Executive Order Regarding the Ocean Policy to Advance the Economic, Security, and Environmental Interests of the United States




By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  Purpose.  The ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes waters of the United States are foundational to the economy, security, global competitiveness, and well-being of the United States.  Ocean industries employ millions of Americans and support a strong national economy.  Domestic energy production from Federal waters strengthens the Nation’s security and reduces reliance on imported energy.  Our Armed Forces protect our national interests in the ocean and along the Nation’s coasts.  Goods and materials that support our economy and quality of life flow through maritime commerce.  Our fisheries resources help feed the Nation and present tremendous export opportunities.  Clean, healthy waters support fishing, boating, and other recreational opportunities for all Americans.

This order maintains and enhances these and other benefits to the Nation through improved public access to marine data and information, efficient interagency coordination on ocean-related matters, and engagement with marine industries, the science and technology community, and other ocean stakeholders.  To advance these national interests, this order recognizes and supports Federal participation in regional ocean partnerships, to the extent appropriate and consistent with national security interests and statutory authorities.

Sec2.  Policy.  It shall be the policy of the United States to:

(a)  coordinate the activities of executive departments and agencies (agencies) regarding ocean-related matters to ensure effective management of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes waters and to provide economic, security, and environmental benefits for present and future generations of Americans;

(b)  continue to promote the lawful use of the ocean by agencies, including United States Armed Forces;

(c)  exercise rights and jurisdiction and perform duties in accordance with applicable domestic law and — if consistent with applicable domestic law — international law, including customary international law;

(d)  facilitate the economic growth of coastal communities and promote ocean industries, which employ millions of Americans, advance ocean science and technology, feed the American people, transport American goods, expand recreational opportunities, and enhance America’s energy security;

(e)  ensure that Federal regulations and management decisions do not prevent productive and sustainable use of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes waters;

(f)  modernize the acquisition, distribution, and use of the best available ocean-related science and knowledge, in partnership with marine industries; the ocean science and technology community; State, tribal, and local governments; and other ocean stakeholders, to inform decisions and enhance entrepreneurial opportunity; and

(g)  facilitate, as appropriate, coordination, consultati

Why Smart Cities Services Need Federated Access

Why Smart Cities Services Need Federated Access

Why Smart Cities Services Need Federated Access

Clean sidewalks, safe roads, green parks, pure air. That is the dream of a city in which their inhabitants enjoy walking, jogging, commuting, sightseeing, meeting people at the boulevard. But, what happens when the cities grow at a such unstoppable speed that the dream turns into a nightmare? Why smart cities services need federated access?

Not surprisingly, the tech industry already rolled up their sleeves and today is offering a range of impressive apps, services and devices that seem to solve every possible problem. This is the promise of the smart cities. For instance, a cloud-based service can help control the lights of a large park and deliver both safety and energy savings. Citizens have heard of wonders like this and are starting to use smart cities’ services. Installing a few elegantly designed apps on their phones is easy. Signing up for these services sometimes is a hassle: creating a user, choosing a new password, or selecting an identity to use. And the reality is gloomier if you are the one building smart cities’ services: as an organization or company you must coexist with third party platforms, services or data in order to offer a valuable service. Let us explore now a few of these cases for real.


Today some cities—especially in high-income countries—have the bad reputation of consuming excessive electricity and water per capita. To mitigate this, electricity distribution companies have embraced digitalisation efforts to provide online services that empower customers to drive a change. By means of a mobile app (or the traditional browser), you can monitor and control how much energy your house is consuming. But, what if you want that other residents of your household also access these systems? Easy, with a few taps you delegate rights of using these services to anybody you wish. Now this person is helping you in saving energy, money and making your city smarter and more sustainable. What none of you knows is that in the background the electricity company deployed an identity and access management platform.

Waste management

A large municipality that aims to improve waste collection has signed agreements to exchange data with two companies. The city administration teams up with two waste management companies who operate in different areas. Waste containers have embedded sensors that send relevant data to determine optimal collection time and frequency. A system integrates this data and allows operators to monitor the neighborhoods based on real-time location of collection points and trucks. The three organisations inevitably share some data among each other, but only what is strictly necessary. When their employees use an interface that shows the pickup points, behind the scenes there is a service that makes this happen. It is a federated access system, a software-based service that enables multiple independent organisations to access each others’ data based on a trust relationship. Additionally, conscious citizens could use a mobile app or a web site to report problems to the system.

Traffic monitoring systems

In big cities and during the busiest times of the day, an ambulance might spend nearly one hour to reach its destination from the time the emergency call took place. In a smart city, the emergency services can fetch real-time information from the traffic monitoring systems in order to reduce response time. As you can imagine neither health nor emergency services are the ones who install and manage monitoring devices on the streets. Another entity such as the police or the municipality has more incentives and reasons to deploy these services. What’s more, these public services can be subcontracted from a private company. Once this system becomes operational, there will be a network of organisations accessing this information and each participant needs a subset of this data. The emergency services will have access to congestion information but not to security cameras, the police will have access to those security cameras and to speed cameras too, and the municipality might have access to a data set of their own. As things start getting complex in terms of who has access to what, these organisations, both private and public, must establish a federated network.

Wi-Fi hot spots providers

Technology per se is attracting millions of people to cities worldwide. Today if you are a tourist visiting a new city, you can find “free” Wi-Fi access at airports, libraries, museums, shopping centers, hotels, and even at outdoor areas such as parks and shopping alleys. But there is still an inconvenience. When you connect to any of these sites’ networks, usually each asks you a different requirement: input a one-time customer code, share your email, share your phone number, choose your favorite social media service to log in, or sometimes surprisingly nothing. This is inconsistent, uncomfortable, and it doesn’t bring users a sense of trust. What if you could register to a single identity provider (such as an Internet or mobile provider) so when you move to the next place on your journey, you do not need to authenticate again? This smooth experience (known as “single-sign on”) would bring visitors the feeling that they are walking across a modern, smart city. As in the previous scenarios, all hot spot providers must belong to a common federation. Although the EU has removed the roaming fees, this is still a challenge for a tourist. Especially if you are travelling outside of EU, or travelling within the EU without an EU mobile subscription.

Why Smart Cities Services Need Federated Access

The smart cities revolution brings a plethora of cases like these four (electricity, waste management, traffic monitoring systems and Wi-Fi hot spots providers), which show that smart cities will not succeed without federated access. Public services will massively benefit with federated access, but this will also create fresh opportunities for both private companies and startups. Federation will help this dream come true.


Smart cities - benefits of federated identity and access management system


Hungary’s New Border Fence – Heat Sensors, Cameras, BORDER HUNTERS and. . .

Hungary’s New Border Fence

EARTH, Inc. 

Heat Sensors, Cameras and



by Jenn Carter
All these necessary police state measures are needed now because of the massive worldwide crimes of the Cabal. There will always be dual use. These walls will also keep folks in for depopulation at will.

Hungary’s 96-mile long,  14-foot-tall, double-line fence includes several layers of razor-wire capable of delivering electric shocks . The barrier features cameras, heat sensors and loudspeakers ready to tell migrants they’re about to break Hungarian law if they as much as touch the fence, the DC report said.  Nearly every police officer in Hungary is part of a rotation to monitor the border fenceat all times.  Temporary military bases house the police while they do their rotation.  Additionally,  Hungary will train and pay more than 1,000 volunteers to deploy as “border hunters”. 
No doubt the good and decent people in Hungary cannot afford to house any more refugees, illegals, migrants and the like.  
Just like  every other  country forced migration is HAPPENING.  
The media’s LIES, and continued danger has  ratcheted up,
HUNGARY is being sprayed on by the overhead aerosols!
AND WORSE YET – THE HUNGARIAN OVERLORDS HAVE ADOPTED CLIMATE ACTIONS PLANS – These Plans REQUIRE Energy Use Reductions on a massive scale.  These plans are intended to collapse industry and bring the people into a preindustrial existence (Year 1750) – times before machinery and equipment were used.  Hungary like all the rest of the World’s countries and nations MUST submit to rationing all resources, land, water, housing, food and everything else, in-order, to reduce GHG and Co2 emissions  to prevent climate change, REALLY!  
We have links for Hungary’s Climate Action Plans at the bottom . . .


Read the media’s LIES, below – THIS is what was written under the Photo of Hungary’s NEW KEEP’EM in FENCE – we call that a prison . . .
Illegals who are caught are arrested and dropped off on the Serbian side of the fence. They don’t get a chance to apply for asylum unless they do so at a “transit zone” where they are held in housing containers while their cases get processed, the report said. 

In September 2016, thousands of migrants streamed across the border every day as they made their way north to Austria, Germany and Scandinavia. “It was an invasion,” Laszlo Toroczkai, the mayor of Asotthalom, told the Daily Caller. “Illegal immigration is a crime in a normal country. It’s not a normal thing to break into a country.”  By mid-year it was well beyond 100,000 people who came across”, said Zoltan Kovacs, a spokesman for the Hungarian government. “You should at least have the ability to handle what’s going on.”Kovacs added, “You might not like it, it’s not a nice thing, but… the only way to stop illegal border crossings is [to] first build a fence, man it, equip it, and also, in parallel, build up your capabilities in terms of legal confines, legal circumstances to be able to handle what is coming.”

It’s no surprise the  mainstream U.S. media refuses to report this story  to the American public Can you imagine how support for a Southern border wall would spike?   
Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s pledge to stop illegals from flowing into the country appears to be a spectacular success. 

Skeptics who believe a border wall will not stop illegals from entering the United States may want to look at what’s happening in Hungary. 

On the day its border fence was completed, the influx of illegals entering Hungary went down from 6,353  per day to 870 the next day .
For the remainder of that month, illegal border crossings were steadily below 40 per day,  officials said. 
They don’t even try,” a local border guard told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “We haven’t had a single Muslim migrant in six months.” 

By World Tribune on January 26, 2019

by WorldTribune Staff, May 2, 2017

  Did the World Tribune (above) tell you about Hungary’s Climate Action Plans? 
  1. The first Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan in Hungary …

    Aug 15, 2017 … The Municipality of Sárvár, as a pioneer in Hungary, decided to develop a local Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP), and … 
  2. Climate Change Policy in Hungary

    Nov 28, 2011 … For the time being, the consequence of climate change in Hungary could be ….. compiled the Hungarian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan. 
  3. Hungary wants end to coal power by 2030 – Climate Home News

    Nov 20, 2018 … ‘Sky-rocketing’ EU carbon prices could mean Hungary is the first … The Three Seas Inititaive, of which Hungary is a member, plans to host a … 
  4. Climate and Energy Policy in Hungary – MDPI

    Feb 22, 2012 … needs is always a current issue in Hungary, irrespective of climate change …. Adaptation Strategy is being planned, based on regional climate … 

5G – news from Ireland

5G – news from Ireland
Today’s Sunday Times in Ireland main headline is:
Greenlight for €3bn rural web
The lead paragraph is:

The government is expected award the tender for delivering high speed broadband in rural Ireland to the National Broadband Ireland (NBI) consortium led by David McCourt, the last remaining bidder in the procurement process being overseen by Communications Minister Richard Bruton. The project could cost €3bn.

 I think it important to note the the Times calls it a “procurement process” which means the government is buying it for the nation…
A colleague wrote: “It’s the largest investment in anything, in Irelands’ history. They want EVERYONE to have access to high speed broadband. I looked at the map and there’s nowhere broadband won’t be. Having said that here, in Kerry the cables will go directly into the house not wi-fi from the line.”

NOT-SO-FAST: Major breakthrough on Vaccines

Insider Comment:

This announcement is a distraction.  What do we mean by that?  Since USA, Inc. is a corporation and has setup the court system for the corporation it is again leading injured vaccine victims and those that KNOW the vaccines cause damage and death into a rigged corrupt corporate illlegal system.


Read more “NOT-SO-FAST: Major breakthrough on Vaccines”

SOLAR from SPACE: China Looks to Secure Space Superpower Status With Earth-Orbiting Power Plants

China Looks to Secure Space Superpower Status With Earth-Orbiting Power Plants  –   February 18, 2019

–  China plans to construct a series of space-based solar farms
–  China’s solar farms are expected to be built and launched between 2021 and 2025 (with larger, 1MW-size stations planned for 2030+) will be able to supply energy back to Earth at six times the intensity of solar farms back on Earth
–  China’s solar farms in space will have an inexhaustible source of clean energy for humans – with power transmitted by microwave or advanced photonics, and transmission unaffected by our planet’s day/night cycle and terrestrial weather.
It is MOST important to understand what this space-based solar farm is REALLY all about.

Read more “SOLAR from SPACE: China Looks to Secure Space Superpower Status With Earth-Orbiting Power Plants”