Coastal Resilience and Regional Adaptation

In partnership with MCAS Beaufort and the state of South Carolina, Marines volunteered to assist installation staff construct a living shoreline with oyster shell and bamboo stakes donated by the state government at the station’s Laurel Bay Boat Ramp.
Why? The Southeast is facing various changes, ranging from increased flooding, storm surge, coastal erosion, and extreme temperature and precipitation variations, to the effects of increased coastal population, urban sprawl and developmental pressures on coastal industries and activities. These challenges pose and opportunity for military installations, communities and organizations/agencies in the Southeast to consider the need for actions to improve resiliency.
How? Identifying the most significant risks and vulnerabilities due to these challenges, especially those that impact coastal military installations and communities in the region, will help determine how SERPPAS can effectively engage to minimize these risks. This could include evaluating historically effective SERPPAS programs (species at risk, compatible land use, etc) and develop additional tools to assist with coastal resilience.
Benefit? Regional coordination on these issues can further enhance military installation mission sustainment; minimize the potential for new coastal species placement on the endangered species list and/or critical habitat designated in the vicinity of military installations; prioritize watershed protection for increased water supply resilience to installations and surrounding communities; increase the geographical effectiveness of protecting military installations and communities to coastal and severe weather events; and increase collaboration and shared knowledge among natural resource agencies and the military, resulting in increased resilience for installations on the coast and elsewhere in the region.
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Tagged Resources
Listed below are websites containing information related to living shorelines. SERPPAS is interested in exploring wider use of living shorelines at those military installations where estuarine shorelines and the adjacent estuarine habitat could be benefited and the military’s long-term ability to use the property appropriately would be protected and enhanced. The purpose of the tagged resources below is to provide a guide for SERPPAS members and the public who wish to gather more information about living shorelines. Each website header is hyperlinked to a web address; additionally, you may find a summary of the types of content contained within each website below the header. This list is not exhaustive, and may be updated over time as new information is collected. A filtering function is also present and available for use so that the list of websites can be narrowed down according to content type.