Rods From God: A Space Weapon to Make Thor Jealous – InsideHook

The idea is as effective as it is simple: What if a military could harness the power of a meteorite?

More specifically: What if a military could send a large object into space, have it orbit the planet, and then, whenever necessary, blast it back onto the surface at speeds that would give the impact the power of a nuclear bomb, but without all that nasty radiation – turning America’s enemies into a crater?

That’s the underlying idea behind a weapon system concept affectionately known as Rods From God – and over the years the U.S. Air Force and other experts have seriously taken it into consideration.

The idea was dreamed up back in the 1950s by science fiction writer and space weapons expert Jerry Pournelle, according to The New York Times. He called the system “Thor” and seemed amused that his concept re-enters the military strategy conversation every few years.

“People periodically rediscover it,” he said.

One such rediscovery was in 2002, when the respected military strategy think tank RAND conducted a nearly 200-page study on space weapons that in part took an in-depth look at the Rods From God concept.

“The approach here is to make a small, solid, long, and narrow re-entry vehicle out of a high-density material,” says a 2002 study, under the heading “Kinetic-Energy Weapons Against Terrestrial Targets.” “For example, one such weapon might be a 1-[meter]-long tungsten rod weighing about 100 [kilograms].”

That size is important because, as the RAND study blithely puts it, the object needs to be large enough to survive the burn-up that comes with racing through the Earth’s atmosphere, but “preferably” small enough that it doesn’t cause “mass extinction,” like the end of the dinosaurs.

“Because of their extremely high velocity, these weapons are very difficult to defend against during their brief transit through the atmosphere and might therefore be particularly interesting against heavily defended targets,” the RAND study says.

The year after the RAND study, in 2003, the U.S. Air Force made specific mention of “Hypervelocity Rod Bundles” as a future system concept in a strategy paper. The Air Force description was to the point: The rods “would provide the capability to strike ground targets anywhere in the world from space.”

Since the idea is relatively simple – literally hurling a chunk of metal from space into the Earth’s surface – RAND warns that another nation might pursue such weapons as a way to bypass America’s conventional dominance.

“For example, instead of playing catch-up against highly evolved air and submarine defenses, a country might prefer these space weapons to bypass defense entirely,” RAND said.

So why aren’t there dozens of satellites orbiting the earth right now, packed to the brim with tungsten rods, just waiting to turn deeply buried bunkers into craters? Well, quite a few reasons.

“The limitations of such kinetic weapons include the fact that, in order to maintain velocity, their maneuverability and target window is severely limited,” says another analysis circulated by the military’s Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) in 2012. “In addition, because they derive their power from the pull of gravity, reentry angles must be steep, giving the weapon system a very narrow scope of targets at any given time.”

The DTIC says that because of that, an effective system would require a “large number of satellites to be in position to strike targets anywhere around the globe in a reasonable amount of time” — which compounds the already significant cost of getting the weapons into space in the first place.

“The fuel required to emplace and deorbit the weapons might be about 50 times the mass of the weapons delivered,” says RAND study, which the military found to be not totally unreasonable, but still steep – not to mention the cost of developing and building the systems themselves.

But there’s a reason people keep coming back to the Rods of God concept, and that’s because the U.S. military long ago woke up to the fact that dominance in space, and the ability to potentially threaten any part of the Earth from the cosmos, is a new Holy Grail in military and geopolitical strategy.

“Space strike systems could strike strategic and tactical targets deep within countries with impunity, inducing unprecedented coercive effects,” a 2006 Air Force study says.

If Rods From God could make that happen, odds are the U.S. military is gathering its tungsten. Now if someone could only get those space lasers to work.

WAKE UP – Tweet from Cathy O’Brien (@RealCathyOBrien)

WAKE UP – Tweet from Cathy O’Brien (@RealCathyOBrien)

MK Sex Slaves

The Clintons and Haiti


Cathy O’Brien (@RealCathyOBrien) tweeted at 5:35 PM on Sat, Jul 25, 2020:

I’ve started reading/posting Audios on my Blog now! Please give them a listen and Subscribe:


“Tens of millions of vaccines” will be “put into American arms” by end of year, official says

You have to scroll down on the link to find this article, as they add more to the page.

“Tens of millions of vaccines” will be “put into American arms” by end of year, official says

From CNN’s Wes Bruer

A senior Trump administration official said Monday that they are “very confident that by year end we will have tens of millions of vaccines put into American arms.”

Under Operation Warp Speed, vaccine manufacturing will begin by the end of summer, the senior official said during a telephone briefing. “In many cases it’s already underway,” the official said. “We’re acquiring the equipment, we’re setting up the space, we’re acquiring, in some cases, the raw materials to do it. We have project teams that are assigned to go out to each manufacturing site.”

The senior administration official added that Operation Warp Speed is not waiting on the results from the portion of the trial that determines whether the vaccine works: “We will be manufacturing hundreds of millions of doses long before phase three clinical trials are complete,” the official said.

The goal of Operation Warp Speed is to deliver “300 million doses of a safe, effective vaccine for COVID-19 by January 2021,” according to a fact sheet on the US Department of Health and Human Services website.

BlackRock, Inc. – BlackRock and Microsoft Form Strategic Partnership to Host Aladdin on Azure as BlackRock Readies Aladdin for Next Chapter of Innovation


 APRIL 7, 2020


BlackRock and Microsoft Form Strategic Partnership            Collaborate on Sustainability Initiatives


Together Accelerating Sustainable Development


GOALS for Financing, Data Controls,


Surveillance and AI


for UN Agenda 21 – 2030


Sustainable Development Programs


and much more.


Polices of Resource Restrictions from water rationing, limiting electricity, power outages, lands, rivers, oceans, Rationing of FOOD, Population Reductions and much more. . .


Microsoft = Bill Gates =Vaccines = Genocide






Press Release


February 13, 2020


BlackRock Creates Foundation to Advance a More Inclusive and Sustainable Economy 


BlackRock and Microsoft Form Strategic Partnership to Host Aladdin on Azure as BlackRock Readies Aladdin for Next Chapter of Innovation

Companies also Collaborate on Sustainability Initiatives

NEW YORK & REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– BlackRock and Microsoft Corp. have formed a strategic partnership to host BlackRock’s Aladdin infrastructure on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, bringing enhanced capabilities to BlackRock and its Aladdin clients, which include many of the world’s most sophisticated institutional investors and wealth managers.

By adopting Microsoft Azure, BlackRock will both accelerate innovation on Aladdin through greater computing scale and unlock new capabilities to enhance the client experience. BlackRock will also leverage Microsoft Azure’s network of global data centers and capabilities to meet the localized needs of Aladdin clients, all while maintaining Aladdin’s highest standards for resiliency and security.

“As both a user and a provider of Aladdin, this decision reflects BlackRock’s ongoing commitment to continuous innovation and scalable operating solutions,” said Rob Goldstein, Chief Operating Officer of BlackRock. “Aladdin infrastructure deployed on Microsoft Azure’s cloud platform will provide BlackRock with enhanced capabilities to deliver the best outcomes for our Aladdin clients.”

“By bringing Aladdin to the cloud, Microsoft will support BlackRock in further enhancing its client experience while also enabling continuous innovation in the financial services industry,” said Judson Althoff, executive vice president of Microsoft’s Worldwide Commercial Business. “Together, we will empower an ecosystem of financial services customers running their most critical workloads in the cloud.”

As the financial services industry looks to navigate ever-changing markets, institutions need integrated and scalable platforms to adapt to the growing complexity of managing data, risk management and advanced analytics to deliver innovative solutions to clients. To help support this trend, over time, the Microsoft Azure platform will enable BlackRock to accelerate innovation and collaboration between Aladdin and providers across the financial services ecosystem.

Firms to Collaborate on Sustainable Finance

In line with both firms’ commitment to sustainability, BlackRock and Microsoft will also work together on initiatives that leverage technology to improve and expand sustainability data and analytics. The lack of standardized, high-quality data remains a significant hurdle in understanding the impact of sustainability-related risk on investment portfolios and company performance. Big data, machine learning and AI can all play a critical role in improving access to and the impact and quality of sustainability data. 

The two firms will invite collaboration – whether from academics, startups, non-profits or others – on sustainability-related data, analytics and technology. As a first step, the firms will collaborate on challenge grants for organizations that use data and tech to understand and drive sustainability. The firms will also provide technical expertise, leveraging Microsoft’s scale in computing, big data and AI, and BlackRock’s leading investment and portfolio management solutions to support a better understanding of corporate sustainability behavior.

About Aladdin

Aladdin is BlackRock’s end-to-end investment management and operations platform used by institutional investors including asset managers, pension funds, insurers and corporate treasurers. It combines sophisticated risk analytics with comprehensive portfolio management, trading and operations tools on a single, unified platform. Also customized for wealth managers, Aladdin provides a common language across the investment lifecycle and enables a culture of risk transparency among users.

About BlackRock

BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. As a fiduciary to investors and a leading provider of financial technology, our clients turn to us for the solutions they need when planning for their most important goals. As of December 31, 2019, the firm managed approximately $7.43 trillion in assets on behalf of investors worldwide. For additional information on BlackRock, please visit

About Microsoft

Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @microsoft) enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

View source version on businesswire.com

For more information, press only: 

Logan Koffler
Phone: (347) 379.0363

WE Communications for Microsoft
Phone: (425) 638-7777

Source: BlackRock





Tracing and Tracking Pollution is of course a every expensive operation to supposedly advance justice, protect the environment, or provide better communications or computer networks. 


Always, remember, there are numerous parallel functions related to secret objectives of the Ruling cabal.  


New technologies are always related to a desire to control the peasants and change and re-structure society into a Global one world NWO system run by them and significantly depopulated.


For example, at first cell phones were believed to have been invented and manufactured for better more direct, more convenient communication. Later it has become obvious it was actually developed as an Intel tool to gather information about the individual, his/her movements, his/her associations. Some experts in electronic warfare now believe that these cell phone devices and systems have been weaponized and weapons of mind-control and a secret war against the masses, designed to shape expectations and attitudes. It is now known that cell phones can be used not only to track but to eavesdrop (most can do this even when turned off). 


All Intel gathering functions for data have dual use. When crimes are recognized by an unapproved entity that is not operating under immunity or as undercover or is not part of the ruling elite, parallel Law Enforcement operations are set up to entrap and discover the criminal acts, without ever disclosing the original intel source which was the NSA. 


Huge NSA costs are justified to supposedly keep America safe from attacks by foreign enemies, but are actually used to keep Cabal authorized RICO crime rings form being interfered with by regular law enforcement. 


All new technologies always have multiple deployments and uses, most important ones kept secret and serve as tools of the elite. 


All the development of powerful computers, especially the new quantum interdimensional computers which are supposedly for crunching numbers and solving problems faster, also have many secret deployments designed to control the masses by sophisticated tracking and hugely sophisticated gaming calculations using artificial intelligence. Using ultra high tech like this and A.I. to track polluters and pollution is merely a publicly declared function to supposedly protect the earth. This is a big con and a blatant lie. 


If the USG really wanted to protect the earth from pollution, they would stop spraying millions of pounds of nano-ized toxic chemicals like barium and aluminum into the sky for their sophisticated Space Fence System and electrified it with sophisticated EMF to create a highly ionized, seriously toxic atmosphere which is great for tracking and destroying missiles and UFOs, but also is great at secretly killing trees, reducing crop yields, creating fire hazards on the ground in forests and field, and poisoning people and wild life, and so much more. 


Due to advent of technology and robotized manufacturing – human labor is needed less and less and mass labor is seen only as a rising threat as these workers are displaced and economically minimized.  These policies have been set by the Ruling Cabal that the world’s population must be reduced by about 90% and eventually eliminated. The Cabal is creating an entirely new breed of gene-spliced beings by using the CRISPR/freezing methodologies.  The process to splice animals and human genes with other worldly genes, and merge it all with strange electronic circuitry.  Humans will no longer exist as we now know ourselves.  


Our Overlords are creating a hived race of entities always connected to the master A.I. Quantum computer. In the process all human religions will be destroyed and Christianity is especially targeted. The strangest thing of all is that the top perps running this program who sit at the top of the worldwide satanic network, ruling the world, are themselves quite religious, but the religion they serve and believe in is the “Sacred Snake” aka Satanism, Luciferians, worship of the Black Sun, Baal/Moloch Worship, and more.


Anyone who want to know how evil these practitioners are can easily find out in simple web searches. 


Everything on this planet will be tracked, traced and monitored and punished, accordingly.


The FDA now includes 75 ‘toxic’ hand sanitizers on its list of products to avoid | Fox News

In the age of routine hand sanitizer use to protect against the novel coronavirus, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is urging consumers to be wary of at least 75 such products because they may contain a toxic chemical.

In a Friday announcement, the federal agency included additional hand sanitizers to its list of those that contain methanol, “a substance that can be toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested and can be life-threatening when ingested.” Methanol is also sometimes referred to as wood alcohol, per the FDA.


“The agency is aware of adults and children ingesting hand sanitizer products contaminated with methanol that has led to recent adverse events including blindness, hospitalizations and death,” the announcement states.

Some of the products on the FDA’s list have been recalled, while others are recommended for recall as they may also contain methanol. The products all appear to have been produced in Mexico, per the list.

Methanol can be toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested, the FDA said.

Methanol can be toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested, the FDA said. (iStock)

“Methanol is not an acceptable active ingredient for hand sanitizers and must not be used due to its toxic effects,” the FDA warns. “Consumers who have been exposed to hand sanitizer containing methanol and are experiencing symptoms should seek immediate treatment for potential reversal of toxic effects of methanol poisoning.”

Signs of methanol poisoning include nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, and can result in permanent blindness, seizures, coma, permanent damage to the nervous system or death.


“Although all persons using these products on their hands are at risk, young children who accidentally ingest these products and adolescents and adults who drink these products as an alcohol (ethanol) substitute, are most at risk for methanol poisoning,” the FDA said.

The news comes after the FDA first warned of toxic hand sanitizers in June, with the list at the time including nine products. At least 46 additional products were added earlier this month before more hand sanitizers joined the list on Friday.

You can find the FDA’s list of hand sanitizers to avoid here.

MASSIVE ROBBERY of AMERICA – Remarks by President Trump at Signing of H.R.748, The CARES Act | The White House



Trump – says at Signing of H.R.748, The CARES Act

In short


Is this treason in high places?

Stalling off Planned Bankruptcies by SLOWLY COLLAPSING this Country




The Scam of Republicans and Democrats LET THE Puppet Show Reveal Itself in Their Words That Follow



Our Government, Local, State and Federal are privately owned corporations called governments. These corporate laws and regulations are called statutes and their affect and control over human beings is deceptively obtained by consent through civil contracts.  




$27 billion for the development of vaccines is funded in the CARES Act



The Army Corp of Engineers and FEMA are corporate agencies run by the Cabal and the government congratulates them below . . .



Both Republicans and Democrats are fronts – Deflecting the FACT That OUR Governments ARE NOT REAL  


The Cabals – Worldwide CONTROL ALL NATIONS



Remarks by President Trump at Signing of H.R.748, The CARES Act

March 27, 2020

Oval Office

4:10 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you all very much.  This is a very important day.  I’ll sign the single-biggest economic relief package in American history and, I must say, or any other package, by the way.  It’s twice as large as any relief ever signed.  It’s $2.2 billion, but it actually goes up to 6.2 — potentially — billion dollars — trillion dollars.  So you’re talking about 6.2 trillion-dollar bill.  Nothing like that.  And this will deliver urgently needed relief to our nation’s families, workers, and businesses.  And that’s what this is all about.

And it got a 96 to nothing.  And, I don’t know, what was the number in Congress?

PARTICIPANT:  A voice vote.

THE PRESIDENT:  A voice?  It was fantastic.

PARTICIPANT:  I think it was just as close.

THE PRESIDENT:  That’s pretty amazing.  That’s about the same thing.  Right, Kevin?


THE PRESIDENT:  So, that’s fantastic.  But I want to thank Republicans and Democrats for coming together, setting aside their differences, and putting America first.

This legislation provides for direct payments to individuals and unprecedented support to small businesses.  We’re going to keep our small businesses strong and our big businesses strong.  And that’s keeping our country strong and our jobs strong.

This historic bill includes the following:

  • $300 billion in direct cash payments will be available to every American citizen earning less than $99,000 per year; $3,400 for a typical family of four.  So a family of four: $3,400.
  • And then $350 billion in job retention “loans” for small businesses, with loan forgiveness available for businesses that continue paying their workers.  The workers get paid.
  • Approximately $250 billion in expanded unemployment benefits.  The average worker who has lost his or her job will receive 100 percent of their salary for up to four full months.

So, things like this have never happened in our country.

  • $500 billion in support for hard-hit industries, with a ban on corporate stock buybacks — we don’t let them buy back the stock; we don’t let that happen — and tough limits on executive compensation.
  • Over $100 billion to support our heroic doctors, nurses, and hospitals.  And you see what’s happening.  And I want to thank, while we’re here, also the incredible job that’s done by the Army Corps of Engineers and by FEMA.  It’s been incredible.  They did four hospitals in two days or three days, in New York.  And they’re, like, incredible structures.  What a job they’ve been doing.  And they’re doing them all over the country.
  • $45 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund, supporting our state, local, and tribal leaders.
  • $27 billion for the development of vaccines, therapies, and other public health response efforts, including $16 billion to build up the Strategic National Stockpile with critical stockpiles.  And I’m going to — we have tremendous supplies coming into the stockpile, and you’ll be seeing that and hearing about it in a little bit because we’re doing a news conference at 5:30 on what’s happening.

We’ve had tremendous results on the respirators.  We’ve had great results on just about everything we’re talking about.  Boeing just announced that they’re going to be making the plastic field shields — the actual shields, which are hard to come by, and they’re going to be making them by the thousands a week.

And the ventilators, which is probably the most difficult because it’s like — it’s like building a car — we will be announcing thousands of — are going to be built and we have them under contract and we have fast deliveries.  As you know, we delivered thousands to New York.  And unfortunately — they were delivered to a warehouse, which was good — unfortunately, they didn’t take them, but now they’re taking them.  New York is now taking them and redistributing them around the areas that they need.

So you have also $3.5 billion to states to expand childcare benefits for healthcare workers, first responders, and others on the frontlines of this crisis, and $1 billion for securing supplies under the Defense Protection Act.  And, as you know, I’ve enacted the act.  We’ve used it three or four times.  I pulled it back three times because the companies came through, in the end.  They didn’t need the act.  It’s been great leverage.

I have instituted it against General Electric.  We thought we had a deal for 40,000 ventilators and, all of the sudden, the 40,000 came down to 6,000.  And then they talked about a higher price than we were discussing, so I didn’t like it.  So we did — we did activate it, with respect to General Motors.  And hopefully, maybe we won’t even need the full activation.  We’ll find out.  But we need the ventilators.

I said hello today — I called him — a wonderful guy, Boris Johnson.  As you know, he tested positive.  And before he even said hello, he said, “We need ventilators.”  I said, “Wow.  That’s a big statement.”  And hopefully, he’s going to be in good shape.

I just spoke to Angela Merkel, and she’s quarantined also.  She is right now, for a period of two weeks, being forced to stay in her house.  So this is just an incredible situation.

Last night, I spoke to President Xi.  We talked about the experience that they had in China and all of the things that have taken place.  And we learned a lot.  They’ve had a very tough experience, and they’re doing well and he’s doing well.  President Xi is doing very well.  But we learned a lot and we have great communication together.

We’re going to be sent great data from China — things that happened that they see that — you know, they’ve had a — they’ve had an early experience, and we’re getting all of that information.  Much of it has already been sent.  It was sent yesterday and sent to our scientists to study.  So we’ll have more on that also.  We’ll be discussing that at 5:30.

I just want to thank the people behind me.  They’ve been incredible friends.  They’ve been warriors.  They — there’s nobody tougher or smarter than the people standing alongside of me.  And I think I want to start off by asking Mitch and then Kevin to speak, and then we’re going to go through a few of the folks in the room if they’d like to say something.

But, Mitch, I’d like — I’d love to say a few words because you — this man worked 24 hours a day for a long time.  This is the result.  It’s the biggest ever — ever approved in Congress: 6.2 bill- — $6.2 trillion.  So, you know, we used to get used to the billion.  It used to be million, then it was billion, now it’s trillion.  And it’s going to go a long way.  It’s going to make a lot of people very happy.

Mitch McConnell, please.

LEADER MCCONNELL:  Thank you, Mr. President.  Let me just say this is a proud moment for our country, for the President.  The Republicans and the Democrats all pulled together and passed the biggest bill in history in record time.

I also want to thank Kevin McCarthy and our leaders on the Republican side in the House who helped speed this through to passage.  The American people needed this rescue package, they needed it quickly, and we delivered.  It’s a proud moment for all of us.  Mr. President, thanks for the opportunity to be here.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  I’d love to shake your hand, but Anthony would get angry at me if I did that.  (Laughter.)  So I better not do it.  I can’t — it’s so natural.  I just want to go back and shake his hand.

They’ve done such an incredible job.  Kevin, please.

LEADER MCCARTHY:  Yeah, I do want to start.  I want to thank all — the real — the real answer to America is: We’re listening to you.  You do your part, and we’re going to do ours, and that’s exactly what’s happening today.

What Leader McConnell did was amazing.  He made it bipartisan, bicameral.  Everybody was involved.  I wish we could have signed this earlier this week; maybe there wouldn’t be as many people who are out of work.  But this will put people back to work.

I also want to thank Secretary Mnuchin.  You’ve done an amazing job, and we thank you for that, and all the team that’s here.

Look, as I said in my speech, the virus is here.  We didn’t ask for it.  We didn’t invite it.  We didn’t choose it.  But we are going to defeat it together because we’re going to work together, and this is the first start of it.  The hospitals will get money — the money they need.  The small businesses will be able to hire their employees back.  That is a grant; you don’t have to borrow from that place.  The other businesses get a retention to keep your employees on.  This has something for everything.

And to the task force and the Vice President, all the work that you’re doing with this President, this will be the needed resources you need as well.  And thank you for that, and thank you for your leadership, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT:  Very special.

Mike Pence?  Mike?  Could you please say something?  You’ve been working very hard, in charge of our task force.  And then I’d like to ask Steve to say a few words.

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Mr. President.  Thanks for giving me the opportunity just to express all of our appreciation and the gratitude to the American people for the accomplishment that’s reflected in the legislation that you’ll sign in just a few moments.

You told the American people that we would do whatever it takes.  You called on the Congress to step forward to make coronavirus testing free for every American, to make paid family leave available.

The Congress, with the leaders gathered around us here, stepped forward in a bipartisan fashion and delivered.  But today, every American family, every American business, can know that help is on the way.

And I want to thank Leader McConnell for his yeoman’s work in really forging a bipartisan bill in the United States Senate.  I want to thank Leader McCarthy for his great work.  But as the President said, I also want to thank the Democrat and Republican leadership across the House and Senate.  This is an American accomplishment.  And, Mr. President, it’s exactly what you asked the Congress to deliver for the American people.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much, Mike.  And Steve Mnuchin, you know how hard he’s been working.  And, Steve, please say a few words.

SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  Mr. President, thank you very much for your leadership and for the Vice President’s leadership.  You made it very clear to us, last week, we should think big, that this was a war on the virus, and that we should have the resources to protect American workers and American business.

And I’d like to thank the Senate.  It was a great honor, Mitch, to work with you and everyone on a bipartisan basis to get this done.  This is going to be a great thing for the American workers.  And, Kevin McCarthy, thank you for all the work in the House did to pass this quickly.

So, at Treasury, as I’ve said, we are committed to move forward quickly, and we’re going to get money in people’s pockets quickly.

Thank you, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT:  Great job, Steve.  Gene?  Please.

SECRETARY SCALIA:  This is a great day for American workers, protecting American workers, American jobs.  It’s been a hallmark of this presidency, and this bill today is another very important step in that direction.  It includes unprecedented support for American workers who’ve lost their jobs, through no fault of their own because of this virus, and gives them, as near as we could, the same wage they would have gotten, through unemployment insurance if they’d been able to keep their jobs, for up to four months.

I think even more important, it includes $350 billion in loans for small business, but it’s structured in a way to incentivize them to keep their workers on payroll so that those loans could be forgiven at the end of the period.
And it comes on top of legislation the President asked — signed last week for paid leave for workers who have to be at home because of the virus.  Paid leave reimbursed in full, dollar for dollar, to the employers.  It’s the first federal paid leave law for the private sector ever.  And that also was achieved on an unprecedented, bipartisan basis.

This is the third major bipartisan piece of legislation in three weeks — three bills, three weeks — to address this virus.

So again, I want to thank the President for his leadership, his commitment to American workers, the Vice President as well, and Leader McConnell, and also my colleague, Secretary Mnuchin who did work so hard to help you get this done.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Gene, very much.

Dr. Fauci, you may want to just say for a minute what hit the world.  Something hit the world, and the world maybe will never be the quite same.  But we’re going to make it a great place anyway.  But certainly, you could maybe say a few words about it, please.

  1. FAUCI:  Well, thank you, Mr. President.  And I want to thank everyone involved in this.  This is what America is all about: a bipartisan approach, with your leadership, to do something that’s sorely needed by the American people.

Dr. Birx and I and all of our medical people here are fighting the virus directly.  But the virus has an impact on the American people, both directly by illness and death, but also indirectly, because many of the things that we have to do to suppress the virus has a negative impact because of what we’re doing.  To give them relief economically is absolutely essential.

So I feel really, really good about what’s happening today.  Thank you all very much.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Tony.  Thank you very much.

Deborah, perhaps you could say a few words or so about —

  1. BIRX:  Well, thank you, Mr. President.  Dr. Fauci covered it very well.  As many of you know, I worked for him and he was my mentor 40 years ago.

I think whenever we start with one of these very serious diseases and a pandemic, the President’s first goal was ensuring the health of the American people, and that’s why we put out these very strong guidance.

It’s been a pleasure to work with the economic team here because they understand data in the same way.  Economic data and health data is very similar in how you have to interpret it in a very granular way.  And I think recognizing that the health of the American people is first, but the economic value of the nation is also critical.

And I just want to thank all of you for what you’ve done for the American people today.

THE PRESIDENT:  Great job you’re doing too.  Thank you.

Kevin, please.

REPRESENTATIVE BRADY:  So just 20 days ago, I don’t know that anyone could have imagined how hard we’ve been hit medically or economically.  But 20 days ago, I don’t think anyone could have imagined Congress pulling together so quickly and so forcefully behind what the President identified we needed for this country.  This is a proud moment for all of us.  And it’s just an example of what leadership can provide here in the White House, and then how we can respond as a Congress.

So thank you, Mr. President, for your leadership.

THE PRESIDENT:  And I’m just saying, as Kevin is saying that, 20 days ago — a couple of days longer than that, maybe — we had a smooth-running, beautiful machine.  We had the greatest economy in the history of our country.  We had the highest stock price we’ve ever seen.  It went up, I think, 151 times during the course of the presidency.  And then we got hit by the invisible enemy, and we got hit hard.  But it wasn’t just us, it was 151 countries, I think, as of the — as of this morning.

And you call Germany and speak to Angela — she’s in quarantine.  And as you know, Boris was diagnosed that he’s positive.  And all of the things that are happening, it’s hard to believe what’s gone on just in a short period of time.

And because of the talent behind me and lots of other talent in government, what we’ve done — this is a big part of it, obviously, but not the biggest part.  Everybody has pulled together.  Our nation has pulled together.  The spirit is incredible.  The people have pulled together more than anyone and better than anybody.  And they’re doing really, really well.

But just to think how life can change where you go, 20 to 22 days ago, everything is perfect, we’re looking forward.  I’m saying, “When are we going to hit 30,000?  I want 30,000.”  That means more jobs and more everything.  And then, one day, we get hit with this thing that nobody ever heard of before.  Nobody ever even heard of before.  And now we’re fighting a different battle.

But I really think, in a fairly short period of time, because of what they’ve done and what everyone has done, I really think we’re going to be stronger than ever.  And we’ll be protected from a lot of this.  A lot of the things, Anthony, that we’ve done now — that we’re doing now — are going to protect us in the future if this should happen again.

  1. FAUCI:  Absolutely.

THE PRESIDENT:  From testing to so many other —

  1. FAUCI:  Vaccines.

THE PRESIDENT:  Even stockpiles.  Right?

  1. FAUCI:  And vaccines.

THE PRESIDENT:  Yeah, the vaccines, hopefully.  And vaccines, cures, therapeutics — whatever you want to call it — it’s a lot of progress.  And I think on that score, I think we’re going to do a lot of progress on vaccines.  We’re making, perhaps, a lot of progress on cures and therapeutics.  We’ll be letting you know.

Anybody else have anything?  Greg, please.  Go ahead, fellas.

REPRESENTATIVE WALDEN:  I would just say, I’ve never seen you shy away from a challenge.  Your leadership and your policies and this great team brought America this enormous economy.  And guess what?  You get to do it again.  This bill is the next step in that, and we can build back this economy with your leadership and with the healthcare team you’ve got here too.  We’re doing the right thing for the American people, and they know that.  I can tell you that from the ground.  It’s not easy.  It’s not easy.

THE PRESIDENT:  No, it’s not.

REPRESENTATIVE WALDEN:  We don’t want to shelter in place, as Americans.  We want to be out, especially northwest.


REPRESENTATIVE WALDEN:  But we know we have to do this for the safety of our relatives and families and our community and our country.  So thanks for your leadership —

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.

REPRESENTATIVE WALDEN:  — and the great team you’ve assembled.

THE PRESIDENT:  Appreciate it very much.

REPRESENTATIVE CHABOT:  On behalf of small businesses, they’re the backbone of the American economy.  About half the people that work in America work for a small business, and they’re hurting out there right now.  I’m from Ohio.  I’m the ranking member of the House Small Business Committee.  And back there, nonessential small businesses are shut down.

Without this legislation, it’s questionable whether they would reopen.  Because of this legislation, they now have a great chance of that.  And those people that work for small businesses, who are shuttered now, will be paid.  That’s really important.  This wouldn’t have passed without your leadership, Mr. President.  Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.  And, you know, Eric worked so hard.  You all know Eric.  And he was at Steve’s side the whole way.  And where is our man?  Do I see Larry?  Yeah, Larry.  The two of them.  How about Eric and then Larry say a couple of words and (inaudible.)

  1. UELAND:  Well, thank you very much, Mr. President.  I really appreciate it, and Mr. Vice President, as well.  So you encouraged your team to be bold, be brave, and go big.  And we certainly delivered today.  (Laughter.)  $6.2 trillion is tremendous.  So we’ve made sure that we can reassure Americans that their paycheck is protected and that their earnings are protected.  We’ve made sure that we can provide significant reinforcement to the American economy as a result of your leadership.

And, finally, looking ahead to address the virus, we’ve included significant resources in order to ensure that those therapies and ultimately that vaccine can come online as quickly as possible.  So, protecting the public health and protecting the economic health of America is what you’ve directed us to do.  And together, with the team, we’ve worked hard to deliver today.

Thank you very much, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.  And Steve is going to work very hard on getting the money out quickly, and hopefully it can be distributed very quickly, especially when they have some old computer equipment that they have to use.  But you’re going to work on that very hard.

SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  We are indeed.

THE PRESIDENT:  Larry, please.  Larry Kudlow.

  1. KUDLOW:  Oh, thanks, sir.  Just hats off to Mitch McConnell who did an amazing job, and House leadership as well.  And I agree with the bipartisanship.  I want to give special thanks to my friend Steven Mnuchin, who I think did an extraordinary job.  We were up there helping him out in one spot or another.  But he’s indefatigable and got it done.

And I’ll just say this, Mr. President: A few months ago, this economy was roaring and we’ve hit this — literally, this bug, this virus.  And we will deal with it.  And I think the assistance bill here, which does have growth incentives, will help lead us back to a very strong economic rebound before this year is over.

Thank you, sir.

THE PRESIDENT:  I think that too.  I think we’re going to have a tremendous rebound at the end of the year — toward the end of the year.  I think we’re going to have a rebound like we have never seen before.  Even now it wants to rebound.  You can see it, feel it.  It wants to rebound so badly.

And, you know, we’ve had those really big — I guess, the biggest-ever stock market surge two days ago.  And yesterday, it was great.  Three biggest days in the history of the stock market.  It wants to rebound so badly, but we have to get rid of the bug, we have to get rid of the virus.

Now, I’m going to sign this, and it’s a great honor — $6.2 trillion.  I’ve never signed anything with a “T” on it.  (Laughter.)  I don’t know if I can handle this one, Mitch.  (Laughter.)  We can’t chicken out at this point, can we?.  (Laughter.)  I don’t think so, huh?

All right.  Thank you all.

(The CARES Act is signed.)

THE PRESIDENT:  Good.  I wanted them to be a nice signature. (Applause.)  Come on, fellas.  Come on over here.  Elaine.  What a job she’s doing with transportation.  How’s transportation?  Okay?

SECRETARY CHAO:  Fine.  You always talk about the supply chain.


SECRETARY CHAO:  It’s really important.


SECRETARY CHAO:  This bill is going to help the supply chain and the workers.

THE PRESIDENT:  Anthony?  Thank you.  Thanks, Tony, very much.  Bob Lighthizer, thank you very much.  Bob was a little less involved in this.  He’s too busy making trade deals.

Okay?  You have one?  You definitely have to have one.  Go ahead.  You’re all set.

Thank you, everybody.  So we’re going to have a 5:30 news conference in the same location.  Seems to be doing quite well.  And we appreciate everything.  And we really appreciate the fairness, at least from most of the press.  We really do.  Thank you very much, everybody.  Thank you.  Thank you very much.

Q    Mr. President, there was that rare moment of agreement today between you and Senator Kerry over —

THE PRESIDENT:  That’s right.

Q    — this issue with Massie.  Can you expand a bit on that?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, he made a little joke about a man named Congressman Massie.  I thought he was totally out of line — Congressman Massie.  Because of that, I guess a lot of people had to come back, and they had to go into a place, which, frankly, we’re not supposed to be at, you know, in light of — of what we’re doing with Deborah and Tony and all of the professionals.

So people had to come back, and just no reason for it.  So John Kerry made a little joke out of it, and I agreed with his joke.  And I said, I never knew he had that kind of a personality.  But we actually put it up, and he was right.

Okay, we’ll see you in a couple of minutes, folks.  Thank you very much.


4:33 P.M. EDT

I would just like to take the opportunity here to point out the issues on targeted individuals

I would just like to take the opportunity here to point out the issues on targeted individuals, as I am one. I reported my case to Eric Karlstrom who published my account on his website –  here is the link:

Statement of British TI, Helen Gurney

I have since continued to have great distress by the sexual assaults, inflicted by perpetrators vibrating my body via directed energy weapons.
I have mitigated this to a large extent with shielding, but things have stepped up and the assaults have again become extremely acute. This is the most disgusting, vile and obscene thing to do to anyone.
Nonetheless, the perpetrators are determined to inflict this sickness onto me, as it is clearly a key component of the whole program. I fear this criminal enterprise plans to use this sick method to assault anyone in the future, as a
means of behavioural conditioning. This of course is ideal for the sex slave industry! What is coming if we cant stop it is beyond evil, beyond obscene.

Thank you again for all your work.

Best regards,

Helen Gurney

DEAR GOD. TRACING and TRACKING POLLUTION BACK to the OFFENDER – We Can Solve the Climate Crisis by Tracing Pollution Back to Its Sources. A New Coalition Will Make It Possible. | by Al Gore | Jul, 2020 | M…



Read our Conclusion at the END 





They tell us they Can Solve the Climate Crisis by Tracing Pollution Back to Its Sources. 

A New Coalition Will Make It Possible by Al Gore – July, 2020 




Weather Weapon DENIERS



Geoengineering is weather modification which is the deliberate large scale manipulation of the Earth’s Climate


Weather Weapons Disguised by Climate Change 

Climate/Pollution Tracing and Tracking are tools to track human-caused greenhouse gas emissions from every corner of the planet.






WE ARE TOLD – Humans collectively spewed 152 million tons of planet-warming

pollution into our thin

shell of atmosphere as if it were an open sewer.

The extra heat energy trapped in our atmosphere by these accumulated greenhouse

gases (GHGs) is equal to what would be released by 500,000 Hiroshima-class atomic

bombs detonating on Earth every single day.

Climate TRACE will reveal the “where,” “when,” and “who” behind GHG emissions.


Why does that matter? It allows us to…


Climate Trace monitoring will deploy global sensor networks including satellites and ground- and

sea-based instruments, all connected to a purpose-built AI engine, emissions/polluters will have

nowhere to hide.


This new machine learning/AI tool will make it possible for “everyone —

from scientists and regulators, 

to the news media and citizen activists (NARCS), to investors and business leaders — to see

exactly who is

responsible for GHG pollution in real time, all the time, where pollution is coming from, and whether

the amounts from each significant source are increasing or decreasing.


The Climate TRACE system takes in many different types of imagery (e.g., visible light, infrared) from  many different remote sensing networks (e.g., satellites, radar) all over the world. The AI then can be “trained” to spot even extremely complex and subtle hints of what pollution looks like by using countless records of when, where, and how emissions came about in the past, collected from ground- and sea-based physical emissions sensors, government environment ministries, corporate disclosure forms, and other sources.


We are NOW in a new era of 


Tracking and Tracing Everything on Planet EARTH  



 and WE are to be eliminated

TRACING POLLUTION – requires many different advanced components to measure power plant emissions requiring combining imagery from multiple satellite constellations (like the European Space Agency’s Sentinel 2 mission), AI algorithms from experts in computer vision (such as Pixel Scientia Labs), data pipeline engineering (, power plant databases (World Resources Institute), remote sensing (Valence Strategic), power systems modeling (WattTime), weather adjustments and power plant cooling systems (Carbon Tracker), and many more features and collaborators. And that was just one sector!


We Can Solve the Climate Crisis by Tracing Pollution Back to Its Sources.

Al Gore

Today we launch ‘Climate TRACE’ — a coalition building a tool to track human-caused greenhouse gas emissions from every corner of the planet.


This post is jointly authored by Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States and Gavin McCormick, founder and executive director of WattTime.

Today, just like every day before it, humans collectively spewed 152 million tons of planet-warming pollution into our thin shell of atmosphere as if it were an open sewer. The extra heat energy trapped in our atmosphere by these accumulated greenhouse gases (GHGs) is equal to what would be released by 500,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs detonating on Earth every single day.

The consequences of that extra heat energy are growing startlingly clearer. 2019 was the second hottest year on record (just behind 2016) and 2020 is likely to be the warmest ever. Stronger cyclonic storms batter our coasts; “rain bombs” lead to more destructive floods and mudslides; deeper and longer droughts cut agricultural output; devastating wildfires are the new norm; sea levels are rising more rapidly as the ice of Greenland and Antarctica melts faster; and the list goes on. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the world’s leading scientific body on the climate crisis, we need to cut global GHG emissions roughly in half by 2030 and reach net-zero emissions by 2050 to avoid the worst effects.

With our world in a moment of upheaval, this can feel like a daunting and overwhelming challenge. How will we do it in time?

Today, we are honored to announce that a powerful new tool will soon be joining the climate fight. Along with us — Al Gore and Gavin McCormick of WattTime — we join leading organizations Blue Sky Analytics, CarbonPlan, Carbon Tracker, Earthrise Alliance, Hudson Carbon, Hypervine, OceanMind, and Rocky Mountain Institute as founding members to unveil Climate TRACE, a coalition creating a high-tech solution to independently detect emissions and where they’re coming from, everywhere in the world, in real time. It’s a feat that’s never before been possible — until now.

What is Climate TRACE?

Climate TRACE — which stands for Tracking Real-time Atmospheric Carbon Emissions — comprises organizations from the tech sector that have pioneered some of the most-powerful software-based emissions-monitoring solutions in the world, in part using artificial intelligence (AI) and remote sensing. As the climate crisis deepens and our technology advances, we felt the time was ripe to join together and put these resources to work in powerful new ways.

Our first-of-its-kind global coalition will leverage advanced AI, satellite image processing, machine learning, and land- and sea-based sensors to do what was previously thought to be nearly impossible: monitor GHG emissions from every sector and in every part of the world. Our work will be extremely granular in focus — down to specific power plants, ships, factories, and more. Our goal is to actively track and verify all significant human-caused GHG emissions worldwide with unprecedented levels of detail and speed.

Through Climate TRACE, we will equip business leaders and investors, NGOs and climate activists, as well as international, domestic, and local policy leaders with an essential tool to fully realize the economic and societal benefits of a clean energy future, while ensuring that no one — corporation, country, or otherwise — will ever again have the ability to hide or fake their emissions data. Next year, every country in the world will gather in Glasgow, Scotland, to enhance their commitments to the Paris Agreement and raise collective ambition in line with what the world’s scientists tell us is necessary. We at the Climate TRACE coalition hope to support these COP26 climate talks with the most thorough and reliable data on emissions the world has ever seen.

Why is global emissions monitoring necessary?

To move faster on solutions to the climate crisis, we need a better system to track emissions; we can only manage what we can measure. And unfortunately, the current state of the art is a bottom-up system that relies heavily, no matter how well implemented, on infrequent self-reporting by countries and companies, using a patchwork variety of methods. A lack of dependable, independent, third-party verification can create uncertainty on whether the data are reliable and accurate. And the long time lags in reporting reduces the ability to make that information actionable. Countless countries, companies, and leaders worldwide want to solve the climate crisis, but lack the tools to do so quickly and effectively.

Climate TRACE will reveal the “where,” “when,” and “who” behind GHG emissions. Why does that matter? It allows us to…

  • Verify numbers and ensure everyone is getting the truth: Self-reported data can make it too easy for dishonest polluters to break the rules that more-honest players are following. Others desire better data but lack the capacity to measure emissions, leaving some players with nothing but rough estimates. But when monitored by global sensor networks including satellites and ground- and sea-based instruments, all connected to a purpose-built AI engine, emissions have nowhere to hide. This new machine learning/AI tool will make it possible for everyone — from scientists and regulators, to the news media and citizen activists, to investors and business leaders — to see exactly who is responsible for GHG pollution in real time, where it’s coming from, and whether the amounts from each significant source are increasing or decreasing. We believe this can lead to a new era of transparency and accountability.
  • Support the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement: Nearly every country in the world committed to major emissions reductions to keep global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We know that better monitoring will help countries hold each other — and emitters within their own borders — accountable. Independent, global monitoring available to all can help.
  • Empower companies, consumers, and investors to do good: Despite a few government leaders denying the climate crisis, most understand and accept the science and the need to act, and thousands of corporate and subnational actors are already slashing their carbon footprints in line with the Paris Agreement. From companies looking to select cleaner manufacturing suppliers, to investors seeking to divest from polluting industries, to consumers making choices about which businesses to patronize, one thing is clear: a reliable way to measure where emissions are coming from is necessary. Climate TRACE will empower all of these actors.
  • Spot opportunities to save money by going green: The majority of fossil-fuel plants around the world are already less profitable than wind or solar power, and companies and governments deserve to know which ones. Additionally, companies interested in investing in carbon offset markets to support sustainable forestry and regenerative agriculture need a way to verify that each project genuinely reduces carbon. Even many oil and gas companies are actively seeking to reduce leakage of highly polluting methane emissions into the atmosphere, but they need better ways to detect those leaks. Climate TRACE will make it all possible.

How will the technology work?

In the era of coronavirus, we’ve seen that it’s one thing to spot the overall consequences of the pandemic, but it’s far more actionable to immediately know exactly who is infected and where they are, in order to get them medical care and trace the people with whom they have been in contact. Similarly, it’s one thing to measure the global concentration of CO2 and other GHGs, but the ability to immediately trace where emissions are coming from and in what amounts provides information that allows us to act.

So, why is this difficult? Some emissions, such as methane, are relatively easy to spot with the right type of camera. But others, including CO2, are a common background part of our planet’s atmosphere even under healthy conditions. And worse, natural fluctuations of CO2 occur all the time. That’s why it’s long been possible for climate scientists to measure total CO2 in the atmosphere, but tracing where it comes from has been a whole different ballgame.

Solving these types of problems requires an integrated AI framework — something we’ll explore more in future posts. But to give you a sneak peek: the Climate TRACE system takes in many different types of imagery (e.g., visible light, infrared) from many different remote sensing networks (e.g., satellites, radar) all over the world. The AI then can be “trained” to spot even extremely complex and subtle hints of what pollution looks like by using countless records of when, where, and how emissions came about in the past, collected from ground- and sea-based physical emissions sensors, government environment ministries, corporate disclosure forms, and other sources.

Then, all of this information can be matched and verified against multiple redundant data sets from different actors, so we can be sure it’s reliable. Climate Tracing is very similar to how AI experts “train” self-driving cars to make sense of and mutually fact-check their many different types of sensors. But this time, we’re applying these well-understood Big Data techniques to a problem that affects us all: the climate crisis.

What makes Climate TRACE possible?

We’ve known for years that a project like Climate TRACE would make a massive difference in the fight against the climate crisis, and we’ve both been exploring the topic of global emissions monitoring for a long time. But our announcement comes now because we’ve hit a crucial turning point: it’s finally possible.

Solving a scientific problem this complex requires many different advanced components. For example, developing a smaller version of this project to measure power plant emissions required combining imagery from multiple satellite constellations (like the European Space Agency’s Sentinel 2 mission), AI algorithms from experts in computer vision (such as Pixel Scientia Labs), data pipeline engineering (, power plant databases (World Resources Institute), remote sensing (Valence Strategic), power systems modeling (WattTime), weather adjustments and power plant cooling systems (Carbon Tracker), and many more features and collaborators. And that was just one sector!

Recent years have seen an explosion of technological advancements at various organizations capable of individual pieces of the puzzle. We’ve found the growing urgency of the climate crisis has inspired more and more organizations to collaborate more actively than ever before. That’s already made it possible to build prototypes of emissions-monitoring technologies we hadn’t expected to be possible until 2025 or later. Now, we’re unveiling the project to the world in order to start moving even faster.

Where are we headed?


We envision a future in which low- and zero-carbon energy is the norm, where every company has the resources it needs to be successful without endangering the environment, and every leader has the tools to confidently make the best choices possible for both people and planet. We believe Climate TRACE will be an integral part of making that future become reality, and we’re getting right to work, with the goal of releasing our first full emissions report and real-time visualization well before the UN’s COP26 climate conference in 2021.

Make no mistake, we know this is an ambitious effort with an aggressive timeline. But our species can’t wait until 2030 to get this problem right, and we don’t have to. If nine organizations working together can bring the climate action timeline forward by years, think about what dozens of organizations working together can achieve.

So, as we launch the Climate TRACE coalition today, we issue a call to action: If you’re working in a field that touches on emissions monitoring — whether you have AI expertise, satellite sensor networks, or other global sensor or emissions data networks — we want to hear from you. We know that collaboration and participation are critical to getting this right. The climate crisis threatens us all, and the scale of the problem demands more of us. Let’s get to work.


Former US Vice President Al Gore is the cofounder and chairman of Generation Investment Management, and the founder and chairman of The Climate Reality Project, a nonprofit devoted to solving the climate crisis. He is also a senior partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and a member of Apple Inc.’s board of directors. He is the subject of the documentary movie An Inconvenient Truth, which won two Oscars in 2006, and a second documentary in 2017, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. In 2007, Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, for “informing the world of the dangers posed by climate change.”

Gavin McCormick is the founder and executive director of WattTime, the nonprofit tech startup that first developed Automated Emissions Reduction (AER) technology and which launched an initiative in 2019, with support from, to measure GHG emissions from all the world’s power plants. WattTime’s mission is to make energy choice a reality for everyone everywhere — a charter Gavin and the team work hard every day to deliver.

CONCLUSION by Contributors of


The human race and US populace is now under attack from all directions.


Who is orchestrating this and for what over all purpose?


We should consider the predictions of the transhumanists accurate – that this is what is driving all this?


Namely the elimination of the human race and the creation and substitution of a new transhuman race that is genespliced, genetically created and hived to a central computer



Important at 7 minutes in—new CV vaccine will be dangerous modification to human genome. They are terraforming the earth with chemtrails, but also genomeforming the human race through GMO and these planned new genetically modifying vaccines, all to be done with no legal liability (vaccine producers are protected from lawsuits by federal law).