Congressional Resolution Declares Climate Emergency 

Congressional Resolution Declares Climate Emergency

For Immediate Release, July 9, 2019

WASHINGTON— Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) unveiled a concurrent resolution today to declare the climate crisis an emergency warranting a “massive-scale mobilization to halt, reverse and address” its consequences.

“With an unhinged climate denier in the White House, it’s on Congress to steer us away from climate suicide,” said Bill Snape, senior counsel at the Center for Biological Diversity. “This resolution is a sane recognition that science says we need a massive transition away from the production and consumption of dirty fossil fuels.”

The resolution follows the world’s hottest June on record and comes a day after Trump’s speech touting his environmental policies — a speech that entirely neglected to mention the climate crisis.

Months before the 116th Congress opened, a series of scientific reports warned of the dire consequences of inaction on the climate emergency.

In October the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that policymakers must take “unprecedented action” to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. In November the Fourth National Climate Assessment reported that the United States is already feeling the health and economic costs of climate change and that those harms will intensify without “immediate and substantial” cuts to greenhouse gas pollution.

The resolution notes that a federal, large-scale mobilization has ample precedent in the nation’s history, pointing to accomplishments like the Interstate Highway System, the Apollo 11 Moon landing and the New Deal.

“Mounting a World War II style mobilization against the climate emergency will have lifesaving and economic benefits that far exceed its costs,” Snape said. “Responding to the climate crisis with any less urgency would spell disaster for current and future Americans, and for the planet.”

The Virus and Climate “emergency” declarations – CUT greenhouse gas emissions down to zero by 2030.

The Virus and

Climate “emergency” declarations

Some plan to CUT greenhouse gas emissions down to zero by 2030.   

Local climate policies that are already on the books in the US are poised to cut down greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2030 (compared to 2005 levels), according to a December report from Bloomberg Philanthropies. When South Portland, Maine adopted a resolution declaring a climate emergency in October, it included a vow to cut its greenhouse gas emissions down to zero by 2030. 

Sixty-eight cities, towns, and counties have issued their own emergencies in the US. Sixty of those were made in 2019, and include major cities like Miami and Austin. 


2019 was the year of ‘climate emergency’ declarations – The Verge


A rapidly changing climate drovehundreds of governments around the world to declare states of emergencyin 2019. While the declarations are largely symbolic gestures, they have in some cases become jumping-off points for real action. It’s the culmination of coordinated efforts by activists pushing governments to take action that is as dramatic as the threats posed by the climate crisis.

“The Climate Emergency movement reached a tipping point”

“This year, the Climate Emergency movement reached a tipping point, and thousands of average people began getting involved in climate politics and advocating for change,” Laura Berry, director of research and publications at The Climate Mobilization wrote toThe Vergein an email. Her Brooklyn-based advocacy group has been behind a campaign to push for emergency declarations across the globe. Berry’s organization has worked alongside grassroots groups to push for local declarations and has lobbied Congress, too. She says the global climate emergency movement has exploded in growth this year as campaigns from both her group and other efforts have taken hold.

In the final year ofthe hottest decade on record, climate emergency declarations have grown in scale from individual cities to an entire continent sounding the alarm.In May 2019, the UK became the first national government to declare a climate emergency, days after similar declarations from Scotland and Wales.”By November, the European Parliament had done the same. That month, more than11,000 scientistsjointly declared that Earth is “clearly and unequivocally” facing a climate emergency, too. Oxford Dictionaries made “climate emergency” itsword of the year.

Today,about800 million peoplelive in places that have declared global warming an emergency— that’s one in ten of all people on the planet. It’s a big change in the three years since Darebin, Australia declared the first local emergency in 2016. On January 1st, 2019, The Climate Mobilization recorded just 233 declarations worldwide compared to the 1,288 today. For the most part, those declarations aren’t binding and rarely include any specific changes in policy, but in some cases,they have bolstered more concrete efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

800 million people live in places that have declared global warming an emergency

New York City became the world’slargest city to declareclimate emergency in June 2019. That declaration “calls for an immediate emergency mobilization to restore a safe climate” without much detail on how it would do that. But it came on the heels of the city council passing a package of climate bills it dubbedits own Green New Deal,which most notablycommits the city to making its buildings more energy-efficient in order to slash greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050.

“If we want to stop climate catastrophe, we have to tell the truth,” Ash Sanders, a member of the environmental activist group Extinction Rebellion, said in astatementwhen New York City made its declaration.“We have ten years to transform our consumer behavior, our economy, and our culture to preserve life on earth.By declaring a climate emergency, the city is taking a major step in that process,” Sanders said.

These declarations can also give municipalities a way to declare their priorities especially when their preferences clash with policy decisions made at higher levels. In the US — the second biggest greenhouse gas polluter in the world — cities, counties, and states have stepped up their efforts on climate change while President Trump has rolled back environmental protections.Local climate policies that are already on the books in the US are poised to cut down greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2030 (compared to 2005 levels), according to aDecember reportfrom Bloomberg Philanthropies. When South Portland, Maine adopted aresolution declaring a climate emergency in October, it included a vow to cut its greenhouse gas emissions down to zero by 2030.

Sixty-eightcities, towns, and counties have issued their own emergencies in the US. Sixty of those were made in 2019, and include major cities like Miami and Austin.

Though the movement started with smaller governments, it’s caught on with bigger stakeholders, too.Nine nations — including Portugal, Argentina, Bangladesh, and Canada — also decided that the threat of climate change warranted an emergency declaration.

The EU became the biggest bloc yet to declare an emergency

WhentheEU became the biggest bloc yetto declare an emergency, it put pressure on leaders to raise the bar on their climate commitments.“We can take that resolution from the European Parliament and say ‘Look, you said this was an emergency, so now act like it’s an emergency,’” Jonathan Gaventa, a senior associate and board member of the environmental think tank E3G, toldThe Verge.Soon after the declaration, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen proposed theEU’s Green Deal, which puts the EU on the path to eliminate its greenhouse gases by 2050.

Meeting that 2050 goal globally is what scientists believe is necessary to avoid catastrophic climate change. It’s a tall order that would require a near complete transition away from the world’s dependence on fossil fuels.Without doing so, nearly all of the world’s coral reefs are expected to die off, an additional 61 million people will deal with extreme droughts across the world’s cities, and 70 percent of the world’s coastlines will shrink under rising sea levels.

2020 could be a big year for climate emergencies, too

With so much on the line, 2020 could be a big year for climate emergencies,too. Democratic presidential candidates in the US have put declaring a national climate emergency on their agenda as they hit the campaign trail for elections next year. Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT)introduced a resolutionon it in July. Billionaire environmental philanthropist Tom Steyer has also said that he would make the declaration on the first day of his presidency if elected.

“This problem can’t really be solved in the real world without it being prioritized and telling the world we’re doing it right now on an expedited, urgent basis,” Steyer told The Verge in an interview.

Climate Emergency: ‘Our house is on fire’: EU parliament declares climate emergency

Climate Emergency: 
‘Our house is on fire’: EU parliament declares climate emergency 

‘Our house is on fire’: EU parliament declares climate emergency

The European parliament has declared a global “climate and environmental emergency” as it urged all EU countries to commit to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

The vote came as scientists warned that the world may have already crossed a series of climate tipping points, resulting in “a state of planetary emergency”.

Intended to demonstrate Europe’s green credentials days before a crucial UN climate conference in Madrid, the vote also ratchets up pressure on Ursula von der Leyen, the incoming president of the European commission, who declared this week that the EU would lead the fight against “the existential threat” of the climate crisis.

Although passed with a comfortable majority, with 429 votes in favour, 225 votes against and 19 abstentions – MEPs across the political spectrum warned against making symbolic gestures.

Environmental campaigners said the declaration was not backed by sufficient action. “Our house is on fire. The European parliament has seen the blaze, but it’s not enough to stand by and watch,” said Greenpeace’s EU climate policy adviser, Sebastian Mang, shortly before the vote.

In a separate vote on Thursday, MEPs backed a resolution stating that current EU climate targets were “not in line” with the 2015 Paris climate agreement, which calls for keeping global heating “well below” 2C above pre-industrial levels, but aiming to cap temperature rises at 1.5C.

Climate protesters outside the EU parliament in Brussels demand it declares a climate emergency.

Climate protesters outside the EU parliament in Brussels demand it declares a climate emergency. Photograph: Olivier Hoslet/EPAMEPs backed a tougher target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, an improvement on the current 40% target, but derided by Green politicians and campaigners as inadequate.

Pascal Canfin, the French liberal MEP who drafted the climate emergency resolution, said: “The fact that Europe is the first continent to declare climate and environmental emergency, just before COP25, when the new commission takes office, and three weeks after Donald Trump confirmed the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris agreement, is a strong message sent to citizens and the rest of the world.”

MEPs from the European parliament’s largest group, the centre-right European People’s party, were split over the “climate emergency” language. The group had wanted to declare “a climate urgency” instead, because the German word emergency, der Notstand, left some MEPs uneasy, because of its associations with a Nazi-era law.

The EPP’s environmental spokesman, Peter Liese, said the climate emergency was “a fake debate” that hid the real decisions needed to reduce emissions. “There is an urgency to act, but no state of emergency to declare. Emergency can also be interpreted as undermining fundamental rights, like freedom of press and democracy.”

However, scores of EPP MEPs joined Liberals, Socialists, Greens and the radical left in voting through the climate emergency resolution.

The Eurosceptic European Conservatives and Reformists group opposed the text, although individual British Tories either supported or abstained from the vote. “Ramping up the rhetoric does not get us away from the serious discussions that now need to take place,” said its Czech environment spokesman, Alexandr Vondra.

The Brexit party voted against both climate resolutions.

Speaking to the Guardian before the vote, the Swedish meteorologist-turned Green MEP Pär Holmgren said other political groups hadn’t grasped the urgency of the climate crisis. “You could sum it up by saying: for the moment we are heading for 3C, which is of course better than 4C, but it’s far from well below 2C, aiming at 1.5 degrees which we have promised to each other, to future generations.”

Separately, the Climate Action Network, a coalition of 1,700 NGOS, warned that member states would have to overachieve on the EU’s existing 2030 carbon target to keep on track with the Paris climate agreement.

The EU currently aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 against 1990 levels, a target the network has described as “shockingly insufficient”. To meet that target – declared inadequate by MEPs in the vote – EU member states have until the end of the year to submit plans to Brussels outlining their energy transformation over the next decade.

An assessment of the draft plans by the Climate Action Network said there was “insufficient ambition” to switch to renewables, make energy savings and phase out coal.

The report highlighted that progress had been made since countries submitted their original plans in 2018. Greece, Hungary and Slovakia have since agreed to phase out coal in their power sectors by 2030. That means coal will be concentrated in five EU member states in 2030: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and Romania.

Ursula von der Leyen.

Ursula von der Leyen, the incoming president of the European commission, says the EU will lead the fight against “the existential threat” of the climate crisis. Photograph: Thierry Monasse/Getty ImagesOther countries were faulted for low ambition, notably Belgium, which has not put forward any new plans on renewable energy or energy savings because of the long-running political stalemate that has resulted in a caretaker government for nearly a year. France, Germany, and Sweden were among numerous countries criticised for not doing enough to phase out fossil fuel subsidies.

The research highlighted that climate activists in Hungary and Romania had “no access to official information” about changes in government’s climate and energy plans.

“Member states have one month left to improve their plans,” Wendel Trio, the director of Climate Action Network Europe, said. “It is crystal clear that the quality of these plans will weigh a lot in the EU’s ability to act on climate change in the next decade. They must set clear pathways that will allow the bloc to increase its climate target, shift away from fossil fuels and speed up the pace towards fully energy efficient and renewables-based economies.”

The group did not assess the UK, which has submitted a draft national energy and climate plan to the European commission. The government has committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and suggested that the UK could link to the EU’s emissions trading system, one of many politically-charged issues to be decided during the post-Brexit talks.

America faces an epic choice…

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Dees // UPDATE March 27, 20

Here is the new virus art …. the world is in a pandemic, or, so it appears, are we convinced?…


Health condition UPDATE ; March 26, 2020

i am surviving this cancer thing, although been through some tough days this week, Just to sum up my condition the doctors diagnosed me with melanoma cancer lesions on my liver, lungs, spleen, adrenal glands and growing inside the vertebrae lower spine causing severe sciatic nerve pain, numb hip and right leg that could lead to paralysis if not stopped. And they suspect also brain tumors, but have not seen the MRI scan of my head they took last week. Seems i have a full plate of health concerns would you not agree?

My treatments are having a halting effect on the growth of the lesions, simply by observing that the 3 inch inflamed welt on my back that the doctors biopsied is now half that size and flattened out. Nice huh? The dozen nodule poking under my skin of my chest and neck and arms have all reduced considerably too.

Long hours of Rife frequency therapy overnights, RSO cannabis oil, ozonated water, fenbendazole dog dewormer, baking soda and lemon, B17, turkey tail mushrooms, allicin C, carnivora, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, black seed oil, and on and on. But i credit the Wim Hof deep breathing method and super cold showers everyday for the last 17 days to my recovery, as disease cannot live in a highly alkaline system, it needs acidity to thrive. Pounding in the oxygen in hours long deep breathing daily has flooded my brain and lungs with powerful healing oxygen, and it changes my physiology, rebooting my immune system. Yes all this breathing and cold water is way outside of my comfort zone, but i am so uncomfortable in the pain level that pushing myself into a cold shower is a very nice distraction.

Strict diet of no sugar or carbs, lots of greens and veggies, no fruit sugar, a gallon of distilled water a day, etc.

Had a deep tissue therapy massage this week that moved major tissue flows on my spine, back and hip deep down, and actually i kept asking my tormentor to ease off and just give a soothing massage, seems he could not do that and kept digging and pushing the back muscles harder than i thought i could bare. Afterwards i knew crazy stuff was stirred up and dumped into my bloodstream as i lost consciousness in bed for a long time with a severe healing reaction, so painful, no way to lay in bed to find comfort, torturous!!! The pain pills dont even touch this level. The fact i finally can even focus enough to write this to you after my 24 hours of detox healing reactions is shocking, i was comatose, and when i did wake i was so miserable feeling i was certain i would never be able to walk again.

Such a massing healing reaction feels like you will never escape,

BUT… then only a couple hours ago after bathroom and suddenly i brightened up and could stand up without too much pain, my body finally started to work somewhat. Felt like i rose from the dead.

But with several tumors grown inside my vertebrae swelling and pushing on the nerve center of my spine it is causing severe flaming sciatic nerve pains in my hip, leg, and now my right hand. Nothing like getting stabbed by your own leg. Massage is pushing the toxins around, washed out and flowing again, massage was very heaing, and that is great news as the radiation oncologist scared me pretty good when he said that if i dont stop the progress of the tumor in my spine that it will cause my feet to become paralyzed, and after the massage my right leg too painful and numb to use at times. You just cannot imagine being crippled, and here i am experiencing it now, what i trap to be caught in.

My advise to everyone is when you see black mole that looks scary, get it biopsied and get an MRI scan to see if it has spread, otherwise you will sit and let it spread everywhere like did. My whole reasoning was that i would never take their treatments so why get it diagnosed? Boy was i wrong, so be sure to get their diagnosis, and refuse their chemo, radiation, surgeries and immunotherapy, and use alternative treatments.

If you have any suggestions to add to my treatment list please send that, i am always adding and ordering a lot of what you have suggested.

If you can donate to my health ascension and my massage therapy i surely need that if it easy for you, throw me 20 bucks, adds up, and really does keeps my lights on, i just paid 400 on my power last month, and i am about to pay a 500 dollar overdue power bill this week. Send to David Dees, PO BOX 3292, Ashland, OR 97520 or donate PayPal at, (friends and family option) And please buy my art books at as all money goes only to me, this is the only place you can purchase my highly collectible volumes of activist art, no where else. Your support helps keep me on this physical realm like never before, and i want to stick around and see what happens next to this lovely world changing into a pandemic world order.

But, I know i am on the right path with my alt healing methods, dont worry about me. Love your letters of inspiration and harrowing stories of your health concerns, i really joined the elite club of ailments, but then, when you lose your health you lose it all. Thank you and please know the encouragement i feel in talking with you.




ASAP TO ALL . . . CORONA-VIRUS SYNDROME: The Ultimate Genocidal Bioweapon System – PLEASE READ and FORWARD ON

The Ultimate Genocidal Bioweapon System
What “YOU” MUST know in order to survive as long as possible!

The disease process caused by COVID-19 is best described by the following new disease name:

COVID-5G-Chemtrail Syndrome

Read more “ASAP TO ALL . . . CORONA-VIRUS SYNDROME: The Ultimate Genocidal Bioweapon System – PLEASE READ and FORWARD ON”

To ALL – Here are many REASONS our Economies are being SHUT down and More . . . .

To ALL – Here are many REASONS our Economies are being SHUT down and More . . . .

Italy Coronavirus: New Explosive Information

Keep in mind there are still many activists that DO NOT realize – “We are the enemy” in a corporate commercial BUSINESS CONstruct called U.S.A., Inc and EARTH, Inc.


Italy Coronavirus: New Explosive Information – Truth Comes to Light – Jon Rappoport

Italy Coronavirus: New Explosive Information

A very brief update. Read this carefully. Many people who were diagnosed as “coronavirus cases” in Italy, and then died, were almost certainly put on antiviral drugs. As you’ll see, below, a significant percentage of these people had prior heart conditions or high blood pressure. But at least one of the antiviral drugs, called ribavirin, carries this VERY RELEVANT warning, from “Ribavirin may decrease the number of red blood cells in your body. This is called anemia and it can be life-threatening in people who have heart disease or circulation problems.” High blood pressure is a circulatory problem. Understand? Get it? LIFE-THREATENING. So how many coronavirus patients have been killed by the administering of ribavirin?

And with THAT, let’s jump in…because there’s more. Much more.

For those people who have any belief in the coronavirus…

Here’s the basic situation: the Italian health agencies are reporting escalating COV deaths—big fear-story out front…

But in the background, other Italian government researchers are combing through patient records, to take a much closer look…to see whether people are dying from the virus or other more obvious causes.

Are people dying coincidentally WITH the virus, or BECAUSE OF the virus? Is the virus a mere harmless passenger in the body, or is it the driving force?

The Italian results are astonishing, to understate it by a mile.

Bloomberg News has the story: 3/18, “99 percent of those whose died from virus had other illness, Italy says”:

“More than 99% [!] of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country’s national health authority.”

“The Rome-based institute has examined medical records of about 18% of the country’s coronavirus fatalities [so far, because it’s slow work], finding that just three victims [!!], or 0.8% of the total, had no previous pathology [disease]. Almost half of the victims suffered from at least three prior illnesses and about a fourth had either one or two previous conditions.”

“More than 75% had high blood pressure, about 35% had diabetes and a third suffered from heart disease.”

“The average age of those who’ve died from the virus in Italy is 79.5 [!!!]. As of March 17, 17 people under 50 had died from the disease. All of Italy’s victims under 40 have been males with serious existing medical conditions.”


Average age of those who’ve died: 79.5. Are you kidding? Lots of prior medical conditions, weakened immune systems, and what this emerging study isn’t saying: all these people had obviously been treated for those prior conditions with toxic medical drugs. Furthermore, once they’d been diagnosed with coronavirus, chances are many of them were put on highly toxic antiviral drugs. Thus delivering the final blow.

Imagining the coronavirus was the CAUSE of death would be a ridiculous fantasy. But these people are counted as “coronavirus deaths” by the other Italian reporting agencies, who are jacking up the numbers.

Does this remind you of any other reports I’ve been detailing? The elderly people with obvious prior diseases who died in Australia; and the elderly people who were diagnosed as coronavirus cases in the state of Washington—all living in a long-term-care nursing home?

Getting the picture? This death-numbers con—aside from covering up the real causes of death, including MEDICAL—is the forward spear being used to justify locking down and wrecking economies all over the world right now, and that means attacking the people in any way connected to those economies who have to work to make a living.

There are statistical vampires at work, using the elderly and sick and dying to feed numbers to health agencies around the planet. Those agencies tap their press contacts, and horror reports emerge, and the unsuspecting public, in economic lockdowns, sit in front of the tube and watch these reports, and inhale the cooked-up fear.

Turn your mind to the highest setting, because nothing is riding on this whole deal except the immediate future of humanity.

And again, “Ribavirin may decrease the number of red blood cells in your body. This is called anemia and it can be life-threatening in people who have heart disease or circulation problems.”

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALEDEXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon Rapport. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Former Gang Stalking Private Security Spills on Program

Former Gang Stalking Private Security Spills on Program – Silent Holocaust PDF


Former Gang Stalking Private Security Spills on Program
Silent Holocaust
Whistleblower Testimony
By Builder Rejected ~~ October 14, 2017
Excerpts from live interview with private security ex-employee describing gang stalking, electronic harassment and mind control tactics.
(Name redacted by request)


Read more “Former Gang Stalking Private Security Spills on Program”



THIS IS A PLAN TO CRUSH the ECONOMY . . and much more
This order is an EXAMPLE
We WILL ALL see these orders in our cities, everywhere.
Order of the Health Officer: Shelter at their Place of Residence


ALERT: Future Does NOT Belong to Globalists OR Does It?


The Future Does NOT Belong to Globalists | No NWO! 2020

Here’s the latest from Dutch YouTube channel, Artikel 7.

It’s easy to think some of the claims Deborah Tavares makes are overblown but really, she’s just taking the public statements and the objectives of Globalist organizations, like the UN to their logical conclusion.

In the wake of the past three years, after watching the egregiously bad faith antics of our corrupt politicians, the kangaroo Mueller Investigation, the Fake Impeachment and the jerry-rigging of an incapacitated candidate who’s the embodiment the putrescence of the Democrat Party as their candidate for President, the claims in this video now seem quite tame.



President Donald Trump: The truth is plain to see. If you want freedom, take pride in your country. If you want democracy, hold on to your sovereignty and if you want peace, love your nation. Wise leaders always put the good of their own people and their own country first. The future does not belong to Globalists. The future belongs to Patriots. The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors and honor the differences that make each country special and unique

Dr. Stan Monteith: Today, there is a conscious organized effort to destroy the sovereignty of our nation. It is part of a worldwide plan. It is being carried out in Europe with the formation of the European Union. Doesn’t matter that the people of France and of the Netherlands have voted against the Constitution.

They don’t care what the people want. You common people, you’re standing in the way of progress. It’s a wonderful dream that they have been working for thousands of years to accomplish. What’s happening today is not accidental. These people know exactly what they’re doing.

Anthony Wile: These globalist forces that have an intent on bringing in line the various nation-states that need to be molded together in order to create a globalist government. I believe that they will continue those efforts and whatever it takes; force or propaganda, through mainstream Western media sources, which is continually trying to do their job, as well, on these on the ground and the subversive activities of the CIA, via movements like the Alliance for Youth movements.

I believe all of this will continue and whether or not the subversive attempts will work or whether or not the mainstream media mind manipulation will work, who’s to say but certainly NATO will continue to do and the US, as the bad-boy enforcers for the City of London will continue to do their job as best they can.

Deborah Tavares: Understand the level of engagement that now everyone should consider being involved in. This is not a time to think that someone else is going to handle this for you, we all have to engage, again on whatever level of understanding we have with this global assault on humanity – and this is not just an assault on humanity, this is an assault on everything that is living.

Nigel Farage: You know, what had happened for decades is, people have tried to build new false artificial supra-national structures and the European Union, in a sense was the prototype for a new form of government the Globalists wish to impose on all of us.

Indeed, had the blessed Hillary won that election back in 2016, I reckon you now would be very much closer to that European Union and very much further away from the idea, that in a democratic system, you can vote for people that make your laws – but you can equally sack people that make your laws.

Like it or don’t like it, men and women across this world want, by a massive majority to live in an identifiable unit that is a nation and they want their national flags, they want their national anthems, they want their national soccer teams to go win the World Cup.

That is what people want. It is the natural, normal human condition. It is the nation-state, to which we owe and pledge our allegiance. It is the nation-state to whom we, albeit slightly reluctantly pay our taxes. It is the nation-state to whom, if things really go badly wrong, we’re prepared to stand up a defend and fight for.

Anthony Wile: I don’t necessarily think it’s going to stop here. I think that it will continue. I think it’s in the best interests of the of the elite, who control the international organizations to see that we do have nation states, in which there is chaos and more continued uncertainty, so that a global solution, which would naturally be provided by these wonderful international organizations could be adopted.

And that is all part of the stride, in my opinion towards a One World Order system of governance, as well as monetary and financial control that revolves around, that has, for several years, several decades, passed that back to the point of the Civil War in America is an example of intrusion and an Anglo-Saxon, so to speak dominance, creating the conflicts themselves for which they come through the other side and try to provide solutions.

I don’t know why we would suspect that this will stop. I think it will continue – at least the effort will continue by Western powers to make this happen. The the game-changer potentially is the Internet, where more and more people may realize that they’re actually fighting on behalf of the very causes that they’re trying to stamp out; the very forces of evil that they no longer wish to be subjected to.

If they realize that, perhaps they won’t have a revolution – or at least, not one in the current color in which they’re having it, let’s put it that way.

Deborah Tavares: Everything the corporations and international bankers have been doing is one gigantic fraud and all of it at our expense. Disinformation and manipulation by the international bankers’ corporate structure, to centralize control of all people, land energy resources, technologies and economies.

We must expose the hidden secret of these corporations, universities and institutions, set to control all emerging technologies that will rebuild the world’s transportation, civil, manufacturing, physical infrastructure with cyber infrastructure; computers, networks and sensors.

Now, many of you are noticing the cameras everywhere; they’re on all the street corners, they’re up the freeways, they’re on buildings, they’re everywhere. There’s sensors everywhere. Surveillance in the United States has already imprisoned us.

G Edward Griffin: It means a totalitarian system; a system of concentration at the top and the people being at the bottom being ruled from above, not that the people have any voice in determining the direction of their government or the world but they are to be told what the direction is. They’re to be told to follow it.

Collectivism is the philosophy of Big Government and Small People and it’s a philosophy that supposedly, all of this is being done in the name of society. In other words, it’s for “the greater good of the greater number,” supposedly. And so you’re supposed to go along with whatever inconvenience or insult to your freedom comes along, because after all, it’s in the greater good of the greater number.

And this is the the rationale being used – has been used – for quite some time to justify all kinds of horrible atrocities. All the leaders have to do is say, “Well, it’s for the greater good of the greater number.”

President Donald Trump: In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord but begin negotiations to reenter either the Paris Accord or really, an entirely new transaction, with terms that are fair to the United States, its businesses, its workers its people, its taxpayers, so we’re getting out.

Beyond the severe energy restrictions inflicted by the Paris Accord, it includes yet another scheme to redistribute wealth out of the United States, through the so-called “Green Climate Fund” – nice name – which calls for developed countries to send $100 billion to developing countries, all on top of America’s existing and massive foreign aid payments.

Dr Stan Monteith: I believe the global warming situation is a scam and all I say is, if you really believe in global warming, why do we call Greenland “Greenland”? Why? Because, in the year 1000, when the Vikings were there, it was green and lush and that was a period of global warming and then we went into a period of Global Warming until about 1600. This global warming is a scam.

Deborah Tavares: When you read these plans, they say that, in order to reduce Climate Change, we must eliminate all machinery use and all equipment and we must literally reduce the temperature that would bring us back into the year 1750, before industrialization – and millions of people will die.

G Edward Griffin: We have these “international elites”. We call it “international” but basically, they’re housed in each nation. We have them in England and France, in the United States and Germany and so forth.

And now, the big move among these people is to coalesce into a true international elite, whereby they will be operating through the governmental power of the United Nations. Now, they they really have clout, because there is no nation in the world that can escape their power, because the way these people work is that if they want to accomplish something if they have an agenda, let’s just pick one at random – disarmament, or another one: population control or something like that.

As it is now, they have to convince each of the respective nations and their governments to implement those agendas but once you have a true United Nations, with true governmental power, with real military forces and once you have turned over to these agencies of international power control over your armies and over your air force and over your weapons of mass destruction, you have created a global government, which cannot be challenged by any nation, whatsoever.

So now, these international elites do not have to worry about convincing the governments in each part of the world, as long as they control the center of this power, which is the United Nations. They therefore can control the world.

Nigel Farage: It’s Davos time! The World Economic Forum, set up by people years ago, who wanted the politics and big business to work together. And they had a little gathering in a ski resort in Switzerland and now thousands of people go every year and because it reached its absolute peak under people like Tony Blair and Clinton and Obama and really, all the arguments for Globalism have been there at Davos for the last 50 years and more.

No space for the little man. No space for the nation-state, really. No space, certainly for the small entrepreneur.

What I thought was so delightful this year was that Donald Trump went along and just blew the whole thing up. Just told them, “Look, hey you know what? You all said my America First policy would be a disaster. We’re doing really well. We’ve got the lowest unemployment in 50 years, we’ve got good growth, we’ve actually got more Black and Hispanic people now working than ever before and poverty in their sectors being reduced.” And the people sat there in a stony silence.

And I think it’s really interesting to think that what’s happened to us over the course the last 50 years is we’ve decided nation-states don’t matter, we’ve decided democracy doesn’t really matter, because we can decide all of this in ski resorts in Switzerland! Isn’t it wonderful? It’s called Globalism!

And then we can bow down to the European Union or perhaps give the United Nations some more power and this is the importance, I think of what Trump has done. It’s the importance of what Brexit symbolizes. Most of us, people with common sense believe that the nation-state run on Democratic lines is much better than people deciding our futures in Swiss ski resorts on their annual jaunt to Davos or wherever else it may be.

Joe Biden: It allows us to refocus our intelligence and military assets and resources to other parts of the world where they’re needed, where we face new challenges.

This is the world you are graduating into, this is what I want to talk about today with you for a few minutes. I believe we, and particularly you, your class has an incredible window of opportunity to lead in shaping a New World Order for the 21st century in a way consistent with American interests and the common interests.

Deborah Tavares: Very soon and it’s happening now that people will be required to have implantable chips in your hand, where everything that you own will be on that chip, all your hospital records will be on that chip, your ability to access your home’s keylessly will be an opportunity for people, it’ll have your driver’s license, your education, all your vaccinations will be on that chip (and if you don’t have your vaccinations) they will require vaccinations. It will monitor and track, with GPS capabilities everywhere you are, everywhere you go.

It has the frequencies involved with the 5G are for hive-minding. So, for those of you that don’t understand what that is, this is a collective reality now of literally, putting all of our brains into the Internet of Things. Where, literally they’re saying I think it was by the year 2030, that the PC would have the capability of managing our cities with the brains of many people.

So, we’re talking about AI o the 5G being the underpinning of this technology that we’re all now hearing about. And everybody’s gonna want to be chipped because it’s it’s gonna be trending.

Dylan Avery: This is Aaron Russo, a filmmaker and former politician. To his left is Nicholas Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller banking and business dynasty. After maintaining a close friendship with Nicholas Rockefeller, Aaron eventually ended the relationship, appalled by what he had learned about the Rockefellers and their ambitions.

Aaron Russo: I said, “What’s the point of all this? You have all the money in the world you need and all the power you need. What’s the point? What’s the end goal?” and he said, “The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers, the elite people, the bankers, some in some government controlling the world.”

Barack Obama: We meet here at a moment of testing for Europe and the United States and for the international order that we have worked for generations to build.

G Edward Griffin: Most people think that the UN is our last best hope for peace. That’s the way it was sold to me when I was in school. It was offered as an organization where different nations could come together and work out their problems and their grievances in a peaceful manner and be a means of reducing world conflict and increasing the economic prosperity of all of the member nations and all of these wonderful things.

In reality, it turns out to be none of the above. In reality, the United Nations is a the seat of what the member governments hope will become a true world government.

Deborah Tavares: That’s the cameras, that’s all the tracking. That’s the camera in your computer screen, when you’re sitting behind your computer. That is the flicker rate and that’s what’s happening on your televisions. Everything that’s coming wireless into your home, that’s the wires within the walls of your home. It’s all tracking.

They were going to look at general sources of information. They were going to look at telephone taps, analyzing your garbage, surveillance, behavior of your children in school. They were also going to know how you lived, based on the food that you ate, the shelter that you lived in, the clothes that you purchased, the transportation.

They also would know your phone bills, because they would look at your itemized phone calls. They would know if you were married, because they would look at your marriage certificates and birth certificates, etc. They would know your friends, your associations, your political affiliation, they would know your personal paper trail, because they would know your banking account statements, your credit card purchases, everything was tagged and planned to be tagged back in the ’40s, with the universal product code [UPC].

They also are using Welfare, Social Security, USDA Food Stamps and grants and subsidies. They say this: the principle for these ploys. The citizen will almost always make the collection of information easy if he can operate on the “free sandwich principle”: eat now and pay later. We’re paying dearly now.

They also go on to talk about government sources via intimidation the IRS, OSHA, the Census, etc. They’ll learn your patterns of living. Again, your belief systems, your contacts, how you vote, your friends, your strengths and weaknesses. They say they will maintain access to control and prices for feedback and they will do shock testing.

They will implode the economy and they will charge us more through shock testing. They say they will destroy our opportunities and they will allocate our opportunities.

They will control the economic environment. They will control the availability of raw materials, our capital, our bank rates. They will control inflation of the currency. They will control possession of property and they will control industrial capacity.

The federal and state governments are not real. They’re privately-owned corporations called “governments”. In other words, we have a system where we have banks and corporations that have been posing as legitimate governments and they’re not. Its USA, Inc.

In fact, it’s Earth, Inc. It’s a corporate system. It’s a corporatocracy and we were left out of that lesson plan. We didn’t know. And it’s important to understand, our judicial system serves the corporations, not us. That’s why when we go to court, we generally don’t prevail and that’s why the years that we spend in court and the money we spend in court, that money goes to the Federal Reserve, which has of course nothing to do with “federal” and has absolutely no “reserve”.

We must not consent to these lawless corporate statutes that were created to increase debt and enslave all of us and that’s what’s happened.

Dr Stan Monteith: Just maybe, reality is usually scoffed at. Illusion is usually king but you see, in the battle for survival, Christian civilization is going to be reality, not illusion or delusion that’s going to determine what the future will bring…