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RAND Corporation: Psychological Operations by Another Name Are Sweeter | RAND There may still be times when the Department of Defense wants and needs to mislead or manipulate an enemy. Most of these will be tactical and short-term needs, and either directly protect the lives of U.S. forces or trick adversaries into exposing themselves to harm, or both. To preserve U.S. credibility in those cases where "black" tools are necessary, they should be separated completely from military information support so that MISO is never touched by the taint of falsehood. RAND Corporation: Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military: Volume 2. Estimates for Department of Defense Service Members from the 2014 RAND Military Workplace Study | RAND The RAND Corporation Waging the ‘‘War of Ideas’’ . . . PSYOPS The much greater threat is posed by the global jihadist movement that Usama bin Ladin continues to inspire. That move- ment, characterized by some observers as a worldwide insurgency,3 threatens the United States’ interests in regions as diverse as central Asia, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. In war everything is simple, but even the simple things are extremely difficult. Although the United States and its allies have waged successful campaigns to discredit totalitarian ideologies such as fascism and communism, these operations have never come readily to liberal democracies. Part of the explanation can be found in the uneasiness open societies tend to have about engaging in psychological manipulation, lying, and other mendacious and ‘‘underhanded’’ practices that are likely to be part of any full-scale campaign against a hostile ideology.7 That this campaign would necessarily involve efforts to discredit a religious viewpoint—no matter how extreme that viewpoint might be—also clashes with liberal notions about the importance of religious liberty and the need to maintain the separation of church and state. More fundamentally, waging a blatantly ideological struggle seems quite unnatural to Americans and other Westerners, who tend to downplay intangible factors such as ideas, history, and culture as political motivators, preferring instead to stress relatively more concrete driving forces such as personal security and physical well-being. FREQUENCIES: Military Electronic Warfare Expert Warns of Covert Genocide AMERICA the Theater of Operations: Jade Helm according to those orchestrating the military operations . . . a city council presentation CHILLING “New Ruralism” – a NEW TOWN Proposed in Central California: Quay Valley new 7,500 acre sustainable “green” town in Kings County, Central California . . ROTHSCHILD'S Minions - Dr. Patrick DeSouza a member of the CFR | Leeb Capital Management Thus, for example, new markets are created as a result of deliberate large scale manipulation of intentionally destabilizing building structure integrity, and the business opportunities that emerge from damage and repair requirements. We have personal experience with the consequences of corrosive additives to the municipal water supply, in that, the fluoride, chlorine, etc. have been causing continual plumbing pin hole water leaks in the copper piping. Dependent on how observant a tenant maybe determines how much damage results. Second floor water leaks can not only damage carpets, pads, drywall, furniture but can travel between walls to lower levels and become a source of mold. Ever wonder why there are so many companies that specialize in water extraction? Ever think about leak detection companies? Certainly leaks will occur but when the intentional goal is case water leaks we must rethink our circumstances. We consulted with several insurance companies to determine how wide spread these water leaks are and were told, "water damage from plumbing are the main insurance claims they deal with". It is important to know that if your water damage is not a sudden event the insurance companies will not provide coverage. Meaning if the insurance company determines you had a water leak and it was a slow leak you are not covered, this is according to State Farm. We asked several other insurance companies about their water leak claims and what areas they were involved with and in Southern California and they said Pasadena and Santa Monica - both areas are fluoridated. . . Additional note, we have had increased water leaks the last two years and we also believe the increased pulsed electromagnetic frequencies are causing damage as well. All wireless communication devices - i.e. WiFi, cell phones, computers, cell towers, antennas, smart meters and more create building material fatigue. EVERYTHING is made of frequencies and the continuous effects of pulsed microwave frequencies act like small earthquakes causing damage and the need for repair - a NEW BUSINESS We learned that American Leak Detection is a business model that is benefiting the international bankers coffers. . . as you will learn from reading the link below that was found on the Plain Sight website aka Rothschild and companies. Excerpt: Dr. DeSouza has twenty years of experience in investment banking and practicing securities law. Over the course of his career, he has significant experience with respect to billions of dollars of M&A and corporate finance transactions both in the United States and internationally. Dr. DeSouza has also served at the White House as Director for Inter-American Affairs on the National Security Council. In addition to articles on economic policy, he is the author of Economic Strategy and National Security (Westview 2000) which includes contributions from former senior members of the Bush and Clinton Administrations. He has been a visiting lecturer at the Yale Law School where he taught a course on global wealth management. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Dr. DeSouza is a graduate of Columbia College, Yale Law School and Stanford Graduate School where he wrote his doctoral dissertation on foreign investment in the United States. GMO APPROVED - FDA says GMO apples, potatoes are 'safe for consumption' - LA Times 3/20/15 Monsanto is the Dept. of Homeland Security for food MONKEY TORTURE: Meet the Man Who Makes Monkey Torture Devices That Will Be Used in a Rex84 FEMA Camp IMMEDIATE RELEASE - NEW WORLD ORDER REPORT: Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) Briefing Call - Dept. of Energy on Behalf of the White House Yes, it is the Central Planners for the New World Order report Full report released yesterday and can be found here Read the white house statement on this plan also issued today Note that they haven’t announced the North American Union yet – but it is ALIVE and WELL. Also LOTS of money for more smart meters (aka “modernization of grid”) Integrating North American Energy Markets Establishing programs for academic institutions and not-for-profits to develop Increasing the integration of energy data among the United States, Canada, and Promote Caribbean energy TS&D infrastructure. And again, if you think that the energy companies are NOT fully onboard with the whole climate change agenda – think again. Partnership for Energy Sector Climate Resilience: Con Edison, Dominion Virginia Power, Entergy, Exelon, Great River Energy, Hoosier Energy, Iberdrola USA, National Grid, New York Power Authority, Pacific Gas and Electric, PEPCO Holdings, Public Service Electricity and Gas, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), San Diego Gas and Electric/Sempra, Seattle City Light, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Xcel Energy Siting and Permitting of TS&D Infrastructure Enacting statutory authorities to improve coordination across Prioritizing meaningful public engagement through consultation with Indian Federal Expanding landscape and watershed-level mitigation and conservation ROTHSCHILD's AMERICA Stealing Africa: Land and Seed Laws Under Attack, Battle for Control of Land, Water, Seeds, Minerals, Forests, Oil | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization A battle is raging for control of resources in Africa – land, water, seeds, minerals, ores, forests, oil, renewable energy sources. Agriculture is one of the most important theatres of this battle. Governments, corporations, foundations and development agencies are pushing hard to commercialise and industrialise African farming. Many of the key players are well known.1 They are committed to helping agribusiness become the continent’s primary food commodity producer. To do this, they are not only pouring money into projects to transform farming operations on the ground − they are also changing African laws to accommodate the agribusiness agenda. Privatising both land and seeds is essential for the corporate model to flourish in Africa. With regard to agricultural land, this means pushing for the official demarcation, registration and titling of farms. It also means making it possible for foreign investors to lease or own farmland on a long-term basis. With regard to seeds, it means having governments require that seeds be registered in an official catalogue in order to be traded. It also means introducing intellectual property rights over plant varieties and criminalising farmers who ignore them. In all cases, the goal is to turn what has long been a commons into something that corporates can control and profit from. This survey aims to provide an overview of just who is pushing for which specific changes in these areas – looking not at the plans and projects, but at the actual texts that will define the new rules. It was not easy to get information about this. Many phone calls to the World Bank and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) offices went unanswered. The US Agency for International Development (USAID) brushed us off. Even African Union officials did not want to answer questions from – and be accountable to – African citizens doing this inventory. This made the task of coming up with an accurate, detailed picture of what is going on quite difficult. We did learn a few things, though: • While there is a lot of civil society attention focused on the G8′s New Alliance for Food and Nutrition, there are many more actors doing many similar things across Africa. Our limited review makes it clear that the greatest pressure to change land and seed laws comes from Washington DC – home to the World Bank, USAID and the MCC. • Land certificates – which should be seen as a stepping stone to formal land titles – are being promoted as an appropriate way to “securitise” poor peoples’ rights to land. But how do we define the term “land securitisation”? As the objective claimed by most of the initiatives dealt with in this report, it could be understood as strengthening land rights. Many small food producers might conclude that their historic cultural rights to land – however they may be expressed – will be better recognised, thus protecting them from expropriation. But for many governments and corporations, it means the creation of Western-type land markets based on formal instruments like titles and leases that can be traded. In fact, many initiatives such as the G8 New Alliance explicitly refer to securitisation of “investors’” rights to land. These are not historic or cultural rights at all: these are market mechanisms. So in a world of grossly unequal players, “security” is shorthand for market, private property and the power of the highest bidder. • Most of today’s initiatives to address land laws, including those emanating from Africa, are overtly designed to accommodate, support and strengthen investments in land and large scale land deals, rather than achieve equity or to recognise longstanding or historical community rights over land at a time of rising conflicts over land and land resources. • Most of the initiatives to change current land laws come from outside Africa. Yes, African structures like the African Union and the Pan-African Parliament are deeply engaged in facilitating changes to legislation in African states, but many people question how “indigenous” these processes really are. It is clear that strings are being pulled, by Washington and Europe in particular, to alter land governance in Africa. • When it comes to seed laws, the picture is reversed. Subregional African bodies – SADC, COMESA, OAPI and the like – are working to create new rules for the exchange and trade of seeds. But the recipes they are applying – seed marketing restrictions and plant variety protection schemes – are borrowed directly from the US and Europe. • The changes to seed policy being promoted by the G8 New Alliance, the World Bank and others refer to neither farmer-based seed systems nor farmers’ rights. They make no effort to strengthen farming systems that are already functioning. Rather, the proposed solutions are simplified, but unworkable solutions to complex situations that will not work – though an elite category of farmers may enjoy some small short term benefits. • Interconnectedness between different initiatives is significant, although these relationships are not always clear for groups on the ground. Our attempt to show these connections gives a picture of how very narrow agendas are being pushed by a small elite in the service of globalised corporate interests intent on taking over agriculture in Africa. • With seeds, which represent a rich cultural heritage of Africa’s local communities, the push to transform them into income-generating private property, and marginalise traditional varieties, is still making more headway on paper than in practice. This is due to many complexities, one of which is the growing awareness of and popular resistance to the seed industry agenda. But the resolve of those who intend to turn Africa into a new market for global agroinput suppliers is not to be underestimated. The path chosen will have profound implications for the capacity of African farmers to adapt to climate change. This report was drawn up jointly by the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) and GRAIN. AFSA is a pan-African platform comprising networks and farmer organisations championing small African family farming based on agro-ecological and indigenous approaches that sustain food sovereignty and the livelihoods of communities. GRAIN is a small international organisation that aims to support small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems. The report was researched and initially drafted by Mohamed Coulibaly, an independent legal expert in Mali, with support from AFSA members and GRAIN staff. It is meant to serve as a resource for groups and organisations wanting to become more involved in struggles for land and seed justice across Africa or for those who just want to learn more about who is pushing what kind of changes in these areas right now. Initiatives targeting both land and seed laws G8 New Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition2 • Initiated by the G8 countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, UK and US • Timeframe: 2012-2022 • Implemented in 10 African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal and Tanzania BLAST OUT - Terrifying: Why Are People in Kazakhstan Falling Asleep for Days? - and INSIDER INTEL COMMENT included For more information on the types of warfare technologies used to attack the enemy please read the Nasa War Plan on Excerpt - Cell Tower Microwave Radiation Presentation by Magda Havas - YouTube U.S. Nerve Gas Hit Our Own Troops in Iraq ENHANCED SPYING on EVERYONE: The Orwellian Re-Branding of “Mass Surveillance” as Merely “Bulk Collection” Rise of the robots at AOL lead to job cuts Rise of the Machines and Robots: Future of the Science (Discovery Documentary) - YouTube FCC Releases Open Internet Order | - a Report based upon "Consensus" = DELPHI = the Rand Corporation Mind Control for Meeting Programs Comment: As you read the changes set in motion by the international bankers understand NOTHING will be cost effective for the people - NOTHING . . . What we know is that economic GAPS that have existed in our experience of using the Internet, and everything else, will now be commodified. . The bankers do not make profits on missed potential and are expanding markets for revenue . . Every nook and cranny will be assessed for expanding profits . . . The bankers are working on seizing all potential gaps that exist for corporate profits, power and control. . . Brace yourself there is much more to come - if we continue to consent . . . go to and read "Lawfully Yours" at the top of the home page . . . Excerpt: The overwhelming "consensus" on the record, is that carefully-tailored rules to protect Internet openness will allow investment and innovation to continue to flourish. Consistent with that experience and the record built in this proceeding, today we adopt carefully-tailored rules that would prevent specific practices we know are harmful to Internet openness— Military thinktank sees dark future PARENS PATRIAE . . . GOVERNMENT AS PARENT - WE are ALL Under the Rule of a Tyrant The federal government, under Title 15, U.S.C., re-delegates federal Parens Patriae authority to the state attorney generals. The attorney generals' can now enforce all legislation involving your personal life, the lives of your children, and your material assets. In today's society the government, through the doctrine of Parens Patriae, has already instituted its control of our children through the legislative process. Medical treatments are enforced through the court with threats of loss of your child if the treatment is challenged. Vaccinations are now mandatory. Refusal may result in the loss of your child under the guise of "child neglect" (failure to preserve the trust corpus). If you spank your child or cause him/her any embarrassment or indignities, you are also at risk of having your child taken from you under the guise of child abuse (damaging the trust corpus). Some states have legislation either pending or passed to give social workers arrest authority. School nurses may now report any suspected child abuse to the proper authorities. Warrantless searches of your home are tolerated by the courts, all in the name of safety for the child. The Sun Sentinel, a Florida news paper, reported on March 15, 1996 that limits on the ability of divorced parents to relocate when minor children are involved were clarified by the Florida Supreme Court. The high court three years ago approved a policy favoring relocation requests of custodial parents as long as such moves are made in good faith for the well being of parents and children. Also, the justices ruled at that time, moves cannot be made "from a vindictive desire to interfere with the visitation rights of the other parent." The right of locomotion is held as an element of personal liberty. Restraint upon the right of locomotion was a well-known feature of slavery abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment. A first requisite of the right to appropriate the use of another man was to become the master of his natural power of motion. The control by government courts (supra) of an individuals' freedom of locomotion could be construed as a sign of ownership of the individual, or slavery. It has been reported that in California, early in the year 1996, an assembly woman, in regard to education policy, made the statement "the children belong to the STATE." Parens Patriae legislation covers every area of your personal life. Federal Parens Patriae legislation can be found in Title 15 of the United States Code: TITLE 15, Sec. 15h. Applicability of Parens Patriae actions: The primary responsibility of a State is to protect it's citizens from the tyranny of the federal government. The Federal Constitution claims a citizen can seek redress and protection under the 14th Amendment of the Federal Constitution for any state legislation that brings them an injury by depriving them of a civil right. A state may sue the Federal government for protection for its citizens if federal legislation violates the Constitutions of the several states and brings harm to its citizens. The 14th Amendment did not authorize congress to create a code of municipal law for the regulation of private rights. Positive rights and privileges are undoubtedly secured by the fourteenth amendment, but they are secured by way of prohibition against state laws and state proceedings affecting those rights and privileges. The amendment was intended to provide against state laws, or state action of some kind, adverse to the rights of the citizen secured by the amendment. Such legislation cannot properly cover the whole domain of rights appertaining to life, liberty and property, defining them and providing for their vindication. That would be to establish a code of municipal law regulative of all private rights between man and man in society. It would be to make congress take the place of the state legislatures and to supersede them. However, the Supreme Court in the above case ruled that: A State may not, as Parens Patriae, institute judicial proceedings to protect her citizens (who are no less citizens of the United States), from the operation of a federal statute upon the ground that, as applied to them, it is unconstitutional. The Parens Patriae power has been recognized and exercised from time immemorial as being under the rule of a tyrant. Microsoft's new HoloLens in action - YouTube - new holographic technology Bill Gates is worried about artificial intelligence too - CNET WARNING: Artificial Intelligence - a SIGNED OPEN LETTER Concerns of Safety and Social Benefits Due to Artificial Intelligence - Stephen Hawking and others In the NASA War Plan on page 31 - says: 'Of Particular Concern' - Uncontrolled/Uncontrollable SELF - REPLICATION of Brilliant Robots (IT) and Nano-Replicators (NANO) . . Those people whose signatures are below are attempting to claim immunity that will let them off the hook for the monster THEY knowingly or unknowingly created and unleashed upon all that is good and innocent . . . By their signatures of admission they acknowledge what has already happened with the technology now set to destroy humanity as we have known it. One must investigate if any of the signees below have signed contracts accepting and requesting grant funds and taken the money to advance this computing nightmare. Grants are nothing more than bribes with strings attached to an agenda. Technology has been funded by tax dollars without the people being informed and these technologies are being used to subdue and control the minds of the global population. AI is the ultimate mind control machine to eliminate "free will" which is the victory long sought by those who plotted for the perfect PEACE. PEACE aka AI will now advance without the interference of human emotion, tenderness, the creativity and the goodness of the human spirit. Dozens of scientists, entrepreneurs and investors involved in the field of artificial intelligence, including Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, have signed an open letter warning that greater focus is needed on its safety and social benefits. FLI - Future of Life Institute Research Artificial intelligence (AI) research has explored a variety of problems and approaches since its inception. It's capabilities in these areas and others cross the threshold from laboratory research to economically valuable technologies, a virtuous cycle takes hold whereby even small improvements in performance are worth large sums of money, prompting greater investments in research. There is now a broad consensus that AI research is progressing steadily, and that its impact on society is likely to increase. The potential benefits are huge, since everything that civilization has to offer is a product of human intelligence; we cannot predict what we might achieve when this intelligence is magnified by the tools AI may provide, but the eradication of disease and poverty are not unfathomable. Because of the great potential of AI, it is important to research how to reap its benefits while avoiding potential pitfalls. SECRET POISONING: Our Air - Our Water - Our Food and Each an EVERY Single One of Us
WARNING: Kerry: Climate Change 'Enormous Cloud Hanging Over All of Us' . . . Do NOT be frightened by the media propaganda campaign which will continue to increase the fear about the disastrous effects of weather and other events caused by climate change . . Understand, the corporate government agencies and international bankers want "control" and will make massive profits by using weather control programs that are deliberately altering the climate, globally. Do not be tricked by falsified science that is being promoted by corporate agencies that do not represent the people. OUR safety, YOUR safety is dependent upon learning the real TRUTH! UNLEASHING BIG PHARMA on AMERICA: Energy and Commerce Cures | Energy & Commerce Committee AMERICA CORRUPTION, TOO - Christopher Story - EU Corruption Part 1/3 Millions to DIE - "Primary Water" Restricted - Deborah Tavares - YouTube Going Negative: Removing Carbon Dioxide From the Atmosphere Climate Intervention and Geoengineering: Albedo Modification
The Biggest Corruption Story in the WORLD: The Perfect PEACE - the Use of Technologies to Subdue the Population without their Knowing they are being Subdued The BAR was setup by Rothschild to provide cover for the lawless corporate govenment agency network . . . which by the way also supports the falsified science of global warming policies as a NEW expansion of LAWS, for profit, within the already corrupt 'illegal' system . . Due to the illusion of a court system that serves the people weaponized technologies have been deployed for years upon the unwitting civilian population - initially as experimentation - and NOW experimentation is OVER . . The corporate criminal justice system of lawyers and judges have lead the charge and the illusion of justice. The tortured, traumatized and injured targeted individuals being hunted by criminal networks using directed energy weapons and organized gang stalking teams have been lied to by the system promising justice . . The BAR prevented justice for the people being targeted by these advanced weapons systems from getting the justice they paid the attorneys to achieve . . . The illegal court system amplified the danger these victims were already in by "taking" their money and in many instances driving them into homelessness. Do not allow all those responsible, along with the corporate agencies to take cover in more lies and disinformation - we must do all we can to expose them . . . Learn what happened to the Untied States Government on March 9, 1933 as a result of the Emergency Banking Act. HINT: The United States Government was dissolved . . . "Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards." ― Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means John Whitehead initiated the article below and others contributed to enhance his information . . . 2015 will be the year of surveillance blimps, and scan-and-frisk searches, unmanned vehicles, drones, enhanced humans, increased mechanical devices and the increasing use of brain-to-computer interfacing - a techno death trap . . . Now with the flick of a switch these silent weapons systems can allow, police and criminals to shut down your cell phone, scan your body for "suspicious" items as you "walk" down the street, test the air in your car for alcohol vapors as you "drive" down the street, identify you at a glance and run a background check on you for outstanding warrants, piggyback on your surveillance devices to listen in on your conversations and "see" what you see on your private cameras, and track your car's movements via a GPS-enabled dart. Salon magazine reporter Geordie Mcruer notes that "when clothing has symbolic meaning – such as a uniform that is worn only by a certain profession – it prepares the mind for the pursuit of goals that are consistent with the symbolic meaning of the clothing." Read more at - go to the Global Strategic War Plan link and the NASA WAR Plan . . . Sewer to Tap - Bill Gates and Eugenics Janicki Omniprocessor - YouTube What would ELIMINATE the need for treating our sewer water for reuse and reduce the high treatment costs is discovering the hidden knowledge of Primary Water . . . The Earth is the Water Plant and creates water continuously from within . . . to learn the truth about where water really comes from please watch the YouTubes "Water Crisis Hoax" and "Primary Water Explained". . Then go to and download flyers to distribute to all you know . . . Also, go to - they are the primary water experts . . MEGA CITIES - GLOBAL: The special case of Mega-cities | Global | Natural Disasters | Urban Risk FUTURE Character of Conflict - a WAR PLAN Scope. This paper briefly sets out the global and national strategic context for Defence. It then analyses trends in the character of conflict (with snapshots at the 5 and 20 year points) drawing deductions. It concludes by outlining the broad
TECHNOLOGIES - to Reduce GHG for a NEW Global MARKET worth TRILLIONS We are being moved into a false reality by clever heartless criminal networks that do not have ethics, morals and concern for life . . . We are in a very dangerous corporate construct. . . Please, visit and go to our YouTube channel for the latest discussions using military, corporate government, and real science resource documents . . Rothschild in North America | GFA Office Locations | New York - Washington DC Image Induction Technology - TECHNOLOGY that Kills: Tallahassee Police Dept. Release of Myron May’s Recording Detailing the Plight of Targeted Individuals & the Covert Destruction of His Life LAST WORDS Before DEATH: Tallahassee Police Dept. Release of Myron May’s Recording Detailing the Plight of Targeted Individuals & the Covert Destruction of His Life . . . Patent US5514578 - Genetic engineering
GLOBAL Strategic Trends - Out to 2045 - a "WAR PLAN" . . . GLOBAL Strategic WAR PLANS . . .
INSIDER COMMENT about this program: A Great Convergence is taking place that WILL constitute a major phase change in the nature of science and technology, with the greatest possible implication on global economies, societies, and global cultures . . Many deceptive agendas have advanced by the radically new capabilities to understand and to manipulate matter that are associated with nanoscience and nanotechnology. What we have known as being human is being altered and redefined . . There are MANY redundant systems and programs that were secretively developed and are now national and international corporate government policies to transition the global populations into technological societal upheaval . . As you know, the covert use of inserting parallel systems, that replace traditional systems, has long since reshaped our reality . . . These parallel systems have been covertly and purposefully "deployed" upon the public by international banking criminals, corrupt and paid-public-officials, and many others, for the purpose of covert warfare, corporate profits, eugenics (transhumanism) and mind control by using frequencies to interface with the human brain for the optimal and maximum control of mankind . . . In-order to reduce our resistance the air, water, food and many consumer products have been deliberately poisoned with chemicals while enriching the weaponized health industry. We find ourselves in endless wars of aggression, destruction, torture and murder. Almost every aspect of our perceived reality has been altered and redesigned. We now live in a virtual reality of make believe . . We must educate ourselves in-order to make different decisions based upon the knowledge and understanding that we can no longer tolerate this dangerous corrupt monetary and corporate construct that has deceived us! So lets go over what we were NOT taught: Per Senate Report 93-549 - We are the ENEMY; the Federal Reserve is NOT Federal and has NO reserves - rather we have been fooled into using fiat debt currency; the weather is controlled and weaponized for political control and corporate profit and more; Our food supplies are poisoned; our water has been poisoned; history has been rewritten; we have weaponized health care; the media is propaganda; climate change aka global warming is based upon false science; we do not prevent climate change by reducing our Co2 emissions; fossil fuel is not where petroleum comes from; Primary Water is why we DO NOT have a shortage of water; our schools are indoctrination and disinformation government programs; Sex education in elementary school is MKULTRA mind control/wherein traumatized sexually exploited children become prey to predators - and worse; Wireless frequency devices are weapons - a silent weapons program of warfare turned on us, the people; thousands of people are being targeted, hunted and tortured by directed energy weapons and organized gang stalking networks; the U.S. Government is controlled by corporations and bankers posing as a representative government which it is not - in fact, the U.S. Government is a corporation and does not serve the people; Our local city councils and county boards are incorporated and do not work for us; all wars are bankers wars; military men and women are cannon fodder for the war games; Lawyers aka the BAR - British Accreditation Regency - falsely lure clients into a judiciary system, wherein the clients believe justice will be served, when in truth the courts work for the advancement of the corrupt corporate government - as do the lawyers . . . their is more, however, by understanding what was conveyed above you will be able to comprehend The Global Strategic Trends Program a WAR PLAN, and the urgency to get this information OUT to others . . . The Global Strategic Trends Program exposes the deliberate and large-scale manipulation of all inhabitants on Earth! All political operations, scientific advancements, economic, intelligence networks, material resources, the military, all physical infrastructure; transportation, transit systems, buildings, pipes, power grid, concrete, steel are being blended with cyber-infrastructure; computer, networks and sensors in ways that are now emerging . . .There have been many companies, corporations, universities, institutions, corporate governments, corporate agencies, lawyers and international bankers that have been aiding, funding and/or creating emerging technologies that are reshaping the world as we have known it. . . Organizations have come together to leverage the creation of these critical emerging technologies. One focus is to re-build the world's transportation,"civil" (rebuilding society), manufacturing and all other infrastructure. . This is an EXTREMELY disturbing and dangerous global forecast and is a program of WAR. The war games are based upon invented science, the use of silent weapon systems, manufactured consensus, and double speak, all used to trick an intentionally dumbed down citizenry. The invented and falsified science of climate change is being sold as the foundation for economic and environmental policy changes. This program is about the totalitarian grip tightening on society that we have been warned about in many other documents. This Global Trends Program is the desired war games playbook to benchmark the outcomes of bringing in a NEW AGE of global governance and recreating and defining what is human. As you know there have been many that desire life extension, human enhancement, robotics with human consciousness, and seeking to create controlled evolution of man . . . This trends report out to 2045 is the guide book to control and harness the essence of what it is to be human and transform and redefine what being human is. The Iron Mountain Report reveals the scheme to intentionally use the ecology to create mass pollution - call it Global Warming aka climate change and create the fear necessary to maneuver us into accepting a manufactured climate crisis. This Global Strategic Trends Program illustrates the anticipated massive societal disruption from the rapid technological changes. ALL people, globally, are being victimized by the invented false science of climate change that is the disguise for creating a global "market" shift to amass NEW revenues for those few in control . . . These programs are eliminating private property, or the illusion thereof, and reducing the number of homes that will be left after "retirement" of older homes and infrastructure that are uneconomically feasible to bring up to current energy standards. These energy standards are "required" to reduce YOUR Co2 emissions . . . Let us be clear! Under these invented energy standards, to reduce our Co2 emissions, all existing structures, homes, apartments, condominiums, commercial, industrial, manufacturing, county and federal buildings are noncompliant! All structures must implement the energy efficiency standards to comply with the new energy codes and ordinances. Our compliance will be enforced by issuance of code violations to impose fines, penalties and restrictions. We have been deceived and enslaved by lack of knowledge or this program would not be advancing without resistance. For Example - This report refers to fossil fuels - our petroleum does not come from dead dinosaurs. This report refers to water scarcity - when the Earth is the Water Planet and we have an abundance of water. . This report refers to massive loss of life, land and food due to worsening weather disasters resulting from climate change. Geoengineering is the massive deliberate manipulation of the Earth's climate . . that is climate change . . We realize this information is harsh and can be difficult - but given what we hope you already know, you will likely find this valuable . . . and learn methods of NOT CONSENTING! We recommend watching these YouTubes - "The Age of Transitions", "Who is Running America and the CAP", "Water Crisis Hoax", "Primary Water Explained", "Origins of Oil", "Water Wars Stealing Water for Profit and Power", "Blasting Your City Council with the TRUTH", "Kill - ARkStorm" and other YouTubes on channel . . . Note: At the end of the YouTubes there is recommended reading and reference material. Also, listen to our radio program archives from the Rense Radio Network which is posted on the home page of . . . The program excerpts you about to read are being launched upon unwitting global populations by means of stealth and deception - NOW YOU KNOW! With Knowledge We are NOT as Easily Deceived . . . Please Share This Far and Wide . . . _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ GLOBAL Strategic Trends - Out to 2045 - a "WAR PLAN" . . . GLOBAL Strategic WAR PLANS . . . We recommend scanning through the entire 202 page report - here: The following pages are EXCERPTS from the above link: Corruption and money If unchallenged, corruption is likely to continue to exacerbate global inequality and conflict. By 2045, consistent attempts to curtail corrupt practices are likely to be made by national governments, international governing institutions, the private sector and non-state actors. Technology is highly likely to play a significant role in both enabling and combating corruption. Page 4-5 Imbalances across regions and countries are likely to exacerbate existing political and social tensions. The global median age is increasing (although the rate of increase is slower in developing countries) with those aged 60 or over comprising the fastest growing population age-group. Indeed, by 2045, 750 million people are likely to be over 65 years old. For those countries with increasingly elderly populations, requirements such as public pensions, health services and long- term care are likely to be ever-more pressing – priorities which could reduce defence spending in most affected countries. Some developing countries do not provide welfare and will not be directly affected by this trend. A declining working population coupled with increasing welfare costs are likely to lead to the retirement age increasing (as has happened in some developed countries). For some governments, a rising welfare burden is likely to lead to them re-evaluating how they provide social welfare. In societies with an ageing working population, older people are likely to hold an increased proportion of positions with authority and influence which, if not managed effectively, could disenfranchise the younger generation. Compounding this, young people may feel frustrated at the increasing cost of supporting a growing elderly population, particularly if they believe they have been disadvantaged by their elders. page 6 Migration is likely to increase or, at least, remain constant. In 2005, 191 million people lived outside their country of origin. Today there are 232 million (this figure already "exceeds" our earlier assessment in the 4th edition of Global Strategic Trends). Those countries attempting to limit immigration are likely to be only partially successful. In preceding decades, migration has been characterised by people moving from Asia and Africa to Northern America and Europe. During 2010-2050, the number of international migrants to developed countries is likely to be about 96 million, whereas the excess of deaths over births is projected to be 33 million, implying total net growth. The main estimated net receivers of migrants are likely to be the US, Canada, UK and Australia, while the main estimated senders are Bangladesh, China, India and Mexico. Without immigration, the population in most developed countries is highly likely to reduce. Those developed countries that do see population growth, therefore, will almost certainly see an increase in the size and importance of their ethnic minority communities. Page 7 Climate change is likely to drive some people from areas that are particularly badly affected, although not everyone who wishes to leave is likely to be able to do so. Millions of people may be ‘trapped’ in vulnerable areas because of the high costs of migration, unable to raise the capital needed for moving away. A growing consumer class A rapidly growing consumer class (those who spend more than ten US dollars a day) will almost certainly be a key driver of the global economy. By 2030, this group is likely to grow to more than five billion from two billion today, while the proportion of consumers who are European and North American is likely to shrink from 50% today to just 22%. Rapid growth in many Asian countries, particularly China and India, is shifting the economic centre of gravity south and east. Page 13 ■■ Many of the world’s defence and security organisations are likely to incorporate specific gender equality targets. ■■ Increasing numbers of women are likely to have front-line combat roles in armed forces worldwide, mirrored by growing number of females participating in armed resistance movements and terrorist groups. ■■ Sexual violence will almost certainly continue to be a feature of conflict and state violence. Used as a weapon of war, sexual violence can be a significant factor in instability. However, countries and their armed forces are likely to face greater international scrutiny and legislation against such activities.
Page 16 By 2045, the proportion of people living in urban (city) areas is likely to have increased from a little over 50% to around 70% of the world’s population. Urbanisation will probably increase most rapidly in the developing world. Of the 23 cities expected to have ten million or more inhabitants by 2015, are likely to be in developing countries. The greatest increases in urbanisation are likely to be in Asia, with between 250 and 300 million people likely to move from rural to urban areas over the next 15 years in China alone. Although those who remain in rural areas may experience "increased isolation" as rural populations decline, technological advancements are likely to enable better communication and remote working. Managed successfully, urbanisation could stimulate economic growth. In part, due to the exposure of new ideas and the accessibility of goods and services, it may also act as a spur for civil activism and improve the quality of life for many. While older cities are likely to have established links to resources, new cities may enjoy an infrastructural advantage – they will be able to build transport and communication networks suitable for modern vehicles and ways of working, without the constraints of historic buildings, narrow streets and obsolete infrastructure. By 2045, there are likely to be around 280 megacities (cities with more than 20 million inhabitants4). Many of these could be agglomerations spanning administrative, and in some cases national, boundaries thereby driving integration and changing governance structures. Europe, for example, may have more than 20 major agglomerations by 2045 – the German Ruhr region, much of the Netherlands and Belgium could become a single gigantic urban area. The taxation rights of some major cities could make them major regional or international actors. Urbanisation often results in increasing requirements for energy (particularly electricity), which could be a source of considerable tension unless it is provided in a sustainable way. Once people have access to energy, they are likely to always expect it. Some cities, in both developed and developing countries could fail (for example, becoming bankrupt or seeing a breakdown in law and order) – potentially becoming security issues. Correctly managed, though, urban growth could generate greater prosperity and higher tax revenues, potentially offsetting some of these more negative aspects. Because of their concentrated populations, when disasters (whether natural or man-made) strike cities, large numbers of people are affected. Many of the biggest cities, a number of which are vital to the global economy, are situated in coastal regions which could face more extreme weather events and be vulnerable to rising sea-levels. Furthermore, because of inadequate sanitation, slums could be susceptible to communicable diseases – which could then spread globally because of increased connectivity between cities. Page 18 Even at current population levels, supply of fresh water is, arguably, insufficient. Factors such as population growth, increasing demand from industry and agriculture, and reliance on unsustainable water sources (such as aquifers) are likely to mean that The poorest people often have extremely limited access to fresh water. Someone living in a slum may only be able to access about five to ten litres daily, while a middle- or high- income individual living in the same city may use about 50-150 litres per day. An estimated 2.2 million people die every year from diseases that cause diarrhoea because of inadequate water and sanitation. This is still likely to be problematic by 2050, when 1.4 billion people (mainly living in developing countries) are unlikely to have basic sanitation. Efforts to improve safe water supply and health-care access have succeeded in reducing deaths from diarrhoea, but these gains may be thwarted as the number of people living in slums increases, while environmental change places further stress on fresh water availability. However, there continues to be advances in water desalinisation technology, as well as activity to reduce water waste and improve water utility. Improvements in waste treatment and purification technologies offer hope that in the future more water could be reused or recycled. A shortage of water could lead to countries (and communities within them) diverting water for their benefit to the detriment of others. Many water resources are shared by more than one country – 263 river basins and 269 aquifers are shared by two or more countries, and 21 rivers and four aquifers cross the boundaries of more than five countries. As demand for water intensifies, it could lead to conflict. Some experts argue that water scarcity drives closer cooperation and, despite tensions, no modern state has ever declared war on another solely over water. But there are a number of reasons why violent conflict over water may occur by 2045 or sooner. For example, global demand is likely to increase while supplies of fresh water dwindle, yet water management issues are likely to become increasingly complex. The effects of environmental and climate changes will also probably become more severe in many locations, potentially outweighing any beneficial consequences. Page 22 By 2045, food production is predicted to have increased by nearly 70%, to feed a larger and more demanding population – and it is possible that demand could outstrip supply. Some types of consumption are likely to grow particularly strongly. As affluence grows in the developing world, the demand for more protein-rich diets is also likely to increase. China, for example, has seen meat consumption increase by 63% between 1985 and 2009, and this trend seems likely to continue. Pollution and soil erosion are likely to adversely affect agricultural land . . . Growing use of nuclear energy raises the possibility of fissile material being obtained by non-state actors as well as states operating outside international laws, potentially causing security threats. Page 23 A key change to the global energy market by 2045 is likely to be growing US energy independence, driven by recently adopted novel oil and shale gas production techniques such as ‘fracking’. If the current increases in production continue, the US looks set to become the world’s number one oil producer by around 2020 and a net exporter by 2030, Page 28 Increased demand for critical materials – which could include oil and water – has seen governments adopt protectionist measures to boost revenues and secure access to resources. These practices are likely to endure out to 2045. Anti-competitive behaviours such as expropriation of foreign companies, export restrictions, cartel-pricing behaviour, ‘land acquisition’ or high taxation are forms of resource nationalism designed to restrict international supply. For example, potash (used in agriculture) is increasingly subject to government-to-government trade deals rather than being traded on the open market. Rising demand for, and concerns over, access to rare earth elements could continue to motivate countries in trying to develop or secure their own sources of supply, bypassing international markets. While running out of these materials is unlikely within the 2045 timeframe, reliability of supply could be an issue because they are only mined in a very small number of countries (for example, China produces 86% of all rare earth elements). If one of those countries restricted supply, it would be likely to have a significant impact on availability and price. However, such action is not without its costs. Unpredictable and retro-active policy changes to protect resources can, for example, lead to a drying up of foreign investment or customers. Page 29 Defence and security implications ■■ Competition over some resources is likely to intensify and exacerbate existing political and security tensions, potentially acting as a catalyst for intra-and inter-state conflict. ■■ Demand for food may outstrip supply, leading to a rise in costs. Food shortages could lead to sharp price spikes, which could result in instability in those areas unable to absorb the increase. ■■ Climate change could contribute to increasing incidences of crop failure, potentially causing disruption to global food supplies. ■■ Growing use of nuclear energy raises the possibility of fissile material being obtained by non-state actors as well as countries operating outside international laws, potentially causing security threats. ■■ A reduced requirement for Middle Eastern oil by the US, coupled with a shift in the Middle Eastern markets toward Asia, could bring the US commitment to defence of Middle East export routes into question. However, US involvement in the Arabian Gulf is unlikely to alter significantly. But the US may look to other countries, including China and the EU, to play a greater role in security provision in the Middle East. Page 30 People and the environment Human activities are likely to continue to have an impact on the environment. The processes of urbanisation, deforestation, industrialisation, agriculture and fishing have damaged the natural environment. By some estimates, pollution and soil erosion have led to as much as 25% of available land being degraded. Similarly, over-fishing and pollution have reduced the amount of food that can be harvested from the oceans. However, more sustainable farming and fishing methods and better industrial and urban practices could mitigate these adverse effects. Climate change Inertia in the climate system means that historic greenhouse gas emissions will almost certainly affect the climate for the next few decades, regardless of any mitigating action taken. By 2045, average global temperatures are likely to have increased by approximately 1.4°C above levels recorded at the end of the 20th century. Without concerted action, it is unlikely that it will be possible to prevent global average temperatures rising more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Although there may appear to have been no significant increase in temperatures over the last 10-15 years, periods of slow-down and speed-up in global temperature trends have occurred before, and are likely to occur again. Energy which would usually manifest as a rise in surface temperature is also being absorbed elsewhere in the Earth system, primarily in the oceans. Observations of ocean heat content and of sea-level rise re-enforce this conclusion. Page 32 Abrupt events (or tipping points) such as the failure of the Indian monsoon, changes in large-scale ocean circulation (for example a weakening of the Gulf-stream), substantial melting of the Greenland ice sheet and the release of large quantities of methane from the ocean floor are possible. All could cause major global disruption, although it is not possible to quantify the likelihood of these events occurring by 2045. Heat waves and extremely hot days are likely to become more frequent and intense, as are droughts, while instances of extreme cold are likely to reduce. It is also probable that instances of intense rainfall will increase and that extra-tropical storms move pole-ward. Historically, the flooding in Pakistan in 2010 displaced an estimated 20 million people, and damaged 1.6 million homes. Similarly, some experts believe that a 2.5cm rise in sea levels would displace 50 million people in the coastal regions of India. The economic impact of extreme events is uncertain, but losses per event from 1980-2010 ranged from a few billion US dollars (USD) to over US$ 250 billion in 2005 following Hurricane Katrina. It seems likely that developing countries will feel the economic impact of climate change particularly sharply, as they are unlikely to have the resources to mitigate its effects as successfully as more developed countries. The Arctic is likely to see significant change with the melting of sea-ice opening up new routes across the Arctic Ocean during the summer months. Reduced summer sea-ice may present opportunities as new trade routes and areas rich in natural resources open up for exploitation. Thawing permafrost could make transportation to and from Arctic oil and gas facilities problematic as ice roads turn to marsh, particularly in Siberia. The softening of the ground is likely to make new areas suitable for agriculture. Page 33 Global sea-levels are likely to rise by between 0.32–0.38 metres by 2050, although larger increases cannot be ruled out. The effects of sea level rise will not be uniform across the globe and there will be regional variations which affect the vulnerability of certain coastal regions. Currently, between 270 and 310 million people are believed to be at risk of coastal flooding. By 2045, a growing number of low-lying islands could be at risk of near total submersion – displacing entire communities. Without measures to mitigate and adapt to the effects of sea-level rises, by 2045 there could be between 80 and 130 million more people at risk from flooding, three-quarters of them in Asia. Page 34 Around 20-30% of plant and animal species could be at high risk of extinction due to climate change . . . Water Future water stress is likely to be mainly driven by socio-economic factors. The frequency, intensity and duration of droughts in many parts of the world are likely to increase. Climate change is likely to contribute to longer-term changes in water availability, particularly in areas dependant on glacier melt-water. The continued melting of glaciers could increase freshwater availability out to 2045, but may bring with it an increased risk of localised flooding. In the longer term, as glaciers melt, the inter-annual reliability of the supply of water in glacial rivers will be affected. Changing rainfall patterns may mean declining water availability for some, and an excess for others. Marine life Marine ecosystems are expected to undergo substantial change by 2045. For example, numerous studies suggest that the increasing acidity of the ocean (due to greater absorption of carbon dioxide) will have harmful consequences for calcifying organisms such as coral reefs and many species of shellfish. Around inland and coastal areas, changing patterns of freshwater runoff, droughts, floods, increasing temperatures and rising sea levels could all have a significant negative effect on fisheries and aquaculture. Inland fisheries are particularly vulnerable to low water levels, changes in spawning grounds, water extraction and modifications to river courses (such as the construction of dams). Freshwater runoff could reduce the salinity of seawater, adversely affecting fishing grounds and coral reefs. Aquaculture depends heavily on adequate water exchange and is vulnerable to temperature extremes and storm damage, particularly in coastal areas. Biodiversity The impact of pollution, habitat destruction and climate change will almost certainly have a profound effect on wildlife. Some species are likely to adapt to the changes in their environment but many may not be able to. More species will almost inevitably become extinct, with the OECD’s projections indicating that terrestrial biodiversity could decrease by up to 10% by 2050.20 The UN assesses that biodiversity loss has been more rapid in the last 50 years than in any other period in human history, a trend that some commentators suggest shows no sign of slowing. Around 20-30% of plant and animal species could be at high risk of extinction due to climate change. Reduction in biodiversity decreases the natural environment’s resilience when adapting to change, since genetic diversity is the raw material for evolution. A reduction in biodiversity could also lead to the loss of organisms that keep pest and disease species in check. There may also be significant economic consequences to biodiversity loss, with some suggestions that the annual cost to the global economy is between US$ 2bn and US$ 5bn. Reduction in biodiversity may also place food supplies at risk. At present, four crops (rice, wheat, maize and potato) provide more than 60% of global food energy. Relying so heavily on such a small number of crops means that, if growing conditions change (due to drought, increased temperatures or flooding, for example), we may not have sufficient genetic variety to be able to breed crops to cope with these environmental stresses. Page 35 The impact of climate change on agriculture is complex and region-dependent. Adverse impacts (for example, heatwaves, droughts, storms and flooding) are expected across tropical regions and much of the Mediterranean basin. Higher latitudes are likely to experience a range of both positive and negative impacts (such as changes in water availability, heat stress , increased growing seasons and decreases in the occurrence of frost damage). Indirect impacts of climate change – wildfires, land degradation, pests and diseases, extreme rainfall and sea- level rise – could have significant effects. For example, it is currently estimated that each year 10-16% of the total global harvest is lost to plant diseases, and climate change could increase this figure by 2045. Nevertheless, a great deal of the world’s agricultural potential is unused or under-used. If this ‘yield gap’ could be closed, perhaps by technological improvements, GM crops and improved methods of agriculture and farming, the trend towards a decrease in food production could be slowed or reversed. Even using current technology, the potential exists to increase production by up to 40%. About 60% of the workforce in developing countries (around 1.5 billion people) is employed in agriculture, livestock, fisheries and tourism. While the proportion of people working in these areas is expected to reduce (not least due to increased urbanisation), many are still likely to depend on the health of the natural environment for their livelihoods and may therefore be particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and environmental degradation. Degraded and threatened environments are likely to lead to affected communities migrating – with potentially destabilising consequences. Page 38 Page 57 Page 54 ‘Big Data’ In 2000, 25% of the world’s information was stored digitally: today it is more than 98%. On this trajectory, by 2045 there will be 20,000 times more digital information than there is today. The ability to collect and analyse this growing volume of information has been termed ‘Big Data’. Such a large amount of data generates yet more information when appropriately analysed, allowing us to identify patterns which may help to counter the spread of disease, combat crime and even predict social and behavioural patterns. Access to information has until now only let us understand the past, leaving it to people to extrapolate and imagine what this may mean for the future. Big Data is increasingly allowing us to predict future behaviours accurately. Complex data sets which contain crime records, meteorological data, and behavioural heuristics are starting to be used to map probable crime locations3 – and in the future they are likely to deliver far more sophisticated forecasting tools. The advances in computation power mentioned previously are likely to enable further analytical processes development. This could provide the ability to model very large and complex systems more accurately to make predictions in areas such as climate change and population movements. While Big Data could become important in helping solve some complex global issues, businesses may also become increasingly dependent on it – we are already seeing Big Data being used to predict consumer behaviours. Accountability and situational awareness are likely to increase too, as more aspects of life are quantified and analysed. ( - Note: BIG META-DATA - advancing to thought police, thought crimes - watch the movie Minority Report) Page 55 The number of devices linked to the Internet is increasing rapidly, with everything from mobile phones to cars and even fridges having an Internet connection. This ‘Internet of Things’ is already a reality, with around 20 billion devices already connected, rising to an estimated 40 billion by 2020. If that trajectory were to continue, there would be around 100 billion devices connected to the internet by 2045. However, increasing availability (not least because they are becoming cheaper and smaller) is likely to lead to a sharp increase in the number of connected devices, so that by 2045 there could be around 50 trillion devices connected to the internet. These devices are likely to be producing and sharing vast amounts of data and information while connected to each other and to additional systems. Such a large number of devices connected across the world will almost certainly require a significant increase in communications infrastructure. The costs and technical challenges involved are likely to mean that there are some global disparities in access, at least in the short to medium term. Page 56 Page 58 Page 59 ■■ Quantum computing could make all codes ‘crackable’ and genuine encryption impossible, as a quantum computer could theoretically try every possible combination of codes simultaneously to unlock a system. If this is the case, armed and security forces may have to physically separate their computer systems from the Internet, posing huge problems for networking and efficiency. Alternatively quantum cryptography could guarantee security of a message. ■■ Better gathering and analysis of data could vastly improve our understanding of physical and virtual environments. Predicting crime hotspots could enable more targeted deployment of police officers. Greater awareness of deficits and surpluses may make logistics more efficient. Similarly, detailed and rapid analysis of social networks could provide a deeper understanding of the local population, its culture and the environment. ■■ As more of our work and social activities depend on interconnected information and communications networks – which may, in places, be extremely vulnerable to attack – there could be more opportunities for criminals and terrorists to have a greater impact on our day-to-day lives. Similarly the ability to keep secrets is likely to become increasingly difficult. ■■ Connectivity of assets with strategic importance (such as those relating to national infrastructure) is likely to increase. Although this is likely to lead to gains in efficiency, it may also make such assets more vulnerable. ■■ An increasing number of devices capable of collecting sensor data could intensify levels of surveillance. Stealth vehicles may find it more difficult to remain hidden and the ability to prosecute covert operations, especially in urban environments, is likely to become more technically challenging. This is particularly significant given the probable increase in the size of urban areas, along with the growing use of surveillance to prevent crime. ■■ As the number of connected ‘public’ sensors increases, the information advantage currently enjoyed by countries’ defence and security forces could be eroded or even reversed as adversaries, including non-state actors, attain similar levels of situational awareness. Education Page 63 Institutions in Europe, Northern America and Australia may increasingly run their highest quality programmes from campuses in developing countries, as well as introducing more distance-learning courses. As more people learn outside their country of origin, and migrate to pursue careers, it is likely that there will be a drive to "standardise qualifications" at the global level. Even if a common global curriculum is not universally of a common global system. Across the developed world, many schools are likely to be increasingly run (or at least sponsored) by powerful corporate organisations. Page 64 Machines, jobs and education Machines are likely to take over certain jobs from people, with developments in artificial intelligence ultimately meaning that education could focus on those (few) areas of human thought and activity that machines are unable to deliver efficiently. This means that education may play an important role in enhancing people’s ability to develop new ideas, to interact empathetically with other people and to take responsibility – all things that it is difficult to envisage machines doing by 2045. Defence and security implications ■■ Global education levels are likely to increase, but educational inequalities will probably persist, entrenching social discontentment and allowing youth disaffection to continue. ■■ In the new education and training mix facilitated by employers, online and virtual blended learning are likely to predominate, though formal face-to-face learning is unlikely to die out completely. ■■ Some countries may begin to educate and train children assessed as having the potential to succeed in specific careers (including in the armed forces) from a very young age.t1 Page 67 Robots or ‘unmanned systems’ – machines capable of carrying out complex tasks without directly involving a human operator – are likely to be as ubiquitous in 2045 as computers are today. Unmanned systems are increasingly likely to replace people in the workplace, carrying out tasks with increased effectiveness and efficiency, while reducing risk to humans. This could ultimately lead to mass unemployment and social unrest. The proportion of older workers in the global labour force is likely to increase out to 2045, with a possible corresponding "decrease" in opportunities for younger people. Flexible working practices are likely to become more widespread, with people employed on shorter-term contracts and a growth in working remotely. Workers will probably have less predictable income and increasing economic insecurity. By 2045, there is likely to be greater equality between men and women in the jobs market, particularly in the developed countries. In part, this may be driven by a global shift away from manual labour, towards a more knowledge-based economy. By 2045, it is even possible that robots will take on combat roles. Automation and Work Development in robotics may mean that robots are almost physically indistinguishable from human beings . . . Page 69 Page 51 Maritime choke point By 2045, sea lanes are likely to continue to play a major role in the global economy, despite probable advances in additive manufacturing and improvements to air and land based transport. On current forecasts, the tonnage of goods transported by sea is likely to double within the next 30 years. Anticipated growth in computing power, situational awareness and automation could mean that the shipping of goods will be quicker, cheaper and more reliable. Shipping is also likely to be safer than ever before, driven by more accurate long-range weather forecasts and improved ship construction and operating procedures. As such, a significant amount of the world’s economy would depend upon maritime trade - some countries could face major financial crises if sea transport became significantly disrupted. If tensions rose between countries near to a vital maritime choke point, particularly if threats to block the sea lane were made, the international community would almost certainly act. Countries that are likely to be highly internationally active by 2045 (such as Brazil, China and the US) could be expected to work together to try and find a resolution. Should diplomatic efforts fail to reduce tensions, the international community could approve the deployment of an international naval task force to ensure that key sea lanes were kept open. Land-based international observers could be deployed to those countries bordering the choke point and air, cyber and space surveillance of the region is likely to be intensified. Page 45 Defence and security implications ■■ Antimicrobial-resistant infection could significantly increase medical risk on military operations. ■■ Novel medical and surgical interventions will almost certainly improve casualties’ survival, and recovery rates. ■■ Advances that allow patients to interact with their prosthetics and other aids are likely to lead to new ways to connect the able-bodied to machines and computers. ■■ Some countries (and individuals) are likely to use advanced medical techniques, such as genetic modification, to gain a competitive advantage. Others will probably constrain their development for ethical reasons. In 2001, the first camera pill was approved by the US Federal Drug Administration for diagnostic applications. Seven years later, a pill capable of being electronically programmed to control medicine delivery according to a pre-defined drug release profile was ready for serial manufacturing, and being used as a research and development tool. Current advances have produced a pill which can monitor the patient, communicate with external diagnostic systems and respond to instruction for the targeted delivery of drugs within the digestive tract. The next evolution will probably see further integration of monitoring and drug delivery, with automated diagnostic and response systems. As technology advances, the size of devices is likely to be reduced while retaining the same capability. It seems probable, therefore, that there will be future medical devices small enough to travel in the bloodstream. Page 43 Page 44 Mental health conditions are the leading cause of healthy years lost worldwide. The global cost of mental health conditions in 2010 was estimated at US$ 2.5 trillion. This is likely to more than double to US$ 6.0 trillion by 2030. Of these costs, 65% are incurred by developed countries and this is not expected to change over the next 20 years. By disease, mental illness accounted for the largest share of the global economic burden in 2010 and is likely to in 2030, just slightly more than cardiovascular diseases (followed by cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes). Mental health conditions are the leading cause of healthy life years lost worldwide and account for 37% of the healthy life years lost from non-communicable diseases. Page 41 Obesity The increases in obesity in adults are widely projected to continue to rise in the next 10 to 20 years. PageDevelopments in technology are likely to lead to significant improvements in medicine and health, such as the potential fordeveloping cures for Page 39 GEOENGINEERING Theoretically plausible geoengineering methods (intentional, large-scale activities intended to counteract aspects of climate change) have been proposed for a number of years. Detailed studies on the environmental implications of different geoengineering activities have recently begun to appear, but large-scale testing and implementation of such methods has not occurred - in some cases due to public opposition. One theoretical "solar" not occurred – in some cases due to pub radiation management’ technique would aim to disperse sulphates into the upper atmosphere, reflecting the sun’s rays back out to space, producing a cooling effect. However, as with most geoengineering techniques, there are questions about how to maintain the intervention, and minimise the potentially harmful side-effects. For example, it is not known what the long- term effects of dispersing large quantities of sulphates into the atmosphere would be. Over-reliance on particular geoengineering technology to mitigate the effects of climate change could also render users vulnerable radiation management’ technique would aim to disperse sulphates into the upper atmosphere, reflecting the sun’s rays back out to space, producing a cooling effect. However, as with most geoengineering techniques, there are questions about how to maintain the intervention, and minimise the potentially harmful side-effects. For example, it is not known what the long- term effects of dispersing large quantities of sulphates into the atmosphere would be. Over-reliance on particular geoengineering technology to mitigate the effects of climate change could also render users vulnerable to catastrophic effects if equipment failed or was sabotaged. It is not clear therefore what, if any, role geoengineering will play by 2045 in countering the effects of climate change, and the extent to which it could heighten international tensions. Defence and security implications ■■ Extreme weather events, such as flooding and droughts, are likely to increase in both frequency and intensity in a number of regions. Extreme events will almost certainly continue to cause widespread damage and loss of life, although our warning mechanisms, defences and ability to respond may also improve in the same timeframe. ■■ Reductions in the extent of summer Arctic sea-ice could open up new shipping routes during the summer months and boost economic growth in the region – increasing its strategic significance for many countries. ■■ Degraded and threatened environments are likely to lead to affected communities migrating – with potentially destabilising consequences. ■■ Armed and security forces, both at home and abroad, are likely to be more frequently tasked with providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, perhaps supporting indigenous responders. ■■ Without mitigation measures such as carbon capture and storage, continued reliance on coal and hydrocarbons for the majority of energy demand may exacerbate climate change and its knock-on effects. Page 27 Potential applications Miniaturisation DNA nanotechnology to fabricate nano-scale devices. The self-assembly mechanism of DNA could be harnessed to fabricate mechanical, electrical and optical devices Significant expansion of the capabilities of computers, such as improved processing power; better ability to synthesise materials by design; the development of advanced therapeutic and drug delivery systems; and ultimately, the development of nanobots.
Constructing devices able to operate in normally unreachable or unsafe locations, such as the monitoring environmental conditions in places too dangerous for humans.
Micro-alloys such as palladium-based metallic glass with a strength and toughness greater than any known material. May be used in small-scale components, leading to better- constructed aircraft and spacecraft. Graphene paper. Flexible and inexpensive to produce, and around ten times stronger than steel. Replacements for a range of conventional and existing composite structural materials, far stronger than those available today. Could also support miniaturisation and sensors with greater sensitivity and accuracy.
Magnetic shape-memory alloys. Materials that change shape and mechanical properties when a magnetic field is applied. Ultra-efficient engine valves that open and close automatically; positioning tools for microsurgical procedures; sensors for detecting environmental contaminants; and less toxic batteries. Applications likely to be limited to a small scale, due to the challenge of integrating the required high magnetic field actuation system.
Better structural materials that could be used in turbine blades, giving better resistance to fatigue.
Active corrosion protection systems; coatings which indicate exposure to chemical or biological agents; coatings which indicate aging. Metamaterials Artificial materials engineered to exhibit properties that only rarely occur naturally
Revolutionary improvements in body armour, with the potential for new ways to customise products, such as printed body armour. A component for strengthening existing metals and composites; creating medical implants. Ultra-lightweight and ultra-absorbent materials such as highly-porous carbon constructs one-sixth the density of air and highly absorbent. Current materials used for cleaning up oil spills absorb around ten times their weight in oil, but new materials show potential to handle 900 times their weight in oil with very high rates of absorption. Capture and transport aerosols such as pollutants and water vapour.
Treating wounds; altering or denying access to waterways. Programmable matter. Materials that can be programmed to alter themselves at the molecular level into various shapes and then disassemble to form entirely new ones. Compounds that can reform the shape of components _______________________________________________________________________________ Strategic Trends is an independent view of the future produced by the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC), a Directorate General within the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MOD). It is a source document for the development of UK Defence Policy. This edition of Strategic Trends is benchmarked at December 2006. It is a live document and will be updated regularly on our website as new thinking emerges and trends develop.
‘People who worry about problems that others are not worrying about are irritating and are disparaged after the event. People who were right when others were wrong are even more irritating’. We believe that the future will happen as a result of long-wave themes and developments that unite the past, the present and the future.
Rapid medical advancements A game-changing medical breakthrough, similar in impact to Shock: Rapid medical advancements A game-changing medical breakthrough, similar in impact to
Millions to DIE - "Primary Water" Restricted - Deborah Tavares |