ALERT – Just in 7/9/18
Open letter to Elon Musk
Planet Earth: Full-coverage 5G mobile radio radiation from orbit?
Dear Mr. Musk,
In Europe, too, we have received the news that you want to shoot thousands of satellites into space, so that 5G mobile radio can be present everywhere in the world ( -will-11-943-satellite-for-the-internet-1703-126545.html;
From a purely technological point of view, this is a very good project. But have you also thought about what that means ecologically? Do you know that mobile radio can possibly cause cancer? And that many people suffer from electrosensitivity? Yes that there is evidence that mobile radio even catches animals and plants (
Please take the time to read up to date: National Toxicology Program. NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies in B6C3F1 / N mice exposed to whole-body radio frequency radiation at a frequency (1,900 MHz) and modulations (GSM and CDMA) used by cell phones (scheduled peer review, March 26, 2018) :
As early as 2014, American mobile communications expert Martin Blank stated in his book “Overpowered”: The conventional classification into ionizing, possibly carcinogenic radiation and non-ionizing (mobile communications) is arbitrary. Also worth reading is Riadh W. Y. Habash: Bioeffects and Therapeutic Applications of Electromagnetic Energy, London / New York 2007 (149ff: Bioeffects and Health Implications of Radiofrequency Radiation). Based on the overall study situation, it was noted in a scientific article in 2014 that even weak radiation is harmful to health (M. Naziroglu / H. Akman: Effects of Cellular Phone and WiFi-Induced Electromagnetic Radiation on Oxidative Stress and Molecular Pathways in Brain, in: I Laher [Hg.]: Systems Biology of Free Radicals and Antioxidants, Berlin / Heidelberg 2014, 2431-2449). Also, the international BioInitiative Working Group has reported increasing evidence of a health risk associated with wireless technology. And read on
Your satellite project is already advanced. But even if a lot of money has been invested, it should be remembered: It should only be a matter of time until the fact of the health damage potential of mobile communications and especially of 5G mobile will not pass. We recommend all the more to let go of the satellite project. And in Europe, we ask you very much to inform other companies that have plans to do so.
It is enormously important to take a serious look at the possible health consequences – and then to reverse them if possible. Mr Musk, you have recently proven in other projects that you are flexible enough to rethink. That’s why we have the courage to write to you. Thank you for your understanding!
Best regards
Dr. med. dent. Claus Scheingraber Roland Wolff
(Chairman) (Medical Physicist Board)
Prof. em. Prof. Dr. med. habil. Karl Hecht (Berlin)Prof. Dr. Helmuth Kern (Esslingen)
Prof. Dr. Heinz Albert Friehe (Salzgitter)
Prof. Dr. Hans Schwarz (Regensburg)
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Gerhard (Heidelberg)
Dr. med. Joachim Mutter (Freiburg)
Dr. med. Christine Aschermann (Leutkirchen)
Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam (Fuldatal)
Dr. med. Markus Kern (Kempten)
Musk fails to reply
Dear friends, colleagues, members and colleagues!
As you’ve probably heard, many people and institutions are warning against building the future 5G Mobiulfunk network. Elon Musk plans to deploy over 10 000 near-Earth satellites to build a globally operating 5G mobile network. More at: The transmission frequencies will operate in the biologically highly active region between 37.5 and 52.4 GHz.
The AEB therefore sent an “open letter” to Elon Musk on 18 June 2018 to warn of the health consequences. Unfortunately, no answer has been received until today. Below you will find here and as attachment the “Open Letter” to Elon Musk. Other co-signers are welcome!
Mr. Elon Musk
Corporate Secretary
Tesla, Inc.
3500 Deer Creek Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
United States
Further on…
Love for a healthy life Interested!
Thousands of satellites are to be shot into space for the global network, from where they are to irradiate the earth day and night with pulsed microwave radiation. In addition to the fact that the radiation exposure for all of us, for man and nature will increase sharply and lead us into a health policy and possibly even wanted disaster, I would like to draw attention to the impact on the living things in the seas. Has anyone ever thought of it, such as will the whales and dolphins go when the technically generated signals from the “All” electromagnetically pollute the waters of the oceans, and probably to an enormous extent? Water is an amplifier system for EMF, so to speak. Will they “go crazy” because they can not stand it like the bees? But who cares in our society? After all, it’s only interested in being online all the time and having a good reception … The Blue Planet and everything that lives on it is sacrificed on the altar of the Microwave Mania if the human species does not stop, itself and its own By the way, this characterizes humans as the stupidest species on this planet! Exceptions prove the rule…
The journalist and filmmaker (“Thank you for calling”) Klaus Scheidsteger has summarized in a recent article again what it is about 5G: -archiv / raum-zeit-hefte-archiv / allen-jahrgaenge / 2018 / edition-211 / the-new-mobile-standard-5g.html (was published in February 2018, the article can be purchased under the link).
An online article in the very latest Swiss Timesletter is also dedicated to 5G madness:
as well as the Internet of Things, without which we shall not be allowed to live in the future, because ia. the EU requires it:
The appeal of the more than 180 scientists and physicians from 36 countries to the EU is still largely unknown: because the Tagesschau has actually forgotten about it to report … I guess the Allgäuer Zeitung did not do it as well as the other daily newspapers … Presumably, the “mirror” has not reported and the other system media probably also not … Of course, they are all so busy on the evil Russians and write the poison gas attacks, because something “unimportant” falls down through …
There is an open letter to a mobile operator, who wants to launch about 10,000 mobile satellites into space. This can be read below. Too bad that he has so few signers … There are still some sought. Please contact the AEB.
best regards
Anke Kern
Here is the forwarded e-mail message from the working group for electrobiology Munich: