MacArthur Causeway in Miami. The images were captured by a Miami Herald security camera.

CBS Miami

A surveillance video camera from The Miami Herald building nearby captured images of the men’s naked legs lying side by side after the shooting.

CBS Miami

Vega flagged down a Miami police officer, who he said repeatedly ordered the attacker to get off the victim. The attacker just picked his head up and growled at the officer, Vega said. As the attack continued, Vega said the officer shot the attacker, who continued chewing the victim’s face. The officer fired again, killing the attacker.

AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee

Crime Scene investigator Andres Betancourt photographs a credit card found at the scene belonging to Rudy Eugene, Tuesday, May 29, 2012 in Miami.

CBS Miami

Witness Larry Vega was riding his bicycle Saturday afternoon off the MacArthur Causeway that connects downtown Miami with Miami Beach when he saw the savage attack.

AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Marsha Halper

A City of Miami police officer stands watch near the scene where a naked man, far right, was shot dead on the MacArthur Causeway ramp onto Northeast 13th Street in Miami on Saturday, May 26, 2012.

AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Marsha Halper

Westbound traffic on the MacArthur Causeway, approaching the Northeast 13th Street ramp in Miami, is backed up Saturday May 26, 2012, after a police officer fatally shot a naked man on the ramp who was chewing on the face of another naked man.

AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee

Sgt. Javier Ortiz, vice president of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, Tuesday, May 29, 2012 in Miami. Ortiz said it was one of the bloodiest “and goriest scenes I’ve ever been to.”

Zombie drugs? Florida man stabs couple, eats dead man’s face in ‘random’ attack

Austin Harrouff, a 19-year-old FSU student, is accused of attacking a Florida couple at random, killing both and eating one of the victim’s faces.

(NBC video still)

Four years after a Miami “cannibal” was caught eating another man’s face, a similar zombie-like attack has been reported near Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Police say Austin Harrouff, 19, fatally stabbed a couple at “random” outside their house and wounded their neighbor Monday night. When police arrived, he was biting chunks of the dead man’s face off, according to the Miami Herald.

The newspaper reports a stun gun and K-9 dog were initially unable to stop him from continuing to attempt to eat the victim. Four deputies eventually pried him off and arrested him.

Martin County Sheriff William Snyder said Harrouff, a former high school football defensive lineman and wrestler, may have been on hallucinogenic drugs when he attacked Michelle Mishcon, 53, and John Stevens, 59, in Tequesta, Fla. Less than a hour earlier, his family said he stormed off from dinner at a nearby restaurant, apparently agitated by slow service.

There’s no evidence Harrouff knew the couple, who owned a lawn service and enjoyed boating in the affluent community, leaving authorities baffled.

“It’s inexplicable,” Snyder told the Associated Press. “One of the first things we try to do at a crime scene is try to understand the motive of the offender, because it is the motive of the offender that gets us going in the right direction. In this case, we can’t establish a motive. It’s ‘I don’t know.'”

Snyder said 47-year-old neighbor Jeff Fisher called 911 to report the attack, which allegedly began in the garage where the couple was said to enjoy sitting at night. Fisher said Harrouff had stabbed him with a knife — five times, according to Fisher’s father — but he is expected to survive.

Snyder told the AP late Tuesday that Harrouff is being held under guard at a hospital, where he may not survive. Harrouff suffered bruises, dog bites and cuts as deputies tried to subdue him with a stun gun.

Harrouff, a sophomore majoring in exercise science at Florida State University, had no criminal record. Police said his blood is being tested for evidence of flakka or bath salts, “which are known to cause what we call the excited delirium.”

Bath salts, a synthetic drug, were blamed in similar zombie-like attacks in 2012 and 2013. According to the AP, flakka had a brief burst in popularity in late 2014 and 2015, primarily in South Florida, but its usage quickly waned after stories circulated about users’ deaths and mental breakdowns, plus a crackdown in Chinese manufacturing.

A lawyer for Harrouff told NBC he was working at home for the summer and declined to speculate on the possible drug use.

“There are mental health issues that will have to be investigated here, we don’t know if anything is going to show up on toxicology reports, there’s a lot of unknowns and unanswered questions and things we may never know,” attorney Michelle Suskauer said.

A former teammate at Suncoast Community High School said he couldn’t believe Harrouff would attack someone. Matt Dame, a quarterback currently at Columbia University, told The Palm Beach Post that coaches were frustrated with Harrouff’s aggression, even at 6-feet tall and 200 pounds.

“The coaches would always try to get him mad and play angry, and he never had it in him. I didn’t think he would hurt a fly,” Dame said.

Forget COVID-19? CDC offers tips on surviving zombie apocalypse

Photo by: Richard Vogel/APFILE – In this Oct. 31, 2018, file photo, zombie sisters maneuver their way down during the West Hollywood Halloween Parade.

By: Jeff TavssPosted at 10:42 AM, Mar 04, 2021 and last updated 9:42 AM, Mar 04, 2021

ATLANTA — Because 2021 isn’t horrible enough with a worldwide pandemic on our hands, there may also be a zombie apocalypse to worry about this year and the CDC wants you to be prepared.

Nostradamus, a locked-in member of the “seer” Mount Rushmore, predicted that a zombie apocalypse will occur in 2021 after a Russian scientist creates a biological weapon that produces a virus that turns humans into, well… zombies.

As if you didn’t know already, it’s currently 2021.

Because one of the main responsibilities of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is to prepare people for the worst case scenarios in case disaster strikes, the agency issued a post to help humans get through a possible zombie apocalypse.

In case the walking dead take over the planet, the CDC advises those still alive prepare as they would for a “real emergency,” which is kind of the point of the entire post.

An emergency kit during a zombie apocalypse would come in handy and should include:

  • Water (1 gallon per person per day)
  • Food (stock up on non-perishable items that you eat regularly)
  • Medications (this includes prescription and non-prescription meds)
  • Tools and Supplies (utility knife, duct tape, battery powered radio, etc.)
  • Sanitation and Hygiene (household bleach, soap, towels, etc.)
  • Clothing and Bedding (a change of clothes for each family member and blankets)
  • Important documents (copies of your driver’s license, passport, and birth certificate to name a few)
  • First Aid supplies (although you’re a goner if a zombie bites you, you can use these supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a tornado or hurricane)

The CDC also advises about the need for an emergency plan for your family if they’re still, you know, themselves.

In the end, if or when zombies begin their takeover, the CDC wrote they’ll be ready.

“If zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak. CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation.”

“Not only would scientists be working to identify the cause and cure of the zombie outbreak, but CDC and other federal agencies would send medical teams and first responders to help those in affected areas.”

US Military Ordered ‘Clandestine Burning’ of Toxic Chemicals in Poor Neighborhoods: Study

Source: Common Dreams

New research conducted by environmental justice scholars at Vermont’s Bennington College reveals that between 2016 and 2020, the U.S. military oversaw the “clandestine burning” of more than 20 million pounds of Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam in low-income communities around the country—even though there is no evidence that incineration destroys the toxic “forever chemicals” that make up the foam and are linked to a range of cancers, developmental disorders, immune dysfunction, and infertility.

“Weighing out its own liability against the health of these communities, the Pentagon struck the match.”
—David Bond, Bennington College

“In defiance of common sense and environmental expertise, the Department of Defense (DOD) has enlisted poor communities across the U.S. as unwilling test subjects in its toxic experiment with burning AFFF,” David Bond, associate director of the Center for the Advancement of Public Action at Bennington College, said (pdf) in a statement earlier this week.

Noting that scientists, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and even Pentagon officials have warned that “burning AFFF is an unproven method and dangerous mix that threatens the health of millions of Americans,” Bond characterized the decision of the military to dump huge stockpiles of AFFF and AFFF wastewater into “a handful of habitually negligent incinerators” as a “harebrained” operation as well as a manifestation of environmental injustice.

“In effect,” he added, “the Pentagon redistributed its AFFF problem into poor and working-class neighborhoods.”

After months of compiling and analyzing data—obtained last year from the Pentagon and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation—the team from Vermont launched an interactive website this week that publicizes for the first time the results of their investigation into all known shipments of AFFF to hazardous waste incinerators in the U.S.

The Bennington College researchers summarized their findings as follows:

  • Over 20 million pounds of the toxic firefighting foam AFFF and AFFF wastewater was incinerated between 2016-2020;
  • The U.S. military, the EPA, and state regulators all expressed serious concern about the ability of incineration to destroy the toxic chemicals in AFFF during this time;
  • Six incinerators were contracted to burn AFFF. Each is a habitual violator of environmental law. Since 2017, three of the incinerators were out of compliance with environmental law 100% of the time while the other incinerators were out of compliance with environmental law about 50% of the time;
  • 35% of known shipments of AFFF (7.7 million pounds) was burned at the Norlite Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Cohoes, New York, located within a densely populated urban area and less than 400 feet from a public housing complex. Norlite burned 2.47 million pounds of AFFF and 5.3 million pounds of AFFF wastewater, which likely was burned in violation of its Resource Conservation and Recovery Act permit;
  • 40% of the national stockpile of AFFF (5.5 million pounds) was sent to “fuel-blending” facilities where it was mixed into fuels for industrial use. It is not clear where the AFFF-laden fuel went next, although the DOD contract stipulates incineration should be the endpoint; and
  • 970,000 pounds of AFFF was burned overseas.

AFFF contains contaminants known as perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); exposure to trace amounts of these synthetic chemicals is associated with a variety of detrimental health effects, and some have argued that PFAS are so risky that they not only endanger public health but threaten to undermine human reproduction writ large.

Jane Williams, chair of the Sierra Club’s National Clean Air team stressed: “We simply must stop burning PFAS compounds.”

“Attempting to burn these forever chemicals can generate highly toxic emissions which endanger the health of nearby communities,” she said. “Burning also releases gases which are powerful climate forcing chemicals.”

According to Williams, “EPA and DOD are both pursuing advanced technologies that can more effectively destroy these compounds without causing these unacceptable impacts.”

The pursuit of alternative disposal methods raises the question, posed by the researchers on their website: “If incineration is an unproven means of destroying these toxins, is burning AFFF solving the problem or simply emitting it into the poor communities that so often surround incinerators in the U.S.?”

According to the researchers, the military rushed to burn more than 20 million pounds of AFFF over the past four years because they feared the substance “would be classified as a toxic chemical (and with that designation, would require new safeguards and introduce new liability).”

In a column published Thursday in The Guardian, Bond explained:

While some states file suit against the manufactures of AFFF, the fingerprints of the U.S. Armed Forces are all over the scene of the crime. When federal scientists moved to publish a comprehensive review of the toxic chemistry of AFFF in 2018, DOD officials called that science “a public relations nightmare” and tried to suppress the findings.

Beyond damning internal emails, the military is still in possession of a tremendous amount of AFFF. As the EPA and states around the U.S. begin to designate AFFF a hazardous substance, the military’s stockpiles of AFFF are starting to add up to an astronomical liability on the military’s balance sheet. Perhaps thinking the Trump administration presented an opportune moment, the Pentagon decided to torch their AFFF problem in 2016.

Despite AFFF’s extraordinary resistance to fire, incineration quietly became the military’s preferred method to handle AFFF. “We knew that this would be a costly endeavor, since it meant we’d be burning something that was engineered to put out fires,” Steve Schneider, chief of Hazardous Disposal for the logistics wing of DOD, said in 2017 as the operation got underway…

As the military was sending AFFF to incinerators around the country, the EPA, state regulators, and university scientists all warned that subjecting AFFF to extremely high temperatures would likely conjure up a witches brew of fluorinated toxins, that existing smokestack technologies would be insufficient to monitor poisonous emissions let alone capture them, and that dangerous chemicals might rain down on surrounding neighborhoods. Weighing out its own liability against the health of these communities, the Pentagon struck the match.

Judith Enck, former EPA regional administrator, said the data compiled by the Bennington College team demonstrate that “we have a national problem on our hands.”

“Congress needs to throw cold water on the Pentagon’s mad dash to burn toxic firefighting foam. There is no evidence that incineration destroys AFFF,” she added, calling for “a national ban on burning these forever chemicals.”