Ken Kurson is charged with cyberstalking in connection with his divorce | Daily Mail Online

Close friend of Jared Kushner is charged with cyberstalking in connection with his divorce after FBI investigated him when Trump offered him an administration post

A Trump ally and close associate of Jared Kushner and Rudy Giuliani has been federally charged with harassment and cyberstalking following a routine FBI background check for a potential administration post.

Kenneth Kurson, 52, surrendered for arrest on Friday in Brooklyn, after prosecutors said he harassed three individuals online in 2015, when he was editor in chief of the New York Observer and going through a messy divorce.

In the twisted case, Kurson is accused of using the online aliases ‘Jayden Wagner’ and ‘Eddie Train’ to harass three individuals whom he appeared to blame for his divorce, according to a federal complaint unsealed on Friday.

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Kurson’s attorney, Marc L. Mukasey, told in a statement: ‘Ken Kurson is an honorable man, a loving dad, and a brilliant writer. This case is hardly the stuff of a federal criminal prosecution. He will get past it.’

Kenneth Kurson, 52, (right) surrendered for arrest on Friday in Brooklyn, after prosecutors said he harassed three individuals online in 2015. He is seen with Jared Kushner (center) in 2013

Kenneth Kurson, 52, (right) surrendered for arrest on Friday in Brooklyn, after prosecutors said he harassed three individuals online in 2015. He is seen with Jared Kushner (center) in 2013

Prosecutors say that between November 2015 and December 2015, Kurson engaged in a pattern of stalking and harassment against the three victims. 

Kurson is a longtime friend of Kushner, who owned the Observer when Kurson topped the masthead, and longtime associate of Giuliani, with whom he co-authored a book. 

The complaint identifies one victim as an employee of a news media outlet, and the other two are believed to work at Manhattan’s Mt. Sinai Hospital, based on previously reported details.

According to the complaint, Kurson used multiple aliases to file false complaints about two of the victims with their employer, post false negative reviews about one victim’s professional conduct on crowd-sourced review websites and made unsolicited contact with two of the victims. 

One victim initially tried to smooth things over, insisting in an email that he had nothing to do with Kurson and his wife’s breakup, the complaint says.

‘Unfortunately, you have no one to blame but yourself,’ the message read. ‘It is a bitter pill to swallow, but true.’

Kurson (right) is a longtime friend of Kushner (left), who owned the Observer when Kurson topped the masthead

Kurson (right) is a longtime friend of Kushner (left), who owned the Observer when Kurson topped the masthead 

In response, Kurson allegedly called the friend a ‘completely full of s**t phony who lies through [their] teeth and is also stupid.’

Kurson traveled on multiple occasions to the workplace of two of the victims, taking photographs and inquiring about one victim’s work schedule, prosecutors say.

The allegations came to light during an FBI background check after the Trump administration offered Kurson a seat in 2018 on the board of the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal body that distributes grants to museums, libraries and other cultural institutions. 

Kurson withdrew himself from consideration for the post after the allegations became public.

‘Kurson is alleged to have engaged in a disturbing pattern of retaliatory harassment that intimidated and alarmed several victims and their employer,’ said Acting United States Attorney DuCharme in a statement. 

‘This Office is committed to protecting victims from malicious cyberstalking activity and apprehending criminals who try to rely on Internet anonymity to facilitate their crimes.’ 

Joseph Meyer, Ken Kurson and Jared Kushner attend New York Observer Hosts the Launch of Core's 61st and Madison Office at Rogue Tomate on April 3, 2013 in New York City

Joseph Meyer, Ken Kurson and Jared Kushner attend New York Observer Hosts the Launch of Core’s 61st and Madison Office at Rogue Tomate on April 3, 2013 in New York City

FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Sweeney said that Kurson allegedly ‘bullied his victims by attacking their character online and attempted to intimidate them by showing up at their place of employment without a valid reason.’

‘The shadows of cyberspace may have provided him with some cover, but once his identity was revealed, he no longer had the benefit of a virtual retreat,’ Sweeney added. 

According to the complaint, one of the victims underwent therapy following the ordeal, which the victims variously described as ‘traumatic,’ ‘diabolical,’ ‘insane,’ and ‘super scary.’ 

The hospital where two of the employees worked hired a security guard as a result of the alleged harassment, the complaint says.  

US officials ‘were targeted on American soil by sonic attacks on at least three occasions’ | Daily Mail Online

US officials ‘were targeted on American soil by sonic attacks on at least three occasions’  

October 21, 2020

US officials on American soil have been targeted by sonic attacks on at least three different occasions, according to a new report.

An unnamed American diplomat and his family are said to have heard the mysterious sounds and fallen ill while stationed in Philadelphia in June 2018. Both the diplomat and his wife are said to have reported pressure in their head before finding their children moving bizarrely and ‘in unison’ in their sleep.

In November 2019 a White House staffer, who has also not been identified, is said to have been targeted by a man while walking her dog in Arlington, Virginia. She told officials she also got an intense headache and a tingling on her face following the incident and that her dog began seizing up. 

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Ken Kurson is charged with cyberstalking in connection with his divorce
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The third incident has not been reported in detail. These incidents followed dozens of other similar complaints in Cuba and China, where diplomats reported headaches and memory loss.  

Now one Russia-based CIA officer has spoken to GQ about his debilitating migraines amid growing suspicion the country is behind the mystery illness. 

Marc Polymeropoulos fell ill with severe migraines after experiencing vertigo in his hotel room in Moscow in December 2017. He told the magazine he was forced to retire because of the resulting pain, adding: ‘I had a lot more to offer. I was 50, but I had to retire because these goddamn headaches don’t go away.’   

Marc Polymeropoulos fell ill with severe migraines after experiencing vertigo in his hotel room in Moscow in December 2017. He told GQ he was forced to retire because of the resulting pain
The Russia-based CIA officer has spoken to GQ about his debilitating migraines amid growing suspicion the country is behind the mystery illness. Polymeropoulos is pictured
Polymeropoulos is pictured

The Russia-based CIA officer has spoken to GQ about his debilitating migraines amid growing suspicion the country is behind the mystery illness. Polymeropoulos is pictured 

Polymeropoulos says one of his colleagues on the trip became so ill he lost hearing in one of his ears. He added: ‘There’s a gentlemen’s agreement not to do these things. There’s never any physical stuff. 

‘They (Russia) know that our president is at war with our intelligence community, so kick them when they’re down, get back at them for everything they’ve done before.’

‘If there was an al-Qaeda threat against our officers, we would do everything possible to shut it down, but also to catch the people involved. 

‘I don’t see any of that happening here. What I would have expected would be this full court press that, you know, if we have senior people traveling and you think the Russians are going to hit him, have teams ready to try to capture.’

The American diplomat and his family said to have been targeted in Philadelphia also fell ill in China, according to reports. 

The dozens of illnesses led the U.S. and Canada to sharply reduce the staffing at their embassies in Cuba. The phenomenon also led to increased tension between Cuba and the Trump administration, which accused Cuba of bearing at least some responsibility for the illnesses. TThe dozens of illnesses led the U.S. and Canada to sharply reduce the staffing at their embassies in Cuba. The phenomenon also led to increased tension between Cuba and the Trump administration, which accused Cuba of bearing at least some responsibility for the illnesses. T

Scientists, as well as experts at the CIA and State Department, told The New York Times Monday the most likely culprit behind the unexplained symptoms is Russia.  

The CIA director and State Department say they have not established a cause. 

Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that suggestion is ‘absolutely absurd and bizarre’. A spokesman for the Russian Embassy in Washington said it was likely a case of ‘mass hysteria’.

But officials from the CIA and Capitol Hill have told GQ US agents have also been targeted in Australia, Taiwan, Georgia and Poland. Cell phone data is said to have placed Russian agents close to CIA officers at the time of these alleged attacks.  

Polymeropoulos says one of his colleagues became so ill he lost hearing in one of his ears

Pompeo discusses the investigation into ‘Havana syndrome’

The CIA has said: ‘If there was credible intelligence that showed an adversary purposefully harmed a CIA officer, you can bet Director Haspel would act swiftly and decisively.’ 

Diplomat Mark Lenzi, 45, was stationed in Guangzhou, China, in 2017, when he developed unexplained symptoms, including headaches, memory loss and trouble sleeping. 

His neighbor Catherine Werner also fell ill and fellow US official Robyn Garfield was evacuated from Shanghai with his family in June 2018.

Lenzi, who says the US ‘know exactly which country’ was responsible said: ‘This is a deliberate, high-level cover-up. They have hung us out to dry.’ 

His symptoms were reported after the U.S. State Department started investigating similar health concerns reported by diplomatic staff in Cuba in late 2016.  

The cluster of symptoms there has since been dubbed ‘Havana Syndrome’. Experts still disagree on whether there was such a sonic attack which caused the symptoms. 

But staff affected reported hearing loud sounds which varied from humming to squealing. It was suspected that the sounds were deliberate. 

In March of this year some scientists said they suspected pesticides as a possible culprit, although results remained inconclusive.    

The dozens of illnesses led the U.S. and Canada to sharply reduce the staffing at their embassies in Cuba. The phenomenon also led to increased tension between Cuba and the Trump administration, which accused Cuba of bearing at least some responsibility for the illnesses. 

Diplomat Mark Lenzi, 45, pictured, was stationed in Guangzhou in 2017, when he developed unexplained symptoms, including headaches, memory loss and trouble sleeping
His neighbor Catherine Werner, pictured, also fell ill

Diplomat Mark Lenzi, 45, left, was stationed in Guangzhou in 2017, when he developed unexplained symptoms, including headaches, memory loss and trouble sleeping. His neighbor Catherine Werner, right, also fell ill

The State Department has officially drawn no link between the Chinese diplomats and 26 workers at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba who were withdrawn in 2017 after reporting symptoms, including those consistent with minor traumatic brain injury, or concussion.

They said in a statement: ‘The safety and security of U.S. personnel, their families and U.S. citizens is our top priority. The U.S. government has not yet determined a cause or an actor.’   

And spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said: ‘I will not try to confirm whether they are the victims of ‘an acoustic attack,’ paranoia, or Russophobia. That’s a question for the doctors.’

The State Department has officially drawn no link between the Chinese diplomats and 26 workers at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba who were withdrawn in 2017 after reporting symptoms, including those consistent with minor traumatic brain injury, or concussion. The entrance of the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China is pictured

2017: US ordered staff to leave Cuba embassy over sonic ‘attacks’

But former national security official said of Russia: ‘These guys have been told they can take the gloves off and do whatever they want to hurt Americans. 

‘They’re trying to weaken us generally, and they’ve obviously taken the gloves off quite some time ago.’ 

And John Sipher, who was a clandestine CIA officer in Russia and was deputy director of Russia House during George W. Bush’s presidency, said: ‘In general, the Russians have no compunction about doing this kind of thing.’    

DID you know: San Diego Zoo scientists revive cells from 40-year deep-freeze to clone endangered Przewalski’s horse – The San Diego Union-Tribune


The zoo has high hopes that the young Przewalski’s horse can bring badly needed genetic diversity to his species


Kurt looks and acts like any other young horse. He scampers and strides on springy legs, testing their strength. When it’s time to recharge, he nuzzles up to his mother for some nourishing milk.

But Kurt is no ordinary horse. Kurt is a clone.

The 2-month-old colt is a Przewalski’s horse, a species native to central Asia that once went extinct in the wild and is still critically endangered, with only about 2,000 remaining.

San Diego Zoo Global researchers have high hopes that Kurt can help turn things around for his species. He was cloned from skin cells taken from a stallion in 1980 and safeguarded at the Frozen Zoo, San Diego Zoo Global’s vast repository of 10,000 cell lines from more than 1,100 species and subspecies.



According to neuroscientist Dr Robert Duncan who is author of the well known neuroscience book which is called “Project Soul Catcher ” he writes on page 253 of said book and I quote :-
“In his pioneering work, Dr Ross Adey determined that emotional states and behaviour can be remotely influenced merely by placing a subject in an electromagneticfield.”

All government politicians work in government staff rooms which are usually bathed in non-biological electromagnetic fields and further to that all court sittings are conducted in court rooms which are bathed in non-biological electromagnetic fields which means that the the emotional states and behaviour of sitting judiciary, lawyers, witnesses, and senior government politicians can be remotely influenced.

Rods of God a Military Weapon – Nails from HELL for those on the ground (YouTube – video)

Rods of God a Military Weapon


Nails from HELL

for those on the ground 

a weapons system owned by USA and Israel 

These are space weapons – 

a way to bypass military dominance 

and destroy with impunity

The Rods of God mimics asteroids 

Rods from God is a space weapon 

that involves dropping ‘Telephone pole’ size tungsten projectiles onto target on earth….

ALWAYS blaming nature (natural events) 

Even this fake asteroid like weapon is called Rods of GOD

Palantir Admits to Helping ICE Deport Immigrants While Trying to Prove It Doesn’t

Surveillance company Palantir has revealed more details about how it contributes to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation operations in a clumsy attempt to prove that it does no such thing.

On Monday, Amnesty International released a briefing laying out how Palantir’s failure to “conduct human rights due diligence” contributed to human rights abuses by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) against migrants and asylum-seekers. The briefing followed a letter sent by Amnesty to Palantir earlier in the month that asked the company to clarify its role in aiding ICE’s operations and if it has plans to mitigate harms caused by the agencies that Palantir’s technology empowers.ADVERTISEMENT

“Palantir touts its ethical commitments, saying it will never work with regimes that abuse human rights abroad,” said Michael Kleinman, Director of Amnesty International’s Silicon Valley Initiative. “This is deeply ironic, given the company’s willingness stateside to work directly with ICE, which has used its technology to execute harmful policies that target migrants and asylum-seekers.”

Palantir responded to Amnesty International with a letter of its own—a master class in hair-splitting that hit familiar points, used old arguments that have been dismissed, and accidentally admitted Palantir’s technology is used for deportations.

For years, Palantir has been quick to volunteer that it has no contracts with Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), an ICE subdivision that “identifies and apprehends removable aliens, detains these individuals when necessary and removes illegal aliens from the United States” as its primary mission. Instead, Palantir enters contracts with the Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) subdivision of ICE. This subdivision, Palantir maintains, uses the surveillance company’s technology primarily for the purpose of “combating transnational crime such as money laundering, transnational gang activity, child exploitation, human smuggling, terrorist threats” and criminal activity in general.

While this may be true, the letter goes on to explain that HSI in fact conducts “workplace law enforcement” using Palantir’s technology. This enforcement includes compliance investigations and audits “confirming employer completion of I-9 forms documenting the legal status of its employees.” In other words, Palantir’s services are instrumental in ICE’s activities identifying undocumented people for detainment and deportation, even if, as it claims, it does not work with ERO directly.ADVERTISEMENT

As Palantir puts it: “…to be clear: Palantir’s software is not used as part of any deportation activities conducted by ERO as a consequence of worksite operations involving HSI.”

Even this admission, which tracks with Palantir CEO Alex Karp’s previous comments at Davos, does not describe the full scope of how Palantir contributes to ICE’s deportation operations. It has been clear since 2017 that the case management software Palantir provided to HSI has been widely available to ICE agents, including ERO officials, and deemed “mission critical” to the agency as a whole.

“HSI and ERO personnel use the information in ICM [Investigative Case Management system] to document and inform their criminal investigative activities and to support the criminal prosecutions arising from those investigations,” a 2016 Homeland Security disclosure reported on by The Intercept states. “ERO also uses ICM data to inform its civil cases.”

For years, HSI head Derek Benner has made targeting “illegal employment” a central part of the agency’s mission. In 2018, ICE made nearly ten times as many immigration arrests at workplaces than the previous year because of Benner’s belief that such targeting reduced “the continuum of crime that illegal labor facilitates, from the human smuggling networks that facilitate illegal border crossings to the associated collateral crimes, like identity theft, document and benefit fraud and worker exploitation.”ADVERTISEMENT

Under Trump, ICE’s workplace raids have not only quadrupled, but grown even larger as Palantir’s technology has empowered the agency to carry out operations like the series of Mississippi raids that arrested 680 people in one day—an operation confirmed last year to have used Palantir’s technology. Palantir’s technology has also been used to target, detain, and deport unaccompanied children and their families.

It is hard to understand why Palantir has continued to pretend that it doesn’t power deportation operations even in the face of a mountain of evidence, and even when it admits that HSI’s operations are part of the deportation pipeline. It may make more sense, however, in light of its S-1 filing documents, which admit that negative media coverage is a significant investment risk factor.

The hits are unlikely to stop coming, as a recent NYMag report suggests Palantir’s core value proposition—”a crystal ball you gaze into for answers”—may be a wild exaggeration using “smoke and mirrors” to obtain juicy government contracts and a dazzling $22 billion valuation ahead of its September 30 direct listing on the stock market.

As the company becomes public, the scrutiny and resistance it will face is likely to reveal a company that has branded itself as indispensable to the defense of liberalism, but in reality is busy pursuing a techno-nationalist project well-versed in the profitable art of constructing borders and policing them—and of terrorizing non-white migrants, asylum-seekers, foreigners, and citizens on either side of them.

Palantir did not immediately respond to Motherboard’s request for comment.