The dawn of the 5G world


Some hear “5G” and just think it means faster connection speeds. However, it goes beyond that. As it matures, 5G is expected to alter the very DNA of our user experience in dramatic, exciting ways—from leisure to healthcare to retail to manufacturing to finance and beyond.

To imagine what’s coming, it helps to look back where we’ve been. How would your business be faring if you never adopted any mobile technology beyond the 2G world? It’s like opting to keep the abacus instead of upgrading your team to computers and spreadsheets.

In this whitepaper, we will examine some of the key drivers of 5G innovation. We’ll look at 5G as a new experience—and as a possible enabler of radically new ways to do business. Finally, we’ll also look at a timeline of our path to 5G, and what you can do to prepare for what promises to be a the next great, world-and-mind altering experience.