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WARNING - California health officer advises cellphone use limits | The Fresno Bee NOTE: Watch the YouTube "The Cooking of Humanity" . . . and the "Nasa War Plan" Cellphone frequencies have become brain addicting. ADDICTIVE . . Now that we are faced with cellphone addiction we are being warned by the California Department of Health to limit cellphone use. Keep in mind the Departments of Health are behind fluoridation in all communities, required vaccinations, and the department acknowledges climate change as being caused by to many people using to much stuff - of course ignoring global corporate weather control systems that are artificially creating the climate change. It's OUR FAULT . . . Keep in mind the article below is a coverup to camouflage the health effects from the deployment of WiFi in our homes and WiFi hot spots, antennas, cell towers throughout our neighborhoods, the smart meters attached to all our homes wirelessly transmitting reads to the utility companies along with wireless smart appliances just to list a few of the intentional electromagnetic assaults upon all living things. This article is blaming us for the damage we are inflecting upon ourselves by technologies being used as a silent weapons system of warfare against us. We have many military, scientific and government documents on that tells us the known health consequences and health damage from frequencies . . . The corporate governments and agencies know and are blaming us for the damage they are inflicting . .
A Case Against Microwave Science World Health Organization - Setting the Standard for a World of Wireless Letter to FortisBC CEO, Mark Warren, BC Hydro, etc on Smart Meter Program Being Stopped and Reversed.Smart Meter Notice of Non Consent
PG&E BEAMED RF WAVES at CUSTOMERS: Beam RF at Sebastopol, NO. CALIF - Email exchange between Calif. Public Utility Commission and PG&E The attached email exchange is between the Calif. Public Utilities Commission and PG&E . . VERY DISTURBING SEBASTOPOL was GROUND ZERO for the opposition against smart meters, originally. . . and where many of the anti-smart meter protestors LIVE . . Beam RF at Sebastopol / 65K PG&E/ CPUC emails PG&E and CPUC are commenting on a "space weather risks" article. Paul Clanon is the Executive Director of the CPUC. Cherry is the VP of Regulatory Affairs, Frank Lindh is a CPUC attorney and Michelle Cooke is the interim director of the CPSD (CPUC Safety Division). At the time the CPSD was investigating PG&E for the Ralph, spy case. See attached pdf Comment ONE: I consulted with a top expert, a man who was a high official in an American Electronics company with This system is a set of orbital sun collectors which will concentrate sunlight and convert it to microwaves Obviously most energy producers are associated and under the control of the USG and Intel - EARTH, INC. Comment TWO: I agree with your assessment - this e-mail exchange dated 2011 is indeed "very disturbing". I submit it is merely a wisp of the smoke from an recently fired gun - i.e. the visible tip of a very dangerous iceberg. I strongly suggest you immediately file a series of FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests targeting both the CPUC and PG&E in order to hopefully get a fuller picture of this complete iceberg and what has transpired concerning this to date. You as a California resident have every right to know what your "public utilities" are doing with their rate dollars! As you know from my "Weather or Not" presentation - beamed RF micro-waves from space are the PATENTED technique for manipulating the earth's jet streams in order to in turn selectively modify weather patterns world-wide. "Climate Change" is genuine - however, I submit it is simply not the result of excessive human carbon emissions "footprints" as infamously claimed. The potential to generate electricity from beamed RF waves is certainly a possibility with the existing technology - but I submit it is not the primary goal. I submit the necessary outer-space RF generators are already in place and have been functional for at least a decade and a half. This is a very interesting trail of damning bread crumbs that needs to be followed up on in my opinion.
FIRE: Smart Meter explodes off home causes fire and 75K damage in VA ADVISORY: So Cal Edison continues grid upgrades with $12 million investment in "Santa Barbara", CA - SmartGridNews - the "Cooking of Humanity" a YouTube Cell Tower Microwave Radiation Presentation by Magda Havas - YouTube WIND TURBINES are Dangerous - Peer-reviewed study shatters claims that wind turbines are ‘safe’ WHO Participated in Deployment of the Smart Meters Rollout? a PARTIAL HISTORY . . . The funds support multi-disciplinary research at ASU and at other participating PSERC universities working under subcontracts with ASU. The cooperative agreement is for five years at a total value of $18,750,000, with the Department providing $15 million and the universities providing $3,750,000 (a 20 percent cost share). PSERC’s University members include: Arizona State University University of California at Berkeley The value of PSERC research is leveraged by its association with its industry members, and its affiliation with the non-profit Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions, comprised of four national laboratories (Lawrence Berkeley, Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, and Sandia), an industry partner (the Electric Power Group), and PSERC. This university, laboratory, private sector combination enables a seamless collaboration to move electric power technologies through the research, development, and demonstration phases and to commercialize new methods, tools and technologies to protect and enhance the reliability of the U.S. electric power system. PSERC serves to educate both the next generation of electric power professors and electrical engineers for the power industry. PSERC facilitates efficient employment searches through industry-student interactions at industry meetings, student involvement in PSERC projects, web site postings, and email announcements. PSERC has also created a national power engineering job search web site in cooperation with the IEEE Power and Energy Society.
SmartMeters and EMF Radiation Poison ADMISSION: SMART METERS - This is why smart meters were deployed in Santa Clara, California for WiFi WHY? - Mysterious Fake Cellphone Towers Are Intercepting Calls All Over The US - Yahoo Finance - (Insider Comment Provided) BREAKING: SMART METER UPDATE from MEXICO . . . Smart Cards FORCING the People to PREPAY for Utilities Mexico is a criminal state like America, run by the CIA and the Drug Cartels. Until the drug cartels and the CIA are cleaned out This will hasten the genocide program . . . Poor people will simply NOT be able to prepay for utilities . . . FORCING the Smart Cards on EVERYONE is a move away from currency . . . and not only will they need to drastically reduce the use of energy - the utility companies will remotely shut utilities off - at will - and attribute the shut downs to power grid over loads and lack of prepaid funds on the NEW Smart Cards. Watch this development closely - since beyond the deployments of the Smart Grid worldwide we will get a Smart Card . . . Again, this is the incremental SWITCH from currency to the PREPAID credit/debit cards - YES, the monetary system is transitioning from currency to an energy based system of exchange as foretold in TECHNOCRACY. . So, now beyond structuring our thought patterns of the populations through the smart meters, all disguised as promoting new energy efficiency and lowering greenhouse gas emissions, when actually the meters are a trojan horse set up for deep spying and behavior modification programs . . . We are being hooked up through the Smart Grid and the RFID chipped smart appliances to fusion centers, facial recognition software, HD cameras, attached to pulsed beam microwave emitters to "entrain moods", block thoughts, and to our share data with NSA and DHS, and MORE - BUT now we are likely to ALL get Smart Cards . . . This corporate construct is controlling ALL government agencies and even managing pulsed beam microwave emitting streetlights operating full strength during rush hour and serving as listening posts other times. . This is the silent weapons system using finger-printless methods to subdue the population without the people even knowing they are being manipulated and attached by a weapons system. . As we receive more information out of Mexico we will send out updates. MEXICO SMART METER UPDATE► They are doing it! Here in Mexico, they are beta testing the new SMART Meters with a new caveat. Without the people's consent, they are imposing or forcing on at least three states of Mexico, Veracruz, Guanajuato and Puebla, prepaid power via an 'intelligent' PREPAID POWER CARD. Can you believe this? IUSA and the CFE teamed up to impose this bizarre new system on the populace. Here is the PDF link to the original manual or user guide that the CFE is distributing.
O A T I . . . and the Smart Meter GRID a Corporate PLOT - a Weapon for Psychotronic Harassment and Assaults on all Utility Customers . . .While there are many corporations involved "Oati" is a national network and is now in place without anyone knowing There are now many people disclosing information on advanced psychotronics that have been deployed. The corporate power brokers aka bankers and mega corporations track whistle blower communications and suppress them through various means. For example (as the NASA War Plan) discloses people will be assaulted with high powered lasers, beamed weapons anytime anywhere. These are silent weapons for a quiet war now being waged on the global population . . . It's important to understand why whistler blowers seem in short supply. . Many are being assaulted by a variety of psychotronic Some important individuals have been hit with psychotronics. Most important - we have learned the biggest problems were (in order of importance), remote phones from China which can be amped up, WI-Fi set at higher levels, smart meters, wireless printers even when off and cell phones left on closer than ten feet. People are reporting in increasing numbers that remote targeting with pulsed beam microwaves directed from cell phone towers which are triangulated or directly aimed from a "new neighbors" home are also used for electronic harassment and torture that cause illness and death all by remote control . . Despite what many might think there are numerous mid-level good guys in the various intel agencies who are leaking everything. Secrecy is now in the process of forever being eliminated as the whole system is breaking down from within. It is MOST important to read the "Silent Weapons Quiet Wars" a technical manual ( that describes the intentions of the international bankers . . the manual explains how the plan of global manipulation, enslavement and genocide has been implemented . . . and how we are all being assaulted without realizing we are being subdued by a weapon . . .Now you know. THEY have told you what's coming!
PRESS RELEASE - Scientists Call on Government to Protect Public from Wireless Radiation Exposure
MURDER WEAPONS - SMART METER DEPLOYMENT - San Antonio, TX to get smart meters in August 2014 . . . the silent weapons warfare system ENGAGED . . .
OFFICIAL - EMR: Classified Class 2b possibly CarcinogenicThis is part of a letter from Dr. Baan, a member of the 2011 IARC committee that classified electromagnetic radiation as Class 2b (possibly carcinogenic to humans), to a person who was requesting a clarification as to whether smart meters were also included in IARC's classification of rf radiation. I hope it is useful. The IARC Monographs classification of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF-EMF) covers the entire radiofrequency segment of the electromagnetic spectrum (30 kHz-300 GHz) .... Responsible Officer, Monograph 102 on RF-EMF The IARC Monographs IARC, Lyon, FRANCE
WARNING: Smart Meter Warning - American Academy of Environmental Medicine SMART METERS - Gas utility rolling out advanced meter system . . . this is interesting since the Climate Action Plans requiring our reduction of greenhouse emissions is eliminating gas appliances and equipment . . and requiring retrofitting (replacement) of all inefficient appliances and equipment with Energy Star-rated ELECTRIC ONLY. Learn more about the Climate Action Plans top of home page on We do know that by collecting meter reads remotely now the gas meter readers will be jobless. . . and it goes without saying that the accumulative effects of the gas metering system with the pulsed EMF and Microwave radiation frequencies will damage all living things . .
Smart Meter FIRES - NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION - Meter-Socket-Inspection-Statement.pdf Jan 28, 2013 Not So Smart – PSO customers must accept smart meters - Tulsa AUSTRALIA - KIWIS Beaten by Cops for Resisting a Smart Meter SMART METER FIRE BC HYDRO COVER UP Smart Meters . . . Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Stop Smart Meters! Exclusive: Interview with the Wellington Energy Whistleblower Smart Meters & Amateur Radio Microwave Radiation Frequencies Smart Meters - Weaponized Frequencies - Veteran off the grid after smart meter battle with Hydro One ARTICLE 1 ARTICLE 2
Humanity on the BRINK - Research Report from Barrie Trower - Frequencies that KILL . . .PDF HTML False Science will COST Your MORE . . Insurance Companies Face Increased Risks from Warming Microwaving us with "Silent Weapons" = cell phone antennas Dirty Electricity LETHAL - Dr. Sam Milham NEW BILL AIMS TO MAKE 'SMART' METERS MANDATORY FOR ENTIRE NATION A report of Barrie Trower's presentation to the Irish Doctors Environmental Association A BIG Distraction . . . German study - meters are not ALL they are touted to be in savings benefits! GLOBAL TYRANNY - Brazil ramps up smart grid efforts I wrote an article last week documenting the plan . . The Grid is a global game changer. . We are all facing surveillance, radiation and requirements to reduce our GHG - Green House Gas Emissions, and this is a Global Green Agenda.. I included in the article, last week, an example of "required" lowering of GHG in Sonoma County, in Northern California which will be 25% below 1990 levels by 2015. . . All existing residents will be "encouraged" to retrofit properties with Energy Star ELECTRIC appliances, NO GAS APPLIANCES or GAS EQUIPMENT. . The Climate Action Plans aka Energy Action Plans will require annual inspections to confirm the cities housing and commercial properties meet required target levels. Fines and penalties will be in the form of business license fees, and code violations, etc. Some of the Energy Action Plans estimate a per household cost to retrofit will be $2,000 to $5,000 per household. There will be a variety of loan opportunities and mortgages that will allow for financing these costs for appliance replacements and other GHG reducing retrofits. Obviously, rents will skyrocket and many properties will fall under the scrutiny of bureaucratic rules and regulations as many property owners will be unable to meet the demands placed upon them due to the deteriorating economy. .
Sadly, the INVENTED false science agenda foretold in the "Iron Mountain Report" along with dismantling of the Constitution and the lawless rule of law we all now find ourselves in is an unrepairable reality. These schemes were implemnted many years ago and have been swallowed by an uninformed public. Had the source documents been revealed when they were first made available we all may have had the opportunity to change the direction and prevent further enslavement and genocide. . Very few people understood our fate and now we are all headed into the NWO. . total surveillance, monitoring, media propaganda and massive TERROR are the pillars of the new realty our children will grow up into. We failed and did not pay attention and did not believe the facts because they seemed to outrageous. . our reality is outrageous and our futures are being manipulated by the silent weapons system of slavery and genocide. . The article I wrote last week entitled Breaking - Smart Meter Opt Out was Only an Appeasement Plan. .and Gas as an energy resource is being eliminated because gas is not renewable . . . The source documents told us we were stupid and did not ask the right questions and therefore we belonged on the table to be consumed by those wealthy, powerful and worthy few. You will find this in the "Silent Weapons Quiet Wars" the policy is a Declaration of War upon the civilian population. . .
The UK - Where electricity is free on Saturdays (Could your city be next?) . . . more tricks Climate Change Adaptation Plan By EXECUTIVE ORDER The order was actually penned in the fall of 2009 but the president’s Climate Change Adaptation Task Force had to properly investigate the matter and come up with recommendations. Now that the task force has developed a detailed plan on climate proofing the government, yet another Obama advisory committee, the Council on Environmental Quality, has issued instructions on implementation. Under the plan, every government agency must integrate climate change adaptation into their planning, operations, policies and programs. That means they must appoint a “climate change adaptation specialist,” participate in climate adaptation workshops and educate every employee throughout the year. All agencies must identify and analyze “climate vulnerabilities” by spring of 2012 and execute an adaptation plan by the fall of 2012. The training will also be required at all private businesses that contract with the government, including those that provide any sort of maintenance or logistics. In all, tens of thousands of public employees will be required to participate in Obama’s “green” plan, which will also require federal agencies to create greenhouse gas emissions reduction plans, increase energy efficiency, conserve water, reduce waste and support sustainable communities. No word on what all this will costs [sic] U.S. taxpayers.
EXPOSED - Smartmeters Hidden Implementation Tactics OG&E: Smart meters do not pose health risk Bringing the Saudi's up to speed on smart grid strategies MnRTV Live show with Special Guest Deborah Tavares- NoSmartMeters A/C OFF - Due to Customer REQUEST - Santa Rosa PG&E Customers Lost Air Conditioning During This Month's He at Wave Due to SMART AC Switch Glitch OWNERS BEWARE . . Illegal cell towers - landlords and house owners face the music... FULL Deployment! SAP launches Utility of Tomorrow contest . . .Major universities have proven to be selection factories that stealthily harvest our brightest to extract and steal their intellectual property . . They have brainwashed our kids and use them to achieve their goals. Most major universities are funded by the military and the World Banking cartel . . .A full blown corporate and scientific tyranny has occurred . . surveillance, toxic poisons, radiating the population with frequencies and poisoning our food, water and the air we breathe for total life management and the elimination agenda - which is are our reality . . Utility Companies Know - and "PG&E Knows 'smart meters' Catch Fire" - Meter Reader Tells ALL . . . BREAKING-Smart Meter Report HUMANS into ROBOTS with Chem Trails, Smart Meters, HAARP, Reproducing in CANDIDA Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization Toxic Radiation: Under your nose: Did you know? Important YouTubes . . . Smart Grid Strategies – Changing the Paradigms to Maximize Benefits . . .The IEEE documents stated that utility employees would be replaced by fewer and younger more hi-tech employees and new college graduates. Scientists call on US Senate to issue advice on mobile phones From Italy An appeal by the experts : "Turn off the radar" . . . Safety "not" PUC's top priority, execs say AT&T wields enormous power in Sacramento . . . and other states, too . France - Bans Wi-Fi from Schools . . Disguised cell towers . . .1 2 Pacific Gas and Electric still fighting smart meter skepticism PG&E to pay $390,000 for snooping on SmartMeter critics Sebastopol crowd decries PG&E's SmartMeters Eirwaves is the official website for the Alliance For Irish Radiation Protection Santa Clara Gets Free Wi-Fi Via Smart Meters Ojai Places Moratorium On Smart Meters . . . in California . . . Sebastopol in standoff over SmartMeters - SFGate