Remote Brain Control and Brain Damage
The National Academies of Science conclude that microwave weapons are real, and the likely culprit for the Cuban Diplomat attacks.
5 Dec 2020: The National Academies of Science conclude that microwave weapons are real, and the likely culprit for the Cuban Diplomat attacks.
Russia, Russia, Russia! Since the CIA wants to convince everyone, that these microwave weapons “belong to Russia,” they can easily use their KH-11 spy telescopes in orbit, and give us a picture of these so-called “Russian satellite weapons.” Let’s see the pictures?
Spoiler alert: Schriever AFB controls the microwave weapons and the KH-11 spy telescopes, funded by the CIA. Schriever AFB tracks every satellite in orbit and they know exactly, who launched it. #DeFundCIA
4 Dec 2020: Not science fiction – Remote Neural Monitoring is real.