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LAWSUIT FILED - Pacific Legal Fund - Aganist Regionalization of One Bay Area in San Francisco . . .

This plan would "require" all people to relocate into designated living zones. . NO one would be allowed to get away from the electrosmog in the increased and very dense "smart cities" . . .this is the Wildlands Project being implemented in all our cities, right now, across the entire nation, and globally . . all under the name of "GREEN" . . .

Please note everyone:
Pacific Legal Foundation (pacificlegal.org) has filed a lawsuit against Plan Bay Area on Mon, Aug 6 on behalf of Bay Area Citizens (petersingleton@sbcglobal.net) in Alameda County Superior Court.
The lawsuit claims the plan violated the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) by "foisting a one-size-fits-all vision of transit oriented development on the region.  "In this planner's dream," says PLF Principal Attorney Damien Schiff, "everyone would complacently agree to a regimented lifestyle, living in multi-family housing and walking, bike riding or taking public transit to work.  All that's missing is the legally required justification for doing so."
To Learn about Regionalism -