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Michael’s “Intended” Artwork for his Film UNconventional Grey
Introducing the Unfinished Third Geoengineering Film of Michael J. Murphy
UNconventional Grey
(links ABOVE)
By Elana Freeland
August 2023
The unfinished third documentary UNconventional Grey by Michael J. Murphy has been missing in action since 2016, the year Murphy had planned to release it. It is his third film of truth-telling about Geoengineering, the other two being
What in the World Are They Spraying?(2010) and
Why in the World Are They Spraying? (2012).
Michael’s targeting began in 2012 just after Why in the World debuted in Los Angeles at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails Conference—just as he began organizing for a third film that, unlike his first two films, would not just wake the public up but rally activists around the Aerosol Collection Project while filling in their grasp of how geoengineering entails crimes against humanity because of an operating agenda for global political power. The objective of the character assassination Michael was subjected to by the usual federally protected perpetrators and “insider” trusted colleagues was about preventing the production of his third documentary UNconventional Grey. Michael managed to rally from the post-2012 assault and to all but complete UNconventional Grey before yet another, even more brutal assault began at the same time that a remarkably similar assault began on the great Canadian activist Suzanne Maher who was spreading chemtrails awareness billboards across Ontario.
And here we are, seven years late and minus a final edit and public debut. UNconventional Grey is now available. We can now hear the thoughtful testimony of Michael Murphy, Marvin Herndon, Patrick Wood, Scott Stevens, Allan Buckmann, Max Bliss, DavidLewis, Ed Griffin, Princess Basma Saud of Saudi Arabia, Rosa Koire, Cynthia McKinney, myself, etc. Rosa Koire is now dead (May 31, 2021), as is Michael Murphy (July 22, 2020). Both Michael and Rosa were critics of globalism; both died young.
It is imperative to emphasize that the classified Geoengineering program entailing weather engineering, chemical / electromagnetic engineering, geophysical engineering, directed energy weapons, surveillance and neural engineering, nanotechnology and digital synthetic biology, and hiding and detecting exotic propulsion craft and plasma lifeforms has been run by the CIA under various names since Bernard Eastlund, PhD, was building the powerful ionospheric heater HAARP in Alaska in the 1990s—back when Rosalind Peterson was a California USDA crop inspector and raising her voice against U.S. Navy sonar and the chemical jet trails making a murky cloud cover. In September 2007, Rosalind spoke at the UN 60th Annual DPI/NGO Conference on “Climate Change: How It Impacts Us All.” She died of cancer on February 4, 2018.
The public is mostly unaware of the danger surrounding classified programs like Geoengineering. Kidnapping, homelessness, accusations of “drug addiction,”internet defamation, murder and mayhem sound decidedly unscientific. Had UNconventional Greycome out in 2016—just four years before the global CV-19 medical / Big Pharmapsyop run by the United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF), and WorldHealth Organization (WHO)—would people have been awake enough to realize what it meant?
UNconventional Grey builds a picture of how Geoengineering—not the “climate change” cover story—leads straight to the UN “sustainable development” / carbons / Agenda 21 / 2030 master plan. In fact, Geoengineering with all of its political muscle is the price of admission to world government as well as the biggest transfer of wealth to the rich ever.
Gratitude to the anonymous person who stumbled upon Michael’s third film, thus flinging his vision upon the waters of chance so that we might take courage from it.
We have highlighted, BELOW, important information Rosalindwrote about in "Our Dead and Dying Trees" DISCLOSURE.
Our Dead and Dying Trees - HEAVY METALS
From Geoengineering
By Rosalind Peterson
July 22, 2007
Many trees have died or are in the process of dying in large areas across the United States, in Alaska, and WORLDWIDE What is triggering such a broad decline and die-off response to entire suites of plant and tree communities?
Whether In forestlands, in public parks, along rivers and streams, in watered areas, golf courses, or on private property, our trees are showing signs of major health problems or dying in record numbers. In some areas the majority of trees have died and left entire watersheds in jeopardy.
Allan Buckman, A former Associate Wildlife Biologist, Central Coast Region, California Department of Fish & Game, has been seeing vegetation changes and climate shifts over wide areas for years. of Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, and Lake Counties, in California, for several years, that are not normal to this area. As a wildlife biologist, recently retired from assignment in Sonoma and Lake Counties, Mr. Buckman completed field reviews of projects, land acquisition, and animal census over wide areas within these counties, and has had over 35 years of field experience here and in the North Bay areas of California.
Mr. Buckman noted: ��In the past I have seen localized die-off of plant communities from a myriad of sources, and there tends to be a trend toward one to several problems at a time, and it varies year to year. But I have never seen the present condition of wide spread impact to almost all special in all areas from a wide assortment of insects, fungus, molds, mildews, bacteria and virus. I have seen areas where every tree and shrub in a drainage area has some form of health problem��
Mr. Buckman took vegetation samples from one such area in Lake County, from chamise, ceanothus (buck brush), red bud, laurel, yellow willow, black willow, elderberry, leather oak, black oak, blue oak, interior live oak, walnut, Yerba Santa, Manzanita, and toyon. Mr. Buckman, ��found similar sites in Sonoma County that included live oak, valley oaks, ceanothus, chamise, pears, apples, plums, roses and a number of ornamentals. The ��larger question of just exactly why they are all infected, and what it is that could trigger such a broad response to an entire suite of plant communities�� remains unanswered.
Mendocino County trees and shrubs are also showing the same impacts as both Lake and Sonoma counties in California. The impacts have been documented since 2002, both in pictures and videotape showing the massive changes that have taken place in Northern California. Redding, California areas are showing declining Douglas Fir and Oak (without Sudden Oak Death Syndrome), tree health. These impacts are accelerating faster and can be noted in the number of trees showing symptoms, dead trees and the number of trees that have fallen down under unusual circumstances. (Unusual clumping and blow down of branches and trees are becoming more common.)
Many California Redwood Trees across wide areas are dying or showing signs of severe stress. Greg Guisti, the University of California forest advisor for Mendocino County noted in a Ukiah Daily Journal Article dated May 8, 2002: ��There are also many redwood trees in town that are showing signs of widespread disease�� The questions remain unanswered: Why?
Trees are being cut down in record numbers across the United States without anyone doing the studies to determine why these trees are dying and what is causing this problem. Fires are burning hotter and are more devastating since the late 1980s.
Mr. Buckman noted: �I think we are in for big changes, and I think we should be on this �like a duck on a June bug�. I think this is as serious as it gets, and we need to act quickly to document the facts and take corrective actions��
Sudden Oak Death, now blamed for many tree problems, is found rarely or not at all in some counties, and SOD diagnosis does not explain the widespread decline in Oak tree health in trees and counties not infected with SOD, nor does it explain the broad decline and die-off response in trees across the United States.
In a recent article in the Ukiah Daily Journal written by Mark Hedges, titled �Fir Trees Under Attack�, some of the tree symptoms are listed. In an interview with Jack Marshall, a forest pathologist for the California Department of Forestry, he noted ��a few common things going on with the Douglas Fir relative to dry portions of this county, maybe Lake County and southern Humboldt�� However, it should be noted that the impacts are also found throughout these counties not just in the �dry� areas. Marshall, according to the Ukiah Daily Journal article also stated: ��tree-killing insects do not attack a healthy stand of trees unless individual trees are stressed or some other pathogen is degrading the health of the tree.
What is the common dominator for deteriorating tree health in so many areas of the United States? Air pollution, white haze, climate change, increasing UV radiation, higher humidity caused persistent jet contrails, jet fuel emissions, lack of sunlight from persistent aging contrails or climate change produced by persistent jet contrails? There are over 50+ weather modification programs ongoing, according to NOAA records, in the United States. What impact does this chemical manipulation of our weather have on the regional micro-climates that are needed for tree, plant, and agricultural crop health?
Artificial weather modification through the use of chemicals impact all of us by reducing water supplies, changing agricultural crop production cycles, reducing crop production, and water availability. Since weather modification programs use chemicals released into the atmosphere the public IS subjected increasingly toxic substances that ARE adversely impact agricultural crops and trees.
Global dimming and the persistent contrails, that produce man-made clouds, has serious impacts on crop production. A recent corn crop study in Illinois shows that cloud cover reduces corn crop production while direct sunlight increases production.
The dead and dying trees, dead branches, impacted shrubs and bushes is turning some of our forests into torches when touched by fire. Why are our public officials ignoring this problem�not taking tree ring and soil samples to find out why are trees are stressed and dying? What has caused this ecological imbalance and what steps are being taken to determine what is stressing our trees? So far the typical response is �drought and bugs�. Many areas where trees are in decline have had normal hundred year rainfall totals. Healthy trees resist pathogens and bugs. Many state and federal government �officials� will talk about the decline �off the record� but are afraid to speak out because they fear the loss of their jobs or demotion. Why?
It should be noted that, according to Charles Little, in the 1995, book, Dying of the Trees, that: �Aside from oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, other strange elements (besides vanadium) showed up in the core samples of the spruce and maple-elements that do not occur in natural forest systems, such as arsenic and barium�cadmium, zinc, lead and copper-were found, too�� Aluminum, which is increasingly being found in required water samples taken by local water districts in Mendocino County, other California counties, and Arizona might be, ��are the most toxic of all to our trees. And yet, few if any government agencies are taking soil, tree ring, or water samples to find out what is negatively impacting our trees and plants.
Charles Little notes in his book notes: �As it happens, aluminum is a common constituent of forest soils almost everywhere, but it is locked up in aluminum silicates, and in this compound form is not available to tree and other plants, and therefore is no danger to them. But after the acid rains came the silicates ARE broken down, and the aluminum is freed to be taken up by trees and plants. The metal kills the roots first. This means that trees can no longer absorb and transport needed nutrients, such as phosphate, calcium, and magnesium-essential fertilizers that are themselves leached away from the soil should by acid deposition. The trees are weakened and are invaded by insects or pathogens or succumb to extremes of weather-or all of the above, in which case they die
Why is the rain here on the acidic side of the scale? We are not sure exactly what is stressing our trees here but taking tree ring samples and soil samples are a beginning. With increasing air pollution in our local counties the impacts may be greater than we suspect and all of our local, state and federal representatives need to be taking a closer look at this looming problem�not just recommending the cutting down of trees (Senator Dianne Feinstein-Lake Tahoe), in our watershed areas without investigating the reason for the losses.
High levels of UV-B radiation are also impacting wide areas across the United States. This type of radiation can also impact tree health, growth rates, and stress tree in other ways. NOAA/National Weather Service puts current UV Index Forecasts on its websites. The UV exposure level in increasing throughout the United States. Could jet fuel emissions, which contain nitric acid that depletes beneficial ozone in our atmosphere, be one of the major culprits in this increase in UV radiation reaching the earth?
Mr. Buckman noted: ��UV Index Forecasts (NOAA Climate Prediction Center)�the data is quite shocking. We live in an area that regularly has Solar Noon Hour UV levels of 10 to 11 that are listed as �VERY HIGH� �Changes in UV light could easily trigger such a response, and in fact could cause major vegetation community shifts. Why are UV levels elevated?��
Replanting will be one answer only if we can determine what is causing the problem. Newly planted trees will die as well, as noted in some many areas, one of which is in Redding, California. Before it is too late we need to do those tests and work to mitigate these impacts before we lose more trees and increase the fire hazards in our respective counties. If we don�t find a solution this danger could increase as more trees decline in health and die.
We also have a loss of pollinators and bees in the United States which is also detrimental to plants and trees, especially to agricultural fruit trees and crops. Chemically based weather modification programs, persistent jet contrails, that raise humidity and changing micro-climates, is disrupting tree and plant health across the United States and causing a decline in pollination by reducing the number of pollinators, like bees. Persistent jet contrails also reduces the amount of direct sunlight reaching the earth thereby reducing the photosynthesis process that is need for all plants and trees to grow properly and produce agricultural crops.
Many of our state and federal government agencies know about these problems and are hiding them from the public or not doing the testing to find out why our trees and plants are stressed. Standard answers that don�t make sense are handed out to the public as a placebo in place of real investigations. Before you cut down or trim your dead and dying trees ask the hard questions�find out about what is happening to the trees in your national parks and other areas. Ask the hard questions and demand answers.
The public pays the salaries of our government officials. It is time that they acted in our best interest to protect our trees and plants. And we must let our elected representatives know that some of our government agencies are under pressure to change scientific reports and toe the political party line or they will lose their jobs. We elected our representatives to protect the public interest and our commons, whether air, water, soil, trees, plants, agriculture or atmosphere, from being used for personal gain and questionable private, university, and military experiments. Our elected officials must protect our natural resources and the public health first. Right now our elected officials appear to be protecting political corporate interests, while accepting contributions from their paid lobbyists, over the rights of American citizens.
Pictures of dead and dying trees have been pouring in from many states including Arizona, California, Nevada, Washington, Alaska and Virginia. It is time to take action now. Internet research under �tree decline, type of tree, and tree death, by county and state, will reveal tremendous numbers of trees are in decline or dead, not only in the United States but around the world.
Sadly, Rosalind did NOT know our alleged represetatives DO NOT represent us. She thought we had a representative government, which we DO NOT. If she had ONLY known that part of our reality she would likely have not recommended we, "CONTACT YOUR LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVES. ASK THEM TO AUTHORIZE AIR, TREE, WATER, AND SOIL TESTING. We need answers to the questions � not just be told to wait, watch our trees die and then be cut or burned down by forest fires".
Rosalind Peterson's tireless work, and her website: and California Sky Watch is HOW we learned about the worldwide aerosol spraying programs, which forever changed our understanding of reality.
Rosalind we are forever grateful
May you rest in peace
We will carry on.
Today's Weather Has Been Artificially Created! Patents Directly Related To Geoengineering (Weather Modification)
Today's weather has been artificially created!
The California drought has been artificially created and severe rain storms have been created - weather warfare is escalating. The Oroville Dam in northern California is being targeted by various weather and warfare operations.
Listed below are some Patents Directly Related to Geoengineering (Weather Modification Programs). This information is posted on and we suggest you go to the home page at to learn about the broader reality that we ALL face.
This is a partial list of the patents and descriptions of the chemicals being dumped upon humans through Chemtrails/Geoengineering. It’s called Geoengineering because these chemicals literally restructure (reengineer) global weather patterns, the cells of plant, animal, fish, insect and human life.
We suggest that everyone take necessary precautions to prevent direct storm related damages. Where ever possible reduce or remove trees near dwellings and thin branches to reduce "sail" - to catch less wind. Be cautious around creek overflows. Any other suggestions you would like to contribute please do.
This is WEATHER WARFARE. Take action to prevent storm damage and asset stripping with costly repairs and life threatening consequences where ever possible.
Without a spiritual aspect, nothing makes sense today. The Devil is in the details. The purpose of his evil existence is to utterly destroy God’s creation.
The California drought was engineered and now the drought is OVER, some say. The water shortage (illusion) has been manipulated - we do not have a water shortage! We have plenty of water. Water is a renewable resource. Go to to learn the water facts . . .
Forward this out to all you know and be safe!
China is controlling the weather and will soon make it rain over an area twice the size of FRANCE
Chemtrails .. Staying the Deadly Course in Santa Cruz - YouTube
"Call to Action" Stop Geo Engineering Stop Climate Modification Stop Killing Us - YouTube
Patrick Roddie Testimony EPA Aircraft Pollution Hearing August 11th, 2015 - YouTube
Chemtrail Documents and Request - Do you have proper paperwork filed in accordance with public law 92-205 in regards to the chemtrail geoengineering operations taking place on March 17th and March 16th Lee county Florida fort Myers shores Florida zip code 33905
This request is for extension of a current information collection.
Section 6(b) of Public Law 92-205 requires that persons who engage
in weather modification activities (e.g., cloud seeding) provide
reports prior to and after the activity. They are also required to
maintain certain records. The requirements are detailed in 15 CFR part
908. NOAA uses the data for scientific research, historical statistics,
international reports and other purposes. "Aerosol particles modify Earth's radiation budget. They are also linked to adverse health effects.
Chemtrails on March 17th 2016. Fort Myers shores Florida Lee county zip 33905
All year chemtrail biocemical weapons are sprayed in the air in Florida- Dont go swimming or wading in the water in florida- chemtrails are sprayed in florida most all year and then tourists arrive- biochemical weapons of mass destruction sprayed from the air are in the water- "Aerosol particles modify Earth's radiation budget. They are also linked to adverse health effects
EXPOSED! Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You've NEVER Seen Before! : In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database

Department of Defense Weather Programs . . . United States Air Force

Weather Modification in the USA - Dr. R. Standler
Litigation Attorney Says Weather Manipulation Causing California Drought « Chemtrails: The Exotic Weapon
Department of Defense Weather Programs
Climate Change: News Expose - Loose Lips Sink Ships
RUSSIA ACCUSED of CONTROLLING the WEATHER: The CIA Accuses Russia Of "Manipulating The World's Weather" | Zero Hedge
Professor Alan Robock, from Rutgers University in New Jersey, said:
"Consultants working for the CIA rang and said we’d like to know if someone is controlling the world’s climate would we know about it?
Of course they were also asking - if we control someone else’s climate would they then know about it."
SECRET POISONING: Our Air - Our Water - Our Food and Each an EVERY Single One of Us
UNITED NATIONS and NASA KNOWS - 100% Undeniable Evidence that Chemtrails Exist!^ FACTS TO U N!! - YouTube
AEROSOL CRIMES - CHEMTRAILS "Aerosol Crimes" Carnicom Institute (Must Watch) - YouTube
FIBERS in the BRAIN: The main purpose of chemtrailing is eventual mind control
The main purpose of chemtrail is eventual mind control of world population. Almost 85% of world population already infected with nano-fibers from Chemtrail. These fibers have miniature electrical components that assemble as nanobots and and attach to brain neurons and multiply with effect of ELF waves. Even if Chemtrail stops right now, every human beings could be influenced by mind control for political agendas. The best way to get rid of nanobots is to build clinics equipped with strong EMP that destroys these nanobots and body cleansing. US along with China has a major role for bringing one world government which requires mind control and depopulation. In fact China is allowed to take over Federal Reserve and their fascist model is planned to be used in US and worldwide and eventual one world government that could never be materialized.
Climate Intervention and Geoengineering: Albedo Modification
Room 220C (San Jose Convention Center)
The 2014 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change notes that since the last assessment, collectively, nations have made no progress in reducing total greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, the rate of investment in climate change adaptation is estimated to be orders of magnitude below what is needed to address the growing risk of climate change, particularly in the densely populated coastal zone. The topic of this session is albedo modification, which is a form of climate intervention that temporarily offsets the warming effects of carbon dioxide by altering Earth’s radiation balance and is a companion to the session "Going Negative: Removing Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere." This session will explore the scientific and technical underpinnings of albedo modification, including its risks, governance, and sociopolitical considerations.
Marcia McNutt, AAAS/Science
Marcia McNutt, AAAS/Science
Ken Caldeira, Stanford University
James R. Fleming, Colby College
Historical Perspectives on Intervention in the Atmospheric System: Cautionary Notes
Lynn M. Russell, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth, A Report from the National Research Council
Alan Robock, Rutgers University
Volcanic Eruptions as Analogs for Stratospheric Geoengineering Impacts
Riley Duren, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Observing, Validating, and Verifying Albedo Modification
Ted Parson, University of California
Governance of Climate Engineering
Stephen Gardiner, University of Washington
Albedo Modification: The Ethical and Equity Issues
Chemtrails "Urgent": Chemtrail Pilot Speaks out on Project Indigo Skyfold
Leon Panetta CIA Links to World Government Rockefeller Agenda 21 - Gary Arnold
ADVISORY: Air Quality Agency, Says Agency Outside Chemtrail Story (Q&A - most important)
Excerpts from above link: (Open the above link to read the Q&A - shocking)
A jet-lain stripe of white cloud is featured in the contact window of the city/county pollution control bureau website. The image vanished when a CBS Radio news affiliate made inquiries about chemtrail pollution in the county.
Meet Bob Colby, the director of the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau whose work is paid for by Chattanooga-area taxpayers but whose mission is to enforce the view of air quality under the dictates of the U.S. government. The local face on the remote and global power sitting in Washington.
Indeed, evidence of at least the edges of stratospheric engineering exists in the record. Aluminium, strontium and barium — said to be the main elements in U.S.-manufactured skies — are regularly present in city and county air, according to Mr. Colby’s response to my state records request. Mr. Colby dismisses these numbers as “traces,” nothing about which to be worried. Skystriping, sky tattooing, sky hacking, chemtrailing, call it what you will — remains officially a nonstory.
The key elements in the secretive federal program are not part of his duties. Against them, the watchdog barks not
Bob Colby’s responses to my questions, like the slivers of metal standing at attention as a magnet passes over, help steer us in our quest for the facts of local economy and its enemies.
As the shavings come into line, my speculations trace the direction along which they point. That the official regulators of air pollution are a necessary distraction, a cover for a possibly dangerous, unregulated, untested aerial cloud-making weather modification program that sprays milky haze into the stratosphere to dim the sun, as you perhaps have noticed in your home city. Meanwhile, micromanagement of ground-produced fumes makes us assume that the U.S. government is just as fussy about other kinds of smoke. No government with a watchdog such as Mr. Colby on the ground could tolerate jet-lain pollution above the clouds as conspiracy theorists suggest. No national power as vigilant with leaf-burning bans and inspecting dry cleaners could conceivably ordain the depositing of millions of tons of aerosolized particles aloft that could be the unsuspected cause of oddities such as bee colony collapse and skyrocketing rates of neurological disorders among the populace.
Citation Links & Documents-By Chronological Order
November 2013 Congressional Research Service:
2010 GAO (General Accounting Office) Report on Geoengineering–PDF of document attached to the summary:
2010 House Science & Tech subcommittee link to website-click on “webcast” link to view the video recorded meeting:
Document describing the above hearing
2009 Royal Society Report on Geoengineering
2009-UK Parliamentary House of Commons-Science & Tech Committee Report on Geoengineering
1996 Air Force-Owning the weather by 2025 report
1990 document on HAARP
1986 analysis of a 1966 weather modification-research & development military operation-Case Study 2-Weather Modification-The Evolution of an R&D program into a military operation
1974 CIA Report-Climatological Research as it pertains to intelligence
1966 NASA document on weather modification
The Welsbach Patent 1 2
ADVISORY: CALIF. DROUGHT DELIBERATE California Drought Amazing Satellite Fraud 8 14 14
Controlling the weather to allow purchase of "private" water rights . . .
NOTICE: "Geoengineering – the problem of competing values in environmental and technological governance" by Prof Steve Rayner | Events | Oxford Martin School . . .
OXFORD: Scientists Propose First Major Framework for Climate Engineering Experiments
Professor Steve Rayner, the co-director of the Oxford Geoengineering Programme, has unveiled a proposal to create the first serious framework for future geoengineering experiments.
"The emergence of interest in climate geoengineering, broadly defined as the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract climate change, has provoked controversy about the practicality and wisdom of such ideas," the document reads.
ADVISORY: The Planet Hacking Rules « The Dish - For better or for worse, we’re talking about hacking the planet.
NASA Documents Reveal “Climate Change” Caused By Covert Weather Weapons
Aquiess Inc., Weather Modification Using Electromagnetic Beams Common Knowledge at Aquiess,Inc. SD - Weaponized Weather Operation for Decades w/ same Technologies
Patent US5984239 - Weather modification by artificial satellites
This is global weaponized weather warfare. Not in the control of the US but patented in the US and developed in the US. . Run by the energy companies, Cheney, Bush, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Rumsfeld, Dan Quail, Carl Rove The people behind the Project of the New American Century .
WEATHER WEAPONS: Commercial Applications of Electromagnetic Climate Change Confirms Military Agenda
YOUR BRAIN on CHEMTRAILS: Neurologist Warns Aluminum in Chemtrails Could Cause “Explosive Increase in Neurodegenerative Diseases” « Chemtrails: The Exotic Weapon
ALERT: Weather Weapons: the Dark World of Environmental Warfare . . .
The following is extremely well researched and documented: Weather Weapons: the Dark World of Environmental Warfare
While Rockefeller's Club of Rome, the so-called 'government' and the private corporation known as NASA are blaming the 'people' for "climate change", the industrial military complex is covertly and intentionally creating climate devastation across the globe. They are using weapons of mass destruction and have been doing so for many years.
The question is not if we are experiencing unusual weather. The question is who or what is causing it?
This is yet one more example that both main stream media and main stream academia are not only censored, they are both given propaganda to disseminate. Operation Mockingbird has been ongoing for decades.
Academics rarely discuss corruption in our government until they retire and even then few are willing to acknowledge it. In fact, they do the opposite. Academics generally give government agencies credibility these agencies don't deserve. Of course, showering them with government grants influences them as well.
Here is an inconvenient fact that is easy to verify:
ALL government agencies are private for-profit corporations listed on Dun and Bradstreet. Their employees do not work for the American population. They work for their private for-profit corporations. This includes the FDA, CDC, UDSA, EPA, FCC, NASA and the rest. They are all listed as businesses (corporations) on Dun and Bradstreet. This fact is not disputable. Its significance is enormous and will take most people awhile to digest. However, it does explain why the EPA hasn't banned toxic petro-chemicals and nuclear waste sites or cleaned up the super-fund toxic dumps. EPA employees are not incompetent bureaucrats! The owners of EPA INC (and all of the agencies) decide what their employees can and cannot do . . just like everyone else.
Geoengineering Policy Fellowships Offered by Belfer Center's Energy Technology Innovation Policy Research Group at Harvard Kennedy School - Harvard - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Geoengineering is the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the Earth's climate that might be used to partially offset the climate risks caused by emissions of greenhouse gases.
BIG STORM BREWING! Weather WARS - Photos Taken 9/1/13 Over Sonoma County - One Hour North - Golden Gate Bridge
Dr. A. True Ott - Weather or not?
US Navy deployed the HAARP platform SBX-1 to North Korea
CFR admits: chemtrails are real
Whistlerblower - Operation HYDRA . . Senior Management Pilot Turns Whistleblower on Chemtrails . . .
Heavy Chemtrails in GREECE . . .
Ron Van Dyke recorded this interview with a contact in Greece. It is really an eyeopener!
Chemtrails are "Messing with My Psyche"
Climate Mafia May Soon Be Forced to Acknowledge Chemtrails Are “Real”
Fascist Agenda to Change Climate With Space Weapons Revealed in 1958
Weather Modification program on coast to coast - Scott Stevens is a meteorologist and whistler-blower . . .
NASA Scientist Says Warp Drive is "Doable"
HUMANS into ROBOTS with Chem Trails, Smart Meters, HAARP
Weaponizing The Weather - Cold War secrets: Melting polar ice cap with nukes, changing the sea level, even LSD weapons were all on the table . .
Exposed: Secret Presidential Chemtrail Budget Uncovered - Congress Exceeds Billions To Spray Populace Like Roaches -
Whistlerblower - Geoegineering . . . Toxic Chemicals ARE Being Sprayed on us by the U.S. Air Force
Dr. Bill Deagle Interveiw
New Info on Chemtrails and HAARP -- A Computer Above Us Now Exists
1 2 3 4 5
Alex Jones Show: Thursday (4-4-13) Dane Wigington, Troy Smith and Rob Nash
CHEMTRAILS - What's the Real Truth?
Parts 1, 2, 3
Chemtrail Flowchart
CHEMTRAILS - Merle Haggard and a GREAT new song . . . Points out Chemtrails . . .
Chemtrails: A Human Pesticide . . . Frightening Lesser-Known Facts
Chemtrails - Interior of jet plane aerosol disbursal system - 1974 patent #3899144 . . .
ALERT! They Are Blocking the Sun and Nothing Is As Essential to Planetary Life As the Sun . . .
Weaponized Weather Destroyed A Home Town and YOUR Town Could Be Next . . .
Bill Gates admits to chemtrails
JP-8 jet fuel exposure suppresses the immune function . . . The US Air Force KNEW . . . THEY KNOW . . .
PG&E Admits to Weather Modification . . . Man-Made Storm Clouds Hover Over Northern Calif. - KTVU . . Weather Wars . . .
Global Genocide Chemtrails - Heavily Sprayed in Northern California . . . the sky writing was computer generated - all else REAL . . .
Breaking: Heavy Chemtrailing -
Serpentine cloud shapes snaked across the eastern Pacific Ocean in mid-January 2013
Satellite image of a new kind of chemtrail? Massive ship trails 50 miles wide and hundreds of miles long out in the Pacific.
Was the earthquake in Haiti caused by the United States? | Controversy
Toxic Skies Over The Legion of Honor Museum, San Francisco 11/23/12
Venice, Florida Chemtrails
The Human Brain on Chemtrails
Joni Mitchell
Famous Baseball Player Gets Morgellons
Chemtrail Picture 12/05/2012 Banner Hang
VERY IMPORTANT ! Attack on Britain! Society Deliberately Led to Ruin . . . Outlined by Brian Gerrish Inside the U.K. . . .
IPCC Expert Meeting Final Report on Geoengineering 2011
Hurricane Sandy - WAS Man-Made and TTA (HAARP) - They want to kill kill kill! - Loot and steal from the storm victims and . .
A Recommended National Program in Weather Modification - 1966
Weather Modification: The Evolution of an R&D Program into a Military Operation
Weather Modification: "Sunshade" to fight climate change costed at $5 billion a year . . ChemTrails
BEWARE - Frequencies PUMPED into the Plasma in the SKY .
Here it comes -- the bubble city!!! All those artificial weather disasters are leading to this ...
Genocide from the Sky
Alfred Lambremont Webre 2012
“Everygreen” CIA Owned Airline: Dropping Poison On You And Your Family
BBC says telescopes "worthless" by 2050 because of CHEMTRAILS
Environmental Frequencies - Scientific Global Weather Control - The U.N. and the U.S. Agree to Climate Engineering
ToxicSkyRio+20 - United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development - David Keith's "Unusual" Climate Change Ideas (YouTube 18 minutes)
Weaponzied Weather ...
How They Do It
Congressman Admits Chemtrails
ALERT! Verified True. . Mexico 7.9M Earthquake Pre-Planned = Man Made!!
EPA's Equipment Goes Down During Chemtrails
Wake Up America - Pissed Beyond Belief
PROOF!! - They Control the Weather
Town of Fairfax California adopts legislation to declare Fairfax a Chemtrail free zone (Their own Official website- 2012) Check out resolution no. 12-07
This website shows satellite weather modification of weather events and also discusses HAARP activity and locations
Earthquake and volcano watch
New Chemtrails Links
Patrick Lynch Gives a Chemtrail Presentation – 26th January, 2012 – Bournemouth, UK
Secret Presidential "Chemtrail"
Budget Uncovered: Congress
Exceeds Billions To Spray
Populous Like Roaches?
They Create Earthquakes - Look at USGS' earthquake data
Weather We Like It or Not
Spray On Antennas
Wonder if the aerosol aerial
spraying program already
has thought of this?
Dane Wigington - OH NO: To Many People emitting to much CO2 Right-pointing black triangle Dane Wigington in Sacramento -- Is climate engineering decimating our weather? - YouTube
Listen 3: 35 seconds into Dane's talk . . . he did a good job on sounding the alarm over the Geoengineering - toxic spraying from aerosols aka Weather Warfare - and that is TRUE.
However, we must question he position on Climate Change . . . WHY is Dane supporting false science that was manufactured by consensus and not REAL science?
Per Dane - People put 100 million tons of C02 in the atmosphere every single day . . .
Note: Dane admits, in previous talks, that he worked for BECHTEL . . . Search BECHTEL
The solution for those that are supportive of the SUSTAINABILITY movement is massive reduction of the global population, GENOCIDE.
Anatomy of a Con Job

WeatherWar101-Youtube Channel
Jeff Rense & Dane Wigington - The 6th Great Extinction
Poisoning Our AIR and NO Public Pressure . . EU conference on Weather Modification and NO Transparency? . . . the poisoning of our skies . . .
The global population is ASLEEP . . . or under mass mind control. . Weather modification is NO longer a debate - so STOP debating the existence of an ongoing global alternation of the very element we ALL need, AIR. The very air we are NOW all breathing is toxic and poisonous . . There are many layers behind the goal of geoengineering aka weather modification. The ultimate goal is the "nano-fibers" which is Phase One of the enslavement of all people through mind control . .This is another silent weapons system fully engaged for maximum assault upon society . . Read "Silent Weapons Quiet Wars" the international bankers plan for slavery and genocide
What is the Best Method For Testing Chemtrial-Geoengineeering Fallout in the Body?
Dane Wigington is Interviewed By the Health Ranger, Mike Adams on April 4, 2013
Go to to learn more about the REAL intentions of these nano-fibers that ARE in the majority of the global population . . .
NASA Lauches Lithium Rockets July 6, 2013
Louisiana Chemtrails Create Halo Around Sun and Moon

Coast To Coast Am - March 30 2013 - Chemtrails Special
Bohemian Grove - 2013 - UNDER "Heavy Chemtrailed Skies" . . .
Geoengineering . . .a discussion/short video . . .
Impacts of Chemtrails on Human Health. Nanoaluminum: Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects | Global Research
TORNADO WARS - Oklahoma . . . Interactive Map: 1999, 2003, 2013 Moore Tornadoes
THESE TORNADOES went Right through the bombed-out Murrah Building zone as well. Coincidence???
I had many discussions about this with Bill Cooper. (FYI - Wm. Cooper was assassinated) The SODALITAS TRUST and story of Jonathan May was the only real threat to the Federal Reserve. It's epicenter was Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Why do "they" keep focusing on this and bringing destruction?
Dr. True Ott
In a readers opinion, the actual target of the Tornadoes mentioned is the massive, only one of its kind Air Material and Air Logistics Center at Tinker AFB in Midwest City. It's a suburb of OKC in the SE portion.
The run-up for a tornado strike on the Base starts West of OKC and the Murray Bldg remains are in between.
The Murray Bldg is an "explanation" that most couch potatoes will buy and many activists, too.
The uncomfortable fact is that Haarp installations are in 17 countries and are not all under US control.
Since, they do not want to explain weather warfare, much less other countries possessing the weapons and using them on US mainland military targets, the Murray Bldg will do nicely. Other than that, it is a shrug of the shoulders and saying "It is just the weather." As you know, trying to update 67 years of secret and often compartmentalized military history to brain dead Americans is virtually a hopeless task. Besides that, the Empire doesn't want to.
Northern California temp rigging 6/2013 . . . Total Control and engineering of the weather by the US Air Force, has been accomplished. .
This covers weather events from June 24 - 26, 2013 in Northern California . . .unusual temperature swings from high 80's to low 90's then dipping to 60's - 50's with rain. HUM? All these changes were preceded by heavy geoengineering aka chemtrailing on the prior Friday and Saturday before dramatic temperature and wet weather . . . Note: Weather forecasts for Saturday 6/29/13 is for temperatures to reach 92 to 94 degrees. . . Again another engineered manipulated swing in temperatures.Read this excerpt I pasted from a Weather Channel article on their website.
Meteorologists use the term "atmospheric river" to describe a long, narrow plume piping deep moisture from the tropics into the mid-latitudes. One type of atmospheric river you may have heard of is the "Pineapple Express," a pronounced plume tapping moisture from the Hawaiian Islands to the U.S. West Coast. This is a type of weather pattern we look for from late fall into winter on the West Coast.
However, as the National Weather Service pointed out, computer model guidance is showing a rare late-June atmospheric river that will take shape in the next few days. An image provided by the National Weather Service in Sacramento shows that one forecast model was depicting the highest levels of atmospheric moisture for late June in the last 30 years for a part of northern California. This moisture will deliver additional rainfall to parts of northern California and western Oregon through Wednesday. This weather phenomenon highly suspicious and many wonder if this bizarre weather we've experienced since Sunday has been engineered. Have you heard anything to indicate that this is the case? Total Control and engineering of the weather by the US Air Force, has been accomplished. .
A Crime of Silence Proof that Morgellons is MAN MADE! Government stonewalls investigation
'Horrifying' Morgellons Ends Career Top Baseball Pitcher
VRM: Morgellons Syndrome & Chemtrails
BioAPI - Real Purpose Chemtrails
Cover up! Uncensored Interview Reveals Lord Monckton Involved In Chemtrails/Geoengineering Cover Up
Irrefutable Truth. U.S. Military intentionally poisoning us! MORGELLONS EXPOSED - YouTube Transcription
HR 2977: Space Preservation Act 2001 by Alfred Webre for Dennis Kucinich
USDA Foods Logo - Is there a chemtrail in the sky?
Targeted to Die - Worlds Population Poisoned By Chemtrails & Radiation - Anthony J Hilder
The meaning of Mitre...
Health Hazard Alert - California's Most Popular Sport Fish Species . . .
Chemtrails - Get Out and Protest!!
Sprayed and confused
Geoengineering Policy Fellowships Offered by Belfer Center
Alert! EMF Reading Showing Microwaves Directed at Targeted Individuals . .
Chemtrail Tanker Up-Close with ON and OFF Spraying
"WHY in the World are TheySpraying?" - UPDATE
ALERT - "Toxic Test Results" . . . Lab Test Results for Los Angeles Air - Toxic Levels . . .
Morgellons Disease - Research and Study - Carnicom Institute - Research for the Benefit of Humanity . . .
Chemtrial Skies - Yosemite National Park in California - HD Time Lapse Video
Dallas Lightning Storm
Weather modification thread on
NEWS - Aircraft or Drones Stationary 40-minutes at a Time OVER Ukiah and Anderson Valley in No. Calif. Refueling for Night Toxic Weather Spraying . . .
Evergreen CIA Trailers Seen in Mexico City- Photographic Evidence
Chemtrails Kill
Radio EcoShock: Arnie Gundersen presents “The Fukushima Daiichi Disaster In Comparison To Chernobyl”
PG&E and other Utilities - Controlled Weather Modification Programs - Plumas County Weather Modification
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Multimedia Item 10922 - NASA Jet Stream Study Lights up Night Sky
RAP Real-Time Weather Lies . . .
Pilot Films Plane Spraying Chemtrails
They CAN Control the Storms - Dyno Gel
U.S. Military, Russia and chemtrails
Photos: Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails a Conference In Los Angeles – - LA Daily News Media Center
ALERT! Chemtrail JET with Canisters ??
Toxic Chemtrails . . . Even in Romania . . .
Toxins in the Sky - Chemtrail-Whistleblower - Allan Buckmann
Legislation to Ban Chemtrails Gets Huge Public Support
Spray On Antennas
Wonder if the aerosol aerial
spraying program already
has thought of this?
Spraying nano-sized
titanium dioxide into
the atmosphere to
combat climate change
| Bits of Science
Anyone Else Feeling The
Strange Vibes?
Airline Mechanic Blows
the Whistle on Chemtrail
Earthquake in No. Calif.
The "HAARP" Magnetometer -
Activity . . .
Chemtrail Show KSFO
in Warzone Dust
Ensenada Dumps Flyer
Geoengineering 101-
South Carolina Chemtrails