Floating home can withstand Category 4 hurricanes: photos – Business Insider


A $6 million floating home that can withstand Category 4 hurricanes is now a reality. Take a look inside.



Read more “Floating home can withstand Category 4 hurricanes: photos – Business Insider”

Notre Dame ON Fire – 4/15/2019

Notre Dame ON Fire – 4/15/2019 
Insider Comment:

It’s an illuminati signal that they are now entering the last phase in their agenda to destroy Christianity and Christians along with 90% of the other human beings (hybrids apparently not included) in their final Globalist NWO war on humanity and of all God’s creation.

Read more “Notre Dame ON Fire – 4/15/2019”

Hundreds Of Millions Of Pigs Feared Dead From Swine Fever – Price Of Pork Has Risen 38 Percent In The Last 4 Weeks




A plague of epic proportions is ripping through the global pig population, and CNBC is warning that this unprecedented outbreak of African swine fever “could lead to significant shortages” of pork in the global marketplace.  As you will see below, the price of pork has already risen 38 percent over the last 4 weeks, and it appears inevitable that it will go a lot higher as this crisis continues to intensify.  When the first case of African swine fever was reported in China last August, nobody was really too concerned at the time.  But since then it has been spreading like wildfire, and the most recent estimates of the spread of the disease that we are getting from the experts are absolutely terrifying.

China consumes 49 percent of all pork produced in the world, and they slaughter approximately 700 million pigs a year.

So we are talking about the primary source of protein for the most populated country on the entire planet.

The Latest: Trump says America must win race to build 5G



FILE - This Feb. 25, 2019 file photo shows a banner of the 5G network is displayed during the Mobile World Congress wireless show, in Barcelona, Spain. The U.S. communications regulator will hold a massive auction to bolster 5G service, the next generation of mobile networks, and will spend $20 billion for rural internet. 5G will mean faster wireless speeds and has implications for technologies like self-driving cars and augmented reality. The Federal Communications Commission said Friday, April 12, that it would hold the largest auction in U.S. history, of 3,400 megahertz, to boost wireless companies’ networks. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez, File)

(The Associated Press) FILE – This Feb. 25, 2019 file photo shows a banner of the 5G network is displayed during the Mobile World Congress wireless show, in Barcelona, Spain. The U.S. communications regulator will hold a massive auction to bolster 5G service, the next generation of mobile networks, and will spend $20 billion for rural internet. 5G will mean faster wireless speeds and has implications for technologies like self-driving cars and augmented reality. The Federal Communications Commission said Friday, April 12, that it would hold the largest auction in U.S. history, of 3,400 megahertz, to boost wireless companies’ networks.

The Latest on President Donald Trump and 5G next generation mobile networks (all times local):

2:45 p.m.

President Donald Trump says the race to build 5G is one America must win.

Trump said Friday at the White House that building high-speed networks across the United States will transform the way Americans work, learn, communicate and travel.

5G will mean faster wireless speeds and has implications for technologies like self-driving cars and augmented reality.

The rollout started last week in the U.S. and South Korea but will take years.

Trump says, “We must not rest. The race is far from over.”

NBC: NYC is force vaccinating Jewish adults & kids (fines and imprisonment if they fight) and they’re suing over unconstitutionality 

Hey there,

You really cannot make this up. I haven’t had a free moment to even send a newsletter out to my hundreds of thousands of readers with an update.

Earlier this week the mayor of New York City ( Bill de Blasio) announced at an eerily Orwellian press conference that they WOULD begin mandated vaccinations on the people of Brooklyn, New York. This mandate includes men women and children in four zip codes, which makes up Williamsburg/ Brooklyn NY (huge densely populated area and almost exclusively Orthodox Jewish families).


Read more “NBC: NYC is force vaccinating Jewish adults & kids (fines and imprisonment if they fight) and they’re suing over unconstitutionality ”

State Bar of California – Compliant of Criminal NON-Action: Public Trust Violated 



December 12, 2007 Contact:
+1 (212) 372-4803 direct
+1 (212) 767-9331 mobile
+1 (800) 886-9861 facsimile
jag@jongoodwin.com email
Mr. Scott J. Drexel, Chief Trial Counsel
Ms. Lisa Stowe, Complaint Analyst
Audit and Review Office of the Chief Trial Counsel
The State Bar of California
1149 South Hill Street
Los Angeles, California 90015-2299
In Re: Inquiry Number: 07-23109
Respondent: Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Miles Frederick Ehrlich; California
Bar Number 237954.
Dear Mr. Drexel and Ms. Stowe:
I received your response to my complaint regarding former Assistant United States
Attorney Miles Frederick Ehrlich who resigned his position with the Department of
Justice (hereinafter referred to as the “DOJ”) sometime during the Fall of 2005.
You state your response is predicated on the fact that Mr. Ehrlich didn’t represent me and
therefore there is no conflict of interest. That’s not at all dispositive of the issues I
evidenced to the State Bar of California. And given the acts underlying the complaint,
committed by Miles Ehrlich, his client(s) and their cohorts, are criminal in nature, very
I hereby request that the Audit and Review Office of the Chief Trial Counsel of the State
Bar of California review my July 31, 2007 complaint in light of the further information
and analysis provided herein.
* * * * *
The Office of the Chief Trial Counsel needs to look at this case from a pedestrian
perspective. Herewith is a synopsis of the facts:
1. A crime victim and witness reports the identities and criminal activities (including
narcotics trafficking, money laundering, fraud, bribing foreign judicial officials
and conspiracy) to a federal prosecutor.
2. The federal prosecutor apparently did not act on the victim’s report.
3. Six months after the victim’s report the federal prosecutor resigned from the
Department of Justice.
4. Thereafter, the victim discovers, coincidentally, that the former federal prosecutor
is representing, as a criminal defense attorney, one of the parties the victim
identified to the former federal prosecutor as engaged in the criminal activity and
is providing advice and counsel to at least one of several of the other perpetrators.

AIDS Conspiracy – Smoking Gun – Premeditated Murder . . .


Conspiracy – Smoking Gun


by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.

In 1977, a secret federal virus program produced 15,000 gallons of AIDS. The record reveals the United States was represented by Dr. Robert Gallo and the USSR was represented by Dr. Novakhatskiy of the diabolical Ivanosky Institute. On August  21, 1999, the world first saw the flowchart of the plot to thin the Black Population.

The 1971 AIDS flowchart  coordinates over 20,000 scientific papers and fifteen years of progress reports of a secret federal virus development program. The epidemiology of AIDS is an identical match to the “research logic” identified in the five section foldout. The flowchart is page 61 of Progress Report #8 (1971) of the Special Virus program of the United States of America.  We today, challenge world scientists to discussion of this document find. We believe there is a daily, growing number of world experts who are all coming to the same conclusion regarding the significance of the flowchart.  Dr. Garth Nicolson has examined the flowchart as well as other top notch experts from around the world. It is time for Dr. Michael Morrissey of Germany to examine the flowchart and report to the world. In addition, we have now examined the 1978 report. It is heresy to continue to further argue the program ended in 1977. The 1978 report of the development of AIDS leaves no doubt as to the (“narrow result”) candidate virus sought by the United States. The flowchart conclusively proves a secret federal plot to develop a “contagious cancer” that “selectively kills.”

Following the presentation of the flowchart in Canada, the same information was presented to the United States in the rotunda of the Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland. Shortly thereafter a major African newspaper called and for four days in a row, this issue was the feature story in an uncensored press. The people of Africa already know about the U.S. virus development program. It is time for the rest of us to know.

In January, the U.S. had no response to my two page abstract submitted to the African American AIDS 2000 conference. In February, the U.S. Congress had no response to the 3000 Americans who signed signature petitions calling for immediate review of the flowchart and progress reports of the secret virus development program. We firmly believe once the dust settles from the current election marathon, reviewing the special virus program will be the single most important pursuit of the 21st Century.

More scientists and doctors must join with Dr. Nicolson, Dr. Strecker, Dr. Cantwell, Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Lee, Dr. Wainwright, Dr. Halstead and Professor Boyle. In any public debate on this issue, we will continue to present the flowchart of the secret virus development program, as the “irrefutable missing link” in the true laboratory origin of AIDS. We have successfully navigated a federal maze and matrix and found a curtain surrounding the issue of AIDS. The 1999 discovery and presentation of the AIDS flowchart is a “smoke detector” wake up call. Society has an obligation to do more than don masks.

Non-inclusive random endnotes:

U.S. Special Virus program, Progress Report #8 (1971), pg. 61  (the flowchart)

National Security Defense Memorandum (NSDM) #314, Brent Scowcroft (1975).

“Special Message to the U.S. Congress on Problems of Population Growth”, Richard M. Nixon, July 18, 1969

Public Law 91-213,  “To Stabilize World Populations”, John D. Rockefeller, III, Chairman,  March 16, 1970

National Security Council Memorandum (NSCM) #46, “Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement”, Zbigniew Brezinski, March 17, 1978

Both of Dr. Graves’ formal Flow Chart presentations were captured on video. You and your family can witness this shocking historic footage for yourself! Both videos are available to order through
our website or on www.amazon.com   http://www.boydgraves.com

Boyd “Ed” Graves, J.D. civil rights leader and international AIDS activist unveils the 1971 U.S. Special AIDS Virus Flow Chart to America’s scientific and medical communities October 29, 1999 at the Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland Ohio. Dr. Graves is the lead plaintiff for global AIDS apology and the lead investigator of the Special Virus Flow Chart.


SMOKING GUN – In 2019, Scientists Funded by Bill Gates to Spray Particles Into the Sky in First Experiment to Dim the Sun

Finally, admitting the dimming program by spraying metal particles into the sky.  
The consequences are many including diminishing the food supply, water contamination, increase molds, fungus, mildews,, more heavy metal tree death, fires, reduces the oxygen, enters into our bodies, and otherwise slowing killing off the planet.


Read more “SMOKING GUN – In 2019, Scientists Funded by Bill Gates to Spray Particles Into the Sky in First Experiment to Dim the Sun”