

Switzerland: Waves from Wireless Communication: Physicians for the Environment Requests Strict Application of the Precautionary Principle

Basel, 22 March 2012
Press Release from Physicians for the Environment (MfE – Switzerland)
 "In 2012, the University of Zürich noted a 10 times higher prevalence of blindness from birth (cataracts) in calves during the duration of operation of a relay antenna installed on a stable."
Strict application of the precautionary principle, lowering of limit values
“From the medical point of view, it is urgent to apply the precautionary principle for mobile telephony, wifi, power lines, etc.” states Dr. Peter Kälin, President of Physicians for the Environment.  The Austrian Medical Chamber has moreover just formulated the same requirement in regard to smart meters.  In a communication dated 16 March 2012 to the Federal Council of the Federal Assembly, Physicians for the Environment requested to divide the value limits by 10.  Dr. Yvonne Gilli, National Councillor, has repeated the demands of the MfE in requesting the Federal Council, if it has to protect the population, to apply the precautionary principle and to lower limit values.

Dr Martin Forter, Bâle, directeur MfE 061 691 55 83
Dr en médecine Peter Kälin, Leukerbad, président Mfe 027 470 21 77