WARFARE The weaponized weather has a bigger impact on COVID spread than social distancing, study concludes NOTE: the study omits the technologies used to control the water, worldwide. An inconvenient omission


The weather has a bigger impact on COVID spread than social distancing, study concludes

February 3, 2021by Study Finds

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

WASHINGTON — A lot of the blame for COVID-19’s “second wave” has been pointed at people not following safety guidelines put out by health experts and government officials. A new report however, says don’t blame people, blame the weather. Researchers from the University of Nicosia in Cyprus find hot weather and wind have a bigger impact on virus transmission rates than social distancing during a pandemic.

Their study concludes that two outbreaks in one year is a natural phenomenon during a massive outbreak. Temperature, humidity, and wind can help predict when a second wave will peak, which the researchers call “inevitable.”

COVID transmission rates globally
Transmission rates of the coronavirus vary in the northern and southern hemispheres depending on the time of year, pointing to a weather dependence. (Credit: University of Nicosia)

Science isn’t using all of the science it should be

Though face masks, travel restrictions, and social distancing guidelines may help slow the number of new infections in the short term, study authors say the lack of climate data included in epidemiological models has left a glaring hole in the plans to defend against COVID.

Looking at Paris, New York City, and Rio de Janeiro, scientists discovered they could accurately predict the timing of the second outbreak in each city. Their research suggests two outbreaks per year is a natural weather-dependent phenomenon during any pandemic.

Typical models for predicting the behavior of an epidemic contain only two basic parameters, transmission and recovery rates. Professors Talib Dbouk and Dimitris Drikakis say these rates tend to be treated as constants, but that this is not actually the case.

Since temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed all play a significant role, the researchers aimed to modify typical models to account for these climate conditions. They call their new weather-dependent variable the Airborne Infection Rate (AIR) index.

Different hemispheres will have different COVID waves

When applying the AIR index to models of major cities, the team discovered the behavior of the virus in Rio de Janeiro is markedly different from the behavior of COVID in Paris and New York. This is due to seasonal variations in the northern and southern hemispheres, consistent with real data. The authors emphasize the importance of accounting for these seasonal variations when designing virus safety measures.

“We propose that epidemiological models must incorporate climate effects through the AIR index,” says Prof. Drikakis in a media release by the American Institute of Physics. “National lockdowns or large-scale lockdowns should not be based on short-term prediction models that exclude the effects of weather seasonality.”

“In pandemics, where massive and effective vaccination is not available, the government planning should be longer-term by considering weather effects and design the public health and safety guidelines accordingly,” Prof. Dbouk adds. “This could help avoid reactive responses in terms of strict lockdowns that adversely affect all aspects of life and the global economy.”

As temperatures rise and humidity falls, Drikakis and Dbouk expect another improvement in infection numbers. They note, however, that mask and distancing guidelines should continue to be followed with the appropriate weather-based modifications.

The research group’s previous work showed that droplets of saliva can travel up to 18 feet in just five seconds when unmasked people cough.

The new findings appear in the journal Physics of Fluids.

SWNS writer Chris Dyer contributed to this report.

Fluid dynamics and epidemiology: Seasonality and transmission dynamics


COVID-19 witnessed since late 20191 is one of the largest health and economic crisis events in current history. Governmental institutions and political organizations have encountered various challenges in managing the complications the pandemic arose. To delay the acceleration of COVID-19’s airborne virus transmission, governments introduced general lockdown strategies following advice by scientists. The increasing number of daily infections could result in public health systems being unable to accommodate all patients for treatment and recovery. Thus, governments extended restrictions to encompass social concerns, e.g., use of face masks and traveling restrictions.2 These solutions are useful only in slowing the pace of the total number of newly infected individuals.3 The above helps absorb the shock wave of the pandemic outbreak and, more importantly, to avoid the saturation of hospitals and emergency centers

FIRES in California – ARSON by PG&E aka Rothschild LLC – a Republican lawmaker blasted for blaming California fires on Jewish ‘space lasers’

In the Nov. 2018 post, Greene speculated that the recent wildfires in California were intentionally started using devices in outer space by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company and the Rothschild family — a longtime subject of antisemitic conspiracists.

“What would that look like anyway? A laser beam or light beam coming down to Earth I guess. Could that cause a fire? Hmmm, I don’t know. I hope not! That wouldn’t look so good for PG&E, Rothschild Inc, Solaren or Jerry Brown,” she wrote.


Republican lawmaker blasted for blaming California fires on Jewish ‘space lasers’

Republican lawmaker blasted for blaming California fires on Jewish ‘space lasers’


Jewish groups condemned a Georgia congresswoman over “bizarre” conspiracy theories that Jewish space lasers started California fires.

January 30, 2021

By Algemeiner Staff

Leading Jewish groups condemned Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) over her “bizarre political conspiracy theories” unearthed on social media, including an elaborate anti-Semitic account of the 2018 California wildfires having been intentionally sparked by Rothschild-controlled laser beams.

“The Republican Jewish Coalition has always spoken out strongly against anti-Semitic comments from individuals on both sides of the political aisle, and we do not hesitate to do so again in the case of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene,” the group said in a statement Friday. “She is far outside the mainstream of the Republican Party, and the RJC is working closely with the House Republican leadership regarding next steps in this matter.”

“It is unacceptable for Members of Congress to spread baseless hate against the Jewish people,” said the heads of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in a statement. “There must be a swift and commensurate response from Congressional leadership making clear that this conduct cannot and will not be allowed to debase our politics.”

On Thursday, Eric Hananoki at the progressive Media Matters for America revealed a 2018 post detailing Greene’s disturbing wildfire theory, the latest in a line of anti-Semitic, xenophobic, and inciting comments.

In the Nov. 2018 post, Greene speculated that the recent wildfires in California were intentionally started using devices in outer space by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company and the Rothschild family — a longtime subject of antisemitic conspiracists.

“What would that look like anyway? A laser beam or light beam coming down to Earth I guess. Could that cause a fire? Hmmm, I don’t know. I hope not! That wouldn’t look so good for PG&E, Rothschild Inc, Solaren or Jerry Brown,” she wrote.

In a so-called “Message to the Mob” posted on Twitter Friday afternoon, Greene said, “Every smear strengthens my base of support at home and across the country because people know the truth and are fed up with lies.”

The RJC noted that Greene was the second 2020 Republican primary candidates actively opposed by the group — the first being Iowa’s Steve King, who lost to Rep. Randy Feenstra.

It said that the newly-elected Georgia Congresswoman “repeatedly used offensive language in long online video diatribes, promoted bizarre political conspiracy theories, and refused to admit a mistake after posing for photos with a long-time white supremacist leader. It is unfortunate that she prevailed in her election despite this terrible record.”

MD$ on the Take: My Career-Ending Expose


January 31, 2021dan-ab.jpgWhistleblowers aren’t always celebrated.
Sometimes they’re crushed.

Sunday Jan 31 – “Thank you for contacting me Henry.  Every day I read your website and absorb what I can. Also every day, I apply for jobs only to get rejection emails from these contacts.  Yet I’ll keep trying to find employment.  Now I live with disabled veterans and I help a few here.  And I want to thank you for the money you send me.  Every little bit helps.”
Dan Abshear, 54, left, was making $150K as a pharma rep. He has been destitute since 2006 when he exposed his employer, Novartis, for bribing doctors to prescribe drugs. His wife divorced him and alienated his daughter. 

I am raising $5000 for Dan. Here is how you can help. Big Pharma is not our friend. Dan had the moral courage to expose them.

“There is a pathologically intimate relationship between corporations and the U.S. government- their collusion is expressed in the revolving door. “
from Sept 27, 2010
by Dan Abshear
(for henrymakow.com)

In the Spring of 2006, I became a pharmaceutical corporate whistle blower. In February of that year, I had recruited a law firm with experience in pharmaceutical whistle blower lawsuits in Boston, which is a top place to file and submit pharmaceutical whistle blower cases.  They agreed to represent me after I submitted a ten page document to them I composed- explaining why the wrongdoing of my employer, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, needed to be addressed.  They represented me on complete contingency, which meant that they would not be paid if they did not succeed in the whistle blower lawsuit they were submitting for me. The law firm submitted the whistle blower lawsuit against Novartis in April of 2006.  And it was filed under seal, which means that I and my legal council cannot discuss the case whatsoever.  It’s a trick played by the D.O.J., to eliminate the possibility of media contact. I made a trip to Boston in July of 2006 to be asked hundreds of questions by various relevant government entities, such as the department of health and human services.  Also, in the center of a large table in a conference room, was a phone, with numerous attorney generals from various states- all there to hear my answers to the hundreds of questions I was asked one day, for 8 hours.  I spoke with complete knowledge of the evidence, and with total honesty. HISTORY
Novartis hired me at the end of 2001 as one of their many sales representatives.  At that time, I had already worked for two of the top pharmaceutical corporations in the world, which were Merck and Pharmacia Corporation.  The game is the same no matter which pharmaceutical corporation one may work for as a sales representative.  That game, as a pharmaceutical representative, is bribing doctors: hiring doctors to be on the payroll of the pharmaceutical corporation. In the years I worked for Novartis, I received above average raises yearly.  I received numerous awards from Novartis.  I was very well liked and respected.  Novartis gave me a company car, I normally only worked half-days.  I was viewed as an expert as a pharmaceutical sales representative.  I was often asked to train other new sales representatives.  This was vocational bliss. So, why would I even consider reporting wrongdoing by them, if they treated me so well?  Was I insane? WIDESPREADCORRUPTION

In the year 2003, I discovered CafePharma.  CafePharma is basically an online venting board for pharmaceutical representatives.  Such representatives who post on this board often do so with overt anger and disgust.  My uneasiness about bribing doctors was validated by what  representatives from many pharmaceutical companies wrote on this board.  The money we paid targeted doctors are kickbacks.  By paying such doctors, we as sales representatives are violating the federal anti-kickback statute. As sales reps with large pharmaceutical corporations, the more doctors you acquire n your territory, the more you assure your career with your employer.  You are told ad nauseum by your employer to seek and pay targeted doctors.  With Novartis, they took things a step further:  They sent instructions to their sales force to remind doctors paid by representatives that they are obligated to prescribe Novartis pharmaceuticals whenever possible.  This, of course, potentially clouds the clinical judgments of such doctors, and as a result, adversely affects the restoration of health obligated by the health care provider. abshear9.jpgThe year now was 2004, and I had had enough.  I had enough of Novartis threatening the members of their sales force.  Each representative was given a promotional budget.  Often, this budget was several thousand dollars per month.  The unspoken rule was, each representative has to spend all their budget, or else. It was this year I started to read books written by those experts critical of the pharmaceutical industry.  I began to become very uncomfortable about the industry I represented. Also, in 2004, I started to collect evidence in the form of internal documents- accessible only to Novartis employees, and not intended to be viewed by others.  Documents illustrating the coercion by Novartis to its sales force to spend their promotional budgets.  Documents in the form of emails by upper management- indicating the need to enforce quid pro quo- to acquire and keep targeted doctors on the payroll of Novartis.  Documents instructing the sales force to sell a promoted drug for a use not indicated by the food and drug administration. SPLIT PERSONALITY

At this time, I suffered from pharmaceutical representative schizophrenia.  One personality of me I expressed was the perfect sales representative, who always spent the promotional budget, and became elated at hearing that various disease states for which the promoted products would treat were expected to increase.  The one who acquired and hired doctors targeted by Novartis.  The one who believed in bribing and threatening doctors on the payroll of Novartis.  The other personality I represented quietly was the one who had a need to report this wrongdoing by my employer.  My real personality. The year 2005 approached, and I continued to collect evidence in the form of Novartis internal documents.  By the end of 2005, My whistle blower personality was dominating my existence.  I became vocal about my unease with what we were being told to do by Novartis as sales representatives.  I deliberately dug my own employment grave with Novartis. In the Spring of 2006, I was ostracized by Novartis, due to what I expressed about the illegal nature of my job.  Days after the whistle blower lawsuit was filed in Boston, I was terminated. .  I expected to be terminated, at that point. In 2007 and 2008, I discovered that no corporation would hire me.  No large corporation.  It is as if potential employers were aware that I blew the whistle against Novartis.  There is a system within the Department of Justice called the PACER system, I believe.  It records all who file such lawsuits as I filed via my legal counsel.  And it’s accessible to anyone.  In these years, I acquired employment by two very small pharmaceutical companies, but the pay was next to nothing.  I was laid off in the Spring of 2008 by one of them, and that was the official end of my career as a pharmaceutical sales representative. GOVERNMENT FAILS TO INTERVENE
 In the Spring of 2009, my whistle blower lawsuit was unsealed by the D.O.J., and, even though the evidence I presented was overwhelming, the government did not intervene in the case that I filed.  I suspect that Novartis bribed the D.O.J. not to intervene.  There is a pathologically intimate relationship between corporations and the U.S. government- their collusion is expressed in the revolving door.  Of all large pharmaceutical corporations, and the settlements they have paid for wrongdoing identical to what I discovered and presented to the D.O.J. with Novartis, Novartis has paid the least amount over the years. A study of 233 whistleblowers was conducted years ago, to explore the effect on one who blows the whistle on a corporation.  Their findings: The average whistle blower is a man in his 40s with a strong conscience and high moral values.  I was near the age of 40 when I became a whistle blower. After blowing the whistle, 90 percent of whistle blowers were fired or demoted.  27 percent faced lawsuits themselves.  26 percent had to seek psychiatric or physical care.  25 percent suffered substance abuse.  17 percent lost their homes.  15 percent experienced divorce.  10 percent attempted suicide.  8 percent were bankrupt.  But in spite of all of this, only 16 percent said they would not blow the whistle again. The only effect I did not experience with this study above is facing any lawsuits.

Dan Abshear is the author of “Living in a Car After False DV Charges”
 and — Parental Alienation  – A Father’s Pain ——– Hitting Bottom – A Personal Story 

Comments for “MD$ on the Take: My Career-Ending Expose “

JG said (February 1, 2021):

I saw a shocking documentary on one of the pharmaceutical giants about a year ago that peddled a lot of pain killers to the doctors.They had the doctors change the recommended use of these pain killers from severe pain to moderate pain to increase their sales. The doctors were bribed with money that was listed as fees for paid speaking engagements that never happened.

The real shocker was the people they hired as their pharmaceutical reps. Some weren’t college educated or had much knowledge of medicine at all. The regional manager for this company was a former stripper from Miami who was now making mega dollars with this company. The whistleblower on the documentary when asked about this said they hired these kind of people because they believed they didn’t have much of a conscience.

Jeff said (September 28, 2010):

The article sheds light on a basic truth of the pharmaceutical industry. Money is the bottom line, not the publics health. Anyone who has done even a minimal amount of research, or who has personal experience in these matters, knows that the system is beyond corrupt. The unethical bribing of doctors, pharma companies conducting their own drug trials, the complete cover up and lies surrounding adverse reactions (vaccines are only the tip of the iceberg) and long term harm caused by some of these drugs, the inefficacy and fraud associated with many generic medications, the absolutely disgusting and unethical television commercials promoting some of these drugs…all are symptoms of an industry ruled by greed and indifference instead of a commitment to the ideals of the health profession. And this is all happening with the complicity of the FDA. Please do not be fooled into thinking that the FDA is looking out for your health. They are not. They are in bed with Big Pharma, just as they are in bed with Big Agriculture.

I have known several people that have been pharmaceutical reps at some point in their life, and just like the author of your article, they became so disgusted with the realities of their profession they simply walked away. The money simply wasn’t worth being a part of this shameful industry.

WG said (September 28, 2010):

I found this article to be quite interesting, I’ve had an inkling for years that such things were going on. When one of my mother’s Dr’s put in a special entry door to their back office, “For Pharmaceutical Reps Only” I knew something was up. I refuse to deal with any Physician who deals drugs in this fashion.

It’s sad but typical that the government regulators who are supposed to “protect” us, do nothing to truly do so. It is my opinion these Whistleblowers should be rewarded in some way not chastised. I find it unconscionable the way these corporations operate, with profit as their only goal.

Many thanks to this brave person who risked so very much out of conscience, and high moral standards. He is the kind of ethical person we need more of in government.

NEOM a New Future


What does NEOM stand for?

NEOM means “New Future”. The acronym NEOM was first used publicly with the meaning “New Future” on 24 October 2017, when Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced the launch of a project involving the construction of a futuristic $500 billion city that will be built to run entirely on alternative energy.

Who is investing in NEOM?

NEOM will be backed by more than $500 billion over the coming years by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund, local as well as international investors”, said HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Chairman of the Public Investment Fund.

Neom has a website and video called “whatistheline”.  It says things like:

“Contemporary cities couldn’t cope with growth.   What if there was a city without cars. What if there was a city without streets.  What if a city innovates in the public space. What is a city was built around nature. What if a city had everything within a 5 minute walk.”  It says that NEOM will have advanced technology, innovative service grid, it will be fully sustainable, with new services and AI driven. It will have a “spine” which includes a 170k KM long straight line where “sectors” connect “modules”.

NEOM will provide a ubiquitous cognitive environment where humans and machines will live in harmony, as peers, to continually reinvent themselves through the application of advanced and future technologies. Our future will be shaped by exciting technologies that will blur the gap between man and machine; artificially intelligent software, internet of things that can sense human needs, seamless transfer between physical and virtual worlds and everyday robots that create more time to live.

NEOM’s climate provides unrivalled complementary solar and wind profile and through competitively priced renewable energy, we will build new industries and drive the next wave of the energy transition by producing green hydrogen (H2).

NEOM is a bold and audacious dream. It is a vision of what a New Future might look like (in fact, NEOM means, “new future”). It’s an attempt to do something that’s never been done before and it comes at a time when the world needs fresh thinking and new solutions. NEOM is being built on the Red Sea in northwest Saudi Arabia as a living laboratory – a place where entrepreneurship and innovation will chart the course for this New Future. NEOM will be a destination, a home for people who dream big and want to be part of building a new model for sustainable living, working and prospering.

NEOM will include towns and cities, ports and enterprise zones, research centers, sports and entertainment venues, and tourist destinations. It will be the home and workplace for more than a million citizens from around the world.

What NEOM will do

NEOM will build a 100% renewable energy system and establish a world-class customer experience. It will develop a smart transmission and distribution network with the latest and most advanced technologies. We will strive to become the world leading in commercializing clean energy intensive industries, such as Green Hydrogen.

Using water in a sustainable manner is a key component of NEOM’s livability goals. NEOM’s water will be reuse and desalinated using renewable energy to ensure zero CO2 emissions, and zero brine effluent discharge to preserve the pristine environment. Full seawater processing will produce minerals and chemicals from the brine.

All wastewater in NEOM will be fully processed to generate energy, fertilizer and reusable fresh water for irrigation. This will achieve zero waste and a full circular economy for water and wastewater.

NEOM’s water distribution network will be completely connected through advanced IoW (Internet of Water) infrastructure to ensure minimal water loss. It will be a reference to share with the world, putting NEOM at the forefront of water technology by building interoperable, modular systems.

California keeps key coronavirus data from public



But with the state starting to emerge from its worst surge, his administration won’t disclose key information that will help determine when his latest stay-at-home order is lifted.

State health officials said they rely on a very complex set of measurements that would confuse and potentially mislead the public if they were made public.

Dr. Lee Riley, chairman of the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health infectious disease division, disagreed.

“There is more uncertainty created by NOT releasing the data that only the state has access to,” he said in an email. Its release would allow outside experts to assess its value for projecting trends and the resulting decisions on lifting restrictions, he wrote.




Powered by A.I. – an Invisible Infrastructure 


Human-Machine Fusion

What does NEOM stand for?

New Future

NEOM means “New Future”. The acronym NEOM was first used publicly with the meaning “New Future” on 24 October 2017, when Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced the launch of a project involving the construction of a futuristic $500 billion city that will be built to run entirely on alternative energy.

Who is investing in NEOM?

NEOM will be backed by more than $500 billion over the coming years by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund, local as well as international investors”, said HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Chairman of the Public Investment Fund (PIF).

What is NEOM in Saudi Arabia?

Neom is a portmanteau of the Greek word neos, meaning “new,” and mustaqbal, the Arabic word for “future.” It is a futuristic mega-city 33 times the size of New York City. NEOM is being built on the Red Sea in northwest Saudi Arabia. … Saudi officials describe it as “the world’s most ambitious project.”Dec 7, 2020

What does NEOM mean in Hebrew?

neom m (plural neoameni) monster, evil or wicked person, person without humanity.


NEOM will bring the future to life

NEOM will provide a ubiquitous cognitive environment where humans and machines will live in harmony, as peers, to continually reinvent themselves through the application of advanced and future technologies. Our future will be shaped by exciting technologies that will blur the gap between man and machine; artificially intelligent software, internet of things that can sense human needs, seamless transfer between physical and virtual worlds and everyday robots that create more time to live.

NEOM will create the best, most conducive environment for innovation in technology and digital. Investors, inventors and leading tech organizations will enjoy a world-first opportunity – to use NEOM as a region wide living lab for innovation and create future-proof technologies with valuable and scalable intellectual property.

Describe NEOM as the world’s most ambitious project.

NEOM is an accelerator of human progress and a vision of what a New Future will be.  It is a region in northwest Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea being built from the ground up as a living laboratory.  A Place where entrepreneurship will chart the course for this New Future.  NEOM will be a destination and a home for people who dream BIG and WANT to be part of building a new model for exceptional livability, creating thriving businesses, and reinventing environmental conservation.

NEOM’s infrastructure will utilize AI, robotics, and human-machine fusion to deliver greater predictive intelligence and enable faster decision making across all NEOM sectors.

NEOM will be the home and workplace to more than a million residents from around the world.  NEOM will include towns and cities, ports and enterprise zones, research centers, and more.

A hub for innovation, entrepreneurs, business leaders and companies welcome to research, incubate and commercialize new technologies and enterprises in groundbreaking ways.  Residents will embody an international ethos and embrace a culture of exploration, risk-taking and diversity – all supported by a progressive law conducive to economic growth.


NEOM is a bold and audacious vision of what a New Future will look like (in fact, NEOM means “new future”). It is something that’s never been done before at a time when the world needs fresh thinking and new solutions. NEOM will be a destination and a home for people who dream big and want to be part of building
a new model for exceptional liveability, creating prosperous businesses, and new ways of looking at sustainability.

NEOM is the vision of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and is a centerpiece of Saudi Arabia’s 2030 Vision, to grow and diversify the Saudi economy and position the country to play a leading role in global development. While NEOM is being driven and initially funded by Saudi Arabia, it is an international project that will be led, populated and funded by people from all over the world.

“I present to you THE LINE, a city of a million residents with a length of 170 km that preserves 95% of nature within NEOM, with zero cars, zero streets and zero carbon emissions.”

Ideally situated at the Crossroads of the World.


The invisible backbone running all transport, networks and utilities beneath the surface with unprecedented efficiency and sustainability.

THE LINE is supported by a physical and digital infrastructure layer Seamlessly integrated beneath the surface and containing essential utilities and transportation services.

THE LINE will power NEOM as it becomes a hub for innovation where global business and emerging players can research, incubate and commercialize ground-breaking technologies to accelerate human progress.

By integrating commerce and industry into the heart of communities, THE LINE will help reimagine supply chains and facilitate new and better ways of working. It will foster innovation and empower entrepreneurs.

THE LINE utilizes human-centric design, advanced infrastructure and manufacturing and cutting-edge technology to solve the world’s greatest challenges. It will reshape industries such as mobility, clean energy, AI and robotics, with a focus on the environment and sustainability. 



Communities built for people with a five-minute walk to live, work and play







Restoring our connection with nature to improve our health and wellbeing for a happier lifestyle.



Abundant renewable energy for a sustainable future.



Tech that continuously learns and improves to make life easier for all

His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Chairman of the NEOM Company Board of Directors 

Walk anywhere – everything is 5 minutes away

Replacing cars and streets with walkable distances for a healthy lifestyle.

The longest journey will never be more than 20 minutes.

Live in Harmony with Nature

Live a simplified life enhanced by predictive technology – Making everyday seamless through invisible A.I. – enables infrastructure that continually learns and predicts ways to make life easier for residents and businesses.

WATER – Desalination and Reuse – Extract and Reuse with zero liquid waste – the future of water starts with NEOM

The world’s best water technology:  Located on the Red Sea with more than 450 km of coastline, NEOM has a vast supply of seawater. With extensive access to low-cost, renewable energy and the Kingdom’s vast domestic desalination expertise, NEOM has a unique competitive advantage.

It aims to be a global powerhouse in water production and storage, and a center of excellence for global water technology, fully integrated along the value chain and anchored on water desalination. This will attract water-related research companies and start-ups, drive innovation and champion all elements of the water industry.

Agritech innovation to increase sustainability

FOOD – NEOM recognizes that the global food system is one of the most environmentally damaging sectors of human activity. There needs to be change and NEOM will be at the forefront of this movement by providing the opportunity to improve the sustainability of the food system – in the challenging environment of the desert; as well as beyond.

NEOM will embrace innovation, deploying the latest technologies to transform traditional food systems and reduce the environmental footprint of food for NEOM, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the world.

NEOM selects U.S. construction leader Bechtel to accelerate primary infrastructure development for its Cognitive Cities

Monday, August 10, 2020

NEOM will also trial and test 5G solutions that will allow it to lead in fast-growing, future-focused sectors such as robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and human machine interface technologies. Leveraging such technology will open up the enormous potential of NEOM as a new economic driver across a range of industry sectors for the Kingdom.

NEOM launches infrastructure work for the world’s leading cognitive cities in an agreement with stc

Rockefeller Commission on Population and the American Future



One of the most serious challenges to human destiny in the last third of this century will be the growth of the population. Whether man’s response to that challenge will be a cause for pride or for despair in the year 2000 will depend very much on what we do today. If we now begin our work in an appropriate manner, and if we continue to devote a considerable amount of attention and energy to this problem, then mankind will be able to surmount this challenge as it has surmounted so many during the long march of civilization.

Richard Nixon

July 18, 1969

Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Causes “Monsterism”

Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccination, which the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved on 18 December, may cause recipients to experience an extremely rare but potentially lethal side effect—Monsterism, a degenerative disease that ravages a victim with physical and mental deformities.

A Moderna whistleblower speaking under condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation said 3 of the 30,000 trial candidates began showing symptoms of the horrible disease shortly after receiving the second dose of the two-part vaccination. Since half of all volunteers were given a placebo, the true number of afflicted was 3 in 15,000, or 0.02%, and while that figure might seem statistically insignificant, it is critical because, our source said, Moderna concealed the unintended side effect from both the FDA and the volunteers who had not yet received the second inoculation. The US government sponsored Moderna’s vaccine to the tune of one billion dollars.

The first symptomatic victim telephoned Moderna two days following the vaccination. He complained of headaches, nausea, unusual body hair growth, and upper abdominal post-prandial extensions; a Moderna representative assured him the symptoms were “normal and nothing to worry about,” but instructed him to seek medical attention at a local emergency room if symptoms persisted into the next morning.

“The patient—I’ll call him James—rushed to the ER the next morning. He was fucked. His head had grown three times its normal size, and his face was covered in warts that oozed a gelatinous, green puss. On top of that, every tooth in his mouth literally exploded. He was rushed to a COVID-19 isolation ward, where over the next several hours he grew fur from head to toe. He looked like Chewbacca,” our source said.

French Billionaire and Moderna CEO Stephan Bancel refused to believe his company’s vaccination was responsible for James’s “sudden transformation,” and allegedly told clinicians that medical screening must have missed an underlying condition. He decided at once to strike any mention of the incident from public record and cautioned employees against violating signed non-disclosure and non-disparagement agreements. Bancel “donated” an undisclosed sum of money to several hospital administrators in exchange for their silence, promising that James’s case would be an isolated incident.

But two weeks later it happened again. A thirty-two-year-old woman checked herself into a local ER after coming down with a case of the fits after getting her second injection. While under observation, the female patient grew tufts of hair on her back and boils on her face, and days later her cranium doubled in size, leading physicians to believe she had contracted a rare tropical disease.

“When her fingernails fell out and she grew talons, the staff knew they had a serious problem,” our source said. “The woman got violent. She could no longer speak, not as we understand speech, and began clawing at hospital staff. They restrained her, but not before a nurse was grievously wounded. The woman was flown to the same place as the first victim. I believe they’ve expired, though I’m not certain.”

Moderna’s upper echelons, he added, concluded that a potential side effect of the vaccine is biological regression, or “Monsterism,” an irreversible process by which a homousian devolves into a Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal. The 28-billion-dollar pharmaceutical conglomerate has buried evidence of Monsterism to prevent its stock—which has quadrupled in value during the pandemic—from tanking.

This developing story will be updated as is appropriate.

Facebook deletes antivax posts as prosecutors warn against spreading false info


Excerpt from above Link – Please read entire article . . 

December 20, 2020

As Israel kicked off its mass inoculation drive on Sunday, state prosecutors warned that the distribution of false material about the vaccine could amount to a criminal offense as it was announced that Facebook deleted dozens of posts containing falsehoods about the inoculation.

The false material was taken down from the social network as part of a joint effort between the tech giant and the cyber division of the State Attorney’s Office.

According to Channel 13 news, prosecutors have been examining groups that deliberately disseminated false information, including “false content intended to sow panic and motivate people to avoid getting vaccinated.”

“Dissemination of these publications may constitute a criminal offense,” the cyber division of the State Attorney’s Office said in a statement.

Additionally, four groups were removed from Facebook for propagating false information about vaccinations, prosecutors said.

From Monday, Israelis aged 60-plus and at-risk populations can receive a vaccine at health maintenance organizations (HMOs) with an appointment.

The government hopes to inoculate some 60,000 people per day and as many as two million Israelis by the end of January. But Hebrew media reports said the first week would serve as a pilot program, tamping down expectations that hundreds of thousands of Israelis would be vaccinated within days.