Agenda 2030 CIRCULAR ECONOMY: MONITORING FRAMEWORK – Transform Global Economy . . .

Just one more state-sponsored program to control the masses and restrict their resources while they thin the herd. It’s all related to sustainability, resource restriction, and new plans for “totally” controlled centralized urban areas. 




The transition to a circular economy is a tremendous opportunity to transform our economy and make it more sustainable, contribute to climate goals and thepreservation of the world’s resources, create local jobs and generate competitive advantages for Europe in a world that is undergoing profound changes. The importance of the circular economy to European industry was recently highlighted in the renewed EU industrial policy strategy1. The transition to a circular economy will also help to meet the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development2.

In the circular economy action plan3, a circular economy is explained as an economy ‘where the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possible, and the generation of waste minimised’.

One way of looking at the circular economy is to see how materials enter, flow within and (eventually) leave the economy. Such a visual overview can be provided by a material flows diagram, which shows all raw materials —aggregated as well as grouped by categories of materials — throughout the economy, from their extraction until they become waste.