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Sonoma County: No Fluoride |
SCHOOL BOARD - Fluoridation Debate - Sonoma, California School Board Meeting August 13, 2013 - YouTube DEBATE - NO! You are watching a DELPHI meeting at the school board . . . and data collection. This is indoctrination by incrementally introducing the question of fluoride to the school board members for consideration. The district school boards are incorporated and do not serve us or our children, of course, the fluoride issue is being advanced in the schools and the county wants the schools to support fluoride. . What we are seeing is the data collection of teachers and school board members that support or refuse fluoride. Those who question fluoride will be confronted and manipulated through their paychecks or eliminated from teaching. The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors requested the school boards opinion on the Fluoride issue. Keep in mind the county board of supervisors voted unanimously to move forward with reviewing the feasibility of fluoridating the municipal water supply . . Even the topic of immunization is being raised in this school board meeting! The school board is also discussing the strategic plan. Fluoride in drinking water may trigger depression and weight gain, warn scientists - Telegraph
Harvard research links fluoridated water to ADHD, mental disorders
FLUORIDE - Sebastopol, CA - votes to oppose county fluoridation plan | The Press Democrat Fluoride spill at water facility literally burns holes in parking lot cement AMERICA - Fluoride ALERT from Ireland
Before you vote: Fluoride and kids' teeth - what does the data show? The Illegal Use of Fluoride in Your Water Supply ALERT! - CDC and ADA Now Advise to Avoid Using Fluoride . . . This Food Blasts Your Body With Up to 180 Times the Fluoride in Drinking Water Poison or Not - Water fluoridation dispute flares again, with a rational twist An Editorial in the Press Democrat March 2, 2012. Professionals' Statement to End Water Fluoridation Fluoride History/Politics How Fluoride Is Killing You and Your Children New Study on Fluoride Shows No Benefits and Major Safety Issues One of the Biggest Health Frauds EVER Perpetrated on the American People... U.S. Says Too Much Fluoride Causing Splotchy Teeth . . .
THE CASE AGAINST FLUORIDE: Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ Is fluoridation of your drinking water medicataion? Fluoride - What is wrong with this picture The Fluoride Nightmare FLUORIDE and a Leading Geneticist: Human Intelligence is Slowly Declining . . . Sierra Club Conservation Policies - Fluoride in Drinking Water Top Scientist: Fluoride Already Shown to Cause 10,000 Cancer Deaths Fluoridation and it's Impacts on Health Dental Fillings-Are they killing you? Fluoride—Good for the Teeth but Bad for the Kidneys? | The Alliance for Natural Health USA Warning: This Daily Habit is Damaging Your Bones, Brain, Kidneys, and Thyroid Fluoride is undesirable even when found in a natural occurance - DAMS comment The Poisoning of America's Water Supplies New Scientific Data Forces Government to Reverse Its Stance on Fluoride in the Water Supply Breaking News! - EPA Reverses Itself on Fluoride | Fox News
Since the 1940’s fluoride is widely used in toothpaste and is added to drinking water in many countries around the world. The media and the medical profession claim that fluoride is perfectly safe and necessary for dental health. However, fluoride is a highly toxic industrial waste product created in the aluminum, phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizers industries. Millions of tons of fluoride are produced each year. Up until the 1930's, fluoride was dumped, causing great harm. Lawsuits were mounting as victims understood that their problems were caused by fluoride poisoning. The industry's response was to change the public's perception of fluoride. Many ‘scientific’ studies were presented to convince the public that fluoride was safe. Lucrative positions were created within the medical community for 'research' and 'education' with the express purpose of promoting the use of fluoride in toothpaste and fluoridated drinking water. Drinking water is fluoridated in many countries.