In 1950’s, U.S. Collected Human Tissue to Monitor Atomic Tests

In 1950’s, U.S. Collected Human Tissue to Monitor Atomic Tests

By Warren E. Leary

  • June 21, 1995
Credit…The New York Times Archives

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June 21, 1995, Section B, Page 8Buy ReprintsNew York Times subscribers* enjoy full access to TimesMachine—view over 150 years of New York Times journalism, as it originally appeared.SUBSCRIBE*Does not include Crossword-only or Cooking-only subscribers.About the ArchiveThis is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them.Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions.

In the 1950’s, the Federal Government established a worldwide network to collect tissue secretly to monitor the effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons tests, according to documents uncovered by a Presidential panel.

The President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments today released documents from the old Atomic Energy Commission that outlined efforts to collect tissue, primarily bone, from cadavers without obtaining the permission of the next of kin. The documents show the commission members were aware of the dubious legal and ethical grounds for the research.

A transcript of a secret meeting on Jan. 18, 1955, called by the commission to discuss the tissue gathering for “Project Sunshine” shows that Dr. Willard Libby, a University of Chicago researcher who was a commission member, said there were “great gaps” in important data about fallout because of difficulty in obtaining human samples, particularly from children.

“I don’t know how to get them,” Dr. Libby is quoted as saying in the transcript, “but I do say that it is a matter of prime importance to get them and particularly in the young age group. So, human samples are of prime importance, and if anybody knows how to do a good job of body snatching, they will really be serving their country.”

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Dr. Libby died in 1980 after winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1960 for developing the dating method using radioactive carbon-14.

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The Presidential panel is gathering and studying documents relating to all Government-sponsored radiation experiments involving humans beginning in 1945. So far, panel officials say, they have uncovered evidence of hundreds of secret experiments on people.

Project Sunshine sought to measure the amount of strontium-90 being absorbed by humans because of nuclear testing. Strontium-90, a calcium-like, radioactive substance produced from nuclear explosions, is absorbed by plants and animals and is passed through food to humans, whose bones absorb it. The project was intended to use that absorption to gauge possible health problems caused by atomic tests.

Managers of the project, not wanting to disclose the nature of the research, decided to have researchers use their personal contacts to recruit others to gather samples for them. Some sample gatherers were told that the material was needed for a project to measure natural levels of the element radium found in the population, the documents disclosed.

More than 1,500 samples were gathered around the world and 500 were analyzed for a paper published in the journal Science on Feb. 8, 1957, by a team from Columbia University. That study concluded that the amount of strontium-90 found in humans worldwide did not indicate an immediate health hazard from atomic testing.

FROM – Beverly Rubik her latest paper

Here is my latest paper that may be of interest to you.  I’ve combed the scientific & medical literature and brought together the evidence for a link between wireless radiation & COVID-19.  My paper is posted on a pre-print server here, where you can read it online or download it:

I am not saying that COVID is merely wireless radiation exposure effects.  I do think that there is also a virus.   My view is that exposure to wireless causes adverse health effects that are similar to COVID and exacerbates the disease.  Wireless is an environmental hazard & co-factor in COVID. There should be a global moratorium on 5G infrastructure at this time!

Beverly Rubik

Citizens “Targeted” by Harmful Technology What is the Nuclear Program? YOU NEED to KNOW . . .

Citizens “Targeted” by Harmful Technology  

What is the Nuclear Program? 

YOU NEED to KNOW . . .

Posted on 


Targeted Individuals

and Source Documents


What is the Nuclear Program?

By Neal Chevrier

Citizens Against Harmful Technology

What innocent citizens can do if their killing permits become legal under an international agreement to use humans as a renewable resource for the production of nuclear energy

·                 It is targeting individuals and converting them to semi-mechanical men through implanted psychotronic microchips, which open channels directly between the human brain and external electronic devices and target the electromagnetic energy of humans using high radiation like gamma radiation, ionic and electronic accelerators for radioisotopes enrichment production of uranium, thorium, radium, radon, plutonium, etc. Human waste containing radioactive isotopes is “mined” from sewage for nuclear energy production.

·                 This program has been applied to billions of people around the world since 1974, all of whom are RNM (remote neural monitoring) monitored and controlled by satellite, mobile, computer, Internet, TV, even to changing their behavior to violence through electronic chips to increase energy production. 

Nuclear Program methods for communicating with implanted

psychotronic microchips

1. Air condition magnetic fields spread the smart dust and radioactive contamination such as uranium, radon and polonium for human body infection and enrichment process

2. Radio frequency signals, electrical conduction & modulated sound signals created by the Internet, mobile, computer & TV

3. Water taps and food

4.Drugs that use electronic microchips 

5. Addiction to social media, especially Facebook, video games & TV to force people to use the Internet & TV as long as possible while human electronic energy is being mined, which covers 10% of the electricity consumption in the world 

6. Geoengineered nuclear energy changes natural phenomena to artificial rain, snow & storms to convert methane gas to carbon gas, then to graphite and DIAMOND

7. Psychotronic microchips for artificial telepathy, brain manipulation & RNM and DNA reprogramming since the DNA is responsible for building the human body, data storage & communications

8. Smart Dust: MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems) such as sensors, robots or other devices that can detect, for example, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism, chemicals, etc. They are released in space as well as the vicinity of a target and are run on a computer network

9. Chemical and physical parameters of water that implanted in toilets for radioactive waste measurement

10. UFO – Unidentified Flying Objects

Damage and Symptoms of Nuclear Program-Targeted Individuals 


1.    Peripheral nerve inflammation, red, black or red spots, scabies, body aches, exhaustion or lack of desire, chest tightness, choking cry, irregular monthly period for women, lack of desire for life or feeling suicidal, spoil your relationship with your family, friends & work, leaving your religion, tiredness in the joints, forgetfulness, frequent headaches, hair loss, lack of compatibility with life.

2.     Addiction to social media, video games & TV to ensure that people interact with the program for the longest period

3.    Mind control via satellite, computer, mobile, Internet and TV

4.    Eyes may be used as a camera to photograph and monitor daily life without the target’s knowledge

5.    Autism, stuttering, artificial tinnitus “ringing in the ear,” microwave hearing, ringing fence issued from the lamp, TV or other electronic devices in the presence of the target at home as a result of the target’s mind interaction with electronic devices, to ensure the target’s attention and interaction and produce electronic energy as well as symptoms of injury: sudden shock, electric shock, and memory impairment.

6.    Artificial telepathy


1.              The stress increase due to exposure to high radiation like gamma, ionic and electronic accelerators 24 hours a day, inability to sleep, isolation, etc. Most targets try to commit suicide, especially when they have no awareness of the technology virtual apps “hypnosis, sense of vibration, touching and forced waking visions” subjecting the target to mental illness and losing the right to defend themselves.

2.              Headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, leukemia and hair loss. Radiation has a significant effect on the bone marrow and so causes white blood cell deficiency. It also causes cataracts, which damage the eye and cause blindness, leading to shortness of life. Radiation has a significant effect on the sex glands of men and women, and the exposure of pregnant women may cause fetal death or deformed birth

3.              Forced manipulation of the respiratory tract, inhalation of strange odors, rapid heart rate, sensation of skin injection effect, constriction of ribs, dryness and decomposition of the skin due to exposure to microwave radiation

4.              General effects: sudden overheating, whole body pain, sleep prevention, irresistible “go here go there commands”, microwaves burns, electric shock sensations, as the goal of the program is to subject the target to isolation, frustration and body pain to ensure their interaction with the program so as to produce more electronic energy

5.              Chronic diseases: cancer, tinnitus, pneumonia, autism, joint and back pain, peripheral neuropathies, severe depression, suicide or criminal acts, harassment, chronic headache, impaired sexual ability, OCD, deviation of tendencies, Alzheimer’s. Note that the human will show these symptoms but not all, based on their immunity and psychological disposition.

The most effective tactics that heal & free targets 

1.            You must believe that you are stronger than any external forces that want to take control of your life and your health and violate your human rights in order to produce energy and obtain world hegemony and billions dollars from these illegal investments, Therefore, the following methods of resistance should be followed to prevent ourselves from becoming sources of energy production. Many people have been released when the electronic stalking failed to steal their energy. Keep in mind that when there is NO RETURN ON INVESTMENT—the lack of access to energy from the human—the nuclear energy establishment & telecommunications corporations are obligated to pay fines of $1 million for each one of the people that have been hurt by this program. They will then be forced to terminate their illegal investment.

2.            This program is automated and based on simulation apps that derive energy from your reactions, so IGNORE all the negative ideas fed by their computer to your mind. DON’T REACT. Maintain your life of normalcy as much as possible so as to stop feeding their computer with your energy. Their money investment is based on your energy. Reduce your use of electronic devices (computer, mobile, TV). Shut them off during your sleeping time. Add to your internet browsers the following apps: Adblock, Pop up adblock, Nocoin – Coin hiver blocker.

3.            Obligate the nuclear establishment to apply the integrated programs to eliminate radiation pollution of internal and external radiation (of individuals, residences, workplaces, etc.). 

4.            Doses of less than 200 rem (radiation equivalent Man) can be given a medicine like cortisone to prevent vomiting, but in the case of 200-1000 rem, hope for recovery is possible only with antibiotics and intensive care. If the number of white blood cells less than 1000 per cubic millimeter, it is desirable to transfer blood cells, treat diarrhea, and transplant bone marrow.

5.            When the body is exposed to certain radioactive elements such as cesium and thallium, the treatment is the Prussian blue medicine, which is associated with these radioactive elements and eliminated through the stool. This treatment quickly eliminates radioactive particles and reduces the amount of radioactive cells that may absorb them.

6.            For treatment of radiation syndrome when the body is exposed to radioactive elements like plutonium, amerium and chlorium, the treatment is diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA), again linked to these radioactive elements and passing through the body in urine, which reduces the amount of absorbed radiation.

7.            In order to determine the type of radiation exposure to make decisions for the treatment of patients, you have to do blood tests and know the changes in blood cells, especially white blood cells, measuring the dose of radiation absorbed through the dosimeter, with the radiation scan determining the location of the radioactive particles in the body.

8.            Laboratory blood tests for periodic verification of the rate of decrease in the number of white blood cells to detect the extent of bone marrow damage and for treatment of bone marrow damage is accomplished by injecting the patient with proteins that stimulate the production of white blood cells—for example, the promoter filgrastim (Neupogen), sargramostim (Leukine) and pegfilgrastim (Neulasta).

9.            Irradiation of iodine can inhibit thyroid absorption of radioactive iodine. When potassium iodide tablets are taken before or shortly after radiation exposure, the thyroid gland is saturated with iodine to reduce the amount of radioactive iodine absorbed and the risk of thyroid cancer. However, potassium iodide tablets do not protect against external exposure to radiation or any radioactive element other than radioactive iodine.

10.         Clean your energy and physical body using Senna (a laxative prepared from the dried pods of the cassia tree, Wakame sea vegetables, camphor & cedar as they have the power to pull radiation out of your body. Include fasting 10 to 16 hours to increase immunity. Add exposure to the Sun daily for at least half an hour. Reduce sugar as it is the main energy source for infected cells.

11.          Remove contaminated clothes and shoes. Wash gently with soap and water to remove additional radiation particles from the skin to prevent further dispersal of radioactive materials and reduce the risk from inhalation, ingestion or open wounds.

12.         Clean the body with Dettol antiseptic to oxygenate and disable the implanted microchip. You can use white camphor oil (follow medical guidelines).

13.         Cross your legs “X” and hands to close the body energy cores.

14.         Radioactive contamination does not interact with alkaline. Eat alkaline foods containing iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, vitamin D and vitamin B12, especially miso soup with wakame sea vegetable three times a day. Eat other alkaline foods like lentil soup, watercress, pickles, bananas, pomegranates, lemons, salmon or sardines. Take supplements containing these minerals, such as KELP tablets or kombu sea vegetable powder, Chlorella tablets (500 mg), potassium iodide pills, boron tablets, or magnesium-plus tablets. 

15.         Clean your clothes and bed sheets with Dettol or vinegar or sodium salt, plus the seating area. Vacuum to remove the smart dust and radioactive contamination (uranium, radon, polonium). Cover your food and drinks. Add sea salt or compost to human waste at the bathroom to reduce radon emissions from sewage and interaction of radioactive materials to prevent the attackers from taking advantage of the radioactive materials in the sewage. The main reason for deliberately polluting the air, water and food is to obtain nuclear fuel enriched by humans.

16.         Check the ear canal for a silver radio chip (Psychotronics Microchips) with a microphone embedded in the bottom of the ear canal, one in each ear operating on the VHF frequency. It can play video so that the target can see forced waking visions and hear artificial sounds. Cover the ear with a plug until you can extract this chip. Add English salt (Epsom salt) or lemon in your ear to eliminate the artificial tinnitus “ringing in the ear.”

17.         Use radio frequency jammers, frequency range: 200 – 840 MHz, GPS, UHF, VHF, GSM, 3G, 4G, 5.8G, LOJACK, CDMA to protect yourself from satellite and GPS tracking. A frequency counter should be used to measure the radio frequency at your home. You can use electronic bug detector apps like EMF Sensor Free and Electronic Bug Detector to detect the electronic energy weapons at your home or work.

18.         Use the N52 Neodymium magnet on the implanted biochips to isolate the electromagnetic waves from the body as well as cover the head and infected body with aluminum foil, or wear Iron Hat. You can also disable biochips by using the electromagnetic pulse device “EMP.”

19.         The most effective method is to try to detect biochip locations. Unfortunately, these micro-simulators are difficult to detect by CT or MRI. They may show their location by an increase of small white or black dots on your skin. Laser can remove these infected skin dots so you can analyze them at Material Characterization Lab through “EDS – Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy”—proof that skin samples contain silicon, tin, titanium and platinum while biochips are made of the same materials. You will find a high percentage of radioactive contamination like Thorium, Radon, Uranium, Polonium, Plutonium and Radium, and in regards to the electronic chips, radiation injection Radiotherapy is one of the interventional radiological processes, or use intensive ultrasound HIFU (high-energy sound waves aimed directly at an area of abnormal cells or tissue to create heat that kills cells).

20.          Submit a lawsuit against this program, telecommunication companies & nuclear establishment obligating them to pay a fine of at least $1 million for each person hurt by this program, giving all medical reports like the EDS report or other evidence from samples of the electronic bug audiovisual that looks like black carbon Smart Dust as they spread it over the bed or sitting area, as well as the chemical and physical parameters of water in toilets for the purpose of radioactive waste measurement

21.         Raise awareness of the general public and legal system around the world about the serious human rights abuse utilizing remote influencing technologies of the Nuclear Energy Program and share the healing tactics for freedom through social media, press and television so that civilian populations do not fall victim. Stop the production of biochips and boycott their use in medical purposes.

Visit the following websites: health-effects-and-protective-measures

Rockefeller Commission on Population and the American Future


One of the most serious challenges to human destiny in the last third of this century will be the growth of the population. Whether man’s response to that challenge will be a cause for pride or for despair in the year 2000 will depend very much on what we do today. If we now begin our work in an appropriate manner, and if we continue to devote a considerable amount of attention and energy to this problem, then mankind will be able to surmount this challenge as it has surmounted so many during the long march of civilization.

Richard Nixon

July 18, 1969

Basic Information on the Global Elite a.k.a. “The Shadow Government

Introductory Paper #1: Basic Information on the Global

Elite a.k.a. “The Shadow Government”

by Wes Penre, Nov 12, 1998 (Updated September 26, 2009 and revised December 9, 2011)
[Originally posted at


One of The Greatest Deceptions of All Time, The Disney Bloodline

One of The Greatest Deceptions of All Time, The Disney Bloodline, The Skill of Lying, the Art of Deception wrttten in 2003. This is a seminal piece. I read it 17 years ago and it was mind-numbing as it revealed Disney’s satanic pedigree and extraordinary implementation of mind  control.

Tesla’s Technology in Today World December 4, 2012

This is the digital transcript we were sent made from the weather weapons section:


On May 18th, 1977 with what appeared to be imprudent haste, the Soviet government signed an agreement with the United States and 29 other countries promising never to attack each other by starting man-made storms, earthquakes or tidal waves.