The section above is the agenda item that is referred to in my discussion as follows:
The board discussed the “big financial hammer” that was going to come down upon 49,000 parcels that are on septic systems. The board noted and at times even laughed at the idea that many of these people will be coming in with pitch forks. These unsuspecting property owners whose properties are located within 600 feet of the Russian River water bodies have no idea what the North Coast Regulatory Water Control Board has in store with fees and inspections and implementing a costly monitoring plan. (this river area flows along part of Bohemian Grove in Northern California)
The board said these plans will be “phased in slowly” and bring people into compliance to the new requirements from the State of California.
One of the city staffers, Nathan, said “the public has a right to know a big hammer is coming towards them.”
They spoke about providing maps, but also said individual property owners could enter in their property parcel number and find out if they are in the targeted area. Certainly, by each owner checking separately the community may not learn of the LARGE number of parcels ready to be monitored and assessed fees. It is also possible that many properties will NOT be in compliance and NOT be able to meet the new requirements. What then?
I asked where we could get a copy of the new state regulations, NOW. I was told by Supervisor James Gore go online – go to the North Coast Regulatory Water Control Board (TMDL) Originally there were 70,000 parcels facing these undisclosed septic regulations, and only 49,000 parcels have been already identified. ALREADY! Neither he property owners or occupants know what’s coming.
I told the Board this was a sneak attack upon people in the Russian River area who have just incurred massive damage from recent floods impacting thousand of homes. I said insurance coverage for flood related damages are typically not available and FEMA denied any assistance that was asked for by the County to assist with flood recovery. I said, many of these people may even lose their properties due to lack of insurance and increasing costs.
Further, I told the Board we/they are in a war economy due to the FIRES and the New Normal of Climate Change which is Climate Control which will have even greater financial impacts from weather and more frequent storm and fire events.
The board said the state comes out with regulatory changes and places the board members in front of angry people as the state bureaucrats hide behind the board members. The board said they get the brunt of citizens anger when putting forward the states regulations that they do not control.
It is important to note that I spoke on this item, the ONLY public comment. Most importantly I said that the board members were admitting they have NO Jurisdiction and are only putting forth state policies. They agreed and said the state mandates policies upon the local governments what the Federal Government mandates the states.
My time was up!
Important to note: Since my last “waste of time” at the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors meeting the County has deployed TSA style scanning and hired two security guards that examine all attendees prior to being allowed to enter the meeting hall.
Please observe your local city and county agencies level of increased security, to protect them from us – as more statutes, regulations and limiting resource accessibility comes down on all of us “like a hammer.”
These comments are from my notes and the best of my recollection . .