New World Order Globalist Cabal Throws
More Fuel On The California Wildfires

Geoengineered California Firestorms Triggered by Deliberate Acts of Pyro-Terrorism (Videos)
State of the Nation
As expected and predicted, the California Fall wildfire season was “exploded” with geoengineering precision and pinpoint arson attacks.
For those uninitiated in the convoluted workings of the complex criminal conspiracy behind these intentional acts of pyro-terrorism, the following exposé provides the necessary background and history.
Every resident of California ought to be deeply familiar with the well-established dynamic expressed by the preceding post title. Likewise, every person traveling through the now charred Golden State should know exactly where they are going to and staying vis-à-vis the targeted areas that are being burned down on purpose by this state-sponsored criminal conspiracy. Your life may depend on it!
Geoengineered Wildfire Season & Arson Proof
Yes, the once great state of California has always experienced its share of destructive wildfires in the form of forest fires, brush fires and grass fires. However, the last decade has seen a dramatic uptick in both the number and intensity of these devastating conflagrations.
It’s of paramount importance to comprehend that this new trend has been fabricated with highly purposeful design. And, that the real perps — state-sponsored geoengineers and foreign-controlled globalists — are responsible for both covertly creating the conducive conditions for these wildfires, as well as stealthily starting and spreading them via various arson techniques and technologies.
Let’s face it: when headlines like this (see below) now appear regularly — during California’s two wildfire seasons each and every year now — something is very wrong indeed.
Proof of Arson
What follows is a video of just one wildfire site in Northern California that was just arson-attacked by a fire-triggering DEW*. Below the video is a screenshot which shows the size of that conflagration relative to the California coastline.
*DEW = Directed Energy Weapon

For a better frame of reference, the following map of Northern California indicates the area of this particular conflagration in Mendocino County (indicated above), which is west of Sacramento and just east of the coastline where it juts out into the Pacific.

Now here’s a close-up of the same explosive fire at the very beginning of the burning phase:

For the proper context of this screenshot frame, please watch this entire video before it’s taken down by YouTube: Infrared Camera Captures Strange Ignition of Massive Kincade CA Fire (Video)
Kincade, CA offers the kind of low-density population locale and type of terrain for wildland fires that the New World Order globalists are dead set on burning out and burning down, respectively. Here’s why:
In this deliberate way, the real perps are terrorizing the residents with annual firestorms in order to forcefully move them off their ancestral lands, especially throughout the conservative red counties of California. However, there are also many blue county residents getting burned out as well during the last few years.
This ongoing series of clandestine black operations is all about purposeful and well-planned DERACINATION.
Not only are the governmental and corporate co-conspirators committing a targeted genocide with these false flag attacks (“false flag” because they are incorrectly blamed on Mother Nature and PG&E), they are then stealing the coveted lands wherever, whenever and however they can.
The NWO globalists well know that nothing works so effectively than to scare the residents off their properties via a surreptitious implementation plan of deracination.
“California is using the “Firegeddon” meme to fear-monger,
and terrorize red county residents off their land. First they
predict the fires, then turn off the power, then start the fires,
next they spread the fires…. Yes, there’s much more to this
power shutdown, but that’s the gist of it.”
— Intelligence analyst & Former U.S Military Officer
Why else are they burning out so many folks up and down the state?
Because they want them to move out of the U.N. zones (See Agenda 21 link below).
So, while the goal of land theft is almost always the primary purpose behind terrorism throughout the world today, they also want those groups of people to move elsewhere just as they fast-tracked the Syrians right to Europe. They didn’t human traffic them to another Middle Eastern country, they cynically transplanted them to a totally foreign culture.
Just look at how the same NWO perpetrators have terrorized the Syrian people off their ancestral lands since 2011 just like they did with the Armenian Genocide 100 years earlier in the very same region.
Manufactured Wildfires
Now here’s how they do it!
Here’s how they first geoengineer the most conducive conditions in which to start the ‘wildfires’, and then widely proliferate them with a pyromaniac’s vengeance.
Atmospheric Aluminum via Chemtrails,
HAARP Frequencies,
Weaponized SMART Meters,
Specific EMFs Disseminated from
Cellphone and Microwave Towers,
Localized 5G EMP,
Directed Energy Weapons Fired from Drones,
Satellites, Air Force Aircraft, Naval Ships,
Arsonists Disguised as Firefighters,
Fire-starting Incendiary Devices,
Gross Mismanagement of California Forests,
Overloaded PG&E Power Lines,
and Other Geoengineering and
Weather Modification Techniques
Are All Used
in a Highly Coordinated Fashion
to Fabricate a Very Conducive
Environment for Isolated Firestorms
to be Triggered and then
Spread like Wildfire
in Targeted Communities
Throughout California
Statewide Crime Scene: “The Carefully Hidden Back Story”
There’s only one way to properly understand the sheer depth and breadth of this yearly scheduled crime wave. The two major elements of the true narrative include profound corporate criminality and pervasive government corruption. Both of these have quietly yet considerably contributed to this multi-decade crime spree of geo-terrorism.
KEY POINT: PG&E is conveniently controlled by the Rothschild Banking Family. This arrangement permits that corporate crime syndicate to control the power generation capacity all over California. The Rothschilds then use the electrical grid to manipulate the energy markets, as well as utilize the power lines and transformers to trigger fires during the hot and windy seasons, which they have done like clockwork for years. Yes, PG&E may be bankrupted, but the Rothschild business and personal interests are always shielded from any losses. Their filed lawsuits will ensure that they are made whole as the Chapter 11 case below indicates. (See: PG&E board was controlled by Rothschild vice chairman until this year)

Let’s be very clear: Such a highly organized scheme to burn down the state of California could only be successfully carried out with the close collaboration of CA state government, the Military-Industrial Complex that has dominated the state for decades, Big Tech and Big Social Media throughout Silicon Valley, as well as Hollywood.
However, there’s also an overwhelming centripetal force at work that quite effectively holds all of these institutional co-conspirators together with great discipline.
In point of fact, there are four interlocking crime syndicates outlined in the following video that exert the necessary muscle which keeps this massive conspiracy from breaking down. The same muscle maintains the cover-up in ways that would make the New York Mafia, Chicago Mob and New Orleans Cosa Nostra quite envious.
But how do these crime syndicates really do it?
They control the money … all the money … with exceedingly heavy-handed measures.
The only way to correctly grasp the degree of total lockdown on the financial side of this enormous black operation is to understand the microcosm of the Pelosi Crime Family. The following exposé delineates the main points which will inform how these crime families have co-opted all the key players in this ongoing conspiracy to terrorize the state and traumatize its residents.

The Other Back Story
There’s another almost inconceivable back story to this unrelenting scheme to burn out the people of California. The revelations presented in the link below offer an excellent introduction to the underlying purposes of OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA.
For those who want to go even deeper down this rabbit hole, the following article gives bigger picture of the global crime scene as well as a peek into the real off-planet perps at the very top of the pyromaniac food chain.
What better way to force the people off their multi-generational family-owned lands than to furtively contrive a new normal of biannual power shutdowns?
Who in the world would tolerate the insufferable prospect of having their power shut off for days at a time — twice a year — and right in the middle of a full-blown disaster area when everyone needs their communication technology operating MORE THAN EVER? See: Here we go again: Power Shutdowns to Paralyze up to a Million of California Residents
If ever there was a mind-boggling psyop, OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA is it.
Not only does such an unprecedented show of force by the state and utilities incapacitate whole cities and counties and even larger areas, this unparalleled psyop sends a poignant and purposeful message: That the people are easily disempowered at will as they are rendered powerless at the flip of a switch. See: Deliberately Disempowering POWER SHUTOFFS the New Normal in California
With just a few more years of implementing these citizen-busting and land-grabbing policies, the mass migrations out of California are guaranteed to greatly increase just as the globalists intended as per Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Just where is this all going?
There are actually two answers.
While the globalists obviously have their nefarious NWO objectives, so, too, does the Higher Power have a divine plan. Truly, certain eventualities in California’s not-to-distant future ought to compel every resident to consider what that divine plan might be. Hence, readers, and especially the believers, are strongly encouraged to disseminate this post far and wide. The lives of many good folks, who are completely unaware of OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA, may depend on this highly censored information.

KEY POINT: Isn’t this just how they do it—Problem~Reaction~Solution? Not only are these arson fires a great advertisement for the Global Warming hoax, they will also help the globalists sell their fake Green New Deal. But first they always implement this type of Rothschild-sponsored disaster capitalism so they can generate immense revenue streams in the beginning, in the middle and at the end of these CIA-coordinated black ops. With headlines like these, they will certainly gain a LOT of traction for their climate change scam: California Faces “Biggest Blackout Ever” As 2.5 Million PG&E Customers May Have No Power For Days.
In closing, it must be pointed out that every once in a great while even the Mainstream Media will somehow get it right like they did with the following and similar headlines. Notice how often the MSM news reports have the word “explode” in their headlines this wildfire season. Since when do ‘wildfires’ literally explode with such power and convulsion unless they are actual explosions triggered by DEWs and the like?! Which means these massive ‘spontaneous combustions’ are purely manmade and designed to burn down the whole place. See: Fires explode across California, from wine country vineyards to Southern California subdivisions.
People, it’s time to take back the state before they really do burn down the biggest agricultural center in the USA. For once the communists morph it into Kalifornia, it’s technocratic control matrix will quickly spread to the other 49 states; the “Sultans of Silicon Valley” and “Hollywood Moguls” will see to that.
State of the Nation