Black Sky – Executive Steering Committee EIS Council • EIS Council \ EPRO

The EPRO® SECTOR Executive Committee Roster

EPRO SECTOR is providing a forum for cross sector coordination addressing Black Sky Hazards.  The government agencies, companies and other organizations listed below have become important contributors to EPRO SECTOR Executive Committee, and the cross sector, Black Sky coordination and planning process it hosts. 

  • Electric Utilities
  • Other Utilities
  • Government Organizations
  • Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Scientists & Engineers
  • Foundations & Community Leaders
  • Trade Associations, Commissions, and Think Tanks
  • Public Utility Commissions

POWER OUTAGE: The EARTH EX® Black Sky Hazard Simulation Project (the Black Sky Project) EIS Council • EIS Council \ EPRO Handbook

                Facilitated – Consensus – Events Imagined


Facilitated tabletop exercises addressing Black Sky Hazards to critical infrastructures.

The EARTH EX®  Black Sky Hazard Simulation Project (the Black Sky Project) is a moderated exercise series – a facilitated environment to consider impact and recovery from severe Black Sky Hazards – addressing national power grids and other critical infrastructures.  The project exercises resilience and response recommendations from EPRO and other government and corporate planning initiatives, serving both as a “laboratory” –  validating, refining and supplementing recommendations; and as an educational tool – a resource to help utilities and their partners with communication, training and consensus building.
In an actual crisis scenario, utility and emergency agency managers who live through the crisis often document their takeaway “lessons-learned,” to guide improved resilience and response plans for future, similar crises. 
Black Sky Project exercises make possible a similar learning process, without living through an actual crisis.  These adaptable, multi-sector or sector-unique facilitated tabletop exercises are designed to develop “lessons-imagined” for resilience and emergency response strategies addressing Black Sky Hazard scenarios.          

Are microgrids the answer to California’s grid woes?


Andy Tang, Vice President – Energy Storage and Optimization, Wärtsilä


Sept. 9, 2020

When all is said and done, we may look back on 2020 as the key inflection point in the global transition to a more flexible, resilient, and renewable grid. In August, I wrote in Utility Dive how the European experience during the pandemic is demonstrating how high renewable penetration, flexible electricity markets will function in the not too distant future.

The recent experience in California offers another glimpse into the emerging challenges facing utilities and grid operators as they work to keep the lights on with an increasingly climate-strained electric grid.

You are no doubt familiar with California’s recent troubles. But the synopsis is this: a heatwave that saw temperatures climb into triple digits had two compounding effects on the power grid, resulting in the first rolling blackouts in California since the 2001 energy crisis. The first was on demand. As temperatures rose, Californians cranked up the air conditioning, increasing demand for power. But the extreme temperatures had an impact on the ability of gas-fired generators to reliably deliver power, with several even shutting down just as demand was peaking. Combined with the evening decline of solar generated power, the California Independent System Operator president called this a “perfect storm” grid event.

What does this experience portend for the future of a grid increasingly threatened by extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, wildfires, hurricanes and more?

Microgrids – the ability to isolate and maintain reliable power supply to critical load centers – are a potential solution to many of the safety and reliability challenges facing utilities today. The wildfire-necessitated public power shutoffs in PG&E’s service territory in recent years offer an interesting possibility. By cutting power on high-risk distribution and transmission lines, anything downstream will lose power. With a battery-storage enabled microgrid, critical load pockets such as hospitals would isolate from the grid. Now disconnected from the grid, that isolated system would then form its own grid, managing frequency and voltage.

While the microgrid concept is not new, it has proven a challenge to materialize in the real world. This is because the energy storage technology required to form microgrids add complexity in the operation, optimization and orchestration of grid assets that does not exist with traditional centralized assets.

At Wärtsilä, our GEMS energy management software platform optimizes the performance of individual energy storage and grid integrated assets. But from the beginning, we’ve always seen our platform as more than a single power plant controller. We developed our software from the ground up to be cloud based where a single power plant or storage asset would act as a single node on a network with multiple nodes. Batteries add significant value to grid operators, but they also add complexity. A network consisting of assets from different technology providers will have different command and operation protocols. Batteries require much more active management than a traditional utility asset. Temperatures must be monitored to prevent thermal runaway. State of charge must be constantly managed to ensure long-term safe operation. Utilities already manage hundreds of thousands of data points. Managing the operation of different battery technologies, with varying thresholds for safety and discharge levels, is simply unrealistic.  

We saw that as utilities added these new distributed storage assets that there was a need for a control room tool that could orchestrate these resources in a technology-agnostic way. This was the genesis of our GEMS Fleet Director platform. Fleet Director provides centralized, real-time visibility and control into a global fleet of power plants. It is a cloud-based platform that allows for secure monitoring of equipment, operation history, and alarms from the fleet, power plant, and device level. Combining power plant data aggregation, weather forecasts, region specific market data, renewable and load forecasting, Fleet Director brings unparalleled intelligence to the operation of utility assets. 

Utilities have found particular value in Fleet Director’s ability to seamlessly take energy storage assets from grid control to microgrid control. That level of control has proven to be the missing piece of the puzzle in making microgrids truly viable. Having the capability to keep assets on the grid during normal operations and isolate and manage critical load at the local level during high risk events gives grid operators a level of flexibility and resiliency previously unavailable.   

With the control that Fleet Director offers, multiple distributed storage systems can bond together and act as one resource. This is the future that my colleagues at Wärtsilä are working toward for California and beyond as more storage is added to the grid: a flexible, resilient, and distributed fleet of assets that utilities can isolate and safely operate during high-risk weather or grid events while maintaining service to the most critical load.     

What do regulators want most from grid modernization proposals? A compelling business case | Utility Dive

What do regulators want most from grid modernization proposals? A compelling business case

The following is a contributed article by Abigail Anthony, a commissioner with the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission.

Some utilities are seeking regulators’ preapproval of massive grid modernization projects, including advanced metering functionality. Near-term preapproval to invest in broad grid-modernization projects will not occur unless utilities focus on developing — jurisdiction by jurisdiction — the most critical requirement for regulatory preapproval: a compelling business case.

Regulators are not typically the entity making investment decisions. Traditionally, utility executives make investment decisions. Later, regulators allow cost recovery in rates if investments can be shown to be prudent and used and useful (among other requirements). This system provides essential ratepayer protection, but the risk of disallowance can render utilities reluctant to make capital-intensive investments.

Due to the nature of grid modernization investments — expensive, hard-to-quantify benefits, rapidly changing technology, complicated in function — utilities are understandably reluctant to take on the burden of proof in an after-the-fact review that these investments were prudent and are used and useful. By asking for some form of pre-authorization, utilities are shifting the risk of their investment decisions away from shareholders and onto regulators, and ultimately, the ratepayers.

Regulators should, at a minimum, review these requests like prudent potential business investors, not like innovators.

High expectations

There is broad enthusiasm (and high expectations) for grid modernization and its potential to deliver a more flexible, reliable, resilient, secure and sustainable electric system. Observing all this enthusiasm, utilities might think that regulatory approval of grid modernization investments would come easily. Meanwhile, stakeholders may be frustrated by regulatory processes and principles they perceive as unsuitable and standing in the way of an advanced electric grid that will help achieve our most important policy goals.

As a consumer, I’m excited about the potential of grid modernization and frustrated by how difficult it is to advance. As a regulator, I am steadfast in what I need to conduct my duty.

Enthusiasm and frustrations will not reduce the need for the evidence regulators require before approving billions of dollars in investments to be recovered in monopoly rates. Utility regulators cannot be sold on visionary rhetoric that is better suited for other forums. Regulators need what any prudent investor needs: a clear, complete and well-evidenced business case.

Here are the key components of a utility’s business case to its regulators: need, value and accountability.

Utilities must establish that there is or will be an unmet need for the investment. Will the investment solve a power system problem, address a statutory requirement, or meet customer demands? The business case should describe the functionalities the utility seeks, the options considered, and justify the preferred solution. The centerpiece of this case should be a clear and reasoned rejection of the “do nothing” scenario. 

When faced with a request for preapproval, regulators will be keenly aware they are making an investment decision with someone else’s money and resources. If the business case leaves regulators believing that doing nothing is a viable and prudent decision, utilities and stakeholders should expect many regulators to choose that path.

Demonstrating value

To demonstrate the value of the investment, the business case should provide what the regulators consider a full and appropriate benefit-cost analysis.

The surest way to convince me an investment has value is to provide quantitative evidence that the proposed investment will reduce the cost of the power system and save customers money on their electric bills. My jurisdiction also considers benefits and costs outside the power system, such as the societal costs of greenhouse gas emissions. These benefits and costs are important to consider, but they are only part of demonstrating value, which is only part of a business case.

Utilities and stakeholders should not expect that projects will be approved primarily or solely on the strength of societal benefits. If the value of an investment is predicated on societal benefits, utilities may require a stronger needs case to gain regulators’ approval. Otherwise, if an investment provides no power system value and meets no power system need, of what use is it to ratepayers?

Importantly, the business case should explain what is within the utility’s control and where the utility can and cannot be held accountable. A good business case should present transparent and meaningful accountability for the success of what is within the utility’s control. If regulators are going to step in the shoes of the investor, preapprove investments, or relax post-investment reviews, there must be an equal trade-off with predetermining the responsibility for certain outcomes and the consequence if these outcomes are not provided.

In fairness to ratepayers, the model of preapproving utility investments should come with preapproval of firm, meaningful accountability. Here is where there is work for stakeholders; rather than aid the utility in selling grid modernization to regulators, stakeholders should independently make sure the utility’s plan will meet their expectations on a reasonable timeline. Otherwise, ratepayers may not get what they paid for.

Grid modernization has the potential to create a more reliable and sustainable power system, and it carries the risk that customers are left paying for a gold-plated system that doesn’t deliver on its promises. The stakes are too high for regulators to take bets on grid modernization; a business case should eliminate concern that a vote to preapprove an investment plan is a gamble.

The bottom line is that regulators should not let the utility off the hook to demonstrate that their investment plan is prudent and investments will be used and useful. Just as importantly, if the recovery mechanism shifts investment risks from the utility to the ratepayers, regulators should hold the utility accountable to the promises of a modern grid. A good business case will demonstrate these requirements to regulators.

ADVISORY Extreme Heat Storm Flex Alert Warning – Rotating Power Outages

Sonoma Clean Power offers Clean Energy Solutions at high prices through the participation in harvesting/fracking the Geothermal energy a Plant that PG&E and the Department of Energy over see, in Northern California.. This plant causes daily earthquakes, along with acid rain and midst.  The toxins emitted into humans and animals is excreted in the urine and causes concrete and rebar to degrade in wastewater treatment plants.

Just imagine what this corrosion is doing to buildings, homes, bridges, plumbing, water systems, and more.

 “Sonoma Clean Power” <>

Subject: Extreme Heat Storm

Date: September 5, 2020 at 1:55:02 PM PDT

Flex Alert for California is in Effect Dear Community, Due to the extreme heat storm, Sonoma and Mendocino Counties are being called on to again help California avoid rotating power outages this holiday weekend.  We ask you to please help the grid operators at CAISO by conserving energy. For today through Labor Day: Before 3 p.m., please: Pre-cool your houseDo laundryRun the dishwasherCharge your electric vehicleCharge laptops and phonesSet pool pumps to run in the early morning and late at night
Between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m., please: Set air conditioning to 78 degrees or higher, if health permitsAvoid using major appliancesTurn off all unnecessary lightsUnplug devices or turn off power stripsClose blinds and drapesLimit time the refrigerator is open
SCP is also monitoring weather forecasts, and a high wind event may occur between Monday night and Wednesday night, creating a risk that PG&E may call a Public Safety Power Shutoff.  Please check on Sunday and Monday to learn more, as we get closer. Finally, in these difficult times, please help us get these important messages out to your friends and neighbors so we can all prepare and be safe. Thank you, Chief Executive Officer  
Contact us  
SCP is here to help. If you have any questions or comments, you can always reach us by calling 1 (855) 202-2139 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST, Monday through Friday, or emailing us at Email Us   Sonoma Clean Power
50 Santa Rosa Ave., 5th Floor
Santa Rosa, CA 95404 You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to our “Announcements” list. You can manage your preferences below.   Tweet    Share    Forward  Preferences  |  Unsubscribe  

Covid Opportunities Bloomberg Oil Demand Reduced – Kiss YOUR Gas Good Bye Capturing Human Behavior Changes from Space

BNP Paribas, Ørsted, Google Earth on Using Data to Combat Climate Change

September 14th, 2020, 11:49 AM PDT

Mark Lewis, Global Head of Sustainability Research, BNP Paribas Asset Management; Niels Strange Peulicke-Andersen, Head of ESG Accounting, Ørsted; Carlo Buontemp, Director of Copernicus Climate Change Service, ECMWF; and Rebecca Moore, Director of Google Earth speak with Bloomberg’s Eric Roston at the Bloomberg Green virtual event about the ways in which data is being collected and deployed in the fight against climate change. (Source: Bloomberg)

BLACK SKY EVENT – Power Outages – EIS Council • Protection Initiatives – Resilience



As concerns grow over severe Black Sky hazards, lifeline utilities and State and Federal government agencies have been systematically expanding initiatives seeking to mitigate such extreme events.  Resilience planning and investment represent the foundation on which any such mitigation efforts must be built.

As has often been said, “20-20 hindsight” following an extreme event comes too late to make the strategic investments that could have reduced the impact of such an event.  Nevertheless, planning and implementing such measures is often challenging, requiring decision makers and stakeholders to make investments to address projected risks which, while serious, may yield little or no immediate benefit.  And though hazards that have occurred with reasonable frequency suffer less from this investment challenge, emerging threats – even when projected consequences are extreme – are a much greater challenge.

Increasingly, this issue is being addressed by expanding the use of tabletop exercises to both simulate hazards and allow key stakeholders to explore the impact of such hazards, while considering the benefits and projected needs for resilience measures.  The EPRO Black Sky Hazard Event Simulation Project represents a new example of such exercises, helping  utilities, government agencies and other stakeholders evaluate the needs and benefits of specific resilience investments for Black Sky Hazards.

E-Threats:  An example of the growing focus on resilience

As an example of this expanding focus, resilience strategies for E-threats (EMP and GMD), as the newest examples of emerging Black Sky hazards, are receiving increasing industry attention, and are a special focus of the hazard protection section of the EPRO Handbook, Volume 1.

A key finding of recent studies, including the reports of the recently reestablished Congressional EMP Commission, is damage caused by both EMP and GMD, while affecting very large regions, is expected for only a fraction of exposed, vulnerable electrical and electronic components.  EMP, for example, will not destroy all electrical and electronic components, devices and systems in an affected area.  While complex, computer-intensive control systems (including unprotected power grid control systems) will typically fail or be disrupted, most electrical and electronic hardware in the region will likely survive.  This result is crucial, providing a foundation for planning a strategic framework for resilience, focusing on targeted, cost-effective investments to provide strategic, protected “enclaves” or protection of restoration-critical infrastructure. 

The E-PRO Handbook discusses this resilience strategy along with recommended companion measures for accelerated restoration, such as protection for control centers and selected, critical long lead equipment, properly stored and staged spares, and EMP-protected emergency vehicles, tooling and communication gear.  Implementing such strategies involves planning for a cost-effective combination of mitigation investments, operational measures and comprehensive power restoration planning. 

Expanding the focus on the power grid’s Black Start system: A critical requirement for Black Sky Hazard resilience 

The core resilience foundation of the three Electric Interconnections that make up the U.S. national power grid is the Black Start system: Generating stations and cranking paths designed to be capable of restarting – and functioning as a starting point for grid restart – following a local or regional power outage.  This system has been the subject of careful planning and investment, and is properly considered a reliable and essential basis for resilience of the power grid from the full range of “Gray Sky” hazards experienced in modern times.

The Black Sky / Black Start Protection Initiative (BSPI)

It is vitally important to note – that the Black Start system was not designed to address Black Sky Hazards.  The Black Sky / Black Start Protection Initiative (BSPITM) examines Black Sky- associated limitations of the Black Start system, along with recommended enhancements and system architecture adaptations, as a starting point to consider upgrades to that system to address the extreme hazard scenarios represented by Black Sky Hazards.

Black Sky Power Grid Restoration

An essential feature of any resilience plan is companion planning for effective use of the resilience investments.  For the power grid, for example, while it is certainly vital to ensure that essential tools and assets needed for Black Sky Hazards will be available when needed, these capabilities will only be effective if they are embedded in upgraded restoration and training plans.

# # # # One finding emerging from EPRO ESC meetings has been a concern, voiced frequently by senior power company executives, for availability of trained, specialized labor to handle the expected, unprecedented restoration workload.  These executives have pointed out that, typically, trained engineering teams capable of handling projected hazards like Cyber or EMP are already, in normal, Blue Sky Day scenarios, significantly understaffed.  In Black Sky Hazard scenarios, they point out, staff availability is likely to be significantly reduced, precisely at a time when far greater trained, expert engineering teams will be absolutely essential.

For Gray Sky Hazards, a mechanism to address this concern is now being explored by the power industry:  Expanding Mutual Assistance programs, currently designed to provide line crews and “bucket trucks” to move between companies and geographic regions to help address local or regional disasters, to include a similar capability to exchange engineering teams.

# # # # For Black Sky Hazards, such an expansion of conventional Mutual Assistance programs, while important and helpful, will not come even close to providing sufficient capability.  With widely distributed, multi-region power grid hardware and IT and OT system disruption and damage, finding, isolating and repairing problems will require far larger levels of trained engineering staff, and with many regions facing the same needs, availability of engineers from other utilities will be limited.

The CPR Engineering Team model

In these scenarios, one highly leveraging approach will be to build plans for supplementing staff, to address such emergencies, from outside the power industry.  The CPR Engineering Team Initiative lays out examples or templates for such a mechanism.  Based on plans for advance certification and periodic training of engineers with expertise in the appropriate disciplines, the CPR model would provide a capability for added engineering and technician staff, to expand the capabilities and be closely directed and utilized by the normal, internal corporate engineering teams that will be in very short supply for such emergencies.

The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is the association that represents all U.S. investor-owned electric companies.

​Our MissionThe Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is the association that represents all U.S. investor-owned electric companies. Our members provide electricity for 220 million Americans, and operate in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. As a whole, the electric power industry supports more than 7 million jobs in communities across the United States. In addition to our U.S. members, EEI has more than 60 international electric companies as International Members, and hundreds of industry suppliers and related organizations as Associate Members.
Organized in 1933, EEI provides public policy leadership, strategic business intelligence, and essential conferences and forums.Our VisionEEI will be the best trade association.

We will be the best because we are committed to knowing our members and their needs. We will provide leadership and deliver services that consistently meet or exceed their expectations.

We will be the best because we will attract and retain employees who have the ambition to serve and will empower them to work effectively as individuals and in teams.

Above all, we will be the best trade association because, in the tradition of Thomas Edison, we will make a significant and positive contribution to the long-term success of the electric power industry in its vital mission to provide electricity to foster economic progress and improve the quality of life.



Today’s lifeline infrastructures are interconnected and resourced on unprecedented scales, with supply chains spanning nations and, increasingly, the world. With this growing integration and global reach, they have brought us remarkable capabilities.

At a price.

Concerns have grown over the potential for severe malicious or natural “Black Sky” hazards associated with subcontinent scale, long duration power outages, with cascading failure of all our other globally resourced, interdependent infrastructures.

This creates a grim and difficult dilemma:

Restoration of any sector, and population sustainment during the emergency, will only be possible with carefully planned – and exercised – international, multisector and societal planning and cooperation.

To deal with this deadlock, building and exercising careful sector by sector and cross-sector resilience planning is crucial. With the diversity and the national and global scale of today’s infrastructures, this requires an unprecedented, multi-sector, national and international exercise series

ISLANDS – SAFETY in QUESTION: ISIS take over stunning islands where Daniel Craig and Bono holiday burning down luxury hotels and imposing Sharia Law


ISIS militants have taken over paradise islands in the Indian Ocean, burning down hotels and imposing Sharia Law.

Luxury islands off the coast of Mozambique, where A-list celebrities spend their holidays, have been overrun by insurgents linked to Islamic State.

Read more “ISLANDS – SAFETY in QUESTION: ISIS take over stunning islands where Daniel Craig and Bono holiday burning down luxury hotels and imposing Sharia Law”