Cardinal Spellys War (aka The Vietnam War)
President Kennedy began to end the Vietnam War, as he became aware its future highpoint would be “Operation Phoenix”, the CIA mass-murder of 60,000 Vietnamese “in cold blood” according to its Director, William Colby. The President interfering with the Vatican’s Holy Office of the Inquisition could not be tolerated! Millions of “heretic” Buddhists were to be exterminated, the international heroin drug trade would be taken over by the Jesuits,
American patriotism and liberty would further be destroyed with these drugs and Vietnam would be reunited under another communist military dictator loyal to the Pope – like Stalin, like Chairman Mao, like Castro -, Ho Chi Minh. Waged under the guise of “fighting godless communism”, Cardinal Spellman championed America’s most disastrous conflict known as “Spelly’s War” overseen by Spelly’s General, the Roman Catholic and CFR member, William Westmoreland. (Remember, according to Col. Fletcher Prouty in his JFK, the forced movement of over 600,000 Roman Catholics on U.S. Navy transport vessels from North Vietnam into South Vietnam was “one of the root causes of the Vietnam War.”The arch-Catholic Secretary of the Navy responsible for implementing that Jesuit-agitation was the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Francis Matthews. Knight Matthew’s Master was America’s “Military Vicar”…Cardinal Spellman. Later, Spellman made several visits to the war-front calling the American troops “the soldiers of Christ”, fighting the Pope’s Crusade against “godless Jew Communism!) The outcome of Cardinal Spellys War was 58,000 dead Buddhists, 80,000 post-war suicides, a 220 billion dollar debt to the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank for the war machine, and Vatican multi-billion dollar control of the global heroin trade. Since the Vatican takeover of heroin trade, their obedient 14th Amendment American Government has been flying in over 50% of the global heroin and cocaine across the border without the need for proper border checks, and promptly turned over to their mafia, bikers and subsequently distributed to the unsuspecting American public