PLEASE DONATE WHAT YOU CAN SO WE CAN KEEP THE WEBSITE AND BLASTOUTS GOING, THANKSIs This a Coverup to AVOID theReal Source of WATER? 💧 Unbelievable! Egypt Is Building A 100Km RIVER In the DESERT This project, likely, is a coverup for accessing primarywater – you can not convince me that Egypt or Saudi Arabia did not know abou tLibya’s Great Man Made River Project that was blown-up in 2011 by NATO and USA,Inc.. Libya’s water project accessed Primary Water – which is arenewable water source made continuously under the mantel of theearth and found everywhere. This renewable primary water source is hidden from the people so they will accept desalination, toilet to tap, toxic rain water reuse, and reuse and capturing of toxic ground water runoff. This vid states the water will go through a treatment process. Again, we do not know if this is a deceptive cover for actually accessing pure clean drinking water ( continue to hide primary water from the populations. The Egyptian River Project also states they are in alignment with sustainable development goals – we know these goals are depopulation schemes for societies worldwide, wherein, reducing water access is a goal. This is why I think this project is a coverup for an in plain sight construction of distribution of water to address the water needs in the desert for Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Your comments are appreciated if you have gone to and understand what Primary Water is . . . Below are a few notes taken out of the video: This river project is longer than the NileRiver. Note: the difference in the beginning of the video where you are shown an open aqueduct as proposed by Saudi Arabia and then large pipes to transport the water by Egypt. Artificial river in the middle of the desert – already 35% of the water transmission pipes have already been completed. The world’s longest river in the desert 5 billion dollars Goal to expand agricultural production in the desertand reduce out of country reliance on imported food. Promote jobs. To ensure the availability of sustainable water resources for the generations to come, Egypt is has started building the world’s longest man-made river. Known as the New Delta Project, the construction of this ambitious megaproject is estimated at more than $5 billion. The river will span an immense 114,000 kilometres, easily surpassing the length of the Nile. This is a comment someone made under the video: There were disappointing gaps in this video. The first question which came to my mind when I started watching the video was the route of the new man-made river. It was never shown. A related question I had, and the most material issue for this project: what is the source of the water that is being transported? There were passing references to recycled water,but this issue was not really addressed. The importance of the water source question was highlighted by the mention of the Nile being diverted upstream by Ethiopia, with less water to flow to Egypt. It does not sound like the Nile would have sufficient water capacity to supply a “”man made river”” project, but this question was not addressed or answered in the video. The failure to address these fundamental questions leaves the video somewhat incoherent. This video is a Coverup – to Hide the Water Source – which is Primary Water Unbelievable! Egypt Is Building A 100Km RIVER In theDESERT LEARN THEWATER FACTS GO TO Water is a “Renewable” We Are NOT Running Out of Water |