Human Meat Project ♨︎ HMP 🍽People Who Eat People – For a Better TomorrowHUMAN MEAT as a FOOD SOURCE |
WE ARE to BELIEVE THAT WE MUST CANNIBALIZE to SURVIVE. OUR OVERLORDS are Creating a Blood SacrificeAlong with ENJOYMENT of People Eating People WE DO NOT SURVIVE THE GENOCIDE WAGED UPON US. EATING HUMAN FLESH REWIRES THE BRAIN AND INCREASES ANGER DO NOT EAT YOUR NEIGHBORS, FAMILY OR FRIENDS Due to Climate Change and TOO MANY People Using too much Stuff – we are told we can lower our carbon foot print by eating each other.There are many folks that truly believe eating people will help save the planet! Identify these People Eating Advocates and Protect Yourselves and Others From Them. Read below as we are sold the merits of Cannibalism!!! A Human Body CAN Feed Up to 40 In order to save the planet from the impact of our modern civilization and lifestyle, we have to make a change in our ideas about consumption and our dietary choices.We face climate change due to waste, pollution, deforestation and overpopulation problems.By donating your body for human consumption, you are taking direct action to help others and lessen the damage of the industrial age.By consuming human meat, we create a change in both our life and the world. By improving the standard quality of life in every country and nation, we can give everyone in the world a good life. Human Meat as Food Source The practice of cannibalism is not uncommon in living beings. In both the animal kingdom and our human history, the consumption of one’s own species has existed.During the discovery of the New World, Christopher Columbus brought back what could be seen as early evidence of cannibalistic practices in modern civilization. The word ‘cannibal’ comes from the name the Spanish gave to the Caribs (Cannibales). The Spanish accused the Caribbean tribe of ritualistically consuming their enemies, but modern-day scholars have doubts that it actually happened. They speculate the Caribs were engaged in an anti-colonial battle with a host of European powers. Many historians now argue that the cannibalism rumors were just a propaganda tactic by the Spanish meant to provoke fear.The word ‘cannibal’ was used as a derogatory term to describe tribal and native people, and became an indirect ethnic slur. Human Meat Donation Mission and Vision In order to save the planet from the impact of our modern civilization and lifestyle, we have to make a change in our ideas about consumption and our dietary choices.We face climate change due to waste, pollution, deforestation and overpopulation problems. By donating your body for human consumption, you are taking direct action to help others and lessen the damage of the industrial age. By consuming human meat, we create a change in both our life and the world. By improving the standard quality of life in every country and nation, we can give everyone in the world a good life. Human Meat Nutrition Facts One body can feed up to 40 people* *An average adult male 65kg, only meatHuman meat often understated for its nutritions, human meat protein and fat density could have the same or better than other convenient meat product like beef, chicken and pork.As omnivore, human meat taste and texture is similar to pork, not to mention the quality could be more substantial(depending on Quality of Life ratings).One body contains every essential amino, minerals and vitamins needed for daily intake. Not only one body could feed up to 40 people, it also the most attainable resource for meat and fat consumption. Quality Control How we Select our Donors We make sure our donors are healthy, and without any contagious diseases, health issues, or medications or substances which might be absorbed by people who consume their meat. Health Risk Donors who have medical conditions such as AIDS/HIV, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), hepatitis (HAV/HBV/HCV/HDV/HEV), cancer, tuberculosis, or rabies will be rejected in order to prevent risk to the consumer.There are also other medical condition that might prevent donors from being accepted, such as diabetes, hormone treatments or mental disorders. Rejected Donation In case of rejected donation:If a donor has any medical condition that can be transferred human to human, they cannot be a donor.If a donor has an active cancer, they cannot donate up until the time the cancer has gone into remission or been removed and will have to wait a minimum of one year after the last treatment or procedure. If a donor has a partial remission, they will have to wait a minimum of one year after the procedure and will go through a medical check up to ensure no medications remain in the body. If a donor has gone through full remission after one year, they can be a human meat donor. Quality of Life Quality of Life is a rating system of human meat quality.Every donor that has gone through our quality control procedure and assessment will be rated based on the quality of their life (health and wellness). About Us Welcome to the Human Meat Project, we are the human meat donation program. By donating bodies for human consumption, we are taking action to solve overpopulation, which leads to climate change and the greenhouse effect caused by the mass farming of livestock animals in order to feed the world. At Human Meat Project, we value every body and every life. We emphasize the source and origins of our human meat to deliver the diversity of our world and reveal the worrying differences of quality of life across the globe.Our organization welcomes every nation to give back to the rest of the world. Hand in hand, we can help each other improve living conditions and the environment for everyone through this global movement. We are calling you, humans, to wake up and take action now. We are not living individually and alone. We need each others to survive. Together we can create a world worth living for. Together we can build a world of humanity and solidarity. Every life is cardinal. After visiting the link above listen to the link below |