Carbon Dioxide LIE and the TRUTH
by an INSIDER . . .
This is one of the biggest line of BS I ever heard, so far.
CO2 is necessary for plants to grow. We require the OXYGEN that the plants generate.
If these UN and “Green” con-men were serious about reducing carbon emissions and CO2 they would ban all aircraft today, switch everything to nuclear, and stop dumping millions of pounds of all these chemicals in the air (nano aluminum and nano Barium, and many others including contagious bacteria and viruses).
They would stop ionizing the atmosphere for their space fence radar weapons system, which they use to mind kontrol the masses. They would stop all the high powered HAARP type ground transmitters (9 of them plus many fractal flat on the ground antennas too–each of these can be used to emit high powered scalar).
They would turn off all their high powered satellites and cubesats and stop beaming scalar down on us and messing up the weather to cause droughts, and famines to kill humans. Everything they announce is always a big lie. They can not ever tell the truth.
All this is designed to kill off the human race in stages which will then be replaced by their own hybrids, a combination of genetic aberrations and machines. Mentioned in the Bible as the attempted merger of iron and clay and God said long term it would never work. Just like their efforts to create a synthetic soul have all failed because only God Almighty can do that. These slime are doomed by their own lies that they promote.
The United Nations – LIE . . .
Greenhouse gas concentrations continued to rise in 2018, with carbon dioxide levels hitting an all-time high according to a report released by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Monday.
The grim assessment comes just days before the UN Climate Change conference begins on Dec. 2, 2019 highlighting the increasing levels of three greenhouse gases contributing to global heating as a result of human activities.
The last time the Earth had comparable concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was approximately 3 million years ago, when the temperature was approximately 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit warmer and sea levels were up to 65 feet higher.
There is no sign of a slowdown… RE-read the Insider TRUTH Comment Above . . .