KILL CITIES – by Rothschild and Rockefeller – Gone Main Stream . . .

KILL CITIES – by Rothschild and Rockefeller  – Gone Main Stream . . . Washington Post and beyond . . .

Apparently, the Rothschilds have access to technology that causes the kind of freak weather currently linked to climate change, and use it to drive people out of farms and rural areas into inner cities.

“This a genocide program,” says California conspiracist Deborah Tavares in a YouTube video cited by the Post. “We are being moved now into what they call ‘resilient cities.’ And it’s important to get this word out, start looking it up: Resilient cities. Understand what this is: This is a plan brought in by Rothschild and Rockefeller.”

A New and Great American Hero in DC Stands Tall . . .
Members of Congress know the Rothschild’s control the
weather and are behind resilient cities, but would never
admit it because they feed at the DC Rothschild taxpayer
money trough as the pigs in muck and the liars that they
are. We the People are in Great Danger!

Debunking Snoop –
Recently snoop4truth sent out a mass email 
accusing Deborah Tavares of spreading hoaxes. 
Snoop4truth is an anonymous troll.He presents his incorrect positions and
accusations as fact. And of course he
is wrong.One thing for sure he is no legal expert.

His repeated assertion that Rod Class is Judge Dale is not only
laughable it is a redirection technique. As he doesn’t mention
my name or web site, he hopes to decrease the chances that
folks will visit it. Because, if they did they might run across the
interview of former World Bank attorney Karen Hudes on a
Rod Class call whereby she independently confirms information
Judge Dale provides in his book The Great American Adventure.
You can hear 15 minutes of her interview here: might also discover attorney/researcher Melvin Stamper’s book
Fruit from a Poisonous Tree. Stamper also independently confirms
Judge Dale’s information. If snoop4truth had the legal expertise to
challenge either of these legal giants, he would surely not be posting


Snoop4truth is likely a paid disinformation agent. We should ignore
all his anonymous messages . . .where ever they appear.
Perhaps Deborah should feel good about the fact that she is getting
her message out so far and wide that our common enemy now has
to pay people to try and discredit her.
AL Whitney, Editor of
Host of In Defense of Humanity on RBN, Saturdays at 8 pm ET
Kill Cities by Rothschild and Rockefeller
Kill Cities by Rothschild and Rockefeller