United Nations: Closing the infrastructure gap | Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development

Closing the infrastructure gap

The Addis Agenda recognizes that investing in sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including transport, energy, water and sanitation for all, is a pre-requisite for achieving many of the SDGs. Demographic changes, migration, climate change and urbanisation increase the need for infrastructure development, especially in developing economies. Transportation infrastructure, such as roads, railways, ports, airports, is of central importance for economic development. In Land-Locked Developing Countries (LLDCs), it is particularly important as it enables trade. Energy-related infrastructure, in particular renewable infrastructure and an expansion of the electricity grid, is necessary to reach the climate goals. Climate resilience investments are particularly needed in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Sustainable water infrastructure will improve people’s lives by providing access to water and help management of scarce resources in a sustainable manner.


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GREEN ENERGY Loans In YOUR TOWN a Rockefeller “Predatory” Property DEBT and Foreclosure Scheme


a Rockefeller “Predatory” Property DEBT
and Foreclosure Scheme
We have provided an “example” of how YOUR county or city approves these loans on your behalf by attaching the County of Sonoma – Authorization for Third-Party PACE Financing Project in Unincorporated Sonoma County – Please understand this is an “example” of what you WILL find in YOUR city or County.
To participate in the city or county Residential PACE Program, YOUR city or county 
must pass a resolution to opt in.
We refer to PACE LOANS here, however, please know there are many Green Energy Loans offered by other Rockefeller/Rothschild Financing lenders, as you will see below.
FOR YOU . . . 
Your cities have “already” adopted Climate Action PLANS requiring YOU to reduce GHG green house gas emissions.  
Each and everyone of us will be “Forced” into upgrading (retrofitting) our homes and businesses with energy efficient wireless appliances IN ORDER TO COMPLY with sustainable energy reduction goals.  
Some examples of retrofit schemes are:
Replace heating and cooling systems – to electric ONLY,
Replace thermostats, 
High energy efficiency window replacements (caution with the windows – some high efficiency windows magnify the sun light, focusing a beam which can cause ignition and fire),
No more incandescent light bulbs (caution LED’s cause many illnesses – see our video “LED Lights – a Silent Weapons Assault”.  
More RETROFIT REQUIREMENTS replace roofs to cool roofs, solar requirements and battery back-up storage (caution with batteries – Lithium Ion Batteries can explode causing fires that are difficult to extinguish).  
These energy loans will assist in paying for electrical work necessary to eliminate natural gas everything, and replace with ALL ELECTRIC.  Natural gas is being eliminated in new and existing buildings.
Retrofits will be required and enforced by code enforcement officers.  Buildings that are NOT retrofitted with energy efficient improvements will be cited and code violations will be issued and violations must be remedied in order to, to purchase, or to finance the greenretrofitting that is required.

PACE Programs finance energy efficiency, water conservation, and seismic strengthening improvements.

According to PACE LITERATURE – WE are eligible to over “90” energy improvements

Energy Efficient ALL Smart Wireless Appliances, kitchen and bathroom faucets that are wireless and connect to your wireless water meters to allocate and reduce your water and electric consumption, remotely.
Other examples of qualifying projects include high efficiency air conditioners and heating systems, windows, cool roofs, insulation, rooftop solar panels and smart irrigation systems, water conservation, artificial turf (look up how artificial turfdegrades and the into a toxic plastic and leaches into the soil and water supplies), drought-tolerant landscaping, drip irrigation, bathroom and kitchen upgrades, to name a few.
PACE means Property Assessed Clean Energy
These Rockefeller Loans are FUNDING the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Action Plans that require retrofitting of ALL structures, worldwide. (Read the 17 Sustainable Development Goals – read #11 )


From the PACE website:

The Los Angeles County Residential Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program enables “homeowners” to install energy efficiency, renewable energy and water-saving improvements to their properties without putting any money down! Under PACE, homeowners may work with one of two County-approved program administrators, PACEFUNDING and HERO, to finance these home improvements.

A unique financing tool, PACE allows LA County to issue a bond to a lender, which secures funding for the installation of energy and water efficiency, and renewable energy projects that are permanently fixed to the property. Homeowners then repay financing annually through an assessment on their property tax bill.

PACE financing enhances home values, lowers homeowners’ energy bills, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and creates green jobs.

PACE Program finance energy efficiency, water conservation, and seismic strengthening improvements.


We are told through a competitive solicitation our County or city chose two administrators for energy financing programs to operate its Residential Clean Energy Financing. 

We are told that choosing two administrators for the Clean Energy Financing creates competition and gives homeowners more choices.  Of course, this is NOT true!  All Green Energy Financing schemes, to lower our green house gas emissions, are CONTROLLED by the International Banksters.

So, the bankers enslave us, asset stripe us, and more, by targeting us with directed energy weapons and creating weather warfare.  
The bankers sell weather warfare as climate change. REALLY!  
We are forced to take on MORE debt to finance green energy retrofitting whether YOU want to or not – due to climate change.  
Here is a partial list of PACE Energy Loan Conditions:

NOTE: Clean Energy Financing enhances home values AND triggers a property value INCREASE that you will pay on your annual property tax bill.  Your property will be reassessed after implementing Green Energy REQUIREMENTS.

Understand the conditions under which prepayment penalties are triggered

The Pace Energy Loan is billed to you on your property tax bill, on a separate line item. and the holders of PACE bonds have the right to foreclose against the property if your payment fails behind by 60 days.  However, it is unlikely that “one” missed PACE assessment will trigger a judicial foreclosure and threaten the participant with the loss of their home.  

Energy Loans allow for people to finance up to 10% of the property value
(Meaning these loans are secured by 90% equity position – a Foreclosures DREAM)
Entering into an assessment contract without the consent of an existing lender(s) or mortgage servicer(s) may constitute an event of default under such agreements or security instruments. Defaulting under an existing mortgage agreement or security instrument could have serious consequences to property owners, which could include demand for payment in full or foreclosure.
No Income Qualification – possibly creating debt a property owner can NOT afford – and  then the subsequent loss of property through foreclosure.
PACE Financing Programs available for commercial offices, apartment buildings, schools, industrial facilities, hotels.
Contractors must be registered with either the LA County HERO or PACEFUNDING programs in order to install products eligible for PACE financing. Both LA County HERO and PACEFUNDING have many participating contractors.
The Energy Financing is in first position ABOVE your existing mortgage – A clever Banksters setup.

In July 2010, launch of LA County’s Residential PACE program was put on hold due to concerns raised by the Federal Housing Finance Authority. Now that LA County is launching Residential PACE, do these FHFA concerns still pose an issue? YES . . .

In July 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) issued a statement that PACE programs present safety and soundness concerns to the mortgage portfolios held by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The concerns were related directly to the priority lien status of the PACE assessments and the associated right of a PACE bondholder to initiate a foreclosure proceeding for non-payment of the PACE assessment and be first in line to receive any payment resulting from the foreclosure process. Despite these objections, several PACE programs continued to operate throughout the country and have not encountered problems with the FHFA. In response to the FHFA objections, the County has developed the County-wide, County-managed, consumer and lender-friendly residential PACE Program that includes a number of measures to mitigate the potential risks associated with FHFA objections, including a substantial amount of disclosures to property owners on the risks associated with entering into a PACE assessment contract. More information can be found at the following LA County website in the August 12, 2014 and March 3, 2015 Board of Supervisors meetings.

The Public is Taught Climate Change is Caused by
too Many People Using too Much Stuff!
Thought Control IS Replacing FACTS  
Understand we are under a worldwide corporate government of occupation.  
Definition of Occupation –
Seizure and control of a country by military forces
using technologies as weapon systems.  
Silent weapon systems are engaged to massively control
and reduce the populations.


The following is from the Sonoma County meeting documents:
Our County’s Energy and Sustainability Division (the “Division”) of General Services has been contacted by California Statewide Communities Development

PACE Program to finance energy efficiency, water conservation, and seismic strengthening improvements.

California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA) and CleanFund will coordinate with the Tax Collector’s Office for the inclusion of the tax levy and repayment for the subject property’s tax bill. 

Our Board established the Sonoma County PACE Financing Marketplace (Marketplace), authorizing two joint powers authorities and their third-party property assessed clean energy (PACE) providers to operate in the unincorporated areas of the County. In 2015 and 2016, your Board authorized two additional joint powers authorities and their third party PACE providers to enter the Marketplace. Board action is required to authorize each new marketplace entrant.

There are many PACE administrators operating throughout the state. Below is a table showing the PACE programs operating in Sonoma County and additional programs operating outside of the County. 

Your County authorizing Multiple actions related to Sonoma County Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing Marketplace, Golden State Finance Authority, and Ygrene Energy Fund.

3/17/2015 – Resolution to add the FigTree Financing PACE program to the Marketplace and authorize the California Enterprise Development Authority to conduct contractual assessment proceedings and levy contractual assessments within the unincorporated territory of the County.

10/21/2014 – Multiple actions to create Sonoma County Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing Marketplace, including the addition of CaliforniaFIRST and HERO PACE financing to the Marketplace; joining the Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) JPA; and authorizing WRCOG and the California Statewide Communities Development Authority to accept applications from property owners, conduct contractual assessment proceedings, and levy contractual assessments within the unincorporated territory of the County. 

Listed below are many Green Energy Lenders with financing offered by Rockefeller/Rothschild:  

3rd Party PACE Administrator

Renew Financial    Ygrene    Renovate America     Dividend (formerly Figtree Financing)

PACE Funding    Counterpointe SRE    Clean Fund     Petros PACE Finance     Energy Efficient Equity

Blue Flame Energy Finance LLC     Structured Finance Associates     OnPACE Energy

Twain Financial     Samas Commercial    PACE Equity

PACE Programs – (search for more energy related loans offered in the U.S. by the International Bankers)

Sonoma County Energy Independence Program       CaliforniaFIRST       Ygrene

HERO       Dividend (formerly Figtree Financing)       E3 PACE

BluePACE       Structured Finance 


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File #: 2019-1438    Version: 1
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/8/2019 In control: General Services
On agenda: 10/8/2019 Final action:
Title: Authorization for Third-Party PACE Financing Project in Unincorporated Sonoma County
Department or Agency Name(s): General Services
Attachments: 1. Summary.pdf, 2. Att1-Authorization for Third-Party PACE Project-CSCDA Resolution.pdf, 3. Att2-CSCDA JPA Agreement – Sonoma County 1988.pdf, 4. Att3-CSCDA Consumer Protection Policies 2017.pdf
Learn the TRUTH – go to 
(YouTube Video Channel) 

PACE FINANCING a Rockefeller/Rothschild Energy Home LOAN SCHEME.


Why You May Want to Rethink a PACE Loan for Energy-Efficient Home Improvements  –  December 14, 2016

Energy efficiency is important for a lot of homeowners – not just to reduce environmental impact but also to decrease the cost of utilities.

But any major home renovation to achieve greater energy efficiency is going to be expensive. You may not have a lump of cash lying around, andadditional financingon top of your current mortgage may seem like a daunting and dangerous burden.

Enter the PACE loan.

Property-assessed clean energy programs, first implemented in the U.S. in California in 2008, are a form of financing that allow property owners to fundenergy-efficientretrofit projects at no upfront cost to them. Instead, an assessment is placed on the property and appears as an increase to property taxes until the loan is repaid as many as 30 years down the line.

The Good

PACE financing programs, first allowed by state legislatures and then adopted by local municipalities with third-party PACE programs to provide the funding for improvements, have grown nationwide over recent yearsAs of January 2016, PACE legislation has been authorized in 33 states and the District of Columbia, and 17 of those have active PACE programs, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. However, most of these programs are specific to commercial real estate, with residential programs rare on a national scale but still fairly common in states like Florida and California.

Homeowners living in jurisdictions with PACE programming are able to fund upgrades like duct replacement,solar panel installation, new insulation and even impact-resistant windows in hurricane-prone areas. In commercial real estate, PACE projects are much larger, with improved air circulation,heating and cooling, and alternative energy sources costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Launched in July 2015, the Show Me PACE program in Missouri focuses on PACE financing for commercial, agricultural, industrial, nonprofit and multifamily properties. Just over a year after opening for business, $10 million worth of projects have been completed under the program, says Josh Campbell, executive director of the Missouri Energy Initiative and president of the Show Me PACE board of directors.

“For a commercial property, that money they save as a business, they are much more likely to put that directly back into that business, making them stronger and much more likely to be happy with where they’re at, and more likely to stay at the property longer,” Campbell says.

Missouri requires the financial benefit of improvements made under a PACE project to outweigh the cost of the work itself, and the project must be approved by a third-party lender for an existing loan on the property.

The Bad

A property assessment automatically becomes the first lien for any property, which means in the case of default orforeclosure,all missed payments on that property assessment must be paid before the mortgage can be paid back. Prior to guidance from the Federal Housing Administration in July, repayment of entire PACE loans took priority over paying back the property’s mortgage.

Therein lies the problem: Mortgage lenders aren’t able to recover as many of their losses in the incidence of foreclosure, all for a loan that didn’t require underwriting or credit approval. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac won’t back mortgages with existing PACE assessments unless first-lien status is given to the FHA loan. Campbell notes Missouri clarified PACE programs’ first-lien status to only account for that year’s assessment status if a property goes into default. But not all states have defined the lien in the same way, leaving lenders at risk.

In June, the Federal Housing Financial Agency testified to the California legislature regarding PACE financing.

“The financing concept is simple – if a residential property has to lose 90 percent of its value before a PACE lender incurs a loss, the investor has a very attractive investment opportunity,” Alfred M. Pollard, general counsel to FHFA, said in his statement to the California legislature. “However, that opportunity comes at the expense of existing lien holders, who unexpectedly bear a new risk of loss, and, in some instances, to the disadvantage of consumers.”

California’s acceptance of PACE programs in many municipalities throughout the state was initially met with excitement from real estate professionals, explains Alex Creel, vice president of governmental affairs for the California Association of Realtors. But concern quickly took over when programs implemented didn’t appear to clearly explain the potential for difficulty in future sale of the property,refinancingand mortgage lending deals, Creel says.

When selling a home just a few years after completing a PACE project on the house, you could find yourself having to pay off the entire assessment before you can close a deal, Creel says.

In his testimony to California legislators, Pollard echoed the concern about homeowners understanding the costs: “PACE programs in many, but not all, instances are administered by third parties that do not follow the same consumer protection requirements applicable to residential mortgage lenders.”

Your Options

Both the FHFA and CAR stress that affordable solutions to energy-efficient renovations in homes as well as commercial real estate are important – and necessary – to reduce negative human impact on the environment. But the current PACE system creates more short-term problems for homeowners and mortgage lenders that wouldn’t exist otherwise.

For energy-efficient retrofitting, the FHFA recommends more traditional lending options, some even designed to finance energy efficiency, that operate similar to a second mortgage.

Ahome equity line of creditis one recommended alternative to PACE financing. This option is well-suited for home improvements that save money through reduced utility costs and add value to the property in the long run. As with any form of borrowing, homeowners should approach the process cautiously and carefully weigh the loan amount with a solid plan to repay it.

And while residential PACE programs may not be as informative as they could be, that doesn’t mean all PACE financing opportunities aren’t worthwhile. As Campbell notes, Missouri requirements for PACE financing have helped foster positive outcomes for not just the property owners receiving funding but also for the lenders already involved in the property, as those requirements encourage conversation and negotiation so both sides feel confident about a project.

A California state law that goes into effect in January 2017 requires PACE lenders to provide borrowers with disclosure information about the loan they’re taking on – similar to the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure forms now required for all mortgages issued nationwide.

Creel says this law, which as a bill was sponsored by CAR, will help homeowners understand what they’re getting into when they sign on forPACE financing and be prepared for obstacles in the event they want to refinance or sell their home.

But even then, Creel says it won’t completely solve future problems: “A lot of times people don’t read what they sign, unfortunately.”

Corrected on Dec. 16, 2016:A previous version of this story incorrectly stated how much of a PACE loan must be paid back in the event of default.In default or foreclosure, the arrearages on a PACE loan must be paid back before the property’s mortgage can be repaid.

Corrected on Dec. 16, 2016: A previous version of this story incorrectly described Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s relation to mortgages. Both associations purchase mortgages from lenders.