How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?

How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?

By Steven Fishman

I deferred this question to a friend of mine, Dr. Mylo Canderian, Ph.D. [born Milos Iskanderianos, Corfu, Greece, 1938], who developed the patent for Graphene Oxide for use as a Hematological Bioweapon in 2015.

In full transparency, Dr. Canderian is what I would call a “Genocidal Globalist,” who follows Precept Ten of the Georgia Guidestones, which is very seldom discussed, stating “Be not a Cancer upon the Earth; Leave Room for Nature.”

Dr. Canderian is a Medical Contributor to the World Health Organization and is also very supportive of Klaus Schwab and the “Great Reset,” ushering in one world digital currency which is a secondary goal of the WHO for 2022.

Dr. Canderian is of the opinion that 95% of the world’s population are “Useless Eaters” who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible.

“Look at downtown Chicago, Baltimore, or Los Angeles,” he has stated, “and you will clearly see why the Useless Eaters must be put down like rabid dogs.”

He has expressed his disdain for “Infectious Educators” who promote Critical Race Theory, and is confident that the “vaccine” will put an end to “Human Cancer Upon the Earth.”

Dr. Canderian is an ardent supporter of Freemasonry’s Duty and Obligation to rid the world of the “Plague of Humanity.”

Yet on a personal level, he and I share a passion for the same exotic dish served at L’emince de Veau in Geneva: Cream of Hummingbird Soup followed by Elk Tongue.

We both are fans of Chef Gaston Sere de Rivieres, who is a culinary genius.

So, I asked Mylo, “How can the “vaccinated” know with certainty how long they have to live once they have been jabbed?”

He presented me with the information, called the “End of Cycle Formula.”

He explained how easy it is to calculate.

“The Power of Simplicity,” he said. “There is a maximum cycle of ten years from injection to End of Cycle,” [or death], he elaborated. “And it is extremely easy to determine.”

He said any hematologist can see it within seconds under a microscope, and even more readily under an electron microscope. “The percentage of blood affected [or contaminated] by or with Graphene Oxide is the reciprocity of the End of Cycle calculation,” he divulged.

In other words, an “inoculatee” [as he calls anyone jabbed with the Experimental Use Authorization Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon] having 20% Graphene Oxide deterioration in their blood will, barring any other input criteria, live for 8 years. [10 years less 20%].

Someone with 70% Graphene Oxide deterioration will not live more than 3 years. [10 years less 70%].

Dr. Jane Ruby recently was interviewed by Stew Peters on his podcast and showed examples of what the deteriorated blood looks like when exposed to Graphene Oxide.

Graphene Oxide, for those who are unaware, is the component of Messenger RNA spike proteins and prions, which is at war with the heart, lungs, brain and blood for oxygen.

Graphene Oxide is an oxygen sponge which deprives the body of necessary oxygen and causes many complications, including but not limited to anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and endothelial cancer.”

Dr. Mylo Canderian’s viewpoint is much the same as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the Big Pharma CEO’s: LET THEM ALL DIE!

I asked Mylo what the effect of second and third shots and boosters do and how that changes the End of Cycle table.

Mylo replied: “It is all measurable through hematological testing. The more shots and boosters the imbeciles get, the worse their blood will look under a microscope, and the quicker they will turn to fertilizer.”

Finally, I asked him how the plot to kill so many billions of people could be kept so secret by such a group of elites.

His answer was: “You don’t know much about Freemasonry, do you, Steve?”

And there you have it.


“Mobile Chernobyl” 

Deborah Tavares askedBob of DuWeapons@gmail.comto comment on a Truck carrying radioactive uranium compound that crashed on I-95 in Cumberland sparking evacuation on March 31, 2021
You Need to Know this intentional crash operation creates what is called a Mobile Chernobyl 
NOTE: The truck was operated by Hittman Transport
Service based in Tennessee.
According to U.S. Department of Transportation record, the company has a good safety record. Records show it has five citations for hazardous materials issues since March 2019. Two of the four 1,000-gallon containers of uranium hexafluoride the truck was carrying fell off as the truck overturned
Definition Radioactive Uranium:Ingestion of high concentrations of uranium can cause severe health effects, such as cancer of the bone or liver. Inhaling large concentrations of uranium can cause lung cancer from the exposure to alpha particles. Uranium is also a toxic chemical, meaning that ingestion of uranium can cause kidney damage from its chemical properties much sooner than its radioactive properties would cause cancers of the bone or liver.____________________________________
Definition Uranium hexafluoride  * Uranium Hexafluoride is RADIOACTIVE. Ionizing radiation can cause mutations, cancer and/or reproductive damage. * Uranium Hexafluoride is a HIGHLY CORROSIVE CHEMICAL and contact can severely irritate and burn the skin and eyes with possible eye damage.

From: du weapons <>Subject: Re: HELLO BOB: A CRASH? Yeah right .. . Please comment . . . .Truck carrying radioactive uranium compound crashes on I-95 in Cumberland sparking evacuation on March 31, 2021.
NOTE: The truck was operated by Hittman Transport Service based in Tennessee.

Date: March 31, 2021 at 8:38:02 PM PDT
Bob Replies to Tavares –
They used the same “casks” when we did a demonstration 40 some odd years ago at the state capitol parking lot.“Mobile Chernobyl” we dubbed the Casks.The casks then and now are for making low enrichment fuel rods.The really good stuff is the bomb grade U235 or Plutonium intended to power submarines. Those are accompanied by armed Marines. Admiral Rickover insisted on the most potent fuel rods.Bob

Force Majeure

Force Majeure –  

HOW Your Insurances will be Nullified

CANCELLED – Legally . . .

Without Obligation to the Insured

Force Majeure 

Force Majeure Definition

Force Majeure


Updated Apr 17, 2020

Force majeure refers to a clause that is included in contracts to remove liability for natural and unavoidable catastrophes that interrupt the expected course of events and prevent participants from fulfilling obligations.

Key Takeaways

  • Force majeure is a clause that is included in contracts to remove liability for natural and unavoidable catastrophes. It also encompasses human actions, such as armed conflict.
  • Questions about what is and is not “foreseeable” in a legal sense have been raised given the increased awareness of pandemics, asteroids, super-volcanoes, cyber threats, and nuclear warfare. 
  • French law applies three tests for whether a force majeure defense is applicable— the event must be unforeseeable, external, and irresistible.

Understanding Force Majeure

Force majeure is a French term that literally means “greater force.” It is related to the concept of an act of God, an event for which no party can be held accountable, such as a hurricane or a tornado. Force majeure also encompasses human actions, however, such as armed conflict. Generally speaking, for events to constitute force majeure, they must be unforeseeable, external to the parties of the contract, and unavoidable. These concepts are defined and applied differently depending on the jurisdiction.

The concept of force majeure originated in French civil law and is an accepted standard in many jurisdictions that derive their legal systems from the Napoleonic Code. In common law systems, such as those of the United States and the United Kingdom, force majeure clauses are acceptable but must be more explicit about the events that would trigger the clause.

Force majeure is a contract clause that removes liability for catastrophic events, such as natural disasters and warfare.

Force Majeure vs. Pacta Sunt Servanda

In general, force majeure conflicts with the concept of “pacta sunt servanda” (agreements must be kept), a key concept in civil and international law with analogs in common law. It is not supposed to be easy to escape contractual liability, and proving that events were unforeseeable, for example, is difficult by design.

As time goes on, the world is becoming aware of natural threats we were previously ignorant of, such as solar flares, asteroids, pandemics, and super-volcanoes. We are also developing new human threats, such as cyber, nuclear, and biological warfare capabilities. These have raised questions about what is and is not “foreseeable” in a legal sense.

We are also becoming increasingly aware of human agency in events that have generally been considered “external” or acts of God, such as climatic and seismic events. Ongoing litigation is exploring questions of whether drilling and construction projects contributed to the very natural disasters that rendered them unworkable. In short, the concepts that underpin force majeure are shifting.

Example of Force Majeure

If an avalanche destroys a supplier’s factory in the French Alps, causing long shipment delays and leading the client to sue for damages. The supplier might employ a force majeure defense arguing that the avalanche was an unforeseeable, external, and irresistible event—the three tests applied by French law.

Unless the contract specifically named an avalanche as removing the supplier’s liability, the court may well decide that the supplier owes damages: French courts have deemed an event “foreseeable” because a similar event had occurred half a century before. Similarly, a war in a conflict-ridden zone might not be “unforeseeable,” nor capital controls in a struggling economy or a flood in a frequently-affected area.

Special Considerations for Force Majeure

The International Chamber of Commerce has attempted to clarify the meaning of force majeure (although it is not included in the organization’s Incoterms​) by applying a standard of “impracticability,” meaning that it would be, if not impossible, unreasonably burdensome and expensive to carry out the terms of the contract. The event that brings this situation about must be external to both parties, unforeseeable, and unavoidable. It can be very difficult to prove these conditions, however, and most force majeure defenses fail in international tribunals.

In any jurisdiction, contracts containing specific definitions that constitute force majeure—ideally ones that respond to local threats—hold up better under scrutiny. Even in systems based on civil law, the application of the concept can be strictly limited. 

SKYBORG-Planning for Mass Murder—Planning-for-Mass-Murder.html?soid=1111839869613&aid=0DcdK_hs0GU

Planning for Mass Murder 
Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) issues call for proposals on “Skyborg.” 
This is an autonomous drone system that will automatically track and kill people. 
AFRL is the same Lab that funded development of
the Vircator Microwave Weapon
(Patent 4345220).

                             22 May 2020  

LRAD Products – Genasys Inc.



Long Range Acoustic Devices

LRAD systems are in service in more than 100 countries and 500 U.S. cities in diverse applications, including Public Safety, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Fire Rescue, Emergency Management, Maritime and Port Security, and Wildlife Control and Preservation. LRAD systems deliver live or recorded voice messages with exceptional clarity for any operational scenario. Optimized to the primary range of hearing, LRAD’s Advanced Driver and Waveguide Technology ensure every broadcast is clearly heard and understood, even above crowd, engine, and background noise.



Sunday, July 18, 2021

Some topics below:
Orbital mirrors, Google and
Amazon are Competing with
Our Rothschild Utilities to Create
Deadly Wireless
Wireless household silent weapons,
Urban Heat Islands, Solaren Corp,
Worst cities ranked for urban heat,

Recent research has shown
Black and brown neighborhoods
disproportionately suffer from the
effects of urban heat compared to
their White counterparts.

From Deborah Tavares

San Francisco WILL Be Cooked
This IS a Worldwide Agenda

LIST of Communities in USA, Inc.
to be SCORCHED and COOKED by Heat Targeting


Heat waves: Cities with the worst urban heat, where temperatures can spike 15-20 degrees in a matter of blocks – CNN: Hiding the Directed Energy Weapons

Weather Weapons From Space Making Heat Waves
Chemtrails and Atmospheric Electromagnification
Wireless Frequencies

Targeting Individuals with Weapons Causing Increased Body Heat

Our Overlords are using deadly technologies to create the climate crisis and make record-breaking heat waves more frequent.
Science is for sale – and paid and controlled researchers rely on CONsenus which is NOT science to adopt deadly policies. These sell outs receive benefits to deceive and KILL – and say cities should do more to combat the impact of urban heat islands.
DO NOT LET THEM create a new battle language – “Urban Heat Islands”
We must start controlling the
language and say it like it is –
Cities are Human Microwave Cooking Zones
We are being murdered by these scientists, researchers and overlords.

A Partial LIST of Communities to be SCORCHED and COOKED by Heat Targeting
is below – is your city on this list?
Phoenix, Las Vegas, Reno not on the list
Because those cities have more experience with heat and are using lighter materials to pave roads, for example, instead of black asphalt

Maybe, those cities that are not on the “scorch and cook list” have become globalists controlled “out posts”
used to hide those that will invade nearby communities and neighborhoods with other weapons.

Think about it – in regions where densified heat is targeting communities who would go to a known desert community?
Why would folks go to escape the heat to an area that is usually HOT?

WHY? – Likely, SAFE HAVENS for those Hiding from extreme heat?
For those in the know – they could escape a number of planned health impacts intended to damage, injure or kill.
Hyperthermia, occurs when the body can’t cool itself efficiently, and can affect “anyone” who is exposed to extreme heat for too long.
Air pollution tends to be amplified on hot days, which is intended
to irritate the lungs.
People with cardiovascular disease are particularly vulnerable in hot weather, which makes the risk of a heart attacks higher by design.

ESCAPEES will become REFUGEES and targeted by MANY other weapons as they are forced out of fear to relocate.

MORE Infrastructure failures will result from the increased pulsed frequencies – think about the several recent building collapses.

Google and Amazon are Competing with Our Rothschild Utilities to Create Deadly Wireless SMART HOMES – of DEATH

We are finding our Rothschild controlled utility companies are suggesting we deploy interior smart thermostats IN our homes. We are told during heat events, and to keep the power grid from going down, that your “remotely controllable” wireless thermostat can and WILL be adjusted REMOTELY to a Hotter Setting.
Think about how these will be remotely hacked while you’re sleeping and you may be unable to STOP or adjust the setting.

Of course, no mention of the invisible amped up frequencies of death.

We will discuss what you CAN DO to be less easy to be killed.



The smart home market is booming, reaching 40 percent of all U.S. households. By 2025, that number is expected to grow to nearly 60 percent. For energy utilities, this sought-after technology is an opportunity to reach customers in new ways, increase engagement and improve J.D. Power scores.

Energy utilities are competing directly with Amazon and Google in the smart home market.
Beyond selling smart home devices, tech companies are using home energy automation as an opportunity to collect customer data, which they are using to build digital profiles. In fact, many utility customers are receiving energy-related emails directly from these tech giants.
Google sends out a monthly email newsletter to Nest customers featuring colorful reports on each customer’s energy usage and local energy trends. The eNewsletter includes infographics and videos that provide energy efficiency advice and other engaging content.
The deadly smart home market is projected to reach $29 billion in sales in 2021 and nearly $47 billion by 2025. With financial gain at stake, death tech companies have a strong incentive to continue building relationships, WHILE COLLECTING DATA from customers around energy efficiency.
WOW – disclosing how they will trick you.
According to a recent survey, 80 percent of energy utility executives agreed that utilities fail to match the level of personalization and convenience that customers receive from Amazon and Google. That’s why it behooves your energy utility to take control of the smart home conversation and reestablish its role as an energy expert.

We are being set-up to be cooked with frequencies and frequency pulses that create ‘mini earthquake like conditions” that are creating structural failures worldwide in buildings, bridges, dams, levees, and more.
Pulsed frequencies cause worldwide structural failures.

They tell us – A smart home strategy might include a personalized eNewsletter targeted to customers who have shown interest in this technology or purchased a product through the energy marketplace. Energy utilities should also promote the energy efficiency benefits of smart home technology in their education and outreach efforts.

A new survey by Deloitte found that the average American household contains a minimum of 25 different wireless devices.

Here is a partial list of wireless household silent weapons – all of which will be hacked –
while your bodies are being hacked to advance convenience.

Smart meters, smart wireless water meters, smart phones, Micro-wave ovens, iPads, Kindles, wifi modems and routers, range extenders, wireless computers, wireless printers, wireless keyboards, wireless mice, wireless speakers, wireless headphones and earpieces, wireless garage door openers, wireless door locks, wireless doorbells, wireless baby monitors, wireless surveillance cameras, wifi video cameras, wifi digital photo frames, smart thermometers, smart thermostats, smart yoga mats, smart indoor lighting, smart security systems, voice controllers, gesture controllers, smart buttons, smart alarm clocks, smart air quality monitors, smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, smart navigation systems, connected exercise machines, fitness trackers, sleep trackers, location trackers, blood pressure monitors, heart rate monitors, smart appliances, controllers of smart appliances, ibeacons for home automation, smart ovens, smart irrigation systems, wireless garden sensors, Click and Grow Herb Gardens, smart grill thermometers, smart sprinkler controllers, smart air conditioners, smart TVs, video streaming devices for TVs, wireless gaming consoles, wireless leak detectors, smart watches, smart bracelets, smart air purifiers, smart home vent systems, remote pet feeders, smart light bulbs, bluetooth-connected espresso machines, and bluetooth-connected cookers – and more.

Every one of these devices emits radiation. Every one of these devices, if you have it on your person or in your home, irradiates you and your family, your pets and your neighbors, and ALL that is ALIVE . . .

Urban Heat Islands – Dense Human Settlement Zones called KILL Cities
Mass Densification of Wireless Devises and Equipment – KILL

Deadly technologies are attacking Communities of Color and Neighborhoods with little tree cover, few grassy areas and a lot of concrete will be at least 15 to 20 degrees hotter than the surrounding areas of greenery. This is a cover story for the directed and deadly heat tech.

Lack of Trees and Landscaping Increase Heat – just look around and NOTCE neighborhoods void of landscaping as they WILL become Targeted Heat Zones with the excuse of lacking vegetation.

The Heat is Invisible – Frequencies are Invisible


In-fact, we did a video we named the “Cooking of Humanity”
which was an interview with Barry Trower –
a noted World expert on microwave warfare!
If you have not heard or seen this interview with Deborah Tavares we highly recommend watching the “Cooking of Humanity”.

Aka – Climate Crisis is increasing severe weather events and heating us up – and we are told it’s OUR Fault!
We are Running Out of Water and Communities are Restricted and NOT allowed to use water for outdoor landscaping . . .

Water is a RENEWABLE –
and WE Are NOT Running Out of Water
Go To

Asphalt, Roadways and Freeways Create more Heat and MELT in Heat WAVES . . .
More People WILL Give Up Their Cars, Willingly, to Reduce the Intolerable Heat
and Unaffordable costs of Cooling

Weather Weapons, Pollution, Frequencies CREATE MicroClimates
We will soon become climate refugees and forced to abandon areas that are to hot to continue to live in.

We are told to expect more record breaking heat events under the guise of Climate Change –
We ALL are being attacked intentionally with Technologies of Death

Overheating areas in North West, USA, Inc. with orbital mirrors

From Satellites in Space
NASA Launched a Giant Magnifying Glass Into Space to Collect Solar Energy
Being Used to Scorch Large Regions as we have witnessed in the Western Hemisphere.

Solar Powered Space Weapons

PG&E produced a space weapon through a company called SOLAREN CORP which beams and targets microwave energy directly down to a land based target from space

On we have many videos posted
about the SOLANEN CORP – posted several years ago

BEWARE – a NEW Sales Trick is Emerging
Selling Cities is NOW called Municipal Marketing
to Convince enough people to move to a particular city,
and that city suddenly has a new worker ecosystem
that can grow organically without having to dole out multimillion-dollar
tax breaks to lure corporations.

NOW – After Reading About KILL Cities “DO NOT” be Tricked or Lured by Municipal Marketing to relocate into Human Settlements and Cities of Death.
These cities have the worst urban heat, where temperatures can spike 15-20 degrees in a matter of blocks

The Bywater neighborhood of New Orleans. As the climate crisis makes record-breaking heat waves more frequent, researchers say cities should do more to combat the impact of urban heat islands.
(CNN) — There are places within cities where summertime heat can soar, and giant swings in temperature are observed over a matter of blocks. Neighborhoods with little tree cover, few grassy areas and a lot of concrete can be as much as 15 to 20 degrees hotter than the surrounding areas.
During heat waves, these so-called urban heat islands are deadly. Extreme heat is an invisible yet dangerous consequence of human-caused climate change, killing more people each year on average than any other weather-related event, according to the National Weather Service.
The urban heat island effect amplifies a heat wave’s already-oppressive temperatures: areas with a lot of asphalt, buildings and freeways tend to absorb the sun’s energy then radiate heat. Areas with green space — parks, rivers, tree-lined streets — absorb less.
And some cities have it worse than others. Researchers at Climate Central, an organization that focuses on the impacts of the climate crisis, analyzed urban heat island factors in 158 cities in the United States and ranked the top 20 for worst urban heat:

New Orleans
New York City
San Francisco
Salinas, California
Burlington, Vermont
Bend, Oregon
Erie, Pennsylvania
Fresno, California
Lafayette, Louisiana
McAllen, Texas

Andrew Pershing, the director of climate science at Climate Central, said the results were somewhat unexpected.
“Anything with ‘urban’ in its name you’re going to be surprised if New York City and Chicago and places like that don’t rate pretty highly,” Pershing said. “But I was certainly surprised NOT to see places like Phoenix, Las Vegas, Reno on the list.”
But, he said, those cities have more experience with heat and are using lighter materials to pave roads, for example, instead of black asphalt, which can literally melt in high temperatures.

Extreme heat has several health impacts. Hyperthermia, which occurs when the body can’t cool itself efficiently, can affect anyone who is exposed to extreme heat for too long. Air pollution tends to be amplified on hot days, which can irritate the lungs. People with cardiovascular disease are particularly vulnerable in hot weather, which makes the risk of a heart attack higher.

Recent research has shown Black and brown neighborhoods disproportionately suffer from the effects of urban heat compared to their White counterparts.
Low-income residents and communities of color tend to be in areas that lack tree cover, green spaces and access to cooling centers, Vivek Shandas, a professor of climate adaptation and urban policy at Portland State University, previously told CNN.
Many in these communities work outdoor jobs where they are exposed to heat for long hours, to pay rent for apartments that don’t have proper cooling systems, Shandas said.

Officials announced last week the Pacific Northwest heat wave in late June was a mass casualty event in which hundreds of people in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia likely died in unprecedented temperatures.
Officials in Oregon say at least 83 people died from heat-related illness in the state, 54 of whom were in the Portland area. Many of the victims there were older, living alone, and without functioning air conditioning, according to a preliminary report on excessive heat deaths released by the county Tuesday.
In Washington, at least 78 people died, and across the border in British Columbia, officials estimate tallied 500 more deaths than normal for that time period, which they believe are heat-related.
Addressing the public-health crisis requires mitigation during heat waves and thoughtful planning in future development.
Pershing said the color of surfaces is critical to consider when planning new buildings or roads — white is coolest, black is hottest — but another interesting factor is population. In densely populated neighborhoods, he said, “they’re going to be running machinery and running air conditioners” that adds to heat.
“I like to think of it as the human-induced microclimate,” Pershing said.
As the climate crisis makes record-breaking heat waves more frequent, researchers say cities should do more to combat the impact of urban heat islands by thinking about heat impacts before choosing materials, planting trees and planning new green spaces.
“It’s been a real issue in the development of US cities over time — that green spaces tend to be built in the suburbs, or in the places where the rich people live,” Pershing said. “I think it’s really important that those be available to everyone.”
CNN’s Rachel Ramirez and Chris Boyette contributed to this report.

Final Energy Thoughts and Concerns that Utility Companies Currently Have.

Energy utilities are competing directly with Amazon and Google in the smart home market. Here’s how utilities can take back control of the energy efficiency conversation. See the Solution
To start the smart home conversation, energy utilities need to take advantage of content marketingto educate and engage customers. Research finds that 70 percent of internet users want to learn about products through content versus traditional advertisements. Content marketing builds long-term engagement and fosters a digital relationship that brings value to customers.
With the right content, energy utilities can educate customers, help them make decisions and show them how this technology is an essential part of a smart energy lifestyle.
A smart home strategy might include a personalized eNewsletter targeted to customers who have shown interest in this technology or purchased a product through the energy marketplace. Energy utilities should also promote the energy efficiency benefits of smart home technology in their education and outreach efforts.
It’s also essential to create a cohesive, companywide message to ensure all customers receive a similar experience, whether they receive a promotion about purchasing a smart thermostat or contact your call center to inquire about smart home resources.
As more energy utilities roll out time-of-use rate options and demand response programs, it will be “critical” to encourage adoption of smart energy technologies to both residential and business audiences.
The cost of doing nothing if the utilities do not stop the tech giants from taking over . . .
The risk of forfeiting customer relationships to the tech giants could lead to lower program participation, higher operational costs and reduced revenue from lost marketplace sales. Another potential threat is big tech selling electricity in the future.
According to a Wall Street Journal article, “In 10 or 20 years, the dominant retail electric provider in the United States is going to be Amazon or Google.” Currently, tech companies are teaming up with energy industry partners – a market that could grow as much as 500 percent in the next few years.
For example, Amazon Web Services has an oil and gas division with BP and Shell as clients, while Microsoft currently has a partnership with ExxonMobil and Chevron. Google has a partnership with Schlumberger for its oil and gas petrotechnical software.
According to UCRC’s State of the Customer report, approximately 25 percent of consumers would choose a different energy provider if given the option, and another 50 percent did not have a strong feeling either way.
That’s why it’s critical to build strong customer relationships around smart home technology before tech companies make further inroads.
A competitive advantage
While it’s no easy task to compete with these tech giants, energy utilities have one major competitive advantage: Customers trust their energy utility.
According to research from the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC), 42 percent of consumers said the involvement or endorsement of their utility would influence their adoption of smart home technology.
In contrast, customers have concerns about big tech and data privacy, as cybersecurity breaches continue to make headlines.
The bottom line is customers are looking for smart home advice from a reliable source like their energy utility. They need advice and information – and that’s the perfect opportunity for energy utilities to take control of the conversation.

Final comment:

Search “SmartFlex Platform” to learn HOW international corporations who advocate for climate change will track, and monitor every customer interaction.
Frequencies amped up to destroy Life –
ALL Life.
This is the New World Order
as told us in the
United Nations agendas. .

