Vaccines WILL be used as a binary method of warfare as described in the NASA Warfare document posted on . . 

Lord Have Mercy

As noted in Gardasil Destroys Girl’s Ovaries: Research on Ovaries Never Considered, the BMJ has published the case report of a healthy 16-year-old Australian girl whose womanhood appears to have been stolen by Gardasil vaccinations. She became fully menopausal, her ovaries irrevocably shut down, without experiencing womanhood. That article focuses on the fact that Merck, Gardasil’s developer, had to be aware of potential harm to ovaries and either hid research documenting it or simply didn’t do it.

This article focuses on the how readily so many Gardasil disorders could—and should—have been predicted, simply by examining the known effects of two ingredients.

The article, Premature ovarian failure 3 years after menarche in a 16-year-old girl following human papillomavirus vaccination1, draws direct attention to three primary facts:

  • The girl has been thoroughly examined and tested. There is no known explanation other than the series of three Gardasil vaccinations she had.
  • Ovarian death—premature menopause—is generally believed to result from an autoimmune disorder.
  • They were unable to obtain data on the histology of rat ovaries resulting from the Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent Vaccine (Gardasil), though it was performed on rat testes and made available.

These three facts are chilling, but further examination has shown that there’s even worse. Adverse effects like premature menopause—and worse—could, and should, have been predicted.