The coronavirus pandemic might make buildings sick, too

The coronavirus pandemic might make buildings sick, too

by Caitlin R. Proctor, Andrew J. Whelton and William Rhoads, The Conversation

While millions of people are under orders to stay home amid the coronavirus pandemic, water is sitting in the pipes of empty office buildings and gyms, getting old and potentially dangerous.

When water isn’t flowing, organisms and chemicals can build up in the plumbing. It can happen in underused gyms, office buildings, schools, shopping malls and other facilities. These organisms and chemicals can reach unsafe levels when water sits in water pipes for just a few days. But, what happens when water sits for weeks or months?

There are no long-term studies of the risks and only minimal guidance to help building owners prepare their water for use again after a long shutdown.

As researchers involved in building water safety, we study these risks and advise building owners and public officials on actions they can take to reduce the potential for widespread waterborne disease. A new paper highlights these issues and our concerns that the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders may increase the chance of harmful water exposure when people return.

What happens when water gets old?

Just like food that sits in a refrigerator for too long, water that sits in a building’s pipes for too long can make people sick.

Harmful organisms, like the bacteria that cause Legionnaire’s disease, can grow. If not maintained, devices like filters, water tanks, heaters and softeners can become organism incubators.

With certain pipe materials, water can accumulate unsafe levels of lead and copper, which can cause learning disabilities, cardiovascular effects, nausea and diarrhea.

Drinking this water is a problem, but infections can also result from inhaling harmful organisms. This occurs when water splashes and becomes an aerosol, as can happen in showers, hot tubs and pools and when flushing toilets or washing hands. Some of these organisms can cause pneumonia-like diseases, especially in people who have weakened immune systems.

Water inside a building does not have an expiration date: Problems can develop within days at individual faucets, and all buildings with low water use are at risk.

Keep the water flowing

To avoid water issues, “fresh” water must regularly flow to a building’s faucets. Most U.S. water providers add a chemical disinfectant to the water they deliver to kill organisms, but this chemical disappears over time.

Medical facilities, with their vulnerable populations, are required to have a building water safety plan to keep water fresh and prevent growth. Schools, which have long periods of low use during the summer, are advised to keep water fresh to reduce water’s lead levels.

Health agencies in the U.S., Canada, England, Europe and some states have released recommendations in recent weeks, advising that building water be kept fresh during COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. There’s some debate over the best way to do that, but the core message is the same: Do not let water sit in buildings. Flushing accomplishes several goals. Credit: Caitlin Proctor/Purdue University

If water isn’t being used in a building, intentionally flushing the building to replace all the old water with new water can be done at least weekly. It also helps remove sediments that accumulate along pipe walls.

Faucets, water heaters and softeners, appliances such as refrigerators, toilets and other water systems, including cooling towers, all need to have water turnover. Some of these can require specialized attention. Faucet aerators should be removed because they accumulate materials and slow down the flow.

How long flushing takes depends on the building’s piping design, devices and the speed of water exiting the faucets. All buildings are different.

It took more than 80 minutes of flushing to draw fresh water to the farthest faucet of one 10,000-square-foot building. In another building, it took 60 minutes just to get fresh water from the water meter to the basement of a building 30 feet from the street. A single large building may take hours or days to clear.

Easier to avoid contamination than clean it up

For building managers who haven’t been running the water during the pandemic, the water sitting in pipes may already have significant problems. To perform flushing, safety equipment, including masks, currently in short supply, might be needed to protect workers.

A slow “ramp-up” of the economy means buildings will not reach normal water use for some time. These buildings may need flushing again and again.

Shock disinfection, adding a high level of disinfectant chemical to the plumbing to kill organisms living in it, may also be necessary. This is required for new buildings and is sometimes done when water in new buildings sits still for too long.

Inexpensive chemical disinfectant tests can help determine if the water is “fresh.” Testing for harmful organisms is recommended by some organizations. It can take several days and requires expertise to interpret results. Metals testing might be needed, too. Public health departments can provide specific recommendations for all of these actions and communication of risks.

The need for standards and water safety

Water left sitting in the pipes of buildings can present serious health risks.

Standards are lacking and very much needed for restarting plumbing and ensuring continued water safety after the pandemic passes.

Right now, building managers can take immediate action to prevent people from becoming sick when they return.

Explore further

Water quality could change in buildings closed down during COVID-19 pandemic, engineers say

Provided by The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.                                             

OUR COUNTRY is ATTACKING the PEOPLE (US) HERE’S a Personal Account HOW DEW’S are Used –


HERE’S a Personal Account HOW DEW’S are Used – 

Norman C. Rabin has been attacked with DEW weapons for 34 years, 

starting in Dec 1985; and V2K since 15 Oct 1990.  

One of the earliest, well-documented Targeted Individual cases.

3 Aug 2020:  Norman C. Rabin has been attacked with DEW weapons for 34 years, starting in Dec 1985; and V2K since 15 Oct 1990.  One of the earliest, well-documented Targeted Individual cases.

Former CIA Scientist Dr. Robert Duncan who worked on the remote neural monitoring technologies admits to a former US Navy Seal, Vietnam Vet and U.S. Governor that the CIA and Government is “no touch torturing” Americans like Norman Rabin and millions of others.  It is being scaled to the population according to Robert Duncan.

Rabin v. US DEPT. OF STATE, CIA, 980 F. Supp. 116 (E.D.N.Y. 1997)

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York – 980 F. Supp. 116 (E.D.N.Y. 1997)
October 7, 1997

980 F. Supp. 116 (1997)

Norman Carl RABIN, Plaintiff,
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, John M. Deutch, in his Official Capacity as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and Individually, and The United States of America, Defendants.

No. 95 CV 4310(ADS).

United States District Court, E.D. New York.

October 7, 1997.

*117 Norman Carl Rabin, Plainview, NY, pro se.

Zachary W. Carter, United States Attorney, Brooklyn, NY by Phillip J. Miller, Assistant United States Attorney, for Defendants.


SPATT, District Judge:

According to the plaintiff, he has been “targeted” by “United States satellite-based assault,” “surveillance” and “imprisonment” from 1986 to present. (Plaintiff’s Memorandum of Points and Authorities). Additionally, for reasons that need not be elaborated upon, the plaintiff believes that this “satellite” activity dovetails with plots between the United States and the former Soviet Union to free Jewish dissidents in 1986 and 1987, and with Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990.

This matter is before the Court on the plaintiff’s pro se motion to compel the defendant government agencies to expedite their processing of requests, made pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552 as amended, for documents allegedly evidencing the above-described government conspiracies. Also before the Court are the defendant Central Intelligence Agency’s [“CIA” or “the Agency”] motion to dismiss the portion of the complaint which seeks to compel the production of documents which are not in the agency’s possession, as well as the defendant United States Department of State’s [“State Department” or “the Department”] motion to stay the proceedings until it has fully processed the plaintiff’s FOIA request.

Smart streetlight controversy in San Diego prompts surveillance revamp | Smart Cities Dive

Amid swirling controversies surrounding San Diego’s Smart Streetlights program, including its use to surveil protestors marching against systemic racism, new laws being debated in the city would more strictly govern the use of surveillance technology.

One ordinance sponsored by City Councilmember Monica Montgomery would set policies governing the current and future use of surveillance technology and set parameters for how it can be used. It also creates requirements on oversight, auditing and reporting. Another would establish a nine-member Privacy Advisory Commission (PAC), which would create a use policy for the San Diego City Council to consider and adopt, and would also need to be informed whenever the city is about to partner on a new type of surveillance technology.

The legislation comes as many cities face a reckoning over policing methods, funding and the culture of surveillance, with calls to “defund the police” upending some cities’ budgeting processes. While some police departments have worked to try and assuage residents’ fears about the use of technology in law enforcement, it has prompted legislative action in cities including New York, where the city council voted in June to force the New York Police Department (NYPD) to be more transparent about the tech it is using.

The two ordinances unanimously passed the San Diego City Council’s Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods Committee and the Rules Committee, setting up a vote before the full council in September.

“The impact will be at the very least that we’ll have oversight and certain uses will not be allowed,” Montgomery said in an interview. “I think it’ll make people feel safer, I think it’ll build more trust with law enforcement in using these the right way.”

Controversy has dogged San Diego’s Smart Streetlights program, powered by CityIQ, for some time. Montgomery said elected officials started hearing “rumblings” in 2018 and 2019 that the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) had started using the cameras primarily as a crime-solving method, rather than for the original purposes of optimizing parking and traffic and tracking air quality. Earlier this year, there was a dust-up in city council as Mayor Kevin Faulconer proposed paying for the program through the city’s community parking district budgets, but saw that proposal rejected.

Objections came as the SDPD wrote the policies for how its officers would use the surveillance footage collected on the smart streetlights. “[There] was no oversight, there were no parameters given to the department and they had their own internal policies. That’s when this stuff started to rise to the surface,” Montgomery said. City officials did not respond to requests for comment on the program, which was the subject of a lawsuit late last year over its data collection and use.

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The city’s Smart Streetlights program has been the subject of some change in recent months, as smart streetlight company Ubicquia acquired all CityIQ assets in May, including the program in San Diego. Ubicquia declined to comment on the legislation through a spokesperson.

The program raised the hackles of various community organizations, which objected to the streetlights’ use by law enforcement and wanted to see some changes to the program. That helped prompt the formation of the Transparent and Responsible Use of Surveillance Technology San Diego (TRUST SD) Coalition, which collaborated on the legislation and has run public education and advocacy campaigns on the technology.

Genevieve Jones-Wright, the TRUST SD Coalition’s facilitator, said given the public interest in surveillance technology and the desire to see policing methods change, this legislation and the new PAC are steps in the right direction.

“When we started doing those community education forums, we were worried a little bit that maybe it would be a little too highbrow for some folks and they wouldn’t care, as it’s not that sexy,” Jones-Wright said in an interview. “But people were really pouring into these forums … So many people were interested in this, and a lot of people were extremely concerned and appalled. I think when we have this open discussion, we are going to see more civic participation.”

Lilly Irani, an associate professor at the University of California-San Diego who is involved with the TRUST SD Coalition, published a report earlier this year that said the Smart Streetlights program has merely resulted in “broken promises on civic innovation.” 

“Instead, the city is left with a surveillance system that pervasively records video in public thoroughfares and near homes, workplaces, and places of worship — and the city, not citizens, access and use the data,” Irani wrote.

Montgomery said while there is a recognition that technology can play a role in helping keep people safe in what she called a “technological world,” its use must be governed properly to prevent over-surveillance, especially of communities that have traditionally been targets of such practices.

“We use technology quite a bit, we’re very dependent on it,” Montgomery said. “And the police department and law enforcement can use some of these things in their crime-solving methods. But overwhelmingly, people believe there should be very consistent oversight, because folks are really concerned about technology and surveillance creeping into their lives, and their privacy and civil liberties being violated through this technology.”

Rods From God: A Space Weapon to Make Thor Jealous – InsideHook

The idea is as effective as it is simple: What if a military could harness the power of a meteorite?

More specifically: What if a military could send a large object into space, have it orbit the planet, and then, whenever necessary, blast it back onto the surface at speeds that would give the impact the power of a nuclear bomb, but without all that nasty radiation – turning America’s enemies into a crater?

That’s the underlying idea behind a weapon system concept affectionately known as Rods From God – and over the years the U.S. Air Force and other experts have seriously taken it into consideration.

The idea was dreamed up back in the 1950s by science fiction writer and space weapons expert Jerry Pournelle, according to The New York Times. He called the system “Thor” and seemed amused that his concept re-enters the military strategy conversation every few years.

“People periodically rediscover it,” he said.

One such rediscovery was in 2002, when the respected military strategy think tank RAND conducted a nearly 200-page study on space weapons that in part took an in-depth look at the Rods From God concept.

“The approach here is to make a small, solid, long, and narrow re-entry vehicle out of a high-density material,” says a 2002 study, under the heading “Kinetic-Energy Weapons Against Terrestrial Targets.” “For example, one such weapon might be a 1-[meter]-long tungsten rod weighing about 100 [kilograms].”

That size is important because, as the RAND study blithely puts it, the object needs to be large enough to survive the burn-up that comes with racing through the Earth’s atmosphere, but “preferably” small enough that it doesn’t cause “mass extinction,” like the end of the dinosaurs.

“Because of their extremely high velocity, these weapons are very difficult to defend against during their brief transit through the atmosphere and might therefore be particularly interesting against heavily defended targets,” the RAND study says.

The year after the RAND study, in 2003, the U.S. Air Force made specific mention of “Hypervelocity Rod Bundles” as a future system concept in a strategy paper. The Air Force description was to the point: The rods “would provide the capability to strike ground targets anywhere in the world from space.”

Since the idea is relatively simple – literally hurling a chunk of metal from space into the Earth’s surface – RAND warns that another nation might pursue such weapons as a way to bypass America’s conventional dominance.

“For example, instead of playing catch-up against highly evolved air and submarine defenses, a country might prefer these space weapons to bypass defense entirely,” RAND said.

So why aren’t there dozens of satellites orbiting the earth right now, packed to the brim with tungsten rods, just waiting to turn deeply buried bunkers into craters? Well, quite a few reasons.

“The limitations of such kinetic weapons include the fact that, in order to maintain velocity, their maneuverability and target window is severely limited,” says another analysis circulated by the military’s Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) in 2012. “In addition, because they derive their power from the pull of gravity, reentry angles must be steep, giving the weapon system a very narrow scope of targets at any given time.”

The DTIC says that because of that, an effective system would require a “large number of satellites to be in position to strike targets anywhere around the globe in a reasonable amount of time” — which compounds the already significant cost of getting the weapons into space in the first place.

“The fuel required to emplace and deorbit the weapons might be about 50 times the mass of the weapons delivered,” says RAND study, which the military found to be not totally unreasonable, but still steep – not to mention the cost of developing and building the systems themselves.

But there’s a reason people keep coming back to the Rods of God concept, and that’s because the U.S. military long ago woke up to the fact that dominance in space, and the ability to potentially threaten any part of the Earth from the cosmos, is a new Holy Grail in military and geopolitical strategy.

“Space strike systems could strike strategic and tactical targets deep within countries with impunity, inducing unprecedented coercive effects,” a 2006 Air Force study says.

If Rods From God could make that happen, odds are the U.S. military is gathering its tungsten. Now if someone could only get those space lasers to work.

WAKE UP – Tweet from Cathy O’Brien (@RealCathyOBrien)

WAKE UP – Tweet from Cathy O’Brien (@RealCathyOBrien)

MK Sex Slaves

The Clintons and Haiti


Cathy O’Brien (@RealCathyOBrien) tweeted at 5:35 PM on Sat, Jul 25, 2020:

I’ve started reading/posting Audios on my Blog now! Please give them a listen and Subscribe:


“Tens of millions of vaccines” will be “put into American arms” by end of year, official says

You have to scroll down on the link to find this article, as they add more to the page.

“Tens of millions of vaccines” will be “put into American arms” by end of year, official says

From CNN’s Wes Bruer

A senior Trump administration official said Monday that they are “very confident that by year end we will have tens of millions of vaccines put into American arms.”

Under Operation Warp Speed, vaccine manufacturing will begin by the end of summer, the senior official said during a telephone briefing. “In many cases it’s already underway,” the official said. “We’re acquiring the equipment, we’re setting up the space, we’re acquiring, in some cases, the raw materials to do it. We have project teams that are assigned to go out to each manufacturing site.”

The senior administration official added that Operation Warp Speed is not waiting on the results from the portion of the trial that determines whether the vaccine works: “We will be manufacturing hundreds of millions of doses long before phase three clinical trials are complete,” the official said.

The goal of Operation Warp Speed is to deliver “300 million doses of a safe, effective vaccine for COVID-19 by January 2021,” according to a fact sheet on the US Department of Health and Human Services website.

BlackRock, Inc. – BlackRock and Microsoft Form Strategic Partnership to Host Aladdin on Azure as BlackRock Readies Aladdin for Next Chapter of Innovation


 APRIL 7, 2020


BlackRock and Microsoft Form Strategic Partnership            Collaborate on Sustainability Initiatives


Together Accelerating Sustainable Development


GOALS for Financing, Data Controls,


Surveillance and AI


for UN Agenda 21 – 2030


Sustainable Development Programs


and much more.


Polices of Resource Restrictions from water rationing, limiting electricity, power outages, lands, rivers, oceans, Rationing of FOOD, Population Reductions and much more. . .


Microsoft = Bill Gates =Vaccines = Genocide






Press Release


February 13, 2020


BlackRock Creates Foundation to Advance a More Inclusive and Sustainable Economy 


BlackRock and Microsoft Form Strategic Partnership to Host Aladdin on Azure as BlackRock Readies Aladdin for Next Chapter of Innovation

Companies also Collaborate on Sustainability Initiatives

NEW YORK & REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– BlackRock and Microsoft Corp. have formed a strategic partnership to host BlackRock’s Aladdin infrastructure on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, bringing enhanced capabilities to BlackRock and its Aladdin clients, which include many of the world’s most sophisticated institutional investors and wealth managers.

By adopting Microsoft Azure, BlackRock will both accelerate innovation on Aladdin through greater computing scale and unlock new capabilities to enhance the client experience. BlackRock will also leverage Microsoft Azure’s network of global data centers and capabilities to meet the localized needs of Aladdin clients, all while maintaining Aladdin’s highest standards for resiliency and security.

“As both a user and a provider of Aladdin, this decision reflects BlackRock’s ongoing commitment to continuous innovation and scalable operating solutions,” said Rob Goldstein, Chief Operating Officer of BlackRock. “Aladdin infrastructure deployed on Microsoft Azure’s cloud platform will provide BlackRock with enhanced capabilities to deliver the best outcomes for our Aladdin clients.”

“By bringing Aladdin to the cloud, Microsoft will support BlackRock in further enhancing its client experience while also enabling continuous innovation in the financial services industry,” said Judson Althoff, executive vice president of Microsoft’s Worldwide Commercial Business. “Together, we will empower an ecosystem of financial services customers running their most critical workloads in the cloud.”

As the financial services industry looks to navigate ever-changing markets, institutions need integrated and scalable platforms to adapt to the growing complexity of managing data, risk management and advanced analytics to deliver innovative solutions to clients. To help support this trend, over time, the Microsoft Azure platform will enable BlackRock to accelerate innovation and collaboration between Aladdin and providers across the financial services ecosystem.

Firms to Collaborate on Sustainable Finance

In line with both firms’ commitment to sustainability, BlackRock and Microsoft will also work together on initiatives that leverage technology to improve and expand sustainability data and analytics. The lack of standardized, high-quality data remains a significant hurdle in understanding the impact of sustainability-related risk on investment portfolios and company performance. Big data, machine learning and AI can all play a critical role in improving access to and the impact and quality of sustainability data. 

The two firms will invite collaboration – whether from academics, startups, non-profits or others – on sustainability-related data, analytics and technology. As a first step, the firms will collaborate on challenge grants for organizations that use data and tech to understand and drive sustainability. The firms will also provide technical expertise, leveraging Microsoft’s scale in computing, big data and AI, and BlackRock’s leading investment and portfolio management solutions to support a better understanding of corporate sustainability behavior.

About Aladdin

Aladdin is BlackRock’s end-to-end investment management and operations platform used by institutional investors including asset managers, pension funds, insurers and corporate treasurers. It combines sophisticated risk analytics with comprehensive portfolio management, trading and operations tools on a single, unified platform. Also customized for wealth managers, Aladdin provides a common language across the investment lifecycle and enables a culture of risk transparency among users.

About BlackRock

BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. As a fiduciary to investors and a leading provider of financial technology, our clients turn to us for the solutions they need when planning for their most important goals. As of December 31, 2019, the firm managed approximately $7.43 trillion in assets on behalf of investors worldwide. For additional information on BlackRock, please visit

About Microsoft

Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @microsoft) enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

View source version on businesswire.com

For more information, press only: 

Logan Koffler
Phone: (347) 379.0363

WE Communications for Microsoft
Phone: (425) 638-7777

Source: BlackRock





Tracing and Tracking Pollution is of course a every expensive operation to supposedly advance justice, protect the environment, or provide better communications or computer networks. 


Always, remember, there are numerous parallel functions related to secret objectives of the Ruling cabal.  


New technologies are always related to a desire to control the peasants and change and re-structure society into a Global one world NWO system run by them and significantly depopulated.


For example, at first cell phones were believed to have been invented and manufactured for better more direct, more convenient communication. Later it has become obvious it was actually developed as an Intel tool to gather information about the individual, his/her movements, his/her associations. Some experts in electronic warfare now believe that these cell phone devices and systems have been weaponized and weapons of mind-control and a secret war against the masses, designed to shape expectations and attitudes. It is now known that cell phones can be used not only to track but to eavesdrop (most can do this even when turned off). 


All Intel gathering functions for data have dual use. When crimes are recognized by an unapproved entity that is not operating under immunity or as undercover or is not part of the ruling elite, parallel Law Enforcement operations are set up to entrap and discover the criminal acts, without ever disclosing the original intel source which was the NSA. 


Huge NSA costs are justified to supposedly keep America safe from attacks by foreign enemies, but are actually used to keep Cabal authorized RICO crime rings form being interfered with by regular law enforcement. 


All new technologies always have multiple deployments and uses, most important ones kept secret and serve as tools of the elite. 


All the development of powerful computers, especially the new quantum interdimensional computers which are supposedly for crunching numbers and solving problems faster, also have many secret deployments designed to control the masses by sophisticated tracking and hugely sophisticated gaming calculations using artificial intelligence. Using ultra high tech like this and A.I. to track polluters and pollution is merely a publicly declared function to supposedly protect the earth. This is a big con and a blatant lie. 


If the USG really wanted to protect the earth from pollution, they would stop spraying millions of pounds of nano-ized toxic chemicals like barium and aluminum into the sky for their sophisticated Space Fence System and electrified it with sophisticated EMF to create a highly ionized, seriously toxic atmosphere which is great for tracking and destroying missiles and UFOs, but also is great at secretly killing trees, reducing crop yields, creating fire hazards on the ground in forests and field, and poisoning people and wild life, and so much more. 


Due to advent of technology and robotized manufacturing – human labor is needed less and less and mass labor is seen only as a rising threat as these workers are displaced and economically minimized.  These policies have been set by the Ruling Cabal that the world’s population must be reduced by about 90% and eventually eliminated. The Cabal is creating an entirely new breed of gene-spliced beings by using the CRISPR/freezing methodologies.  The process to splice animals and human genes with other worldly genes, and merge it all with strange electronic circuitry.  Humans will no longer exist as we now know ourselves.  


Our Overlords are creating a hived race of entities always connected to the master A.I. Quantum computer. In the process all human religions will be destroyed and Christianity is especially targeted. The strangest thing of all is that the top perps running this program who sit at the top of the worldwide satanic network, ruling the world, are themselves quite religious, but the religion they serve and believe in is the “Sacred Snake” aka Satanism, Luciferians, worship of the Black Sun, Baal/Moloch Worship, and more.


Anyone who want to know how evil these practitioners are can easily find out in simple web searches. 


Everything on this planet will be tracked, traced and monitored and punished, accordingly.