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USDA vs Rural Farmland . . .






Letter to Congress 
on the 
2007 Agricultural Census Interrogation

  The following letter was sent to Idaho members of the Senate and House of Representatives. Senator Mike Crapo's office responded quickly. If the other members responded yet, I am unaware.

Dear Senator/Representative:

This letter is to express concern about the government’s quest for private information under the umbrella of the census and in particular, the USDA 2007 Census of Agriculture. For USDA census purposes, they have divided up the nation into 7 regions. Idaho is in region 5.

Recently, the USDA 2007 Census of Agriculture was sent to residents of the United States who are not engaged in interstate agricultural commerce. It was rumored that surveys were even sent to town residents. This census form (OMB No. 0535-0226) is a 24-page interrogation with a 155-page instruction booklet.

On page 1 of the census form, it states that everyone who receives a form must return it and if you receive multiple forms they all must be returned. And of course, there is the “Penalty For Failure to Report” paragraph listing Title 7 of the U.S. as the legal citation.

The 24-page Interrogation appears to be a combined IRS detail audit of assets, NAIS animal tracking data collection, and personal demographic information reminiscent of the American Community Survey. And in fact, documentation was found that was presented at the Third International Conference on Agricultural Statistics at Mexsai which described taking a “thematic” approach to the collection of information - meaning that a census has a main theme, but crosses boundaries to collect other types of information at the same time - the vacuum cleaner approach to data collection.

Because of the depth and breadth of the information requested, Idaho Eagle Forum analysts did some research into the USDA agricultural census to attempt to understand what they were up to and why they wanted this information from non-commercial property owners - and frankly - even commercial property owners. What the analysts found is disturbing to put it mildly.

First, presumably the section in Title 7 that authorizes this survey is Chapter 55, Section 2204g. In this section, it specifies that the information may be shared with U.S. Department of Commerce as authorized under Title 13. A look at Title 13 reveals that the Bureau of the Census SHALL share the information with the Bureau of Economic Analysis which may include the information to “augment and improve the quality of data” for the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act. Anyone who is paying attention to U.S. trade policy would have to immediately wonder if their assets were being inventoried to be placed on the global market for sale by proxy.

Next we find out that the statistics in the agricultural census will be held by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). But, it turns out that NASS publishes the statistics but the USDA-NASS have a contract with a non-profit corporation named National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) for the enumerators . While they bill themselves as being employees of state agriculture departments, whatever they do in the capacity of this non-profit organization is outside the bounds of their functions as state employees. In the opinion of Idaho Eagle Forum, this arrangement is a means of legalized pay-offs to state officials to overlook extra-Constitutional activities of the corporate managed federal government.

The NASS is not only sharing the information with NASDA, they are involved with a treasonous ‘North American Union’ working group called the ‘North American Tripartite Committee on Agricultural Statistics’ (NATCAS). Link to the website provided below. The NATCAS has posted a mandate saying that they are working jointly to collect agricultural statistics with Canada and Mexico. Under the ‘Facts’ section, they have the combined U.S., Canada and Mexico agricultural statistics that not coincidently corresponds to the information gathered by the 24-page Interrogation called the 2007 Agricultural Census. You’ll find the first three pages of the combined report and the mandate following this letter.

On the NATCAS website, there are icons for links to the cooperating organizations - USDA, NASS, Canadian and Mexican equivalents to the USDA and NASS, and one additional icon - the FAO which is the United Nations ‘Food and Agriculture Organization’ so presumably the U.S. Agricultural Census information is being shared with them too.

The way the agricultural census information is being shared, the confidentiality statement is a joke. The only people who aren’t in on the joke are the suckers who fill out the form and send it in.


NATCAS Mandate 

NATCAS - Combined U.S., Mexico, Canada Agricultural Statistics Report - 1st 3 pages 

Supporting links for this information

North American Tripartite Committee on Agricultural Statistics 

North American Association of State Departments of Agriculture 

FAO - United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization 

Policy Analysis with Integrated Rural/Farm Household Data 

Fourth Annual Conference on Agricultural Statistics, Beijing 
[More info on the thematic approach to data collection] 

My website with original research on the 2007 Agricultural Census 